Hello Indie Game Lovers, Nerds and Nerdettes my name is Feniks and this is the Indie Game
Today we look at Tycoon genre.
This videos are packed with informations so sit back, take your time and stay focused
for next few minutes You can find the links to all covered games in the description.
Feel free to pause at any time.
I cover other genres as well so give my channel a look afterwards.
As always we are going to start with updates of already existing games.
Works have began on Transport Fever's latest patch and it is currently available to test
in beta branch of the game.
The gameplay patch brings quite a few commonly requested features to the game.
We will see addition of waypoints for street vehicles, explicit line track/terminal selection
at stations, consistent people and cargo when modifying infrastructure, an upgrade to ships
so that they can carry more than one type of cargo, an unload only feature for vehicles,
and much more.
Developers also improved other elements of the game, such as tunnels that now actually
cut the terrain, or user interface details like that the bulldozer now asks if you are
sure when removing large structures.
We will see many additional improvements and bug fixes as well as new modding features
complete the patch.
Not many updates this month but let's move to recent release.
Rise of Industry formerly known as Project Automata released on Early access via their
own site.
Game has dropped the price by half after their failed kickstarter last year and is more accessible
to players as it stands right now.
You can also download free demo to test a game before you commit to buying it.
Rise of Industry takes inspiration from such games as Industry Giant, Transport tycoon,
Anno series and Factorio.
Your job will be to take the reins of a small company and grow it into an industrial and
financial empire
You will achieve that by gathering resources by building farms, mines, oil and gas wells
and many more.
Starting from the most basic materials you will have wide range of products to manufacture
and ship to towns.
You will need to ensure smooth transportation of both raw materials and finished products
at every stage of production chain.
Game will allow you to build roads, trucks, trains, ships, and even zeppelins, all while
building your industrial base (or bases) of operations.
Each mode of travel has it's own advantages and drawbacks, and it's up to you to sort
the logistic puzzle.
Developers intend to eventually move to steam early access.
New DLC for Darkest Dungeon - Crimson Court has been released on 20th of June.
Crimson Court is a parallel campaign experienced alongside the main Darkest Dungeon content
that will provide you with new challenges and variation at every difficulty level.
The narrative grounding sheds some light on the Ancestor's early days, and will be presented
in the same style of cut-scenes you've seen elsewhere in the game.
The DLC is designed to be played alongside an existing campaign, or as a brand new one--your
The events and features will unlock over the course of play.
From a notable features we will see: a new hero class, new dungeon region: The Courtyard,
full faction of new deadly foes, 5 new Bosses and 10 new buildings and many more.
The expansion received so far 78% positive review score out of nearly 400 reviews submitted.
Okay time for announcements from last month.
Tropico 6 was officially announced to come out next year.
We will see return of everyone's beloved El Presidente.
This time game expands in scope allowing players to connect to large archipelagos for the first
time in the series.
You will be able to manage multiple islands at the same time and adapt to various new
You will be able to Send your agents on raids to foreign lands to steal world wonders and
monuments, to add them to your collection.
You will have ability to build bridges, construct tunnels and transport your citizens and tourists
in taxis, buses and aerial cable cars.
Tropico 6 also features a revised research system focusing on the political aspects of
being the world's greatest dictator.
Project Highrise announced it's 2nd expansion Miami Malls.
This time your job will be to create the shopping centre of your dreams.
With addition of 15 stores and restaurants, you'll be able to create shopping centers
that no longer need offices, apartments or hotels to draw in visitors.
We will see even larger crowds and addition of wonderful water features.
Similarly to previous expansion Miami Malls intends to capture unique atmosphere of this
always sunny paradise.
Airport CEO developers have released their 3rd and final gameplay video prior to upcoming
steam early access and game appears to look really polished for what we are used to in
Early Access realm.
Over 30 000 people have seen final gameplay video so I predict game becoming huge success
in its initial days after launch.
I am also pleased to report that developers started working on fixing some of minor bugs
spotted in the video and are almost done with completing application for steam direct.
Airport CEO is a 2D tycoon and management game in development for PC and Mac where you
take seat as the CEO of your own airport.
You will build the airport's infrastructure with everything from runways and taxiways,
gates and hangars to constructing terminals with check-in, security, restaurants and shopping.
You will manage the business perspective of the airport by hiring employees, managers
and executives, making deals with airline companies and making sure that ends meet by
keeping an eye on budget and resources.
Watch this space because I have a feeling we will definitely be coming back to the game
over next couple of months.
We have now announcement for for Startup Company Early Access on Steam.
Game is set to release on 12of of August this year.
Startup Company is a business simulation sandbox game.
You play as the CEO of a newly formed software company.
With an empty bank account you are forced to complete client contracts, but as soon
as you get enough money you will be able to start competing against the largest tech giants,
building your very own products and services.
Startup Company includes:
* Build Mode: Design your very own office.
* Contract Work: Win contracts by competing on price and service.
* Crafting System: Merge components to create modules.
Use modules to create products.
* Products: Build outstanding products by adding features, managing servers and running
marketing campaigns.
Developers kindly granted me access to Beta version of a game and you should expect First
Impression video coming out this month so please do come back to check it out.
Okay guys that is it in this month Indie Game News.
If you know of any other games that should be featured in next month updates or you released
a game yourself please contact me at writetofeniks@gmail.com or tweet @Feniks_Gaming.
If you enjoyed this video please don't forget to subscribe for more.
Thank you for watching and I'm looking forward to chatting to you in comments section down
Nerds and Nerdettes my name Feniks and it was pleasure to have you here.
For more infomation >> Indie Game News: Tycoon News - July 2017 - Duration: 7:06.-------------------------------------------
CHANBAEK ❝Can't Get Over You❞ / FMV - Duration: 0:41.
4 Natural Methods To Remove Unwanted Hair | How to remove unwanted hair permanently - Duration: 4:06.
4 Natural Methods To Remove Unwanted Hair
Forget Fullness Of Pain And Eliminate Those Veins You Do not Want ALREADY !!
Already tired of using extreme methods to save you No more wax or shave! Well, I tell
you that fortunately there are different alternative options to remove unwanted hair
and to look more beautiful skin, among the hairs that you can
eliminate this; Bozo, armpits, bikini.
In the article that you are going to read in a few moments, I am going to explain to
you why it leaves this hair so annoying, and as you can do to reduce
it or to suppress it completely.
In general, women tend to have fine hair on the upper lip, chin,
chest, abdomen, back, and legs. The amount of hair changes from
woman to woman and is usually dependent on your hormonal
condition. However, when hair is thick and dark in the areas
mentioned, it may be a condition called hirsutism, which
aesthetically affects the image of women.
At present there are a number of techniques that allow us to eliminate unwanted hair that
changes Our image; Although we can suppress it with laser, with wax, through electrolysis,
among many others, we also find multiple homemade systems that are worth knowing to save a lot
of money and incidentally provide extra nutrition to the skin.Now we give you four fundamental
techniques To remove excess unwanted hair and achieve a soft skin.
Papaya and Turmeric Procedure
Papaya contains a useful enzyme called papain, which can break
the hair follicle and bypass hair development. This system is ideal for sensitive skin since
it helps to have a finer hair and also exfoliate the skin to remove the dead cells.
Two tablespoons papaya pulp.½ teaspoon turmeric powder.
What should you do?
Shred papaya well to form a paste. Then add the turmeric and mix it well until they are
integrated.Duplicate the paste in the desired area and massage for 15 minutes. Finally,
rinse with cold water and repeat the procedure three times a week.
Process of turmeric and salt
Turmeric is a natural antidote used in India as a skin lightener
and to remove facial hair. Because of its anti-bacterial and
anti-inflammatory features, turmeric is an excellent ally for
skin health and to prevent excessive hair growth.
½ tablespoon of turmeric. ½ tablespoon of salt.
What should you do?
Mix the two components in a bowl and massage the desired area for 10 minutes. Rinse with
cold water and repeat the antidote three times a week.
Barley procedure
Barley is another ingredient that helps prevent excessive hair
development while contributing to making it thinner.
One tablespoon of barley powder.1 tablespoon milk.1 tablespoon
lemon juice.
What should you do?
Mix in a bowl all the ingredients and then apply it on the
desired area leaving it to act for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse it
with warm water, and you must repeat the procedure three times a
Egg and sugar procedure
Since ancient times the egg has been used for the health of the
skin and the suppression of the hair. One of its advantages is
that it dries on the skin and adheres, which helps to remove hair
One egg white. One tablespoon of sugar. ½ tablespoon of corn
What should you do?
In a bowl add each one of the ingredients and beat until you get
a soft paste. Apply the mask on the desired area and let it dry
thoroughly. When the paint dries well and is adhered, pull it
with a firm hand to suppress the hair and do it correctly so as
not to hurt you. Well, this is all for now.
If you like the video,give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends!
If you want more recipes and tips,subscribe to the channel!
2017 Reading Resolutions + 2016 Recap (Reupload) - Duration: 5:06.
Hey guys, it's Katelyn!
Long time, no see.
I'm not going to get into the whole spiel.
I wanted my first video of the year to recap the reading/bookish goals I had in 2016 as
well as introduce you guys to the goals I have in 2017.
If you want to skip to 2017 goals instead of seeing which goals I did and did not meet
from last year then click the time on the screen.
I'll also put that in the description box.
My first goal for 2016 was to read 10 books, which I did accomplish.
I think Goodreads says that I read 14 or 15 books.
I actually read at least four more than that because I reread two books from [the] last
year (2015) and two books from earlier, like in my late childhood.
Yeah, I definitely did accomplish this goal.
My second goal was to read a couple of my own books.
When I made this goal is had a completely different assortment of books than I do now,
and of those original books, I believe I did read two of those.
Then, halfway through the year in my "Mid-year Check-in" video, I said I wanted to go ahead
and read all of the books I owned at the time I made that video.
However, that resolution I did not meet.
I've actually gotten rid of a lot of those books, and I think I might make another video
later today kinda explaining why.
I did read the original two books, but I did not accomplish reading all of the books that
I had owned by the end of the year.
My final goal from 2016 was to read every book that I bought that year, and I did not
accomplish this.
I bought one book and that was the Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and I just didn't
end up getting to it.
Yeah, that's all of my 2016 goals.
Now let's move on to the goals that I set for myself this year.
The first goal is have for myself this year is to read 10 books, again.
However I am going to set the limitation that those books have to be read in my free time.
I believe that five, around that number, of [the] books last year that my Goodreads says
that I read were from school, at least five of them.
I want to increase the amount of books that I'm reading in my free time to ten, which
gives me enough time to read longer books if I want to.
It allows time for me to have "slumps" if I end up having those this year.
I think that's a pretty good number for me.
My second goal is to read 3 nonfiction books, and I have a pretty big hunch that they are
going to be autobiographical type things like memoirs and published diaries.
But, in general I have found a few books that are nonfiction that I think I should give
a try.
In general I just don't read that much nonfiction, so I wanted to challenge myself to read 3
books this year that were nonfiction.
My third goal is not to buy any books before I accomplish the first two goals.
That is because, last year, I found myself with a lot of books that I either bought previously
or that I bought that year that I just had no interest in reading anymore.
It just showed me how much money I had waste on books that..., a lot of them were in my
[public] library so I could have read them for free and a lot of the I was just not interested
in reading when I bought them and definitely not by the end of the year.
This goal is kinda like a barrier or some protection from me wasting my money because
at least I will have accomplished my other two goals and not feel as bad about buying
books, but it also is kind of a reward.
If I find a book that I can't get from my library, then it'll be an incentive to complete
the other two goals for me to get that book.
My last two goals are kind of just for fun.
I'm not going to be too worried or upset if I don't accomplish them.
My fourth goal was to read a book in Spanish.
This can be a translation of Green Eggs and Ham.
I don't really care, but currently I am learning Spanish, and in the class that I have at school
there's not really a lot of opportunities to truly apply my knowledge in Spanish.
I wanted to start introducing myself to books in Spanish and learning how sentence structure
is and just familiarizing myself with it.
(So,) by the end of the year, I'd like to read an entire book in Spanish.
My fifth and final goal is not about reading; it's about writing and that is to write the
first draft of a novel in the year of 2017.
Recently, I've become pretty sure that in my lifetime I want to publish a book, so I'm
going to take a few baby steps to that this year and work on writing, hopefully, throughout
the year, and by the end of the year I'll have my first draft done.
So those were all of my goals from last year and this year.
I hope you guys enjoyed this video and had a great start to the year.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Bye a
EXPOSED: Gingrich Just Revealed Obama's Dirty Secret, and Dems are PANICKING - Duration: 2:36.
EXPOSED: Gingrich Just Revealed Obama's Dirty Secret, and Dems are PANICKING
Newt Gingrich is not going to stop hammering the Democrats and their phony Russia investigation, and this time he's going after the darling of the left himself- Barack Obama.
The former House Speaker just said Tuesday on Fox & Friends that the House and Senate both have an "obligation" to have Obama testify on what he knew about the Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election.
"Guess whats about to happen: The Congress is about to have to call Barack Obama in to testify under oath about when he knew about Russia meddling.
"Who told him? Why did he do nothing? Who was in the meetings when he decided to do nothing? Its going to turn out, yes, theres a big Russian story. And you cannot make this stuff up.".
Obama reportedly knew about the Russian attempts to interfere with the election in August, but did very little to stop the cyberattacks. President Trump has accused Obama of not acting because the former president assumed Hillary Clinton would win.
Gingrich stressed the importance of getting information from Obama, saying:.
"The House and Senate are going to have to call Obama in and say, 'Who told you? When did you have the meetings? Who advised you? Why did you not decide to do anything? And then why did you keep quiet for six months while everybody looked at the Russians and Trump when you, in fact, had this information last August?'".
The Democrats have a lot of explaining to do, and Gingrich seems to be the only one right now that wants to hear from Obama himself.
The American people need answers, and the media is just never going to report on this- so share it 1 million times to get the word out!.
What's in my bag 2017👜 ENG SUB | Daphnefroggy - Duration: 17:03.
Hey guys this is Daphne.
Today will be doing a topic that...
I really seldom do this.
About this video today,
If you guys know me earlier, actually I made once
like few years ago.
(This is how I looks like 4 years ago)
(Okay I also feel shocked that I saw this, so you guys can just skipped this video lol)
I saw quite many YouTuber will keep filming the new version of
What's in my bag every year.
Maybe they got a new bag,
or they re-arrange their stuffs in there.
Today I will be sharing about
What's in my bag for 2017 Spring & summer.
If you know about me, I'm a mom!
Be frank, I won't bring too much stuffs with me when
hanging out.
This will be my working/dating's bag,
Let me show you the bag.
I got this bag from Zara last week.
It's PU leather bag.
The size is just right,
and I was looking for a bag like this.
As a shoulder/handbag as well.
You can just pick it when you in rush.
The quality is quite good.
If you guys ever bought bags from ZARA,
their bags quality is quite good.
I've got a bucket bag before from ZARA,
that was too big for me now.
So this will be great.
Small size bucket bag.
I didn't bought any WHITE bag before.
So why white color for this time?
Because it was just white or baby blue...
Hmmmm....baby blue is quite challenge for me.
So I decided to take white.
So today will show you guys,
what actually inside a mom's bag.
I'm wondering will you guys bring a lot of stuffs for hanging out?
But me, I won't.
I have to bring a kid with me, definitely no for me.
Too heavy for me.
I will let him bring his own backpack for hanging out,
For putting his diapers, wet wipe, and his own belongings.
Just a small bag for him.
So I will just bring a small bag with me.
First will be my purse.
Have you seen this brand before?
It's from Korea, a brand named Fennec.
This short purse is quite popular.
I didn't put any coins inside.
I just separate them.
I got another small purse for coins and cards.
You open like this.
The coins compartment,
Its too small.
Our home key used to be a card,
use the card key to scan for unlock.
This is a spare key for incase
sometime black off.
The other space are not just fine,
I put some credit card and identity card here.
Some members card,
driving license...etc
Here is the note.
Just a tiny one.
I usually store my members card with my coins together.
It will become so heavy if I put all things
together in this small purse.
The color is light grey!
Here is the coins purse that I mentioned just now,
A gift from my friend,
rabbit coin purse.
I love the canvas material.
Small tote bag, or coins purse...
The bad thing is,
Once you use the bag often, the bag will become so dirty,
and if you put it to laundry,
and dried up. It will like so many crease on it.
It will never get back to the brand new one.
I got tons of canvas tote bag,
like almost used for few months,
and I put it to laundry, and I feel that my bag gone...sob
So I stopped myself for getting canvas tote bag again.
Before I changed for this bag, I got a small tote bag too.
It was so dirty , that's why I have my new bag here today.
Normally I will put my members card,
house card key,
also coins,
all together.
This will helps remind me, not forget this little purse when go out.
Once you put the most important thing here,
you will never forget it anymore.
I have 2 more little purse here.
small and transparent one
This actually...
for grocery shopping, this is for grocery,
and this is for
daily necessities.
I will separate my money usage for few parts.
once I got my salary, I will make sure to do this.
One is for grocery,
one is for daily necessities,
own pocket money,
some savings.
The good things is you will never over spend if you do like this,
I think it is a good idea if you can control yourself.
you have to set your weekly budget,
and you just bring the amount for shopping.
Like example, we spend like 5k yen for foods,
I will just put 5k yen inside the purse.
It will make you control yourself for over spend.
If you bring more than your budget,
you will always tell yourself that you have allowance to shop,
but if you have your own budget,
you will definitely not over spend.
I mean you don't dare to over spend!
Once you over spend, opps! You may return something when you pay (Thats too shame)
This is a good habit!
Save up some money,
Next is my phone.
I'm using iPhone 6 plus.
Quite big!
I bought this totoro case at Taiwan last few months.
I can't find any nice 6 plus's case in Japan tho.
Just like 0 !!
I just found some case which is,
like flip type,
notebook type.
For iPhone 6 plus, normally is like using those notebook type casing,
it can protect the screen,
I broke my phone like 2 times,
and last year was like dropping from the stair...
iPhone 6 plus is a bit...too big for me.
I was like wanted to,
change to smaller size like iPhone 6.
its fine!
I paid for repair, so I will just use it until forever lol
Always bringing,
some wet wipes!
These wet wipes are bought from Malaysia, which is ask my friend bring over,
In Japan, we usually can find some,
alcohol type, or just clear type (which is baby wipe)
There are no wet wipe is like including some soap,(for clean purpose)
this is the dettol one.
Kill all the bacteria!!!!
This is very good when you eating something oily and you can't find a proper place for wash your hand,
its very good for clean your hand.
Small lid,
make sure your wipes never dried out.
This will be
the most important thing inside my bag.
Just beside my purse lol
I love to wash my hand anytime, just like... cleanliness.
I just love to keep everything clean,
and also when you having a kid,
Gift coupon!
Can use this at the department store.
It's not a make up pouch actually.
I won't bring many cosmetics going out wit me,
just some of them only.
Let me show you,
My favorite YSL lip tint,
that I applied on my lip today!
The color is like rose red, maybe should say red bean red,
all time favorite! I will always bring this out!
Compact powder.
Like sometimes you have to touch up.
Lip balms.
This is DHC lip cream,
I bet you guys know this,
a medical lip balm.
Sometimes can release itchy and insert bite.
It is like cooling up your lip, feel good.
This is the normal one. (For moisture)
If you are wearing contact lens often.
Sanitizer gel.
It's also from my friend.
Rose scent.
If you really can't find a place for wash hand, haha
Hand lotion!
I just make it to this tiny case.
That's really a big tube, so I make it into here.
Let's guess what is this...
I bet you don't know.
A small scissor. (STICKLYE)
The size is like a pen.
Sometimes you will use it, I think.
Sometimes just use for cutting... etc...
I bet it can protect you someday.
Medicine pack.
Running nose,
and also pain killer.
some plaster, cotton buds,
I suggest you should make one into your bag,
it will help when you feel sick when during working,
Arghhhhh! lol
It's MUST!
I found a mini calculator.
It can use for hold your budget when you shopping,
I know you got one inside your iPhone.
I'm not sure, I just bought it because its cute!
almost there!!
it's actually you can tie this up.
but I felt that makes inside more smaller, so
I just put my things inside without tie it.
The pocket inside,
I got my car key!
Here is all the things I have inside my bag.
Actually I got a tissue pack which is just finished.
(The next video will be own opinion, and if you not agree it or you don't want to watch, can skip it to 16:09 and continue it, Thanks)
I saw a lot of popular YouTuber, blogger...
also making some video about this tag.
There are few reason that I personally don't like about it,
They will make a new video about their bag,
like they change their branded bag oftenly, or maybe monthly.
The stuffs, I mean the bag's content is still remain to same...
They just want to show off their branded bag, I think.
It doesn't match the title at all.
They just want to ...
show off..lol
It's not prejudice... on those people.
I think you can makes this title looks more interesting,
like sharing how you manage your bag content,
or some bag which is reasonable price and storage tips as well?
Most the viewers are just interesting what bag that you using,
and what actually a branded bag inside looks like.
What I wanted to tell is,
should be making it more interesting, I think not much people can afford a expensive branded bag though.
Of course including some of your own skill for ,
How to use a small bag,
or a big bag for manage your storage.
I think is unnecessary to make a new video just for your new bag, for each month lol
Too show off lol
Of course you can do what you want to do, and it's your freedom,
should put more afford for some thing which everyone can afford,
Not like the people just show their Celine bag,
or Chanel bag as well,
I don't have so much money to show off,
(Hope you guys don't mind it, I just want to tell something I wish to tell, talk like freedom lol)
This will be my first video of this topic on my channel,
Hope you guys like it,
Let me do another video for new bag (if I manage to get new bag)
Like upgrade version of it, lol
How you guys think?
Thanks for watching until the end,
please give me a thumbs up if you like it.
See you guys on next week! See ya :)