Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 29 2017

Hey, everyone. I'm Alex.

Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on "How to Improve Your English By Reading".

So, it might be very obvious how reading can help you improve, you know, your speaking

in English, particularly your vocabulary, but there are a number of reasons and a number

of things that reading regularly and reading in specific ways can actually help you to

improve your English, and also not only like your reading English, but your ability to

speak properly or to speak confidently.

And again, this applies not only to English as a second language learners, but also to

English speakers, period.

So pick up a book, and here's how picking up a book can help you to improve your English.

So, number one: You can improve your English by picking up any book, reading out loud,

and exaggerating what you're reading.

You might think: "This sounds ridiculous", but if you are a second language learner,

this is a fantastic way to improve your enunciation, your pronunciation, and presentation skills.

Even if you're not a second language learner...

English as a second language learner.

So, for example, it doesn't matter what type of genre you like, what type of books you like.

Me, personally, I love science-fiction, I love fantasy.

And I can turn to, you know, pages in any of these books and read out loud, exaggerate

what I'm saying, and just the act of doing this, of speaking out loud what I'm reading

makes me feel, again, more confident speaking in front of an audience, for example.

So I'll just open to a random page here and...

Okay, so in this book, just so you know, there's a horse, his name is Artaq.

And it says: "Artaq did not hesitate.

He veered toward the Silver River.

The wolves came after, soundless, fluid, black terror.

Will was sure that this time they would not escape.

Allanon was no longer there to help them.

They were all alone."

Now, what you notice is I'm...

I'm trying to exaggerate: "They were all alone."

Even like my l's.

And focus on every letter when you're reading, because this type of reading, reading out

loud, exaggerating, if you are a professional, this is a great way to build that clarity

in your speech when you're speaking in front of people, and pacing yourself, how fast you

speak as well is important, obviously, when you're giving a presentation.

This second part...

Again, this one can apply to both native speakers of English, but it's more specifically geared

towards English as a second language speakers, and that is: Paying attention to word endings.

And especially "ed" and "s" endings.

So, specifically past tense words, like "wanted", okay?

Or plural words, like "hawks" instead of one hawk, because a lot of, again, English as

a second language learners sometimes forget the "ed" ending when they're reading.

I've taught classes where, you know, students have to read out loud, and they're so focused

on reading and getting the words correct, but the pronunciation, they just drop the

ends of words sometimes, especially "ed", especially "s".

So let me see if I can quickly find an example.

Okay, here's one: "When he stayed on his feet..."

When he...

Oh, why am I pointing?

You can't see that.

You can't see that.

So: "When he stayed on his feet" this is one part of the sentence.

Again, you have the verb "stayed", so some new learners of English will sometimes read

that as: "When he stay", "When he stay", and they just drop the end.

So please, please, please focus on those "ed" and "s" endings, and this will really help

your fluency, the ability of others to understand you, as well as your enunciation.

"Stayed", okay?

Number three: Pay attention to punctuation.

Now, punctuation refers to the use of commas, periods, question marks, exclamation marks

when you're reading.

By paying attention to these things, you can actually focus on improving your intonation

and your fluency; two specific things.

So, the intonation refers to the up and down movement of your voice when you are saying

something or reading something.

So, for example, you know, raise...

In the second part I said: "Raise intonation for yes or no questions."

So if you notice when you're reading that, you know, this person is asking a yes or no

question, then your voice should be moving up at the end.

And, you know in speaking, this also improves that.

So, for example, in this book there is...

Okay, here's a yes or no question, the question is: "Did you find her?"

So, I see a question mark, I see a yes or no question, and let's say I want to read

this out loud and exaggerate.

I can also say: "Did you find her?

Did you find her?

Did you find her?"

And it sounds ridiculous, I understand, when you're reading out loud, exaggerating, but

after some time, you know, that exaggeration, that focusing on your enunciation, which is

kind of like making your sounds as clear and distinct as possible, focusing on every "l",

every "e", every "s" in a word, that will actually improve your pronunciation and the

ability of other people to understand you long term.

Another thing punctuation does: Pause briefly after periods, and pause after commas.

So, again, if you're giving a list of things, if you're reading and it says: "They went...

He went to the store and he bought apples, pears, and oranges", you could say:

"He went to the store and he bought apples, pears, and oranges", or:

"He went to the store and he bought apples, pears, and oranges."

It might not sound like there was a pause, but I did pause very briefly between each

word in that list.

So, paying attention to those things also teaches you, again, how to clearly enunciate

and also your fluency.

Now, again, your fluency is how smooth your language sounds when you're speaking.

So if you're just saying: "Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah", it's fast and you think:

"I can speak quickly in English."

But it doesn't sound natural.

Nobody speaks like...

I mean, people do speak like that, it's more difficult to understand them, but it's better,

obviously, if you pay attention to short pause.

Hmm, comma.


And finally: Highlight words you don't know.

So when you're reading, obviously, this is one of the major benefits of reading, is vocabulary,


It's so important, I put it twice.

That's what happened here, okay?

So, maybe I will open this book and I'm going to read...



Okay, there's a person saying something here, and he says:

"There are books, ancient books of healing from the old world."

And maybe I'm a new English speaker, and I say:

"Healing, healing. I've never heard the word 'healing' before.


Maybe I want to stop, highlight that, go back, check it out on the dictionary or something,

online, on my phone, somewhere, and you just learned a new word.


So obviously, if you're reading a book and you're stopping 20 times in one page, your

book is probably too difficult for you.

But if you're stopping four, five, maybe six times a page because of new vocabulary, as

a new English learner, that's not bad.


All right, so like I mentioned, reading, reading, reading can really help you improve your English

in a number of ways.

It can improve definitely your presentation skills by reading out loud and exaggerating,

your enunciation which is your ability to pronounce each sound correctly and distinctly

in a word, your pronunciation which is, you know, you're saying "book" instead of "booque".


By paying attention to word endings, specifically "ed" and "s" will improve others' ability

to understand you, especially if you are an English as a second language learner.

Punctuation will also improve your fluency, your intonation if you're paying attention

to question marks or anything else; periods, commas, exclamations.

And highlighting words you don't know, all of these books, these books specifically,

other books, too, that you enjoy, will help you to improve your vocabulary.

So, unlike other lessons, there is no quiz for this one.

All I want you guys to do is pick up a book, pick up something you're interested in,

try out these methods, and let me know if it works for you because it's been working for me,

so let me know if it also works for you.

Also, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel,

and I'll see you guys another time.


For more infomation >> How to improve your English by reading - Duration: 10:28.


Amazing Cake Decorating Compilation 2017 | Cake Style 2017 | The Most Satisfying Cake Video - Duration: 10:24.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Amazing Cake Decorating Compilation 2017 | Cake Style 2017 | The Most Satisfying Cake Video - Duration: 10:24.


Failure Is An Option - Daily EncourageMint - Duration: 0:58.

hey guys welcome to today's Encourage

Mint which is meant to freshen your day

failure is an option it's literally a

step on your journey you can't figure it

all out before you get to it so you

can't like plan plan plan figuring that

I'm going to avoid every bit of possible

danger and failure you have to take a

step and sometimes you fail and you

realize what not to do next time so if

you're failing right now at something

just get back on the horse and just keep

going because you're going to win have a

great day

For more infomation >> Failure Is An Option - Daily EncourageMint - Duration: 0:58.


TWICE – "CHEER UP" Dance Cover by Samir & Jessica (Once-IGOT7) - Duration: 4:52.

Hi guys! It's me and Samir.

Ok, yea, it's good.

<bug in my ear>


Comment, subscribe, like and share.


Like, comment, subscribe, and share.

See you guys... in the next video!

Hope you liked it!

We're probably gonna be doing videos every Friday.

<totally not prepared>

Here's our outro!

Samir: annyeonghaseyo! – Jessica: Kamsamida!

Calm down!


For more infomation >> TWICE – "CHEER UP" Dance Cover by Samir & Jessica (Once-IGOT7) - Duration: 4:52.


WONDER WOMAN Türkçe Altyazılı TV Spot #7 - Goddess - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> WONDER WOMAN Türkçe Altyazılı TV Spot #7 - Goddess - Duration: 0:31.



Lightweight, fast, and deadly like a cowboy.

Those are the best words to describe this pistol.

This is the CrossFire Indonesia Weapon Review with NickzJSA.CF

Howdy internet, in this second edition of CrossFire Indonesia Weapon Review

I will review the "Colt SAA".

Just like the previous review, it will consists of damage test, comparisons with other weapons,

and my opinion of the weapon.

So let's take a look at the Colt SAA's overview.

Based on the description, Colt SAA is a revolver with fast reloading speed.

Errrr.... yea that's correct somehow, but the most obvious part is actually the drawing speed.

It also says it has high damage, high accuracy, lightweight, but high in recoil.

Next let's take a look at the damage statistics based on my testing.

For close range, this weapon deals 100 to the head, 36 to armored chest and 48 to unarmored

so the average is 42 damage,

44 to the armored stomach and 58 to unarmored so the average is 51 damage,

and the (it supposed to be) 48 damage to the arms, and 34 to the legs.

On the medium range, it still does 100 to the head, 31 to armored chest and 41 to unarmored,

27 to armored stomach and 49 to unarmored, then 41 to the arms and 29 to the legs.

So the average damage for the chest is 36 damage and stomach is 38 damage.

On the long range, in this case the most possible long range for a pistol.

For the head it does 92 to armored and 100 to unarmored.

While the chest is 29 to armored and 31 to unarmored, stomach is 25 to armored and 20 to unarmored,

27 to the arms, and 21 to the legs.

So the average damage for the head is 96 damage, 30 damage to the chest, and 23 damage to the stomach.

For those of you who love wallbanging using a pistol, this weapon deals 44 damage to armored head

and 63 to unarmored, then to the chest deals 11 to armored and 15 to unarmored,

then to the stomach deals 15 to armored and 20 to unarmored, 15 to the arms, and 11 to the legs.

So the average damage for the head is 54, chest is 13, and stomach is 23 damage.

For the drawing speed comparison, is so obvious that Colt SAA wins and then R. Bisley-Ultimate Silversmith,

Anaconda, and then Desert Eagle.

The reloading speed, Colt SAA loses to the pistol like Anaconda and Desert Eagle.

But when compared to R. Bisley-Ultimate Silversmith, for reloading 6 rounds Colt SAA still lose with 9 rounds of

R. Bisley Ultimate Silversmith. Because at the end, the time difference between them is only a few milisecs.

For the firing speed, Desert Eagle wins the test and the Colt SAA on the second place, and then

Anaconda and R. Bisley-Ultimate Silversmith.

Firespeed difference between SAA and D. Eagle is only a few seconds as well.

And now my opinion about this weapon.

This pistol is more appropriate to be treated as a support/backup pistol,

especially when you ran out of ammo and doesn't have enough time to reload.

Indeed, from the damage it still weak against armored opponents.

But it's a worth if you have this pistol.

When reloading, since you have to insert the ammo one-by-one you have to make sure that

every shot counts.

So for all of you (Indonesian players) who are still wanted for this pistol there's no more chance.

Even a few moments ago, there was a cash spending event to get 20 capsules of Classic Pistol set.

It's actually your VERY LAST chance to get this Colt SAA permanently.

So that's it, the second edition of CrossFire Indonesia Weapon Review. Thank you so much for watching.

Tell me which weapon should I review for next week.

Watch CrossFire Indonesia Weapon Review every Saturday at 12 p.m. (GMT +7) on NickzJSA.CF.

I'm NickzJSA.CF, talk to you then.

For more infomation >> Colt SAA | CROSSFIRE INDONESIA WEAPON REVIEW - Ep. 02 - Duration: 4:14.


IMAN Global Chic Slip Into Slim Ponte BootCut Pant - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> IMAN Global Chic Slip Into Slim Ponte BootCut Pant - Duration: 6:25.


Allah için yaparsan? Cuma sınava denk gelirse TR+EN Altyazılı - Duration: 5:13.

So, here I am in this forensic science exam.

And i am taking forensic science with... he is still teaching.

You can google him.

Univercity of Toronto, Professor Melon B.

And he is the department head.

And it's forensice 239. the course. And we came to a model

about forensic psychology.

And i had an exam and it co-incided with

Jumu'ah prayer.

And i was asked to be the Imam of Jumu'ah at a far away masjid.

Away from the univercity campus is...

20 minute drive, at least,

even if i am super quick.

So i call up the masjid and they say "Brother Yahya,

there is no one else, you have to come"

I said ikhwan, i got an exam.

"Please brother"

I said, okay, let me talk to my professor.

I ring up, can i come see you in your office?

Professor said "Yes, come mr. Ibrahim. "I went...

I said listen, the exam starts at 1:00 pm.

But we have friday prayers at 1pm.

And because i am praying at a mosque in Missagua,

which is a little bit of a distance from where we are.

It's going to be take me at least 25 to 30 minutes o get here.

And the exam it's a 50 minute, from 1 to 1:50 pm.

It means, i am only going to have 20 minutes left.

Do you mind if i take from 12:00 pm,

by the time finish... He goes,

Mr. Ibrahim, we are not here

to meet your needs...

Either you're there, or you're not. Whatever time you left

is the time you have, we have no extensions.

And i said, alright, thank you!

And i thought it's okay. I am going to go do my Jumu'ah.

And after Jumu'ah, i said Salamun alaikum,

Salamun alaikum... I was running...

Jumping over people, got in the car...


And i got to the univercity, double parked my car.

I said if i get a ticket, it's okay.

Just threw my car.

And i ran, and i got there 1:40 something,

10 minutes left.

And he smiles at me as he gives me the paper.

You know that smile right?

Oh, thank you very much sir!

Yeah, thank you!

And i sat down, and i thought okay, look...

Let me... And it's multiple choice.

You know the multiple choice card that you put through the computer

that scan it. Do you use those here? And you just fill in the circles?

I read the questions, it's a psychology and psychiatric component.

I read it, first answer "C"

I was like cool. Second one "C"

I was like oh, that's alright.

Third one "C".

Something is not right.

But i don't have time to go back and read it.

Fourth one "C"... 1 minute left.

Fifth one "C" And i thought 30 seconds left.

I just put "C" "C" "C"...

80 questions... And i just put the whole thing "C"

We come back after a fortnight, you know we have a holiday

after exams. we come back after fortnight.

And Mel B. Is red in the face. He looks like

a dinosaur. Ready to bite my head off.

And i'm sitting there, i don't know whats happening.

And he goes, this was supposed to be part of your psychological

component. And we wanted to do someting difrent this year.

We made all the answears "C"

To see who would doubt themselves.

Because you are not gonna put in "C" for 80 questions.

But becasue i never read the questions, i just put "C" "C" "C"...

And i said, wallah that is from Allah (SWT) Right... 100%

And when he gave me back that exam,

And it had 100. And i am sitting there...

And he goes, we won't be doing this again...

Because certain things happened,

that caused statistical irregularities.

And i was like yeah... That's Allah (SWT) brother.

You keep your statistics man!

Right... %1oo. And honestly, when i tell that.

I honestly say it in reality.

In my heart, in my belief.

That, that is Allah (SWT) helping and indiviual

who choses something for Allah (SWT) right?

And that exam put me over the top.

I was like, yeah! That's how we do it.

Muslim sytle brother!

Don't you go against Jumu'ah, you know!

For more infomation >> Allah için yaparsan? Cuma sınava denk gelirse TR+EN Altyazılı - Duration: 5:13.


Google Local Search | Discover How To List Your Business in Google Local Search - Duration: 3:01.

Hello everybody it's Tim Cooper here and boy, have I had a great week!

As you may or may not know, I've been promoting a special offer for my Local SEO for Wellness

Practitioners course.

What this course does is it shows you the very simple ways that you can get your business

listed on the front page of Google for your service in your area.

So this is specific, so if people are typing in Sports Massage Therapist Burleigh Heads

or Relaxation Massage Broadbeach, it doesn't matter where you are, you will get you business

listed in the top of the Google listings, which is very important obviously because

if your potential clients can't find you then they can't book with you.

Okay, that makes perfect sense.

And more importantly, with your competition being visible in Google, if your prospective

clients are typing in your service in your area and you're not showing up but your competition

are, well, who are they going to call to book in with?

Obviously they're not going to book with you because they can't find you.

Now look, I just got off a webinar where this person, this doctor, this chiropractor was

promoting one of his courses, and one of his bonuses was a program to get on the front

page of Google, and he priced that at $297.

He said his course to get on the front page of Google is worth $297.

Now I can get you on the front page of Google and my course normally sells for $47 but until

midnight Pacific Friday, so that's today if you're in the US, well in less than three

hours, it finishes in less than three hours, you can get this course for $17.

Just for $17 for the same sort of value this person is valuing at $297.

Don't underestimate the value of this course.

Yes I am giving it away for $17 but just don't look at the cost you're paying as to the value

it's going to bring to your business.

Because I can guarantee you that once you start to appear on the front page of Google

in your local area for your services, it will mean thousands of dollars to your bottom line

every year.

Now I have helped many people get on the front page of Google and over this last week many,

many, many more have signed up for this course.

So the point is, if you want to get up there.

If you want to beat your competition then get the course.

The link is above or below this video.

Get onto it.

3 hours and the discount goes.

It's $17 now, in 3 hours time it's going to be $47.

Even at $47 it's an absolute steal, as I said, somebody else was saying this sort of course

is worth $297.

I sell it for $47 normally, you've got three more hours to get this course at $17 and potentially

add thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

The link is above and below this video, click it now and I'll see you on the inside.

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