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CHARLIE CHILL AKA MICHEAL GREEN IS IN REHAB HE HAS ANOTHER 20 DAYS AND THEN HE WILL UPLOAD A VIDEO💯 - Duration: 3:31.hey guys I would like to just read this disclaimer there is no nudity or sexual
content no harmful or dangerous content no violent or graphic content no
copyright in so hateful content no threats no spam misleading tags or scams
and my description tags title videos thumbnails well further ado I will begin
I just came across this new update and apparently Charlie chill is in rehab
I don't know when he got there but that's not where the point lies the
point lies that he is in rehab and I'm not saying any names in this video
because I'm not trying to make anybody relevant I'm off doing the
going back and forth for people because I'm too old for it but I'm gonna read as
you listen to my voice you can already read it but I'm also going to provide
you I can say at this point that her credit is up to par it on it closes out
a hundred percent I don't care for too much but I didn't I gotta I gotta give
credit when it's dude so it says finally talk to Charlie today he said he's
feeling better than ever he's keeping a positive mind and a very
optimist they brought the future very optimistic I'm sorry about the future he
will be in rehab for another twenty days but when he gets out he will have a
certificate showing his completion of treatment which he is excited to share
with you guys he told me to tell everyone what's up and to let you all
know he's doing really good in that he will post a video as soon as he gets out
we only got to talk for 30 minutes today but he will be calling me again on
Wednesday so I'll post another update then okay so in this video of the update
you know she lets everybody hear the the message he left on her answering service
a great job and he basically was she must have not obviously been there so he
left her a message mr. Charlie I was just calling you yeah
I got the number from your step mother so when you go to the video
you'll be able to hear the voicemail that he left her but she puts this on
the video and then she leaves this update which is a great thing and I'm
going to when I edit I'm blurring out the information so you're not going to
go to where the source is that I'm gonna I'm gonna put the link in the
description so when you go to the description box you will see the update
and you'll see also that everything does check out I will say that this source is
reliable we've had beefs in the past but I won't call them Beef because she's a kid
I'm an adult she's probably brought my son's age but
I will give a credit that you know what credits do that
what she's saying is it starting to check out in my researcher of
her so I don't want to make this video too long go and check it out and
hopefully this will put some of this to rest on the charlie chill and we he's at
have a nice night guys bye for now
Bollywood Stylish Bridal Saree Sari Ethnic Collection Formal Wedding in amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:30.Bollywood Stylish Bridal Saree Sari Ethnic Collection Formal Wedding in amazon shopping online
Is College for You - Money (Preview) - Duration: 0:48.Hey, everyone, Dr.. Martinez. Today,
I talk about
money, the "Moolah". the cash. all right? And, what it means when you're looking for a job or considering a job without a degree.
What I've done with my
tuition and taking loans and everything else, does impact my quality of life.
When I start paying those out I have that much less money every month to enjoy with my family... And, the faster you do that,
the more time you have to enjoy your money to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and to really feel good about your decision.
So, after you find your passion, and you figure out how much time you're willing to invest, it all comes down to the Almighty Dollar.
G Dragon feat Rose - Without You(Romanian sub) - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
John Oliver Calls Alex Jones - Duration: 2:49.John Oliver Calls Alex Jones Out for Constantly Pushing Products on His Audience
Oliver referred to Jones as "the Walter Cronkite of shrieking batshit gorilla clowns."
John Oliver did an in-depth segment on InfoWars host Alex Jones and the increase in coverage he is getting, responding to a previous complaint of Jones' that he is often taken out of context.
Oliver referred to Jones as "the Walter Cronkite of shrieking batshit gorilla clowns." He teased Jones for his multiple conspiracy theories, including how tap water is somehow turning frogs gay
. Oliver said imagine how upset Jones will get when he finds out the government is teaching raccoons to speak French fluently.
After pointing out that Jones should be completely disregarded because he is a frequent Sandy Hook denier, Oliver said that it's shocking to realize that what Jones is often doing on his show is "shamelessly" pushing products
He said in one week of coverage, Last Week Tonightfound that Jones spends a quarter of his time plugging products or pointing his audience to the InfoWars store. Oliver himself purchased a "Bill Clinton rape whistle" which came with a "9/11 was an inside job" bumper sticker.
Jones "is right, that if you play small clips in isolation, he looks like a loon," said Oliver. "But if you play them in context, he looks like a skilled salesman spending hours a day frightening you about problems like 'refugees spreading disease' and then selling you an answer."
Listen, I'm not saying the only reason Jones is talking about the globalists systematically feminizing us is to sell overpriced nutraceuticals so he can buy luxury watches," said Oliver. "But if I were saying that, it certainly wouldn't be the stupidest conspiracy theory that you've heard so far tonight."
At the end of his segment, Oliver sold "tactical assault wipes" in a mocking attempt to distract people from how dirty they may be feeling after listening to Oliver talk about Jones for 20 minutes
John Oliver Calls Alex Jones Out for Constantly Pushing Products on His Audience
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