Love to be a Justice League member? You've come to the right place!!
Ne-Yo - Priceless Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
CAN YOU BE GOOD AT THE GAME DAVID!!!!! (Minecraft SKYWARS) - Duration: 1:01:42.-------------------------------------------
GoVision Pro 2 Full HD Video Glasses with 3 Lenses - Duration: 14:29.-------------------------------------------
Food Arguments - Girls Comedy (S1 E2) - Duration: 1:31.She said she'd prepare a surprise.
I hope it's cookies...
No no no, brownies, brownies!
I hope it's something really good.
She doesn't cook, you guys...
Oh... she doesn't.
Home made French Fries!
This is not French Fries.
Because they are not from France.
They are actually from Belgium!
Who cares? They are really good.
Aren't they like the same country anyways?
No they are not!
You cannot just steal people's food
rename it and make it your own!
This is cultural appropriation!
Oh, from all the people, you should understand!
Americans stole your burritos!
If I was Mexican I would care but I'm not!
You're not?
Oh right, right...
You're Greek, right?
My mom is French and I don't mind
that the Californians stole our wine.
It's disgusting wine but
it's cute!
You're Greek?
I really like Greek yogurt, I...
I'm sorry I really didn't want to steal your food culture.
I really like Greek yogurt.
It's not funny!
You want some more fries?
That Creepy Girl Smells Good - Duration: 3:20.Hey it's me Savanna Ayan.
Did you know that writers talk to themselves supposedly?
I have yet to do anything like that.
I don't talk to myself do I?
No, I don't. Is thinking
talking to yourself technically?
And there's talking to you-
And there's talking to the camera but-
That doesn't count.
Anyways I gotta go
Uh..make a video or
do something
Hey it's me Savanna Ayan again
and just ignore
how I'm looking right now. I'm gonna..I'm gonna improve
as the decades go on
you don't have to worry, I'm not going outside
looking like this
I'm not going outside where
it's possible someone might see me
No. I'm posting it on the internet where
it's possible everyone might see me.
but anyways..
The other day, someone
made a comment
someone suggested that
I put on a little too much perfume
as I was leaving the house.
Like is that bad?
And they said "no"
I'm over here trying to make my grand entrance
Okay. This is the same person
that said
that they didn't hear me leave-
that they didn't know I left from somewhere because they didn't hear me
Some people have said that I was
Oh, maybe I shouldn't be that close cause-
Just because they didn't hear me arrive or leave like I just
It's not my fault you can't hear. I'm trying to help you out.
I gotta have people smelling me from a mile away
So that they can know that "I'm here!"
So I can prevent heart attacks
and keep the blood pressures low!
Okay, I'm done.
I'm leaving.
I have not eaten.
Double Your Sales and Automate Your Business with Video - Duration: 1:46.IMAGINGE having to turn away customers in your business because you have too many
already. That's what we do in our business and I want to show you how to
do it in yours too, using this little guy right here (smartphone). Growing up I lived in over a
dozen different homes, one with five people living on the ground of a
one-bedroom studio but I knew when I held my first video camera at the age of
seven that video had the power to change the world. Since then I created a
successful business the engineers videos that have gotten millions of views
sparked nationwide collaborations, SAVED businesses and turn them into
extraordinary success stories, I went from working out of coffee shops with no money
in my pocket to owning one (a Business) and helping other businesses like myself arrive but
still I feel like I didn't make the impact that I am envisioned when I held
my first camera then in December of 2015 it hit me LIKE A BUS!!!
if businesses could take the power of video into their own hands then together
we could put an end to disconnection between our businesses and the people we
could serve it was right then that I decided to sell all my fancy equipment
and spend all of 2016 shooting videos on my phone I wanted to simplify my
formulas and my strategies and get prepared to change the way we do
business forever my goals help change the way people see understand and
remember YOUR business so that you'll never be forgotten once you've got that
down then there's no limit how fast you can grow your business well good news
I've reached my goal and it's time for you to reach yours join me on my free
seven day online event where I'm going to give you everything you need to know
thank you I'll see you inside
We HAVE to understand this shift in thinking if we want to treat people right... - Duration: 0:59.- Okay, listen, there's a toxic idea out there right now,
and it's this thought: "I'm my own worst critic!"
It's being worshiped.
People are saying, "You know what?
"Nobody else can tell me
"the things I've done wrong better than I can.
"Nobody else can tell me how to get better
"better than I can."
Well, let me ask you a question.
If that's true, then why aren't we better?
The intention isn't poor.
People wanna become the best person they can be.
But I'd suggest you need a different motivation.
Rather than being your own "worst critic"
and worshiping this idea
that you're the "toughest person on yourself",
how about you're the KINDEST PERSON TO YOURSELF?
How about THAT motivation?
I wonder if that would change the way that we act
so that we actually don't have to come out
and apologize for the things we've done wrong,
saying, "I'm my own worst critic."
Animal Testing - Duration: 6:15.It's a fact that science helped
and today, in the 21st century,
continues to help the evolution of man.
But it seems that one side of science
remained in medieval times.
Today we are going to dicuss:
Animal testing
Vivisection is a type of experimentation that involves
the act of cutting,
and surgically mutilating
living beings.
It is estimated that more than 115 million animals
including mice, cats, dogs, non-human primates,
are used and killed in laboratories.
But these figures are not accurate since many animals,
like mice or rats for example,
are not counted,
Even if they are 95% of the animals used,
Also because other countries, like Brazil or China,
do not declare their statistics.
The earliest traces of vivisection date back to Greece
in the II and IV centuries BC
in the second and fourth centuries BC in the writings of Erasistratus and Aristotle,
who were among the first to experience living animals.
Throughout history this practice increased
as well as their criticisms.
Therefore, several acts were carried out
to regulate the experiments
like the Animal Welfare Act
But there is little that it does for the well-being of the animals,
since even in cases, it doesn't include all animals
and doesn't prevent millions of animals from dying every year
in the hands of "scientists."
A drug is used to paralyze the animals
so they do not move and "bother" the "scientists"
but that increases their sensitivity so that they feel even more the pain
There are different types of experiments,
today we will focus on two
1) Toxicity
of chemical products.
The study of toxic substances and their effects on living beings.
Chemicals in cleaning products,
or in cosmetics
toothpaste, makeup, shampoo,
toxins from cigarettes, etc.
There are different practices:
The most common method is LD50 or "Lethal Dose 50"
as it is allowed by the animal "protection" law.
This test is carried out with approximately 200 animals
and is based on exposing them to toxins
forcing them to consume them, to inhale them, etc.
Until half of the animals die.
Then the others are killed for the examination of their internal organs.
The relevance respect to the human species, is little to nothing.
The result in a 2 kg rabbit that was not properly fed,
who lived all his life in a cage
and who was exposed to huge amounts of shampoo for hours
doesn't apply to a person weighing 60 kg
who washes his hair with the product 4 times a week.
The Draize Test
is used to measure irritation by seeing the damage
a substance causes to the eyes and skin of animals.
Usually rabbits are used because they are cheap,
easy to handle and because,
although they have a tear duct that allows them
to keep their eyes lubricated,
they do not cry as humans do for example.
In the eye irritation test,
the products are applied directly to the eyes of live animals
The animals suffer from extreme pain,
hemorrhages and ulcers
so they immobilize them
so that they can not scratch and alter the experiment.
It is also done by dermal irritation
(of the skin)
the animals' hair is shaved or stripped with adhesive tape
and the substances are applied directly or injected under the skin.
Again, completely irrelevant to our species
because there are notable differences
the absorption of the skin,
the frequency of blinking, etc.
Let's illustrate this
To study ammonium persulfate,
ie a hair bleach compound,
rabbits are forced to inhale this substance from an aerosol
for 4 hours
to see if their respiratory tract is affected.
It seems to me that you don't have to be a scientist
to realize that this is obvious.
In another case, to test the lipstick
oral doses were given to mice
then they are killed to study their bone marrow.
I do not think none of us
eat lipstick for breakfast
So... 0
2) Toxicology of pharmaceutical drugs
and their efficiency
To comply with US and European Union regulations,
prescribed drugs must be tested on two different animal species
before being tested in humans.
So what do they do?
They sicken the animals by injecting the virus directly
But we have to keep in mind that an imitation of the
symptoms is not the same as the disease and its initial causes.
These animals are not living in the
same circumstances as humans
they don't smoke, they don't drink
they do not have stress because of work,
they do not socialize
and they live in a cage.
Totally different situations
Experiences and scientific tests are important
but animal testing is the wrong method,
ethically and scientifically.
A study done in 2006 by the FDA
showed that 9 out of 10 drugs
that were effective when tested on animals
failed to be tested in animals.
Another study showed that 81%
of animal tests
didn't show the side effects of 43 drugs
that in the end damaged the patients.
Scientists explain that it is impossible
to predict humans' reactions by testing on other animals.
As the effects vary from one person to another
Imagine the difference between species.
As a dog is different from a cat
and a monkey to a human.
In the United States,
due to adverse drug reactions
106.000 people die
and another 2,225,000 are hospitalized each year.
So, by basing ourselves on experiments in live animals,
that 92% of cases are imprecise,
we are, on one side putting the health of the consumer at risk,
and, on the other hand, we are killing millions of animals
So what's the real reason why,
in 2017
they are still trying on animals?
I'll explain it in my next video
I'm gonna do a series of videos on Animal Testing
Stay tuned
And subscribe
to open your eyes
to the dark side of science.
Maximum Productivity 3 Questions To Instantly Boost Your Productivity | Dan Lok - Duration: 2:36.So three questions to ask yourself every day to improve productivity. The king of
high ticket sales. World's highest-paid consultant. Media celebrity.
Multi-millionaire entrepreneur. Acclaimed TEDx speaker. International best-selling
author. Dan Lok. Question number one what is the highest
and best use of my time right now? Please repeat after me
as loud as you could. What's the question? What's the highest and best use of my
time right now? Number two why am I doing this? Say it again. Why am I even doing this? Number
three what is the payoff of this activity? What is the payoff -- so when I
say I'm gonna spend time with my family. What the payoff of this? I can spend
quality time with my family. I get joy and happiness out of that.
Great. Awesome. That's the payoff of that activity. I go
watch a movie they keep -- let me escape from the day to day so that I can
go into a different world and recharge my battery. that's the payoff of the
activity. I go work out one hour you know what I become stronger I get less sick, I am
more energetic that's the payoff of that activity. So those three questions.
What's the highs and best use of my time right now? Why am I doing this? And what's
the payoff of this activity? Ask yourself every day three questions. Got it? Hi this
is Dan LoK. Welcome to Dan Lok TV. I want you to subscribe to my Youtube
channel. Now you might ask why should I? Every week I'll post two new videos all
focusing on helping you becoming a better entrepreneur. You will be challenged
and you will be inspired and you will be motivated. More importantly you'll get
practical ideas and strategies they will take your business to the next level.
So go ahead hit the subscribe button turn on the notification so you don't
miss out on a single episode.I promise you, you won't regret it.
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