Tenth A 2017-18
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How Many Grams of Fat Should You Eat Per Day? - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
August Read-a-Thin TBR - Duration: 10:56.Hi everybody, it is Julie, welcome back to Pages and Pens.Today I am here with my August
TBR. I am filming this really early because I feel confident that this is going to be
my TBR for the month of August but anything that I don't finish in the month of July I'll
probably roll over. So today is the 18th of July and I'm pre-filming because I have time.
So, I will be participating in another month long reading challenge. I learned about this
readathon from ACourtofbooksandlove on Instagram and I will everyone linked down below because
she started it with a few other people. This one is called the ReadAThin basically because
everybody mispells ReadAThon and it ends up being ReadAThin and it started off as a joke.
But, it's also to thin out your TBR. So, this is to read things that you already have at
your house, on your shelves, and I have made a promise to myself to go on a no buy until
at least September. I'm hoping to extend it but at least September. So, this is the perfect
readathon for me because it means that these are all books that I already have on my shelves,
I'm not going to the library, I'm reading only things in my house already. Let's go
over what I'm reading. There are 18 challenges they would like you to complete 6 of the challenges
with at least 3 books but you can multi-task. So, you can use one book for more than one
challenge. So really 3 books, 6 tasks, and there's 18 total to pick from. But it's going
to be kind of like the emojiathon and I'm going to fit books in where I can, read what
I want to anyway, and then find a place for them to go. I'm pretty excited about all of
these books so I feel like this is going to be pretty close to what my TBR ends up being.
There is another readathon which is a middle grade readathon that is, um, one one of the
people that follows me, Donald. He is creating that.I will have information about that listed
down below once I have it. But I believe that's a week in August, either the 2nd or 3rd week
of August and it's all middle grade books. I have one middle grade book in this so I
will read that...I will read that book on that week...whenever that week falls. Let's
just jump right into it because I gots all the books. The first one is a 2017 release
and I'm cheating a little bit. I will be reading A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers.
This is the follow up to The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet which I loved so so much.
This is a 2017 paperback release. So it was released in 2016 but the paperback edition,
which is the edition I have, was not released until 2017. So, I'm counting this as my 2017
release because I make the rules here, it's my channel. So I will be reading this because
I definitely want to see what's going on with that series. The next one is to read a book
that is the same color or similar as your birthstone. My birthstone is a sapphire I
was born in September. So it is blue and for that I will be reading Our Dark Duet by V.E.
Schwabb or Victoria Schwabb and I um loved This Savage Song...it's up there on my shelves...and
I cannot wait to read this.It is a duology so this is the last book fo that series. I'm
scared. I'm like nervous about it. Cause I just want my babies to be okay but I'm really
excited about it so I will be getting to that. Then we have read a diverse book and for that
I am going to double down on this because Becky Chambers writes incredibly diverse books
and I know that this is going to be just as diverse as The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet.
So, this one counts for that. Read a book where the title or the authors name starts
with the first letter as your name. So for that I will be reading a book that Skyhorse
Publishing sent me. A lot of these are gonna also end up in a haul at some point, guys.
Like almost all of these are recently hauled but I haven't done the haul yet. So, you'll
see them at some point. But Skyhorse Publishing sent me The Next Together by Lauren James.
James, Julie, you know. And I'm really excited about this one. This one is about two souls
that find each other across like lifetimes. So it spans centuries and century after century
these two souls find each other. I don't know much more than that about it but I'm really
excited to get to this. I've seen this one around a little bit but I haven't heard it
talked about too much. I haven't really, I haven't seen any reviews for it. So I'm excited
to give this one a read against they sent it to me so I'd like to get to it at some
point so I can give them my thoughts on it. Find a book that is related to your favorite
emoji. My favorite emoji, the one that I use all the time, is the purple heart because
purple hair. So, for that I will be (sings) reading. I don't know what I said. I have
a lot of contemporaries on here so really like anything could count I guess. But I will
say On the Fence by Kasie West. This is a contemporary, it's a love story I am sure
because it's Kasie West. This one I got on Book Outlet and I'm not a huge fan of Kasie
West, this one may be my deciding factor on whether or not I continue on with her books.
But I'll be reading this for the month because I think it will be a really quick read for
me. Read a book starting with one of the letter of TBR so T, B, or R. Twisted Palace, T, TBR,
To Be Read,Twisted. This is the third book of The Royals series by Erin Watt. I read
the first two over vacation the first week of July and I really want to finish this series.
So, I will be reading this one in August and I'm stoked about this one. Not gonna lie.
Then we have read a book with a summer themed cover. For that again I am going with Kasie
West because it's a sunset, it's on a dock, there's water in the background. Also, on
this is number 12, the 12th challenge is read a book with water on the cover...I'll be using
this one as well. So that one's definitely down for a few challenges. Then read a book
with warm colors on the cover, red, orange, yellow. For that, I will be reading TheGirl
Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catheryn M Valente. I've
heard good things about this, this is my middle grade read so I will be reading this during
the middle-grade challenge...whatever week that might be. Again, I will have that linked
when Donald lets me know the details on that, I'll have it linked down below. I think I've
heard decent things about this book.I know it's more than one book but I don't know how
many. There's really cute illustrations in here, too, so I feel like this will be another
easy read for me and a nice quick one. Start and finish a series. Are you stinking kidding
me? A lot of the books that I will be reading are the end to a series so I'm trying to wrap
up a lot of series this month. Our Dark Duet finished up a series. Twisted Palace finishes
a series. A Closed and Common Orbit finishes a series. Um, I have other books on my TBR
that you can't see that finish series. So, I won't be starting one and finishing one
but I will be finishing a whole bunch. Read a book in 24 hours. For that I will be reading
Sweep, a Book of Shadows by Cate Teirnan. I believe this is a series but this is like
a super tiny book and the font is rather large so I feel like I can read this pretty quickly.
So, I will be reading that for my 24 hour book. Then read a new to you author. A new
to you author is A. R. Torre and it's The Girl in 6e. I don't know why but I'm feeling
the thrillers and I wanna read this really really badly. I'm actually pushing for this
to be buddy read group for Java &the Librarians. I don't know upon filming this if it is or
not but regardless I'm reading this in August. This will either be the buddy read for Java
&the Librarians or I'm just reading it regardless. Small caveat if this isn't for Java &the Librarians
I will be adding another book to this TBR that will be for the Java & the Librarians
book club. Um, I will also have whatever book my Patreon subscribers vote for um I want
to finish out a series so there's a whole bunch of series that the Patreon people can
vote for in a poll for which series that'd like to see me finish. Then I will finish
that series. Now, some of those already show up on the TBR because they're goals of mine
in general but they get to pick which one they want me to read the most and then that
one will be one that I do an official review on as well. And then a book set in summer,
again On The Fence cause I don't know. Buddy read a book, again, whatever Java & the Librarians
uses is what I will be buddy reading. I don't know what it is yet. I'm hoping it's The Girl
in 6E but if it's not it will be something else. Read a book that is recommended to you
highly by somebody in the booktube community. And for that I was reading on my Nook, I have
the Stage Dive series. And, I read books 1 & 2 in physical copy and the other ones are
on here. I have the prologue for the next one which I believe is Lead. So, I will be
reading Lead next and then going into the 4th one. So, I have the third and the fourth
one also on my ereader. So, I will be reading the Stage Dive series because Chelsea from
ChelseaDolling Reads told me I had and she was right. Read a guilty pleasure read. And
for that you guys know it's going to be my Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr. This
is Radiant Shadows, this is the fourth book and I need to read the fourth book so I can
get to the fifth book which is the last one. And it's the only one I haven't read yet,
I haven't read the fifth. I have read this. So, I am going to jump right into this series.
I really want to finish this series. So, I may read both of the uh remaining books. I'm
not sure. We'll see. Oooh! This was my summer book. I was wrong. This is Crazy Hot. This
is a Beach Lane novel by Melissa De La Cruz. And I'm going to read the third book in July
at some point, I don't know when but I will finish the third one. If not the third and
the fourth one will be August because I want to finish the series out. Guys, I'm telling
you, I'm wrapping up a ton of series. I don't want these left open at the end of the year.
So, I'm wrapping them up. Read an adult or new adult book. For that it's The Girl in
6E, again. And then read a book that is outside of my favorite genre, The Girl in 6E is a
thriller that's not my preferred genre. I don't know where I fit this one in. Maybe
this one was for finishing a series? Even though almost all of these finish a series,
this one will also finish a series. This is Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
and it's a hunker butI want to finish this series soon. I don't know if it will happen
in August but I'm going to at least try. I think a lot of these books that I picked so
far are going to be really quick reads and I think this will probably be my most intimidating
one. Cause the rest I will probably fly through. So, we'll see. Hopefully, I can get to that
one. But that's all my books for August. I am really really excited about all these books.
I'm excited to be reading my bookshelf. I'm excited to not be bringing in more books and
be finishing up series and wrapped up and done with. I would like to do series reviews
on all of these. When I'm reading a series it doesn't make sense for me to do individual
reviews on each book. I would rather do a series wrap up. So, once I finish out these
series I will be doing series wrap ups on all of these. I'm actually going to stop this
video and film a review for a book. So, that is it for my August TBR. If anything changes
you guys will hear about it on my Instagram stories where I update you on my reading and
in my wrap up at the end of August. But, I will be doing the ReadAThin, which is a month
long reading challenge as well as the middle-grade reading challenge whenever is. Against all
the details and creators will be listed down below. That's it for this video. If you liked
it be sure to give me a big old thumbs up, click subscribe, and I will see all of you
in my next video. Bye, guys.
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5 Proven Trading Tips For An Aspiring Trader - Duration: 9:01.hi traders it's Bruce banks and today we're going to talk about five rules for
an aspiring trader these are traders who are looking to get
into it and are just getting the feel of what trading is about and there's a few
really key things that every trader who's getting into this should know so
the first one is never add to a losing position I'm sure you've heard this
before but this one is incredibly important now let's take a look here and
say that we have a long bias on this market you know the trader through his
analysis has decided that he wants to go along here and he wants to go along here
and he thinks the markets gonna go up market has been trading up recently but
there are a few warning signs that you know as you test though your message
depending what they you what you use you're going to see like for me big
warning sign right here is you see that we have a second low here that broke
this previous low so it kind of broke the uptrend we're going to ignore that
sign you know we're talking about a new trader here says like I want to take a
long position on this goes long on the market and as the market goes down like
you can see here we have a sharp down in the market this is quite a sharp move so
most likely news related as the mark goes down they get a little bit worried
now say the market goes down and they see it bottomed all the way out they
don't have a stop level and you let the market go all the way down human emotion
kicks in there and that's one of the things we're always fighting with this
traders and as the market starts to go up think oh I'm going to have to do so
much to earn them my money back what if I the markets going back up now I can
just go ahead and say I'm just gonna add another position on here so I'll earn
the money back and you know I can average it down so I don't even need the
mark to reach what it previously was when I entered back here all I need to
do is have the market just reach even below that level and I'll average down
and that's such a big mistake because if the trade is not gone in the direction
that you originally anticipated you need to just basically get out of the trade
there's no reason to ever average down by adding on positions
to a losing trade because you can see what would happen is they would add it
on and again they would have just lost even more because they have two
positions on now both losing money and that's how a lot of new traders end up
bleeding a lot of money into the market you know what you have to have your
trade idea and go for it and that goes into rule number 2 using hard stop loss
levels. now we already briefly touched on why taking along here is a little bit
risky but you know say this trader has an idea it's like you know I really
really want to take this trade I believe the markets going to go up through all
of their analysis whatever strategy they're using and they take the trade
and the most important thing is you have to take a level just draw a line when
you enter your trade before you enter that trade you have to find a level and
you're just like okay this is going to be my heart stop loss level this is
going to be my heart stuff here you know you have to choose whatever level that
you choose you have to choose that hard stop loss level and is especially
important for aspiring traders we're just getting into it that level is
golden that's just as important of a level as your entry you have to have
your hard stop loss level because the thing is you can take a losing trade but
a losing trade that is just open-ended without a hard stop loss level can just
end up costing you more and more money it's an open pit so a hard stop loss
level is incredibly important number three is understand that trading is a
long-term plan you're going to have losing trades and they're going to have
winning trades you know you'll have down days and you will have updates you know
just because this trader took this long trade says okay I'm going to take it and
roll with it and he took a loss on the trade if he used a proper like stop-loss
level where as soon as the trade went against the direction that he was
betting on he got out of the trade and you know he cut his losses as soon as
possible you know he can take another trade he doesn't have an open trade
bleeding there and yes I understand that that's just a losing trade you chock
that up in the pile of that's a loser and you go for your next trade which
could be a winner number four is trade with one to two percent risk of your
capital per trade so that's total capital this is a really good rule that
you'll hear quoted quite often because it limits the amount that you can lose
on every trade by so much you know if you have a ten thousand dollar account
you can't trade like a trader who has a hundred thousand dollar account you
might have to scale your position sizing down to meet your actual trades I've got
a video on this that'll pop up in the link above or it will be linked below
but it's a really good rule because the whole thing is if you take a losing
trade it's not account crippling that's the most important thing about the one
to two percent rule is the fact that you can take multiple trades that are losers
in a row which if you're a trader you have to be willing to accept will happen
but as they happen it's not that big of a deal because you're always going for
winning trades like a better winning percentage so losing 1% losing two
percent of your account size on a single trade is not that big of a problem so no
matter even if you make a complete blunder of mistake that you can look
back on and say oh yeah I understand why I shouldn't make that trade it's still
it's not that big of your account size that it took away and you'll end up
being able to take more trades that way by limiting how much risk you take per
trade and that takes us into 0.5 back tests any strategy that you want to use
before you use real money after our traders spent a good amount of time in
the market they get a bit of marketing tuition you understand when you start to
see higher highs higher lows you start to see points of resistance points of
support one thing that is key for all trading strategies is the fact that you
back test it you can have a simple strategy saying that say if you get two
up bars like we will make up the strategy right now if I get two up bars
in a row of equal size I take a long grade if I
get two down bars of equal size in a row I take a short trade and what you can do
is you can quickly and easily test that theory so you look for that on the chart
and say okay well I'm going to test that theory right now look for two up trades
equal here so I see two equal here that'll be an upgrade I see two equal
here roughly that would be a down trade I look for and that's the only ones I'm
quickly seeing right now we'll test that theory should be along so we enter here
and yeah possibly could work see you enter here oh no stop to sell right away
so we've tested that theory that's back test that's a super simple back test
that's a terrible back test but I'm saying that what you need to do is you
need to be able to take whatever theory you have that's why I've tested the
highs and lows theory and I really do like trading with highs and lows but
you'll have to take that theory that you have and back test it religiously
because back testing is basically playing with free money you know you're
not actually playing with real money they have there's amazing back testing
software out there as well where you can use it and you can test your theories
before you apply your real money it's such a easy thing to do because you're
not only you're learning the market at the same time you know if you're an
aspiring trader you're a new trader you really want to have a better
understanding of the market you won't have a better understanding of how the
market moves when there's news announcements that are upcoming or when
there's or during the open of every day you want to have a better understanding
of the market and back testing allows you to not only understand the potential
trading strategy that you're going to use but understand the market as a whole
so it's really important to back test every strategy that was five rules for
an aspiring trader and I hope you got some value out of this as always this is
Bruce Bank saying enjoy trading
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