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WHERE HAVE WE BEEN || TRIP TO TORONTO - Duration: 4:44.What's up everybody
Welcome to graffiti Ally Toronto
We already passed some...
You see how the image of the horse repeats? It's like a theme running through all of it.
Did you see that one?
Which one?
It's talking about how technology can make you mindless.
That's what it's like here, and it goes pretty far.
We're going... Are we going to the top?
I think we're going up to that level up there.
Ok, so we want to go to the top. Let me show what this place is like.
We came up here and saw there's a baseball match happening.
What do you feel like doing?
I've been to a baseball game before, and I didn't really like it.
We're going to get some food.
6 Tips for Strong and Healthy Hair ❤ Healthy Hair Tips - Duration: 2:27.6 Tips for Strong and Healthy Hair
Cut your damaged ends As hair grows, it also weakens, especially
at the ends where it is the oldest.
Start by cutting a little (no more than one inch) and repeat this process according to
how fast your hair grows.
Removing those �ugly� split ends will make your hair look healthier.
There�s nothing more unsightly than split ends!
Brush it every day
Buy a brush that has soft bristles and try to brush your hair when it�s wet to prevent
it from breaking.
If you have very long hair, you can also brush it before going to bed.
This stimulates better circulation in the scalp and your hair follicles will produce
healthier strands.
Know your hair type When you know this piece of information you�ll
be able to select the correct beauty products.
A thorough evaluation consists of three parts:
Density (thick, medium, or thin) Texture (thick or thin)
Strength (porous, elastic, or hydrated) 4.
Rinse with cold water Yes, you should do this even in the winter!
The final rinse when you wash your hair should always be with cold water to cause the cuticles
to close.
You�ll find that your hair is more shiny and silky as a result.
This technique also serves to make it grow faster.
Hot water, on the other hand, increases the oil production from your scalp and breaks
the strands.
When you dry your hair, you�ll notice more split ends.
Use quality products Although the best-known brands don�t always
guarantee quality, you can still choose products that match your hair type and will give you
better results.
We recommend trying organic cosmetic products that don�t contain chemicals and are less
harmful to the hair.
Don�t abuse the hair dryer or curling iron Even if you already have beautiful, smooth
hair, try to reduce how often you dry or curl it during the week.
Exposure to the heat from these elements will dry out your hair, making it dull and lifeless,
and more likely to break or have split ends.
It�s best only to use them when you�re attending a special event or on the cold days
when you shouldn�t go out on the street with a wet head.
Come Play 4-in-a-Row with How Ridiculous | Curtin Open Day - Duration: 0:38.Yes, that is the coolest basketball game that you'll ever see and the good news
is that you can come and play here at the Curtin University Open Day, August 6
from 10:00am to 4:00pm. So get on board, go to the Curtin Open Day website, sign
up and we'll see you there and enjoy playing this game.
How do I cut my cat's nails? - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Antthony "Escape in Style" 3piece Wardrober - Duration: 13:54.-------------------------------------------
Early signs of pregnancy: Why You Need to Diagnose Pregnancy Early - Duration: 11:35.-------------------------------------------
Adele & Darius Rucker - Need You Now (CMT Artists of the Year 2010) - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
Interronauts Episode 10: Sampling the Abyss — blob fish, faceless fish, and 200 years of coal - Duration: 3:10.(Jesse Hawley) Next up Sophie's going to tell us about the
latest voyage on the R.V. Investigator. Sampling the Abyss.
(Sophie Schmidt) An International team of Researchers,
led by Museums Victoria on our very own R.V. Investigator,
they recently returned from a voyage which was called
Sampling the Abyss. Ominous, right?
(Jesse Hawley) With tweezers, gloves.
(Sophie Schmidt) I don't want to go there.
They say the voyage started in Tasmania and it went
all the way up to Fraser Island in Queensland.
Forty scientists from 14 different organisations
(Jesse Hawley) What a party.
(Sophie Schmidt) Many countries, yeah it was.
(Jesse Hawley) It's like the Olympics on a boat.
(Sophie Schmidt) Yes, sailing off into the unknown
because literally, the Eastern Abyss is a place
and no-one's really been there.
(Jesse Hawley) Does it have its own Wikipedia article?
(Sophie Schmidt) I don't know. Or maybe Google reviews.
If Antarctica's got it...
(Sophie Schmidt) It's the first time the Eastern Abyss
has been surveyed properly.
(Jesse Hawley) Oh wow. How deep is it, tell me about it?
(Sophie Schmidt) Well the area they were looking at
went down four kilometres, 4000 metres.
So thinking about living on the bottom of the ocean floor,
there's not much to eat, there's no real need
to have muscle mass if you're down there, so largely,
you sit and wait for something to drop down.
(Jesse Hawley) It's like me on my day off.
(Sophie Schmidt) They also came across our
very own favourite, Mr Blobby.
(Jesse Hawley) A Blob fish?
(Sophie Schmidt) Blob fish, yes.
He's widely understood as the ugliest fish in the world.
(Jesse Hawley) There's that classic photo where he has got
the little bit of solidified saliva coming out the side of his lips.
(Sophie Schmidt) No-one wiped it up. It's just like,
what's the point in humans voting for the ugliest fish?
Like, the other fish are going to get offended or something.
(Jesse Hawley) Yes. There are standards as well,
if only the fish could vote for who they
thought was the ugliest fish.
Blob fishes would be like,
on the other end of the spectrum in their books.
(Sophie Schmidt) Well there's also a faceless fish that they
came across, which was a really big deal.
(Jesse Hawley) Wouldn't that be the ugliest one? It doesn't have a face.
(Sophie Schmidt) It doesn't have a face, it looks like a blob,
like a palindromic blob that's slightly elongated.
(Jesse Hawley) Maybe you should Google 'faceless fish', if you're interested.
(Sophie Schmidt) Yes, it's beautiful and terrible.
(Jesse Hawley) Draw your own face on it, if you like.
(Sophie Schmidt) I guess, these are the sort of things that happen
when there's so many pressures to survive.
Like nature just gives out what it can.
(Jesse Hawley) When the lights are off you look as funny as this.
Switch the light's off and then yeah,
masquerade party for the bottom of the ocean.
(Sophie Schmidt) It's what's inside that counts.
And sadly, they also came across quite a lot of rubbish, lumps of coal.
(Jesse Hawley) Four k's, lumps of coal?
(Sophie Schmidt) Yes.
(Jesse Hawley) Don't we need that, we don't throw it in the…
(Jesse Hawley) Rubbish is refuse like you're done with that,
Coal's got energy potential.
(Sophie Schmidt) Steam ships apparently,
used to just throw it off the side.
(Jesse Hawley) OK, so it's old school coal?
(Sophie Schmidt) Yes. It's 200 years of coal.
(Jesse Hawley) 200 years of coal.
(Sophie Schmidt) Yes, it's pretty crazy.
(Jesse Hawley) Like a sequel for a movie.
I don't know what movie. I didn't plan that far ahead,
200 years of coal.
[Music Plays]
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