Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 30 2017

It's summer, which means it's travel time!

I made myself a travel pillow and a sleeping mask for the road.

And I couldn't resist giving them a nice sleepy Totoro look.

To make the pattern for the pillow I taped two big pieces of paper together and I folded

it in half.

I sketched out a shape for the pillow that I thought would work.

And this isn't an exact science; you can just work out a shape that looks good to you.

I measured around my neck and I checked if the pillow wouldn't be too tight on the inside.

I then added 1,5 centimeters of seam allowance all the way around.

This is my master pattern.

If you want, you could move straight on to cutting fabric and sewing from here.

But of course I want to make the pillow look like Totoro's belly, so I'm going to divide

the pattern into two pieces.

I drew a shape for Totoro's belly that I liked and I grabbed some pattern paper.

I folded this paper in half as well, and lined up the fold with the fold in the master pattern.

I traced the inside piece and continued the seam allowance all the way around.

I did the same for the outside piece.

Now I have two pattern pieces, that together will form the complete pillow.

I pinned the outer piece to a double layer of grey fabric.

I cut it out, giving me two identical pieces.

I pinned the inner piece to an old T-shirt from the second hand store.

I cut it out, again ending up with two identical pieces.

To attach the inner and outer pieces to each other, I marked the center points with pins.

I placed the pieces right sides together and pinned them along the curve.

Pinning opposite curves like these can be a bit tricky.

It helps if you use a lot of pins and move the top piece in line with the bottom piece

bit by bit.

I sewed all the way around, making sure the fabric wasn't folded over where I was sewing.

I cut small notches into the seam allowance along the curve to take the pressure off the

fabric and help it lie flat.

I repeated the pinning, sewing and notching for the other side of the pillow.

My ends didn't line up completely, probably because one of the fabrics is much more stretchy

than the other.

So I cut the ends to line up better.

This changes the shape of my pillow a little bit, but I'm okay with that.

I'm adding three chevron shapes to each side.

I cut the shapes a bit bigger than I wanted them, so that I can fold the edges under and

get a nice clean look.

Because these fabrics are so stretchy, I hand stitched these pieces on.

I used a double thread for extra strength and I kept folding the edges of the fabric


I used a simple whip stitch here.

Now the pieces are ready for final assembly.

I placed them right sides together and pinned them to each other.

I then sewed all the way around, but leaving a gap of around the width of my hand for stuffing.

I again cut notches in the seam allowances and then I turned the pillow inside out and

stuffed it with polyester filling.

To close the pillow, I folded the seam allowances inside and used a ladder stitch, going

back and forth between the two sides.

This leaves a nearly invisible seam.

For the sleeping mask, I again started with drawing a pattern.

I made a few paper mockups to try to minimize the amount of light seeping in by my nose

until I ended up with my final design.

To make the mask look like Totoro, I drew an ear pattern for him and figured out the

design for his face.

Seeing it all together made me decide to make his ears a bit bigger.

I added 1,5 centimeters of seam allowance and this finishes the pattern.

I pinned the pattern to a leftover piece of fabric from the pillow and cut it out.

I cut a second piece out of black fleece, which will be the soft inside of the mask.

For the ears, I copied the shape onto the fabric twice, folded the fabric over and

roughly cut around them, giving me four pieces.

For this type of precision work, I'll be using the chalk line as a stitching guide

instead of a set seam allowance.

For the ears, I placed two pieces of fabric right sides together and stitched on top of

the chalk line, leaving the bottom open.

I then trimmed the seam allowance down, cut notches around the curves and turned the ears

inside out.

For Totoro's nose, I cut a piece of black fleece in the right shape and again I used

a whip stitch to attach it to his face.

I'm not folding the edges under here, since fleece holds its shape very well and it doesn't ravel.

For Totoro's sleepy eyes, his mouth and his whiskers, I'm using embroidery.

I simply made multiple small stitches in a row with thick black embroidery thread.

For the eyes and mouth, I used two lines right next to each other.

But the whiskers are single lines.

I placed the mask pieces right sides together and pinned them down.

I then placed the ears in between, pointing towards the inside.

I marked the location where the elastic will be and I stitched all the way around, leaving

a gap on each of the sides for the elastic.

I trimmed down the seam allowance and cut notches again to help the fabric

around the curves.

I then turned the mask right side out through one of the gaps for the elastic and folded

the seam allowance inside.

I placed a piece of wide elastic inside one of the gaps and stitched it closed.

I checked the length of the elastic and then placed the other end in the other gap.

After stitching this one closed too, the mask is done.

And that completes my sleepy Totoro travel kit.

After seeing it, my husband quickly put in a request for his own travel kit,

so I made him this Psyduck kit of his own.

I hope you all enjoyed this project, I know I really like the results, I'm very happy

with them and I look forward to using them soon.

If you enjoyed this video then please let me know by leaving me a like or a comment

down below.

And of course subscribe to my channel if you want to see my future videos.

If it's summer where you're from then I hope you have a great summer with lots of

sunshine, and I'll see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> Making a Totoro Travel Pillow & Sleeping Mask | Sewing tutorial - Duration: 6:40.


Assassins creed origins game play thumbnail | Assassins creed origins Walk through thumbnail | 2017. - Duration: 8:30.

Download all the stock file

add some photo effect

For more infomation >> Assassins creed origins game play thumbnail | Assassins creed origins Walk through thumbnail | 2017. - Duration: 8:30.


Antthony "Escape in Style" 3piece Wardrober - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Antthony "Escape in Style" 3piece Wardrober - Duration: 6:13.


AYS Daily Growth Hacks 071 You Can't See Point C Unless You Get To Point B - Duration: 5:59.

Today's topic - You Can't See Point C Until You Get to Point B. Hi I'm Doug

Holt with Author of Your Own Story and this is your daily growth hack where each

day we give you a tip trick or insight help you up level we call the five to

thrive it is your mind your body your soul your relationships and your

business so today I'm going to answer a question that was putting the author of

your own story group by Barbara Barbara essentially is asking hey look I've been

going really hard towards this solution or towards this direction but now it's

just not filling me up I'm not finding that this is a viable path for me and I

just don't think this is the way I want to go but how do I know that I'm not

just giving up because it's getting difficult and moving on to the next

shiny new object instead of actually pushing through and finding something or

finding my other passion this is a great question and something I think all of us

have had right we will start working on a project that we're really passionate

about only to find out that it's really they're too difficult or just not

something we're interested in now business owners have this all the time

they call it shiny new object syndrome now the difference between this and what

Barbara is talking about is shiny new object syndrome is working on something

and then all of a sudden switching tasks because something else looks more fun it

looks more interesting this happens with software programs right we start working

with one software program when we buy the year subscription and next thing you

know we want to work with SEO tools and then it's it's digital marketing it's

content marketing or whatever it may be this also happens in technology unless

men we really get this a lot we're always looking for the newest greatest

thing you know I have a 55 inch plasma TV but now I need the 65 inch big screen

this is different though what Barbara is talking about what Barbara is asking

here is hey look I've been working hard towards this vision I have and now that

I'm working on it I don't really know if it's the vision I

want I actually possibly want something else and so this one happens all the

time and this is where I'm saying you can't no see without going to be so if I

decide that I'm going to go from point A to point B

I'm working there and on my way to B I can look around the corner I see C point

C in the distance and I didn't know that's where I want to go now if I

wasn't going towards B if I wasn't making that shift making those choices

making that effort to go to B I would never know that C existed and it would

be impossible for me to make that pivot C going to something different

doesn't mean you're quitting if you're doing it for the right reasons and what

I mean by that is as I'm going towards my goal my goal is point B from a I'm

going towards my goal and on that route I discover something that I previously

did not know what's possible we're going to call that point C now I can make a

conscious shift not out of fear but a conscious shift from the heart out of

love of what I want to do and go to C because now I know that exists I didn't

know what I didn't know beforehand and this is a reason we shouldn't beat

ourselves up we shouldn't have the self judgment we all do right we're all our

own worst critics when I shoot these videos I can name a hundred things I

don't like about my physical self or things that the lighting the background

the shirt that I'm wearing whatever it is we're our worst critics but when

we're going for a goal especially for higher achievers Barbara when you're

going for a goal sometimes you have that innate you have to finish but that's not

true if you have new information new insights and new ideas you can make that

pivot you can turn and realize that the real direction you want to go to was

something you didn't even know existed also on top of that you're changing you

know every day we're changing I have a newborn at every single day

I can see physical changes in my newborn he's crawling now he's you know doing

something else he's grabbing onto objects every day is a tangible thing we

as adults make the same changes but we're making those changes internally

we're making those changes based on our universe and our world experience and

what we're getting our eyes open to so we shouldn't stop realizing that what

those changes are going to come new perspectives you know we wouldn't expect

a child to all of a sudden stop doing something that they're stopped growing

or stop thinking differently as their world changes in front of them because

their eyes have been opened just happening to us as adults as well

and we should give ourselves the grace to realize that while making these

changes we're going to see new perspectives and new realities that we

didn't see previously so Barbour to answer your question you know whether

you're quitting or whether you've just found the right path if this is a new

path and you're not quitting out of fear now if you're moving towards fear or

away from fear excuse me then that's the issue that's a note it's a

red flag if you're scared about moving away but if you're moving towards if

you're feeling yourself cool towards something from the heart that's a good

thing that's what the one's all about you're

not meant to be in this confined box now as you're going to work be now you see

see move in that direction and moved in that direction with your joy I hope this

helps you I'd love to hear your feedback and I love to hear more about your story

for the rest of you go over to author of your own story calm right now we get on

our waiting list we still have some seats open for our author of your own

story University it's something I'm extremely proud of and our team has put

a lot of effort into this it's over 20 years of coaching experience and over

$500,000 with the courses and materials that we're compacting to the structured

program I look forward to continuing that conversation with you there and for

today remember go out and be the author of your own story

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