Hey :P
MIKA Giffoni 2017 - "WHEN PARENTS DON'T LET YOU TRAVELLING" (Eng sub) - Duration: 3:48.My Question is: In your Childhood you moved sometimes. You're travelling a lot usually.
I think that Travelling, expecially out of our own Country, - It's very important for Personal Education. Expecially for Teenagers.
But there're Parents who doesn't let Travelling Their Children, ever when they're of Legal Age.
In your opinion - Why are they so scared of all that is "outside"? And what would you like to say to these Parents?
This is a Great Privilege as well. It's a Privilege to have a Home & feel Safe.
Many of others don't have it now. Let's see what happens in Syria.
5.000.000 should move from their Home. They lost everything & now they are living In Refugee Camps & Accommodation centres.
It's the Opposite of what you're speaking to. Your Question let me think about this Because ones I met a Guy in UNHCR.
In "Accommodation centres for Syrian Refugees" I met a lot of young people who I spoke with.
There was a Guy who told me - - I always wanted to travel & now.. I'm travelling.. But I'm invisible.. I don't exist in the Society..
They don't have a Passport.. a Permission to work.. They are Refugees in United Nations.
So he said to me: - Now I'm travelling.. But I'm invisible & I don't see anything..
This Situation is Shoking. He's constantly moving with a great Risk.
First he came in Greece And then he made an Illegal Journey to Germany.
And yes, he's travelling, but he's saying: "I wanted always to travelling & now I'm travelling, But I'm invisible & I'm unable to see anything."
I know - this is not a Reply to your Question.
But I think: - It's not a Journey itself to make you see the things. It's not only the Idea of Travelling..
Music.. Art.. Can make you Travel as well.. Can make you Discover the things..
They can make you become more Open-minded than a Holiday in Miami.
Obvious.. it's more fun to have a Parents Telling you - "Go, do what you want"..
But if your Parents are telling you Always: "Go & do what you want.." It's another Extreme which is not very usufull..
I don't know how to reply to you Question.. You made me think about that Guy I met 2 y.a. His Story has had a profound effect on me.
😱How to make slime without GLUE OR BORAX OR CONTACTLENSSolution (Different method than hashtagme #) - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
How to add and Edit Tags on Your Phone for Android and iOS - Duration: 1:29.Hi Des here, and in this video I want to show you how to add YouTube TAGS from
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Antthony "Escape in Style" Midi Trapeze Dress - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Bollywood Actress Real Age 2017 - Duration: 2:20.Top 10 Bollywood Actress Real Age 2017
Top 10 Bollywood Actress Real Age 2017
Top 10 Bollywood Actress Real Age 2017
Top 10 Bollywood Actress Real Age 2017
Top 10 Bollywood Actress Real Age 2017
【Remix】KARMA Strikes Back (Megalo Strike Back remix / Alpha Ver.) | Ryn - Duration: 3:43.*Please read the description*
Antthony "Summer Stroll" Graphic Tee - Duration: 6:38.-------------------------------------------
Madurodam The Netherlands/ family day - Interracial family. - Duration: 9:09.Go outside people...
(hubby): we are waiting for you
Yes, and I for you
Hi guys...
Another vlog today...
We are going out,
we are going to
The Hague
The city where the court is
This is really not good.
Is it not good?... No.
Why not? I am not looking at the camera.
do you want me to come there?
Hi guys!!!
Welcome again.
We are going out, and we are going to....
to Madurodam!
all in small. Yes
yes.. pequeno(small)
everything in small.
The Nethelands in small.
The Hague
My lovely city!
and alot of graffiti in the Hague.. like you can hear!!!
madurodam parking!
So we have arrived.
my husband already received the cards.
I'm at the entrance
I am sitting here like I am in a tropical country.
but no... I am still in The Netherlands
but look at this...
It's a big painting behind me
so, madurodam................ is
Is a place with miniatures of Dutch cities
I will try to
I will try to film any interesting thing I will come across
so I can show you. Okay!
The weather is super,
at first it was raining, so I thought, oh my God!
it will not work out today.
But thank God, the sun is shining
So we hope it will stay like this
there is also a place where kids can play
So, Christiaan is interested to go there...
okay guys, see you soon
guys this is a miniature
Look at this..
This is one of the Netherlands Antilles.
He now throws ten cents in it
here?... not, up there
And then the mars factory will work
The car is driving around
And then it comes back with a mars for Christiaan.
then Christiaan will get a chocolate
there he comes
look what is in there?
He can't even wait. Quick!!!
Well done..... Do you have a chocolate?
you can eat it with your hands.
But I dont want this one
No, papa will eat it...
and this one is for Christiaan.
you will eat this, together. I think...
faster!!... faster?
again!... again?
guys, these are KLOMPEN(clogs)
Footwear made of wood, traditional from The Netherlands
Christiaan wait.
I want to sit in that big shoe!
I want in the big shoe
mama! I want in the big shoe!!
Are you in it!
No! hello
Hey Christiaan!
okay, we are leaving. Going home.
We loved it! It was a beautiful day!
Thank God, without rain
And it's not too cold or hot.
we are going to the car.
What do you have there?
a lollypop
Did you get a lollypop?
a lollypop heart!
How do you think about today?
good..... Yes?
Are you going to miss it?
What have we done?
Everything, everything, everything
And whats everything?
we played and everything...
we played, and saw small houses?
And we ate fries
and we met new people!!... oh yes?.... yes....
Vegetables Finger Family #2 – Nursery rhyme for children - Duration: 1:32.Daddy finger, daddy finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger,
where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am.
How do you do?
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