Americans love taking drugs and i'm not talking about illlegal drugs I'm talking about
prescription drugs everywhere I go there're people popping pills! in the UK to go to
doctor and you're ill first of all he'll be like okay does this require drugs
probably not free to go go home get some rest maybe like an early night or Selena
- America is like yeah I am I don't like waking up in the morning
and do like waking up in the morning you need some knees and they give you like a
box and it is like New York and what I imagine other cities to be like they are
very very dependent on like things again like caffeine for one fast food sugar
like high fructose corn syrup and like not only that but then like xanax if
they're like if any of a anxious prozac if they're not feeling very happy and
then valium if they can't sleep you wake up you're tired you take some coffee you
take some stimulants to make you feel a little bit more awake you go to work
work work work work work all day all night and then you come home and you're
tired and you really look at the clock and you think I've got to be at work
again in seven hours that's what you do you think will like want a good night's
sleep so I'll take a couple of sleeping pills and then like the cycle just
continues endlessly xanax Prozac valium plan iam tranny appear it seems like
they're just like oh you know eraser pills and they don't make you feel
better so I'm certain America about a week ago I like I made a similar kind of
life being better both of them about kind of my thoughts of America because
you know what I'm not American definitely not
and there are cultural differences yeah we speak the same language but
really there are big cultural differences what's changed since last
week last week when i chat to y'all I was up in vermont i just did a cell
phone playing there without even thinking about and the mods gorgeous its
ability gorgeous it's gorgeous up here very green very mountainous i like it a
lot i came down to Boston I came down to
Rhode Island I went to a party in Rhode Island we were talking about like guns
and drugs and shit and this guy it was like so hey what do you think the gums
Jay and I was like well if you're in the military probably quite hopefully air
might money began my wife of some sort in it when you're on active duty in a
war-torn area I was like why have you got a gun and I'm thinking what a stupid
question of course isn't a gun yeah I got a gun really
you've got a gun you're like a 25 year old bloke
why'd you why'd you go to gun protection like the foods got better I've actually
really enjoyed the food I've eaten here in Texas Mexican feels like just feels
like better quality meat maybe this won't be him if there are more cows
there's more grass there's more space from perhaps exits it differently live a
very slow life they got all the time in the world and they live a sinful life
and they feed the dog and they take out the trash and I tell you what it's been
a lot less fun since I stopped drinking much fun since I quit
down in the south of America they talked with the kind of southern twang and
their voices they speak very slowly because they got all the time in the
damn world and no one needn't dare hurry them over anything so when they're
telling you a story they'll sure as hell take their time over it and that's just
the way things are down here you got this whole thing going on like they
wanna be their own country and a mob mob they were though she could get the Queen
wants an independent state and I'll tell you what got a lot of oil
down here we don't be can rest in the United States and don't you even dare
mention of a more glamorous James
yeah like is this thing here where they when they ask you where you're from and
uh songs in a bunch of people and this guy goes yeah I'm actually German so
I'll go German okay oh so you speak German no idols be determined as I said
service must avoid spicy Deutsch he goes now does be German and his girlfriend
goes he and French I said to puzzle see she said no I said so what is it that
makes you French and she was like well I'm from like French origins and I
thought I'll see your parents of French as I know as I so why you've why saying
you're French and this guy won't mind from German origins
and I think wondered what they mean is like because America is such a young
country and their own a handful of generation you can actually follow back
since when they first arrived on this big last continent they actually still
associate themselves with that original culture that identity they had with a
great great great great great grandmother may of be German and
therefore they getting people of their German well I've got news that you're
not really German actually you're American by getting letters if you're
first-generation British you're British you know like you might be a bird might
be ever I don't know and Indian origin or Pakistani origin or maybe not
whatever we were lots of people are country but you still like a British you
know if you body before then you've grown up there you've got like parents
Indian parents but would say like it would really be such a thing you'd ask
whereas here it seems like it is dish soap dish soap do you mean washing up
liquid this that got me I don't know why so basically
America drugs guns Dunkin Donuts they love Dunkin Donuts
they love Dunkin Donuts everything is Dunkin apparently America
runs on Dunkin I definitely do not run on Dunkin Dunkin actually stops me from
running leave a comment let me know if you visited these past few any flaws on
America let's get a conversation going
name is Vietnam him under Mon Mothma mind dealt by India
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