Hello and welcome to The Computer Labs YouTube channel and today we
are looking at how to burn a DVD on your Mac computer so the first thing we've got to
do is make sure that you have a DVD drive you've got one of the older Mac's
you should have a writer built into your MacBook or iMac if you haven't then you
will have to purchase one so first thing you need to do before you do any of this
and you could create the file don't get me wrong for the DVD and create
afterwards but really if you get everything in play then you know where you're
going and what you are doing, So to write any files obviously we need to buy a DVD
writer just head over to Google if you've not done already and if you're
looking for a writer for your Mac then the obvious thing to look for is a
external DVD writer for Mac so that one there, so obviously really you
could just go onto Amazon or something and do a search, but you could do with getting a brand
name DVD writer so I will go into shopping on Google just see what it is so one of
these LG ones would be great don't be wrong if you can get a cheaper one from
Amazon it works great the only difference is obviously one with a
branded name like the LiteOn and the LG these will be better supported with drivers
and compatibility you don't need to go to anything such as extravagant as this
one here Apple USB Drive II don't need to be spending eighty pound these ones
will work perfectly well on your Mac computer as long as I can say it's a
branded name okay so once you've got your DVD Drive sort and you connect it
up to your Mac, it should just recognise it as soon as it is plugged. We then
need to create our picture file DVD video and all the programs I'm going to show
you now are all free to use and it should be included on your Mac already
apart from one you have to download it is free as well. OK so let's get started and we
shall first we need to do is obviously get your photos together so if you have not
all they want folder I suggest that you pick them up and put them into
a folder so you know whether all that I've just downloaded 10 photographs here
sample photographs that we're gonna attach to a DVD video and so it will play under or on your
DVD on the TV or any standard sort of DVD player okay so there's my 10
photographs so the way to do it is to open iMovie it's asking me now at this
point when you open it might just ask you just to confirm. If it is the first
time you opened it'll ask you a few questions just go further you're ok with
the settings so obviously I haven't created anything in here yet and then
here you've got if you don't know how to use it's not going to go into your how
to use iMovie but you do have projects and media you don't need to add anything
at this stage we just need to create a new project so in the projects create a
new then here we've got movie don't click on the trailer you can't do what
what at this stage we're gonna pick movie and that should set basic windows
up so we can see what's going on okay so you can import the media directly into
it into this box here if you want to do but you can also drag it onto your
timeline at the bottom here so quick and easy way to do it you can just drag them
straight onto your timeline here you can also import media here so if I click on
the import button and then brings a box or which says where do you
want to import the pictures from and then you can pick and go to where the
photographs are and I'll just drill down so you see there If I want to import
all them i am not gonna import all them and it will just drop them all into this window
here, or the quick an easy way to do it - If I close that one if I just grab
you can do these individually so if you've got these in any order you can
sort of grab the first one drag it down to your timeline and let go then it puts
into the timeline so you see that's a four seconds
and currently that's the way you see the zoom in effect that's called the Ken
Burns effect and I'll show you how to alter that in a second but lets say we want
to put the computer on directly after that one and at the moment you see
they're all stretched out that's a four second window so when the DVD plays if I
click on there that will be a four second timeline which you can see
indicated just and near my mouse there which is showing the four second sort of
period of time on the DVD and then drop on to the next one which is this next
picture which is zooming in currently so I'm just gonna reduce so we can see all
the photographs for this slider here just reduces these down so I can it's
still keeping the same time the four second time a split but it is just let
me see more of the timeline. OK so if I want to drop them all in select them all
grab the final eight that I have left it's ten photos and total left click
keep it held drag it down then let go and it drops all these pictures into my
creation in my timeline at the bottom here okay so each one of them is
standard at four seconds time span when it plays on the DVD and you can change
these individually or you can drag them so lets say for example this one
here and we want to make it longer than four seconds so when it's playing back
in the DVD it's gonna play for longer than four seconds when I drag left click
keep on the slider and drag across and say I want now on for six seconds maybe
and so that will now stay six seconds and it's gonna zoom in to the default
Ken Burns action what it's selected and you can change each one of these ones
sort maybe I want it less maybe I want it more so you just keep your left
finger drag across I said I want that one it maybe ten seconds
and you can change it there the other thing you can do if you want them all
the same time shown, so you select one on the left on side I so it's got the
yellow box around it go all the way across to the ones that you want to
change the time that there going to be shown
push shift on the keyboard and then left-click again and it will highlight
all the photographs in the zone that I had selected so all these are yellow box
now I go up to the information box at the top there click information click
on there and you see the duration box here I can select how long I want
each picture to stay because I've got I'm all selected in one lump it
means that if I put 8 seconds are all gonna be shown for 8 seconds when the
playing back on the DVD player so I'll set 8 you'll see them all changed and
now they're all set to 8 second time span when we finally create the DVD ok
so we'll leave it at 8 seconds doesn't really matters theirs only 10 photographs on here
so it's not gonna be that large so now I've got the time sorted we now need to
see that we're happy with the way that they're panning and zoom in so you can
see the default ones it has set already I'm just dragging my mouse across so
we'll do if you zoom edits on these call a Ken Burns effect so this one here
which is already applying the Ken Burns but across the 8 seconds so I'm gonna
click on this one yellow box highlights that picture up to the crop button at
the top click on that one and then that gives us the options to do what we want
to so I can leave it it's fixed if I click on fit what that will do will just
fit that photograph to the window so now when I go across you'll see it just
stays stationary it's just fitting it to the window in that particular picture so
I'll click it again go up to Ken Burns into the cropping sorry and then want to
pick Ken Burns I want to zoom so this is the start window here so I can edit this
one if we wanted to show the black bar so it'll start that's the start point
for when it hits this picture at the beginning and maybe I want to zoom in
and zoom into the faces so I'm just literally left clicking on the box
dragging across until I can get the zoomed in effect of these two ladies ok
and so all happy with that so ok close that down and let's have a look so it
looks like so I'm just rolling our mouse across going across into this picture so
it starts with the black borders at beginning
picture and as it slowly starts to zoom in zoom in to the point where I've told
it to so if I just click play which is this button here that comes off this
picture starts the zoom and then zoom into their faces when I put the
endpoints of the Ken Burns zoom for that particular picture. OK so you can see
each individual one has got the different effect on it
and you can fix these and do different zooms you can start them so we'll do one
that's already got a start point where it's zooming out so this particular one
zooming out so we'll click on that one this is our highlight see one at the
moment I gave up to the cropping box Ken Burns you can see the start there so I
maybe want to start with the picture of the dog like this and we want to zoom
out to include the tops and I'm just left clicking again and holding so I
want it to zoom out into this section here I'm happy with that so I'll get rid
of that let's see what it looks like click play that's what started this
picture and then it starts with a dog and zooms out to show the full picture
of this couple okay so that's the Ken Burns effect in how to alter that within
each picture so now we have how we want it to look I'm not gonna edit each one
just take down but obviously get the the gist of how are you edit these you can
add transitions so the moments if I just put my mouse over this one here and just
click play you'll see it just jumps from one picture to the next and so if I want
to add a transition at the beginning you can do up here pick the transition you
want so maybe we want to I don't know let's do something that's obvious we'll
do a swap so I'll click that left click hold on to swap and drag it down into
the between the photographs so now when I put my mouse over here click play and
if you watch this window here it'll do a swap that's what's one to the other and
you can do each individual transitions between each place or maybe that pullze
all right I'll drag that one to in between needs to click on my mouse to
the preview click play and you can see there that particular transition and
it's supplying to these two pictures so you put each individual one in there
now maybe just do singular ones I want it to look so you get the overall feel
for the style that you're creating so that's your transitions and the other
thing obviously be creating this say it's for a Christmas present or a
present and creating a DVD and giving it to somebody maybe you want titles in
there to tell people what this is all about
so the titles are do have some sort of self-explanatory stuff to them, so if I
hover on the if you click on the actual title and then just scroll your mouse
across it can see what he's going to do and that's for this one particular where
we go across like that that one does a fade so maybe we want that one there so
well drag we left click again and drag it down to the timeline - I want the
actual title text to be, let go of the text and now we have it's asking us what
we want to type in and we have our title song maybe this one maybe we're gonna
call it holiday snaps for example 2017 so that's the title of our video so you
can see my mouse here and especially the start of our creation click play then
brings a title holiday snaps 2017 and then gold across to our photographs and
starts and you can now preview all the DVD to see how it looks how it's got the
film how it's gonna look when you create your DVD and you can add things in
between there so you can add texts or say for example if you wanted to put
slight text in there and I'll just grab this one I'm not sure what the title is
oh it's the name title obviously you can just put whatever in this might be so
the holiday snaps or this would be day at the seaside
okay so that's that one done and then just a check got see how it looks
bring our timeline see what it looks like so the day at the seaside titles
there and then it will go on to cross to the next picture and again you can
change how long you want these to be so maybe I only want to show up for two and
a half seconds just check out that looks
okay day the seaside title - 2 and a half seconds and goes on to the next picture
so that's titles you can also add audio I'm not gonna put any audio on this one
but - though in fact i will put a sound effect on so if you're not opened this section before it
will just populate there's quite a few ones in that and maybe you want one thats a
particular one what else if there's anything for so I got sea lion barks oh
what else have we got "ship in heavy sea" that does not sound very holiday sounding does it. You can
search in this top box so i am just searching in this section here after the
different ones you can actually search by a time length so I've just filtered
on time so on the ones that are longest at the top I'll just scroll all
the way at the top now so this one here is two minutes 11 seconds so maybe I
want |In fact no what does that one sound like so I will put shogun on I want this
title here so I just let left click again drag the audio onto my title let
go and then now we have title holiday snaps and the music will start so if we
just want to preview that I'll just click in the photo mouse at the
beginning here click play
and you can see I said adding music will add some character to the DVD and adds
that just that little bit extra to it so obvoiusly if it's for personal use you
can add sort of your own music but sooner you do anything that's going to
go out to the public obviously if it's a music that you shouldn't be using then
you will get caught out with it so only use stuff that's free to use or that you
own if it obviously is going to loved ones for
presents Christmas presents or whatever it be. OK so that's think our DVD
looking reasonably okay now for what we have so you can see now the music
carries on sort of unless I'm going to fill more picture in here what would
happen here I'll just click on this so you can see now the this particular
and it is carrying on we've gotten and we have no more pictures on so I'll stop it there so
you can see obviously that that the music carries on here
from this particular after this particular image so unless you're going
to add more images so I want to add some more images on that what to extend these
so they're currently I think we set them at 8 seconds we did so let's say we want
to alter these and I've just again holding my shift key on the ones that I
want to alter so I've currently got into 8 seconds I'm going to change this now to
20 seconds and just see where the pictures end up just so it fits in here
music so that doesn't fit you can see just over so I'm just doing a bit of
rough guess in here really and we'll just go for 15 and we'll leave it at
that for now so all these are on for 15 seconds so the picture stays on the
picture stays on - just a bit longer the music to finish and if I really wanted
to go to town I could fade that out so fade to white for example right at
the end of this image here it just fade it out as the image goes off okay so I
could say we're happy with that we've got our title got a title for particular
section in the DVD and we've got some music background music so now we need to
get it to the DVD so we've created our movies that will be created our template
will be using pictures are all added so now we need to get it off our Mac so top
right hand corner who have a little arrow key it'll be used to using how
people used to use in this one we need to create a file at this point so I'll
click on the send to button or the share button click on that file okay so this
is our
create DVD so create a DVD on mac this video. Yours will be titled with
holiday snaps it be called holiday snaps or whatever your gonna call it so we'll
just call ours, the description is holiday snaps the title will be the same if
yours is let's do it right how are these snaps from 2017 so these are the titles
that will get carried across so we know what it is when we save it to the
Mac so you can get rid of these tags you don't need these to matter through there
anyway that's what that description resolution um again depending on what
you're going to be playing it back on really 720p be be no problem 540p will be ok
I'll leave it at the highest say for this stage doesn't really matter because
it moment it's just a video which will play on any computer as soon as you create
this as long as it's got the right codecs in but it's just a file really at
this point so perfect okay we've got 1080p you've got video and audio make
sure you're not on audio only or what you won't get the pictures across we've
named it click on next. It says what you want to save this as and called
so I'll title it what I have actually been doing so great a DVD to play under the TV
On Mac for free. Ok so it's gonna save its currently gonna save this into documents I don't
want it save its document so I saved into movies so I find it click on save
okay so now it goes away and saves it it will depend on how many pictures you've
got in it might take it a while and you can tell by this little circle in this
top box just near the share icon here and if I click on that you can see
they're exporting the thing that I just called it create a DVD to play on the TV
on Mac for free and it is telling us how long it is
and before it goes there so I'll just click in movies so you can see those the
one is currently creating nothing there yet and the little white bar tells me
there that it's nearly a quarter the way around so I will just speed this bit of
the video up like say if yours is all has quite a lot of pictures in it a lot
of music it will take longer to just produce this video
I shall go and have a look in finder close this one down we could quick show
I'll just have a look we shall just go into movies so is our here is our mp4
file so click preview so you can see what's going on
okay so you can see that the the film is playing fine the mp4 file is playing
fine playing our video how we want it to look so now we need to get it across to our
DVD so the program to use for this which is a free program so I'll just
open up Safari and then we'll just open up Google and the program that you need
is burn for Mac and I'll put this link down in the description below so you can just
click on that but this is the program it's called burn a little download icon
on the right hand side download that and run it on your Mac and I have already installed
it on my Mac so you can see it here but once you install that and you can
get rid of Google again obviously make sure you know where that you've
installed it to so now we need to open that let me just get rid of off the
screen so we can see what we're doing so I'll leave that one up there and I shall
open burn up so here is the small program not a great lot to this it's really
nice little tool so you have data audio video and copy what video and what this
does it converts it automatically for us that's even better
so I'm gonna give it a title so this is the title so if you're giving it to somebody
this a title they'll see when they insert the disc especially put it on a
computer it will say that the holiday snaps from 2017 I'm gonna call it type of
video it's going to be so we want a DVD video so we're creating a DVD video
calling it holiday snaps from 2017 make sure that you select obviously this
particular one here and it shows you the icon there what it's going to do then we
need to add this file into this window so we can then burn it on to our DVD
so if you haven't already you need to insert your DVD USB Drive so you could
just hear me that that's just me connecting the drive up and then you
should be able to see a remote disc which you see this window here I just
before we had these obviously this needs to be to make sure that it can see I was
currently saying there's no disc in there so I've got my drive connected and
I just need to insert disc and we'll let it detect the disc and then hopefully we
should be okay okay so you get this menu here was gonna ignore that for a second
In fact we will let it open finder it so brings up this box here it's got
recordable DVDs on title at the moment but this burn program will title it with
this once we have done well now we need to add the movie folder which is this
one here so I'll just click on a little plus icon down into movies pick our one
that we've just created click open it'll then tell us that it's the wrong
format and it needs to convert it so click on convert I am setting to pal if
your in America NTSC I'll leave my pal for the UK let's create this DVD movie click
on choose. It will then encode the MPEG file and pick file so it's the correct format
for the DVD and what burn does it makes all the, if you know anything about DVDs it
creates a video ts file and the particular files that your DVD player under
the TV can read yeah but also plays on computers obviously giving it somebody
and they've got it anything like that it'll play back on pretty much
anything sort of the standard that if your buying a commercial DVD that's what
it converts it to so let it do the encoding and
again I'll just speed this bit of the video up so I'll do the encoding at
first if that'll just wait for it to finish the encoding because once it's
finished the coding just click on the burn button which you can see in the bottom
right which is currently blanked out just doing the encode so it can
recognise the file so once it's finished that we can then burn our DVD and it know
100% and code it so now it's got the file format that it recognizes done all the
conversion now its needs clip burn click on burn says ok I'm gonna do it maximum
possible eight times it's going to send it to this drive so if you've got
multiple drives attached you need to pick which one it is
I only have the one which I've just plugged in click on the burn and then
you should get the same prompts on your screen so it opens the track on the DVD
and then just burns it to the actual section you can actually add themes
within this little program I'm not gonna go into that here but
again when I say a theme it means when you insert the DVD or move a window up
with different sections or chapters you can go to maybe a picture of background
picture if it's holday snaps for example of a certain photograph and then
with your section that says play click it to play that type of thing this the
way we've done it here or just soon as you insert the disc it will play
automatically once it's finished creating the actual the movie from the
file that we've added and again if you've done a large amount of photo of
music a lot of data there it's gonna be careful with how much disc space you've
got obviously this was only tiny you can see their total size is only 84 and the
85 megabytes which is nothing for the DVD you know which is 4.7 gig for a
single layer so plenty room on there but if you've got lots and lots of stuff
going there it might tell you that your oversized
unless you're doing a lot of photos then obviously I don't think you'll probably
go over that point especially if you're got a dual layer DVD in your writer can
write to them but once it's finished actually this is a small file so it
opens a session now it's closed in the session as soon as the Mac finished
unless yours is set differently what they usually do is once it's finished
the actual DVD it'll stop the burn and then it will play the DVD on your Mac in
the default player okay because of the software I'm using it won't let me
record the screen while it's playing a DVD he's just the thing was built in the
security measure Obviously if I stop recording you will see but you can see
in the DVD there and yours will play automatically okay so I hope this video
has have been helpful if it has please do subscribe please do like this video
any comments below if you'd like to see any other type of video please do leave
us any comment below and like I said please do subscribe to my channel it all
helps me in creating more videos for YouTube in helping people thank you very
much for watching the computer lab vids YouTube channel
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