Hello, everybody!
Welcome welcome happy Thursday thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out with
Me on another episode of sharing is caring Thursday i'm so excited to be here this is the last
Facebook, live of the year you guys can you believe it the next time i see you it's
Gonna be 2018 and it's gonna, be awesome i'm so excited?
Still a little under the weather but i'm a
Heck of a lot better for those of you in my northeastern friends i am so i'm so
Sorry, you guys are so cold, stay warm it's in the 30s here in texas and we're considered freezing at
That point so i got my little little quilt and i'm hanging out on myself in a day so all of y'all
Who are throughout the us, who are freezing you little took a sis off stay warm you guys, stay warm
For those of you, who don't know, me you're thinking, okay?
This, crazy!
lady's on Facebook Live i have no idea who she is
My, name is nicole grimes i am a, mother i'm a wife and i'm a. Business, owner it is because i'm a
Business owner that i am able to come to you guys once a week with a, new
Topic that topic that message i share with you guys is going to be something wrapped around inspiration because
We can all stand to be inspired throughout our days something motivational because sometimes, we get caught in our own?
Personal ruts in our, own personal situations when, we hear a story of how, someone overcame their?
Own adversity it keeps us focused on how?
We can get out of our own and i love?
That and motivates us to do that the third thing that i usually revolve around is something educational?
This, happens to be my, favorite you guys, and i'm not talking
About the education you get in a classroom or in college i'm talking about
Self-discovery you learn about, who you are what makes you tick, why are you so important, where do you belong in the world
who, do you, want to attract to you based on the person you are how to love yourself
Is what i love about the educational aspect, so that's, what i do there?
So with that being said, again
Thank, you guys so much for watching now or at the replay it doesn't matter the fact that
you've taken time out of your very busy
Schedules to hang out with me is awesome so thank you for that
Now let's go ahead and talk a little bit more about the fact that New Year's is like, what Monday, oh my?
Gosh it's gonna, smack us in the face so let, me, ask you guys a question are you
Like how i used to be where you would come up with one or two
Resolutions every, year and you'd be so gung-ho about it and say yeah i'm gonna
Do this i'm gonna do this and then you're doing it for like the first three weeks of january
Everything's pumping then something happens, whether it be work-related something with the family something happens to throw
You, off your rail and you never quite get back on and when you don't get back on that rail what happens nothing
Your your resolutions gone like you don't even
Bother with it anymore and then the next year comes around and you do the same thing, again it's
what i like to call the rub the resolution cycle
mind you it's a terrible cycle to be on I did it for like six or seven years you guys it was
Awful then i took the training a, while back and I learned some really cool
Tips and I did it this, year and guess what
You, guys it was a success I it was so successful that I just had to share it with y'all this
Year so let me talk a little bit about that the first step to having a resolution let
Me back it up a little bit a resolution is a goal, okay so a resolution goal whatever
You, want it to be that's what it is it's something that you really, want to accomplish okay, now that we've talked
About that let's talk, about the first step to having success in your resolution or your goal your first
step is clearly
Defining, okay get this clearly defining, what your ultimate goal is in that resolution now
Let me give you an example of what i mean like that
Most of us say yeah i'm gonna lose weight this, year and then, we get all excited right and then what happens
We don't actually do anything to lose the weight, why, let me explain, why cuz it's not clear enough see
We naturally as humans need to be as clear to ourselves as possible, we have to have a
Algorithm so to speak to make things work, so that, we work that way?
So here's an idea of how it should say it i want to lose
15 pounds in
Six months you see how
I, did that i've cleared it up, somewhat i'm just saying i want to lose weight that's only one variable you have to know
How much you, want to lose and by when now with that it's actionable so you
Want to make sure that your goal is very clear on what it is you're wanting to accomplish?
The second step that's important that works for me you guys and it sounds silly but it's so true is an action plan
For those of you, who are unsure of how an action plan is it's basically what, you're going to do step
By, step to help you reach that goal, okay
So it's important to make sure that you do this, and here's what
Your action plan should look, like in the example of losing weight that i was just talking about
I'm gonna, lose weight but
here's the stuff i got to take i need to exercise for 30 minutes on 3rd on monday i
Need, to maybe if you're, like, me eat less, sugar, so let's cut
Back on my, sugar intake for a little, while here eat more vegetables on
Wednesday that you gotta have you kind of have to move it around a little bit and see what is going to work for you?
But the reason, why?
You're! writing down these certain steps on each day is because you have to physically check off i
Did that i did that if you didn't do it then you can't check it off and then guess, what, you know
you Didn't do it so you've got to actually go back and do it
That's the, whole purpose of the action plan is to help you see where you did, well and where you didn't do?
Well make sense right so an action plan is a second step
the third
Step is something that i didn't think of before i did this training and i don't know i'm kind of curious of how?
Many of you guys, actually thought, about this too but that third, step is what i like to call a reward system
We talked, about rewarding our kiddos when they do, well you know
Like, my kids i'll say clean your room and then you guys can, have extra time on your on your devices or you know
Make, sure you, take care of the animals and then you can go outside and play with
Your friends that kind of stuff right but, we don't look at that a little bit deeper in our, own so in order to
See that you're doing, well even when you don't think you are you have
To, put small successes so here's what that looks like if you are
Looking to lose weight
We've already said i want to lose 15 pounds in six months, we run do a
Quick little map here okay 15 divided, by six two and a half pounds a month for six months okay
Which will give us our ultimate goal of losing 15 pounds a month now or 15 pounds in six months 15 pounds
A month that's not even healthy scratch that
So but anyway
you guys
Get my drift
two and a half
A month so what you do is you write down with month one two and a half pounds month two two and a half pounds
And you do that until you get to your six months okay?
Underneath, each month
What you do is you have, to put something that you're gonna enjoy something small, not major for women
We like to get our nails done so maybe you can, say the first month if i reach
my Two and a half pound weight loss i'll get myself a manicure or if the second month i will go get my hair done or
You know i'll get my eyebrows waxed whatever the case?
May, be whatever makes you happy you have to celebrate that see the majority of us usually when, we talk about losing weight
We say i want to lose like, five pounds in the first month and when we don't do it we get discouraged?
Make, yours a little more realistic and be fair to yourself we're only human but, make
Sure you reward yourself because the reward, system is truly gonna
Be what keeps you moving forward even when things kind of turn you the other way you be guys?
would be surprised like i
Did some silly stuff with mine where if i made it if i made my goal i would, go and treat myself to like
Dairy! Queen ice cream i know it sounds crazy but it was awesome so you do things that make you happy
Okay, but small things not anything
That has to be crazy the last step you guys the most important step to all of this in order for this to work you
guys, ready
action if you
don't take the
Action to do all this when you say that you're gonna have a
Resolution at the end at the beginning of the year it's a moot point because you're gonna do anything so you
Want to schedule and plan out, what your goal, is what it's gonna look like
And then take the action as long as you
take action and do it you will be successful at it i can honestly say you guys i did that i
Put out to myself last, year that i wanted to be home with
My kids and she'll generate an income and i'm doing that i'm home with, my kids i don't miss a beat with them now
And i'm generating an income from home so i have
Successfully for the first time in my entire life you guys
successfully i have done it i
Made it my first resolution Check, now, my resolutions for this year are a lot, bigger but, that's, okay?
because now i have a clear
Point of action that's what you need so i hope this was helpful for you, guys if you are
Wanting a little more information on how exactly you can
Create that action plan to the specific resolution or goal that you personally have you can, always let me know
Send me a quick message in the comment section you can, messenger me if you
Want if that's more comfortable i'm here to help you one of my, goals this
Year is to try to help, more people actually become successful with, their, new
Year's resolutions instead of being the majority of us who start off really, well and then don't finish, we don't
Want to be the ones that don't finish, we want to feel?
Like we've actually achieved something each year versus being stuck in that cycle so definitely let me know
you, guys
Thank you so much for watching i hope this was of value to you if it was drop a comment let me know if you
Think, that you know somebody
Who needs help with their resolutions and actually map in and out tagged them on this video and let, them know
That you know that's what it's here for and i'll be happy to share more information
And more insight with you if that's what
You're, looking for i look forward to seeing all of you next, year that's right because wow
We see each other it's, gonna be 2018 and i will talk to you all very soon
Happy, new year everybody?
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