john cena intro for mlg
YouTube Inferno: I Hate Everything - JMAA - Duration: 10:03.Aye alex, if you hate everything, does that mean you HATE YOURSELF?!?!
(intro music)
Heeeeeeeeeey gay devils, your boy PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWDIPLIER here
Today we roast I Hate Everything.
Guy is bad.
Really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY bad.
His channel name is I HATE EVERYTHING, but he DOES NOT HATE EVERYTHING!? *belch*
He loves Star Combat a pretty bit much, that huge manlet.
He says he's learnt to do clickbait from my arch nemesis man himself PewPiePoe, just
look at this, man!
He-e-e-ehe-he-he even is desperate to use arrows and shiet
We know IHE is a handsome man with big chin, but nobody EXCEPT ME PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY
Wow, great job, good job man, what a faggot, ahahaha yeah find a noose, man.
IHE is a ginger.
That's it.
And I hate gingers.
Gingers have no souls.
IHE never reveals his face, must be because he looks like this guy in real life.
Yeah, that's him, that's really him.
Also subscribe to Colossal
is Crazy.
And that's why he's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Where's the beer…
CoolJ2000, have you drank all my beer?!
(CoolJ2000) "I don't know what you're talking about!"
You goddamn bastard, buy me more beer!
(CoolJ2000) "Go home, you're drunk!"
Kopy is a closeted gay
Có Thể Tử Vong Nếu Ăn Rau Muống Theo Cách Này - Duration: 10:39.-------------------------------------------
Last video ever - Duration: 3:23.OK, so I really don't have much time.
We're going to be leaving as soon as we possibly can,
we're going to get as far away from here as possible.
The invasion force has already reached Frankfurt.
So... yeah.
Scary times, basically, and... What was I going to say? I mean...
We're going to try and survive as best we can.
If not, maybe some remnant of humanity will find this video.
And... what can I say?
The shock to me is that we have been essentially inviting the advance guard into our homes
for the past... well, for thousands of years.
And they've been observing us and they've discovered all of our weaknesses...
You know, all this time they've been reporting back home and we didn't know.
So now we've got the invasion of the Planet of the Cats.
Gigantic felines stalking the countryside,
killing everything in their path.
So as I said, we're going to get away from here as soon as possible.
The government is doing their best. They've got helicopters out dropping catnip
to try to lure them away from the centres of population as best they can.
I don't know what they're going to do with them then; I don't think anybody does.
But it's worth a try. Maybe it'll work, nobody knows.
We'll see how that happens.
Apart from that, we're going to try to get away from here as far south as we possibly can.
As I say, I don't know if I'm going to make it.
But if you are watching this video,
then all I can say is:
Don't trust the cats.
You know, that was the mistake that we made...
Ja ja, gleich!
My wife's calling me. We've got to go soon.
Ja ja, ich komm' schon!
Now, basically, so I'll just say goodbye.
And it's been great these last few years, but...
I don't know what's going to happen, so — I've got to go!
Thanks for watching. If you'd like to send me a postcard, here's the address.
And don't forget to visit my website and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Also, if you'd like access to special bonus content
and help with the costs of running this channel,
please consider making a small monthly donation on Patreon.
Travis Scott - coordinate feat. Blac Youngsta (Music Video) - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
#9 Why Was I Declined From Professional House Cleaners FB Group? - Duration: 11:28.Hi there.
I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you going to ask your house cleaning question,
I get to help you find an answer.
If you have a housecleaning question, you can ask your question right there on the website
So head on over there ask your questions.
Today's question came from a woman who wants to be in our Facebook group and was declined,
and she wants to know why.
Okay so let me back up a step.
I have a private Facebook group.
It is designed for professional house cleaners.
So if you work for housecleaning company, or if you own a house cleaning company, if
you clean houses all day every day for a living, this is a Facebook group for you.
It's called Professional House Cleaners - that's the name of our group.
Super simple right?
Okay cool.
So why didn't she get in our group?
Because you have to request to be in the group and then as the moderator, I have to approve you.
So to provide a better user experience for all of our users, and that's everybody that's
in the group, everybody who cleans houses for a living, I actually vet your
Facebook profile.
So what that means is, you say "I want in your group."
Well, who are you?
And then I'm going to click on your link which is your name, and it's going to take me to
your Facebook page.
Here's what I'm finding when I get to Facebook pages: I get there, and there's a picture
of a dog.
So the profile picture which is supposed to be your head, there's a dog.
Okay so am I letting a dog into the group?
It's very confusing.
Or there's a picture of somebody's mom who just recently passed away; they changed their
profile picture to a picture of a hundred-year-old woman.
In my mind, there's not a hundred-year-old woman that's out there cleaning houses.
So that's what you look like on your profile picture it raises red flags.
It doesn't mean you're not going to get in our group.
It just means that raises red flags.
There's a great big banner that goes across the top of the Facebook.
It called a cover photo.
You get to say in that cover photo whatever you want, but can I suggest that you put something there.
Lots of people just have plain black.
The plain black is where you used copyrighted information, and Facebook came in, and they're
like "You don't own that picture."
And they removed it from your profile.
So when you see someone that has a black cover photo that's what it means, it means that
they used some kind of picture or something copyrighted, or something from a movie, or
that they did not own the rights to, and Facebook basically just smacked their hands and took
that picture off.
So it's advertising space. This is free advertising space.
So if you run a business guess what?
You can put a business photo up of your business.
You can put a picture of you cleaning someone's house.
It's a perfect opportunity to share with your customers,
Did you see how I said that?
Share with your customers what you do for a living, and who you are.
Now me vetting your Facebook profile is no different than a prospect who wants to hire you.
Let's say that I run out, and I put flyers in all the neighborhood newspaper boxes.
If somebody says "Oh look, I would like to hire Angela." And they go to my Facebook
page and then they see pictures of blackness. There's nothing there, or they see pictures
of some random piece of jewelry.
That has nothing to do with housecleaning.
They're trying to get to know me. "Who is this person? Who is this perfect stranger that I'm
going to let inside my house?"
So use that cover photo to explain what you do. Now if you're not going to use it for
your business there a couple of things I might suggest.
If you have five dogs, have a picture of you playing with your five dogs.
The message that sends to me is "this is my house cleaner but she loves animals, she's
going to be really great with my five dogs."
Or a picture of you and your kids.
"This is a mom, she's got four children, and so now I understand that she lives on
a schedule.
That she also understands the importance of tidiness and organization.
I understand she's going to show up every time because she has four mouths to feed.
So it sends messages about the cover art that you have.
So for the profile picture that's over in the corner, make sure that it's a headshot
just like from here to here (Just below the shoulders to a bit above your head) it doesn't
have to be a full body shot, and it doesn't have to have anyone else in the photo,
this is not where you're hugging like three of your friends in your Facebook profile.
Ask if I'm a perfect stranger and I'm going to hire you, which of those three people am I hiring?
I don't know.
Make it super easy for people to know who you are.
There's one head in the picture.
"Oh, that must be the lady that's coming to clean my house."
On that cover sheet, the cover that goes over the top of your Facebook profile, have that
something to do with who you are, and what you do for a living.
You're sending a message.
Make sure it's a cohesive message with the business that you have which is house cleaning.
Okay now over in the about section, there's a little place there on Facebook where you
get to describe who you are.
Where did you go to school?
What kind of training do you have?
Do you have any credentials?
What is the name of your company?
The names that I use for my housecleaning business is Angela Brown.
My real name, my married name, is Angela Oberer.
But for 25 years I've used the name Angela Brown for my housecleaning.
Do you know how many Angela Brown's there are on Facebook?
So when a customer goes to find me on Facebook, and they type in "Angela Brown"
What do they find?
And how do they know I'm the Angela Brown that's coming to their house?
So on that about section write the ZIP code that you work in. I work in the zip code 28173.
And so when they're hiring me from their zip code "Oh it's Angela Brown who cleans houses
because she said so in her profile, working in zip code 28173.
That's the same Angela Brown that I'm looking for."
So you can leave little bread crumbs.
You can leave clues to help people discover who you are on social media.
Now why you did not get in my club, how about this:
There's nothing in the profile that says who you are.
There's nothing that says what you do.
There's nothing that says where you went to school.
There's nothing about your training.
I have no idea if you're actually a house cleaner.
My group is specifically for owners of house cleaning companies or people who work for housecleaning
companies. That's it.
If all that is in your profile is that you love tattoos, I have no idea if you're actually
the person that I'm looking for my housecleaning group.
And then I'm going to look at your timeline.
The timeline is super important.
Because if you have all these hateful posts that are prejudice, that are full of curse
words, and all kinds of negativity in them, you're not getting in my group.
I don't want to bring that into my group anymore than a person who wants to hire you, wants
to bring that inside their home.
When a person hires you, they are bringing a perfect stranger into their most valuable
asset which is their home.
They're going to have you working around their family, and their kids, and their elderly
parents, and their pets.
They want to make sure the person they are bringing in is a good, top quality person.
Just by all the same tokens that I want to have a really good, top quality person inside
my club.
So if for some reason you did not get approved to be in my Facebook group, go back and look
at those four things:
Look at your profile picture.
Look at your cover art.
Look at the about section where it says what you do, and who you are.
And then look at your timeline.
What are the things that you're talking about?
What are the things that you're posting timeline?
You might get the other three things wrong but you've got things in your timeline it's
a hey I clean house it's maybe I'll give you a lucky break maybe you get into the group.
My object is to provide the best user experience with everyone that's in our group.
So yes, in fact, I do vet you before you get into the group.
And if you get declined for some reason, I will probably send you a little note back
this says these are the reasons why you got declined.
Punch up your Facebook profile, punch up your cover art, punch up your about section, and
punch up your timeline.
And then it might be, there's one other reason you might not get in.
If you have zero posts, and you have zero friends, that screams SPAM at me.
This person just joined Facebook today.
And then I think well that's odd, because Facebook is been around for years and everybody's
on Facebook.
Are you new to Facebook?
Did you just discover social media?
I mean that's possible, right?
That is possible.
My parents just discovered Facebook like 2 years ago.
They have Facebook pages and they have no idea how to post.
It's so cute, but there are people just discovering Facebook for the first time.
So if that's the case, then you need to make some friends.
Find the people that you're connected with.
Make some posts.
Create an online presence.
I promise you this, if I'm going to hire you for house cleaning, and I check your Facebook
profile there are no friends, and there are no pictures, and there are no posts,
Guess what? You're a ghost!
I'm not going to hire you to come to my house.
I don't know you.
I can't vet you.
I can't find anything online about you, and I don't trust you.
I don't trust you. Why?
Because there are no breadcrumbs, there are no trails leading back to you.
So make this super easy on yourself, it doesn't matter whether or not you want in our
Facebook group.
If you are online, and you have a business, you need to have a business profile that links
back to you.
Even if it's a personal page, you need to say on your personal page who you are and
what you do.
"Owner of Savvy Cleaner", that's it.
"Oh yeah, she is in fact in the cleaning business."
Boom you're in.
Super easy.
So the reason I bring this up is because I didn't make up the rules. But they're like
1.86 billion people as of February 2017 that are on Facebook.
Okay, so, I didn't make this up.
People will check your Facebook page to see if you're valid, so make sure you're valid
that's all I'm saying.
Okay, that's it for today's tip.
If you like today's tip please share it.
Re-tweet it. Re-pin it, repost it, whatever you do on social media.
Don't forget to subscribe.
And if you have a question, head on over to leave us a question.
And until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
RÊN ÂM Ỉ khi ai cũng nghĩ 30 tuổi chưa lấy chồng thì mất ZIN rồi - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
Some Suspicioius Things That Are Felt To Be Weird And Not So Right! - Duration: 1:19.Some Suspicioius Things That Are Felt To Be Weird And Not So Right!
After having a look at these pictures, you will feel that there is something which is
not so right about them.
There are the weird element and something wrong with them.
Let's have a look at these pictures and get to know about the suspicion!
Is There Something Wrong?
Kid Dies Or Its Kiddies
Spanish Spanish Spanish
Please Proof Read This Report Once More CNN
Got It?
Is She Flying?
Is It Possible?
You Need?
Sickers Or Almojoy?
The 3 Stages of Your Financial Life - Duration: 1:34.What are the three stages in your financial life?
The first stage is preparing for life's uncertainties.
The second stage is managing your net worth and the third stage is managing retirement
and your estate.
The base of the pyramid is preparing for life's uncertainties.
Insurance is the most cost-effective way to deal with this.
Insurance can include life and health insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance,
home and auto insurance and insurance against other perils.
Adequate liquidity in your investments or in cash to cover emergencies along with a
will is important.
The next level involves managing your money.
Investment strategies should include diversification and risk management.
The best option is to review you goals with a professional.
The top tier addresses retirement and estate planning.
The ultimate goal is to ensure that you have income and assets for as long as you live.
Your investments should be in line with your specific situation, goals and risk tolerance.
An estate planning professional can provide you with documents necessary to ensure a planned
distribution to beneficiaries.
The three stages sound simple yet few people adequately prepare for any of them.
We can work with your tax and legal professionals to develop a plan to help you reach your financial
So please give us a call today.
HÒ HÉT ẦM Ỹ khi thấy bồ của chồng đang HỨNG TÌNH trong nhà mình - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
The Ottoman Lieutenant / Osmanlı Subayı Türkçe Altyazılı Fragman - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
মহিলাকে টাকার লোভ দেখিয়ে প্রেম তারপর সুজুক বুজে ধর্ষণ করে BISHAKTO BANGLA - Duration: 20:05.রাস্তা থেকে তুলে এনে তিন হারামি মিলে হাত পা গণধর্ষণ করল অশহায় মেয়েটিকে BISHAKTO BANG
Clash Of Clans 1500 Gems Hack 2017 100% Legit (coc) - Duration: This Video
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Sherdley Park - Duration: 5:44.-------------------------------------------
BREAKING: THE REAL FAKE NEWS - INTERTEN - EP 1 - Duration: 2:43.This week, on Real Fake News, Lindsay
Lohan thought of a new social media
celebrity game show. The show hasn't been
made - the 'news' is that Lindsay Lohan
had a thought. In one week Chuck Berry
and Chuck Barris passed away. The Reaper's
Chuck Eradication Program is in full
swing. Hide your Converse sneakers. Bernie
Sanders posted a 14-minute Facebook
attack on Donald Trump. How much time
does he think he has left? Hello and
welcome to Fake News. I'm Mark Lombard.
Real Fake News is brought to you by...
Clickbait! Don't care who Brad's dating
now or what Melania Trump's IQ is? Then
follow clickbait to websites that
probably won't even tell you. Try
clickbait today for your introductory
offer - you'll waste all your time making
revenue for others. Clickbait. Click it.
Click it good. At a speech on Saint Patrick's
Day, Hillary Clinton said she was ready
to come out of the woods, a comment that
generated existential angst as the
audience could not see how Clinton
was both in the woods and speaking to
them at Scranton, Pennsylvania. Clinton
confirmed it was just a metaphor,
tensions eased and the audience lowered
their pitchforks. Clinton said she didn't
know why she metaphorically went into
the woods. She could have metaphorically
laid on a beach, hiked in the mountains, or
skied in St. Moritz, but the woods
metaphor felt right. It reflected her
post-election mood which she described as
being as dark as the point in Hansel and
Gretel where the kids end up in the oven.
During questions, the former Secretary of
State agreed that her life was like a
fairy tale. She had hoped it would be the
kind, like Cinderella, where she'd be
reunited with the White House - her
metaphoric glass slipper - but sadly it ended
up being the other kind where a lonely
old woman goes into the woods and is
attacked by an orange troll with small
hands and crazy fairy floss hair.
Now that Secretary Clinton is out of the
metaphoric woods, she says she would like
to return to metaphoric anonymity which
she conceded would still involve more
media attention than she received during
last year's election campaign. Real Fake
News is brought to you by: Full screen
autoplay ads that are 27 times the
normal volume! That's a lot that happened!
Okay, we'll see you at the end of the week.
Advertising. Because TV's dead and it
needs something else to ruin. Now, finance,
and commodities. Iron ore is as hot as a
wok. Broccoli has been chopped at
fifteen cents a floret. Carrots are a
quarter of their value after a series of
julienning incidents, and, finally fish
sauce has announced a merger with hoisin
sauce in a deal that is set to tickle
the market's umami taste buds. And that's
finance. Now go make some money - or a
stir-fry. And that's the Real Fake News
for this week. Remember, believe what you
hear, not what I tell you. I'm Mark Lombard.
Or am I?
Chỉ vì sinh con gái mà tôi TƠI TẢ vì nhà chồng ĐOẠT TÌNH - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
DIY: Hasenohren, Arme und Beine für dein Amigurumi häkeln - Duration: 14:44.Hi and warmly welcome to Fluffy's Crochet Corner!
Today I show you how to crochet ears, arms and legs for your amigurumi rabbit or bunny
We begin with long ears. Do a magic ring and insert 6 single crochets.
After you did your 6 single crochets pull the magic ring tight
In the next round do 6 increases
Come out with 12 single crochets
In the next round do [1 single crochet, increase] 6 times
Come out with 18 stitches
Next do 10 simple rounds with 18 single crochets each
In the next round do [7 single crochets, decrease] 2 times
I like to use the invisible decrease technique, which you do as follows
Insert hook into the front loop of the first stitch, then into the front loop of the second stitch
You now have 3 loops on your hook. Pull your yarn through two of them
And then pull it through the resulting two loops
Do 4 rounds with 16 single crochets each
In the next round do [7 single crochets, decrease] 2 times
Of course you best use the invisible decrease technique again
Therefore insert hook into the front loop of the two stitches
Get your yarn through two of the three loops on your hook
and pull it once again through the remaining two loops
Afterwards you do 4 rounds with 14 single crochets each
In the next round do [5 single crochets, decrease] 2 times
Afterwards do 4 rounds with 12 single crochets each
Sew the ears to the head
Always do one stitch into the head and then one into the last round of the ear
And then pull it really tight, so you cannot see the stitch anymore
When you are back where you started
Tie yarn end to the ear and hide it somewhere inside the head.
Next we do the arms.
Start with a magic ring and insert 6 single crochets
And pull tight in the end
In the second round do 6 increases
Come out with 12 single crochets
Do two round with 12 single crochets each
In the next round do [single crochet, decrease] 4 times
Use the invisible technique if you like
Come out with 8 stitches
Do 7 rounds with 8 single crochets each
Ready you are with the arm, you may now cut your yarn end
Stuff a little filling into the hand
and sew the arms to the body.
As you see here, I personally like to see on the legs first and do the arms afterwards, but you may also sew them on now, this is up to you.
Start the legs with a magic ring and 6 single crochets as you are now well used to
Pull tight at the end
Then once again do 6 increases
and come out with 1 stitches
Then do 4 rounds with 12 single crochets each
In the next round do [4 single crochets, decrease] 2 times
At the end you should have 10 stitches left
Stuff just a little bit
From now on you do a small bit in rows
To get the first row, press the foot together like this and do 5 single crochets, inserting hook always through two stitches of the last round
Chain 1 and turn
and do 5 single crochets back
Then chain 1, turn and do another 5 single crochets
This time, you do not chain, but do a decrease by just crocheting on without it,
then do 1 single crochet
and one decrease. I use the standard decrease technique, here, because it is better when working in rows, I think
Ok, so now we have to work our way up.
In order to do so do 12 single crochets in a circle onto the foot as follows:
Start with 3 single crochets at the back
then do another 3 at the side
(no surprises here)
but then you have to work right across the foot like this with another 3 single crochets
(always get one single crochet of the foot on your hook and then work your single crochet around it)
finally do another 3 single crochets on the other side
and come out with 12 stitches
In the next round do 12 single crochets
In the next round do 2 increases at the front, apart from that do single crochets around
this is where I do my two increases
and then go on with single crochets until the end of the round and come out with 14 stitches altogether
Same thing in the next round: 2 increases at the front, apart from that single crochets around
Come out with 16 stitches
And one last time: 2 increases at the front, apart from that single crochets around
End up with 18 stitches
Do 2 rounds with 18 single crochets each
In the next round do [single crochet, decrease] 6 times
Afterwards you stuff the foot.
Now, this is a bit tricky, because the amigurumi will stand best when the foot is tightly stuffed, but it looks nicer when there is just a little bit filling in the foot...
So, you decide what is more important
Then you do 6 decreases to close the leg
When you have done the other leg in the same way you sew both legs onto the body
Last thing we have to do is the tail.
I do it in rose according to the heart on the front, but of course you can do it in any colour you like
Once again you start with a magic ring and 6 single crochets into it
Then increase 6
Come out with 12 stitches
In the next round do 12 single crochets
Then decrease 6
Stuff the tail a little
And sew it to the body
So this is you easter bunny!
Thanks for watching and of course have a nice easter holiday you all!
See you soon on Fluffy's Youtube channel.
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