You won't believe how much 'brand Princess Charlotte' is already worth (and it's more than George) - Duration: 2:02.Princess Charlotte is hot on the heels of her mum, the Duchess of Cambridge, when it
comes to her 'brand'.
While the clothes worn by her mother, from her Issa engagement dress to those KLK Bennett
wedges, sell out in a matter of minutes thanks to the 'Kate effect', so do the items worn
by the little princess in public.
Just hours after Kensington Palace released a photograph to celebrate the royal toddler's
second birthday, visits to the website of UK department store John Lewis spiked, as
parents desperately tried to add the embroidered yellow cardigan to their shopping basket.
The �10 (�12) jumper sold out in a few short hours.
And now it's estimated that Princess Charlotte's brand is worth a whopping �3 billion (�3.5
billion) despite the fact she has just turned two years old.
That's �1.5 billion a year peopl.
London based branded business valuation and strategy consultancy Brand Finance Group estimated
she's worth more than her older brother Prince George who is worth �2.4 billion.
Speaking to Marie Claire, Brand Finance's marketing and communications director Robert
Haigh said, "This is actually as simple as the relative size of the men's and women's
fashion markets, by which I mean that Charlotte's endorsement effect will likely be felt across
a much broader range of products and brands or types of clothing than will George's, allowing
a greater scope for the monetization of her 'brand' and hence a higher value."
She's following in the footsteps of her mum who is estimated to be worth �4.7 billion.
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How To Stop Chunking The Golf Ball With 3 Simple Drills - Duration: 4:08.Well that was a pretty ordinary shot.
If I wasn't on a mat and I was on grass.
I would have taken a huge divot about that thick.
And the divot would have gone further than the golf ball.
If you suffer from chunking the ball or hitting the ball fat.
This video is for you.
Stay tuned.
So if this is your first time here.
This channel is all about helping you play better golf.
Today I am going to take a look at what causes you to chunk the ball or hit the ball fat.
You saw on tht little demonstration there that I did exaggerate it a bit.
But most people hit the ball fat because as they are coming down.
They're getting trapped on their back foot.
And they are staying back And that makes me hit way behind the golf ball.
So it creates this reverse weight shift or reverse pivot.
We want to try and get our weight shift going through the shot.
And that is going to stop you hitting it fat.
As soon as you start falling back and you do it because you are trying to hit it in
the air.
So in every other sport but golf you hit and you lean back and you hit up.
In golf we have to hit down a little bit.
So one of the ways I would get you doing it is to as you are coming down just to get that
left hip turning out of the way and forward.
So if you can get that left hip turning out of the way and forward.That makes your contact
point closer to the ball.
And it's getting your weight on to the front foot.
And you are not likely to hit it fat like I did on that demonstration.
One of the good ways I recommend for you to practice tht is to use a ball.
And I call this one bounce the ball drill.
We take our set up holding the ball and I swing the ball back.
I have got to then bounce the ball out that way.
By doing that I am transferring my weight quite well.
I will do it from this angle as well.
By me thinking about bouncing the ball you can see my hips are turning left and sliding
So I will give it a go.
There it is there.
Sorry about that camera.
So it's a great drill to do.
You can do it against a wall and it really does help improve your weight shift.
The other way I can recommend that you can get yourself out of this.
Is to place a lie board down behind the golf ball.
So I have got that about 6 inches behind th ball.
If I do that bad swing and fall back to my right.
You can hear that loud impact.
And that's not really the impact there.
That was less so but I was still falling back.
So what we are trying to achieve is a swing where the club comes down and hits somewhere
between the lie board and thr golf ball.
So we just.
You don't have to do full swings.
You can see the ball going forward.
My weight shift was going forward.
That certainly helps you to stop it.
The last way I have got today to think about how we are going to fix this problem is an
old one.
I used to do this one when I was a kid.
Feet together.
Knees together.
If you start falling back to your right.
You are going to lose your balance.
So all we do here is put feet together, knees together.
And we just try to stay nice and balanced and we don't hit it fat.
There is 3 ways that will help you to get out of that bad habit.
Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.
I am Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.
And if you like my videos, you can click on the round avatar down the bottom there.
You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.
You can also sign up to my electronic newsletter at
░▒▓ The Perfect Golf Swing For Beginners - Duration: 2:34.The Perfect Golf Swing For Beginners
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