hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and welcome back to Crash Bandicoot cortex
strikes back which is the second installment of the crash bandicoot
insane trilogy and last episode we tried to finish an entire floor in one episode
and we fail and we did get four levels done those so now we're going to jump
right into air crash which I'm pretty sure is the one where you flies and um a
perfect run up to a death platform makes it appear okay I thought it was the one
where you ride in the airplane but I guess that's a warp that must be in the
third one see now the second of the third game our motion together just like
at the beginning oh yeah this is this is the cream level okay so rushing up to an
invisible platform makes it appear huh oh it's okay I have it these platforms
are really tiny it's fine though yeah so fun fact I don't know if you guys
noticed but I'm starting to get on an RPG maker kick with a horror game RPG
maker in pixelated horror games is what I'm going to start trying to do so bear
with me guys it's going to be like a binge I have a lot installed my PC right
now that I have to get off so there may be a few up games that aren't in that
exact category oh yeah I'm not timed last time all the time oh I totally
missed it okay fine you try I did yeah good extra it's okay
I have a map master cool oh the bonus level give me day yeah you see that was
kind of our downfall I think last episode was the bonus levels like I feel
like I feel like if I wouldn't have jumped on
all the bonus levels I would have maybe maybe had a chance to finish all these
levels in one run all she does the butt flop she doesn't
do the belly flop here's the beauty clock that's so awesome they call it a
ground pounder ground oh my geez hey yeah done did him I got him mouths
L&T easy that was not a bad bonus level this is the easy bonus level I think
that was meant to be the first level in this world actually but guess what it
wasn't yeah buddy oh yeah I think this was because this is
really lucky to unknown ended or drownded did and then not mean to do
that okay it's fine fine we're doing so guys takes like first time I've ever
gotten eaten by those so that's good ah ain't gonna kill me today this is our
fast in this one the first one they're not near as fast but then again I don't
know are you kidding me the timings all jacked up it's okay spinny spin and jump
jump spin spin to run run yeah bottle oh no I could have totally
got that it's fine
so that was definitely the crystal and now it's not so that's that's fine I
guess whatever whatever so how can the gym can
I just jump oh I can't just jump off whatever how a monkey in a box is in
fine okay all right okay I'm not going to get a game over I'm not going to get
my first game over yet last game like first Crash Bandicoot it
took me so long to get my first game I'm awake I'm away to sake it no go go go go
go go go go go go go go let's do this oh
my god hands right there that's the end Oh fine totally fine totally fine we can
do this hey come on come on cute come on yeah we're good we're fine kind of hard
it's not the easiest thing in the world
don't jump on the Nitro no example on the night replies to Rhine yay ok
literally only I have the boxes that's fine oh I've never gone through
one of those crystals before alright boss time boss I'm leading 10 of 25
crystal you're on your way I'm running low on power so communication from this
I'm counting on you okay whatever you say I'm gonna switch now the bridge
traffic goes crash to fight the Bob the boss the comodo brothers huh that sounds
fantastic sounds great direct attacks don't hurt them
oh good good so you have to make them hurt each other you know what I think
yep I think I remember this Bob I don't remember how to do it
I was never skid oh they're so happy all right what are you doing so they're just
doing the spinny spin fact all I see ok does easy that's easy-peasy she's gotta
knock them into each other ching ching ching ching okay so I'm assuming you
don't judge swords I'll wait for him to get all dizzy hey coin yeah boy
yeah okay that's not bad this is pretty easy I think I got this okay hit me
piston try to hit him again you don't want on fun yeah it's gonna get like
ridiculous now whoa Oh Joe he throws swords to now second
part Jaws with the spinny that's good to know
okay okay say you don't have to knock you might towards them you just hit him
any just doesn't think that's cool
this is such a cool boss I think miss boss is only in this one game watch I'm
probably wrong but again yeah it doesn't matter you can hit him anywhere I hit
him like opposite direction he was like yeah whatever I like the
music alright gonna get real it's not a gear really real you know you don't even
know yeah I beta um Abby qu l le that's pretty easy
come on uh no mo yay I love how creative they get with these trophies it's so
cool that's awesome it's awesome Oh th om all right up we go
he was next oh it's all watery now okay unbearable
that sounds good we got more massages good show crash the Komodo brothers
obviously lack your mettle but now's not the time to get caught there are still
many crystals to obtain remember the world is counting on you
I want me to unbearable cuz I'm pretty sure this is the one this
is the one where you run from the jump the giant bear opens a secret passage oh
yeah oh yeah cool that's cool I think I am gonna look for that secret passage
because that sounds awesome Oh th om wow it's like a whole different
field it's not all I see anymore okay whoa whoa oh I'm done guy Eva did are
you so happy oh he's happy oh it's like a dingo dog
eyes like a bee oh no good look at her ha ha ha oh he doesn't think scary
noises though Vinnie is he's a happy bird he's ready to happen
so what speaker pastor says he opened one secret passage can I
I guess pay attention hey friend oh so once he hits there he doesn't aw
poor bud be there's more bears holidays when I'm he's covering for my new wish
he's not happy oh my God he's so happy he's like I
succeeded I killed the Bandicoot Oh
I'll just run just run just run just run runs runs it's run ha its benefit can
you see a lizard Oh top secret passage that's got to be the
secret passage I'm trying it is you can see your face is way whoa whoa boying
so it's not the bonus no it's not the bonus level okay so no dying allowed in
here you diet here you die in real life and
real life in the game with me going going no I'm not going to lose all my
life from the secret passage it's not gonna happen that way it's just not it's
not it sucks when these levels are structured like bonus levels because I'm
very very bad a bonus level oh no oh no it's okay I can maybe yes no does it I
thought I did it oh I still got it good good the one thing I don't like about
the three master is all the motion blurs there's so much motion blur and who
alright pretty and a bullet in a jump no don't
spin out within jump me know there is a checkpoint okay all right
oh there's a crystal I'm gonna get the crystal let me go back let me go back
I'm not gonna die I'm gonna get a national life because I'm really close
to get an extra life pulling pulling pulling pulling okay we're fine
oh no oh no daddy's gonna game oh we're gonna die the Bears gonna eat hey buddy
hey buddy how are you gonna be sad look sleepy flew and sliding again fine we're
not gonna freak out like we did last time
hey I see you p.m. honey and all the lizards are like we're not gonna not
going to let that happen on no sir yeah we're pretty much here already good
good yeah okay this is slide and a man's a joke man Phoebe boost and Bing spin
and jump and jump and jump oh no keep going keep going keep going
to go a table way now all the lasers and then the secret passageway perfect I'm
sorry friend the poacher probably got him that's what's bad it's put this guy
alright so we're back didn't take much try harder than to get here okay head
jack head dick oh no always so damn did it though it's fine yeah oh okay hey God
let the bull out do this thing and then boink oh I got a slide jump yeah and
yeah and Hudiburg ah hahaha okay
and jump it's really really difficult to climb you jump okay fine
finish man and jump it's an inch every type of cancer Pacific Asia Pacific Lynn
stands up Jeff and Jeff and Jeff finish line if I ever invincible Phil that's
that quite but it checkpoint prayin doing this wrong like the end of the
level is a bonus level and we're all invited to the party
wow he did not die that's Nitro hey nitro wing pulling coin and jump over to
bullet how am I doing this all right here and finish pin and her
and no dang it hey fine fine we can figure this out hell yeah we have play
alive oh my god you have to jump on it three times to
break the armor got it all right no you can't duck kid duck you've got to do
good to know didn't know this information good info damn okay yeah the
jump on the thing you three times break it I'm not gonna do that
I'm just gonna take a nice easy math amazing ya doing and good yeah hey wait
for it and jump and spin yeah okay yeah okay we're fine so Paul
okay good in another math I'm to get the Masters okay
alright alright okay we're blinken still no we're not dang it oh come on fine
Oh all the way back here oh boy I'll get fine so much for running from a
bear so much for running from a bear this whole level of me gonna be doing
this one level shattered not read from a beer basically what I'm doing is I'm
forfeiting the fun part of the level to do the hard part basically what this is
maybe it's a shortcut like on Mario we sort cut like on Mario
very go now I'll have the gold in my yeah thank you hit now but don't jump
and now a jump and now reach up anyway spin jump and spin and AD let's probably
do some shortcut through the hole look
you've got to be joking you've got to be joking that was just to
get the extra boxes that's all that no screw Artie did one bonus level not
doing another you know I don't care about boxes whatever alright let's go
finish this close so the fine don't it
see I look funny is I'm probably still not gonna get all the boxes whoa
or maybe I will I don't know home to try as well may have to try I'm here so I
mean yeah I did oh okay okay okay ah dah does that count still maybe that
does maybe it counts though dancy no I forgot you get the room from
the thing while you're on the bear I don't yeah I totally forgot that
dudes crazy said hey hey Geoffrey to TMT holy geez this is crazy especially when
you're running towards the cameraman amazed away hard Oh My lordy
oh no polar got runned over that's probably his mommy anyway Jenna get all
the boxes no oh come on I did all that for nothing
well guys that was unbearable and the kimono brothers and you know what I'm
glad I got that level out of the way excel were taken forever so I got to go
ahead and finish the episode up here I hope you guys enjoyed watching me run
from a polar bear and poachers and metal porcupine opossum armadillos I was like
already put some armor dillos so anyway if you guys did enjoy make sure you slap
that like button underneath the video and until next time I'll see you guys
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