Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 16 2017

I'm hoping to get a million views for this

I'm hoping to get a million views for this

For more infomation >> I'm hoping to get a million views for my cute kitten video - Duration: 5:27.


Pokémon R/S/E - City & Town themes (PIANO) - Duration: 24:15.

Hoenn City and Town Themes

Piano Covers by We Are Magikarp!

Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

For more infomation >> Pokémon R/S/E - City & Town themes (PIANO) - Duration: 24:15.


The Queen Ordered Charles and Diana's Divorce and More Dramatic Details You Didn't Know - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> The Queen Ordered Charles and Diana's Divorce and More Dramatic Details You Didn't Know - Duration: 5:22.


COMEDY SOUNDTRACK (background music) MARCH OF THE SPOONS - Kevin MacLeod - Duration: 3:08.

This is COMEDY SOUNDTRACK music. Background music! MARCH OF THE SPOONS - Kevin MacLeod!

For more infomation >> COMEDY SOUNDTRACK (background music) MARCH OF THE SPOONS - Kevin MacLeod - Duration: 3:08.






For more infomation >> FASHION TRENDS 2017 | NEW STYLING TRICK OUTFIT PLANNING - Duration: 2:05.


After Watching This, You Will Surely Eat Eggs Every Day | Health Benefits of Eggs - Duration: 2:23.

After Watching This, You Will Surely Eat Eggs Every Day | Health Benefits of Eggs

After Watching This, You Will Surely Eat Eggs Every Day | Health Benefits of Eggs

After Watching This, You Will Surely Eat Eggs Every Day | Health Benefits of Eggs

After Watching This, You Will Surely Eat Eggs Every Day | Health Benefits of Eggs

After Watching This, You Will Surely Eat Eggs Every Day | Health Benefits of Eggs

For more infomation >> After Watching This, You Will Surely Eat Eggs Every Day | Health Benefits of Eggs - Duration: 2:23.


Spellcrow Miniatures - Kujo Painting [Review] - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Spellcrow Miniatures - Kujo Painting [Review] - Duration: 3:08.


The Hidden SECRETS Casinos DO NOT Want You to Know - Duration: 7:45.

"Gambling: the sure way of getting nothing for something," or so American playwright

Wilson Mizner once said.

While this may not be a universal truth, in real life, it's almost always true.

Gambling involves the wagering of money or something of value on a game or event which

has an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning, and it is also considered

to be one of the most insidious of human vices that can quickly lead a person down the path

of financial ruin.

The odds are rarely – if at all – ever in your favor, and when they are, it's usually

just an illusion to get you to gamble more.

The gambling industry has come a long away over the centuries that have passed, and now,

various types of gambling activities are housed in a facility known as a "casino."

These casinos are often built near or combined with hotels, restaurants, retail shopping

centers, cruise ships and other tourist attractions.

And these facilities are also notorious for their efficiency, precision and ingenuity

of separating people from their money.

And once you get inside one, that casino will make sure you've loss as much money as possible

before they let you leave.

To possibly give players an advantage over the casinos, or for the sake of just evening

the playing field, some casino experts over the years have shared some of the dirty little

secrets that casinos don't want people to know about.

And here are a few of them.

First and foremost, it is important to always keep in mind that casinos are all about the

art of seduction.

The facility's design intended to get you lost; the bright lights that are supposed

to capture your attention; the cheerful sounds you hear that make you think that someone

is always winning; and the alluring scent that makes you want to stick around and play

– all these are cleverly designed psychological schemes that seduce you to take more money

out of your wallet.

Casino design is not only a matter of architecture and aesthetics, it's a psychological exercise.

It's an intricate process that involves the optimization of a casino's floor plan,

décor and atmospherics to seduce people into gambling.

For example, in Las Vegas, there are two typical hotel/casino designs: the classing "gaming"

style, and the more modern "playground style."

The classic "gaming" style design emphasizes gaming décor above all else, from the facility's

low ceilings to its maze-like floor plans that somehow almost always lead you back into

the casino.

Casinos design with "playground" style, on the other hand, are spacious, open, airy

and luxurious.

Inside a casino, time seemingly comes to a standstill.

One in the morning is one in the afternoon, and vice versa.


It's because there aren't any windows or clocks inside a casino to give you any

indication that a significant amount of time has passed and that it's time to stop.

While there may be windows at the entrance or exit at these gambling facilities, once

you walk further into the casino, you won't get to see a single speck of daylight.

When customers play a game of blackjack or pull the lever on a slot machine, time is

wasted away much faster than they're aware of, which is why casinos don't place any

clocks to tell you whether it's time to sleep, eat, or leave before you lose what

remains of your money.

Inside the casino, it's a truth universally acknowledged that just about every game is

tilted in the house's favor.

But according to casino experts, some gambling games rip people off more than others.

There's a reason why casinos usually place slot machines nearest to the entrance: they

are more likely to make a lot of money for the house.

Which is why if you do play inside a casino, you're chances of success are much higher

playing at the tables than trying your luck with the machines.

Novice gamblers prefer to play at the slot machines because they're simple and require

low minimums.

However, because the play is very fast and randomized, it is more likely for players

to lose more money than they actually win.

Table games, on the other hand, are much slower-paced, giving players more time to strategize and

contemplate making better and safer bets, especially when more players are gambling

at a table.

Even at the tables, there are games that are worse than others.

At the top of the list are what they call "carnival games," which have high house


On this list includes table games such as Let it Ride, Three-card poker, and Caribbean


Double Exposure Blackjack, in particular, has over nine percent house advantage against


So, if you plan on playing at the tables of a casino, it's still best to stick to the

traditional card games.

Casinos are infamous for offering their guests an abundant number of special perks and freebies.

But inside these gambling facilities, nothing is ever really free of charge, even if they

tell you otherwise.

No matter how much free items they receive or complimentary drinks they drink, customers

will still end up paying for what was given to them one way or another.

Some casinos offer their customers free parking, hotel stays, spa packages, tickets to shows,

and even ringside seats for fights.

However, these special perks are only given if you spend enough money playing in their


There's a one-to-one correlation between gambling and the rewards they give, which

means if they think you're not playing enough, then you have to play more if you want to

enjoy those complimentary drinks at the bar.

If you want to eat, drink and live like a high roller, then you have to play like a

high roller.

And even if you are careful with your money, the house still finds a way to earn from their

guests by charging them hidden fees they label as "resort fees" or "concession and

franchise fees."

While it's become the practice of many hotels all over the country to add surcharges onto

bills to cover the rising utility costs and for the use of special amenities, like swimming

pools and tennis courts, these surcharges are now extended to even the most ludicrous


These establishments impose tax on a tax, adding fees to cover for the live entertainment,

for the fact that the building is in a prime real estate location, and even for tap water.

Casinos rake in billions of dollars every year, which is why it is not surprising that

their security is infamously tight.

Minimizing cheating, theft and other potential losses is their top priority at all times.

But of course, gone are the days where large mafia guys in slick suits beat people up for


Since then, casino security has become more high-tech, with their owners spending millions

of their billions to ensure the security of their vaults and the safety of their players.

Every gambling facility uses state-of-the-art closed-circuit television so that security

will be able to monitor every square inch of the establishment.

In fact, for a large venue like the MGM Grand, the venue is surveilled by more than 2,000

cameras which are connected to 50 monitors.

With the level of technology at their disposal, they can even zoom in on your cards and follow

you throughout the building to ascertain that you're not cheating.

The 'Big Brother' of casinos is always watching you, especially if you win big, or

you're on a major hot streak.

According to casino experts, when someone is winning a lot of money, they're always

going to get checked by security, and the customer won't know that he's under scrutiny.

Their intention is not to harass the winner but to make sure that he legally won, and

that he didn't cheat.

Once security realizes that the win is legitimate, they move on to the next big winner.

Plus, most gambling establishments are now equipped with some form of facial recognition

software to help these casinos identify flagged individuals with shady records, customers

with gambling addictions, and even underage guests.

Casinos require the use of colorful little round chips while playing at the tables for

simple yet very good reasons.

First, they make the whole gambling process more efficient.

Using casino chips keeps the games moving more swiftly than if dealers had to wait for

the playing customers to pull out their wallets and count their money before placing their


Second, casino chips are an added security measure to protect the establishment's money.

Stealing these chips have become much harder to accomplish since many casinos have started

embedding radio frequency tags or RFID tags into these colorful chips.

In fact, several years ago, the Bellagio used these RFID tags to catch the armed bandit

who stole at least $1.5 million in casino chips from a craps table.

Third and perhaps the most deceitful reason of them all: Casino chips reduce the feelings

of guilt when you spend your money away.

Similar to tokens, e-cash or smart cards, these casino chips disguise the true value

of your money, and psychological evidence suggests that people tend to gamble more when

using virtual forms of money compared to when they handle real cash.

The negative aspects of gambling are not exactly a recent, mind-blowing revelation to those

who engage in this risk-taking activity.

Some people know better than to risk the little money they have, and to gamble them all away

on an uncertain game that they may never win.

But for people who love and enjoy gambling, it's all about living by the idea of "going

big or going home."

Perhaps that is why gambling, from ancient to modern times, has continued to be one of

the most successful and enduring industries ever to have been established by human civilization.

For more infomation >> The Hidden SECRETS Casinos DO NOT Want You to Know - Duration: 7:45.


DG2 by Diane Gilman Embroidered StraightLeg Jean

For more infomation >> DG2 by Diane Gilman Embroidered StraightLeg Jean



the American Dream there's a reason that call it a dream who's there

cockadoodledoo no my job sucks right now please I'll have more bunny next fun you

can't take my house is that your signature okay well just help me work

something out okay I mean you set up a good credit guy right

Hardman is that you bit allowed abs is a fourth grade time machine there's no

need to concern your server mast and accomplishments best kidding there's not

much time I gotta go down to the bank and get my life back

everything Oh bank ain't gonna help you now towel in the truck you just set of

balls put them on you gonna need them no pile you are I'm here to show you

submitted for your approval one First National Bank what is a bank you ask a

curious place where both space time and irony exist and yet don't are you gonna

be doing that the whole time pay attention in tile exhibit a those who

have come to deposit and safely store their earned monies Exhibit B those who

need to borrow said money for purposes unknown hey that's me

there go Exhibit C the bank only has so much money in the vault to lend out to

people such as you hey hey that's the guy

he took my house really screwing my vibe here pal space-time continuum he can't

hear you just let me narrate now where was that mm-hmm so you see by the time

he got to you pile his Bank was out of month but he gave me lots of money and

charged me a lot of interest yes that's the only way banks make money by making

debt loans debt equals money pile remember that debt equals money for more

loans they make the more money they make but if they don't have any money then

where did my money come from you're gonna want to take a step back

well no way yes way and that's nothing hey buddy need some money didn't do that

oh they did exactly that pile remember banks make money by making

loans by selling debt even to bad credit risks dude

just sign here oh my gosh hmm I called it free money yeah that's exactly what

my little guy told me free money but it ain't free the worst part was offering

money to people who don't even need it people power like you right I was happy

here I didn't need it

why is he sends making all that money Shh

he's thinking now wait for it wait for it

II go see the baggage zone to everyone in town but to make more money they have

to loan even more more look I mean it's gonna be okay everything's gonna be okay

what now now what power with all this money we might as well

oh this is awesome I needed to get my head clear when I get

back I'm gonna straighten all this out I just hope dream is doing okay I'm

going to get you my pretty you put it on his damn little sub be a sail I just

thought something if I got this money from the bank and the bank got it from

the Federal Reserve dug tracks go real bad excuse me while I see why am I

wearing a burka or bikini top because no one is allowed inside the thing not you

not me no American citizen don't be the elected member of our Congress not the

supreme goat not the Supreme Court not the Supreme Court not the Justice

Department not the CIA dia FBI ATM ad and BC not even g.o.d how come the

government isn't allowed inside its own building the government pile the Fed is

a private bank owned by private stockholders do not let the name federal

fool you this plays about as federal as Federal Express a private bank private

let's keep your voice down bow this is Ethan Federal Reserve hey Bill here

first national hi there bill how are you good good we're running a little low on

money no problem how much you need oh how does sweaty

million sound what excellent we'll ship it over first thing tomorrow we can just

call up the Fed and ask for more money and they give them whatever they want no

pile the Fed don't give the bank's money the Fed loans the bank's money the banks

have to pay it back with interest come on time to go wait wait wait I

still don't understand where does the Fed get their money I mean if they were

a private bank you said they're a private bank right okay so who puts

money into the Fed Bank this is Mel United States Mint IML first national

needs another 20 millas we're already running the presses full steam here

eight then got to keep making love it's got to keep the money flowing

I don't get it what's so wrong about the Fed printing money because it's

unconstitutional pile-on Treasury is supposed to create our money but now the

fan controls the printing of America's money nobody gets a friggin dollar that

the Fed didn't print so they print the money then they loan it to the

government then they charge the government interested in the government

taxes you to pay for it wake up I go I don't see what the big deal is you know

you're right pal wait wait I am yeah I forget how

effective they are at keeping you ignorant do you even know what money is

pop in the long long ago people bought it they treated things they had some

things they wanted I'll treat you my raspberries for that bear pot pie I

don't want your berry o sweet berries they're not sweet they're all that I

don't like berries No as you can see this modern situation created some

problems then one day a goldsmith walked up and said Wow everybody thinks gold is

valuable so why doesn't everybody trade gold for things they need Rasmus said

for gold and now was very easy to conduct commerce because people can

trade gold for all the things they need

say their pile I've got a voltage some guards I can keep your gold say for you

for a small thing yeah sure that'd be awesome

you see pie this is how the first batch made money

there you go pile I owe you 100 gold cards okay great come back anytime and

redeem your gold when you want it it'll be right here I

you're holding the very first paper money pile wow this is great it all

makes sense oh that's right it was good and

everybody started using IOU because everybody knew the IOU was as good as

gold Wow this candy is really a good price one IOU I'm getting some more for

later hey wait a minute it was just what I owe you ten I owe use for chocolate

you can't just raise prices like that oh the Candy Man came wait

that is just freakin wrong it's called inflation time it makes your eye you use

with less and less until they are worth nothing miss bang for the buck dolla

ain't what it used to be but I worked hard and I baked all those pot pies now

I have to work harder to make less that's not fair oh if you think that's

not fair you're gonna love the next part

what's he doing how do banks make money pile up by making more loans oh that's

right he's good see he prints more IOUs without any more

gold loans amount for interest makes a pretty penny and nobody is the wiser

unless everybody wanted to go back at the same time no no no that's my gold

anymore what are you talking about I like to redeem my IOU please bringing

people together see they're all found out he was stealing made a run in the

bank and demanded their trouble but as you can see they're no gold to get

Carmen don't worry pop back at these times Vincent don't show us three things

in this world never mess with another man's woman

never mess with another man's ego and most importantly you never mess with

another man's money else man who mess with you my god you hung him yes ha

oh we hold him we hung him high and do you know why because he was a thief

because pile an evil invention was bald man discovered how to turn worthless

paper into gold thus was invented the ultimate machine to steal real money and

enslave all the nations on earth oh now come on you're just being dramatic I I

mean I lost my house but what is that explain a nuclear power plant mm-hmm

produces lots of electricity and little pollution and invention for the good of

humanity ok but what's this after you at 3 to 4

good or evil unlike Einstein and the Goldsmith discovery has been kept a

closely guarded secret it was never intended for you to see this discovery

is called fractional reserve banking in the law it's more powerful than the

nuclear bomb and its ability to completely and utterly destroy a nation

who is subjected to it perversion no no no no no no it is time we stop

this evil secret and the man behind it to be predicted before America is

destroyed forever he didn't even know I just want my dog

back damn it that's it I give up live in Chains oh the tree of liberty must be

refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants Thomas

Jefferson mr. president how do I get him to understand as we did son

remain vigilant to many have hidden the truth and the light of our Liberty dims

with every passing day quickly take my horse show him wait show me what

rich banker men from Germany flying under the banner of the red sheep they

finance both sides of the war we must hurry with the news of the world

I thought England that Napoleon won the red shield bankers of London pretended

that England was doomed and started selling their English stocks the English

went into a selling frenzy to get rid of worthless English money but the English

won right a cos they were but it was a trick by red shoe they waited until the

stocks plummeted to pennies and they're thought back forgiven nothing

when the English leaders felt that they had no choice but to give themselves

over to the red shield their money was gone and they were slaves to the red

shield walled it since that time the English have been paying the national

taxes directly to the red shield private bankers so people have no idea but the

bank has bragged about what they did to us laughing at us all the way to the

bank why it's the best pistol I've ever done if I can control a

nation's wealth I care not who makes its laws

this watch ever saw a lot of this show me know

America through threat shield banks are here seeking a way to conquer American

dream the dream you have the dream we men they try to take over our country

many times and failed because Jefferson and the Patriots about to stop the evil

tyrants at all costs

by authority of eternal God he would not let the bankers win here to preserve our

independence we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt we must make

our choice between economy and liberty all profusion and servitude Wow

I place economy among the first and most important of Republican virtues and

public debt is the greatest of the dangers to be feared it is incumbent on

every generation to pay its own debts as it goes we must have a central bank to

secure this country's finances if the American people ever allow private banks

to control the issue of their money first by inflation and then by deflation

the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the

people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the

very continent their fathers conquered Jefferson you're mad this country will

have a central bank who's that it's America's First Secretary of Treasury

Alexander Hamilton Aaron Burr Thomas Jefferson class president they didn't

take too kindly to our first state treasury sweet shot the first attempt

that is set from backorder lasted 20 years of a shutdown but the bankers

tried again against Hickory Andrew Jackson you are a den of vipers and

thieves I intend to ramped you out by the

eternal God I will route you out after surviving an assassination attempt

judges finally defeated the bank in 1836 when asked what was the greatest

accomplishment in his life Old Hickory replied to the bank and those were his

last words I kill the bank and with real money backed with real gold our country

experienced the greatest boom in any nation's history all it was beautiful

power but the beggars greedy for more power and wealth were concocting their

most ambitious plan yet towards therefore all take control of

the finances of the United States in 1910 a secret meeting was held at a JP

Morgan estate on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia this meeting was so

secretive so concealed for government and public knowledge that the ten

attendees used code names I am clearly the richest man so I should be the one

to run the super secret central bank own all the oil in America I'm clearly

richer than you will ever be hula girl I should run the super secret Central Bank

you're nothing compared to me lube job I shall run the secret Bank choice

supreme master leader I didn't know you were gonna be here or not

- oh yeah right right he's so smart none of you shall run the bank we have failed

in the past because of openness thus are the key to success is secrecy don't

people believe that they run the bank yes sneak attack what's the plan we

first create panic then we show them the solution without man in office and

well-planned timing we will have our central bank and so that people think it

is theirs we shall christen it federal the Federal Reserve

this drug on December 23rd 1913 when most of our Congress were at home II

fruitcake these bastards are bankers presented their treasonous act to their

newly elected accomplice Woodrow Wilson who had fortuitously already agreed to

sign it before he was even elected wait the IRS

I thought we always had the IRS nope ah they did this to us to the fair now has

the exclusive power to print America's money they loan this money to our banks

and our government at interest putting immediate debt on our own money written

more and more so each dollar they print becomes worth less than the one before

Merry Christmas

is how our government now must pay back these debts to the Fed your taxes did

not go they don't it's the greatest theft in

human history but okay I mean I sort of get what you're saying but it's also

confusing and really Hartman I don't see how it affects me at all if I had more

money none of this would have happened

90/55 Wow what are we doing here Oh a little bit

shopping here hold this down I guess one two three six postage stamp recents Elsa

gold $35 not baby Oh was that my gold chain

he'll be fine ha would you agree that you have the same exact things you had

in 1955 yeah one stamp one gallon of gas one ounce of gold and one home Wow

we just made a lot of money gotta pay you taxes but it's nice to have made all

that money wait that isn't fair not actually you have less money I can't

even go buy the things I just sold the IRS and the feds inflation work together

pile they are just taxing game they are taxing their inflation you are no mature

than you were in 1955 now does that sound fair or American to you yeah but I

mean who doesn't hate taxes I hate the IRS anyway I'll hire they make the

inflation the more your money they take it's thievery you're not paying taxes on

anymore you are paying taxes on the same and now you have less they take our

property away right in front of our eyes just like Thomas Jefferson said they


quick a sword what sword banking machine I'll condemn you to die

damn it

well we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy

that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence what's

happening where am I I believe perhaps you understand now bow

but you are afraid JFK Hartman what does this have to do with

my house of my dog oh okay that's enough I want to go home now this is the last

president to stand up to the fed you must see On June 4 1963 President

Kennedy signed executive order 1 1 1 1 0 this executive order empowered the US

Treasury to issue real money without the Fed it would have worked

clarity's plan to dismantle the Federal Reserve machine had begun six months

later John F Kennedy went to Dallas and never returned

no way no way they could do that the new President Lyndon Johnson throughout

Kennedy's order since JFK no president has dared confront the secret powers

behind the Federal Reserve they consolidate bigger and bigger banks

print more and more money accountable to no one

decimating our nation's wealth for the benefit of a few

why why do this if they hurt us it hurts the global bankers to know fine they are

protected they are too big to fail but I'm not hmm sons of bitches all the day

was cold the wind sharp it's strong

but we were determined the bankers and their parasites had us vastly up north

but their hubris made them anything not like us

not like this band of immortals we have assembled we have come to take back our

is that my dog Oh

bendy inevitable the money Kings could ignore us no longer they sent an

emissary a cog in their machine agreed to bring about our submission Hank

Paulson Hardman this is blasphemy we own the corners of the earth it is

futile to challenge us oh I've seen that look before

that of a predator taking in a scent of its prey bold fearless the look of a

free man you have come far artment fathered the most be smart now join us

we will bring you money power everything you want you could be one of us if

badly you're a madman you're offering you everything what do you think this is


For more infomation >> THE AMERICAN DREAM - POLITICAL CGI ANIMATED CARTOON ► HD 1080p - Duration: 30:26.


Multi TONE 3D printing with ANY 3D printer! - Duration: 9:44.

In this video I'm going to show you a simple method that will enable you to create multi-color

or better multi-tone prints with any FDM 3D printer.

Guten Tag everyone, I'm Stefan and welcome to CNC kitchen.

Okay, so I was already working on this method since quite a while and was kind of shocked

last week when I saw the thumbnail of Devins video from his Make Anything channel.

Fortunately, he toned his wood prints with wood strain and did not use the method I'm

going to show you.

So if you know my other videos you might have seen that I like to test new filaments with

temperature test towers to find out the perfect print settings.

When I did that with the laywood filament I bought, I was kind of surprised to see that

there was a significant change in the color of the print depending on the temperature

I printed it at.

This is actually nothing new and kind of well-known for wood filaments.

They write that you can use it to change the color of you prints but I have never seen

it really done by anyone so far.

Since I don't have the multi material upgrade for my Prusa i3 or any other mutli material

printer, I thought that I should developed a technique to use the color changing ability

of wood filament for getting a kind of similar effect.

By using the multi-color printing options in Slic3r or Simplify 3D you're also able

to vary the temperature of your hotend for specific regions of your part.

If you are doing multi color or multi material printing you usually separate your part in

single stls, each for a different color.

I use the same technique, but I later change some parts of the G Code so that not the material

or printhead is changed but the hotend temperature is set to a different value.

This might sound simple at first, but I noticed that I had to play around with the algorithm

quite a bit to get nice print results.

So I used LAYwood filament which has a nice contrast between 190 and 240°C printing temperature.

I also tried using Colorfabbs wood filament which did not really show that property.

I'm very sure that there are different wood filaments out there which also work well.

If you have one of them please let us know in the comments!

If you want to try it on your own and want to support the channel you'll find affiliate

links down in the videos description.

So I got this method working with both Simplify 3D and Slic3r but only nicely finished it

in Slic3r because the latest version of the Slic3r Prusa edition added the support for

they multi material extruder with well working prime towers.

I'll be shortly showing you the workflow and will then be going into the details how

and why it works.

I programmed a quick and dirty EXCEL conversion tool which you can download from my github.

If you don't have EXCEL I'll also show you how you can easily perform all the steps

in a text editor.

Two things before I start.

This method is not perfect and will require some manual work.

If you have an improvement, please let me know.

If you like the method and want to see it in your favorite slicing software then just

let Prusa, Ultimaker or Simplify3D know.

If there are enough of you spreading the word this could become a neat little stock feature.

If you are or know a filament manufacturer please let me know if there is a pigment around

which does also permanently change its color depending on the temperature you print it.

Having a PLA with that property would be so cool!

All right.

So let's open up Pursas Slic3r edition.

If you don't have it yet, you can download it from his website.

You load the first portion of your dual color part, double click on it and load the second


If you have a proper model the parts should now be aligned perfectly.

Now assign extruder 1 and 2 to the pieces of your model.

I created two filament profiles, one with 190°C and one with 240°C printing temperature.

You might need to adjust the extrusion multiplier for each temperature separately.

You will also need to create a wood print profile.

I printed the wood filament at around 30mm/s for the best results.

I also reduced the size of the prime tower because you don't really need that much

and save some filament that way.

Now you set one printing temperature for your first and the other one for your second filament.

Drag the position of the prime tower next to your part that the travel moves and not

so long.

Slice your part and save the G Code to your hard drive.

If you own Microsoft EXCEL then open up the conversion tool and make sure that there are

the same printtemperatures in the sheet as you have assigned in Slic3r.

Select your G Code file and start the conversion.

If you have done everything properly then it will tell you how many temperature change

entries were replaced.

If you get an error message check the temperatures you have set.

Now just upload your file to the printer and hit start.

I will provide my profiles for my Original Prusa i3 MK2 also on my Github for download.

So now at each temperature change the hotend will move next to the prime tower, wait until

the new temperature was reached, prime the nozzle and continue printing.

Depending on the number of layer changes the print job will now take quite some time longer,

since heating up my E3D V6 from 190 to 240°C takes around 30 seconds and the same vice


The parts unfortunately do end up kind of stringy with the wood filament, but that's

usually easy to clean up.

Now let's take a look how I changed the G Code in order to change the temperature

during Slicers material changing procedure.

So the Prusa Multi material extruder works only with one hotend in which different materials

are fed via a coupler.

So when it changes from one to another color material it will pull one out filament and

insert the new one.

This is where I hijack the gcode.

So I delete the removal and insertion block which also includes a kind of cleaning procedure

where the material is retracted and extruded several times.

I park the extruder 10 mm next to the prime tower and retract the filament a little bit

because otherwise the oozing material and the heat in the nozzle screw up the procedure.

I turn off the extruder motor because otherwise it got quite hot on my machine.

If I want to increase the temperature I turn off the part cooling fan and if I want to

decrease the temperature I let it tuned on.

This way the temperature change is accelerated.

Also don't use a silicon sock for this method because it isolates the hotend too much.

I use the M109 command to change the temperature which will pause the print until the temperature

is reached.

When this is done, the part cooling fan is tuned on the normal priming procedure continues

and the print is resumed.

If you want to learn more about the G Code commands you can find a great documentation

in the marlin wiki, link below.

So these GCode changes are performed automatically with my EXCEL converter.

If you don't have EXCEL download the free Notepad++.

Look for the first material change section, mark the block and use the replace function

to replace them with noting.

Then select the M104 blocks and replace them with the string for lowering the temperature

or increasing it.

Make sure that the search mode is set to extended that the \n parts are replaced with a new


Save everything and you should be good to go!

So I hope I was able to show you a cool method with which you can make pretty nice prints

without having to own an expensive multi material printer.

Digging into the G Code might be overwhelming for some, but if you know some basic commands

it's really simple.

I also already worked on a method to create a wood texture on prints but the results have

not been that nice yet.

Robin Reiter who has also a YouTube channel already said that he could help me out with

his programming skills to create a more user-friendly conversion tool.

So stay tuned for that!

Try the method on your own.

Head over to twitter and show me your creations, I'd really like to see what a more creative

person than me can come up with.

By the way, if you print the top and bottom of Devins beautiful acorn model with two different

temperatures, you will get more or less the same effect as with staining it!

For everyone who has hung on until now I have a great opportunity to participate.

Due to your generous PayPal donations I want to take a proper look on one or more Carbon

fiber reinforced filaments soon.

I did some research but I would like to know with which material you had the best experience

with so far.

I would have liked to test Matterhackers NylonX Carbon Fiber filament, but it's kind of

hard to get a hold of here in Germany.

If you have a suggestion please let me know!

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up.

If you want to support the channel then make a donation over PayPal or use my Amazon affiliate

links below and help me cover the running costs!

Thanks for watching, auf Wiedersehen and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Multi TONE 3D printing with ANY 3D printer! - Duration: 9:44.


[澳洲牙醫養成日誌] VLOG #7 粉紅色的湖真的存在嗎? 到底有多粉紅?! 快跟我們一探究竟 (Lake Bumbunga//Pink Lake) - Duration: 9:31.


Hello everyone. Today we are going to Lake Bumbunga.

Um, so far we are in the car for an hour and thirty minutes.

An an hour and 30 minutes?

Yea, so about 30 more minutes to reach there.

Lake Bumbunga stands for "Lake of Rain Water" in aboriginal dialect.

The person driving today is Helen.

So she's not with us in the back today.

Are you excited?

1 out of 10, how excited are you?

Um... haven't seen any animals or anything, so yea

The land (on the way) looks really dry.

Sky, land, and roads that's all.

You can see how it's really dry from behind.

It looks like we're at the desert.

Oh oh oh, you know Australia has like 5+ pink lakes.

Oh yea, I know.

Lake Bumbunga is called pink lake in English.

Oh is it?

So it's suppose to look pink.


I'm not sure whether it will be pink today.

Because recently on Instagram all the pictures are like quite white transparent.

Yea, pictures on Instagram doesn't seem that pink.

I mean, even if it's not pink today hopefully we can still get some good shots off of the reflection of the lake.



Okay, see you later. Bye.

We are finally here.

It looks more blue on this side, but where it's further it seems to be more pink.

Hello, we are finally at

North Pole

It's so cold!

Look at our hair flying everywhere.

And so what's unexpected is that. So this is suppose to be a salt lake.

So we always thought everything underneath will be salt.

But apparently it's all mud.


Our shoes are full of mud.

We start sinking after standing on the mud for 2 seconds.

Let me show you guys our shoes.

The salt lake algae requires high temperature to produce the pink color.

So the hotter it the day, the pinker the lake.


GG. It's super cold today.

We should have done research.

I'm going home!

You want to talk about what happened at the pink lake earlier?

Basically it was a total failure.

As long as Elly comments on how good the weather is, it will drastically change.

Once we got off the car, the wind started blowing so hard.

It was basically like typhoon.

We felt like we were in

Where? Oh, North Pole.

Because it was like windy and it was so cold. My ears were like freezing.

Everyone on Instagram had amazing photos of them at Lake Bumbunga.

Let's show everyone photos other people took that was basically impossible and to surreal under such condition.

How is it everyone's still able to take such amazing photos in such poor condition.

Because we were struggling as we kept sinking in after a second of standing on the lake.

Wasn't Lake Bumbunga called "The Lake of Rain?"

You tell me was it really (that dreamy)!

More like "Lake of Tears."

You can see the quality of our photos and see how it's a huge contrast compared to others.

Even though there were a lot of mud,

But we could still see some pink.

Didn't your friend say

She said It's quite pink, but that's like far far away

That's what we see (oops!)

Yeah, that's what we saw

And It's very hard to find parking if you are driving

They don't have any signs, so yeah

So It's like an isolated island at nowhere in Australia

And It's very windy

It will have ripples, and then you can't see the reflection clearly

It was a total failed trip

So we're having nice desserts tonight

to comfort ourselves

Where are we right now?

Devour Cafe Patisserie

Why do we choose this place?

Because they have desserts night once in awhile

Don't they usually sell desserts?

It's usually a cafe,

but they have desserts night from 6-10:30pm

What did we order?

Matcha Panna Cotta

and... Alaska something...

Apple Pie Alaska bombe

We're looking forward to dig in!

While we're waiting for that, let me tell you more about the desserts

This first one would be Matcha Panna Cotta

The one here is honey comb

Here are some fruits, matcha crumbles and vanilla Ice cream

and finally the panna cotta

Do you want to introduce this dessert?

I have no idea what this is...

Apple Pie Crumble (Alaksa Bomb)

Here are the crumbles at the bottom

Above is the meringue which is made from beaten egg white

I'm not sure what is the chinese translation for it, but the egg white is beaten till it is soft and fluffy

How long should we mix it for?

I'm not sure hahaha

Let's dig in!!

How was it?

It's very sweet.

This honey comb is kind of hard.

Most of the desserts in Australia are quite sweet.

For more infomation >> [澳洲牙醫養成日誌] VLOG #7 粉紅色的湖真的存在嗎? 到底有多粉紅?! 快跟我們一探究竟 (Lake Bumbunga//Pink Lake) - Duration: 9:31.


BEST tote bag collection tote bags for women amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:27.

Tote bag collection tote bags for women amazon shopping online

For more infomation >> BEST tote bag collection tote bags for women amazon shopping online - Duration: 0:27.


Global Marketing & Origination WELCOME YOU to our Hari Raya Open House !!! - Duration: 0:36.

You all are invited !!!

Friday, 21st July 2017

L79, T2

From 9am to 12pm

Boleh makan AYAM dan KAMBING !!!

Yeah !!! I'm COMING !!!

For more infomation >> Global Marketing & Origination WELCOME YOU to our Hari Raya Open House !!! - Duration: 0:36.


Clif High Webbot 2017 Clif High: The Economic Collapse! Are You Prepared? - Duration: 5:42.

My mother's side of our American family's roots are traceable to 1745.

One of the names from our family line is Ford.

Yes, Henry Ford and Gerald Ford are distant cousins.

My family was wealthy and successful in Midwestern politics and in business.

The "Jenkins" and "Ford" side of the family owned hotels, real estate and banks.

It could be said that my family had married into the elite of this country and despite

all of these advantages, my mother's side of the family went completely belly up when

the "Great" Depression struck following the Stock Market Crash.

My mother's side of the family lost everything, and I mean everything.

The economic destruction was so complete that my mother later married into a German immigrant

family from a small town in Iowa, following the Depression.

This was something that my "bluebloods" maternal ancestors would have never considered

only a few short years before.

My mother, although extremely young when the Depression came did not escape the consequences

of unsecured investments in a failing economy.

I grew up with my mother's conservative voice in my ear.

"Except for your house, don't buy on credit, save your money, but do not trust your criminal

bankers and when trouble visits you are totally on your own".

My mother's conservatism rubbed off on me and has served me well and my wife is a carbon

copy of my mother, financially speaking.

Today, except for a small amount on our house, we have almost no debt.

Unlike most Americans, I have never paid interest on a credit card.

Because my wife and I grew up with parents who had been burned by corrupt elite members

of our society who engineered the Depression for their benefit, I learned these lessons

of history without having to live them.

However, my family background has taught me we are at the precipice, again, of financial

ruin for the unprotected and ignorant masses of this country.

The Coming Collapse

I am awestruck how so many well-intentioned, good people are so ignorant of their history

that they cannot see what is coming.

Today, America has insurmountable debt that is impossible to pay off.

We have a $20 trillion deficit and that is the good news.

Our unfunded and mandated liabilities are an estimate $240 trillion dollar debt.

And now the credit swap derivatives debt is a revised $2.5 quadrillion debt and last year's

interest rate on the credit swap derivatives was $505 trillion dollars.

The US government takes in only about $2 trillion per year.

The entire GDP of the whole planet is less than $70 trillion.

There is no way that these debts can ever be paid down.

And on most of our debts, the US is approaching economic Armageddon where we cannot even pay

off the interest on these debts.

People often ask me how I can be sure that the economic collapse of America is inevitable

and I tell them it is not because World War III or a George Soros engineered civil war

could take down America before our debt does.

However, if external forces do not take America down first, we are very close to an all-out

collapse now.

The Facade of Normalcy

Most Americans think because they have some food in the pantry, they drive to work everyday

and the Stock Market seems to be doing well, only the "Chicken Little's" would think

anything bad is coming.

However, many economists, including Bob Kudla, who I interview on a regular basis tell me

that economic collapse is already underway.

Part of the reason that I know they are right is that I feel it my bones and I know it is

true because of my family background, recognizing these factors is in my DNA.

Kudla and others believe that the next collapse will not start with borrowing on margin and

the subsequent collapse of the Stock Market followed by a real-estate collapse.

Today's collapse is being led by two simultaneous bubbles, the car loan bubble and a new housing

bubble caused by the fact that we still do not have in the safeguards afforded by FDR

led reforms that prevented borrowed money from entering the speculative side of our


What You Need to Be Doing

I am constantly saying that increase your chances of surviving what is coming you need

the following:

1- Guns 2- Ammunition

3- Food 4- Water

5- Gold 6- Medicine

This knowledge leads to me to only accept advertising from these domains.


Gold-Steve Quayle (406-586-4842) 2.

Numanna food ( 3, 4, 5.

Water, guns and ammo- Bob Griswold ( 6.

For meds, you will need to go natural because of availability and I use Ted Broer from Healthmasters.

I have included the following video summary for the ease of sharing this information.

Also, I would suggest that you begin to prepare in earnest because the economy has huge cracks

in it and it would not surprise me to see it crumble.

Also, I would admonish anyone who thinks you can escape what is coming.

My maternal ancestors thought that and it cost them dearly.

For more infomation >> Clif High Webbot 2017 Clif High: The Economic Collapse! Are You Prepared? - Duration: 5:42.


The Sixth Sense || Top 15 Scary Facts You DON'T Wanna Know - Duration: 15:10.

The Sixth Sense || Top 15 Scary Facts You DON'T Wanna Know

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