Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 17 2017

Hey there, it's Ashley Perkins!

Welcome back to the best place to build income, influence and impact for your business or

brand online.

If you're new here, make sure you subscribe because I share new social media and brand

strategy tutorials every week!

So, you know that video marketing is essential to the growth of your business, but you just

can't seem to bring yourself to record that tutorial or click that 'go live' button.

Listen, I get it.

You watch and listen yourself as you're recording and all of those self-limiting doubts

sneak in like, 'what am I even saying?', and 'is anyone really going to care?'.

I'm here today to tell you that you do know what you're saying, you're an expert in

your niche!

And yes, people are going to care.

But, the thing is… you can't let outside factors dictate how you leverage video marketing

to grow your business.

That's why today I'm going to share my five surefire strategies for getting comfortable

with being on camera so you can learn to love yourself and your content just as much as

the rest of us do!

Step 1: Have a plan

One of the biggest forms of self-sabotage when it comes to creating video content, or

content of any kind for that matter, is showing up unprepared.

You need to have a clear focus in mind and a goal for your video that aligns with your

big picture business goals to be effective at it.

Whether you're creating an evergreen video for YouTube or going Live on another social

network, make sure you take the time to jot down a few talking points so you don't get

derailed during the production of your content.

Not to mention, showing up prepared will instantly make you feel more confident!

Step 2: Practice makes perfect

If you've got the jitters about recording your first video or going live for the first

time, a great thing to do first is to practice using micro-video content or go live privately.

Social networks like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat provide us with tools like Stories

that allow us to capture 10-15 second video clips and string them together chronologically

to create a longer video for our audiences.

Stories are great for getting comfortable with yourself on camera because you have the

ability to delete and re-record any clips you don't like, so take advantage of these

tools and practice sharing your video content in bite sized pieces to start.

Networks like Facebook also allow you to create and stream a live broadcast privately, so

that way you can get a feel for the full experience and what to expect when you're actually

live without the added pressure of an audience.

Step 3: Consider the camera your friend

Changing your mindset about the camera in front of you is one of the easiest ways to

relax while you're recording.

Instead of thinking of the camera as this intimidating piece of tech out to make you

look like a fool, start thinking of it and speaking to it like a friend.

It may feel weird at first, but you need to remember, there's actual real people on

the other side of that camera who want to feel connected to you and like you're speaking

to them.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to have one person in mind while you're recording,

whether it's a friend, family member or spouse, talk to the camera as if you're

talking to them.

Step 4: Stick to the script

Whether you're recording an evergreen video or a live broadcast, it's important that

you stick to your talking points to avoid getting distracted.

This is a big one for live videos because it can be so easy to drop everything you're

talking about and welcome new viewers as they join, or respond to comments and questions

the moment they appear.

Don't do this.

You've taken the time to show up prepared with a few talking points, so do yourself

and your audience a favour by sticking to them.

The fastest way to have a live broadcast or video derailed is to get sucked in to outside


If you're on a live broadcast, let your audience know that you'll address any comments

and answer any questions at the end of the presentation.

If you're recording evergreen content and your partner keeps asking what's for dinner,

or your dog won't stop barking, it may be time to find a new place or time to record.

Step 5: Don't give up

Danielle Laporte once said, self-expression is like a muscle.

The more you use it, the better you get at it.

This could not be more true for getting comfortable on camera!

You're likely not going to enjoy watching yourself the first couple times you practice

sharing your content on camera, but each time you do it, you'll like it more and more.

That's because the more time you spend watching yourself, the more you pick up on little habits

and nervous ticks that you want to eliminate so that each time you step in front of the

camera, you present yourself in a more confident manner.

These are just five ways you can learn to love yourself on camera so you can effectively

use video marketing to grow your business, but the options don't stop here.

If you have a solid strategy that's made an impact on how you record your video content,

I'd love if you shared it in the comments.

If live streaming is a video marketing strategy you want to get started with, click the link

below this video to learn more about my e-course: Learn to Live Stream.

Inside you'll find my top-to-bottom strategies for leveraging Facebook Live to get found

by your target audience, build trust with them, and increase conversions.

If you liked this video hit the like button below and share it with your friends.

I will see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Create Videos With Confidence - Duration: 6:08.


8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stones - Duration: 11:02.

8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stones

You wake up in the middle of the night feverish, your lower back hurts, and your abdomen is

painfully swollen and tender.

What's worse; when you get up to use the bathroom, it's so painful to urinate that

you think you might die.

You, my friend, are likely one in 10-percent of North Americans with a kidney stone.

This excruciating condition occurs when a small speck of calcium (from your urine) forms

in the kidney or the ureter (the passageway from your kidney to your bladder) and more

minerals stick to it to form a tiny stone that many patients describe as so terrible

its "more agonizing than giving birth".

If you have a kidney stone, you'll likely know it soon enough.

However, there are several early warning signs that can alert you to the formation of a stone

early on…


Frequent & Painful Urination

One of the earliest and most common warning signs that you may have kidney stones is a

sudden and unexplained increase in the frequency and urgency of urination.

You will notice an intense need to urinate, even when you haven't been drinking unusually

large quantities of fluid.

However, you may find that very little urine comes out when you do get to the bathroom,

given that your body doesn't actually have much liquid to expel.

When you do produce a normal volume of urine, you may find that the act of urinating causes

intense pain.

This happens if the kidney stone is moving from the bladder into the urethra.

Sharp, searing pain will occur, and you may also develop a urinary tract infection (UTI)

as the kidney stone migrates further.

By the time things reach this point, chances are you'll already have gone to see your

doctor; if you haven't, book an appointment.


Spreading Back Pain

A localized, nondescript form of pain often accompanies kidney stones from their earliest


Patients usually report that this pain begins in their sides and back, just below the rib

cage where the kidneys are located.

As the condition develops, the pain may travel from the lower abdomen down into your groin

area and into your lower back, presenting in fluctuating waves of throbbing pain and

general tenderness.

These waves of pain can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on

the size and location of the kidney stones.

Men with kidney stones may also find that the pain can migrate into their scrotum and


Some of the symptoms of kidney stones may mimic certain sexually transmitted infections

(STIs), especially pain in the genital region and painful urination.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's important that you get a prompt and proper

diagnosis as soon as possible.


Blood in Urine

In addition to more frequent urination and painful urination, you will likely notice

changes in the color and consistency of your urine if you have kidney stones.

Discoloration is one of the most notable of these changes; rather than being clear or

yellow in color, your urine may range anywhere from pink or red to light or dark brown.

As the kidney stones grow and block off your urethra, you may also begin to notice your

urine tinged with small amounts of blood, a condition known as hematuria.

Blood gets into your urine when the kidney stone lodges itself in your urethra, scraping

against your ureter or kidneys.

If that sounds painful, that's because it is – this condition causes intense discomfort.

The amount of pain you're in is a good indicator of the size of the kidney stone; larger stones

cause more intense pain, while smaller ones produce milder discomfort.


Nausea & Vomiting

Some people suffering from kidney stones report that they feel nauseous.

In some cases, this nausea can become so severe that it will cause vomiting, which can, in

turn, cause a host of other complications ranging from nutritional deficits to dehydration.

One of the causes of vomiting is the intense pain that you will experience if you pass

a kidney stone.

Some people find the pain so intense that they throw up.

Another reason vomiting occurs is that the kidneys play a very important role in eliminating

toxins and waste from your body.

Kidney stones impair the organ's proper function, meaning that there are likely to

be elevated levels of toxins and impurities in your stomach contents and bloodstream.

Your body wants to get rid of these toxins, but if your kidney function is impaired, vomiting

may be the only other way to expel them.


Pungent Smelling Urine

Patients suffering from kidney stones will also notice that along with discoloration,

urine also appears cloudy and may give off a pungent and foul odor.

While it is normal for urine to give off a slightly bitter smell from time to time, there's

no mistaking or missing the kind of sharp stench that can occur if you have kidney stones.

This odor occurs due to the presence of a heavy concentration of hard chemicals and

toxins in the urine.

As mentioned, the kidneys play an important role in removing toxins and chemical impurities

from your body.

Many of these substances are eliminated through the urine, but with your kidney's normal

functioning impaired, these toxins can linger and actually crystallize in the body.

Those crystallized toxins are what the kidney stone is made of, and when they are released

in your urine, you'll smell the difference.


Inability to Sit

Once the kidney stone reaches a larger size, it often becomes so aggravating that patients

will find themselves unable to sit down or lay down for an extended period of time.

This is because seated or laying-down positions put additional pressure on the affected area,

intensifying the pain and pressure as the kidney stone comes in contact with a wider

range of internal systems and structures.

Many people with kidney stones combat this symptom by standing up and pacing around;

anecdotal evidence suggests that these activities can provide temporary relief.

The uncomfortable pressure and pain caused by kidney stones can also interfere with your

ability to get a good night's sleep, and a significant number of patients complain

of interrupted or unrestful sleep.

Over an extended period of time, sleep loss can lead to loss of cognitive performance

and an inability to concentrate.


Fever & Chills

It is unusual for kidney stones to go untreated, since the symptoms they cause produce such

high levels of pain and discomfort.

However, in a small minority of cases, the kidney stone remains relatively small and

doesn't cause intense symptoms.

In such cases, the kidney stone is still causing problems in the urinary tract, scratching

up against surfaces and creating small internal wounds which could become infected.

Kidney stones bring a heightened risk of urinary tract infection (UTI), which can, in turn,

cause a fever and chills.

Other symptoms of UTIs include abdominal or pelvic pain, and abnormalities in the color,

frequency and consistency of urine.

The fever can reach high levels, potentially putting the patient in danger.

You should always consult a doctor if you have a high fever, especially if it's accompanied

by chills and isn't being caused by a known factor, like a cold or flu.


Kidney & Abdominal Swelling

If the kidney stones reach a large size, they can effectively block the normal flow of urine,

preventing urine from traveling through the urethra on its way out of the body.

This creates a backlog of urine, which gives rise to a whole host of potentially serious


One of the earliest signs that things are reaching this critical stage is intensely

painful swelling of the kidneys.

You have two kidneys, one on either side of your body.

They are located beneath your diaphragm, near your lower back.

If they become painfully swollen, you will notice swelling and inflammation in this area,

and in surrounding regions of the abdomen and groin.

These areas will be very painful to the touch, and you should seek immediate medical attention

if you develop these symptoms.

Should this symptom go untreated, you risk having your body go into septic shock as it

becomes overwhelmed by the toxins in the urine it can't get rid of.

It is known that kidney stones and other obstructions within the urinary tract are more common in

men, but surprisingly women are twice as likely to develop infections related to this condition.

In 2011 research showed a dramatic rise in the number of women developing kidney stones.

This was attributed to an increase in bad habits, including smoking and drinking.

One report specifically indicated that drinking iced tea can lead to painful stones because

of its high concentration of oxalate.

Oxalate is one of the key chemicals known to lead to the development of kidney stones.

Results published in the journal European Urology, showed that females are much more

vulnerable to infection when they become sick with urolithiasis.

It also showed that rates of infection, including a swelling throughout the body which started

as an infection (known as sepsis), is on the climb.

Much headway has been made in the treatment of sepsis and so the percentage of associated

deaths has remained at a fixed rate.

This shows we have become better at treating illness when it occurs, but it proves that

we have to improve prevention methods.

People need to be educated about the steps they can take to improve their own health

which will overall promote the prevention of such problems as kidney stones.

Why are women now more susceptible to kidney stones and infections related to them?

In this busy world that is constantly on the go, many women forget to take time for themselves

to really pay attention to their habits and their health.

It's time to start taking more time to consider our health as a priority, not just for ourselves,

but for the future health of the world.

For more infomation >> 8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stones - Duration: 11:02.


░▒▓ The Perfect Golf Swing For Beginners - Duration: 2:34.

The Perfect Golf Swing For Beginners

For more infomation >> ░▒▓ The Perfect Golf Swing For Beginners - Duration: 2:34.


8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stone - Duration: 10:40.

8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stones

You wake up in the middle of the night feverish, your lower back hurts, and your abdomen is

painfully swollen and tender.

What's worse; when you get up to use the bathroom, it's so painful to urinate that

you think you might die.

You, my friend, are likely one in 10-percent of North Americans with a kidney stone.

This excruciating condition occurs when a small speck of calcium (from your urine) forms

in the kidney or the ureter (the passageway from your kidney to your bladder) and more

minerals stick to it to form a tiny stone that many patients describe as so terrible

its "more agonizing than giving birth".

If you have a kidney stone, you'll likely know it soon enough.

However, there are several early warning signs that can alert you to the formation of a stone

early on…


Frequent & Painful Urination

One of the earliest and most common warning signs that you may have kidney stones is a

sudden and unexplained increase in the frequency and urgency of urination.

You will notice an intense need to urinate, even when you haven't been drinking unusually

large quantities of fluid.

However, you may find that very little urine comes out when you do get to the bathroom,

given that your body doesn't actually have much liquid to expel.

When you do produce a normal volume of urine, you may find that the act of urinating causes

intense pain.

This happens if the kidney stone is moving from the bladder into the urethra.

Sharp, searing pain will occur, and you may also develop a urinary tract infection (UTI)

as the kidney stone migrates further.

By the time things reach this point, chances are you'll already have gone to see your

doctor; if you haven't, book an appointment.


Spreading Back Pain

A localized, nondescript form of pain often accompanies kidney stones from their earliest


Patients usually report that this pain begins in their sides and back, just below the rib

cage where the kidneys are located.

As the condition develops, the pain may travel from the lower abdomen down into your groin

area and into your lower back, presenting in fluctuating waves of throbbing pain and

general tenderness.

These waves of pain can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on

the size and location of the kidney stones.

Men with kidney stones may also find that the pain can migrate into their scrotum and


Some of the symptoms of kidney stones may mimic certain sexually transmitted infections

(STIs), especially pain in the genital region and painful urination.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's important that you get a prompt and proper

diagnosis as soon as possible.


Blood in Urine

In addition to more frequent urination and painful urination, you will likely notice

changes in the color and consistency of your urine if you have kidney stones.

Discoloration is one of the most notable of these changes; rather than being clear or

yellow in color, your urine may range anywhere from pink or red to light or dark brown.

As the kidney stones grow and block off your urethra, you may also begin to notice your

urine tinged with small amounts of blood, a condition known as hematuria.

Blood gets into your urine when the kidney stone lodges itself in your urethra, scraping

against your ureter or kidneys.

If that sounds painful, that's because it is – this condition causes intense discomfort.

The amount of pain you're in is a good indicator of the size of the kidney stone; larger stones

cause more intense pain, while smaller ones produce milder discomfort.


Nausea & Vomiting

Some people suffering from kidney stones report that they feel nauseous.

In some cases, this nausea can become so severe that it will cause vomiting, which can, in

turn, cause a host of other complications ranging from nutritional deficits to dehydration.

One of the causes of vomiting is the intense pain that you will experience if you pass

a kidney stone.

Some people find the pain so intense that they throw up.

Another reason vomiting occurs is that the kidneys play a very important role in eliminating

toxins and waste from your body.

Kidney stones impair the organ's proper function, meaning that there are likely to

be elevated levels of toxins and impurities in your stomach contents and bloodstream.

Your body wants to get rid of these toxins, but if your kidney function is impaired, vomiting

may be the only other way to expel them.


Pungent Smelling Urine

Patients suffering from kidney stones will also notice that along with discoloration,

urine also appears cloudy and may give off a pungent and foul odor.

While it is normal for urine to give off a slightly bitter smell from time to time, there's

no mistaking or missing the kind of sharp stench that can occur if you have kidney stones.

This odor occurs due to the presence of a heavy concentration of hard chemicals and

toxins in the urine.

As mentioned, the kidneys play an important role in removing toxins and chemical impurities

from your body.

Many of these substances are eliminated through the urine, but with your kidney's normal

functioning impaired, these toxins can linger and actually crystallize in the body.

Those crystallized toxins are what the kidney stone is made of, and when they are released

in your urine, you'll smell the difference.


Inability to Sit

Once the kidney stone reaches a larger size, it often becomes so aggravating that patients

will find themselves unable to sit down or lay down for an extended period of time.

This is because seated or laying-down positions put additional pressure on the affected area,

intensifying the pain and pressure as the kidney stone comes in contact with a wider

range of internal systems and structures.

Many people with kidney stones combat this symptom by standing up and pacing around;

anecdotal evidence suggests that these activities can provide temporary relief.

The uncomfortable pressure and pain caused by kidney stones can also interfere with your

ability to get a good night's sleep, and a significant number of patients complain

of interrupted or unrestful sleep.

Over an extended period of time, sleep loss can lead to loss of cognitive performance

and an inability to concentrate.


Fever & Chills

It is unusual for kidney stones to go untreated, since the symptoms they cause produce such

high levels of pain and discomfort.

However, in a small minority of cases, the kidney stone remains relatively small and

doesn't cause intense symptoms.

In such cases, the kidney stone is still causing problems in the urinary tract, scratching

up against surfaces and creating small internal wounds which could become infected.

Kidney stones bring a heightened risk of urinary tract infection (UTI), which can, in turn,

cause a fever and chills.

Other symptoms of UTIs include abdominal or pelvic pain, and abnormalities in the color,

frequency and consistency of urine.

The fever can reach high levels, potentially putting the patient in danger.

You should always consult a doctor if you have a high fever, especially if it's accompanied

by chills and isn't being caused by a known factor, like a cold or flu.


Kidney & Abdominal Swelling

If the kidney stones reach a large size, they can effectively block the normal flow of urine,

preventing urine from traveling through the urethra on its way out of the body.

This creates a backlog of urine, which gives rise to a whole host of potentially serious


One of the earliest signs that things are reaching this critical stage is intensely

painful swelling of the kidneys.

You have two kidneys, one on either side of your body.

They are located beneath your diaphragm, near your lower back.

If they become painfully swollen, you will notice swelling and inflammation in this area,

and in surrounding regions of the abdomen and groin.

These areas will be very painful to the touch, and you should seek immediate medical attention

if you develop these symptoms.

Should this symptom go untreated, you risk having your body go into septic shock as it

becomes overwhelmed by the toxins in the urine it can't get rid of.

It is known that kidney stones and other obstructions within the urinary tract are more common in

men, but surprisingly women are twice as likely to develop infections related to this condition.

In 2011 research showed a dramatic rise in the number of women developing kidney stones.

This was attributed to an increase in bad habits, including smoking and drinking.

One report specifically indicated that drinking iced tea can lead to painful stones because

of its high concentration of oxalate.

Oxalate is one of the key chemicals known to lead to the development of kidney stones.

Results published in the journal European Urology, showed that females are much more

vulnerable to infection when they become sick with urolithiasis.

It also showed that rates of infection, including a swelling throughout the body which started

as an infection (known as sepsis), is on the climb.

Much headway has been made in the treatment of sepsis and so the percentage of associated

deaths has remained at a fixed rate.

This shows we have become better at treating illness when it occurs, but it proves that

we have to improve prevention methods.

People need to be educated about the steps they can take to improve their own health

which will overall promote the prevention of such problems as kidney stones.

Why are women now more susceptible to kidney stones and infections related to them?

In this busy world that is constantly on the go, many women forget to take time for themselves

to really pay attention to their habits and their health.

It's time to start taking more time to consider our health as a priority, not just for ourselves,

but for the future health of the world.

For more infomation >> 8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stone - Duration: 10:40.


Jeep Wrangler RedRock 4x4 Ground Anchor Review - Duration: 3:13.

This RedRock 4x4 12,000-pound ground anchor is for those of you that have a 1987 and up

Wrangler and are looking for a way to do self-recoveries with a winch, while you're wheeling in an

area that you don't have a friend to use as an anchor or any trees around.

This is going to be able to be used in sand, in clay, and a lot of different soils and

ground types.

All you need to do is hook your winch onto it, and you'll be able to get out or off of

any sort of obstacle that you might be stuck in without the need for any other type of


Now, this is going to be a heavy piece.

It has to be.

It has to be very strong.

But it does fold up.

It comes in a carrying case.

If you wheel in an area where there aren't a lot of anchors, but you do have a winch,

this is going to give you a lot of peace of mind.

This ground anchor is made of steel.

Again, it is a big, heavy piece, but it has to be strong.

Up front here, you have a solid steel point that's going to be able to cut through any

roots, any rocks that you might have as you're pulling the anchor towards you, before it

actually gets sunk down deep enough to be able to pull your vehicle out of.

Up here, you have a couple of different mounting points.

You have your pulling bar here.

This also comes with a handle that is quick release, so that you can pull the ground anchor

back out of the ground after you're done using it, and of course a D-ring as well.

Now, this is something that you're going to only be able to use if you do have a winch

on your vehicle.

Of course, having this with just a strap isn't going to help.

You are going to have to have a winch.

I guess, you could use this with a come-along as well, but it is best suited for use with

a winch.

As far as the installation goes, this doesn't really get installed.

There's a little bit of assembly to do in order to be able to use it, and because this

does fold up nice and compactly to go into that carrying case that it comes with.

But again, no real installation.

All you need to do is attach your pulling bar right up top here.

Attach your winch cable to that pulling bar.

Get this set on an angle so it starts digging down into the surface of the dirt.

As it goes deeper and deeper, there'll of course be more and more resistance, until

this is feeling more resistance than your actual Jeep was.

Instead of the ground anchor being pulled toward your vehicle, your vehicle will start

being pulled toward the ground anchor.

This ground anchor will run you around $130, and I do think that that is a fair price for

what you're getting here.

This is something that is very well-built.

It's very heavy-duty.

It does have that 12,000-pound pulling capacity, and it also folds up nice and compactly.

So it is something that you can keep in your recovery bag, you can keep in the back of

your Jeep, and have with you when you need it.

In my opinion, if you're wheeling in an area where you don't have a lot of anchors around

and you do have a winch, this is going to give you a lot of peace of mind for just $130.

So I do think it's a good buy.

So if you're looking for a little extra peace of mind, one other way to recover yourself

when you're off-road, I think this ground anchor by RedRock 4x4 is going to be a great

option, and you can find it right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler RedRock 4x4 Ground Anchor Review - Duration: 3:13.


Koe no Katachi - Understanding Discrimination - Duration: 8:08.

There is a saying in Japanese: "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down"

I was the nail sticking out and was bullied badly because of that

Yestarday we had a call from Nishimiya's mother

8 of Nishimiya's hearing aids have gone missing or been damaged with in 5 months

She is worried that Nishimiya is being bullied with in our school

I won't escape from the challenges of my life

Starting tomorrow, I will look at everyone's face

Starting tomorrow, I will listen to everyone's voice

For more infomation >> Koe no Katachi - Understanding Discrimination - Duration: 8:08.


How to speed up and slow down video in Premier Pro CC - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> How to speed up and slow down video in Premier Pro CC - Duration: 1:52.


8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stones - Duration: 10:56.

8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stones

You wake up in the middle of the night feverish, your lower back hurts, and your abdomen is

painfully swollen and tender.

What's worse; when you get up to use the bathroom, it's so painful to urinate that

you think you might die.

You, my friend, are likely one in 10-percent of North Americans with a kidney stone.

This excruciating condition occurs when a small speck of calcium (from your urine) forms

in the kidney or the ureter (the passageway from your kidney to your bladder) and more

minerals stick to it to form a tiny stone that many patients describe as so terrible

its "more agonizing than giving birth".

If you have a kidney stone, you'll likely know it soon enough.

However, there are several early warning signs that can alert you to the formation of a stone

early on…


Frequent & Painful Urination

One of the earliest and most common warning signs that you may have kidney stones is a

sudden and unexplained increase in the frequency and urgency of urination.

You will notice an intense need to urinate, even when you haven't been drinking unusually

large quantities of fluid.

However, you may find that very little urine comes out when you do get to the bathroom,

given that your body doesn't actually have much liquid to expel.

When you do produce a normal volume of urine, you may find that the act of urinating causes

intense pain.

This happens if the kidney stone is moving from the bladder into the urethra.

Sharp, searing pain will occur, and you may also develop a urinary tract infection (UTI)

as the kidney stone migrates further.

By the time things reach this point, chances are you'll already have gone to see your

doctor; if you haven't, book an appointment.


Spreading Back Pain

A localized, nondescript form of pain often accompanies kidney stones from their earliest


Patients usually report that this pain begins in their sides and back, just below the rib

cage where the kidneys are located.

As the condition develops, the pain may travel from the lower abdomen down into your groin

area and into your lower back, presenting in fluctuating waves of throbbing pain and

general tenderness.

These waves of pain can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on

the size and location of the kidney stones.

Men with kidney stones may also find that the pain can migrate into their scrotum and


Some of the symptoms of kidney stones may mimic certain sexually transmitted infections

(STIs), especially pain in the genital region and painful urination.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's important that you get a prompt and proper

diagnosis as soon as possible.


Blood in Urine

In addition to more frequent urination and painful urination, you will likely notice

changes in the color and consistency of your urine if you have kidney stones.

Discoloration is one of the most notable of these changes; rather than being clear or

yellow in color, your urine may range anywhere from pink or red to light or dark brown.

As the kidney stones grow and block off your urethra, you may also begin to notice your

urine tinged with small amounts of blood, a condition known as hematuria.

Blood gets into your urine when the kidney stone lodges itself in your urethra, scraping

against your ureter or kidneys.

If that sounds painful, that's because it is – this condition causes intense discomfort.

The amount of pain you're in is a good indicator of the size of the kidney stone; larger stones

cause more intense pain, while smaller ones produce milder discomfort.


Nausea & Vomiting

Some people suffering from kidney stones report that they feel nauseous.

In some cases, this nausea can become so severe that it will cause vomiting, which can, in

turn, cause a host of other complications ranging from nutritional deficits to dehydration.

One of the causes of vomiting is the intense pain that you will experience if you pass

a kidney stone.

Some people find the pain so intense that they throw up.

Another reason vomiting occurs is that the kidneys play a very important role in eliminating

toxins and waste from your body.

Kidney stones impair the organ's proper function, meaning that there are likely to

be elevated levels of toxins and impurities in your stomach contents and bloodstream.

Your body wants to get rid of these toxins, but if your kidney function is impaired, vomiting

may be the only other way to expel them.


Pungent Smelling Urine

Patients suffering from kidney stones will also notice that along with discoloration,

urine also appears cloudy and may give off a pungent and foul odor.

While it is normal for urine to give off a slightly bitter smell from time to time, there's

no mistaking or missing the kind of sharp stench that can occur if you have kidney stones.

This odor occurs due to the presence of a heavy concentration of hard chemicals and

toxins in the urine.

As mentioned, the kidneys play an important role in removing toxins and chemical impurities

from your body.

Many of these substances are eliminated through the urine, but with your kidney's normal

functioning impaired, these toxins can linger and actually crystallize in the body.

Those crystallized toxins are what the kidney stone is made of, and when they are released

in your urine, you'll smell the difference.


Inability to Sit

Once the kidney stone reaches a larger size, it often becomes so aggravating that patients

will find themselves unable to sit down or lay down for an extended period of time.

This is because seated or laying-down positions put additional pressure on the affected area,

intensifying the pain and pressure as the kidney stone comes in contact with a wider

range of internal systems and structures.

Many people with kidney stones combat this symptom by standing up and pacing around;

anecdotal evidence suggests that these activities can provide temporary relief.

The uncomfortable pressure and pain caused by kidney stones can also interfere with your

ability to get a good night's sleep, and a significant number of patients complain

of interrupted or unrestful sleep.

Over an extended period of time, sleep loss can lead to loss of cognitive performance

and an inability to concentrate.


Fever & Chills

It is unusual for kidney stones to go untreated, since the symptoms they cause produce such

high levels of pain and discomfort.

However, in a small minority of cases, the kidney stone remains relatively small and

doesn't cause intense symptoms.

In such cases, the kidney stone is still causing problems in the urinary tract, scratching

up against surfaces and creating small internal wounds which could become infected.

Kidney stones bring a heightened risk of urinary tract infection (UTI), which can, in turn,

cause a fever and chills.

Other symptoms of UTIs include abdominal or pelvic pain, and abnormalities in the color,

frequency and consistency of urine.

The fever can reach high levels, potentially putting the patient in danger.

You should always consult a doctor if you have a high fever, especially if it's accompanied

by chills and isn't being caused by a known factor, like a cold or flu.


Kidney & Abdominal Swelling

If the kidney stones reach a large size, they can effectively block the normal flow of urine,

preventing urine from traveling through the urethra on its way out of the body.

This creates a backlog of urine, which gives rise to a whole host of potentially serious


One of the earliest signs that things are reaching this critical stage is intensely

painful swelling of the kidneys.

You have two kidneys, one on either side of your body.

They are located beneath your diaphragm, near your lower back.

If they become painfully swollen, you will notice swelling and inflammation in this area,

and in surrounding regions of the abdomen and groin.

These areas will be very painful to the touch, and you should seek immediate medical attention

if you develop these symptoms.

Should this symptom go untreated, you risk having your body go into septic shock as it

becomes overwhelmed by the toxins in the urine it can't get rid of.

It is known that kidney stones and other obstructions within the urinary tract are more common in

men, but surprisingly women are twice as likely to develop infections related to this condition.

In 2011 research showed a dramatic rise in the number of women developing kidney stones.

This was attributed to an increase in bad habits, including smoking and drinking.

One report specifically indicated that drinking iced tea can lead to painful stones because

of its high concentration of oxalate.

Oxalate is one of the key chemicals known to lead to the development of kidney stones.

Results published in the journal European Urology, showed that females are much more

vulnerable to infection when they become sick with urolithiasis.

It also showed that rates of infection, including a swelling throughout the body which started

as an infection (known as sepsis), is on the climb.

Much headway has been made in the treatment of sepsis and so the percentage of associated

deaths has remained at a fixed rate.

This shows we have become better at treating illness when it occurs, but it proves that

we have to improve prevention methods.

People need to be educated about the steps they can take to improve their own health

which will overall promote the prevention of such problems as kidney stones.

Why are women now more susceptible to kidney stones and infections related to them?

In this busy world that is constantly on the go, many women forget to take time for themselves

to really pay attention to their habits and their health.

It's time to start taking more time to consider our health as a priority, not just for ourselves,

but for the future health of the world.

For more infomation >> 8 Early Warning Symptoms of Kidney Stones - Duration: 10:56.


Jeep Wrangler DV8 Off-Road Ranger Hard Top (JK 2-Door) Review & Install - Duration: 4:26.

This is for those of you who are looking for an OEM-style top with a couple of additional

features, and a couple fewer features than a true OEM Jeep top.

Today, we're going to talk through the installation of this top, which is a very simple one out

of three-wrench install.

The first time you install this, there's a little bit of assembly to do, so it might

take you around an hour.

But every time after that will be much quicker, and we'll talk more about that installation

in just a second.

Now, the factory top comes with clear windows.

It comes with the rear wiper, rear washer, and rear defrost, but it doesn't come with

any sort of headliner.

The factory top also comes with a freedom panel feature, which makes them a three-piece


So that you can take the front section off above the driver and/or the passenger.

This top here, while it's going to look very similar to an OEM top, this is going to come

with tinted windows.

It is going to come with a headliner built into the entire top, and this is going to

be a two-piece top.

So you still have the ability to take off the top above the driver and the front seat

passenger, giving them that open air experience.

However, this isn't going to be a three-piece top.

So it's a little bit more difficult to take apart.

What you are going to lose with a top like this one is the rear wiper, washer, and defroster.

As far as construction goes, DV8 Off-Road makes a pretty high-quality top.

However, this is not going to be just like an OEM top.

This is made of a hand-laid honeycomb fiberglass material, which is designed to make it both

strong and light.

As I said before, this is going to come with tinted windows and with a carpet interior

headliner, which is a feature I really like.

One of my least favorite parts about a factory top is the fact that it's white on the inside,

and this isn't going to have that.

However, I do like the fact that an OEM top is a three-piece top, making it a little bit

easier to take apart, or to take advantage of that Sunrider feature, and that factory

top is going to have a rear wiper where this one isn't.

So there is definitely a tradeoff with purchasing an aftermarket top like this, versus purchasing

an OEM top.

Now, in some areas, the cost or the availability of an OEM top just makes it not feasible for

a lot of people, and that's where this top is going to come in.

In my personal opinion, I like the fit, the finish of an OEM top, and if I can get one

for roughly the same cost as this, I'd probably pick OEM.

As I mentioned before, the install of this top is going to be a very simple one out of

three-wrench installation.

Any top that you put on your Jeep, either OE or aftermarket, is going to install and

uninstall very easily, and you can get this installed in about an hour the first time,

and significantly less all the times after that.

Now, with this being a big, heavy, hard top, even though it is a two-piece top, it'll definitely

make sense to have at least one extra set of hands around when you want to install this.

Now, the first step in the installation process is just to remove whatever top you currently

have on the Jeep.

You'll have to get that out of the way first.

Then, you'll remove the factory footman loops from the top of the windshield frame, and

install the footman loops that come in this kit.

The next step is going to be actually lifting the rear section of the top onto the Jeep

and bolting it down.

Now, DV8 does give you a torqueing pattern for those bolts to make sure you get everything

tightened down in the right order, so everything seats properly.

Then, you can attach the target top, making the adjustments to the lashes to make sure

that it's nice and water tight.

The next step is going to be installing a couple of pieces of weatherstripping onto

your doors, and finally installing the rear glass onto your top.

As I said before, once you have those footman loops in place and the rear glass installed,

getting this top on and off is going to be much quicker the next time around.

All you're going to need for this installation are some hand tools, and of course a set of

TORX bits.

This top is going to run you right around $2,500, and I don't think that's a bad price

for what you're getting.

As I said before, I'd personally prefer the fit and finish of a factory top.

But if there aren't a lot of them in your area, if the price is just really high, then

this is certainly going to be a nice option for you.

This top is also going to come out of the box with a headliner installed, where the

factory top doesn't have that.

So if that's something you're looking for, again, it makes this that much more of a good


So that's my review of the DV8 Off-Road Ranger hard top, fitting your two-door 2007 and up

JK, that you can find right here at

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