So I think if you want to look at how to succeed at something one thing that can
be useful is looking at why people tend to fail and in this video I want to go
through some reasons I think people fail in business and as much as I am talking
about business most of this probably applies to just about any area of life
now I'm not claiming to have success or to be speaking from the top of a hill
here this is all based on either my own experiences baylene doing bad things and
what I've seen in other people and also some of the good things I've learned
along the way as I have attained more and more successes I've went along so
the first thing that tends to hold people back is not actually having an
outcome if you don't know what you want to do or where you're going you're not
going to be able to succeed at that and yes it seems really obvious but there's
often people who say like yeah I want to sort of kind of have my own business
sort of kind of I think and that's going to hold you back now if you're in the
stage of life where you're figuring out what you want to do like I'm not quite
sure I'm finding my way that's totally cool go through that phase and give
yourself time to figure out what you want to do but ultimately in order to
succeed is something you need an outcome you need a direction you're moving in
right I want to be a great painter I want to have an amazing YouTube channel
I want to be the world's number one latin-inspired ballerina gigolo dancer
person something like that you need your outcome or you're not going to have
anywhere to go on the flip side of that if you read a lot of autobiographies of
great people people have done a lot in their life they tend to have a focus and
they tend to go all in and be a little obsessive over it right so when you find
that focus when you find this thing you're really into and you just go for
it that's going to open up doors and you're going to be really blown away by
the kind of results you get from just having a dedicated focus in one
direction another area that really holds people back and I think it holds women
back more than men from my conversations with a lot of women about this is not
having belief in themselves not feeling like they're ready to do something or
they can do it and so they don't try now this applies to all people I think a
lack of self belief is really common but I think particularly it affects women so
the reason I think this affects women more than men is that men tend to jump
into things impulsively we not me in particular but other men who
played a lot of sports his kids you learn to make quick decisions and just
go with something right you can't overthink you can't doubt yourself and
so what tends to be the case is if a man is sort of 4050 percent sure he can do
something he'll be like yeah I can do that
and then risk failing but just goes for where for whatever conditioning reasons
or whatever it is women tend to want to be like 80 or 90 percent sure because
they're they're more worried about failing or looking bad or whatever that
is and so they'll hold themselves back and not go for it the reality is most
people who go for it don't know what they're doing either they just have a
little more self belief and they go for it and then they figure out how to do it
along the way it and ends up working out and this is where the next thing comes
in is having false beliefs one of the beliefs that people tend to have is like
well if it was so easy then everyone would be doing it and everyone would
succeed right there's obviously a hitch or something and the thing is is when
you have that belief you're forgetting about the first two things is that most
people don't know what they want to do and most people don't have enough self
belief to go for it so if you take that into account it explains why 90% of
people don't do the thing they want to do don't go after it so that kind of
logic of if it's so easy everyone would be doing it of that it's not really
based on actually understanding people the more and more I study psychology the
older I get the more I realize how many crazy beliefs there are that actually
hold people back and it's very rarely like a normal thing it's not well the
market conditions aren't good so I'm going to wait six months it's like these
delusional beliefs we all have I have them as well that we create that sort of
sabotage yourself and hold ourselves back now I just said it's not actually
that hard but it's not actually that easy as well so one of the things I can
hold people back is they think it's supposed to be easy and they get started
working for themselves and they come up for a challenge right something gets in
their way and they just quit or they've been doing
it a few months and it's not that easy they're not getting that much result so
they just quit they assume that it's supposed to be easy and that is not the
case so if you follow through if you focus you will succeed but it's not
going to necessarily be easy and it might require sacrificing your personal
life sometimes might require working extra hours doing
whatever so it's not supposed to be easy if you think it's going to be easy then
you're going to quit when it gets hard and that's going to be the reason you
fail not the actual challenge or why it is hard the next area that's messed with
me a bunch of times been getting caught up in the little details so rather than
just focusing on the big picture like I have a product I need to sell it you
know how do i market it people get into the little details I'm like well how
will accounting work or you know how does this like what software should I
use I don't want to start until I know what software I should use and that
stuff isn't important it's stuff you figure out along the way
but really focusing on the big picture stuff and I struggle with this too
sometimes where I get into the nitty-gritty details too much and so
this applies when you're starting out of don't think about the details just start
but it also applies once you're working for yourself right three four or five
years in remind yourself to focus on the big picture what are the things that
bring you revenue what are the things that grow your business do those ignore
the little details or hire someone else to handle them and you're going to do a
lot better in gaining momentum because you'll be focusing on the things that
are most important and the last thing that I think can mess with an
entrepreneurs chance of success is your peer group and the beliefs that create
so if you're from a family and a community where everyone thinks
entrepreneurship is stupid people are judging you they're telling you you
can't do it or the economy's bad or all this kind of stuff that's going to mess
with your head and so it doesn't mean you can succeed but it means you do need
to change that peer group because the people you spend time with are going to
have a huge impact on your success so being in the bad peer group is going to
create or sustain all these negative beliefs in yourself which are not going
to help you on the flip side when you change that peer group you join a
mastermind group or an entrepreneurial community or get involved with people
who think differently they're going to help shape new beliefs and support you
and push you along and that's going to actually help you get to the success
that you're looking for on that note I would love for you to join our community
right here on YouTube by subscribing to the channel and catch more videos on
entrepreneurship on location independent and on designing the perfect life for
you so that you can be happy fulfilled satisfied or just have some
fun thanks for watching catch in the next one
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