Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 17 2017


I'm sorry, but school was....

I know.


I know you quit school and track.

Your dad and I already knew.

Then why?

Because we knew how hard it has been for you.

We saw the pain

you've been going through.

It's been hard for us, too.

But it can't be compared to the loss you felt.

Your whole world fell apart.


That's why we let you be.

We believed that you'd find your place.

Your dad said that's what we should do.

He said our daughter would get through it.

But Suji.

Why do you want to be an idol singer?



It's nothing.

I just happened... get to know someone...

Are you happy?


It's all fine with us,

but are you happy?

For more infomation >> THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 12 Clip - A call from Suji's mom, "But are you happy?" - Duration: 2:04.


Who Are You Thankful For? - Duration: 2:40.

Not too long ago,

I did one of the hardest things a pastor could ever do.

I said goodbye to my congregation and left.

You see, over time we pastors develop very close relationships

with the people in our congregations.

We go through everything with you;

births, marriages, funerals,

good times and bad times, thick and thin.

We laugh together, we cry together.

The relationship between pastor and people becomes very close over time.

And so the Lord had led me to a different calling

to serve as a pastor somewhere else.

And the last day I was there was very joyful,

filled with memories,

and yet terribly tearful too.

On that last day,

I received one of the most prized possessions that I own.

And it's this picture right here.

You see, a member of the congregation had taken a picture

of the front of the church that we built there a few years ago.

And on the picture this is what it says,

These words beautifully sum up our time together.

And I always look at that picture with fond memories and great joy.

That has to be the same way the Apostle Paul felt about the Philippian Christians.

As he sat in jail in Rome,

he thought fondly about those people with all the great memories he had.

People like Lydia who we met, or the jailer at Philippi when he himself was in jail.

People whom he baptized, along with their entire families.

These were people he was so thankful for.

You know, sometimes we forget about the people who are closest to us in life.

Today would be a great day for you to think about those people

and to thank God for them.

Be sure to thank those people for who they are and what they do in your life.

But then thank God for the great blessing that they are to you

and the great joy that they give you.

Read the opening verses of Philippians chapter 1

and take time to reflect and thank God for those special people in your life.

If there's someone special that you're thankful for,

tag them in the comments below

and share your great joy that they bring to your life.

For more infomation >> Who Are You Thankful For? - Duration: 2:40.


This Is Why You Shouldn't Listen To Successful People ✓ - Duration: 7:59.

This Man, is a hero.

His name is Abraham Wald.

You don't know him.

Most people don't.

He's one of the reasons why we are not living under Nazi Regime.

He wasn't even a soldier.

He was a mathematician.

Now, I'll share with you what he taught the allied forces that made them defeat Nazis,

save Britain and France.

And what he taught the allied forces over 60 years ago, may also just help you save

your career now.

In 2nd World War, when the Brits were taking heavy hits on their air force when flying

over occupied allied territories, they realized that they need armors, heavy armors to protect

their planes.

But they quickly realized that they can't armor the entire bottom part of the plane

as it would make the planes too heavy to take off.

So, the smart men and women from the center for naval analyses department had conducted

a detailed study of the damage done to aircrafts.

The study went on for months.

And finally, they drew a map of where the planes got hit the most.

Then, they gave the map to army to cover those areas with strong armors.

It made sense to everyone.

Why wouldn't it, right?

Now everyone was happy, they were celebrating and they immediately got to work, started

putting armors based on that map.

And after the first batch started flying, they realized nothing changed.

They were still receiving heavy hits and still crashing down.

Then, Abraham Wald, the mathematician came to save the day.

He pointed out the mistakes in their thinking.

He said it was an incredibly dumb idea to cover the areas where they got hit and came

back to survive.

Because the aircrafts they were looking at were the survivors.

It's the ones that you don't see, the ones that were shot down, those are the ones

whose hits you need to protect against.

So, if anything the places you needed to cover are the places that didn't get hit in the

planes that survived.

Now, what does it have to do with you and your career?

Well, believe it or not it's extremely applicable to you.

Let me give you some examples so you understand how relevant

it is.

This is


Survivorship Bias.

For more infomation >> This Is Why You Shouldn't Listen To Successful People ✓ - Duration: 7:59.


OSRS Cow Teleport Animation - How to Get It? - Duration: 5:16.

Hello guys, my name is Koban and on this video, I am going to show you how to get

that "Cow Teleport" animation on this game OSRS or Oldschool Runescape. I actually

noticed that there are a lot of new players coming into the game who are

asking how to get it. This is the reason why I decided to create this video. To

make everyone happy, I want to let you know that there is no

requirement in obtaining this Cow Teleport animation. You can get it even

if you are an F2P or Free-to-Play Player. So let's start. The first step is to go to

"Draynor Village" and find the NPC named "Diango" who is located at the North West

area of the Bank which is the market place. For new players or complete

beginners, open your map and on the Search Form, enter "Draynor Village". This

will show you the map of Draynor Village. If it happens that you went

wondering around and end up at a certain far distant location, then I suggest using

your Home Teleport which should take you back into Lumbridge, specifically, at the

Lumbridge Castle. Once teleported, head to the East direction while using your map

to guide you for the best path in reaching your destination. If you can't use your

Home Teleport because you just used it recently, then you only have two options.

One, wait for its cool-down timer and two, make an effort to find your way into

Draynor Village by running or walking. However, if you are a P2P or Paid-to-Play

member then just simply use "Amulet of Glory" which teleports you directly to

Draynor Village. The second step is to find Diango.

You can find him at the market place along with some other NPCs who are

constantly walking around. Diango can be easily identified through his brown

hat with a feather. Third step is to use right-click on him,

don't bother talking to him because I think it's just a waste of your time, so

right-click then choose the option "Redeem-code". Then enter this code on the form

"osrsrf2014". This code actually stands for "OSRS Runefest 2014".

Once you have redeemed the code, try using your Home Teleport Spell which is

accessible from your Magic Tab. You will notice your character that instead

of the default animation which involves drawing a circle, sitting on the middle of

it then enchanting a certain spell from a book, a cow will appear from nowhere and

it will suddenly attempt to attack your character. The animation involves some

dodging between your character and the aggressive cow, but at the end, the cow

will be able to kick your character away back into the main entrance of the

Lumbridge Castle. Take note, in order for the Cow Teleport

animation to work, you character must be standing on a space which is enough for

the animation to be performed. There shouldn't be any obstacles nearby. If not,

then your character will perform the default animation of drawing a circle then

sitting down and so on. If you want to disable the Cow Teleport Animation

then right-click on your Home Teleport spell to restore it back into the

default animation. Overall, the Cow Teleport is simply an alternate Home

Teleport animation. The animation is the only part that has been changed while every

aspect of the teleport remains the same. This means that you can only enjoy the

moment of watching the animation once in every 30 minutes period. But, don't worry

this is the other reason why I made this video. You don't need to wait every 30

minutes or for the cool-down timer of your Home Teleport just to enjoy the short

moment of watching a cow kick your character away. So that's it.

That ends our OSRS Guide on how to get the Cow Teleport.

Thank you for watching and see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> OSRS Cow Teleport Animation - How to Get It? - Duration: 5:16.


I'm hurting you - Duration: 1:17.

you're not my

you're not my

i didn`t teach you how to fly

but when I think of you my body shiver

we're not together

It's not as interesting as it sounds.

I'm not looking for your love

i guess i better go

forgive me

and, you're not my

but I hurt you

I scare you

I'm hurting you

i know, it's all in vain

but I hurt you

I scare you

I act weird

I'm not waiting I'm doing

For more infomation >> I'm hurting you - Duration: 1:17.


LIVE(ish) - Officers' Club - Duration: 2:53.

- Courtney, I told you that it was a black tie event.

- Oh, I thought you said to wear a black tie.

- No, I didn't.

- Well, is this fancy enough for you?

- Yeah.

(gentle guitar music)

- Welcome back to Liveish, I'm Courtney.

- And I'm Jana.

We're here at the Kadena Officers' Club,

brushing up on some of the etiquette rules we know.

- I still don't understand why I can't

just use one fork for everything.

- It's just the rules, Courtney.

If you want to learn more on protocol,

or ceremonial and social etiquette, on 25 July,

Maggie Bonner, Ms. Manners of the Air Force,

will be holding an informational session

to answer any questions you have

regarding military decorum and customs.

Then, on 26 July, you'll be able to put

your etiquette skills to the test

at a formal dining event with Maggie Bonner.

- Learning new things with FSS doesn't stop there.

Head over to Arts and Crafts to learn a new hobby.

They have classes for everyone, from woodworking to pottery.

I tried my hand at pottery, and had a blast.

The wood shop is amazing, because you could work

at your own pace on large projects,

or join a class to learn to make different crafts,

like shadow boxes or corn hole boards.

They also have a variety of supplies

for you to buy, to continue your hobby at home.

- Your hobbies don't have to end at Arts and Crafts.

Schilling Community Center offers many fun classes,

like Ikebana Flower Arranging,

Etagami Post Card Calligraphy,

and Japanese Conversation, and so much more.

So, stop by the Schilling Community Center

to enroll in a class that piques your interest.

- If you're new to the car scene,

Auto Hobby offers classes for you.

On 26 July, they will be offering

an Under the Hood Orientation, where they will help you

get to know your car a little better.

They offer different kinds of classes each month,

so keep your eye out for them.

- The Airman and Family Readiness Center offers

an array of classes for families and military members.

During July, they are offering

a Resume and Interview Skills class, on 18 July,

Bundles for Babies on 25 July,

and Career Technical Training Track class on 25 and 26 July.

- For more information on these fun opportunities,

visit us on,

and pick up a July Venture Magazine.

- Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram,

at Kadenafss, and share your experiences and crafts with us,

by using #Kadenafss.

- See you all next time.

(upbeat music)

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