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Do You Suffer From MIGRAINE HEADACHES? This may help! - Duration: 8:01.Hi everybody! Today we're going to be talking about migraine headaches. If
you suffer from migraine headaches, I am so sorry! I did suffer from migraine
headaches for years and I know the pain. I feel your pain. I'm doing this
video because I have overcome the painful world of migraines and I
want to pass this information along in case it can help you. According to the US
National Library of Medicine, about 12% of the US population
actually gets migraines. They are three times more common in women than
men and they list some things that can trigger a migraine including: anxiety,
stress, (that makes sense) lack of food or sleep, exposure to light,
hormonal changes in women, (that's why probably more women get them
than men) and it says doctors used to believe migraines were linked to the
opening and narrowing of blood vessels in the head. Now they believe the cause
is related to genes that control the activity of some brain cells. That is
not what I found. I found a different world and one of the books that I would
recommend if you suffer from migraines is called "Grain Brain" by Dr. David
Perlmutter. He is actually a renowned neurologist, so he knows about the brain.
In his book, I thought this was very interesting,
he writes, "Your brain weighs three pounds and has 100,000 miles of blood vessels..."
That is an enormous amount to think about. He says that, "All the studies to
date show how important lifestyle is when it comes to managing, treating and
permanently curing headaches if you can reduce sources of inflammation (lose the
extra weight, eliminate gluten, go low carb, and high good fat)" a good fat would
be like substituting real butter for margarine, real butter is a good fat, "and
maintain healthy blood sugar balance, you can target and control
headaches. I can tell you from my own personal experience, I suffered with
migraines for years and it didn't matter what I did, I could not get rid of the
migraine headaches. I could not figure out what was triggering my
headaches, until I started removing things from my diet. That's what
Dr. David Perlmutter also advises. Just to remove things from your diet to
see if that helps maybe, possibly, lessen the pain. He says that,
"whether you're dealing with tension headaches, cluster headaches, sinus
headaches, or migraines basically it's a collective basket of conditions that
share the same characteristic pain in the head due to physical and biochemical
changes in the brain." "As for those people who can't nail down a reason," if you
can't find the reason that causes your migraines, he says "that nine times out of
ten that reason could be undiagnosed gluten sensitivity. Here's the book again
so you can see it. That's what I found. I had to remove gluten from my
diet. I had to remove sweets from my diet because I wanted to be well. So I got off
the high carb, high sugar, standard American diet. I got away from the gluten.
I got away from the cookies, the desserts, the bread, the pastas,
and the white rice. I went over to the world of natural healing, whole
foods. My diet now consists of vegetables, proteins, good meats, good eggs, and fruit
in the healthy state, not in a processed state. I left the
processed food world and went over to the natural food world, and by doing so
and by building up my gut, (and I've done a video called "How I Beat my Sugar
Addiction") that also helped me with my migraines. I started drinking apple cider
vinegar. I started eating a probiotic food or
drinking a probiotic drink every time I put something in my mouth. By doing
that, I was helping my body heal itself from the inside, while avoiding putting
junk in it. Those two elements together is what I think reduced my
migraines and I am completely migraine free. I don't even have the headaches
anymore and I think I can control that by controlling my diet. Another
thing I just wanted to tell you, this was on Bastyr University. Bastyr
University is the school out west where people go to study if they want to
become a naturopathic doctor. There are different doctors in the world.
There are medical doctors and those are called allopathic doctors. Those are
doctors that can treat trauma. Those are the doctors that are needed on the
battlefield for our military. Those are the doctors that can do surgery, that can
stitch up wounds, that can take a bullet out of your arm. I hope
nobody ever has that. The other world is the naturopathic doctors. Those are the
doctors who see your body as a whole and, instead of treating the symptom which is
necessary for trauma, they treat the root cause. One of the articles I found
from Bastyr University was actually written by a doctor who used to suffer
from migraines. She wrote that she experienced triggers in some foods that
had additives in them such as nitrates. Nitrates are a preservative that is found
in processed meat: bacon, ham, deli meat, sausage, hot dogs, brats - things like that.
If you do like eating foods like that, you can find them nitrate-free. You
just have to read the label. She also mentioned MSG monosodium glutamate
(that's an additive) chocolate, alcohol, especially beer and red wine,
caffeine, and salty food. So I think it's just something else for us to maybe
think about. What we're eating in our diets might be affecting our
migraines . If you would like to reach out, I would
love to help you, or talk with you, or share some more research with you. We are here.
You can find us and contact us at
You can also find us on our Fan Pages. In case you're interested, we
have an a free, online health evaluation that you can take confidentially in your
own home. All you do is complete this evaluation online and then it gives you
the results. That might be helpful in trying to
figure out why you might be having migraines.
Maybe you're dealing with an imbalance in your body. So, if you're interested,
please reach out. We would love to connect with you and help you. I work
with Louise Ramey, who is in school to become a naturopath practitioner.
W just enjoy reaching out to people and helping people. So if you found this
information helpful, please pass it on to somebody that it could help. We're
just here to help lighten each other's loads. We do these videos every day,
Monday through Friday. We'll be back again tomorrow with another video. We
hope that you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day. I hope it's pain-free!
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