IBS, Acid Reflux, Ulcers, Bloating, Constipation—10 Superfoods You Should Eat To Heal Your GUT
The digestive process is seemingly very simple.
It starts by putting food in the mouth, chewing it up, and swallowing.
Then, the body processes the food, uses the components it needs, and the rest is excreted
as waste.
However, digestion is basically quite complex processed that can be easily disrupted on
a variety of factors, from nit chewing the food properly, lacking stomach acid or enzymes,
or lacking the balance of microbes to digest the food the right way.
If your diet is based on GMO and sugar-rich foods, your gut will become inflamed, potentially
leaky, and increases the risk of both acute and chronic health conditions.
The good news is that adding digestive superfoods to your diet can go a long way towards reversing
the damage.
10 Superfoods for Digestive Health
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel is packed with enzymes and anti-viral, anti-fungal, antibacterial properties, all
of which make it beneficial for soothing various digestive complaints.
It helps in the case of acid reflux, but it`s imperative to use home-grown aloe leaves.
The benefits of Aloe Vera come from the inner gel of the plant, which can be mixed with
lemon or lime and blended to make it more palatable.
In addition to this, Aloe Vera gel has been found to help treat constipation, ulcers,
candida infections, parasitic infections, IBS, colitis, and Chron`s disease.
Bone Broth
Bone broth is the base of the GAPS diet, which is developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.
This diet is often used to treat autistic children and children with other disorders
that stem from gut dysfunction.
It is designed to heal leaky gut, a condition which allows the toxins and viruses to pass
through the intestine and reach the bloodstream.
Leaky gut is the cause of many autoimmune disorders and allergies.
When combined with toxic buildup, it may lead to disorders like autism and ADHD.
Bone broth is packed with nutrients that most Americans lack, in a highly bioavailable form.
It contains nutrients like collagen, silicon, components of bone and bone marrow, glucosamine,
phosphorus, calcium, and other minerals.
Fermented Vegetables
Fermented veggies are powerful detoxifiers and are loaded with beneficial bacteria, which
makes them ideal for improving the gut flora.
They are also packed with antioxidants and fiber for optimal digestive health.
As little as one-quarter to one-half cup of fermented veggies, eaten with one to three
meals daily, can have a notable impact on the digestive health and the overall health.
If you are fan of spicy foods, you might try Kimchi, a traditional Korean dish from fermented
veggies and blend of scallions, garlic, chili peppers, and spices.
Kefir and Coconut Kefir
Both kefir and coconut kefir are packed with enzymes and probiotics that promote healthy
balance for proper gut health.
In addition to this, traditional kefir also contains vitamins B1 B2,B7, essential amino
acids, beneficial yeast, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
As noted by the Epoch Times:
"Coconut kefir will enhance hydration and recolonize your gut and mucous membranes with
a wide variety of beneficial microflora.
It also contains beneficial yeasts that seek out and destroy pathogenic yeasts in the body
(like Candida) as well as helping clean, strengthen, and purify intestinal walls so it can become
more resistant to dangerous pathogens like E. coli, salmonella, and parasites.
Coconut kefir also helps assimilate nutrients in the gut and enhances the usage of certain
trace minerals and B-vitamins."
Flax Seed Tea
To prepare flax seed tea, simply pour 12 ounces of boiling water over a tablespoon of flax
seeds and allow it to steep overnight.
This beverage is packed with soluble fiber, anti-inflammatory properties, and omega-3
fats, all of which provide healing support to the colon.
This tea is ideal for those with leaky gut or irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS).
Red Cabbage
Red cabbage is loaded with L-glutamine, an amino acid that helps heal the lining of the
It is particularly beneficial for those with leaky gut, celiac disease, Crohn`s disease,
irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis.
You can eat it juiced, steamed, or fermented, which adds many beneficial bacteria and gut-healthy
Chlorella is a fresh alga with offers a wide array of health benefits.
For instance, it promotes healthy pH levels in the hut, which helps beneficial bacteria
to thrive.
It is also a powerful chelating agent, meaning that it detoxifies mercury and other heavy
metals, which is beneficial because one of the symptoms of mercury buildup is digestive
distress and inability to use fats and assimilate them properly.
In addition to this, it is rich in fiber, keeping
your regular.
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