It's feeling cold when the sky is going dark
only me and you, sitting side by side
You're crying over my shoulder
about the one that makes you so suffer
Nobody knows how I got here
Nobody cared for my dream
I get high off my lows and stronger from the blows So I keep on keep on keep on
Do you need me accompanied, tonight?
Just the light from the candles and two of us holding tight
Don't be afraid, cause' I'm not going anywhere
Girl, I'll hold you tight through the night
We're the new heroes
We're the new heroes
Girl, I'll hold you tight through the night
Fought off the wolves in sheep clothing
Stood up for what I believed
Turn my mess into messages Learn from the lessons
And keep on keep on keep on (Girl, I'll hold you tight through the night)
Through all of the fears (ผมยอมให้เธอคนเดียว แม้ว่ายากเพียงใด เพื่อที่จะได้รู้จักเธอ)
We all live for the day They'll be screaming our names
So we keep on keep on keep on (Girl, I'll hold you tight through the night)
We're the new heroes
Listen to you, crying for losing someone
but forget that's also hurt me so much
telling 'I love you' could makes me losing
So, sitting here, side by side while you're crying is the best that I could do
Stop crying, please, baby
shed all those tears on your cheeks
He doesn't want you, that's enough
There's someone else in this world still cares for you
You deserve the most beautiful love of yours
And there's someone like me who cares for you
Burning through nights Paying the price
To be living legends
All of the breaks Every stage
To be living legends (Girl, I'll hold you tight through the night)
We're the new heroes
(The future) ไม่ต้องบอกตัวเธอก็รู้ oh baby give it to me
Girl, I'll hold you tight through the night
For more infomation >> (NCT) TEN/TAO STP - New heroes/You've got a friend in me ( MashUp ) - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Funny VINE Compilation 2018!!! (TRY NOT TO LAUGH at these New Vines on Oevo by TrickThate) - Duration: 15:40.
Awesome Oevo Compilation!!! (New Vine Compilation 2018 by TrickThate)
Random soul: "Let me out!!!"
*screams of torment*
You can't do that here!
Why not? I'm in the woods!
You're peeing on the home of a family of squirrels!
Stop it!
Would you like to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?
It's 4 in the morning!
Booty patrol, you ready?
*grunts of affirmation*
Let's go!
Yo Skazz, the police are looking for--
*Skazz hiss*
Oh, God! I'll come back later! Jesus!
Josh, I think I'm starting to go bald!
Oh man, that's crazy!
What's up, man?
Hey dude, I-oh!!!
Ooh! What are you doing?
Oh, this? I always do that. Want some gum?
*ridiculous choking noises*
What do you wanna do with your life, huh?
Are you proud of the way you've been living?
He's seven, dude!
Psh! He's more like a 2!
Help! I need Oevo coins to survive!
I've got one...
*melodramatic dying vomit*
It's not enough!
Cheap bastard, just die then!
Oh!!! What's up?
Nightcore → Gasoline | Halsey (Cover by American Avenue)「Lyrics」 - Duration: 2:29.
Nightcore → Gasoline | Halsey (Cover by American Avenue)「Lyrics」
How to CHOOSE instead of Create with the Law of Attraction (Guided Meditation) - Duration: 28:08.
This video, I'm going to be sharing with you how to choose instead of create your reality.
I'm going to share with you why this is a total game changer if you start to apply it
and how you can easily do that.
Welcome back to another video.
My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.
Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you more about this idea and this practical
application of choosing your reality versus creating your reality.
Now, this is an idea I've talked about a couple of times before on the channel, but this time
what I'm going to do is explain it in a little bit of a new way.
Plus at the end we're going to do a meditation for wiring in this understanding so that things
in your life become more easy.
You're able to allow more.
You're able to have more flow in your life rather than the resistance that comes when
we're trying to create everything, and this has to do with understanding an idea that
kind of has to go with parallel realities and understanding that every reality we can
possibly imagine exists right now in the present moment.
So when we believe that we have to create that reality, what happens is, is we're almost
taking on the whole world, on our back, and instead of acknowledging the, uh, with the
awareness that, that reality that we want to experience exists right now simply at a
different frequency, and that if we start to embody different emotions, actions and
thoughts, those three things make up our frequency.
When we start to embody the reality of the frequency, we want the frequency of the reality
we want, then what we do is we start to see that that is our experience.
That is the outer reflection of what we internally are vibrating at.
So think of this in a way like a radio station, like a radio station doesn't have to create
that of the radio waves.
Radio station just has to tune itself to the right frequency and when it tunes itself to
the right frequency, it will pick up whatever is on that channel, so in the same way there
is a channel that exists metaphorically speaking of you being the best version of yourself,
have you doing what you love for a living?
Have you been in the perfect relationship?
Whatever it is that version of you exists right now, and if you were to imagine it,
if you can imagine it, then it does exist in some form and at a fundamental core level.
When we understand that every reality we can imagine exists, we can see that it all exists
right now because now is the only moment that does exist.
We have never actually experienced the past because when it was the past, it was in the
now moment.
It's simply a experience that's been stored in our mind with memory and we've never actually
experienced the future because by the time the future got here, it's this moment right
These are just ideologies.
The past is something in our memory.
The future is an idea from our imagination.
The only experiential part of reality is this moment right now, so therefore understanding
that any parallel reality we can imagine using our brain exists right now, we can begin to
embody that version of us so it's not something that's so far out, but remember it's more
so like a radio station.
It's not like you have to create the radio station.
It's not like you have to create the actual frequency it already exists and it's about
embodying those emotions, body and those thoughts and embodying those actions of that version
of you because as you do it, you can think of those three things.
Make up your frequency.
As you are embodying that level of frequency.
You were then perceive of that channel on that radio station analogy I was using.
So think about how much easier it is much easier in your idea or a new in your mind.
Is it easier to create your own reality, make everything happened from the ego's perspective
to have to kind of take the weight, put it on your shoulders and make things happen?
Or is it easier for you to allow knowing that as long as you link up your thoughts, feelings,
and actions up with that version of you that eventually you will get that reflection?
Which sounds easier because to me what I've realized in my own life, because I was that
guy that was always talking about action for the first year on my youtube channel, that's
all I talked about.
Take massive action because I was so rewarded for it.
I just take making a daily video, a video every day on Youtube.
My Youtube channel started to grow very quickly, so I was like, yes, action, and it was I over.
I kind of in a way had to go through that experience and I still take a lot of action.
Don't get me wrong, like I'm not.
I don't sit around all day and there's nothing wrong with that, but I take a lot of action
so I live what I am talking about here, but at the same time there's a different energy
from which I use that action instead of before the action was like, oh, I gotta do this,
gotTa do this.
GotTa do this because it was going to make me more complete, make me feel more whole.
Now I come at it with, I already feel this way and I just loved to take action.
I love what I do.
I love making videos.
I love doing and putting things together like I do with my website and everything that I
do and it's a part of what I love to do so it doesn't feel like I have to try so hard,
but it's a different type of energy, so it's about having that awareness because then when
we start to align with who we naturally are and we start to believe that the process can
be easy, things start to become much better.
Now, here's another thing, the only time we remain more of a leaf in the wind is when
we believe that there is no correlation between what we are thinking and what we're feeling.
When we think that there is no correlation or we're not aware of that correlation, that
many times we would just continue to experience whatever happens happens.
We don't direct it consciously using intention.
I'll tell you right now, you set your intentions in your life and your whole life will change.
Set more intentions.
I intend dot, dot, dot.
What do you intend for?
I intend to have a great day today.
I intend to go to work the field, uh, connected to the people I'm working with.
I tend to go to the gym and have a great workout.
I intend to.
Whatever you're doing for your day, I intend to set the intention, prepaid the kind of
experience that you want to have.
Now another side of this is understanding that the victim mentality is something that
we always default back to unless we become aware of it.
This happens almost.
This happens so often and what we do is we say, oh, this happened to me.
This happened to me.
And anytime we're saying this happened to me, even if it's a past even, it's a story
that we tell ourselves that said, this is my past has happened to me.
And if you guys have heard me talk about it before, I had to like a rough childhood.
Like most people, I'm not saying, you know, special or to pity what I went through, but
I had an abusive ex step mom.
She's no longer in my life.
I know rang up to deal with it, but for years after my dad divorced when I was 15 years
old for Zillow, from seven to 15, I didn't have much freedom.
I didn't have a, she was just a very angry person and I for a long time.
So after 15 all of a sudden we're allowed to have freedom again.
We're allowed to kind of eat more food.
We weren't allowed to eat a lot of food when she was around for some reason.
So we were very malnourished.
We didn't weigh very much.
Me and my brother when I say we and then what happened is then all of a sudden we have this
freedom so we're able to watch tv or I will have friends were able to do like normal kid
stuff versus always working outside every day.
And for a long time I was like, why did this happen?
Even 15 on 15 to 22 and 22 is when I had my spiritual awakening and in that period of
time what I realized is I was like, oh, why did this happen?
Why this as mad?
Because I feel like it didn't have a childhood I didn't have or you know, like a normal childhood.
And then I became, and I became a realize that at a deeper level, at a deep level, this
might sound kind of crazy, but I chose that experience.
I chose that experience because I wanted to go through something like that so that I could
come out on the other side a lot stronger.
And it was something out of soul level that I became aware of that I had because that
caused a lot of pressure and pain that then caused a spiritual awakening.
Years later, the now I do what I do for a living and um, I may not do everything I'm
doing right now if it weren't for a lot of pain in childhood and different ways.
So it's about having that awareness.
And uh, for me, that awareness was that I chose that experience.
The moment I knew that I chose that everything changed.
I let go.
All the story I was telling myself I was also able to easily forgive her.
It became much easier because I realized that there was some type of benefit in it.
So if you treat this is one thing that if you do and you do this for a period of time,
I recommend you always do this.
This can absolutely change your life, treat every situation in your life, even when you're
thinking about your past, as if you chose it.
Treat every situation in your life as if you chose it.
Because as you do that, as you treat it, as if you chose it, you don't carry around resistance.
It's not that it should be different than anybody else and it will then naturally transform.
And if you treat everything as if you chose it, what happens?
Your state of being continues to go up and up and up.
But at the moment you say, and you put it in your mind and you say, that's not supposed
to be there, that shouldn't be there.
You create this pattern within you, within your energy field, within you that says that's
not supposed to be there and that, that that's not supposed to be.
They're mentioned in your mind and feeling is going to create more and more of those
We were going to subconsciously carry it around everywhere we go.
So this is a game changer.
This is something that changed my life.
I treat every situation is if I chose it, think about it.
You're in traffic, no traffic, you want to get some more.
But if you treat it as if you chose it, how much resistance will you feel?
It's not like some ego gratifying thing.
It's like, I'm God, I chose everything.
This is more so the awareness of, Huh, what if I chose this experience?
What if I could treat it as if I chose it?
How much more would you allow?
And this is the funny paradox because as you do that, your state of being goes up your
And actually raised and those things that you don't prefer will be in your life less
and less.
It's a.
It just works.
Try it.
Don't take my word for it.
Try it for yourself and see if it works.
Treat situations in your life as if you chose it.
Let's see what happens, but also understand
you do not have to create anything in your life.
You just have to choose it from a set of options.
You have to choose it because that parallel reality that you want to experience exists
right now in the present moment, simply vibrating at a different frequency and what makes up
your frequency, how you think, how you feel, how you act.
Those three things make up your frequency and changing them is about focus.
The more you focus on something, the more you feel it.
The more you focus on something, the more ideas and opportunities you'll see about whatever
you're focusing on, the more you'll feel inspired to take action, the more your thoughts will
align with it as well.
Focus is where the power is.
When you learn how to really focus everything, your life will begin to change.
So now
what we're gonna do is we're going to move into a guided meditation or what we are going
to do is to link up with the frequency of the reality that we want, which means we're
going to go to the parallel reality version of us, where we are doing exactly what we
want to be doing and we're going to pay attention to the choices that we make.
We're going to pay attention to the way we carry ourself.
We're going to pay attention to the different aspects of what we would be choosing in our
daily life.
And as we do that, we're going to imagine it through our own eyes as if that is who
we are, that version of us, because it exists right now.
And what we're gonna do is we're going to anchor that in and then bring that back to
a part of who we are.
So in a way we are tuning to the frequency of that radio channel.
That radio channel is you doing exactly what you want to be doing and as you do that, you're
going to feel an embodiment of this.
This is why we do meditations in this view.
Videos now, I believe that meditations, guided meditations with the music and everything,
it helps to wire all of this in to make learning more of an actual experience rather than that
of just some cool idea that goes in for Tony minutes and then goes out and then it's gone.
This is about embodying what we learn in a powerful way to embody it right now is to
do this exercise, so I recommend that you do this exercise for 21 days to really embody
that self image, this new version of you, and to really anchor into your reality and
you can listen to it before you go to bed.
You can listen to it as a pick me up throughout the day and let's do it whenever you want.
well let's go ahead and get into the meditation now.
So I'm going to ask you to do is I'm going to ask you to breathe in with me.
To breathe out with me and to feel yourself relax with every breath that you take.
So let's go ahead and take a deep breath in.
Read it out.
Feel your body relax
more and more.
With every breath you take, feel yourself going deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Now put your hands over your heart because as you put the electromagnetic energy, the
warmth from your hands into your heart, you are growing the field of energy around your
You are also creating.
That is something called heart and mind coherence which makes this exercise even more powerful.
So the more we put awareness in our heart, the more this energy will grow.
There's more love we will feel in our lives.
This is something that heartmath institute has shown and what we're going to do is take
another deep breath in, deep breath out.
Breathe that out, feeling your body relaxed
more and more
and fuel the energy in your heart.
Once again, feel the warmth in your hands.
Feel and imagine a ball of energy in your heart.
Any color that you like spinning faster and faster in a clockwise position, and the faster
it spins, the more you feel this warmth.
Feel this energy now speeding up.
I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count.
You're going to feel double the amount of relaxation in your body.
You're going to feel more of this love inside your heart.
You're gonna.
Feel more present to the moment and you can close your eyes.
Now if you'd like five, feel this energy in your heart.
You're going to spin faster and faster for feeling the tingling sensation.
Go through your whole body.
Three, feeling yourself, double the amount of relaxation to so deep, so relaxed.
One, feel yourself now.
Soak in the energy in your heart.
Be aware of any emotions that come up.
Be Aware of the tingling sensation in your chest.
Now imagine that you are in a very relaxing place.
This can be a place outdoors or inside a forest at a beach in a room you feel very comfortable
in whatever you'd like.
Imagine that you are in this place.
pay attention to the colors.
Notice who and what is in your environment.
I pay attention to the sounds that you hear.
Imagine those sounds becoming louder, louder, and begin to pay attention to how you feel.
Notice how relaxed you feel, how comfortable you know.
This is a place that you can go anytime you want to connect deeper to yourself.
You want to do any inner work.
You want clarity.
You can always come back to this place.
Now notice that ended the distance.
You see a mirror
It's about six feet tall and a standing in the middle of wherever you are.
Go ahead and walk over to that meter.
I noticed that on the mirror as a marketing that says the best version of you.
This mirror, when you look into it, you are able to see into the parallel reality that
exists right now.
Have you doing exactly what you love to be doing, fueling the exact emotions you'd prefer
to feel because this reality exists right now.
Now look into the mirror and notice that as you do, you're able to see this version of
you pay attention to your body language, how you carry yourself and notice that you are
doing one scenario.
You are in one situation and you are seeing yourself doing whatever it is you love.
It's one scenario that represents this parallel reality.
What do you notice?
How do people interact with you?
What is your body language like?
Now, pay attention to the kind of choices you make in this reality.
What kind of daily choices do you make now?
What kind of emotions do you feel the majority of the time?
What are your priorities as this version of you?
Imagine that this parallel reality version of you looks over at you and sees you looking
in the mirror because in this parallel reality, that version of you can see into your reality
Now imagine that this version of you walks up to the mirror and you guys are now looking
face to face asked this version of you, what your priorities
to be living in that reality.
Now ask this version of you what kind of choices you can be making to be at that frequency.
Ask if there's any message that this version of you has for you.
Now you.
This version of you is going to transmit the energy from that reality to this reality and
from this reality going on forward, you are going to begin to naturally make choices that
line up with you living in the parallel reality you prefer.
This is going to have an effect on you that will last.
After this meditation.
You will notice that your choice has been new.
Can reflect this new version of you.
Your choices begin to reflect the best version of you and what we're going to do is we're
going to put our hands up to the mirror and when we do, when we touch and put our hand
up to the hand of our reflection of this parallel reality version of us, we are going to feel
a surge of energy flow through our body.
And this surge of energy is going to help and assist us and making choices that align
with this reality.
So I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count down, you're going
to feel double the relaxation.
You're gonna.
Feel more certainty at the kind of choices you can be making.
You can feel certain that it is so much easier for you to be experiencing what you want because
with choice there is ease.
You don't have to create anything.
You just have to choose it, and by the time you touch the hand of your reflection, you're
going to feel like these choices are easy to make.
You're going to feel motivated and you're gonna.
Feel happy present to them.
Now put your hand up.
Start to move your hand towards that of the reflection five field this energy inside of
your hand right now begin to increase for fuel.
Double the relaxation throughout your body.
Three, feel this surge of energy increasing as you get closer to the mirror to feeling
this more and more.
Now, one, feel this energy flow through your entire body, rewiring yourself, rewiring your
brain, helping you understand the kind of choices you can make.
Understanding that manifestation is so much easier.
Then you priorly thought
you realize now it's simply about resonance.
It's simply about you choosing the reality that you want, and now this parallel reality
version of you has connected with you and this energy will stay with you for as long
as you want.
Now, take that energy from your hand and put it inside of your heart and know that from
this point going forward, opportunities will come into your life.
You will notice things in a completely new way.
You'll feel like manifesting is easy.
It's just a natural part of who you are.
It's a natural part of your frequency, this parallel reality version of you for this connection
and know that by the end of the day to day, you are going to notice a completely new reflection
in your.
You're going to get a sign that you are on the right track.
Set the intention to know it when you see it.
Now, what we're gonna do is we're going to bring this energy back into our awake, alert
I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count.
You're going to feel yourself becoming more alert, more present in the moment, ready to
have an amazing day.
Five, fuel yourself now, become more present to the moment for feel this energy flow through
your body.
Three, start to wiggle around.
You can start to move around now to one.
You can open up your eyes, ready to go, knowing that things are gonna happen easier than ever
because you can choose the kind of experiences that you want, so I recommend you do this
for 21 days.
You're going to find that everything in your life begins to change in a very powerful way.
And also I'm going to be doing more live q and a's on instagram, so if you would like
to have more of live interaction with me, if you'd like to do live meditations with
me, going to follow me on instagram as well.
And other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
Feel free to like this video if you liked it, subscribe if you haven't already.
Also hit the little notification gear so that you could see the daily bids that I do, and
other than that, I will see you next video.
Much love and nom estate.
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Schmidt Times: ANNIVERSARY?! - Got A Minute? - Duration: 1:03.
It's time to celebrate, ladies and gentlemen.
Not only is it Canada Day, but Schmidt Times has officially reached its first-year anniversary!
So far we've released eighty-five public videos, built a viewership of eighty-one subscribers,
and invested over eighteen hundred hours into production.
I'd call that a mighty fine start!
I think some of my favourite videos to come out of the channel have been from Zelda Month
back in November.
That's where I embraced the sleazy salesman angle which defined my approach to narration!
"How to be a Hero" is another highlight since My Hero Academia matched so well with
my Garden Warfare gameplay, and Making the Case still stands as my favourite format on
the channel: despite my crude artwork holding me back from releasing new instalments.
But the channel's still young, and I'm sure the best is yet to come.
In the months to follow, you can expect to see some upsets to the schedule as I welcome
a bit more experimentation.
Don't you worry, though: what I have planned for our second year is going to be a smashing
good time, so buckle up for the Ultimate Schmidt Experience!
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