Leave a beautiful place in the comments!
Maybe I will make the next video there!
For more infomation >> the world is bigger then you think... - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Björn & Benny (ABBA) : To Live With You (Demo 1975) - Duration: 2:54.
How to stop politics from controlling your emotions | Tim Snyder - Duration: 7:39.
History is actually the one thing I think which allows you to get out ahead.
It's very ironic, because when people think about history they think, "Well, history
means that things are going on in the world and a historian is off reading dusty books,"
which, fair enough, I would love to be reading lots of dusty books right now.
I will concede the point.
But when you've read all those dusty books, what happens is that you have the ability
to see certain patterns, you have a sense of what fits together and what doesn't fit
Isaiah Berlin wrote an essay on the possibility of the scientific history, in which he said
that "history is not about knowing what happens, it's about knowing what can't
That is extremely useful.
So a historian will never look at a problem and say, "This is entirely new," a historian
will look at a problem and try to find the familiar aspects of it.
And that's a very big advantage over other forms of analysis, because if you look at
something and say that it's totally new, that disables the mind right away, it also
tends to disable, I think, political action.
Because if something is totally new it's very easy to take the next step and say, "Well
if it's totally new then what can I do about it?"
Or you can say, "Since it's totally new all things are permitted," which can also
lead you in some really unproductive direction.
So the first thing the historian will do is we'll say, "Whatever this problem is,
it's not entirely new."
When a historian is confronted by something very surprising like the 2016 campaign in
the United States, the historian is likely to say, "Well, the things that this candidate
is saying aren't true, but the possibility this kind of campaign could work is a real
So the historian is freed from, or should be freed from the conviction of the day, and
the historian automatically looks back to other moments where similar things like this
So for example, we're in a second globalization.
There was a first globalization in the late 19th and early 20th century.
The second globalization began, our globalization began, with all kinds of promises that technology
and export-lead growth would lead to enlightenment and liberalism—the first globalization did
The first globalization crashed.
It crashed into the first World War, the Great Depression, the second World War, Stalinism,
the Holocaust.
A historian looking at today won't think "Well that whole pattern is going to repeat
itself," but the historian looking at it today can say, "Yeah, a politician who says
that globalization is a problem not a solution, a politician who says that globalization is
a matter of particular people plotting against us as opposed to objective threats to the
country or objective problems, that kind of politician has a chance.
That can work.
Things like that have worked before."
And once you see that it can come together that way, it's not that you're sure, it's
not that you predict it (although I have made some predictions that were right), but it's
more that you can see it coming together, and then that allows you to get out ahead,
and you can think, "Okay, well, if this is going to come together this way then I
can also steal from the past people's correct reactions to it or people's wise reactions
to it.
I can use those things from the failure of the first of globalization, I can just borrow
them, I can now extract them and put them in the 21st century," which is what I did
in On Tyranny.
So rather than saying, "Okay I'm going to wait" – because by the time the pattern
actually coalesces it's too late!
You have to see that the pattern might be coalescing and then start messing with the
pattern, that the way that you see in coalescing comes from history, and the tools that you
use to start messing with it also come from history.
So in that way, ironically, history can allow you to get out ahead of something, whereas
the journalists naturally have to describe that—that's their job.
The social scientists they're going to wait to categorize it, and they're kind of trapped.
I mean another irony is that historians are comfortable with novelty, because we know
things change all the time.
When your perspective is a thousand years or even a hundred years, you know stuff changes.
You know there are turning points.
And you know that the stuff which people thought was unbelievable yesterday will not only be
believable but will even seem normal today.
Any historian can see that.
So that gives us a certain edge I think.
The second thing that a historian will do is that a historian will be skeptical about
So if you say "the problem is X", a historian will instantly cock his or her head and think,
"Okay well, this person says the problem is X, but let's cast our minds out immediately
to try to think of what the other 15 relevant perspectives on this problem are.
Is it actually a problem?
Maybe it's something which is desirable from certain points of view."
So that's a methodological reflex that, whatever your first person perspective is,
that's not the truth for me.
The truth automatically has to come from comparing your perspective to a whole bunch of other
And that's useful also because it can preserve the dynamism and the urgency of something
while taking some of the subjective spin from it.
So ideally a historian or a historically-trained person is less likely to be played by the
presentation of a problem and more likely to skeptically figure out what its contours
And the third advantage that historians have, and maybe this is the one which I find to
be most relevant in the present, is that historians see time as a flow or as something which is
And this is incredibly important now, because the way that the news cycle works or the way
that what I call the "politics of eternity" works is that you get your brain bludgeoned
every day by the emotions of the moment as transmitted by very skilled political actors
through very efficient media, and the result is that it's so easy to either be elated
or outraged every day and to experience the day as a kind of complete unit—where you
wake up, you're shocked, you're outraged, and then by the end of the day you're dissipated,
you're exhausted, and then you just begin this cycle again.
Historians don't believe in cycles, or at least good historians don't believe in cycles.
Historians think that there are long-term patterns; however exciting or however exhausting
or however terrifying the thing is today, it's part of some longer sweep.
So to give an extreme example, even nuclear war—so in the last few months the subject
of nuclear war has come up from all kinds of directions.
Even nuclear war has a history.
There's only been one, and that was in 1945, and there have been a lot of moments where
it was likely or less likely (like Cuba).
So even something which is dramatic and which is, as it were, designed to shock you out
of thinking in time, even that can be put in some kind of context.
In other words the weapons that are designed to get you to stop thinking, like "Let's
be afraid of the foreigners" or "let's be afraid of nuclear war," if you think
about those threats over time as part as some kind of larger flow you're less likely to
be disabled, and you're more likely to distinguish the rhetoric from what might actually be the
hey guys back with another video today I want to talk about working out and the
reason why I want to talk about that is because I don't want working out to be
why you feel on losing weight because the working out part of it if you
stopped doing this while on trying to lose weight at the beginning of your
journey it can wait you out and just knowing
that part of eating right you have to work out which is only 20% sometimes
people just give up the eating right into working out part because they're
just so drained from the working out routine I just want to let you know that
80% of any regiment or diet any weight loss program gram weight loss journey
that you're on any deeper Sun is what you put in your mouth if you don't have
that under control when you start to you know change your eating habits and stop
working out the 20% which is exercise it's not going to matter because I at
first chose working out before I went on my weight-loss journey over my food so I
still ate what I ate still have my snacks in between and I worked out 12 a
day seven days a week on my station everybody now some people might say two
hours a day how is that possible well for number one when you're working out
you should do a regiment that works for you so if you know that you can't do 40
minutes of Zumba like your best friend can she's enjoying it she doesn't even
want to miss one class but it's not working for you then you should find
something that you can do for 40 minutes that you enjoy doing or even if you
don't enjoy doing it it's doable and YouTube can work out for
seven days a week for whatever how long your body permits you to work out so
that's how I was able to on my stationary bike which is a low intensity
workout workout for two hours but getting back to what I'm saying you
weight loss is not lost by working out weight loss is lost by what you are
putting in your mouth consuming on a daily basis that's causing you to gain
weight you're probably when you're working out
even myself two hours a day not even burning nowheres near the calories that
you're in taking so therefore you still will have food calories all the same
thing that will store as fat if it's not burned off that day so
always keep that in mind that you have to get control of what you put in your
mouth when I learned that it was all about what I put in my mouth and not
exercising which I still do the exercising because the exercising makes
me feel good also against the body flowing especially if you're also on a
detoxing journey like myself it gets the kidneys filtrating and getting all that
stuff out of your body that the body can't always get out on its own and you
know you know those are the reasons why I work I also it tightens and tones at
the body so as you use weight you start to see that 20 percent bonus of the
working out is fats to tighten and lift and put everything back into place
almost like a facelift you know but you're doing it with manual labor on
your own with exercise but once you get control over your eating and you know
how much you need to eat in order for the skill to drop the pounds offering
the body you then have control over your life so get you eating under control
and then losing weight is not really an issue I think the two main things that
make losing weight difficult is spotting and having control over to eat so what
all that being said please subscribe to channel like and share this video making
a favorite and I'll see you guys and then makes me
How To Create Passport Size Photos in Android Phone - Passport Photo App - Duration: 3:41.
How to make passport size photos in android is what we are going to see in this
video. Hello all, welcome to Tech Mirages and I am back again with another
awesome video. Normally we would need passport size photos for many purposes.
Instead of going outside for it we can make passport size photos in our android itself.
There are many passport photo apps for android but
I will let you know the best passport photo app which allows you to make passport size photos
in your android mobile easily. But before going forward, make sure you subscribe to my channel,
so that you never miss my latest videos. Let us get started!
Best android app to make passport size photos is
Passport Size Photo Maker. Go to Google Play Store and search for Passport Size Photo Maker.
Search for it and install it. Once installed,
open the app. You could see an option to upload new photo.
Make sure that you have a photo with white background, so that it would be easy
to make passport size photos which is applicable for many countries.
I do not have white background photo right now, I am using a sample
photo so that I would be showing how to use this passport photo app to make
passport size photos. So, click on new photo and you can use camera
or Gallery. Let me choose gallery as I have few photos in it
and choose one of the photos.
Next click on start editing.
It shows two options like upgrade or continue with ads. We can go for continue with ads as it has minimum required options.
Click on continue with ads and below you could see a scale, so that you can
adjust the image degree or have the mirror effect using the mirror button below.
Adjust the scale as required and click on Done button on the top.
It shows various sizes based on category. Search for your country and purpose of making this passport photo.
Let me go for Pan card for India and it shows how does the photo look like. Click on I Understand.
Next adjust in such a way that it fits head and chin position carefully.
Next click on done button. You have lot of options to edit the photo.
If you want black and white photo, just click on saturation option make it to -99.
Adjust how you want and click on done button.
Now it shows how your photo looks like. As I mentioned
make sure you have white background photo and you never see this warning. Click on save button. It shows whether to remove background
or skip. I just want to skip here. Give it a name.
Make sure you save it as .png for high quality.
You can even add border to the image and select the color you want as border.
Let me choose black color.
You can even set the border size as you want and click on done and save button.
You could see that photo has been saved to gallery and below you could see an option called print multiple copies.
Just tap on it and choose the required option.
You can even change the orientation and click on save. Give it a name.
Choose .png for best quality and click on save photo button. These photos got saved in gallery.
Click on passport photos option to see these images. You can print them if you have a printer or
share across social media. This is the best passport photo app for android to make passport size photos easily.
BMW G310R| BMW G310GS| | Launch Date| Specification| Tamil with English Subtitle| ShazzRides #35 - Duration: 5:28.
Self presentation ITALKI - Duration: 1:54.
Hello. My name is Kristina. I'm a native Russian speaker. I have always been
interested in learning languages, singing, dancing and traveling. As for languages, I
earned B2 English level after I successfully passed EF Standard
English Test. I'm a student of linguistics faculty of
Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University so that means
that I have enough knowledge to share with you. I would be really happy to help you
improve your English speaking skills focusing on some grammar rules and new
vocabulary. And what i`d especially like to pay attention to is developing your
proper English pronunciation (with no Russian accent). Moreover, I'm eager to
teach Russian if you are into it. So feel free to contact me and request your first
lesson. Bye. Привет всем! Меня зовут Кристина. Мой родной язык -русский. Я всегда интересовалась
изучением языков, путешествиями, танцами и вокалом. Что касается
языков, я достигла уровня B2 в английском языке,
доказательством чего является мой EF SET сертификат. За все время у меня накопилось
достаточно опыта, которым бы я хотела поделиться. Я бы хотела помочь вам
улучшить ваши разговорные навыки, особенно фокусируясь на изучении
правил грамматики и новой лексики. На что бы я особенно хотела обратить внимание,
так это на развитие вашего надлежащего английского произношения
(без русского акцента). К тому же, я очень заинтересована в обучении
русскому языку, если вам это интересно. Я с нетерпением жду нашего первого
занятия.До встречи.
The bravest person you know: Nicole Sweeney on moving and change. | The Myth, The Legend - Duration: 7:31.
Nabe: Japanese Food - BEST ALL YOU CAN EAT Shabu Shabu in Japan! - Duration: 6:26.
Today, I'm going to take you to an all you can eat shabu shabu restaurant in Japan.
And make sure you watch until the end, because there's a dish at this place that's gonna
blow your mind!
I'm Ken, and this is Straight Up Eats, the show that takes you to experience amazing
foods and hidden restaurants in Japan.
If this is your first time here, make sure you subscribe and click that notification
bell now so you don't miss anything.
And go ahead and let me know down in the comments below, what YOU'RE favorite Japanese food
I love reading and replying to your comments and I can't wait to chat with you guys at
the end of this video.
If you've never had Japanese nabe or shabu shabu before, you are missing out!
There are restaurants all across the country that serve this dish, but THE BEST all you
can eat shabu shabu restaurant in Japan is at 'Kin No Buta'; The Golden Pig.
For about $35 per person, there are so many options that you can choose from.
When you come to this restaurant, the first thing you have to do is choose what kind of
course you want.
There are two kinds: there's the pork course and the beef course.
After that, you choose what kind of soups you want.
There are about 8 different kinds of soups, and you can choose two of them.
We got the flavorful oxtail and garlic soup, and we also got a simpler konbu broth.
After that, you choose what cuts of meats you want, and what kinds of vegetables you
There are so many options to choose from!
After you place your order, the staff comes out and bring all this food.
These vegetables, and these meats.
They put this pot on your table and they fill it with the two different broths.
And when it comes to a boil, you add your vegetables and your meat into that broth,
let it cook up, and it's ready to eat!
We had a ton of different meats brought to our table.
Pork belly, thinly-sliced pork chops, pork meat balls.
We also had a lot of vegetables: napa cabbage, a variety of Japanese mushrooms, thinly sliced
green onions.
Here we have the beef tail and garlic, and there's these beautiful chunks of meatball,
and that nice slice of pork with that fat, just running right through it.
Some thinly-sliced vegetables.
That is just like a flavor explosion in the mouth!
That is so good!
That soup is so rich, and salty, and savory; a little sweet, garlicky...
And this, this pork, this ground up pork...
It just bursts with juice and flavor in your mouth!
It's so flavorful!
That's the only way I can explain it!
It's just so, incredibly flavorful!
Not only can you order a ton of different things for your hotpot, but there are so many
other sides.
We got a salad that was tossed right at our table.
The vegetables were fresh and crisp.
And there was just a big mound of cheese grated right on top of it.
I also ordered a golden brown, fried tonkatsu.
Crispy and crunchy on the outside, nice and juicy and fatty on the inside.
Now let's go ahead and see how this tastes.
Dipped it in a bit of that tonkatsu sauce...
That outside coating is so thick and crunchy!
That's really really good for a place that sells hot pot!
One of the more interesting dishes that they had was this Thai noodle salad.
It was rice noodles that were tossed with some Thai flavors.
I don't know exactly what was in there, but it was salty, sweet, savory, sour; it was
really really delicious and really refreshing on a hot summer day.
It's sweet, sour, salty, spicy...
Really really savory.
I think we're gonna have to order three more of these!
And one of the really cool dishes that we ordered was 'Taki Komi Gohan', which is bamboo
shoots, and chicken, and other vegetables, that's cooked with rice.
But, the rice is cooked right at your table!
There's actually rice here that's being steamed.
And if you look underneath, you can see that there's a flame, there's a little flame there
and it's cooking this rice, fresh, right on our table!
It took about twenty minutes or so, but it was so cool to have fresh, hot rice cooked
right at your table!
Oooh, that's nice!
The natural flavors of the ingredients come into that rice.
And I think they also use a bit of stock as the liquid for the rice.
But the rice is perfectly cooked, soft and tender, the mushrooms, the vegetables are
perfectly softened.
The thing that really surprised me about this restaurant is that there were so many options,
but everything was delicious!
The ingredients were fresh, they were high-quality, and the flavor was just perfect!
And because this is an all-you-can-eat restaurant, you can order as much nabe as you want.
You can get as much meat and vegetables as you want.
You can order as many of the side items as you want.
You want to eat ten of those little tonkatsus?
You can do that!
You can order as much of that taki komi gohan as you want!
It's all endless!
And finally, the dessert menu is AMAZING!
Look at these desserts!
We've got a fruit-filled crepe here, and it's just so beautiful and perfectly made.
Served with a side of ice cream...
You can see, it's just filled with cream all the way through.
The cream inside is nice and light.
Let's go for the holy grail: crepe, berries, and ice cream.
The tartness of these berries just cut right through the rich, sweetness of the ice cream
and that cream inside.
Such a beautifully balanced dessert.
And here we have a beautiful cake that's topped with nuts, fruits, served with a side of ice
cream and sprinkled with some green matcha powder.
It's black sesame cake, with lots of different kinds of berries.
Oh and the black paste is sesame paste.
Unbelievably creamy!
It's not too sweet, and a perfect combination of this cream and sponge (cake) at the bottom.
Look at this!
This is soybean!
It's almost like Japanese wagashi sweets, married with western cake!
Now you can only order one dessert per person, but it's amazing that you can get this kind
of quality at an all you can eat shabu shabu restaurant!
If you want to see more restaurants that will leave you full and happy, make sure you click
that [video] up there, and make sure you subscribe and click that notification bell so you don't
miss another video!
Thanks for watching!
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