For more infomation >> WE WENT TO DISNEY'S CASTAWAY CAY!!! | Disney Cruise Line Vlog | Disney Magic | May 2018 - Duration: 27:04.
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GINZA - Short film - Duration: 1:55.
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Back To You - Selena Gomez (13 Reasons Why) | Ukulele Cover - Duration: 2:43.
Took you like a shot
Thought that I could chase you with the cold evening
Let a couple years water down
How I'm feeling about you
And every time we talk
Every single word builds up to this moment
And I gotta convince myself
I don't want to even though I do
You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you,
I know it's forward, but it's true
I wanna hold you
When I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and
I can't get you out of it
If I could do it again
I know I'd go back to you
We never got it right
Playing and replaying old conversations
Overthinking every word and I hate it
'Cause it's not me
And what's the point in hiding?
Everybody knows we got unfinished business
And I'll regret it if I didn't say this isn't what it could be
You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you
I know it's forward, but it's true
I wanna hold you
When I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and
I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you
I wanna hold you
When I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and
I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you
The Best Brownies You'll Ever Eat - Duration: 6:30.
- [Claire] We always say this, I know,
but these are actually the best brownies
you're ever going to have.
They're gooey, they're chocolatey, they're fudgy.
Oh, they live up to every expectation
you think a brownie should be.
(lively music)
We took all the tips and the tricks from the internet,
from our old gramma's recipes,
from places we'd worked,
to find the best recipe that we could.
Throw out every other recipe that you have for brownies.
This is the one you will use going forward
for the rest of your life.
(lively music)
I'm not trying to toot our own horn,
but beep beep, you know.
(lively music)
All right, guys, as always, prep your tin.
You know what to do, butter and parchment.
So the first cooking job that I ever had was working
for a pastry chef and he made these incredible brownies.
When you start working in kitchens,
they always say write down the recipes
'cause you're gonna forget them later.
And of course, I did not do that,
but there are a few things that I remember
from his recipe that I really wanted
to incorporate into our brownie recipe.
Obviously, good brownies need good chocolate,
and the chocolate bar you wanna use is dealer's choice.
You can go for something really mellow
like a milk chocolate bar or go into something really,
really dark, like an 80% dark chocolate
would work really well in here.
We're gonna double up on the chocolate so we're gonna
use cocoa powder as well.
Because we wanted a really rich, dark flavor and color,
we went with the dutch processed.
You can use regular cocoa powder here,
but we're always looking for that intense flavor,
that intense color.
The one on the left used regular cocoa powder.
It's kind of drier on top and almost too dense
and fudgy on the bottom.
We're adding a little bit of cocoa powder here.
We're gonna add even more later.
Espresso powder just does a really great job
of enhancing any chocolate flavor in a recipe.
If you're worried about the caffeine,
you can get a decaf powder as well.
It's not gonna taste like coffee or espresso,
it's really just another flavor enhancer.
When we add the hot, melted butter to the chocolate,
cocoa powder and espresso powder,
it's gonna help melt everything down and dissolve,
which is gonna help keep our brownies
really fudgy later on.
(lively music)
Sugars, we have granulated sugar, and then when deciding
between light brown and dark brown,
the real difference here is that dark brown
has more molasses, ergo more flavor.
I don't even know what ergo means.
Again, just wanted to knock your socks off
with the flavor here and dark brown
was the right one for the job.
And we're also gonna add a bit of salt
as it brings out the flavor in any baked good.
(lively music)
So we're gonna have six eggs.
Always crack your eggs into a separate bowl
in case you get any shell.
Best way to remedy that is to use the egg shell.
It breaks the surface tension and is the easiest way
to get eggshell out of your eggs.
You can start by adding one egg to the sugar
just so you don't make a huge mess.
Once you get it going though, you can add the rest of 'em,
no big deal.
You don't have to be super careful like you would
for a cake for instance.
So working for that pastry chef,
one thing that he did with his brownies is he would beat
the living crap out of the eggs and sugar and really,
really incorporate tons of air,
so much so that it would look like
a super thick pancake batter almost.
This is what happens when you don't beat the sugar and eggs,
kind of just falls really flat, right.
The great thing about beating the eggs and the sugar
is you create a really solid foundation
and you don't have to use a chemical leavener.
Then you're gonna pour in that beautiful ganache
that we made.
Oh my God.
Actually, when we were shooting this,
there is a crowd of people around us 'cause
we couldn't get over how insanely delicious this looked.
Oh God, I just, I can't believed we baked these.
Honestly, I could've just eaten the batter myself.
(lively music)
I'm really upset that America can't get
on the metric system, but like fine.
If we're gonna use cups, always scoop and level,
to make sure we have the right amount of flour.
If you just take the cup straight into the flour,
it's gonna be denser than you need it to be.
And you're going to sift the flour and the cocoa powder
into the mixture to make sure we have no lumps
and just make sure that we're really
quickly incorporating it into the rest of the batter.
(lively music)
And fold.
Because we beat all that air in with the eggs,
we don't wanna totally deflate that,
so just get the dry ingredients incorporated
as quickly as you can.
(lively music)
Pour the completed batter into your prepped tin,
smooth it out to make sure everything's pretty level.
(lively music)
And into the oven it goes.
So these are gonna rise quite a bit.
After about 20 minutes, we're gonna take them out.
This is my favorite tip of the whole recipe.
Take the brownies out and slam them on your kitchen counter.
It's gonna crack the top as well as evens out everything
and you get a much more consistent texture.
These are the same recipe.
The one on the left is not whacked, right whacked.
At this point, we're also going to add a bit of sea salt,
optional but highly recommended.
Adds a little salty bite, sweet and salty, always good.
With a lot of baked goods, you'll stick a toothpick in
and no batter remains, then you're good.
It's kind of not the case with these brownies.
You will have a good amount of fudginess that comes
out on the toothpick.
Trust us, they've been in there for like 45 minutes.
They're definitely cooked through.
They're just fudgy.
When they do cool down, they also will deflate quite a bit.
It results in a really even texture all throughout.
Again, I can't say fudgy enough.
I don't even like fudge, little known thing about me,
but these brownies are insane.
I need to cut these nice.
They need to be a good, perfect square.
It's so satisfying to see a perfectly cut
batch of brownies, obviously.
(lively music)
Oh my gosh, a little tip too,
is to clean your knife after each cut.
You'll see a little bit of that fudginess comes off.
They're fudgy but they're not dense.
(lively music)
And that is it.
I mean, look at that texture.
Look at it!
This is like your go to brownie batter.
It's amazing as is,
but you can also mix in anything that you want,
more chocolate chunks, potato chips, pretzels.
This is like a phenomenal standard brownie recipe
but feel free to go crazy and mix in whatever you want.
Making brownies from scratch, you know,
there's other options out there that are easier,
but it's one of those fundamental baked goods
that doesn't take a ton of technique,
but they also go with everything and every event.
You know what I mean?
Like you have a break up, brownies.
Birthday, brownies.
Like, they kind of work for anything.
Just one of those feel good, crowd pleasing deserts,
that's just always a win.
Okay, that's fine.
I'm just gonna keep talking and we're leave it
and it's gonna be fine.
- [Male] You're funny, Claire.
- [Claire] (laughing) Stop.
- [Male] You're so funny.
- [Claire] You're so funny.
- [Male] You're funny.
- [Claire] Beep, beep.
- [Male] You're slacking.
- [Claire] I guess.
(camera clicking)
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millennial learns adulting and responsibility // According to WikiHow - Duration: 12:22.
Jesus, do not hate me for I have sinned Hello everyone!
My name is Jess and welcome to my channel.
If you're new here hello welcome So today I am going back to my According to
WikiHow series, once again.
This time WikiHow is going to teach me how to be responsible, because I'm turning twenty-one
soon, so I'll actually be a legitimate adult.
I mean when you are 18 you're technically an adult, but alas you cannot do all the things
that adulthood has to offer...
But if you think about it, you can't rent a car until you are 25 so...
Let us begin shall we.
Berid this keyboard.
How to be responsible.
Wanting to be more responsible is admirable Being responsible can seem hard at first but
if you keep at it will become second-nature to you
To be responsible you should keep your promises and honor commitments you've made
You need to organize your time and money as well as take care of yourself and others,
including both physical and emotional needs Um...
I think that's just general aspects of being a decent human being, but sure.
Method One: Taking Care of Yourself and Others Like a saint
Just don't be Judas But was Judas a saint?
I don't know religion stuff is out of my element.
Jesus do not hate me, for I have sinned.
Taking care of yourself okay.
This person is clearly washing the dishes.
I don't see why washing the dishes or how it is applicable to taking care of yourself,
or other people, but let's see what it says.
Clean up after yourself without being asked.
I'm pretty good at this, in general.
I can clean up after myself without being asked, but there are times where I'm like
"eh" where I just don't.
When it comes to my room - for example.
Most of the time it is not clean, and it's mainly because I don't put things back where
they should belong.
But, around the house like after I'm done eating, I'll put stuff away, so I mean...
For instance, if you create a huge mess while making a sandwich.
I make sandwiches daily, so you know, that would be applicable to me.
Let's see what it says for step number two.
Put things in their proper place so you don't have to do it later.
It's your job to keep up with the things you own, from your shoes to your keys.
Like I said, I'm terrible at putting things back where they belong, because I loose everything...
when I am at home, but when I'm at school I always know where everything is.
It might look disorganized, but it's disorganized clutter or organized clutter?
You see?
If it looks disorganized, and I still know where everything is, technically, it's organized
but it just looks cluttered.
Again, it says do things without being asked.
I'm the kind of person, who will not help unless they are asked, because if you don't
ask me to help I don't know that you need help.
I'm the most unobservant person I know, so if you do not tell me straight up that you
need help, or if you don't tell me something straight up in general, it's gonna go over
my head... and I'm not gonna know anything, 'cause I'm
oblivious to the world.
Okay, this person is being bandaged, I don't know what they did.
Maybe they were having their blood drawn and I don't know, they were eating this suspicious
sludge on this plate.
My guess is it's like oatmeal on a plate, but why would you put oatmeal on a plate?
I don't know.
It just looks gross.
I don't know.
Moving on.
Place other's needs before your own.
For instance you really need to eat but someone in your family gets cut and needs tending
to right now.
That's what this picture is.
So, someone got cut while you were eating, so you need to stop their bleed before you
continue to eat.
I mean.... like personal priorities like I don't mean to sound like a bad person or anything,
if I'm in the middle of eating and someone else is bleeding, I would probably be like,
"Dude if you did it to yourself, you can fix your own problem," I mean unless it's a child
of course I'm gonna help them, but if it's like an adult, why?
Be consistent.
I'm a pretty inconsistent individual, because I like to say that I'm a pretty authentic
person, but I can adjust myself to different situations, so and I think it's all based
on my comfort level because if I'm more comfortable in my situation, and if I'm like with my pals,
like I'm more spontaneous and bubbly and out there and crazy and wild and like whoo, life
of the party.
Method Two: Showing Maturity in Relationships Wow!
He looks so attentive.
She looks like, "get your filthy paws off me!"
And he's like, "I'm comforting you, woman" Hold yourself accountable for your actions.
To be responsible, I see where this could come in handy, like I feel like a lot of people
can be stubborn sometimes, and they cannot be introspective and take a look at themself
and be like, "What did I do wrong?"
But, I know I do a lot of things wrong.
A lot.
I've done a lot of things wrong in the past.
I continue to make mistakes, but usually I will own up to them and if I don't apologize
to said person, trust me I take it more hard on the inside and then I hate myself for years,
but let's not think about that, because that's too depressing.
Tell the truth to keep your relationsh- ... relation-shits, relationships authentic.
So, do not tell someone white lies, like you like their scarf when you really don't.
Okay, first of all who wears scarves?
I mean you can in the winter.
That's cool.
But in general, who goes around rocking like a normal scarf, not an infinity scarf, no
like a legitimate scarf?
I think that's not in the fashion trends of today, but how would I know?
Keep in touch with loved ones and friends.
I am literally the worst at this.
If any one of you are watching, who I was friends with in high school, in the past,
you should hit me up, because I don't hit other people up.
And it's mainly because I have low self-esteem and I feel like, "hey they don't like me,"
And then the plot twist circles in my head, and like you know I go into a self-deprecating
little hole and isolate myself and get depressed and you know life's great.
Find solutions for issues instead of testing blame.
For me personally, I think I'm pretty good at finding a common compromise, so people
who have differing opinions, I can usually draw to a middle ground.
That's why I'm an indecisive individual, and why people don't like me.
Think before you speak to show how you care.
He's thinking about a bean.
I know that's a speech bubble.
Don't judge me.
People who are not responsible with their words will shout out the first thing to come
to their heads.
I think that a lot of people do not think before they speak, myself included, some of
the things I have said can be taken the wrong way by certain people and...
Then I feel bad about it, and you know then it's just awkward, it's like then I have to
apologize and it's uncomfortable for both of us, and I'm not good at apologizing and
thus the awkward moment in life has been born.
Learn to think about other people's thoughts and feelings.
For me I think about that after the fact that I did something stupid.
Help me.
Planning your time... method 3.
Daily schedule: dishes.
3:20 to 3:40.
They must have a lot of dishes, if that only takes them 20 minutes.
Make a schedule to plan your time, whether you have a daily planner or use a phone app.
A schedule helps you stay on top of your priorities.
I think schedules are for organized people and I don't think organization always equals
responsibility, so...
I mean, I think you should know when you have to do things, and sure if you don't have a
good memory make a list, set alarms, you know make sure you're on top of your things.
Like honey, dishes would take me more than 20 minutes, because they dirty as hell.
Planning your time.
Take care of your tasks before having fun, "what tasks?"
That's the question that I have.
Check how much time you spend of social media.
Ha ha no.
Because, maybe, social media calms me and thus I just scroll for hours and do nothing
else, because I have priorities.
See responsibility!
Save time to give back to your community too.
Ooooh, if giving back to your community is recycling that's good 'cause I do that!
I don't really do much else?
This just makes me feel like a bad person.
Like, I do not mean to not do community service and things, and I'm not good at getting involved
and putting myself in situations where I don't know what I'm doing and social interaction
freaks me out.
Keep your long term commitments.
This guys looks like he's running of mayor.
Look at him in his spiffy suit.
When something is fun and new..... it becomes a little more difficult blah blah blah
If you make a promise you follow through on it.
Like there have been so many things that I've committed to that I'v had to stick with.
Like I used to, when I was little serve on the alter at my church and they kind of forced
it upon me when I was a little 8-year-old.
They were like, "DO IT" and I was like " ah okay.
I don't want God to hate me" and I was forced to do it and now, I'm not that religious.
Ayyyy Learn to set goals for yourself.
He's just thinking in his thought bubble "goals" and then his goals are just lines.
Learn to set goals for yourself.
Take a few goals you want to achieve.
I sometimes set goals, but I always forget that I set goals and then they never get done,
so... responsibility.
Method 4: Taking Control of Your Money This picture isn't loading, so it's probably
not even that iconic, so let's just not.
Set money goals for yourself.
Whether you're still in high school or you're an adult, you should have goals for your money.
Well, right now I still need to pay for school.
That's all I'm saving for.
I am the kind of person who's really frugal with my money.
That's the one thing I'm responsible with.
I don't like spending it, or the thing is if I really want something, I do not save
for it, I kind of just wait 'till holidays and I ask for it as a gift, so I don't have
to buy it myself.
Number 2: Find a way to earn cash for yourself.
Earn that dough, so you can make your money grow, and go with the flow, and don't be a
hoe, though.
Ayyyyyy Make a budget.
I do not make budgets, 'cause I don't spend money, 'cause I am still an amoeba to my parents
(I do pay if I go out with my friends though) Avoid being constantly in debt, I do that
too I don't spend that money.
hm hm hm.
Don't put more on your credit card.
I don't even have a credit card hmm yeah.
Let's see who I'm helping today by reading WikiHow.
Wow, these people overlooking the mountains.
Sitting on the roof, or no, they're standing in front of a shed.
So anyway guys, thanks so much for watching!
If you like this video feel free to give it a thumbs up.
And you like a my face?
Feel free to subscribe down below and hit the notification bell, so you know every single
time I post.
If you got all the way to the end, you should leave a comment down below, and I'm going
to pick someone from the comments to be shouted out in next week's video.
Anyway, stay safe children.
Be good people.
And I'll see you all next time.
Unless you are deficient of platelets, then that's rough for you, and then I'd help you.
I'm not a complete asshole.
Like help me get out of this situation, let me leave please, I'm gonna die here alone
in the corner.
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