very competitive they love what they do they learn more to improve optimistic
flexible 5 qualities that will help you to become highly successful being
successful can be defined in many ways and will have different meanings for
each of themselves but the most exciting part is when all these highly successful
personalities that have achieved their goals tend to have a set of very similar
qualities to themselves let's talk about five of those qualities that you can
easily attempt for your personal development 1 number 1 on our list is
about being flexible as an example entrepreneurs tend to be highly flexible
as startups at a point in their journey they have probably started small while
many successful startups wouldn't have the luxury to afford any support staff
that leads them to work solo on most of the process chain from answering calls
taking orders customer handling accounting etc to number two on our list
is about being passionate if you hate your job chances are low on being highly
successful in any fields without any desire you will have no motivation to
see progress and to work harder working in an area that you are interested in
will give you the time energy and motivation to become successful if you
hate your job it is a wise decision to seek a career change towards a field
that you are interested in 3 number 3 in our list is about being optimistic when
you look at this class what do you see half-empty glass or a half-full glass
successful people always take the positive approach and looks at it as a
half-full glass the meaning to this is when you see an opportunity you will
seek to work it towards betterment and to improve like filling the glass
completely successful people take challenges as an opportunity to learn
and experience more towards their goal for 4th in our list is about being
competitive highly successful people are competitive to be ahead of everyone in
their same competition without comparing their skills and abilities
now being competitive gives them the motivation to seek personal improvements
and other improvements across work and entrepreneurship towards providing
better goods and services fine the last in our list is about being open-minded
to learn more successful people are always learning new things they seek to
expand their knowledge by observing reading being experimental or by
experiencing new tools and skills that would give them an edge over the others
at all times the skills acquired by successful people are leveled like a
tree that grows and grows with no limit to it by cultivating these qualities as
a start we can be able to experience and grow from there towards a very impactful
and a highly efficient personality towards massive success thank you for
watching our video five qualities that will help you to become highly
successful see you with another creative video soon
For more infomation >> 5 Qualities that will help you to become highly successful - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
The Science of Attraction (What Makes Someone Attractive?) - Duration: 5:07.
Think back to the last time you were walking down the street, and someone caught your eye.
What was it about them that got your attention?
Was it the way they looked?
Maybe there was an unusual aura about them, something you couldn't quite explain?
So, what is attraction?
Attraction, especially in a romantic way, is a very complex process that takes place
in our brains, and has had its roots since the beginning of humankind.
It's our mind's way of telling us who has the potential to be our partner, our friend,
or our soul mate, and is based on a complex blend of our interests, values, experiences,
and desires.
Physical and romantic attraction, which are often focused on, are only small facets of
a much larger equation.
One way that psychologists look at the ingredients of attraction is in the form of a pyramid
split into 4 different different sections.
The base of the pyramid is made up of health and status.
Status, is split into two: Internal, which includes confidence, skill set and beliefs,
and external, which includes a person's job, possessions and appearance.
The metrics involved with health include the physical attributes, movement, smell, and
basic levels of intelligence.
If a potential partner passes these initial requirements, then we move up to the centre
of the pyramid, which are the emotional factors.
These include the trust and comfort someone exudes, their emotional intelligence, and
unique characteristics.
The final portion of the pyramid is "Logic".
This is the part that differentiates us from other animals, and is the point when our brains
seriously considers whether we're totally compatible with the other person.
It ensures that the other person is aligned with us in terms of what they want- things
such as marriage, children, or even the city they want to live in.
According to this model, the more alignment there is, the more attraction there is, but
it doesn't always have to follow from bottom to top - like in online dating, for example.
Another model arranges these qualities into a map and is gradually established throughout
your life.
A child would develop a rough prototype of what qualities he/she likes or dislikes based
on experiences with their parents, teachers, and friends.
As the child grows older, this prototype is fleshed out, and deeper qualities are established,
like sense of humour and interests.
Throughout adulthood, this map evolves, changes, and grow alongs with them as their personal
priorities and experiences change.
So, what makes someone attractive?
There's no definitive answer to this question, but the first thing that may come to mind
are physical traits.
Due to the prevailing influence of the media, we tend to favour women who have younger,
more feminine features - such as bright eyes, clear skin, full lips, and a narrow hip-to-waist
In men, on the other hand, qualities such as broad shoulders, a deep voice, and strong
jawline as are looked highly upon.
Scientists suggest that this also has an evolutionary origin, because these traits are associated
with a higher chance of producing healthy offspring and passing on good genes.
Of course, culture, values, and the environment that we grow up in also play an important
In a study published in Nature, psychologists looked at cultures removed from the influence
of Western media.
Surprisingly, they found that in two of the three examined tribes, men preferred women
whose body mass indices would actually classify them as overweight, by Western standards.
But, if attraction was purely based on physical characteristics, then everyone would be attracted
to the same people.
Our life experiences probably have the greatest impact on the type of people we fall for.
It is thought that a large number of couples usually fall within the same brackets in terms
of size, education, religious beliefs, values, and socioeconomic status.
Put simply, psychologists believe that people are more likely to get along with someone
with a similar perspective on life, rather than someone who's had a completely different
From a genetics perspective, scientists think that humans pick their mates assortatively,
meaning that they choose partners with similar genetic traits.
For example, a study at the University of California found that married couples tended
to have a similar genetic scores for educational achievement.
Brain Chemistry
Our personalities are determined, in a large part, by the chemistry within our brains.
There's four main neurotransmitters- dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen and
oxytocin- these exist in different amounts in each of us, and the one that's dominant
has also been shown to affect attraction.
For example, research shown that dopamine dominant people are curious and creative,
and are more attracted to the same, while Serotonin dominant personalities are conscientious
and rule-following, and like the same type too.
Testosterone dominant minds, however, are analytical, tough minded and skeptical, and
are attracted to their opposites- the estrogen/oxytocin personalities that exhibit more imaginative
and nurturing traits.
As you can see, attractiveness is complex, there's a number of different perspectives
to consider, and at the end of the day, there's very little we can do in choosing who we are
attracted to.
Each person looks for a unique set of traits and, while physical traits are often focused
on, there are far more factors that comes into play.
A person's upbringing, behaviour, and even lifestyle have a major influence.
The most important thing to remember is to be happy and make the most of it!
We hope you enjoyed this video!
If you did, let us know in the comments or by giving us a thumbs up down below!
We post new episodes every single week, so remember to subscribe and click that notification
bell so you don't miss them!
See you next time!
Unbelievable Painkillers that You Have in Your Home! - Duration: 3:04.
5 Health Benefits Daily Bananas To Eat - Number 4 Will Surprise You - Duration: 4:57.
5 health benefits of bananas to eat every day - point 4 will surprise you
Bananas are one of the most popular and most eaten fruit worldwide. They are delicious,
simply to eat and are widely used for example in muesli, in shakes and smoothies,
a delicious banana bread is a high-energy snack but also in savory dishes, such as
eg an exotic curry they can be used. The possibilities are almost no limits
and there are countless recipes and ideas on the Internet.
If you eat bananas, but you can do something good for your health at the same time
do and that few know. Unfortunately, it is still seen somewhat critical because
it is relatively high in sugar and is also rich in calories than other fruits.
but that sugar is not dangerous compared to industrially produced sugar, also
if you should pay something to the calorie intake. The banana may be some positives
do for your body and you should do you for Use.
1. Regulate blood sugar bananas contain a lot of potassium, which in turn
is very helpful to keep blood sugar levels in balance. Potassium is a neutralizer
and reduces the amount of sodium in the body that triggered by excessive salt intake
can be. By the potassium excess sodium is flushed by the kidneys,
which in turn lowers the blood sugar level 2. Fight Anemia
Anemia or anemia is a consequence of a too low content of red blood cells
and hemoglobin (blood pigment), which is usually caused by an iron deficiency.
Bananas are rich in iron and therefore a good supplier to compensate for this deficiency.
3. Improve digestion There are two things with which the Banana your
can improve digestion, because for one they are easily digestible and relieve your
Stomach / intestinal tract during digestion, and the second is given by the resistant
Strength is not broken down into sugar and therefore passes directly to the colon, which in turn calories
saves. The pectin and oligofructose included are important prebiotics you to
help healthy intestinal flora. 4. Nervennahrung
Bananas have it in them, especially when it comes mentally you are not good or you simply
is a lot of stress in everyday life. Just the ripe fruits contain lots of L-tryptophan
in connection with the sugar profile of the banana a perfect transport system provides to the
promote brain the necessary conversion to the happiness hormone serotonin. An ideal mood-maker
just when you get lifted emotionally out of balance or suffer from depression
or are under too much stress. Furthermore, they contain a lot of magnesium that help you
is to achieve a more peaceful and better sleep, which in turn automatically
will lead a better mental balance. So you can truly say that bananas
make happy. And all this in a natural way without using chemicals. Only two
Bananas per day can brighten your mood a Significant and you throughout
make you feel much better. 5. Lower the overall risk getting sick
The biomaterials contained an antimicrobial effect
and antioxidant and give an immense strengthening of your immune system. they fight
free radicals and can thus the risk for many different diseases such as
reduce atherosclerosis and cancer. Whether it's here to a real super fruit
is, everyone must decide for themselves. But the fact is that a significant banana
bring improvement of your well-being with them and even tasty, cheap and
are well filling, which in turn can also reduce cravings for sweet strong.
Ideal for a diet. To a real improvement in the body
to achieve you should have been a day two bananas over a longer period
eat. You'll be surprised what will cause in your body. Try
it remains and healthy!
「Nightcore」→ Despacito ✘ Shape Of You ✘ Whatever It Takes ✘ Demons ✘ Closer & More (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 2:45.
U can find them in the video
hey guys back with another video today I want to talk about working out and the
reason why I want to talk about that is because I don't want working out to be
why you feel on losing weight because the working out part of it if you
stopped doing this while on trying to lose weight at the beginning of your
journey it can wait you out and just knowing
that part of eating right you have to work out which is only 20% sometimes
people just give up the eating right into working out part because they're
just so drained from the working out routine I just want to let you know that
80% of any regiment or diet any weight loss program gram weight loss journey
that you're on any deeper Sun is what you put in your mouth if you don't have
that under control when you start to you know change your eating habits and stop
working out the 20% which is exercise it's not going to matter because I at
first chose working out before I went on my weight-loss journey over my food so I
still ate what I ate still have my snacks in between and I worked out 12 a
day seven days a week on my station everybody now some people might say two
hours a day how is that possible well for number one when you're working out
you should do a regiment that works for you so if you know that you can't do 40
minutes of Zumba like your best friend can she's enjoying it she doesn't even
want to miss one class but it's not working for you then you should find
something that you can do for 40 minutes that you enjoy doing or even if you
don't enjoy doing it it's doable and YouTube can work out for
seven days a week for whatever how long your body permits you to work out so
that's how I was able to on my stationary bike which is a low intensity
workout workout for two hours but getting back to what I'm saying you
weight loss is not lost by working out weight loss is lost by what you are
putting in your mouth consuming on a daily basis that's causing you to gain
weight you're probably when you're working out
even myself two hours a day not even burning nowheres near the calories that
you're in taking so therefore you still will have food calories all the same
thing that will store as fat if it's not burned off that day so
always keep that in mind that you have to get control of what you put in your
mouth when I learned that it was all about what I put in my mouth and not
exercising which I still do the exercising because the exercising makes
me feel good also against the body flowing especially if you're also on a
detoxing journey like myself it gets the kidneys filtrating and getting all that
stuff out of your body that the body can't always get out on its own and you
know you know those are the reasons why I work I also it tightens and tones at
the body so as you use weight you start to see that 20 percent bonus of the
working out is fats to tighten and lift and put everything back into place
almost like a facelift you know but you're doing it with manual labor on
your own with exercise but once you get control over your eating and you know
how much you need to eat in order for the skill to drop the pounds offering
the body you then have control over your life so get you eating under control
and then losing weight is not really an issue I think the two main things that
make losing weight difficult is spotting and having control over to eat so what
all that being said please subscribe to channel like and share this video making
a favorite and I'll see you guys and then makes me
Getting A Perfect Cast - Think Like A Producer | James Martin Productions - Duration: 3:59.
In today's video we're putting together a good cast for your movies coming up
Hello everyone, my name is James Martin, welcome to my youtube channel
And today I'm showing
you how to produce a good movie and especially how to put together the perfect cast if this is your first time being
Introduced to me, I propose weekly tips and strategies of how to make great movies as well as sharing stories on my filmmaking journey
So if you're new here, please consider subscribing, but right now let's get to the video
So first off who actually does the casting usually it's the casting directors their casting directors in charge of putting together
Auditions to get actress ascending audition tapes so that you can find the right actor to play the roles
That's typically the job of the casting director, but sometimes as producer you can go out and get those cast members as well
Especially if you're out to get influencers right having those connections really really helps
The next thing you want to keep in mind is what audience are your actress brain?
You want to really really make sure that you have a good idea on the type of movie you're making as well as the potential
Audience. Do you want to bring towards the movie, right?
I spoke about before about having that niche
audience because if you gear your movie towards everyone you end up attracting no one so you really want to keep a good eye of
A type of people you want to track to your movies, right?
So just keep an eye on the type of audience that they're going to bring
Okay, make sure they have good standing, you know connections and relationships with their audience. They're not on bad terms with anyone
It's that way it does more good for your movie than bad
the next thing you really want to keep a careful eye on is to make sure that the actors are
Playing the characters because too many because so often I see
You know filmmakers who are friends with the actors and therefore they bring the actor on board. Sometimes do a good job
Sometimes they don't but you really want to keep a good eye on making sure that at the end of the day they are
Fulfilling that role and they are adding value to that movie my biggest tip on making sure you have good
Actors and people you can go up to to play the roles in your movie if you want to make sure you have good
relationships so network network network
And while you're beaten' while you're bringing a mystery movie a lot of times people just they get upset to get and they just burn
That bridge don't do that have good relationships because sometimes you're going to make a movie
You're not gonna have money
But at least a friend can pitch in right or maybe you're looking someone just to fill in that extra bowl at the last minute
You have actors you can bring on board and who knows even for your YouTube channels, you know
I've brought on actors on my YouTube channels many times, right?
Maybe not so much this one yet, but I'm all put I'm always open for collaboration
And that's what's great about getting good relationships with your actors right now as a bonus tip
Find young actors. So what do I mean by that?
So are they fresh out of film school when they're fresh out of film schools are eager
They are just full of potential and they really really want to start making those relationships with good impressions
Right, they're going to take on the movies right regardless of payment
They're going to take on some of the first few products
They can write to see your opportunity to bring them on board and just get to know them
See, there's a new potential right and just testamental to remove because who knows it'll do a good job then right?
And you can bring onto your next movie if they don't do a good job. Listen, they came for free
You're always gonna go through casting. You're all gonna make sure to do a good job
But at least you know, then there it's like you played some money, but you got a good or a bad actor
All right
So get them while you're young and then that way you again you have the go to actors that you have good relationships with
And you can bring them on board future projects
So hope that helped you guys
If you got any value out of this video, please consider subscribing down below turn on that bail notification
So you never ever miss a single upload ever again?
I always post tips and strategies on how to make great movies as well as sharing stories of my own
Filmmaking journey to hopefully bring some value on how to make your own independent movies
So I hope this helps I can't wait to hear your thoughts down in the comments. Let me know if there's any
Valuable tips you got and out of this video, and I hope to see you next time. Take care
10 Minute Trainer Tony Horton Review - Duration: 3:09.
10 Minute Trainer there's a lot to be said for what can be accomplished in 10
minutes but a workout? has a successful system ever been done in ten minutes now
it has with tony Horton's impressive 10 Minute Trainer you can have your body and
life transformed in only 10 minutes a day and we can all find 10 minutes to
spare no matter how busy our days are the results in weight loss and health
benefits are worth it not knowing what to do and not being able to squeeze one
more thing to do into an overloaded schedule is the reason that many people
from a-list celebrities to stay-at-home moms from working dads to college
students say is the reason why they're overweight and out of shape
the 10 Minute Trainer can take even the busiest life and show you how to
squeeze in the time it takes to treat your body well anyone can take advantage
of this program and get in better shape this system uses exercise routines
created to maximize a weight loss and body toning workout it's found in the
quality of the workout rather than the length of time this is accomplished by
combining the exercises while toning at the same time so you can get an all in
one program that really works the DVDs in the program cover various moves like
lunges as part of a great cardio workout that waves goodbye to the inches that
you don't want the focus is on the exercises so those who don't like dance
style exercise videos will really appreciate these the 10 Minute Trainer
comes with 4 workouts in total and each one can be accomplished in 10 minutes
you get the workout that focuses on working the whole body a workout that
focuses on the bottom half of the body so you can really tone your backside and
you also get a routine that burns calories fast the last exercise teaches
exercise mobility with yoga in a routine called yoga flex adding to the power of these
workouts you receive resistance bands along with the set there's a calendar
too so it's easier for keeping up with your exercise schedule what's
extremely handy is the included meal guide that teaches how to create healthy
weight loss friendly meals in a snap the 10 Minute Trainer also gives some
extra goodies in the form of exercises that address stomachs that protrude over
the belt tops another extra included is the set of
cards that you can take with you so that even if you don't happen to have a way
to watch the DVDs you can still get your 10 minutes in if you stick to the
plan and focus on your diet you will begin to see results in the next 30 days
all in all a well recommended training
program for the busy lives that we lead today if you want to take a look at the
program I will put a link below this video I hope you found this quick review
useful please like and leave a comment about your favorite quick fitness fix
and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more regular videos to help
you reach your health and fitness goals and wherever you are in the world have a
great day
How To Keep Your Wig Right Where You Want Her ~ Simple "Tenting" Technique - Duration: 2:08.
Hi ladies it's Lee from Woman In Disguise and today I want to give you a little
tip on how to keep your wig extra secure and exactly in place where you want it
and it's so simple, and it's a method I call tenting the tabs. Now here's it's so
easy so basically you know right at the temples you have this little stiff part
of the wig cap and if you feel that there's actually a little I'll call it a
tension rod in there. but you can feel it's very stiff but also flexible. So
those are what I call, The Taps and what you want to do is, "Tent the Tabs" and by
that I mean a very simple action of basically taking my fingers and one at
the top and one on the bottom of the of that tension rod and basically squeeze
it a little bit so it makes just a little bit of a dome or what I call a
tent hence tenting the tabs and you would not
believe how that simple little movement completely just secures your wig right
in place and it makes it feel so comfortable and so just right where it's
supposed to be it doesn't poke you it doesn't make it tight it just is such a
great technique to give you that security and making sure that your hair
stays exactly where you want her to stay. So like said take her out, try it, try
to tint the tabs and see the difference at just that little bit of
movement can make. So I hope you found that helpful and please give me feedback
comments and also suggestions for topics and I really hope that you'll subscribe
to my channel and also check out the website at Thanks
and have a great day.
Difficulty Urinating and Prostate Cancer - Duration: 10:12.
The first early warning son of prostate cancer is having difficulty while urinating
You may feel like you need to rush. But after some time you may feel like there is nothing left to come out
There might also be a case of stopping midstream or urinating more often than usual
Another son is the difficulty in stopping you will find it hard to stop after finishing or you might feel you still need to urinate
even after finishing
The yareta are surrounded by the prostate gland and even a tiny tumor can interfere with
ejaculation and urination
Knowing the symptoms of prostate cancer is very important for us because it can help us in preventing the occurrence of prostate cancer
anticipate and do early treatment
Many men don't find out they have prostate cancer until the cancer has spread
NCI prostate cancer making it more difficult to treat
This is because in the early stages
Prostate cancer often doesn't have many symptoms
That's a problem because prostate cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in American men after skin cancer
people often ignore the warning signs of prostate cancer
Until the problem becomes severe. It is important to be aware of these signs as addressing
The problem early can save you from future complications if you have multiple signs and symptoms of prostate cancer
Ask your doctor to check your health levels and get the best treatment for prostate cancer
Prevent and cure prostate cancer naturally
Many men don't find out they have prostate cancer until the cancer has spread
Making it more difficult to treat
This is because in the early stages
Prostate cancer often doesn't have many symptoms
That's a problem because prostate cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in American men after skin cancer
You must advanced prostate cancer symptoms
Well, you cannot control the red eteri and some environmental factors
you can still lower your risk of prostate cancer by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices a
Well-planned diet can help prevent prostate cancer to treat your prostate cancer medications are needed
Medical treatment is a simple safe and effective option
However, certain foods can also help improve prostate health and boost the effectiveness of your metabolism
So you can be away from prostate cancer
Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and cure prostate cancer
Brazil nuts of
All the different types of nuts these South America's native. They're a rich source of selenium that is important for prostate health in
Fact just an ounce of Brazil nuts can contain as much as ten times the RDA for selenium
Studies have shown that selenium intake is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer
The Brazil nuts are also a very good source of zinc one more mineral that plays an important role in maintaining a healthy prostate
The high saturated fat content of these nuts suggests limiting your consumption to just a few ounces per week
But if they are such a superfood when it comes to selenium that is all you need to help promote prostate health
Broccoli, it contains high amounts of the phytonutrients sulfur Fame and the in Devils both having anti-cancer properties
one study published discovered that in double carbonyl which occurs naturally
In broccoli suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells and inhibited the production of prostate specific antigen
Investigators found that eating broccoli more than once a week can reduce the likelihood of developing stage 3 and four prostate cancer by 40%
If the vegetable is cooked longer than five minutes its anti-cancer abilities faint
Before cooking cut the florets into pieces and let them sit for about five minutes
This allows cancer preventing elements to form before cooking because heat nature's the enzyme which causes the process to occur
To boost the healthful value of broccoli add virgin olive oil fresh garlic and cayenne
green tea
Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos
The powers of green tea are attributed to antioxidant compounds called catechins
Which has been shown to destroy certain viruses and bacteria boost immunity and fight prostate cancer
Research has shown that green tea polyphenols can significantly lower the levels of biomarkers for prostate cancer
Green tea catechins also may help men who have pre cancerous prostate lesions which alert a high risk of developing prostate cancer
Studies show that men who drink at least 3 cups of green tea a day have a reduced risk of prostate cancer
Experts have found that compound green tea interfere with the activity of an enzyme having a role in initiating prostate cancer
These compounds also prompt prostate cancer cells to destroy
Kentuckians help to repair damaged DNA that can otherwise trigger cancer growth
Asian mushrooms containment Ihnen a type of SS glucan that has demonstrated anti-cancer properties
Asian mushrooms also contain a coat and antioxidant called ERG athenian its forte is exerting potent
Antioxidant properties to protect the cells throughout the body including the prostate
One research recently found that earth athenian provides protection to cells from damage associated with toxins and other substances
pomegranates in
Particular pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and a phytonutrient
Onion that is especially helpful in promoting prostate health
Studies show that pomegranate extracts can slow the production of prostate cancer cells and prompt the cells to destroy themselves
Other research a lot a tannins have shown that they can interfere with the growth of new blood vessels important F for nourishing prostate tumors
Although pomegranate itself can be a challenge to eat pomegranate juice is readily available as a popular choice
pumpkin seeds
pumpkin seeds offer some unique health benefits for the prostate especially for those who have benign hypertrophy of prostate the
Pumpkin seeds oil help prevent the hormones from triggering multiplication of prostate cells
This oil also contains carotenoids and omega fatty acids
Studies show that men who have high levels of carotenoids in the diet have a reduced risk of prostate enlargement
another new drain found in pumpkin seeds a zinc, which is also associated with prostate health a
Recent study suggests that zinc protects against the development of prostate cancer
Mega fatty acids are an important nutrient for supporting prostate health and a nutritious way to get these fatty acids is with salmon
Studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids and fish slow development of prostate tumor and progression in men who already have the issue
Study results reported that eating salmon at least once per week might reduce a risk of developing advanced prostate cancer
Even if it is genetically predisposed
One question about lemon is whether to buy farmed or wild fish
Research shows that wild salmon is a healthier choice
Tomatoes are a source of lycopene
It is a potent antioxidant that has proven itself in studies to have properties that enhance prostate health
tomatoes antioxidant potency increases when they are processed
This tomato paste soup sauce or juice offers more antioxidant protection for the prostate than do fresh ones
the results of many studies show that processed tomato products really enhance prostate health
Researchers say that just a serving of tomato product every day can protect against the DNA damage that sets the stage for prostate cancer
Tomatoes are also helpful for managing benign prostatic hypertrophy
Homescapes Level 782 - How to complete Level 782 on Homescapes - Duration: 2:55.
"Homescapes How to beat level 782"
"Homescapes How to complete level 782"
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