hello and welcome to another tutorial in
this video you're gonna be seeing what..
has to be done to connect your external
domain with your mailing boss first over
here we are we are in the page of
mailing boss where you verify your
domain here we can see that we have a
couple of text records and also our
cname in the bottom so on your domain
provider you want to manage your domain
and make sure that all of this
information is well verified with them
so let's go over here and to GoDaddy I'm
gonna be using this domain over here
okay for this tutorial the domain name
doesn't really matter because as you can
see I'm using a domain here and then a
different one over here so these tax
records wouldn't go with this domain but
I'm gonna show you how to add those
records so you know what to do once you
are managing your own domain just make
sure that when you're doing this this
domain in your domain provider and also
a mailing boss are the same so you don't
want to be managing two different
domains like I'm doing right now so
first you want to add your first text
record so let's go ahead click Add n
type we're gonna choose txt hostname we
can get it from here so right next to
our txt records we can grab our hostname
right over here
so we copied that domain and click over
here make sure there's no spaces over
here in the text value we're gonna go
ahead and copy all of this code make
sure that you copy the txt records
without the parentheses outside some
domain providers do accept the txt
records with these parentheses but we
know that GoDaddy does not so let's go
ahead and copy this way and we can face
it as such so once we did that we can go
ahead and click Save and for this TTL
guys we don't really have to focus on
that if you guys want to know more about
it GoDaddy would be more than willing to
explain this to you okay guys so let's
go ahead and click Save and now as you
can see we have a new text record added
to our domain so we can go ahead now and
add an
which will be our SPF records it's also
going to be txt as the type the host
we're gonna grab a different one that's
gonna be your domain okay
and make sure also guys there is a
period at the end because if you only
put this over here
GoDaddy would see it as a sub domain so
make sure you put the period right after
it and then you paste and now for the
text value make sure the same thing with
the parentheses copy all of it and then
paste it right there
done so we pasted it so guys as you can
see there is a + include and then over
here there's some more information so
let's say I already have a SPF record as
such over here and now I want to add
another one to my domain make sure you
do not add another TX txt record so
don't add a separate one make sure you
go here and edit and what you want to do
is go where it says all over here make
sure that this is at the end at all
times you can go ahead over here and do
plus and then include two dots and then
you can put your new information that
okay so your new SPF record other than
that if you do have an SPF record
already made in your domain provider
make sure you do not make a new one so
let's go ahead and save and now at last
we can integrate our cname so over here
in the domain provider we're gonna
choose the type a cname and then we can
go over here and grab our cname make
sure also the period is right at the end
and you're gonna go ahead and paste it
over in the host same thing as you did
with all of them but instead of being
this one or this one it's gonna be just
emboss so we copy it and over here we
can paste once we've saved that we have
our two new txt records and also our
cname records we can go ahead now in
mailing boss and click verify DNS
records if I were to click this button
over here will not work as you
no I'm using two different domains for
this tutorial but after you have added
all of this information in your external
domain provider you're going to go back
here mailing boss and click verify DNS
and if you've done everything the right
way everything should work perfectly ok
guys thank you so much for watching this
tutorial I hope you have enjoyed and
I'll see you in the next one
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