Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Waching daily Aug 31 2018

Hummingbird | Color Pencil Speed Drawing

For more infomation >> Hummingbird | Color Pencil Speed Drawing - Duration: 7:01.


🤬WHAT!? PAYPAL HOLDING FUNDS FOR 180 DAYS!? (Shopify Paypal Hold) - Duration: 10:02.

what is going on guys my name is Jesse Eby if you're new to my channel welcome

I'll be releasing weekly content and

regards to e-commerce Shopify drop

shipping and everything online

entrepreneurship if we haven't met yet

take two minutes and watch my channel

trailer and if you appreciate the

ethical entrepreneurship and dropshipping content consider dropping to

subscribe and join in the #EEBSTERnation

family you may have heard and I hear all

the time the horror stories about PayPal

holding funds well the good thing about

entrepreneurship in 2018 is we need to

learn from mistakes but the mistakes

don't need to be our own so we could

actually learn from everybody else's

mistakes and streamline our process to

success PayPal

holding money 180

days sometimes PayPal is holding money

for only 21 days but either way if

you're dealing with PayPal and you have

money going in and going out you have

expenses you can imagine the panic that

would ensue when PayPal halts all of

your business

PayPal in general has caused tons of

problems for a thousand - people shopify dropshipping but it's kind of a

necessary evil because anywhere from

thirty to fifty percent of customers

feel safe with using PayPal so if you

don't have that as an option it could

really impact your conversions

negatively I hear a lot of people say

that PayPal restricted my account in

entrepreneurship we won't be as

proactive as possible if we can avoid it

we don't want to be reactive to

situations that come up we want to

address them before they occur so in

today's video I'm not only going to

teach you how to resolve the issue of a

drop shipping PayPal hold but how to

actually avoid the drop shipping PayPal

hold entirely to prevent the issue from

happening before it actually happens all

right so let's go ahead and jump into

the valuable content all right let's go

one last thing guys for the giveaway I'm

super bummed out but we did not reach

the keyword being posted at the minimum

of 50 times I'm super bummed out I was

looking forward to picking a winner for

that and I thought it's pretty feasible

because I had 300 views but since we

didn't reach it and I love you guys

anyway I want to offer you guys

something as a thank you for being a

part of the Easter Nation family so what

I'm gonna do is if you guys are

interested let me know in the comments

section and I'll pick somebody from the

last contest video for a consultation

call I'll pick somebody at random from

the last video if you guys are

interested in that let me know in the

comments section alright let's go

mmm alright alright so there's a lot of

horror stories PayPal holding funds for

180 days sometimes PayPal holding funds

for 21 days I'm gonna go over how to

resolve it and how to avoid these PayPal

Shopify problems in the first place full

disclosure guys in Southeast Asia the

most common method of payment is wire

transfer and cash on delivery and even

for international orders I have people

are sending like Western Union and stuff

like that so I'm kind of in a different

situation than the common person with

Shopify since I'm living abroad but

there's a lot of issues people are

having with their PayPal accounts when

they have a Shopify dropshipping store

they'll have tens of thousands of

dollars in their PayPal account and then

PayPal will seize the money and close

the account entirely and you have no

access to withdraw your funds which can

be detrimental to your business if you

have ad spend or refunds or any business

expenses that you need to access your

PayPal account for so I've done a lot of

research and I want compile this issue

into a YouTube video for you guys so

that you can avoid the situation or

resolve it if it does happen to you I

was watching a video by a guy named reto

bond I hope I'm pronouncing his name

right from Flying Star online and he

went over a few of the potential

requirements that PayPal is gonna

require of you in the event that your

account is put on hold each situation is

gonna be different depending on your

particular business relationship with

PayPal your country there's a lot of

different potential requirements go

ahead and screenshot this if you guys

want just so you have an idea of what's

potentially gonna be the requirement you

could get these documents and everything

situated so that it's ready in the event

that you need it but if you're running a

legitimate business you should have all

this information anyway the scary part

is when PayPal suddenly requires it of

you and then you don't have it all

gathered and then your entire account

shut down in your business halts but you

still have customers but you can't

access into your money it gets messy

stay tuned I'm gonna have a bonus tip

that's gonna save you a lot of trouble

when it comes to PayPal requiring all

the tracking information for your orders

this is gonna save you hours of time so

stay tuned for the bonus tip so just

some more on how to resolve PayPal

holding money this might be a little

unexpected but you need to keep it


you're not a drop shipper so when you

contact PayPal it's important not to

refer to your business as drop shipping

you want to be transparent and you're

not gonna lie about anything because you

don't want to create problems with the

payment processor later but you need to

be professional and avoid the high risk

buzzwords that could potentially throw a

red flag drop shipping is oftentimes a

word that newbies and beginners use and

it has a negative connotation because

newbies will piss off customers and get

a bunch of charge backs which in turn

causes problems for the payment provider

and the payment provider potentially

loses money so you're not drop shipping

another issue is of course there's the

occasional scammer that uses the drop

shipping model to actually scam people

by collecting money but never actually

fulfilling the order so of course

payment providers that want to cover

their ass do not necessarily want to

deal with people that are drop shipping

and we're gonna go into more on that in

a second so more on how to resolve

potential Shopify PayPal holds so you

might be saying I'm not if I'm not a

drop shipper what do I say I am you're

an internet retailer more specifically

you're a non stocking dealer or non

stocking internet retailer because a lot

of payment providers in general do not

allow drop shippers but if they do

they're gonna require a higher Reserve

which is essentially holding your money

because they consider you a high-risk

company so they want to hold money to

cover their ass in case you are a newbie

and you collect a bunch of money but

then go bankrupt and they don't want to

be held holding the bag take note of

this disclaimer guys

depending on your locations the staff

member at PayPal your specific situation

the outcome can vary and I can't be held

responsible for however PayPal handles

your situation after you watch this

video this is just simply how I would

handle the situation if I was using

PayPal and wanted to avoid this issue in

general please use your best judgment

based on your particular situation so

that was some information to keep in

mind to resolve the issue of PayPal's

holding your money but you want to try

to avoid these PayPal shopify problems

in the first place so I'm gonna go over

some tips to avoid drop shipping PayPal

holds remember you guys you're running a

legitimate business so you need to have

if you're using PayPal you need to have

a business account instead of just a

personal account you should have a

legitimate registered business and all

the relevant documents with PayPal you

should be you should be applying for the

merchant rates which allows you to have

lower fees on PayPal transactions and

actually I'll leave a link in the

description for more information on that

and this one's really important you guys

I have a bonus tip coming up about it

make sure you have each transaction with

the tracking info uploaded to PayPal so

they have all that on file

and probably the most important thing

you could do to avoid PayPal Shopify

problems in the first place is call them

in advance preemptively give them

everything they need let them know your

business model you're a non stocking

Internet retailer and set up whatever

reserve that they require so there's not

a giant lump sum that's being held in

the future because if you preemptively

call them up and you give them all the

information that they need for your

business model they don't have any

surprises and they don't have to hold on

to your money to protect themselves

suddenly they will already have a

certain amount reserved so that moving

forward they say okay he's a non

stocking Internet retailer we are

holding a certain percentage of his

money or her money as protection for us

and they let you continue going on as

long as you're not getting charged backs

and disputes on your account all the


and you're doing everything legit if you

call them ahead of time there should be

less potential for issues so maybe

you're saying I don't want PayPal

holding my money but I don't have all

that information yet you need to get

your ducks in a row as soon as possible


in the meantime potentially what you

could do is you could try withdrawing

your money frequently enough into your

PayPal account so that the sum and your

PayPal account doesn't get high enough

to trigger the algorithm and throw red

flag that tells PayPal that they need to

review your account and one of my PayPal

accounts for example I have like five or

six grand and I've been using that

PayPal for a small amount of

transactions but I've never had an issue

but in that particular PayPal account

I've always had less than 10 grand USD

in it I'm not sure what triggers the

algorithm to put that account on hold in

the first place but I've heard some

people say that they've had issues

around $10,000 USD so pump some people

have said that they withdraw money

frequently enough so that the lump sum

doesn't get that high in their PayPal

account but you need to hurry it cross

your T's dot your i's and do not put

this off do everything necessary to

avoid the issue in the first place so

that you're not surprised and have a

PayPal hold when you're in the midst of

having thousands of customers all right

guys we're about to jump into the bonus

tip but please if you haven't yet

trouble like on the video and drop a

comment below that lets me know you guys

are enjoying the content or if you don't

enjoy the content let me know that as

well this helps my videos be shown to

more people and save more people from

being scammed as much as possible all

right a bonus tip thanks to re Shearson

hopefully I'm pronouncing his name right

this is a great app used to avoid PayPal

holding my money the app is called

PayPal tracking info on autopilot which

allows you to import all of the order

tracking numbers into your PayPal if you

have it yet so that PayPal has

documented that you're collecting this

money for orders but yes you are indeed

shipping them out that was how to avoid

and resolve the issue of PayPal holding

money 180 days peace out

For more infomation >> 🤬WHAT!? PAYPAL HOLDING FUNDS FOR 180 DAYS!? (Shopify Paypal Hold) - Duration: 10:02.


View File Accessibility with Ally in Blackboard Learn - Duration: 0:57.

Ally produces an accessibility score for each file you upload to your course.

Let's take a look.

An icon indicates the level of accessibility.

A high score, indicated with a green icon, means your file is more accessible, while

a red icon means your file is less accessible.

Select the icon to view the accessibility score.

Here, you can also select All issues to see every issue in the file.

This view shows you how much the score can improve by fixing each issue.

Select Fix to learn more about each accessibility issue and why it's important to fix.

You can also follow step-by-step instructions to learn how to fix the issues in your preferred


And finally, after you have fixed each issue, you can upload the updated file to replace

the existing one.

For more infomation >> View File Accessibility with Ally in Blackboard Learn - Duration: 0:57.


The Role of Lab Testing In Relieving Your Menopausal Symptoms - Duration: 2:39.

Hi this is Dr. Mark Stengler from the Stengler Center for

Integrative Medicine in Encinitas California

and today I want to talk about lab testing and menopause.

I talk to a lot of women who come into the clinic and they

saw their general practitioner and they've asked about what

lab tests would be helpful for them to identify why they're

getting premenopausal or menopausal symptoms,

and often their doctors downplay the role of testing.

And I find this troubling because everyone is different.

So at our clinic we test women again in the stages of

premenopausal menopause and many different hormones.

You know there's a lot more to the human body than just

estrogen and progesterone especially in women.

And while there are certainly main hormones involved in

premenopausal menopause they're not the only hormones.

And so if you want to get the best results you should test

all the major hormones and balance them out for the best results.

So with our patients we test hormones such as estrogen.

Now estrogen is a plural term.

There's more than one type of estrogen.

The strongest one is known as the estradiol.

Like I said there's many other ones that can be tested.

We test progesterone levels, we check testosterone levels,

we check the stress hormones like DHEA, Cortisol and Pregnenolone.

They all have effects on hormone balance and things like hot flashes

and energy level, and mood and other symptoms such

as fatigue and so we want to test those as well.

Also for anti aging purposes we test growth hormone levels.

And we certainly do very thorough testing on thyroid.

We do six markers of thyroid function.

Because the thyroid function often becomes suboptimal or low

during the premenopausal and menopausal transition.

So we take a close look at that as well.

We don't want women to suffer from weight gain, fatigue,

poor memory, low libido as a result of low thyroid.

So we look at all these hormones and depending on a woman's

balance we may use dietary approaches, supplement

approaches, bioidentical or natural hormone approaches, but

by addressing all the hormones and looking at all of them

you'll get much better results.

For a complete list of treatments offered and conditions

addressed at this Stengler Center for Integrative Medicine,

please visit our website. Call or e-mail the clinic with any

questions you may have.

For more infomation >> The Role of Lab Testing In Relieving Your Menopausal Symptoms - Duration: 2:39.


Values That Make a Difference - Duration: 1:58.

My name is Michael Gibson.

I'm the extrusion engineer here at PacMoore.

I've been working here since November 2016.

I did have a rough patch back in April.

My father passed and when I walked in everybody knew there was something wrong with me and

I remember walking up to Adam and Scottie and they go, "Get out of here.

Why'd you even come in here?"

So the sense of family is definitely here and it was something that I don't know, I

don't want to speak for a lot of other companies but it's not something that I would expect

to have happen.

"Get out of here, don't worry about your time, don't worry about what's happening here.

Go take care of your family."

So it's really nice to have that feeling that these people have your back.

"Don't worry about it.

This will still be here tomorrow.

We'll take care of you."

The other thing is that I worked with a couple different companies where when you walk in

you're handed your employee handbook and they go through the values and you're like, "all

right cool, go toss that handbook out and you won't ever hear that again."

Well here all of our five…yeah, five core values are mentioned and talked about all

the time.

It's not something that is just handbook thrown away.

It's something that's preached here on a pretty regular basis.

So that's kind of rewarding in itself.

Integrity is a real big one.

Excellence is another really big one.

So I can't think of an exact example but I know just in the times that I've worked, everybody

makes mistakes but when there's a mistake made some people sometimes brush it under

the rug.

Well, part of integrity is saying, "hey, this is messed up and let's just see how we can

make it better and make it excellent."

So those two really jump out to me mainly and then the family part I already spoke about.

For more infomation >> Values That Make a Difference - Duration: 1:58.


Replacing a Fuel Tank Filter Element or Canister - Step-By-Step - Duration: 1:57.

This video will show the simple process of how to replace a Goldenrod fuel tank filter

element or canister.

To replace the element in a See-Thru bowl filter,

start by turning off the flow of fuel,

then remove the bowl from the top cap, ideally with the 491 fuel tank filter wrench.

Its specially designed grooves fit over the notches on the side of the bowl,

greatly reducing the chances of cracking or breaking it.

Once you have taken off the bowl, unscrew the element,

then completely screw in your new element.

Since a new gasket comes with every new replacement element,

now is a good time to replace it from the top of the bowl (or it may be stuck inside

the top cap).

Insert the new gasket into the channel at the top of the bowl,

screw it tightly back into the top cap,

then you can resume the flow of fuel through the filter.

It's even easier to replace the canister on Spin-On canister filters once you've shut

off the fuel flow.

Simply use a pipe wrench or something similar to loosen and remove the canister from the

top cap,

and don't worry about scratching or otherwise damaging it,

since you'll just be throwing the entire canister away once you get it off.

Screw a new replacement canister into the top cap until it's tight,

then you're free to re-start the fuel flow.

Thanks for watching!

Visit our YouTube channel for more videos about Goldenrod fuel tank filters,

then let us know what else you'd like us to cover about our filters or any other D-L product!

For more infomation >> Replacing a Fuel Tank Filter Element or Canister - Step-By-Step - Duration: 1:57.


Dealing with an empty nest (part one) - Duration: 10:14.

Are you concerned or struggling with the empty nest syndrome let's talk about it.

My name is Cristin L Conroy

Welcome to happy stuff and fluff. A channel for women over 50 who are getting happy and growing younger and

today, I want to talk about the empty nest syndrome because it's that time of year, isn't it? Where

young people are leaving home and going off to university or colleges and so on

Possibly leaving the parents at home or leaving you at home with no other children in the house

It could be a last of one two, three four or even five children, I guess. For me

It was the last of three children. I,,

from an intellectual point of view knew all about the empty nest syndrome.

I had a life of my own. Anyway, I'd never kind of been the kind of mom

You know whose life

totally revolved around children. I always had a life of my own and so thought my life would just continue when the

children had all left home except I'd just have a little bit more freedom

That's what I thought

But, where I was intellectually prepared for it, I

wasn't emotionally prepared for it and it hit me hard and

I struggled with it for the longest time

okay, that's the downside of

course there's, there are upsides but the whole issue of it, it obviously all comes down to it's a personal issue

But, it's also a family issue. I've been reading lots of things recently about

about this situation, where there are children are going off and all the articles that I'm reading are saying things, like YOU,

generally, you generally being the mum

you need to

Not complain to your children when they phone about the fact that they haven't phoned you so often

You always try to be

encouraging and don't say things to them like have you

washed your socks recently? And

when they're come home, don't complain about this, and don't complain about that because you want them to come...

And, I'm reading all this over I thinking WHAT?

Now this might be controversial

All this, this talking about well because you don't want, you know, you want your children to come home as often as possible

you don't want to upset them and you want to treat them like a grown-up and

It just annoyed me a little bit. You see I think that

empty nest syndrome is not a woman over 50s affair. It isn't a parent's affair

It's a family affair! And that's kind of the way I

Treated it

This thing affects the parent and it affects the children too and,

therefore, is worthy of a conversation about it


I'm sure there are a few women who don't struggle with empty-nest at all and they sail through it and so on and that's great,

But for the rest of us who do and did struggle with it a little bit, I think talking about it

talking about it with your children

explaining what empty nest syndrome is

Explaining how much you're going to miss them and what empty nest actually means. Those days where you're feeling, where you may feel terribly alone

where you miss them and so on and

Open the subject up so that you can talk about boundaries

Talk about what you would like for them to do

For example, I don't know you might agree between yourselves for them to contact you once a week twice a week. Just

Whatever is comfortable for you as a family

Once a week may be enough. Once a month might be enough. You can't, there are no hard and fast rules

So you agree that I'd like you to contact me so often


We'll agree these particular boundaries. And talk about what you expect from them and what they should expect from you

but also for a just for this a

little while wear your heart on your sleeve a little bit

Which is the way I approached it. And actually said oh god, I'm really missing you

I'm dealing with it, but

something something. Perhaps you could give me a ring or... I think that probably, that conversation happen and

maybe once with one of the boys. Because, obviously, you do have to give them their freedom you do have to

and you do actually

Intellectualize this and think, right? Okay. So this is what they're supposed to do

They're supposed to leave home and they're supposed to get on with their lives

and this is a kind of midway and I think it's a great way

They've not quite left on but they are on their way and for us certainly it happened gradually because we had three

Who all went to university kind of within

18 months or two years after each other and so it happened over quite a long period of time and

I consoled myself with the fact that we had made three fabulous people who were kind,

considerate and good citizens who were making their way in the world.

This was the first stage of that and Mr. Kitchen. I can congratulate ourselves on that

That they're not on the phone every day needing their mom or needing their dad. And I want to do a video on

adult children still needing support I'm gonna do that. That's a whole different story. This I'm just talking about when they leave home

There's no one here

But you and your partner and it takes a little bit of getting used to I think you do have to put things into place

To fill your time, especially if you've been a stay-at-home mum

Then you really do have to do that

But talk to your children about it

before they leave in a grown up adult way. Because, obviously,if now we're supposed to treat them as adults

they can behave as adults and understand what you're trying to say to them.

Which means, if you overstep the mark, which you might do

you've never been a parent of a child that's gone off to university before or you've never gone through empty-nest before. If

You overstep the mark, then they're able to say, I know you're probably struggling mum

but, you know, phoning me three times a day is a little bit too much. (Oh

I'm joking, but you know what

I mean) perhaps you could rein it in a little bit and only phone me once a week

And I promise I'll continue to wear my socks and clean them before I put them on! so you can have those conversations with them

And then you don't have to be fretting all time or you know, you can even turn it into a kind of jokey thing.

That's the way the way that we dealt with it


m fortunate that we

You know

There are some people I know who say, I wish I could go through

empty nest. Because I think their kids were not ready to go off to university or

they haven't left home and they're still 72. You know what I mean?

So there's that way of looking at it, too.

There is an upside to it and you've got to keep remembering that. Now

It's a big subject this and obviously a very difficult one to cover in a few minutes on a video

But I would like to know, either how you dealt with it, how you're dealing with it, or what your concerns are?

Please tell me in the comments box. And once I've got that kind of information, we'll do another video about

Talking about it and discussing it

but for now my tip to you would be

Sit your kids down. Sit them all down whether they're ready to go off to uni or not.

You might have the eldest one going and the others can sit in on the conversation so that they will be ready

when they're leaving and understand it more. Even from an evolutionary point of view.

You know, your babies that you've cared for for all this time are leaving and it's a very difficult

process. And once the whole family understands that

then you can work through it a lot better and with more positivity

Okay. So two more things. First of all, I've gone dark!

I forgot to mention that and

What do you think of that?

Be brutal if you wish I can take it. I'm just getting used to it.

It's taken a while for me to get used to you know, you walk past a mirror and go. 'Oh that's me!'

I'm a little bit like that

So, yeah, I've got to mention that

In the last video tell me what you think about that. And the other thing is we do have a

Facebook page

Ladies and I'm gonna put the Facebook link down below. Now, I

Going through a

difficult relationship with Facebook at the moment

But that Facebook group is set up for you guys to continue any

conversation that you might want to continue, that you don't feel able to continue in the comments box

you can go over to the Facebook and

comment there, but I am gonna get my head around all of my

social media and will be

concentrating a little bit more on Facebook

But until then, please feel free to go over and post what you like about positivity. Anything that you think that will help our community

You can post pictures there

But you can still comment down here if you wish it just gives you an additional place to do that

So I'll leave the link for that. But in the meantime, yeah, anything any issues you think you have?

You want to talk about in the comments box below. I would really be interested to hear. What's happening with you

Okay until the next time remember that on the happy stuff and fluff we are getting happy and growing younger

For more infomation >> Dealing with an empty nest (part one) - Duration: 10:14.


Why Can You Smell Rain? Petrichor | - Duration: 5:05.

Why Can You Smell Rain? Petrichor |

A woman walks along a rain soaked Manhattan street on May 5, 2017 in New York City.

When those first fat drops of summer rain fall to the hot, dry ground, have you ever noticed a distinctive odor? I have childhood memories of family members who were farmers describing how they could always "smell rain" right before a storm.

Of course rain itself has no scent.

But moments before a rain event, an "earthy" smell known as petrichor does permeate the air.

People call it musky, fresh – generally pleasant.

This smell actually comes from the moistening of the ground.

Australian scientists first documented the process of petrichor formation in 1964 and scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology further studied the mechanics of the process in the 2010s.

Petrichor is a combination of fragrant chemical compounds.

Some are from oils made by plants.

The main contributor to petrichor are actinobacteria.

These tiny microorganisms can be found in rural and urban areas as well as in marine environments.

They decompose dead or decaying organic matter into simple chemical compounds which can then become nutrients for developing plants and other organisms.

A byproduct of their activity is an organic compound called geosmin which contributes to the petrichor scent.

Geosmin is a type of alcohol, like rubbing alcohol.

Alcohol molecules tend to have a strong scent, but the complex chemical structure of geosmin makes it especially noticeable to people even at extremely low levels.

Our noses can detect just a few parts of geosmin per trillion of air molecules.

During a prolonged period of dryness when it has not rained for several days, the decomposition activity rate of the actinobacteria slows down.

Just before a rain event, the air becomes more humid and the ground begins to moisten.

This process helps to speed up the activity of the actinobacteria and more geosmin is formed.

When raindrops fall on the ground, especially porous surfaces such as loose soil or rough concrete, they will splatter and eject tiny particles called aerosols.

The geosmin and other petrichor compounds that may be present on the ground or dissolved within the raindrop are released in aerosol form and carried by the wind to surrounding areas.

If the rainfall is heavy enough, the petrichor scent can travel rapidly downwind and alert people that rain is soon on the way.

The scent eventually goes away after the storm has passed and the ground begins to dry.

This leaves the actinobacteria lying in wait – ready to help us know when it might rain again.

By Tim Logan, Instructional Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University.

This article was originally published on The Conversation.

Read the original article.

For more infomation >> Why Can You Smell Rain? Petrichor | - Duration: 5:05.


How Product Scouts Help - Duration: 2:57.

hi I'm Carrie Jeske and i popularized

the term product scout back in 2013

because it's not who you know it's who

you know knows I started it for the I

seen on TV category because I heard a

story about my partner edy who found the

Magic Mesh because his father was

travelling in Australia and thumbing

through a direct mail catalog when he

spotted an early stage product selling

and limited distribution got that

information over to his son who loved it

it tested out everything went well and

today the magic master is one of the top

selling most long selling products in

the as seen on TV category and it got me

thinking if I could get people around

the world putting their eyeballs on

looking for products that meet a narrow

criteria maybe we could all benefit now

I have 115 certified product Scouts all

around the world looking in their circle

of influence for the next as seen on tv

big winner they're paid in finders fees

to date to have kept at a hundred

thousand dollars each one has earned

five thousand dollars and four have

earned five hundred dollars each

I always say it's not easy money but it

is real money

welcome to the feast or famine that is

as seen on tv and that is why the term

product scout has evolved over the years

since 90% of products don't fit the S

seen on TV category the term product

scout has changed to include inventors

and service providers with connections

and other distribution channels that

sell or license product technology has

sparked lightning speed consumer

marketing changes these product Scouts

often have products of their own and

have built relationships with companies

that license and sell products outside

the as seen on TV category they want to

leverage those relationships but there's

not the pre-existing agreement like with

my as seen on TV team so the scout

inventor agreed to a royalty split no

cash upfront we all make money

when the product sells or when an

advanced royalty is received and that's

where the term product scout is today

the bottom line the inventor has 100% of

the responsibility to move their product

forward no one else is responsible to

live your dream but you at the same time

a product scout may be able to move the

process along faster because as I say

it's not who you know it's who you know

knows for more information please watch

where to product scout ideas next and

then how to submit product ideas 2.0 I'm

Keri Jeske and I'll see you on the


For more infomation >> How Product Scouts Help - Duration: 2:57.


DOLL SWIM // BIKINI HAUL TRY ON - Duration: 6:53.

hi guys welcome back to my channel if

you've never been here before welcome my

name is Christine so today I have yet

another swim haul for you guys I have

all these suits from doll swim so super

excited to show you guys and I'm gonna

try them on and review them for you I

also have a Zaful swim haul and an

amazon swim haul so if you haven't seen

those I'll link it up in the corner and

before we go ahead and get started you

know the drill

hit the subscribe button if you haven't

already and hit the little notification bell

and let's go ahead and get started and

this is actually a workout top from

forever 21 and I realize that it's kind

of like crooked. So the first suit I have

is the super-cute palm tree print on

camera it looks like a brighter bikini

but it's actually like a dark purple

burgundy like it's not as bright as it

looks in camera and it's super cute I

like that their logo super like subtle

it's just like a little tab that says

doll on it and the palm the little palm

design is so cute there's not any

padding on it but I don't mind it

because it looks really good on my

boobies I just don't have anything

that's just design and I think it's

really pretty on the strings like

everything fits me good I got this one

in a size small and the bottom I got in

a size medium I originally got it in a

size small but because it is like ruched

it kind of looked too small on my bum so

I had to get a size medium so if you are

at the same like measurements as I am

I'd recommend sizing up in the style and

I'll actually put my body measurements

as always down in the description box

and these ones are really flattering it

has it a little logo right here and the

ruching just makes your bum look so cute

and it's just really flattering on I

love that it's like an adjustable string

bottom the one thing I will say is it's

kind of like low coverage I feel like a

lot of shrimp bottoms especially since

this one is ruched don't really have a

lot of like coverage in the front or the

back so you kind of have to be wary of

like it not sliding down too much in the

front and showing my butt crack in the

back but I think it's super flattering

and I love the matching set and yeah I

think this one does a good one next I

have this sue and I have always been a

fan of this cut I feel like I try to

order so many types of suits like this

but none of them have ever fit me quite

right but this one actually fits me

really really nicely and I

get both of them in a study small it's

just like a beautiful beautiful olive

like muted olive color and it's so

flattering on all skin tones and this

fabric is super soft like it feels a lot

better than like the Amazon or example

ones that I have it's just really

flattering on it doesn't have any

padding or anything just a good simple

top it's secure so this one would be

nice if I was like wanting to go out and

play sports you can even wear it I was

like a bra top I've worn these black

Tesla tops I was like clean tops before

and I just love the fabric I love the

color bottoms are high-waisted bottoms

and these ones are so flattering on they

make your butt look really good and

Brandon isn't really a fan of the

swimsuit but we don't dress boys all the

time right I really like it I think it

makes my bum look super cute and it

snapped is in the waist so I've always

been a fan of these style suits and

these bottoms and a size small fit me

like perfect okay and the next thing I

got is this triangle top and it is so

flattering on and as you can tell I'm a

big fan of all of this one is a slightly

darker olive color than my last one but

I think this is such a flattering fit it

holds my anybody's really well and there

isn't any padding in it but it looks

like there is a little like holder if

you want to slip in some little cups the

thing I like about this is there's no

laughs in the back so this thing is

pretty secure and it fits me perfectly

on top and I got it in a size small and

it's just it's just a finding the top

not very much to it gives you a minimal

tan lines and it's really secure so I

really like this bottoms are like these

high-waisted cheeky bottoms and I like

that these ones are not ruched in the

back because it kind of gives you some

coverage but I like that the sides are

really thin it's just flattering on the

fabric is really nice I love that the

inner layers the same color and yeah I

love this

the next one I got I did take a couple

pictures on my Instagram so I will put

it up in the corner this one has like an

extra and so when you put it on you kind

of put this over your body first and

then put on the triangle tops and then

tie it when it's on it looks really

pretty and it looks super sophisticated

and flattering and expensive I just

really like these tops the only thing I

will say is that all of them have like a

bright pink lining which kind of

reminded me of like Victoria's Secret

swimsuits but it's nice because a trim

is the same color

you never really see the bright pink and

this like rustic pink color is just so

pretty and it's really flattering on I'm

just now looking at the footage and tell

me why I didn't realize that my bottoms

were on backwards I love that it has

that little extra string in the bottom

it reminds me of Aria swimsuits but it's

a little bit more affordable than them

so I really like this one love the color

and then the bottoms look like this and

these ones are itty-bitty also and I did

get these in a size small but I probably

could have gotten them in a size medium

but they fit me well enough so I can get

away with wearing a small but if you are

a little bit bigger than I am I would

maybe size up the lining on this one is

pink so I don't like knowing as much I

love that it has a little ring detail

and these ones are not adjustable but

they fit me really well so really really

like okay the next two I got is this

triangle top it is super cute because

it's kind of like this knit material and

it's really flattering on I don't have

any like knit swimsuits and the one

thing I will say is it's not as stretchy

as like my other swimsuits but I get a

little bit dirty because it's it's like

Roche material it looks really good on

and it's like the type of suit that you

lay out and look you in but I feel like

if you were to spend a lot of time doing

like physical activities it might slowly

fall apart but it looks really expensive

on and it's really flattering if it's my

idiot videos really well and there's no

padding in it but it looks really good

and it fits me well and then the bottoms

I did have to get a size medium in

because they were just too small on me

and I really like these in the back it

has like a ruched detailing which is

really nice and it makes your butt look

really really good the one thing I will

say is because it's like a white bottom

and it's like a little bit more coverage

it kind of looks diapering ish it might

just be me because I'm a ho and I like

smaller bottoms but I think these are

really cute and I love that it's like

the matching knit material so that is it

I hope you guys enjoy let me know down

below which one was your favorite

swimsuit and what types of videos you

would like to see next and as always

thank you so much for watching and I'll

see you in the next video bye guys

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