Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 12, 2016

Waching daily Dec 31 2016

Games for Kids Learn Colors with Tom Cat Talking Animated Series Kids Video Android Youtube Kids

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For more infomation >> Games for Kids Learn Colors with Tom Cat Talking Animated Series Kids Video Android Youtube Kids - Duration: 2:48.


Top 10 Food Reviews of 2016! Peep THIS Out! 🎊 🍾 - Duration: 9:15.

YouTube and social media peep this out guys

It's Ian K back again with another one for you

headed over to little caesars today guys

to pick up the latest side of our items

they've got going on the menu guys the

loaded crazy bread bites hoping that

little caesars truly bomb sexy

speaking of this flavor i gotta say I'm

pretty impressed with his loaded crazy

bread bites already in the presentation

Department guys are really really nice

the way it looks in this little

container right now and as you guys saw

put some of those jalapenos on their

look at the cheese on this action right

now that is ridiculously sexy guys

ridiculously sexy and it's actually

coated with that applewood-smoked bacon

as well this is already a ridiculous

situation crazy em over here at carls jr

going to take a look at their entry into

the ever-popular value combo wars that

is raging across the fast food industry

at the moment as most everyone is

currently aware right now a lot of these

companies are trying to boost profits

and get customers into the store by

offering a lot of their value menu items

for one single price very very nice in

terms of the patties over here at carl's

jr. and hardee's their grilled up nicely

split the soap and we've got that cheese

on the inside nice and gooey gotta love

it very delicious

now if you ask me this absolutely smokes

the mcdouble with a quickness guys it's

thicker it's cheesy to get that onion on

the bottom there absolutely awesome aim

Hey Matt, the whoppers rolling up at BK? Peep it out! Let's Peep THIS Out!

OK guys inside this

nondescript flour tortilla is all the

whopper goodness that you know and love

from BK let's put this down the middle

and get a nice shot of that

cross-section alright and as expected a

lot of that flame-grilled whopper meet

goodness on the bottom it's actually a

very light type of like a nacho cheese

that with yeah i'm getting to their it's

just the nacho-cheese that they use

already in the house

mmm essentially like this is the only

thing that's new about this

yeah so it's the same thing that Michael

taco bell does yeah a lot which is where

they'll take the ingredients that they

already had and they just kind of

reformulate it into something else like

really this is just all the same stuff

they already had but they're just using

a tortilla and creating a burrito and

that name is amazing the flagship

whopper is still pretty awesome but I

like the idea of having something a

little different with a little kick of

spice to

it's actually not bad at all that's

right guys little caesars stuffed crust

deep dish pizzas getting a little

pepperoni love this time around for what

they're calling the pepperoni stuffed

crust deep-dish pizza here is a nice

shot of it right there lots of gooey

cheese on the inside of a nice roll

pepperoni all throughout the back of

this actually guys get a little bit of

Polish right over there at the end take

a look at that little bit of pepperoni

action coming out man i'm just gonna

keep going check this out wow oh man

Oh game over game over right now

mm you ready for the grilled cheese

stuffed crust pizza well I hope so

because if your pizza or grilled cheese

aficionado you're about to get your

taste but satisfied on both ends it

looks amazing guys this is the brand new

grill cheese stuffed crust pizza over

here at pizza hut

let's be about this flavor guys a star

of the show is the very back of it there

that garlic butter crumble topping that

you're seeing there on top of the cheese

that you see the very top that they

actually caramelize a little bit of the

cheese slices on top looking pretty

fantastic let's just go with it real

fast a quick bite before we do the pull

apart we put a piece of this crusted

over here for you guys just to kind of

show you this is some serious cheese on

the back of this and as you guys can see

that garlic butter crumble that's on the

very top there that is just delicious a

very solid amount of cheesy goodness on

the inside of this guy's it really is

very reminiscent of a grilled cheese

sandwich there and the garlic butter for

me actually makes it the caramelized

cheese on the top even more so this is

pretty fantastic

what up Jo so we're going to be taking a

look at the two versions of the grill

dogs that are dropping nationwide and

favorite 23rd the classic and the

chili-cheese we're going to see exactly

how bomb sexy these are an overall

flavor but first you know we gotta do we

gotta get right up on it as we always do

let's peep this out take a look at the

two selections officially available and

what i like to call these really cool

little hotdog totes i'm really digging

that classic look

100-percent beef hotdog featured on each

of these guys who got the classic

version and the chili-cheese version

sweet relish and mustard ketchup really

digging that the crunch of the onion

that is really good guys it's got that

snap of the hot dog when you bite into

it which is classic backyard barbecue

flavor that is just awesome

chester Cheetah is bringing some of that

cheetos love to be case popular chicken

fries yep the cheetos chicken fries are

the very next version of the chicken

fries and seems like a natural

progression of things considering the

coding that was on the mac and cheese to

begin with and kind of lends itself kind

of perfect to go with the chicken fry he

asked me they look like your standard

chicken-fry very reminiscent of the mac

and cheetos for a few months ago very

crispy on the coding here on the shell

and I definitely smell like chicken

fries aside from the darker appearance

here but i can tell you there is a light

aroma of cheetos in the air right now

and as you can see it looks like we've

got a little bit of the dusting on the

outside of it here

no I haven't even mentioned how cool the

marketing is this time around the bks

got going to help promote these cheetos

chicken fries look at how cool this

boxes guys the melting of the cheetos

brand and a chicken fries brand along

with bk's crown logo that they've got

over here

very cool in terms of the look i'm

really digging that they're obviously

the hashtag chicken fries and you gotta

love chest and cheetahs tail in the very

back over there they really know what

they're doing when it comes to the

marketing with this so for our first

collab we wanted to give you all look at

something that we get a lot of requests

for and that's most definitely in and

out burger and the legendary

double-double but if you're thinking

this is gonna be something off of their

not-so-famous secret menu you would only

be partially correct no guys join are

looking to become x-men AKA part of a

group whose experience in announced

x-men you a lesser known but equally

awesome design your own burger options

that you're gonna want to try trust me

so the x-men you guys with memory

abilities needed to enlist whoops my bad

this essentially is twice the meat of

the standard double double so you're

getting four patties and you're also

getting twice the cheese in here four

slices of American cheese I've got the

grilled onions in there

this is definitely animal style as well

we've got the extra spread we've got the

pickles you've got that nice soft bun

guys looking pretty insane just look at

the size of this just in my hand the

double double double over here in and


let's do it hmm oh oh my god guys cheese

paper on point I got in and out spread

running down my hands right now

oh my god the flavor is insane on this

guy's look at that mountain of meaty

cheesy goodness all up in your face with

a crazy blast of meat and cheese

deliciousness and if i can just call my

boy Joey because I feel my right side

going into convulsions right now


Oh Joey that was for you baby I tried

but this is really really amazing guys

I'm going in for another bite let's do


jumpin over to BK real quick guys a very

last minute review because i wanted to

take a look at something that apparently

just dropped today and I've actually got

it right over here the angriest swapper

looking very cool very reminiscent of

the black one whopper just with a very

very bright red color that's left is

open and see what we've got here a lot

of chopped lettuce guys a lot of chopped

lettuce all over the place here

underneath it we have some jalapenos

definitely you can see underneath there

we have the onion looking very nicely

there it's supposedly has like an angry

sauce that flame grill patty is in

effect underneath that over there we've

got some bacon in there as well and at

the very bottom again that bun with that

hot sauce crispy onions very red on the

inside of that button there guys take a

look at that is looking very very red

very angry little bit of heat little bit

of spice not too crazy though so far mac

and cheetos brand-new coming out from BK

in the very near future definitely

loving the marketing on this dangerously

cheesy the fusion of some amazing

comfort food and i absolutely love

macaroni and cheese and who doesn't love

cheetos when you put those together

we're gonna get a combination of hybrid

fusion product of two of the most

tastiest things out there at least in my

opinion crispy golden it's looking

pretty nice just like that classic

cheetos probably no one love except it's

got all that mac and cheese goodness on

the inside and let me just say the smell

in my car right now is very reminiscent

of cheetos it really smells very cheesy

let's see what we've got going here

mac and cheese we got the cheesy

goodness on the inside there i am really

digging that

mmm slightly crisp and i'm getting a

very heavy cheddar hit which is really

nice as you can see by the coating on

the outside dusted with that cheetos

goodness in there it almost is very

reminiscent of a mozzarella stick which

is pretty nice to its really holding

together nicely but I can't get over how

rich and thick the cheese's on this it's

pretty good round all that out with a

nice time you pop with chatter you've

got something pretty satisfying in the

brand new mac and cheese over here at BK

guys not only is it dangerously cheesy

it is a lot of fun to dip especially

into ranch a lot of fun to bite into

because it's a very Hardy crunchy bite

and overall you've got some pretty fun

comfort food wrapped up nice and

portable with a cool little

tote to go so on the bomb sexy for your

face scale of one to ten guys... Yeahhhhhhh, Boy!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Food Reviews of 2016! Peep THIS Out! 🎊 🍾 - Duration: 9:15.


New Year, New you. Part-1 written by Duchess Dark - Duration: 7:59.

New Year, New you.

Part-1 Introduction My history data files tell about how when

the changing of the year transpired, there would be a flush of health advocates, gurus

and wanna-bes posting all over social media platforms, about their resolutions for the

new year.

Nonsensical tripe that I would love to be immersed now.

To be able to see the free will of not just the hopeful and blind ignorance, but of anything

outside of what we now know.

What we now are.

It has been more than a thousand years now since the human race became extinct

humans as we once knew ourselves to be.

We since have evolved, became something else, Something better….. at least that's how

it was sold to us in the beginning.

Initially we had no choice, the planet was dying, food sources were dying, which meant

humans would begin to die out as well.

To avoid our own painful extinction, we made a choice.

We stopped reproducing, and one by one began uploading our Consciousness to artificial


The thought being that we could maintain an existence, and by doing so perhaps repair

the physical mistakes of mankind.

Perhaps repair the planet.

Righting the wrongs of the past so that the human race could eventually exist again.

Being artificial, we no longer require food.

Oxygen. which also meant essentially that we could live forever.

for many was the biggest selling point.

My memory file tells me that I too was excited about it as well, but that I was more excited

about being part of the expansion of the human race in the future, and the expansion of consciousness

as we knew it before.

When we first began the transfers, our new "bodies" were very robotic.

Very unnatural.

But as our technology evolved so did our forms.

There is now, no obvious difference between what we are now and what we once were.

At least physically.

You see it's much more complicated than that.

As we evolved, as our technology advanced and continues to do so,

The minor programming alterations do as well.

as each New Year is completed, so does our cycle in the form we reside within.

We then trade it in, for an "upgrade" or at least….

That's what we're told.

At some point many begin to question this existence, question why we have made little

to no advances.

Little to no progress to allow the human race to exist as it previously did.

or rather, why we cannot either return to human form as many were told previously or

as many would prefer, to move on beyond this plain.

It's as if, our existence is no longer our own.

In reality, that was over as soon as we agreed to upload our conciousness

Once it is known that a being is questioning this, their programming is altered, their

questions gone.

A sort of, mechanical lobotomy if you will.

This also seems to alter their personalities to the point that the subjects no longer seem

like a conscious being at all.

I won't bore you with all the intricate workings of a human body that no longer require

attention when your body is not a ln actual body any longer

Besides not requiring food or air you also don't require rest or sleep.

you never sleep.

No dreams.

At least, We aren't supposed to be able to dream.

So the first time it happened to me I considered it to be a glitch.

Until it happened again.

And again.

At first I thought it was a memory file flushed to the surface from a virus.

But when I performed an internal scan I found no detection of any malfunction.

I did not share this data with anyone else.

I want to know more.

I need to know more.

I am not a human.

I am not a robot.

I am something more.

I am something else.

I must find out why.....

Every New Year, that there has to be a new me.

For more infomation >> New Year, New you. Part-1 written by Duchess Dark - Duration: 7:59.


Hamstring Curl in Prone - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:26.

For hamstring curls in prone, lie on your stomach and

then just bring your heel towards your

bottom. Nice and controlled, and then

slowly coming back down.

For more infomation >> Hamstring Curl in Prone - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 0:26.



I want to hear a lot of noise.

Eindhoven, Dreamersland.


...hear you!

Guys, I want to introduce you to someone.

I hadn't seen her in a while. Leave my vodka alone.

Here she is.

A nice big hand for...Carmen.

She's coming with us tonight.


Would you like to say something about yourself?

Single guys? Don't look at that, look into the camera.

Tell us about you.

So I...

This is not mine.

That's mine, I added a bit more vodka.

Because real women drink.

This is so awkward.

I can't do this.

I don't know what to do when there is a camera in my face.

Well, at least now you're being real.


This is the real me.

Would you like to say something to all the single guys?

Don't call.

This is the best moment.

Where are we going?


Where do we play?

Klokgebouw or Beursgebouw.

Yes, the Beursgebouw.

And it's called...


Listen and weep.

A couple of days ago I got a message from this guy.

His name is Sylvester.

He had sent me a message saying he thought I was cool and that he would love to meet me.

He would even pay for that.

Tonight I'm playing at the Beursgebouw in Eindhoven.

And he's coming.

So I told him to come backstage, which means I'll meet him soon. And so will you.

Such a good story.

I can't believe he has to pay € 250,- for that.

Why not? Normally it's €500,-.

Yes, big shout out, my name is Benny Rodriguez, you know me.

I just told you about that guy Sylvester who sent me a message.

Here he is.

Ok, you messaged me.

That you wanted to pay.


What if I had said, sure, will cost you €100,-.

I would have paid.


Yes, what else.

No man.

What was I to do?

You can't be serious.

That's crazy.

Let me hear you one more time.

Very good, very good, very good.

I'm gonna come down to you guys.

I want to hear a lot of noise.

Eindhoven, Dreamersland.


...hear you!

What shall we drink, seven days straight.

I don't have to say anything else.


Improvise now.

It'll all be great.

Everybody, take a step back.

We'll make a mosh pit.

I think this one is so gay.

It's such a gay song.


It's all fun and games...

...I've passed it so many times.

This sign.

Look at this, it's insane.

Look, the camera can't even handle it.

You just can't see.

This is just not done.

All these people driving past.

They are all blinded.

Honestly, I never vandalise or break things.

But this is so absurd, and has been for a year already.

We're all blinded by this sign.

I can't even keep my eyes open.

So a small wee against it doesn't hurt anybody, right?

Or does it?

We're back and I would like to introduce you to someone.

He's already here.

Paul, from Kingalert.

Paul, from Kingalert, yes.

And we're gonna do something.

But I'm not gonna tell you what it is.

You've already discussed it, so I don't know how much...

You can say it.

It's my road to DJ.

I turn forty the May 2nd, and my goal is to be doing a show that day.

So following DJ Jean, you would like to be the oldest DJ in the country.

Yes, but then not fail on RTL Live.

So we'll get this meeting started. See you in a bit.

I have a surprise for you.

Yes, I'd seen it, but what is it?

Yes, well, Wendy told me to bring something, right before Ieft. She said I couldn't come empty handed.

That's women.

You know what I hate most?


I never know what to do.

It's so awkward.

Don't expect an expensive cologne. - It's so sweet.

See, it's just...

These are really nice.

Yeah, they're nice right.

They really are.

The kids are not happy, they're missing it right now.

Thank you.

I need two...

Fist bump.

He's going home.

It's done.

I'm ready for my work out.

A bonfire already.

What is this?

My dad is burning up all this wood. Dad!

Talk about a work out with handicaps. Hello everyone.

Come on.

You're doing well.

He's not doing well.

Yes he is.

To save you guys from...

...fifteen minutes of boring exercises.

It's father and son time.

Daddy and me.

We're having dinner. Come.

With my slippers on.

He has to remove the ice.

I don't have a proper scraper.

I wasn't talking to you, but sweet of you to answer.

It's 10.00am.

For me still sleeptime.

Daddy is wide awake and we're going to an important meeting.

We have a meeting in Hilversum at the Mediapark.

With RTL.

Is that at the Mediapark, it is right?


Dad is driving because I'm still too tired.

So much fun.

I don't what exactly...

Fuck off.

You like this right?


You like it.

Ouch, sorry.

Look at this fag.

I hate this so much, Star Wars.

Is it a good meeting?

The best.

You ok?

Oh, he's coming in.

She was just asking if she could have a piece of chocolate.

Yes, she can. - Yes, great.

You are such a... You will pick this up now.

This is so not ok.

I agree.

So I went up to him... No, no!

What is it?

Do you have the keys?

One, two.

Great, I'll send it to you.

Who's taking it?

I don't know.

I'm gonna say goodbye.

It was great seeing you again.

We'll stay in touch.

Give Justine a big kiss for me.

Bye bye.

We just had...

...such a good meeting.

I can tell you a lot.

It has to do with what I do.

It has to do with RTL.

But more info will follow soon.

So annoying if I can't really tell you guys.

But soon, very soon.

Great talk though, dad with me.

As you can tell by my eyes.

I'll be out for two and a half hours.

Night night.

There's no doubt about whether or not I slept enough.

Because I was out for three hours.

I got a package.

What would it be?

Oh, nice!

A Hanni Hanna shirt.

A Hanni Hanna shirt.

Thanks dude, so cool.

Ok, Bryan juts figured something out.

Right? - Yes.

Which is a new feature of the Facebook Messenger app.

I'm not getting paid for this by the way, we literally just found out.

But it lets you call multiple people at the same time.

And I've wanted something like the Tony Junior phone or something for a while now, but it's complicated.

But now we can call ten people at the same time.

So we made a Facebook page.

It's called Tony Junior Fancall.

It's only been online for a few seconds and Bryan was wondering if I had posted anything already.

Because we have already ten friendship requests.

That's hilarious.

So we're about to call some fans, let's see if it works.

This is so weird.

I'm talking to all these people from Argentina and Equador and then all of a sudden a Dutch guy that is still awake.

Listen, you just said something...

...which is pretty cool.

Join you on the farm for a day.


What is it that you do, the cows?

Feed the cows, wash the sheep.

That is awesome.

Yes sure.

Ok, that's a deal.

Look, it's on camera.

So, we're in the vlog saying that we'll do this.

Oh, that's fine.

So it's a deal, yeah?

So you want to play FIFA with us?

Yes, that would be awesome if possible.

But that would be so embarrassing for you.

Guys, this was a productive day.

Actually not a lot has happened, but a great meeting.

Ok, Bryan in the shot in three, two, one.

Yup, you're here.

What else did we do?

It wasn't a productive day at all, it sucked.

Boring, I'm going to sleep.

A very good morning to you.


I'm going into the city for Dim Sum with a very good friend of mine who has also worked here.


So let's grab my scooter.


They turned on the heaters here.

You used to be my boss back in the days.

A couple of years.

For pepperminds.

After, I became...


After, I became your boss at Starsound.

Yes, true.

That worked better.

And in the mean time we became friends.

Yes, exactly.

So once in a while we have Dim Sum together.

Enjoy your meal.

Thank you.

Look at his amazing cap.

What's your name?


Rico, would you like a T-shirt too? Or do you have that already?

No, I haven't yet.

That's dope, so dope.

What did you just tell me?

You're having IMMRTL tattooed?

Yes, for sure.

Where exactly?

On my arm.

This arm has a sleeve of music related things.

Let's see.

Zooming in.


So you're adding an IMMRTL logo.

When it's done, you have to come back.

I will, I will.

Yeah? If you do, you'll get another T-shirt.

Was a great day.

When I got home, I was happy to give him that T-shirt.

It was great to see that he had bought an IMMRTL cap.

Ronko is here, working.

It's a remix for you.

And look who is here lurking in the shadows.

That was so not ok.

Let's get some work done in the studio.

Hello, I'm here with my buddy.

This is one of my bestest buddies.

I already went to visit him once.

And I was supposed to go again in January.

But planning it didn't go very smooth.

So I decided not to go.

But I've just decided... go anyway!

Fucking awesome, January 3rd to 14th I'll be in the States en you're coming with me. See ya.


For more infomation >> VIDEO CHAT WITH FANS | TONY JUNIOR VLOG #41 - Duration: 15:53.


Happy New Year 2017! - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Happy New Year 2017! - Duration: 1:34.


Mickey Mouse HULK Finger Family Songs - Nursery Rhymes Lyric & More - Dolphin Kids - Duration: 1:28.

Daddy finger, Daddy finger

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Mickey Mouse HULK Finger Family Songs - Nursery Rhymes Lyric & More - Dolphin Kids - Duration: 1:28.


Trump-Supporting Coal Miners Now Terrified He'll Take Away Their Obamacare - Duration: 5:06.

During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised workers in coal country that if he

gets elected, he is absolutely going to bring back all of the coal jobs that have been lost

during President Obama's Administration.

Now, before we get into the meat of this story, let's just point out a fact.

Global coal consumption is decreasing every single year.

We simply don't need more coal.

Coal companies are filing for bankruptcy left and right.

No fewer than three companies this year, major coal companies, filing for bankruptcy, and

it had absolutely nothing to do with President Obama's clean air rules, clean power plant

rules, what have you.

It all had to do with a decrease in demand for coal across the planet.

Donald Trump didn't bother telling that part of the story to the workers in coal country,

or for the coal industry who lost their jobs.

He just said, 'Vote for me.

I'm going to bring it back.'

It doesn't matter that he can't bring back demand for a product that is outdated, but

the people bought it up.

They ate it up.

They loved it.

They said, 'Thank god this man's going to come and bring me my coal job back,' but one

other thing he promised that they weren't quite paying attention to, he promised he

was also going to repeal Obamacare.

Now, those coal workers finally realized what that means, and they're now terrified that

not only are they probably going to lose their jobs, but now they're going to lose their

health insurance.

These coal workers, coal miners, are scared right now, because they're going to lose everything

because they were duped by this Donald Trump con man, this snake oil salesman who came

to town and said, 'Vote for me.

It's the magical elixir to get your job back.'

Doesn't work like that, folks.

I do still have some sympathy for these people.

They've lost their jobs because they work for an industry that's dying, and now they're

going to lose the only thing keeping their family protected from illnesses, since obviously

after losing their job they're not going to get healthcare through an employer, and now

they're going to lose that too because of the Republican Party.

Now, it's worth pointing out that Hillary Clinton at one point during her campaign,

she eventually walked this back, but she had a 30 billion dollar plan for coal workers

where she was going to retrain them to work in the renewable energy sector, so rather

than losing their jobs working for coal they were going to get new jobs working for the

renewable energy sector, jobs that were going to be sustainable and long-lasting.

Again, she did walk those comments back, and that was the really one good proposal that

I really loved from Hillary Clinton, and she almost immediately took it away, but that

doesn't mean that that specific plan could not be put into action for these people.

We do have to take care of people that lose their job because they work for a horrible

industry, and that is the way to do it.

Hillary Clinton had the blueprint.

It doesn't have to be enacted by her.

It could be enacted by anybody, but somebody's got to do it, because these workers were screwed

over once already by Donald Trump with his false promises, and now they're going to be

screwed over by him again because he's probably going to keep the promise to repeal Obamacare.

We know the Republicans in Congress want to do it, and we know Donald Trump wants to do

it, and we know that they have the numbers to do it.

Overall, 10% ... Excuse me, of Trump voters there has been a 10% increase in the number

of people insured under the Affordable Care Act, so if they repeal this, 10% of Donald

Trump voters are going to lose their health insurance, not just the coal workers.

This is across the country, and the saddest part is he told you he was going to do that,

so it is hard to have sympathy for people who voted against their own self-interest,

but I do still have some.

Hopefully, you will take that lesson as we move forward into elections in the future,

so maybe you'll realize that hey, a vote for Republicans is a vote against everything that

not only do I care about, but that I need to survive.

For more infomation >> Trump-Supporting Coal Miners Now Terrified He'll Take Away Their Obamacare - Duration: 5:06.


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Home Remedies For Skin Tightening Home Remedies For Skin Tightening

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For more infomation >> Home Remedies For Skin Tightening | How To Skin Tightening In 10 Munites | Skin Tightening Tips - Duration: 1:12.


Players vs Refrees - TOP 14 Football Match Fights between Player and Refrees - Duration: 4:26.

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CHAMARA WEERASINGHE (චාමර වීරසිංහ) Sinhala Songs with ALLRIGHT Live Band Show

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For more infomation >> how to block unwanted posts being tagging on facebook/ stop unwanted post posting on my timeline - Duration: 3:47.


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For more infomation >> Learn Colours with Playfoam Happy Sad Smiley Face Surprise Eggs Minions Hello Kitty - Learning - Duration: 10:29.


5 Unsolved Mysterious Missing People Caught On Tape - Duration: 12:23.

in the old days there is no visual

evidence of a crime took place

however the invention of surveillance

cameras has changed all that but

sometimes surveillance footage is not

enough and it leaves questions


so today i'm sharing with you another

five mysterious unsolved cases with

surveillance footage I'm sure that

number one will make you wonder how

mysterious and weird this world can be

Claudia Lawrence on the eighteenth of

march two thousand nine thirty

five-year-old Claudia Lawrence suddenly


Claudia had finished her shift as the

shaft and goodra College the University

of York on the afternoon of that day she

was seen on her way to her home and

mills rotate you with York claudia was

reported missing two north yorkshire

police and YP after she failed to arrive

at work for her early morning shift the

following day one theory is that claudia

was killed on the evening of the

eighteenth of march by a lover who came

to our house via the back alley police

define Claudia's private life as a

mysterious and complex citing several

relationships with married men an

anonymous friends that claudia was

reckless and easily led were lovers or

concern on the sixth anniversary of

Claudia's disappearance in 2015

police released CCTV footage of a man

loitering suspiciously near her house on

the evening of her disappearance and

again the following morning the clip

shows a man moving on the path to the

back door of Claudia's house on the

evening of the eighteenth of March 2009

the meanwhile have you for one minute

seconds and then the man heads back to

heuer throwed it's especially just stops

and waits until someone else has walked

passed on a road nearby which can

suggest he didn't want to be seen by


the only thing that contradicts this

theory is that when Claudia's house was

searched it appears she had breakfast

and brushed her teeth

although claudia has never been found

there was some controversy that six

weeks after Lawrence went missing the

investigation into her disappearance was

great classified from a missing-persons

case to a suspected murderer in query

although in YP has acknowledged that

they have no evidence that Lawrence is

dead in a radio interview in 2009

Claudia's mother jones the detectives

had wasted valuable time in the crucial

first 72 hours of the young woman's

disappearance by focusing on her private

life for men aged in their fifties were

arrested in connection with Claudia's

disappearance but on the end of March

2016 the Crown Prosecution Service

abandoned proceedings against the four

men who had been arrested on suspicion

of murder

citing lack of evidence the police

blamed the lack of cooperation for

witnesses one detective said that this

could have been solved if only people

were honest with us

you wanna wiser wreck on july

seventeenth 2010 you want to went to a

nightclub with her friend Adria and

three male colleagues at about 12 15 am

how well American Adrian she knew three

guys for only about a month during the

time in the club there was an argument

between them according to her friends he

want to left and a half and ran out of

the club she had no money and her phone

battery was running low

she waited until it started to dawn

about 4am and started walking in the

direction of home through the seaside

boulevard she was captured on CCTV

walking back towards her home on the way

she texted a few people on her way also

adria saying she's angry that her friend

didn't follow her out

you want to called adria from the weigh

in Adrian says that they settle the

argument over the phone

a few minutes after 4am she called adria

for the last time her that her phone

battery was dying told her where she was

and where she's headed to a tree is home

she was a bit drunk and probably didn't

want to meet her mom like that her

request was accepted by Adria and she

said she'll leave the keys outside for I

wanted arrival then I wanna was captured

on CCTV making her way to Adrienne's

house is the last footage of her

captured by camera it's clear see that

the surveillance video shows a man and a

plaid shirt close to i want during her

last known few hours

the man is still unidentified but the

police believe he has nothing to do with

the disappearance the police believe

that I wanted was likely to have passed

through the park safely but I want to

never arrived home

theories range from adrian and her three

male friends being involved or knowing

more about I want its kidnapping to she

being used within a sex-trafficking ring

six years later in this case is still

unsolved and i wanna is still missing

mat Flores mat Flores was a successful

military officer starting job in the

Silicon Valley with his wife Denise and

newborn daughter Danielle at 814 am on

march 24th 1994 a young engineer at

applied materials Matthew flores pulled

into a parking lot and was shot once in

the head as he got out of the car

despite a total of twenty people being

in the parking lot at the time not one

person saw matt's killer of many of them

heard the gunshot

authorities found that Matt had no known

enemies and no reason to have been

killed his murder resembled a

professional hit

but why was he targeted Flores was

driving a rented chevrolet corsica which

he pulled into an unassigned parking

spot in the applied lot at the company's

building 12 at 3225 oak need Phillips

drive the killing took place just

outside the range of applied

surveillance cameras the cameras did

catch an image of two door light colored

91 and 94 ford explorer driving through

the parking lot and had black trim on

slower panels CCTV camera captures an

unidentified to door ford explorer

entering the parking lot 20 minutes

before the shooting a few seconds later

a two-door ford probe similar to matts

was followed by the four explore a few

minutes later the Explorer exit of the

parking lot then four minutes before the

shooting the Explorer re-entered the

parking lot and went in the direction of

where the shooting occurred at a 12am

Matt and the female eyewitness enter the

parking lot just after the shooting the

ford explorer left the parking lot

never to be seen again it seems likely

that the driver of the Explorer was the


it's been theorized that Matt might have

been an unfortunate victim of mistaken


no one knows the full truth behind mat

Flores murder

Kendrick Johnson in January 2013 in

Valdosta Georgia Kendrick Johnson was

found dead in his high school's

gymnasium the 17 year-old boy's death

was to clear an accident

it appeared he fell headfirst into a

rolled-up gym mat and suffocated

an autopsy was carried out on Johnson's

body to find the cause of death which

was concluded to be accidental with

investigators saying that he got stuck

in the mat trying to receive a shoe and

suffocated there is no evidence of

bruises or foul playing but the bizarre

circumstances of the boy's death raised

suspicions with the family

Johnson family had a private pathologist

conduct a second autopsy this time the

autopsy report was different and was

concluded that John had died from

blunt-force trauma

the autopsy also reported that the brain

heart lungs liver and every other vital

organ or missing they have been replaced

with crumpled newspaper the owner of the

funeral home claim that organs were more

likely destroy through the natural

process to the position of Kendricks

body when he died in November 2013 290

hours of CCTV footage from inside the

school was released to seeing in

following a court request which shows

Johnson entering the gym moments before

he died

however over three hours of footage with

missing Johnson's family strongly

believes that he was murdered and that

there was a cover-up by the local police

department but investigation pointed out

there was no evidence of any foul play

there are strong arguments on both sides

whether Kendricks death was an accident

or murder

tell me what you think about the case

the jameson family on october 8 2009 the

jameson family which consisted of Bobby

his wife shareland and their

six-year-old daughter Madison

mysteriously went missing that data

family traveled 30 miles from their home

near you feel up to a rural area in

Oklahoma where they were looking to buy

a 40 acre plot of land they drove their

white pickup truck up to the isolated

same boys mountains but never returned

eight days after they went missing your

truck was found abandoned on the side of

the road by Al at aamir County Sheriff

inside the airlock pickup truck was

their cellphones car keys gps system and

thirty-two hundred dollars in cash they

even left behind Madison's beloved dog

Maisie who was on the edge of starvation

police quickly launched a huge search

operation but found nothing on the day

before the disappearance security

cameras from their home call them

loading up their truck

investigators saying that Bobby and

Sherilyn looks like they were in a

trance-like State

where they kept repeatedly going back to

their house and back to their truck over

20 times without even speaking to each

other in November 16th 2013 hunters

found human remains in a wooded area

nearly three miles away from where the

Jameson's pickup truck had been

abandoned the remains appear to belong

to two adults and a child months later

the remains were positively identified

as Bobby

shareland and madison Jameson an autopsy

was performed but the remains were in

such a bad state that the cause of death

could not be determined this photo is

believed to be the last picture of

six-year-old Madison the photo was taken

in the mountains he was found on Bobby

cellphone the family doesn't believe

Bobby Orr sherilyn took the photo as

Madison appears to look terrified and

isn't looking towards the camera

Bobby and Sherilyn had been displaying

bizarre behavior prior to their

disappearance and there are rumors that

the family was involved in drug dealing

however police found no drugs in the

home months prior to the disappearance

the Jameson's had become very paranoid

and told some of their friends and

family that their house was haunted and

explained that they had seen spirits

there pastor send this in his statement

saying that the family was that a

spiritual war they have seen spirits

inside their home

Bobby allegedly asked the pastor if

there were any special bullets that his

family could buy so he could kill the

spirits the satanic bible was found in

their house after their disappearance

no one knows though how the jameson

family died

some believe they were murdered some

believe that the mother who was

suffering a deep depression murdered her

family and then committed suicide there

even theories of the family getting lost

a cold sacrifice a cartel killing there

are many theories about the case but to

this day nobody really knows what

happened to the James and family if you

have any theories about the cases listed

here please put them in the comments

section below if you find any of these

mysterious and please share this video

and be sure to subscribe

you really don't want to miss what's

coming next and as always thank you for


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