Hey, my happy shiny puppies!
This is Melody Fletcher, Author of Deliberate Receiving: Finally the Universe makes some
freakin' sense!
And today is day 29 of our 30 day challenge.
(Laughing) Oh my God!
Tomorrow's the last day.
So, I've got a good one for you today.
Well, I mean, they've all been good!
But today I want to talk about what it's like to co-create, which means that you are in
the same space with somebody and you're sort of sharing a reality with them.
And you're always co-creating a reality with everybody that you're sharing a reality with,
to some degree.
Sometimes a little bit, sometimes a lot.
But that's called a co-creation, because you are both involved in the reality and the creation
of the reality that you are currently experiencing.
And so, what is it like to co-create with somebody who doesn't get this stuff?
We like to call those people Muggles.
So, what's it like to co-create with a Muggle?
What's it like to, you know, go on a trip or live with or try to get anything done,
work on a project at work, or you know, sort of create anything when somebody else is involved
and that person doesn't understand their power at all.
And so, they're sitting there and maybe they're grumpy.
Maybe they're choosing to be grumpy which just drives you crazy!
And maybe they're blaming everything that goes wrong on traffic, and other people, and
the government, and Bob in Accounting and, you know, whatever.
But everything is somebody's fault, and everything is shit, and then they're focusing on all
the wrong stuff, and they're getting totally stressed out.
And you're sitting there and you're thinking "Quit fucking up my reality dude."
So, you're getting really, really resentful, yeah?
Usually that's the emotion that comes up and what that means when you're getting resentful
like that, in the moment, is that you're giving them your power.
You are letting them influence your vibration, they're dragging you down.
Which means that now you don't get to have what you want, because you can't create anything
good from that place and you're blaming them.
Which means that you've just stepped into powerlessness and you're giving them all the
credit for that.
Well, that's not how it works and unfortunately you know that.
Unfortunately, because it's annoying sometimes, right?
And so, what do you do when you're trying to make something happen, allow something
to happen, you're trying to receive something but this other person seems to be messing
it up for you because they don't know what they're doing?
Urgh... and they're not going to open to you telling them that either.
And this person can be your husband, it can be your child, it can be... well, if it's
your child, you can influence them a little bit more.
(Laughing) But it can be your neighbor, could be your boss, could be your co-worker, could
be your mother.
So, these aren't always people that we can walk away from and go "Pshh.., I don't need
to do this."
Because if you can walk away from it, that might be the most comfortable thing.
But what if you can't?
What if you've chosen to live with this person and they're in your life in a much bigger
Well, first of all, take a beat.
Take a beat.
When you start to feel all those emotions coming up and you're realizing "Oh, I just
want to beat you.
I just want to...aargh...throttle you because you're messing up my reality."
When you get into that, you know, state, take a beat, take a breath.
Even if you're in the car with them, on a car trip, just shut down for a minute.
Close your eyes, take a breath and reset.
Remind yourself that even if they don't get it, and they don't need to, you do create
your own reality.
So, what's going on with you, how are you feeling?
Now you might not be able to clear that up in that moment but you can make other choices.
You can decide, "I'm going to put a pin in that.
Got some powerlessness.
We'll deal with that later when I can.
But right now, let's do some damage control, let's do some arbitrage."
And so, breathe.
To me, breathing, taking a few deep breaths, it's sort of like the human equivalent of
turning it off and on again.
So you kind of hit the reset button and then you already feel (exhaling) a lot better.
And now, the way I like to do it is: I create a little bit of a bubble around me.
So, I'm in my bubble and in that bubble I can slow down time.
I can stop time; I have all the time in the world.
There's no pressure in my bubble.
So, even though this other person is like "Aargh!!!
Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure!!"
I'm like, whoosh.
I'm fine, it's cool in here.
So, I create this little bit of a bubble around me and I kind of just check out.
And I might just half check out but I sort of check out.
I go into my happy place, I go into my bubble.
I go into my… knowing that I create my reality and then it becomes almost funny, you know,
that this person like's a little cartoon character just (high pitched cartoony voice) "Oh my
god, oh my god; oh my god!"
And I'm like "Aww."
I don't make myself responsible for trying to convince them of anything.
For trying to cheer them up.
For trying to…, you know, because I know that if I'm getting affected, I'm allowing
that to happen.
So, this bubble isn't one of protection, it's not like I'm trying to protect myself and
keep them out; it's just one that kind of, it's like there's a different temperature
around me.
I create my own little eco system, my own little climate around me.
And they're sitting there bitching and moaning and grumping, and whatever and stressing and
jumping around and bouncing off the walls.
But it doesn't matter; they don't matter to the creation of your reality.
They don't!
And you can't let them matter.
And here's the key to this: You have to be willing to allow them their grumpiness.
It has to be ok with you that they're grumpy.
It has to be ok with you that they're stressed.
It doesn't have anything to do with you, but you have to allow them to be.
So, you have to be comfortable with their discomfort.
And know that, you know what, when that gets uncomfortable enough, maybe they'll allow
themselves to be influenced by a higher vibration.
And if you just happened to be that higher vibrational being sitting next to them, it
might be you.
And then you get to participate in that rising, and that's fun.
But if you allow yourself to get dragged into their shit pit with them, you're going to
resent them, even though you were the one who allowed it.
You jumped right in there with them.
That being said, if it is impossible for you to regulate your vibration, walk away.
Do your best to walk away.
Maybe, you know, if you're on a car trip, for example, the next time you stop somewhere,
go to the bathroom, shut the door and just take a moment.
(Exhaling) Give yourself a moment to reset outside of their presence.
This is something that I have done all my life and I did it as a kid but I didn't half
check out, I fully checked out.
And they called it daydreaming.
I'm wondering if any of you guys might relate to that?
Let me know in the comments.
I'm guessing that a whole bunch of you relate to that.
And so, this checking out allowed me to be in situations with people who had energy that
was almost intolerable to me.
And yes, sometimes it happened at school.
And I would just go away.
My body would be there and I would be in a completely different place.
Really happy place, really shiny place.
And got in a lot of trouble for that at the time because I was still dealing with a lot
of powerlessness and so that was mirrored back to me, but it was my attempt to do that.
So, I realized at some point in my life that, that was actually a survival mechanism.
That was actually a really good thing to do and something I should foster rather than
shut down.
And if you have kids, by the way, who tend to daydream, notice when they're doing it.
Are they doing it when there's something uncomfortable going on, when people are stressing, when
people are trying to put pressure on them?
So, I certainly did, and there was a lot of pressure.
I grew up in Germany y'all.
It was pressurey, pressurey.
Lots of things were expected of even a little kid.
And so, that checking out mechanism was a really, really helpful one.
Didn't feel helpful at the time but I recognized it later as such.
And now, I use it very deliberately as a technique to… you know, if I can't physically remove
myself, I still remove myself.
And I might only half check out.
So, I'm sort of observing what's going on.
I can even still have a conversation, sort of, you know, with somebody.
But if their energy is just off but for whatever reason I need to be in the room, I create
a little happy vibrational bubble around me and I check into that rather than into theirs.
I become less present there and I become more present here.
It's not like I'm not present, yeah, but I'm present here and not there.
So, hopefully that answers it.
So, for those of you who were asking "What happens after this 30 day challenge?"
Well, I'll tell you tomorrow on the last day.
I've been getting lots of questions about that kind of stuff and so I'll have some news
for you tomorrow and tell you how we're going to go forward with the videos and with the
content and with our conversations.
So for now, I want to know from you, do you ever check out?
Do you use daydreaming?
Did you check out as a kid?
And can you come to see that as a really valuable resource now?
Can you maybe try to use it or do you use it?
And whether you were aware of it or not; maybe this video made you aware of that as a way
to, sort of, rebalance yourself vibrationally?
So let me know in the comments wherever you're watching this.
And then, I will see you tomorrow for the last day of our 30 day challenge.
Until then, thank you for bringing your light to the world.
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