Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 31 2017

KAITLIN HENNESSY: Hello, everyone,

and welcome to "Student Loan Repayment and SALT."

My name is Kaitlin Hennessy.

I'm the Program Coordinator at WSU Global Connections.

Presenting tonight is Michell Jaworski.

She is from the Office of the Dean of Students.

Throughout the evening, please use the chat box

to ask questions and comment on the presentation.

All questions will be addressed at the end of the presentation

during the Q and A, however you can put them in there

at any point.

Also, please use a chat box to let us

know if you have any technical difficulties.

Myself or Olivia-- she's another event moderator in the chat


will do our best to help you.

All right everybody, thank you so much for coming,

and I'm going to turn it over to Michell.

MICHELL JAWORSKI: Good evening everyone

are my name is Michell Jaworski, as Kaitlin said.

And I work in the Office of the Dean of Students

here at Washington State University.

And we service all students on the Pullman campus,

as well as students in global campus.

So if you every have any questions

or need help with anything, that's

what we're here for, to help students out.

One of the things that we offer as part of that help

is providing access to the SALT website,

which is what we're going to talk

a little bit about tonight.

I'll walk you through the SALT website and the information

that SALT provides through their website.

I will preface this all by saying that I am absolutely not

a financial expert, by any means.

I am here to talk about the SALT website and the things

that you can learn from the SALT website.

And the information that's provided through the SALT

website, including help with student loan repayment

and understanding the repayment process, and other things that

can be helpful to students who are in that process--

while you're in school, and when you finish school and you

begin the repayment.

But I am not a specific expert on any topic

within the arena of SALT.

So just to get started, here's a brief introduction

about SALT. It is a free educational program that

helps students while you're in school, as you're planning

for school, and also once you leave school to help provide

some financial literacy education,

which is very useful throughout your entire lifetime.

This program was created by the American Student Assistance


And they used to be a lender of student loans.

And now that they're no longer in that business,

they've looked at ways to help students be better financially

able to support themselves through school,

and to then pay back their loans when that time comes.

They are a nonprofit organization.

They have over 50 years of experience

helping students with financial decisions,

and paying back for their education.

So they are a great organization,

and their goal is to help students

to be able to pay for school.

So we're just going to jump in and talk

a little bit about the SALT website and the experience.

We as a university, at Washington State University,

pay for our students to be able to have access

to SALT. So as a WSU student, you can sign up for an account

through the website.

So just a quick show of hands for our few folks

that are here-- how many of you know about SALT

or have heard of SALT before?

And I believe you can use the hand-raising function

to indicate, or you're welcome to just type it

in the chat box.

So it looks like, Olivia.

Anyone else heard of SALT, or are aware of SALT

and what it is?


So that gives me an idea of what we can cover here

during our time today.

So we're going to look very exclusively at the website.

We'll walk through the different pieces of it.

And if there's any specific section

you'd like to come back to or want

to focus on a little bit more, just let

us know, so we can go back to that.

We'll actually go into the website itself at one point.

And Kaitlin has been kind enough to let us use her login,

so we'll walk through some of the elements of the website

more specifically.

So if there's anything you see and you want to see more of,

let us know and we'll be able to come back

to that at some point.

So the thing you see in front of you right now

is the initial page where you go to log in. is the login for Washington State


You can use your WSU email address,

or any other email address you want,

but you do want to make sure that you associate yourself

with Washington State University--

that allows you to then have access to the website.

This website is free for you to access for your time

here as a student, and after you graduate.

This is something you're going to have access to

for the rest of your life, if you would like to.

And there are resources on there that are available for students

even after they've completed school.

So the first thing you're going to see

is the login page, or the signup page.

So you want to go in and click the "signup" link.

And then create your account, if you've never done it before.

You're going to enter a little bit of information

about yourself--

you can see here in front of you,

they're going to ask you to select and sign up.

Fill in your information, graduation year,

all of those things, and then they're

going to bring you to this next part, which

is where they're going to look at setting up your goals.

So they recently updated their website,

and they've created what they call their dashboard now

for helping you reach your goals.

So first, we need to know what those are.

So they're going to ask you to rank these four main topics--

Manage Money, Find A Job, Repay Student Debt,

Plan For School Cost.

So wherever you are in your life,

you can adjust these goals to meet

where you are in your life.

So if you're in school and want to start

thinking about how to pay for school,

maybe planning cost is your highest.

Or, I know Olivia is graduating soon, so maybe for her finding

a job might be number one.

Repaying student debt might be number two,

or maybe the other way around-- repaying debt

is more important.

So you rank those goals, and then they

use that to help design the website

and to focus the information on the website toward what

your goals are.

And they'll give you information about those goals,

and they'll create a to-do list of things that might

fit within what that goal is.

So as you're thinking about where you are,

the SALT website can help you focus on what

those goals are going to be.

So if you say manage money is your most important,

they're going to ask you some additional questions

about your financial situation so that they can know again

how to target some of that information towards what's

going to be most helpful to you.

They're going to ask about finding a job.

What about finding a job is important?

What are the things that you want help with?

What kind of job are you looking for?

And you can see they offer a number of different options.

Are you looking for part-time, full-time, seasonal employment?

So it covers an array of different topics

within the Find A Job.

Then there's Repay Student Debt.

So, what is it that you're looking

for within repaying that debt?

And how can you get more information on that?

And then information about planning your school costs.

So, how can you be prepared for paying

for school in the future?

This is also a great tool when and if you maybe have children,

or family members in your life who

are looking for some additional money for school.

You could use some of the information

under this one to see how you can help them pay for school.

Because there is a really great scholarship search

engine in SALT, which hopefully we'll hit on at some point

through here in a few minutes.

So once you've set your goals, and you've

answered those questions to give them some more information,

then they're going to create that dashboard for you.

And that's going to go through and give the information

about what your goals are your things you want to do.

And so it creates a to-do list based on your goals.

So in this case, this person's top goal

had to do with their debt management

and being able to pay back their debt.

So managing their money was their top goal

and that was the thing they're trying to help with.

And so the first to-do list is to kind of organize your debt.

Know what you owe, so that you can then figure out

how to pay down that debt.

And underneath that, you can see here some other articles

and tools and things like that that they recommend

to add to that to-do list to help you with debt management,

if that's what you're trying to do.

You can also see on the side, they have the list--

there's profile information on the right-hand side.

There's also some information about--

if you wanted to change your goals at any time,

you can do that.

You can complete more information on your profile.

There's also information about the SALT courses.

And the courses are really helpful for--

so the "My Salt," if you ever wanted to change your goals,

it shows you there how you can do that.

Then, like I said, you can add additional content

to your to-do lists when you find some other tools

or information that you think could be helpful to you

as you're trying to get through that particular goal.

And once you've hit that goal, then you

might want to change to something else

and readjust your list, so you can

go back and change those goals and focus on a different topic.

If you really wanted to dig deep on some specific topics

about money management, about learning

about financial literacy, the "Salt Courses"

are where you can go to do that.

And you can see there on the right-hand side are

the list of the SALT courses.

And those are really--

they're all online, they're self-directed.

You can get a certificate of completion

for them, just to show to someone

or to hang on your wall.

And those courses are going to dig down deeper

into specific topics.

As you can see, some of the list of topics that they are--

Employment, Internships and Careers,

Money Management-- all of those different things

that you can dig a little deeper into

and take those online courses.

They're interactive.

They're going to get into, like I said,

a number of different topics.

There are some organizations on our campus

that actually have our students complete this

as part of their process.

They are offered in English and in Spanish,

so you could do the courses in either language that's

most useful for you.

And there is an online live chat.

And member support, just specifically for the courses.

And so if you ran into any issues or problems

with utilizing the SALT courses, you

could certainly reach out to the folks at SALT for help

with that.

The next one is, looking at the debt organizer.

And this one's going to be important for when you're

thinking about managing your money,

repaying your student loans, or even if you're

looking at planning for paying for additional time in school.

If you're going back for another degree--

or, say, you're graduating and planning

to go to graduate school--

there's information here about paying for graduate school,

as well as for your undergraduate degree.

And the difference is that you need

to know the other things you need to think about when you're

planning for graduate school.

So the debt organizer is going to be a really great place

to kind of start and get in there

and really go through that.

So they have this--

it's called "Know What You Owe."

And so you can go in and add information.

You can upload information from the National Direct Loan

Servicing Center.

The NLDS will upload your information

about any federal loans that you have.

So you can put that information in here.

You can also add your other personal debt.

So if you have a car payment, if you're paying on a mortgage.

You have credit card debt--

you're paying off-- any other items that you want.

You can use this to put all of that information in there

to see what you owe, and it'll help you

with a plan to be able to pay that debt off in a way that's

going to work for you.

It'll also help you when you're looking at your student loans,

when you're thinking about which repayment plan

option to choose.

And there are a number to choose from.

So really, using this "Know What You Owe" and the repayment

navigator will really help you as you're

trying to figure out how to do that.

So the "Loan Repayment Navigator"

is the next one that you can see here.

And like I said, this is a really helpful tool

for students when you have student loans.

And I know that was one of the main topics

for this particular conversation today-- was

to really get into the "Load Repayment Navigator."

And student loan debt is a very common debt for people to have.

And there are a number of ways to be able to pay that back.

And so the repayment navigator is there

to help you figure out how to make sure

that you're making the best choice for yourself.

When you finish school-- whenever

you separate from a university, you

have a six-month grace period before you

have to start paying your loans back.

During that time frame, it's probably a good idea for you

to start thinking about, how am I going to pay those back?

And, what repayment plan am I going to be on in order

to be able to do that?

And the repayment navigator is a place

where you can go and learn about what

those different plans are--

the costs, what the different payments might be,

and how those are going to fit into your budget.

So you would go to the repayment navigator.

They're going to ask you some questions to gather information

about your loans.

And you can see what some of those questions are.

It's going to help you.

If you wanted to get your federal student loan

data downloaded directly from the federal database,

they can do that.

Or if you have any private loans,

or you just don't want to connect with the database.

You can just input the loan information yourself,

if you have that information available to you,

which you should.

It's going to tell you, here's how much you owe.

Here's how much payment you may have to pay.

Is that something you could do, or do you

want to look at some of these other options for loan


And it gives you links for, what are those different options

that you can explore, as you're thinking

about what type of loan repayment plan you want to do?

It's going to give you more information

about the different types of payments,

because there are several different types of payments.

Some are based on your income.

Some are based on just sort of a standard amount,

based on time frame.

They all have different time frames.

They have different basics about what

are the requirements for that particular loan.

And, how are you eligible for it?

How does the grace period work?

If you chose this option, how much

would you pay over the lifetime of that loan?

Because all the loans are going to gather interest.

Some other gather while you're in school.

Some start once you're done with school.

And so this helps you look at over the lifetime of that loan,

how much are you really paying?

So if you have a $25,000 loan and you

do the standard repayment plan over the life of the loan,

you're going to pay $35,000.

But if you do the extended repayment plan,

you end up paying $40,000 for a loan.

So this kind of helps give you an idea

of which repayment plan is going to work for you,

and also how much you're going to be paying back.

And you can change your payment plan

as you go through paying back your loans.

So you may start out on one and then switch to another one

as you're going through your lifetime.

Say you win the lottery and you just

want to pay the whole thing off.

Or if you get a really good job that

pays more than you expected you would ever be making in a job.

So you're like, oh, I can make $400, or $500, or $600 a month

payments versus the $200 payments

that I'm making right now.

And so you can go in and make changes to that.

And this navigator can help you make those decisions,

before you go onto the website for your loan servicer,

to help you know which one might be

the best choice for you based on the situation that you're in.

They also have information about ways

that you can postpone payments.

They have information about getting forgiveness

or discharge of your payments.

They have information about what to do

if you find yourself in default, or if you're

delinquent on a payment.

And so those are all parts that are built into the website that

are things that you can get to and navigate to when you have

an account set up with SALT.

The other thing that SALT does is, they help answer questions

about the loan process.

If you're graduating soon, and I saw a couple people are--

Kelly and Olivia congratulations.

For those you that are going to be graduating

soon, when you get into that prior

to the start of your repayment period,

you may get a phone call, or an email,

or some other kind of outreach from SALT.

Even if you haven't signed-up for an account with them,

they have access to the students.

We send them information on all of our students.

And they reach out to all students.

And they say, hey, we know you may have some student

loans coming due soon, have you started making your plans

for repayment?

Are you thinking about that?

What are you doing?

Have you made plans for that?

They may reach out to you with that.

Please respond to them if you want help with that.

They can help you talk through that.

If you miss a payment once or twice,

before you become what's known as "in default," SALT

may reach out to you then, too, and say, hey,

we noticed you've missed some payments.

Can we help?

How can we help you?

Some of the websites for other loan organizations

can be a little cumbersome and hard to navigate through.

And their job is to collect the money.

And SALT, they're not collecting money from you.

They're just there to help.

So they can answer questions.

They can help guide you through the processes and procedures

for handling delinquent payments or default payments.

They are there to help answer questions.

If you are going to graduate school,

and you want to know what you need

to do in order to continue keeping

from having to pay the loans-- so

having them deferred while you're in graduate school.

Or you're going back for a second degree.

So they are really--

that's what they're there for.

You can see the times that they're available.

It's all Eastern Time or Pacific.

So you get a decent calculation there.

But they are there to help.

They're there to answer questions.

I've actually met some of the people that

work in these offices.

And they are genuinely there to just help students,

to answer questions, and to be there

to support you and help you navigate through this stuff.

These are all people that understand the loan process,

and how those things work, and how to navigate

through those things.

Because it can be very nerve racking and very confusing,

and can be very frustrating as you're navigating

through some of this stuff.

And especially with everything else you've got going on.

You're trying to find a job.

You may be trying to find a new place to live.

You may be trying to find a school,

or dealing with other things in your life.

And so your student loans shouldn't

be something that's overwhelming and making it harder for you

to get through.

So that's why we do this.

We provide this service for you as a student,

so that you can take that off your plate.

SALT has a lot of additional places

where you can get in touch with them.

They are online.

They do you have a presence on Facebook and on Twitter,

where they share a lot of great tools

and information about stuff.

They also do have their own SALT community--, where you can go and connect

with other students.

And they do a lot of contests, and give away free money,

in addition to the other ways you can get free money.

But they do some contests through there sometimes.

Students share their stories about how they've

paid off their student debt--

different tips and tricks on that-- ask questions.

It's a good place to just interact with your peers

about financial literacy, and about SALT, and about student


And other things that are troubling you

as you're thinking about your financial situation

and how to navigate through that, which can be

pretty stressful, for anybody.

So again, registration process is super simple.

Just click that "sign up" link up at the top,

fill in your information, and get your account set up.

And then that account is yours for the rest of your life.

We make it available to you.

We pay-- the university.

Washington State University pays a fee to SALT

in order to make this available for our students.

And so we're the reason that this is available to you

as a free service, because we are the ones who are

paying them for this service.

It's also subsidized by--

as I said, they used to be a loan provider.

And so, some of it is the money that they're

making off of those loans also helps subsidize some of this.

And they decided that, because they couldn't be a loan

servicer anymore, they've decided

to move into helping people.

And so they partner now with schools.

There are over 300 schools in the US who partner with SALT

to provide this service to their students.

And so we at WSU thought this was important.

And wanted to make sure that we're providing this service

to our students to help you be able to pay for school,

pay back your loans, and all of the other things

that students want and need to be able to do you

as they're managing their money and getting through school.

And to make financial issues less of a burden on you

as the student.

So that's kind of the major part of the presentation.

We can also jump into the SALT website

and look around, and play with some stuff.

So you can see, I do have an account.

And I'm going to log into that now, so we can look around.

And if there is anything you would like to see,

please let us know.

And we'll hop over to that and take a look at it.

As soon as it logs us in-- here we go.

All right, so you can see this is

my database, or my dashboard, as they call it.

And I have "manage money" as my number one goal right now.

And so it has given me information specific to that.

Olivia, it looks like you're asking

about options for repayment and the different ones on the page.

So, yeah, we can look into that.

Let me just get to that.

So I've just pulled up the Loan Repayment Navigator.

We talked about this earlier, and this

is what it looks like when you first get to it.

So you click on "Get Started."

It's going to ask information about your specific situation.

And you input the information that's

about you and what you've done.

So you can add loans that you've borrowed.

So I'm just going to make up some numbers here.

And we'll say I borrowed $10,000.

That's barely a year, right?

But we'll put them in there just as a pretend for right now.

With $10,000 of student loan debt,

every month I would be paying $104 on the standard repayment


I think it's the sort of default one.

If you don't choose a repayment plan,

I believe most of the plants default

to the standard repayment plan.

So it's giving you the information

for the standard repayment plan.

And it says, do you want to learn more about that?

Or do I want to go to the income-driven option?

Or the extended repayment?

Or the graduated repayment?

Holly asks, "If when you use the loan calculator, does

this stay on your account?

Or do you have to do it each time?

I believe it stays on your account.

When they did the updates to the new dashboard--

if you look over on the right-hand side of the screen

here, you can see it's got the repayment navigator.

So I've entered some information in there.

And so I think that stays there, because it also shows--

you can see the scholarship search

that I started playing around with on February 2, 2016.

So now I could go back and go back into that scholarship

search engine, and the information

that I entered previously would still be available there.

And I believe the repayment navigator does the same thing.

And so if each year you can look at how much

you're going to owe, and then as you add new student loans,

you could add in the new information.

Any information on refinancing private student loans?

That is a great question, Tony.

And I'm not sure I have the answer to that,

but you could certainly looking in here about--

there's information about consolidation of federal loans.

While we're here, we will do a search-- "private loans."

So I just typed "private loans" in the search box at the top.

And these are the information that I

got about using private loans.

And so I don't see one that specifically

answers your question yet.

But there is certainly a plethora of information--

oh, there's one about refinancing federal loans.

Paying off loans-- here we go--

"Repaying and Consolidating Private Student Loans."

So there's an article right there

that talks about private student loans and refinancing,

or repaying or consolidating those.

So there's some information there,

Tony, that might answer your question about refinancing

private loans, in addition to maybe doing

some consolidation of those loans,

or other ways to pay off those loans.

Any other questions, or anything else

you'd like to see on the SALT website?

While we wait, I'm actually going

to pull up that scholarship search engine,

because I know Olivia's planning to go to grad school.

And so this might be useful, if anyone else is planning

to go to grad school or just have some more semesters left

here at WSU, and want some ways to find some free money.

I'm going to tell you a little about this scholarship search

engine, because I've heard a lot of really great things

about it, and think it's a fabulous, wonderful tool.

So you know there's a scholarship

program through WSU.

You fill out the scholarship form

on the financial aid website.

And the SALT scholarship database

is different from the WSU database.

So WSU offers scholarships that are specific to WSU.

You do those through the WSU financial-aid website.

On the financial-aid website, I think they also now

have a link to a database there that does some

searching for scholarships.

This is a different one that's outside of-- it's certainly

outside of WSU scholarships.

It may have some similar information

to the financial-aid website's database

that they just recently added to their website.

I don't know if you've been on the financial-aid website

recently, but they've made some changes.

And one of the things is that they've also

added a scholarship search tool on their website.

I am all about free money, too.

I'm all about helping people find free money for school.

Because you're right, school can be really expensive, Holly.

So I definitely want to help people

find ways to help pay for it.

And this is one way to do it.

Just as an example, I'll tell you,

I've had students come up to me who've used this before.

And they've told me-- one student said

he applied for a scholarship for,

I think it was $250 or $500 or something like that,

and all he had to do was write a short essay on how

to survive a zombie apocalypse.

And that was a scholarship that someone out there was offering

to give money for that.

Another student told me she was able to get

$1,000 from L'Oreal--

the hair and makeup people-- by just telling them

that she [? used their ?] hair care products, or that

used their hair dye.

Another student told me about a scholarship

that they saw where all you had to do

was post a picture on Instagram with a specific hashtag.

And then they did a drawing for money for school.

So they are a lot of people out there

who are trying to give people money to get an education--

not a lot of people our there taking advantage of that.

And so this is a really great place

to come and get some of that information.

You can see there's a nice little pop-up on my screen.

SALT does occasionally ask for people to give them information

that they use to help make the site better, to gather

some data and some analytics.

And so, I've now just answered that survey.

And you all know that I like Facebook.

So the scholarship search engine--

what I like about the scholarship search engine

is, how many of you have gone onto Google

and done a search for scholarships?

Raise your hands, or throw a quick smiley face or something

up there.

Kelly, yeah.

Two more-- yeah.

Same here.

If you ever go on Google and just type "scholarships,"

you're going to get a bajillion hits,

if that's even a real number.

There are a lot of people out there.

There are a lot of scholarships out there.

And then what do you have to do?

You have to click on each one, and look through everything

and say, am I even eligible for this one?

Is this one I'm interested in?

What's this one about?

The beauty of this database is, they're

going to help do that searching for you.

They're going to help you narrow that bajillion number down

to a number that's more manageable and reasonable,

based on the information that you give them.

So if you just answer some questions--

when you click this "Get Started" button,

you answer some questions about yourself,

fill in the information, and then they can help you.

They're going to then filter that list down to scholarships

that you might be eligible for.

So I filled in some information previously,

so I'll just keep what's in here and walk through here.

I did it sort of just as a generic kind of thing.

But you can see, it asks a lot of information.

And the more you provide, obviously the more scholarships

it's going to be able to-- the more

it's going to be able to narrow that list down and provide

some information.

Because there are scholarships out there

for a lot of different things.

It asks about your background.

And again, there's a lot of information

that relates to you personally.

But there are scholarships that exist that meet

some of these different things.

So if you're left handed, there are

scholarships out there for left-handed people.

If you do you have a specific disability,

there may be some scholarships for that.

Are you a first generation student?

There's a list of different options

that you can choose, up to 10 here.

And there are different things.

Are you a dependent of, or spouse of someone

who was in United Airlines Flight 175 on 9/11?

So people that were dependents or spouses

of people who died in 9/11--

the Oklahoma City bombing.

Are you or a family member a refugee?

Student attends a high school in the delivery

area for Papa John's Pizza.

There's just this wide range of things

where there are scholarships that exist for people.

And you can choose these different options

that fit you, up to 10, under this personal information.

Some other information you can add about yourself here--

what kind of work experience do you have?

What's your intended career?

And you can choose up to 20.

So if you don't really know what you want to do,

or maybe there's a couple of different things

you're thinking about, you add in some stuff here.

I'm going to work with fish.

No military experience, but my father

was in the military-- he was a Marine.

I don't really remember what he did,

but I'll just pick something here.

He was a Vietnam vet.

What family, work experience do you have?

All of these questions.

So this is time consuming, too.

But it's helping to narrow down those choices.

So the more information you can provide through this form,

the better they're going to be able to find scholarships

that might work for you.

So you want to fill out as much of this information as you can,

and provide as much information here as you can,

because this is going to help them.

There's also things for hobbies, sports, clubs,

and organizations.

If your family's involved in any Greek organization

or associations--

all of these different things help

them find scholarships that are going

to be the right fit for you.

And then once you do that, then here's a whole list--

just based on the information that I provided previously--

of scholarships and awards that the person who I filled out

for or asked could apply for.

And you can see the amounts range from--

I think the first one here was $20,000--

$1,500, $600.

So there's a wide variety.

There's a long list.

And I would say, don't scoff at the small numbers.

Those are the ones that people are least likely to apply for.

And so your chances of getting it are a lot higher.

There, you can see they list deadline dates.

And the deadline dates run through all year long.

So you can see deadline--

here's June deadlines.

Then you run into some July's.

Here are some August deadlines.

So even after school starts--

here's September deadlines.

There are deadlines that run throughout the year.

Some of these scholarships are on continuously rotating basis.

So there's a lot of great tools and information and resources

here to help you as you're planning how to pay for school.

And you know, $500 is not a ton of money.

That's like, what, one book these days?

Half an hour of class?

But it's still $500 that wasn't in your pocket to begin with.

So it's a really great tool, a great resource.

I've heard a lot of really great things

and a lot of great feedback from students.

It's the number one visited portion of the SALT website

across the country.

So it is a very popular piece of the SALT website, I think,

because it's helpful, and a lot of students

find it very useful.

For more infomation >> Student Loan Repayment and SALT: Helping Your Financial Future - Duration: 35:46.


Queen Elizabeth II's Reaction to Watching The Crown Is Probably Not What You'd Think - Duration: 2:27.

If you have been keeping tabs on Queen Elizabeth II, then you are likely well aware that she's

not your average 91 year old she drives her own car, uses Twitter, and oh, yeah, binges

Netflix like the rest of us.

Although there's no word on what she thought about 13 Reasons Why, there's one show she

surprisingly is a big fan of: The Crown.

Netflix's original series is a lavish look into the early days of Queen Elizabeth II's

rise to power and her first years of marriage to Prince Philip, and despite a few factual

errors throughout season one, the real life queen has reportedly given it her blessing.

According to The Daily Express, Her Majesty began watching the show after her son and

daughter in law, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, recommended it to her.

"Edward and Sophie love The Crown," a senior royal source revealed.

"It has been a longstanding arrangement that they drive to Windsor at the weekend to join

the queen for an informal supper while watching TV or a film.

They have a Netflix account and urged her to watch it with them.

Happily, she really liked it, although obviously there were some depictions of events that

she found too heavily dramatized."

The series, which stars Claire Foy and Matt Smith as Elizabeth and Philip, doesn't shy

away from deeply personal issues the couple had to overcome, as well as the scandalous

affair Princess Margaret (played by Vanessa Kirby) had with a divorced man.

Fortunately the high production values and dedication to telling the story honestly has

earned the show rave reviews from both critics and members of the royal family alike.

Princess Eugenie recently called the music in the show "wonderful," and remarked that

"the story is beautiful, and you feel very proud to watch it."

Lucky for them, season two is on the way.

tell us your thoughts in comments below.

thanks for watching.

please like,subscribe and share my videos.

For more infomation >> Queen Elizabeth II's Reaction to Watching The Crown Is Probably Not What You'd Think - Duration: 2:27.


Exploring add to (active) addition - Duration: 1:21.

How can I develop the idea of active addition?

Stories are a great way to introduce concepts

as they use natural language that young students already know.

For example, there are three bees in the hive and two more bees fly in.

How many are in the hive now?

Fly in is like add to.

We start with a group and more are added to that group.


Have the students use counters to act out the situation.

It is important they verbalize each part.

Three bees in the hive and two more fly in.

That is five in total.

Great, and because it is a function we can reverse it to show the connection to subtraction.


So if five bees are in the hive and two bees fly back out, how many are left?


So remember that addition situations can be active and static

and students will need experiences with both types to develop a deep understanding of the concept.

For more infomation >> Exploring add to (active) addition - Duration: 1:21.


3 days before Wonder Woman Movie (or how to be prepared to watch Wonder Woman and enjoying it) - Duration: 5:25.

I have the aid of

this guy right here.

Tip # 1



DC are two different things.

Please, do not compare.

Don ´t go to the cinema

Tip # 2

Do not be a wise guy, a nerd.


You have a bad luck

Remember making an adaptation

is always hard.

Tip # 3

Thanks for watching this video.

See you in another time.

For more infomation >> 3 days before Wonder Woman Movie (or how to be prepared to watch Wonder Woman and enjoying it) - Duration: 5:25.


Bryson Tiller Breaks Down His Beef With Ex-Manager On 'True To Self' - Duration: 2:21.

LETTY: Bryson Tiller's sophomore album 'True To Self' is out now

And true to the album's title, the album finds Bryson sharing his side of the story on a

business deal gone wrong

Bryson uses those bars on the song "Before You Judge" to detail his fall out

with ex-manager Steven J Dorn.

As Genius Contributor Sc0tt points out Earlier this year, Dorn filed a lawsuit against

Tiller's current manager, Neil Dominique, over money Dorn believes he's owed for covering

But according to Bryson on

"Money Problems/Benz Truck", Dorn shouldn't hold his breath

On "Self Made" Bryson gives us

lines similar to lyrics from Jay Z's "Lost One", where Hov comments on his own fall

out with Rocafella Records co-founder Dame Dash

Historical friction between artist and management could also be the reason Bryson

interpolated Ice Cube's "Check Yo Self" into his track "Before You Judge"

Jerry Heller, NWA's notorious manager,

as depicted in the 2015 biopic 'Straight Outta Compton', is infamous in hip hop for the millions

of dollars he allegedly cheated group members out of

and whose shady business practices led to both Ice Cube and Dr. Dre leaving NWA

Unfortunately, inner circle issues and splits aren't a new thing in hip-hop but when it

comes to Bryson, he's leaving it all in God's hands now

I'm Letty for Genius News, bringing you the meaning and breaking knowledge behind the music.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Bryson Tiller Breaks Down His Beef With Ex-Manager On 'True To Self' - Duration: 2:21.


Copper Fit Step FX Deluxe Rechargeable Fitness Tracker - Duration: 9:43.

For more infomation >> Copper Fit Step FX Deluxe Rechargeable Fitness Tracker - Duration: 9:43.


Bad Religion - Before you die (español) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Bad Religion - Before you die (español) - Duration: 2:36.


GTA 5 Online Solo Unlimited Money Glitch *GTA 5 Money Hack For Grand Theft Auto 5 Gunrunning DLC* - Duration: 10:23.

what's up you guys and welcome to the

segment right here on your Sheriff we

have a lot to discuss all right so we

are going to sit for a ten minute

segment and yes there's going to be some

ads in it but you know what boys and

girls I sat down in the morning and I

gathered all the comments everything

that we have from the videos including

me talking about people that are

supporting this channel and us

announcing a killer giveaway and how we

going to do it so you guys need to be

part of this segment and wait a second

the cherry on top here if you're into

cherries I'm not by the way when the

cherries on top I throw that shit in the

garbage I'm not into that

but if you tell me there is a mango on

top hell yes I'm grabbing that mango I'm

eating it but it just doesn't look right

when you put a mango on top how did we

end up talking about this I'm not sure I

think I'm happy okay I think I'm happy

and it's because of you guys you

understand it's because of you guys of

so yeah let's go back to the point I was

making the cherry on top even I don't

like that shit and when I see that oh we

said that already this is a solo money

glitch yes sir it is

again it is this has come requested by

one of the subscribers and he said you


can you please test this method out and

let me know if it's working or not no

you know what let's say exactly what he

said hey there You sheriff could you

please test this glitch before I spent

1.2 million on it I got you bro all

right I got you and when people send

messages like that those are the ones

that I pay attention to the most people

that are here on the channel sending me

these messages wanting to know if this

is a go or not this is what you're going

to need for the setup for this glitch

this is a solo money glitch and I got

good news for you it's working and it's

going to give you some good money you

need a cocaine factory now I've read

around on the internet that it does work

with other businesses but this is the

first one that was ever documented it

was ever it was documented on the

cocaine factory you need to have that

once you have the coking factory make

sure you register as the CEO or whatever

the biker club MC and go into the

factory and look at the supplies now in

my case you guys my factory ran out of

business because I don't really focus on

the stuff when we have their allergy

glitches and other stuff like that I'm

not really so

focus on it so I'm going to buy this box

and wait for it to come in the stocks

are 75,000 to me it's not a big deal

you could always steal them but for me

it's not a big deal if you are going to

steal them however it's not going to

work for you right off the bat so you

got to give it some time to build up now

until we wait for the supplies to come

in here I do want to flash something

right in front of you guys and we are

going to go kill some poor soul that's

standing out there just a bystander

because we can I want to say thank you

to everybody who represented on the get

a yacht glitch for free the video that

we put out recently

you guys should amazing support on that

you drop the 785 likes on it we've

gained 12,000 views plus and it's still

going if you haven't seen it go ahead

and check that out what an amazing

amazing video that you guys showed me

support on I really want to thank you

for it and that's not all okay the

support has been coming from all you

guys I want to give a shout out to vape

you just donate it to the channel

yesterday when we are live-streaming I

want to give a big shout out to stunt

you meet a huge donation to the channel

he doesn't want to come forward with it

but I can't hold back I gotta put that

out there stunts is really supporting

the channel and most of the giveaways

that you guys see on the channel is

because of him and of course galaxy and

and right now we got VIPs like I said

you guys look in the description okay I

have a list of name of everybody that's

donating to this channel like kudos to

you guys for having my back

and making this possible none of it

would be possible without you guys I

really really want to thank you from the

bottom of my heart okay

the supplies are coming back toward us

here and once you get your supplies go

to the factory and before you start this

I always draw your attention to how much

money we have right I think we got one

more kill on that dude yep he's gone

alright let's fast-forward to them to

the factory here once you load in make

note of how much supplies you have that

number is going to change as you go

through this so let's see here check

that out we got two bars of products a

bar and a half and we got supplies

almost full so we are going to go ahead

and click in the computer and say you

know what give me the supplies I want to

resupply but I don't want to buy it this


I want to steal it now when you say you

want to steal it they load you straight

out of them the cooking Factory once

you're out there you can tick the call

there is no panic for this all right

there is absolutely no panic so you can

take the call hang up the phone click

start and say find a new session we're

going to do this it's not a real fight

because I'm cutting off the loading time

for you guys but I'm sure you guys

understand that I don't play around when

it comes to glitches like this

especially a solo money glitch come on

now let's have something special here


we're right beside the factory there's

always enemies you got to keep your eyes

open that dude thought he was going to

drop your share not today buddy

not today let's pick the FMJ and books

back there you know what let's slash

another comment right here until this

thing loads up you guys think I got your

kind like I don't think your comments

lightly on this thing how many things

you share of the gamer you got my

support bro and if you want I can share

the channel with all people I know

because you deserve it that's what I'd

like subscribers that I always want to

say thank you too when you share the

channel with other gamers man that's

when this thing is going to grow and

just go sky high bigger giveaways and

even more support Thank You Man

so you guys saw the money increased in

price from the previous load and now

we're going to do the same thing again

we're going to say resupply and we're

going to say steal supplies confirm now

it spawns us outside again we're also

going to do the exact same thing and I'm

going to show you how far we can take

this thing here as we load into the next

session I want to show you something

that Donovan shared with me the other

day and it says this don't tell me the

sky's the limit

when there are footprints on the moon

you guys know the intention of that

that's the intention of some somebody

trying to inspire you and I want to say

thank you Donovan aka Maddy for coming

on the channel and leaving me that

comment I went back and I checked it out

and I really really appreciate it that's

basically him telling me if you think

the sky is the limit there is the moon

right behind it and there's already

footsteps there you can even pass that

there is no limit you can keep going

okay you guys I hope you're keeping

track of what's happening I am I am

talking over other stuff as we're doing

this glitch here

but I always like to share stuff that's

happening on the channel with you guys

okay maybe this is the last load that

we're going to do and it's going to show

you exactly how much money we got as we

go in there it says this one more

comment that I went and I looked at it's

weird how your Sheriff has real hacks

and barely has any subscribers but all

those other people have millions of

subscribers and they have fake content

you know what man we always speak our

mind here but I always try to bring your

legit glitches like the one that you see

like this solo money glitch and we just

do the hard work and as we do the hard

work and people see what we stand for

I'm sure this channel is going to grow

and it's going to be something very very

special so that's the solo money glitch

now at this point you can sell your

supplies or you can try to get a private

only not a private only Lobby but Lag

yourself and get the lobby to yourself

that's also another good option that we

can take and you can sell your supplies

and make a ton of money like that you

didn't do anything for it it grows

really fast it's just a matter of having

patience in order for you to get it now

before I let you go I want to say

something everybody that's documented

down at the bottom in the description

supporting this channel I want to tell

you guys as subscribers you coming in

here dropping alike leaving a comment

all the light all the time letting

gamers know what's what when it comes to

gta5 the type of community that we have

the streams the fun we have on this

channel it doesn't go unnoticed on my

part I'm going to build up a giveaway

and I'm going to get that giveaway

running on the gleam alright that

giveaway is going to be involving

Twitter and and YouTube and it's going

to give you the best chance to win we

are going to be doing giveaways on

regular basis here on this channel so

we'll start was the first one and go

from there make sure to click on the

link if it's not there yet come back

tonight and check on it I'll build it

and I'll have it and we'll have a killer

giveaway for something that goes on

monthly basis okay because I'm having

too much fun with you guys in these live

streams and the channel is growing

really really healthy now now one thing

that I want to say YouTube encourages us

to always reach out to other youtubers

to work with but in my case because

sometimes I speak the truth and we kind

of like try to open people's eyes I

think it rubs people off the wrong way

and it's completely fine it's the

I'm willing to pay in order to make

people aware of what's what on GTA I

mean the yacht glitch was going to make

people lose around 8 million dollars

without the discounts you're probably

looking at 10 for a yacht that might not

even be useful at the end of the day

alright but a lot of gamers do want to

have it and I completely understand that

so when I do stuff like that it turns up

other youtubers they don't really want

to work with me and I've been trying to

work in the background with different

channels to try and do the gleen

giveaways and stuff but you know what

you guys YouTube forgot one thing I

don't need in youtuber in order to grow

the channel I have you guys and you guys

are the best

eyes ears support share thumbs up

everything that any youtuber can ask for

I am having the time of my life sharing

content on this channel and bringing you

guys the best videos when it comes to

gta5 remember when we were streaming

this morning and you see the race in the

background Wiggles was asking where is

the other channel you sheriff the one

that I document other games on it that

other channel is video games it's on the

right side it's featured make sure you

click on it if you're into other games

and it gets different content than this

channel right here it's about other

games so if you like other games and you

enjoy the company of your Sheriff you

should be on that channel as well again

you guys thank you for everybody that's

here thank you for everybody that drops

a thumbs up and share your comments do

not go and notice I'll see you guys on

the next segment please baby

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