🎃 Happy Halloween Athens Park 10 is Unlike any You've Seen Before
What is Gnosticism? - Duration: 3:32.It's from Roelof van den Broek from his work entitled "Gnosticism"
He explains that the Gnostic religion is understood as a phenomenon that flourished in the great myths of the second and third century which spread across the Middle East and Roman empire up to the Far East
Van den Broek enumerates four typical features of Gnosticism
A distinction is made between the highest Unknown God
and the imperfect or plainly evil creator god
who is often identified with the god of the Bible
This is often connected with an extensive description of the divine world
or Pleroma from which the essential core of human beings derives and of a disasterous fall of a Divine being, Sophia Wisdom, in this upper world
As a result humankind has become entrapped
in the earthly condition
of oblivion and death
from which it is saved by the revelation of Gnosis
by one or more
heavenly messengers
Salvation is often actualized and celebrated in rituals
that are performed within the Gnostic community
or we can take the simple definition of Andrew Phillip Smith
from his book, "John the Baptist and the Gnostics"
It goes, "stuff like what the ancient Gnostics used to do"
I should mention that an important component of Gnosticism and certainly Gnosis is gratitude
and you can certainly find it aplenty in the Nag Hammadi Library and Hermetic texts
in many hymns and prayers, even in the surliest Sethian gospel
the truth of this universe is horror
but this also comes with awe
for there is a knowledge of higher realities
and that something can be done to rescue the life from the darkness of mere being
There's no reason one can't hold awe and horror at the same time in one's mind
and they're probably overlapping feelings when you think about it
Let us end with a prayer of Thanksgiving from the Nag Hammadi Library
We give thanks to You! Every soul and heart is lifted up to You
undisturbed name, honored with the name "God" and praised with the name "Father"
for to everyone and everything comes the fatherly kindness and affection of love
and any teaching there may be that is sweet and plain
giving us mind, speech and knowledge:
Mind, so that we may understand You
Speech, so that we may expound You
Knowledge, so that we may know You
We rejoice, having been illuminated by Your knowledge
We rejoice because You have shown us Yourself. We rejoice because while we were in the body, You have made us divine through Your knowledge
Dribbling and Kicking Drill for Soccer - Duration: 2:55.Hello guys ,this is Gabriel Carrera from best soccer tricks dot com. So today
we have a great drill, where we implement shooting and dribbling okay. We're going to
start with dribbling the ball. It's like you have somebody else, you receive the ball from the sides.
From this side, or either sides.
And you have a man in front of you. We have set up two cones here in front of me
So what I'm going to do is that
I'm receiving the ball from the sides... Sometimes or you can have the ball next
to you. So what you want to do when the practice is the movement movement in you
knees you like this, okay and you want to have a quick movement, like you're going
one side and you go the other way. So quick movement okay, quick movement again. Let's
go you want to see, I'm bending the knees. I'm bending the knees, I'm going this side and I go
okay. This is going to allow me to create space and then take the shot okay.
It's really important, sometimes we don't have enough time to... You know, to get to
have the ball here. So you have to have a quick movement and shoot it right away.
Okay so I'm going to show you, I'm going to show you the soccer drill. Once you have to
be able to to do that step, the second step would be to shoot. You can
either shoot it with the inside or with the laces depending on how much time you
have. If you have no time, you have to shoot it with the inside if the foot.
If you have little more time maybe with the laces okay. So here we're going to show it.
You dribble with the soccer ball.
[Player doing a soccer drill.]
Shoot it and then you take another one, okay.
Again, just play with the ball a little bit. Go again.
[Player doing a soccer drill.]
Place the soccer ball as close to the corners as possible, you know.
[Player doing a soccer dribbling and kicking drill.]
That's it guys, I hope you enjoyed. It's a simple soccer drill, but it's essential because it's
going to make it realistic a little bit, it's going to make you put yourself in a
position, a realistic position where you have to take one quick step and
shoot the ball. I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure you like this video, subscribe to our
channel, we have great soccer videos coming up so make sure to join this
channel and thank you guys for watching.
[Best Soccer Tricks]
British vs American English Pronunciation: 3 Words that Americans Don't Understand when I Say Them - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
LEGO City update: Cargo ship harbor work begins! - Duration: 10:47.hello hello welcome back with my second train station mostly done in just parts
waiting to arrive in the mail I did like I said I was going to do I started
looking down in this direction and I realized that I need to figure out some
other things before I can determine exactly what I can do with my zoo and
with my planetary defense Force Base so I looked a little bit farther over
and determined that this was kind of the limiting factor at this time that I
needed to figure out exactly the shape and size of my port area and my cargo
harbor area so I've done some work on this in earnest for a good number of
hours did some planning there's a whole bunch of experimentation and you see
that I have moved the train sightings over to this side and they're kind of
rotated 90 degrees from the way they were set up previously this layout just
makes more sense and gives me more room to park basically more boats in there so
I can have intermodal operations going on strictly over here I'm just going to
limit it to this because that's where the train tracks are but then I can also
have something small docked up there and I could have something large docked here
or a couple of smaller things docked here and I'll put in a couple of cranes
you know this is just a standing obviously but I'll put in a couple of
cranes here to serve as both sides of this pier so I've got this pier here and
I get to also dock boats on the other side not as much room over here but
plenty of railing this this is enough room here to even dock my largest ship I
don't think we're gonna make anything bigger than than that at all so that can
actually fit here and still have a little bit of water to the outside of it
which I want it to have so that's that that was the kind of the planning end of
it but I've also done some execution so I've got this pier out here and this is
completely solid well it's solid enough to actually use beneath here I used some
of my new DUPLO new used DUPLO plate pieces to good effect and they're buried
away like they're supposed to be this is not where where I was expecting to use
those but it was a perfect opportunity because plates are the height of a
single brick and these piers are two bricks tall so I can put regular Lego
bricks on top of them tiles on top of that and everything works out there's a
little bit of a gap under here right now but I'm going to show you presently what
that's all about I've decided to put in just a little bit
of texture because I realized that what I had been doing with well with the
previous version of the city and the previous location of this dock in this
city I had been just going smooth for these visible edges and I don't like
that it's it's plain I was dumb idea so at least bringing in some texture is is
a must it's something it's better than nothing so I'm gonna extend that all the
way around eventually and that's why I've left some gaps here just a one stud
gap to fill that in because I ran out of pieces again yeah
recurring theme ran out right there I've got I think about that many just on the
other side as well so those are gonna go all the way around but this part of the
of this pier over here is also filled up with stuff underneath and I used up all
of my funky shaped corner round DUPLO plates from that last
hall that I got there in a couple of orders that I got from eBay I've used
pieces so those were pieces that were not going to be easy to use but they've
all been used up now which is great also the ones that had the the kind of tiled
area with no studs in the middle they look like driveways almost or railroad
crossings those are used up as well I think those are there
I don't remember anyway the structure of the piers is all
here now it's been extended out quite a bit
and I even did something that I wasn't expecting at all I didn't think I was
going to do at all I thought that I was done with the shaping of the tables and
the space that would be used up by tables because I had done everything
that I could do with the sizes that I have available to me to use with the
system but over here I have added a gap so I'm actually extended ultimately
extended this table out by a fair amount I think it's like what is that eight
studs in it or six oh yeah eight studs it's something and if you look all the
way under here yeah there you can see kind of how the the old framework which
was just kind of continued over from the old location of all this stuff is just
under there holding things up well enough I'll probably put just a little
more under there since there's nothing directly underneath you know just some
plates to help secure it all but that gap means that the entire layout has
been increased by this thickness times that length so that's good bigger is
better in terms of Lego layouts I think always this whole thing looks kind of
plain here but it was a bunch of work and the most important thing is that
once I once I figure out for certain where these plates are going to line up
with the rest of the city because I just need to put some tiles in and make sure
that everything is lined up properly when you don't have things connected you
can very easily start to be off by a full stud after a long long run so you
know I don't have anything connected all the way back there all the way down here
so I need to just make sure that all this is is correct and spacing cannot be
like this between plates you actually need a slight gap in order for them to
line up properly it needs to be more like that so I need to to do that and
then once I've verified all of that then I will trim off these plates here that
are a little bit too long and also I've got just a handful down
here that need to be trimmed off for a custom length I've used up a bunch of my
my spares and trimmings already that I've you know from from previous cuts
mostly now mostly down out there and also a little bit in here in the center
of the layout as well but used up a bunch of those trimming pieces which is
always a good feeling things I don't have a whole bunch of extras leftover of
it there will be some more smaller trimmings come up coming up that will be
trimmed down and yeah it's progress the fact that this is here now and the bases
are pretty solid means that I can start to build the first thing that I'm gonna
do is figure out exactly where the cranes will be and also I have enough
space to put some structure in here of some sort and then I'll start putting in
tiles to create the kind of custom road work
so to speak you know just the paved areas of this since all of it will be
paved and you know I can I can do that in a custom way since it will all be
done with tiles or at least 90% and then I also need to determine exactly where
the turn in will be and how that'll work out with all the planetary defense force
and stuff but it's not I'm pretty certain it's not gonna be over there I
also have the option should I choose to take advantage of it I have the option
to to bring this part of the main rail line towards me this way back this way
by you know since I don't need this switch here now I've just left a small
sighting in here but you know originally this was feeding the main lines or the
main sightings down there for the port but I don't need that anymore so if I
want to I can easily change everything from there just past that new switch all
the way out to here so I'll go into the the blue Rick software program and
experiment a little bit and just go look at it you know see if I if I want to
move the rail away from the roadway if that will gain me anything if it'll
gain me enough along the main road versus what I'll lose in space back here
potentially you know cuz that's not gonna be part of the the cargo system
per se you know trains will just go past and what they do out there is out there
is kind of on their own time that'll you know feed into this but I'll figure that
out I may I may end up just leaving it as it is for now may figure out
something different to do down here but I wanted to show you the progress
because it is fairly significant and the stuff that's gonna come next is gonna be
more significant still but I wanted to kind of show you the process you know
what what actually go through it doesn't it doesn't ever go from just plain table
to finished obviously and it doesn't even go from from base plates being down
to working on buildings and structures and such and such there some in between
steps that are really really important and it did take a good amount of time to
do some of the the trimming of plates already to fit into here like I got
these four side wide ones that are they're custom just for the gap and also
putting in all the framework underneath here all the infrastructure stuff is
really important it's not key that all infrastructure be done first you can
definitely just dive in and start building stuff
this is Lego it's not real life so there's not a huge cost other than in
time to just diving in and starting to build and if it turns out what you're
trying to do can't be done physically then you know you take apart
and start again you know it's it's not that big of a deal but I choose to try
to go with the infrastructure stuff first and then build upon that it's not
the right way it's not the best way I don't think it's just a way so I want to
show you that because it's important and I'm gonna do some more work yeah I will
talk to you in soon
Here's How To Prepare Your Own Rosemary Alcohol At Home And Eliminate Cellulitis! - Duration: 2:22.Here's How To Prepare Your Own Rosemary Alcohol At Home And Eliminate Cellulitis!
Instead of buying it, you can prepare Rosemary Alcohol in your kitchen and use it in order
to eliminate the annoying cellulite.
This amazing solution will definitely help you get rid of cellulitis once and for all
and you will say goodbye to the skin that looks like orange peel.
Nevertheless, in order to get the best results, you should definitely combine this rosemary
alcohol with being more physically active and maintaining a balanced diet abundant in
The key factor is to eliminate all those saturated fats and carbonated drinks.
2 tablespoons of rosemary alcohol 2 cotton balls
Use: First off, soak the cotton balls into the
Next, spread the solution from the thighs to the knees and cover all the parts of the
Make sure to cover the part at the back of your legs considering that this is the area
where cellulitis is mostly accumulated.
Make sure to massage the area while applying the solution since this will definitely contribute
to the activation of the blood circulation and the removal of the cellulitis will be
much easier.
Moreover, this exfoliation will allow the rosemary to penetrate in your body far better,
hence removing all the dead cells.
It is very simple to prepare, all you need to do is to put several branches of fresh
rosemary into a clean bottle then cover it with 96% alcohol.
Next, allow the mixture to stay in a cold and dry place for 2 weeks, but remember to
shake the bottle every day so that the alcohol can soak up all the properties from the rosemary.
After 14 days, move it to an area where there isn't sunlight.
As we already mentioned, this solution will help you remove cellulitis due to its anti-inflammatory
In fact, it has the ability to fight water retention and the skin that resembles an orange
peel will disappear in no time.
The best part is that rosemary alcohol will also activate your blood circulation.
To get the best results in a short period of time, make sure to combine this solution
with some exercises daily.
Start Your Career with Accenture Federal Services - Duration: 2:11.Accenture, they basically sold me a dream.
If I could describe Accenture
Federal in one word it would be
Accenture has been a
great place to start my career.
The first thing I would say is if
you enjoy helping others then this
is a place for you.
And in our case
it's like helping our client get
to what they need because essentially
we're all consultants. Consultants
help people we solve problems.
We develop technology. We're helping
other corporations succeed as well
as the government. So what attracted
me to AFS is the fact that my full
time helping others is helping
the nation.
I think Accenture Federal Services
is in a very interesting
intersection between private business
solution and public sector work.
It's a really cool space to be in.
But also because of the professional
development opportunities and the
technical development. I've been
sponsored on two certifications.
So it's kind of changed me to become
a better person and it's also a
change for me to be more effective
at the things that I do.
Coming out of college I really did not
know what I wanted to do and so
what was so appealing about Accenture
was that I could have so many different
roles all while having the same
job and working for the same company.
One thing that you see here is you
see a lot of women executives when
I see managing directors or senior
managers who are women who look
like me I'm like
oh, one day I can get there you know.
You gotta learn to love change
in order to really thrive here.
No one I feel is left out.
Accenture has been a really great foundation
for my career development.
Get MORE Views With These Youtube Interactive Card Tips?! - Duration: 2:56.so you can get people to watch one of your videos but how do you keep them on
your content trick lies within this video coming up I upload YouTube advice
videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday click Subscribe and hit that Bell icon
so you never miss a video if you don't know what a college it's the little
islet pops up right there you should to link out to videos young website or even
run polls tip number one use multiple cards in the video some people think to
only put one if you use multiple cards at different points throughout the video
you can catch people who get bored at different times and make sure the video
you link out to an each card relates to the video they're currently watching for
example if you made a video in a certain type of series use cards to link out to
different parts of the series example if it's how to bake to them how to bake a
cake how to bake cupcakes how to bake a
muffin because people like one type of your video they're most likely like
others tip number two the timing of your college is SuperDuper important this is
strategy I used and it works out great for me I start off with a card at zero
zero zero zero the very beginning of the video that way if my hook the djinn
entice someone doesn't make people want to watch the video they'll have a place
to go right from the beginning and then doing my analytics and look my average
view duration for the past 28 days that gives me an idea of how long people
generally watch my content I then add a card about 20 seconds before that time
and I'll tell you why as a bonus tip at the end which is super duper important
so stay tuned for that by doing about 20 seconds before that time that I can
catch those people as well and then for my third and final card I put that about
a minute after that time that way if someone gets bored before the end of the
video I can always catch them too now for tip number three one more tip until
the bonus tip if you have a special video called like a Hello video which is
like a huge montage or an inspirational video something that you put a lot of
time and effort into and he wanted to do really well a brand deal for example you
can use to buddy's bulk card editor feature and change all the
cards on all your videos to direct to that one specific video you don't do
this too much because it's really bad if you do this every week or every day to
you should be like whoa what's going on why is he changing 200 cards every day
so don't do that but this is once a month one should be two months you can
push all the traffic from all your old videos to this
one specific video and it will get a ton more views and now to the bonus tip if
you go into your settings and you click featured content then select optimize
timing and click OK to update a little banner will pop up at about this part of
the video linking off to one of your videos at the average view duration
point that's why I said to you 20 seconds before but it won't interfere
with this and this is just another way to get more people on to other videos of
yours without losing them completely how many cards do you guys normally use in
your videos let me know in the comments below if they feel their he's helped you
and you want to continue attacking the struggles you face on youtube please
subscribe by hitting the circle over there and click one of the videos below
to continue learning about YouTube in the ways you can grow your channel once
again thank you for watching have an awesome day
Salman Khan Life Story in Urdu/Hindi - Salman Khan Biography - Duration: 5:24.Salman Khan Life Story in Urdu/Hindi - Salman Khan Biography
How To Make Money Online Flipping Items On Amazon For a MASSIVE Profit - Duration: 9:18.hello James Greaney here from Internetbizuni.com and in this video I'm
going to show you how you can quickly make twenty pounds in five minutes
just flipping products on Amazon. This isn't something that I usually do
anymore I used to do quite a bit when I was working at this on the side while I would
be at work I'd be just flicking through my phone seeing if there was any
products that I recognized purchase these products and flip them for a
profit. now that I run my business full time I
spend the time just working on my business but this is just a purchase
that I recently made so I said I'd shoot this video and let you know about it and
if you just go to Amazon.co.UK, again you can do this on any of the Amazon
platforms and I'm just going to type in the product that I purchased the last
day so it's a blue Yeti microphone probably aware of it
as you can see here it's a hundred and nineteen pounds at the moment and let's
just click in and see it now so it's just a microphone you know a fairly
basic product and as you can see up here I purchased this item on the 20th of
October which was only a few days ago but you will see the prices here just to
see that it is the lowest price available is a hundred and nineteen and
as you can see another third-party seller is selling it here for one
hundred nine-teen with free delivery I'm just going to jump back and show you the
price that I paid for it when I purchased this item so if you this order
and as you can see $79.99 on the 20th of October which was only a couple of days
ago so now you're probably wondering how do you make money with it you purchase
it for $79.99 and it's now selling for a hundred and nineteen ninety seven well
you can easily send sell it back on Amazon so I'm just going to click over
and show you what fees you're going to have when you send it in so go to Google
and just type in FBA calculator and here it will come up just click on
this one and then it's in Amazon Seller Central you can see just check that it's
selected up here for the UK then you just have to grab the ASIN from the
product so I'm going to have to jump back here to the product listing and
scroll down to the middle and just grab the asin then jump back over to your
calculator and pace in the asin here this will bring it up then
you put in the item price so what you're gonna sell it for will just say the
lowest because it's a hundred 119.97 now although you could get more because you
could just wait for them to run out of stuff I'll explain that again in just a
moment then here you just want to put in the cost what it's gonna cost to deliver
it to Amazon and again you're going to be getting UPS is special rate because
you are delivering it to Amazon so what you would do is you purchase around four
of these together and to send in the four of them will be around four pound
so it's going to be around one pound each just to send them in you get UPS is
ridiculously low rates I've sent in items for as little as twenty P per item
in the past because you just put them all in one box and they give you a price
based on the box's weight and size and it's really low cost but anyway then you
just put in your cost of your product here so for this one seventy nine ninety
nine and you click calculate so as you can see here net profit is 21.97
and that's after all your fees everything and that's a net margin of
18.3% so how again you can save even more
costs if you want to fulfill the item yourself so what you do you just put in
your prices here if you want to fulfill it yourself but there's again there's no
point doing that because you're going to have to put in all the work wait for a
customer Tobias when the customer buys it you're going to have to send it out
to that customer direct whereas with FBA he'll just push whatever items you're
sending into their warehouse in one box send it into their warehouse when the
item sells Amazon ships it to the customer any customer service anything
like that anna de amazon deals with on your behalf
so they take away all the work from it basically outta putting in this border
and what you to spend preparing the box so if you purchased four of these you
would literally put the four of them in the box print off a label put that label
on the outside of the box UPS come around to your house click the box and
it goes into FBA it's you know max five minutes work and you'll be making twenty
one pounds profit per item that you sell now the key with this is if you're
looking to make money with this so let's say if you
want to stay at your own brand that's what I would recommend do you stay your
own private label brand so basically you can get this type of microphone made in
China if you want with your own brand honors have your own listing and you'll
make money every time it sells but if you want to just start like this
flipping products to make some money the key is to find good products to do with
so there are a range of products that are always fluctuating in prices you'll
notice this blue yeti mic is one of them it's always going up and down in prices
and knowing these products that are really good sellers is the key so I'll
jump back and show you just how good of a seller this product is so down here
you'll be able to see this is the best sellers rank for the product so it's a
hundred and ninety three in musical and instrumental and it was like 23 the last
day when I purchased it so I'm just going to jump over here and type in
jungle scout
estimator and just show you how many of these are actually selling how
quickly it's going to sell you know once you send it in it will sell within
within a day or so but I'm just gonna show you that here you can easily check
how many items how many units an item sells per month so this is on the US you
go over here and click on the UK then you go to the cash grace or its musical
and instrumental whatever that is so
this one then you type in 193 because that's the best sellers rank and they
SPO tell you this item is selling 275 units per month so you know it's gonna
sell with any day within two days and that's the key to finding items that
sell very quickly and that fluctuate in price and this one is definitely that so
on this item at the moment there's only 13 left at this price and again you can
just check how many the other seller has or click in here again and you could
just add this one to care it cuz this is the other seller at 119 and then after
this guy sells out and Amazon sells out so Amazon of only 13
we'll just check what this seller has then the price goes up to 167 so you can
make a lot more on this product if you want to hold out but I'm just going to
click see how many units this guy has in stuffed in a basket and then you go in
here you click 10 plus and you click 999 and then click update and this guy
has a 147 ok so this guy isn't going to sell out too quickly but as you see it
is selling 275 units per month so if Amazon sells out and don't get back in
stock within two weeks then this seller is also going to sell out at this price
what this seller will probably start doing when their items are selling
really fast is put up the price so you you will be able to get a lot more for
this item but I'll just click into it here again you'll be able to get a lot
more for this item at once once Amazon runs out stuff and definitely if this
seller runs our stuff and the good thing is there is so many of these types of
products on Amazon when I used to be doing this business on the side used to
just be checking on my phone a few times a day a few different products and there
always be one or two products that you could easily flip make you know 10 15 20
pounds profit and it's only a few minutes work in it so definitely
something that you should keep in mind if you're just getting started just want
to start flipping products online to make some money on the side this is
definitely a way that you can do it but it's not a long-term business model it's
only arbitrage on prices if you are interested in having your own brand so
that you've your own brand of products that you're selling you keep all the
profit that you made so you working out how much it's gonna cost you get the
product made in China and then you get the product sent from China into Amazon fba's
warehouse when it sells out that it goes out to your customer and you keep all
the profit then you can check out my course in the link in the description
that's the unique private label course that's where I teach how to start your
own brand and do everything that you need to do what type of research and all
that so you can check that out it's currently closed at the moment but put
in your name as I will be opening that again soon and I will notify you when I
do open up but I hope that you like this video and if you do please give it a
thumbs up and subscribe. Cool I will speak to you soon, bye.
New Release Rundown: November 2017 - Duration: 1:33.I want to be on the team, has it got a name?
Yeah it's called the..."The Revengers"
Because I'm getting revenge, you're getting revenge, and you're....
I'm ..I'm undecided
This is kind of like when I tried to get the phrase "Amaztastic" to catch on.
It didn't.
Welcome to New Release Rundown.
I'm Tony Maccio from Moviefone, and we're running down the most anticipated movies hitting
theaters in November 2017.
The month starts with the Bad Moms sequel "A Bad Moms Christmas," coming to theaters,
with the following Friday featuring the limited releases of indie darling "Lady Bird,"
drama "Last Flag Flying," biopic "LBJ" while psychological thriller
"The Killing of a Sacred Dear" and Marvel's "Thor: Ragnarok" go nationwide.
November 10th moves along with a limited run of Martin McDonough's "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri"
and the wide releases of biographical drama "My Friend Dahmer,"
novel adaptation "Murder on the Orient Express," and comedy sequel "Daddy's Home 2"
Dropping November 17th is the coming-of-age film "Wonder," faith-based animated movie
"The Star," drama "Roman J. Israel, Esq" starring Denzel Washington, and
DC Entertainment going "all-in" with the big-screen debut of the "Justice League."
The day before Thanksgiving sees the wide release of Pixar's "Coco" as well as
the limited releases of holiday film "The Man Who Invented Christmas" and drama
"Darkest Hour."
November finishes out on the 24th with the limited release of indie-drama
"Call Me by Your Name."
Head over to Moviefone.com to watch the trailers for all the movies we mentioned, plus search
showtimes and buy tickets for a theater near you!
Hair Loss Video Series: Lupus (SLE) | StephanieLAnderson.com - Duration: 1:45.- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE,
or more commonly referred to as lupus
is a very serious systemic condition
which is characterized as an autoimmune disorder.
Hello there, this Stephanie Anderson again
from StephanieLAnderson.com.
Now make sure you like, you share, and subscribe
to my channel.
Now as lupus, this disease may affect
various organs and body systems including
the skin, the joints, and internal organs.
In simple terms, an autoimmune disorder occurs
when the body's own immune system
begins to attack the body
and begins to fight itself.
Now the symptoms of lupus may include
a common tell-tale sign called a butterfly rash
that is usually located over the nose, the cheeks.
On the joints you have pain.
You can experience muscle disorders,
kidney problems, and swollen glands.
And actually, hair loss however, does occur
in and around 50% or half of the patients
diagnosed with lupus or SLE.
Feel free to review this and the other videos in the series,
the "Causes of Hair Loss".
Also come by weekly as we discuss this
and new topics regularly.
If you haven't already, don't forget
to like, share, and subscribe to my channel
and if you have any questions,
feel free to leave a comment below in the video.
And until next time, be blessed.
Natural Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis - Herbal Cure | Real Testimonial - Duration: 6:52.Greetings, Mr. Vipul!
Today, you're here at our clinic, Planet Ayurveda!
Would you tell us what kind of disease was your daughter suffering from and how it got treated?
Yes! My daughter, Neeti was suffering from Ulcerative colitis from the past 1 year.
She was undergoing allopathic treatment.
I took her allopathic treatment from Jabalpur, Nagpur and Ahmedabad
and also got her colonoscopy done, but she had no relief.
She had no benefit from the allopathic medicines.
You gave her allopathic treatment for 1 month.
What symptoms did the child have?
She had diarrhea.
She passed stools along with blood and pus approximately 10-15 times in 1 hour.
These were the problems she had.
Did all this start suddenly a year ago?
1 year ago, she started having fever followed by diarrhea and we took treatment for it and it subsided.
But in the last 2 months her problem flared up.
We'll go back a little and look into the past.
Was the child given excessive junk and packed foods?
Yes, just like all kids do.
She also consumed chips and cold drinks.
Ok, she ate such foods.
How did you know about its treatment in Ayurveda; Planet Ayurveda to be precise?
I keep searching on YouTube about Planet Ayurveda and I saw Dr. Vikram Chauhan's videos
and I saw other patient's testimonials and found out that there is a treatment possible for Ulcerative colitis in Planet Ayurveda
and I thought of coming here appropriate after seeing watching those testimonial videos.
Where do you belong to basically?
I belong to Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (MP).
You came to see Dr Vikram personally?
Yes, absolutely. I met Dr. Vikram personally.
Can we see the child's colonoscopy report?
Yes, sure.
When was this test done?
I got it done on January 18th, 2017 in Ahmedabad.
And you came to Dr Vikram on 28th!
Dr. Vikram prescribed you these Ayurvedic medicines last month?
Yes, sir.
You gave these medicines to your daughter!
What is the result like?
When I started Dr. Vikram's treatment I saw a positive change in her condition in just 1 week.
The bleeding and pus gradually decreased and stool frequency also reduced.
She started eating properly.
You were telling me that her weight was very less.
Yes. When I first brought her to Dr. Vikram Chauhan, her weight was 10 kg
and now, after 1 month her weight is 17.5-18kgs.
Now, she must be eating properly?
Yes, she has a proper diet regime.
I'm following the diet chart sir has given for her and she is feeling much better now.
Does Neeti go to school now?
Are you fine now, child?
Completely fine? Do you eat properly?
Are you happy now?
That's good!
It's really difficult for a child to suffer from such a dreadful disease, it really spoils their health!
We have a lot of adult patients who easily understand what they're asked to follow.
Tell us about how you motivated your child to take medicines and follow the dietary changes.
I made my daughter understand we don't have to be scared from this disease
and explained the treatment to her and she understood.
Gradually she started taking the medicines and she's very careful with her diet.
She follows whatever Dr. Vikram said.
Do you eat as Dr Vikram asked you to?
Very good!
Now, she has no diarrhea or related symptoms?
No, not at all.
I'm very grateful to Dr. Vikram.
I'm short of words to thank him.
I know parents are very concerned for their kids.
Is she taking any allopathic medicines now?
We're giving her one allopathic medicine but Dr. Vikram has said that we'll discontinue it soon.
This is a very good thing that she is completely cured now.
Thank you so much for sharing your views with us I'm sure it will encourage the patients.
Thank you.
Mix Bananas, Honey And Water: Cough And Bronchitis Will Disappear - Duration: 1:42.Mix Bananas, Honey and Water: Cough and Bronchitis Will Disappear
Treating chronic cough and bronchitis has always been a challenge even for conventional
medicine…well, up until now.
This new natural remedy contains some of the oldest and most powerful ingredients that
soothe the throat and lungs and cure coughing and bronchitis in no time!
Thanks to the mighty properties of honey and bananas, which are included in the recipe,
you can use this remedy for both children and adults and enjoy its flavor as well!
Anything from sore throat, bad cough and even stomach problems can be treated with this
Here is how to prepare it:
Ingredients: 400 ml boiling water
2 medium ripe bananas with dots 2 tablespoons of honey
First, peel the bananas and puree them with a wooden fork or spoon.
Do not use metal cutlery, since the bananas tend to darken when in contact with metal.
Next, place bananas in pot and add boiled water to them.
Let mixture steep for 30 minutes.
Finally, when the remedy is cooled off, add honey.
You can strain mix if you prefer it transparent.
It is important to add the honey last, so it doesn't lose its important properties
over to the boiling water.
Drink 100ml of this remedy 4 times a day (total of 400ml per day).
This amount is sufficient for one day and you can prepare a fresh one the following
First results come in 5 days.
Dollar Tree Christmas Haul | Gold Christmas Decor - Duration: 4:04.Halloween's over let's talk Christmas hey guys it's Danielle with Danielle
Minnesota vlogs I hope everyone had a safe and awesome Halloween with your
kids or without your kids if you don't have kids I am of the school of thought
that it is perfectly legit to chat Christmas on November 1st which is all
seeds day I start my Christmas music on All Saints Day and I get into the spirit
I used to have wait until the day after Thanksgiving because that's the real
rule but Christmas would come and I'd be like I'm not ready to say goodbye to
Christmas music so I've extended it I went to the Dollar Tree and picked up
just a couple things to decorate the house for Christmas stay tuned I love
gold because I'm tacky like that and so the theme of our Christmas tree is white
lights and just a lot of gold and a lot of sparkle and I last year went to the
Dollar Tree and got gold ribbon I don't want to do this it's gold and sparkly
trust me and I hung it vertically on the tree
sporadically and and by the time I picked this up at Dollar Tree they were
kind of out so I think I only had four last year and I loved how it looked so I
got one two three four more they're 9 feet long and I think they're all the
same there's a little border on the top and bottom and I can't wait for my tree
are these really beautiful white poinsettias and in the middle is gold
sparkly gold Sparkle enos because that's my jam I don't know if it's gonna show
gold i Instagram a picture of this just Samantha
and it did not look as good as it does in real life these are so pretty I think
I got seven of these and again I'm going to scatter them throughout my gold
themed tree I've been noticing I do this a lot okay lastly from the Dollar Tree
lease have an only child and so he is spoiled and he gets his own tree in his
bedroom and he doesn't have that many ornaments so I just thought this was a
cute Santa Claus I don't know how to do this I thought this was a really cute
Santa ornament I showed it to him and he was super excited lastly is not from the
Dollar Tree and isn't Christmas related but it's from the dollar spot at Target
but it's from the dollar spot at Target and it's for Thanksgiving I got this
quite a while ago hopefully they still have it it is called a gratitude tree
and there are a bunch of leaves included and this you put this together to make a
tree and so what I'm gonna do with our family is every night after dinner we're
gonna write what we're grateful for on one of these leaves and put it on the
tree so I'm so excited to get this going and hopefully I can update you on our
progress so that is everything I hope you enjoyed if you did please give it a
thumbs up please subscribe and Merry Christmas
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