This is a sandpaper.
6 Signs that a man plays with you - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Meet 2 Teen Soccer Teammates Diagnosed With Cancer Just Months Apart | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 10:22.-------------------------------------------
Why Your Videos Hate Your Customers - - Duration: 10:11.Are you uploading professional videos about your business
to YouTube but they're not getting traction
from your customers?
Well, it could be that your videos actually
hate your customers.
Is this possible?
Let's find out.!
Hey, this is Dane Golden from
This is the channel where we give you
video content marketing tips to help get your customers
coming back to your video channel again,
and again, and again.
So today's question: Do your videos actually
hate your customers?
Well, let me ask you this question.
When you're interviewing somebody in your video
about your business, maybe it's the vice president
or the president, or someone that works at your company.
Are they looking at the camera, or are they talking
to someone off camera that's interviewed?
Are they looking this way?
Do you hire sales people?
Do you have sales people at your company?
If you do, do you ever instruct them to walk
into a customer's office and talk to them like -
This is, you're the customer, okay?
Hello, it's great to see you.
No, you don't.
Of course not.
That's ridiculous.
You talk to the customer.
And that's the problem with some videos, how
they're shot today.
They're shot at an angle.
They're not addressing the customer.
The thing about it is when you bring in somebody
to shoot videos about your business, they know
you're not comfortable looking directly at the camera.
But that's problematic because you're representing -
You're a salesperson, essentially.
You are a salesperson for your business, you're a proxy
for your company when you're on video.
Video is a representative of your company,
and you know that.
It just happens that video producers, they know that
it's going to be hard for somebody who isn't really
rehearsed in talking to a camera to speak to a camera
like it's a person.
So they sit off, they sit off camera.
They sit over here, and they talk and they ask the
vice president questions, and the person
is very comfortable.
But what happened recently is I was watching these
videos from MasterClass.
Have you ever heard of MasterClass?
There's a lot of people that do master classes,
but this is a brand that they have people who are
well known in the arts, and film, and literature.
They teach you a class about what they do.
Well, I saw this one with Ron Howard.
Now Ron Howard of course, is a very famous movie guy.
He was an actor as a kid on television then
a film director.
So he's going to do it right.
Now even though I'm sure he's never spoken directly
to a camera, that's exactly what he did in these videos.
Why did he do that?
Because he's actually selling something.
Now, he doesn't have to sell a lot of things.
I'm sure when he goes to get a hundred million dollars
in money at a studio, or whoever invests in movies,
that he's going to look directly at the person.
He's not going to look off camera.
But what did he do in this video?
He looked directly at the camera.
And I want you to pay close attention to this.
Ron Howard starts the video by looking at the camera,
and saying the word "you."
He says, quote, "You have to understand
one thing about directing," unquote.
That's huge.
He's looking at the camera and he's saying the word "you."
He's speaking to me as a single person, "you."
In this case, it's not the entire audience, it's me.
Just me. One person.
He's addressing me directly like he cares about me.
Now, in the video, they actually have different shots
of him, but he starts in the first few cuts, speaking
directly at me.
Then they do the establishing shot.
But that doesn't come in until about 20 seconds
into the video.
Think of it, they haven't done an establishing shot
until about 20 seconds in.
That tells you a little bit about what Ron Howard,
and the people he's working with at MasterClass
know about what sells on a YouTube video,
and how to capture someone's attention.
There are some tools when you're shooting a video
of someone who's not comfortable on camera
to make them feel comfortable right away.
There's something called the EyeDirect.
The EyeDirect is basically a hood that you put over,
on top of the camera.
And it's actually a sideways periscope where the subject
can see you, the interviewer, directly through it,
and they feel very comfortable speaking directly to you,
which in turn makes them seem as if they're speaking
directly to the audience, because through the mirror
is the camera, and through the camera is the viewer.
And they can feel very comfortable doing this
on day one, hour one, minute one.
Or if you're on a little bit of a tighter budget,
you can actually use a teleprompter.
So this is from a Facebook Live from last year
where my friend Brighton West demonstrated how
he uses a teleprompter to get people to look at the camera.
He talks a bit about ISOs and a whole bunch of stuff
that I'm not an expert on.
But the important part for me is that you, the subject
can look directly through the teleprompter, but
instead of the teleprompter, you use FaceTime.
There's someone off camera who
is interviewing you via FaceTime.
They can be in the same room, but it appears like
you're being interviewed through the camera.
So you tend to look directly at the camera,
because our brains are geared to look people in the eyes.
Normally, so Dane's doing a good job
of putting himself on camera in the right spot,
which is very little space above his head.
You can actually see what's called the upper third,
there's -
If you divide the screen in thirds, that upper third is
where his eyes are.
However, in this circumstance, I would suggest that
we put some space above his head,
Right there? Right there,
because right now his eyes are where the lens is.
So, my eyes should be in the center?
Yeah, your eyes should be in the center
because the lens is in the center.
So this would be the one time I would recommend you
have a bunch of space above your head.
But that's what it's going to look like to the
on-camera talent there, and when they
say something funny, the -
Ah-ha-ha-ha. Exactly.
They get that positive reinforcement that they're being
funny, they feel good about being on camera.
If they're saying something sad, they get -
Sad face from Dane.
It's emotional resonance.
Emotional resonance. I like that.
So after looking at thousands and thousands of videos,
I noticed anecdotally, which means not statistically proven,
that videos where business people looked at the camera
did better than videos where they did not.
At any rate, I couldn't study this.
I couldn't come up with a provable way to prove
that looking at the camera is better than
not looking at the camera.
But I realize that the word "you" was really important.
Of synonyms of the word "you".
Like, yourself, or you will, you'll.
Y, O, U, apostrophe, L, L,
I found ten synonyms.
At any rate, I worked with a company called TubeBuddy.
That's a partner of mine.
And we did data, we did a lot of research, and what
we found was that the word "you" has special power.
And if you say the word "you" it will do much better
particularly very early in the video.
Videos will do much better if you say the word "you"
at the very beginning because it catches people's attention.
What I also realized, it's almost impossible
to say the word "you" during a video, and not be looking
at the camera.
So, think of the viewer, "you," you're watching right now,
as the hero in this story.
Think of the viewer as the hero in the story.
It's all about you.
It's not about me.
Nobody cares about me.
They care about themselves.
That's you.
Think of the viewer as a single person, not as an audience.
So what we did was we looked at tens of thousands
of videos, looking for the word "you", or its synonyms,
and we found that if you can say the word "you" once
in the first five seconds of a video -
I'm not talking about the first five seconds after
the spinning logo - the first five seconds of the video
is the first five seconds.
If you can say the word "you," or a synonym yourself, or
whatever, in the first five seconds, you can improve
the viewership of your YouTube video by 66%.
And if you can find a way to say it twice in the
first five seconds, you can improve it by almost double.
So 97% - that means if you had 100 views without
the word "you," you'll have 197 views with it.
Now that could mean double the business for you.
Is that something I could interest you in?
I'll give you an example of a sentence that says "you" twice
in the first five seconds.
Hi, today I'm going to show you how to fix your car.
The word "you", and the word "your," Y-O-U-R,
both count as you in my study.
Would you like to make twice as much money
just by saying one word?
So how do you feel about what I've said today?
Do you think I'm right?
Am I full of crap?
I want to know what you think.
Tell me in the comments.
And if you like this channel, please subscribe. is about helping you get customers to come back
to your videos again and again and again.
How do you do this?
By giving them your expertise.
You share your expertise with your customers
and you'll earn their loyalty and their trust,
and their business.
My name's Dane Golden of
I hope you'll subscribe.
Come back next week.
Thank you.
Yes, I know there was a reflection in my eyes.
It's going to be okay.!
Local charities hoping you give on Giving Tuesday - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
For Instructors: Organizing Your Lessons Subpages and Course Menu - Duration: 6:30.After adding some content to your course site using the
Lessons tool, there are some additional steps you can take
to make sure things are organized and easy for students to navigate.
In this video, we'll streamline and organize a course by hiding and
scheduling subpages, reordering items on a subpage, and restructuring the
course menu.
Let's say it's the second week of the semester, and I've prepared
for week three by creating a subpage for next week.
However, since we're still in week two, I'm not ready for students
to see week three's material.
Sakai allows you to hide a subpage and make it available
on a certain date.
Let's set next week's subpage so that it becomes visible to students
at the beginning of the week.
To begin, I'll click on the Week 3 subpage to display it.
From here, I'll click the Settings icon; it looks like a gear.
We want the subpage to be available on a future date, so we'll check the
box next to Hide page until the following date.
I'll click the calendar icon and select the day I want it
to become visible to students, as well as the time, ...
and then we'll click Done and Save.
A banner confirming these settings appears at the top
of the page.
Alternatively, I'll confirm the subpage is hidden
by clicking Lessons in the navigation bar
to return to the main Lessons page, which lists all subpages.
A message appears next to the subpage I've hidden
letting me know the page will not be released until the date I selected.
Releasing subpages on certain dates is very useful,
but there may also be instances in which you'll want to hide a
subpage indefinitely.
For example, I've placed on this subpage links to articles that
I may decide to use later in the semester,
but my students won't need to see this subpage,
so I'll hide it from them.
Again, we'll open the subpage...
and click the Settings icon.
This time, I'll check the box next to Hide this page
from users and click Save.
The banner confirming the subpage is hidden appears,
and I'll click Lessons to return to the list of subpages.
Next to the subpage I selected, a message confirming it's hidden appears.
Let's see how my Lessons page appears for students.
Click View Site As and select Student.
Since we've hidden the subpages for week three and my collection of articles,
students are only able to see Weeks One and Two.
This looks good!
Okay, we'll exit Student View.
Since Week Three is going to be released soon, let's return to it and
check to make sure the content appears in a logical order.
Moving down the page, we have the due date
followed by the learning objective and readings, and then...
hmm…under Activities and Assessment, things look a
little out of order.
The quiz is appearing above the assignment, discussion,
and video, but it should be the last to appear in this section,
otherwise students might become confused over the
sequence in which they should complete the activities.
Let's reorganize this section so that the video comes first, followed by the
discussion and assignment, and then the quiz.
I'll scroll back up to the top of the page and click Reorder.
All of the items that have been added to the subpage appear.
From here, we'll drag the quiz down to the bottom of the list –
notice the green bar and arrow appearing to let me know
where we are in the list – and we'll drop it, here, at the bottom.
Next, we'll drag the assignment down and drop it
above the quiz, ...
and finally we'll drag the discussion down and drop it
above the assignment.
Now, students will see the video, followed by the discussion and
assignment, and then the quiz.
In your course, you'll need to decide on the best arrangement
of activities that will allow your students to see a clear path
through the week's material.
If you need to delete an item, click the X or drag and drop the item
to the Drop items here to delete box.
The changes we've made look good, so I'll click Save, ...
and then scroll down to take a look at the section.
The video appears first, followed by the discussion and
assignment, and then the quiz.
This subpage is ready for students!
One more thing we'll address in this course site is the
organization of the course menu.
Right now, there's quite a few buttons available to students.
Rather than asking students to click through many buttons
to locate content, the menu should be student-friendly and
easy for students to navigate, so we'll move the buttons
for important tools, such as Overview; Announcements;
Syllabus, Lessons; Gradebook; and Tests & Quizzes
to the top of the menu.
Then we'll hide the buttons students won't need.
To make changes to the course menu, we'll Click Site Info...
and then Tool Order.
Let's start by making sure the important tools are at the top
of the menu.
Overview is already first, then Announcements.
We'll drag Syllabus up and drop it under Announcements.
Then we'll drag Lessons up and drop it under Syllabus.
We'll move the Gradebook up so it's next, ...
and then Tests & Quizzes.
Students will need to visit Tests & Quizzes to see feedback on their assessments.
Under Tests & Quizzes, I'll also move the Roster tool up,
as well as the Email and Email Archive tools.
In your site, you may choose to show or hide these three tools.
Lastly, since this course site uses Lessons to link to
activities and documents, we'll hide the remaining buttons.
Next to Assignments, click the gear icon and
select Make Tool Invisible to Students.
A "hidden" icon appears.
I'll repeat the process with Forums, ...
Resources, ...
Calendar, ...
and the remaining tools at the bottom of the list.
Then we'll click Save...
and return to the Overview page.
All of the menu items students need are at the top
of the list, and all of the items that are hidden appear italicized and
greyed out.
Let's see how the menu will appear for students.
As we did earlier, we'll click View Site As
and select Student.
They'll see a short list of only the menu items that
they'll need, making it easy for them to navigate the
course and locate content.
Okay, I think you're ready to make your course site easier
for your students to navigate.
If you need assistance, please contact
Wire Spiral | Table Card Holder | Place Holder | Loomahat - Duration: 2:02.Hey guys it's Denise from this time I want to show you how
to do a wire spiral with no special tools. But I do want to give a special
thanks to Promise Learning and Shanti Styled Me for covering the cost of
closed captioning. Alright so we grab our 26 gauge wire and some kind of round
tool, you don't need any special tool. I'm using a pencil and I'm gonna bend the
tip and create like a round hook with the wire. Then with two fingers I'm going
to start to bend that wire and I'm gonna create like a circle. So just bend grab
and bend and you see that it's creating that spiral. Now because you're using
your hands it's not gonna be a perfect circle so you may find yourself having
to reshape some of the wire. It's no big deal, in fact I kind of like it that it's
not perfect. It gives it that handmade look. Because the wire is such a soft
material it's easy for you to bend. If you need it tighter just, you know, in my
case I grab that pencil and I just with that made it tighter and just keep
spinning it until you have the size that you want. Then give the wire a slight
bend in the opposite direction to give it a nice look. With those home
scissors that you have, just cut to the length that you want and your wire
spiral is done. Now all you have to do is place it where you want it. Alright let
me know what you think, liked the video if you liked it and if you haven't
already done so first sure subscribe.
Ryan Riback - Do You Care (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Iselin - Duration: 3:23.Am I worrying too much now
Do you care, Do you care
I say it loud, I couldn't love you all night
Whenever you are near
Whenever you are
Am I worrying too much now
Do you care, Do you care
Am I worrying too much now
Do you care, Do you care
Am I worrying too much now
Do you care, Do you care
I gotta wait till I find out, oh
Whenever you are here
Whenever you are
I say it loud, I couldn't love you all night
Whenever you are near
Whenever you are
Oh, it's all you
Then I call you, And I hang up
I'm trying so hard not to call you
And in my darkest hour
I can never find the words to say
Wish I could cool it down but I
You got me feeling high
Am I worrying too much now
Am I worrying too much now
Do you care, Do you care
Am I worrying too much now
Do you care, Do you care
I gotta wait till I find out, oh
Whenever you are here
Whenever you are
I say it loud, I couldn't love you all night
Whenever you are near
Whenever you are
you're with me until I go to bed
Still all I think about and
And in the morning light
running everything round in my head
You got me up all night and I'm
You got me feeling high
Ice Cold 76ers fall flat againts the Cavs!! - Duration: 3:25.With a chance to properly claim their spot as one
of the East's top contenders the Philadelphia 76ers fell flat on their ass as them niggas
turned ice cold in last nights big time match up.
I guess the process is a long way from being fullfilled as these dudes let the aging Cleveland
Cavaliers dominate for the bulk of the game.
In fact from the midway point of the second quarter this trash talking, collar popping
Philadelphia squad had little to say when Dwayne Wade's old ass was out there putting
in work like Mr. Fix It.
Shoutout to that nigga flash as money came off the bench to help put up 15 points against
this improving 76ers team to help the Cavs get there 8th win in a row.
But I guess no one wants to talk about how the Cavs are seemingly back on the right path.
The Cavaliers bench came out and did there thing as Dwayne Wade was one of 3 players
to come off the bench and score in the double digits, along side with Channing Frye & Jeff
And when the 76ers were able to cut Cleveland's lead to three points in the 3rd quarter it
was still the fact the the Cavaliers bench was able to help themselves stay in front
as they out scored the 6ers bench 51 to 30.
Damn Thats whats up.
The 76ers starters on the other hand had a cold night shooting.
Them niggas missed more shots then Stevie Wonder at a shooting range.
Them dudes shot 37% from the floor and only 10% from beyond the arch.
So I don't know if it's because the lights were to bright or if the Cavs defense is that
What ever the case this is the time if there is a time for the 76ers to come up short against
the East's top squads.
With the season still in it's early stages Coach Brett Brown had no problem pulling Ben
Simmons from the game to end his night early so that he wouldn't put to much of a strain
on the ankle he's nursing.
Regardless even the Cavs were able to pull their starting line up out of the game early
to allow them to rest before their Back-to-Back match up against the Miami Heat.
Leaving room for the homie J.R. Smith to score 11 points shooting 60% from deep in a tribute
game for his late cousin who just recently passed away.
My condolences Fam!
But what did you make about this key match up?
Is the Cavaliers bench gonna be able to stay on top of their game?
Will Ben Simmons ankle prove to be an issue late in the season?
Are the Cavaliers and the 76ers on a collision course come late May?
I mean the 6ers squad is nice and all but all that trash talk don't make up for actual
playoff experience.
But you already know, I Don't Have An Opinion, I Just Spit Faxx!
The Weirdly Ironic Things 7-Figure Earners are Doing That You Probably Aren't: - Duration: 34:27.- And welcome to today's show.
We'll give everybody just a couple seconds
to get in here, but I'm live today with Marc von Musser,
who you guys all know Marc, he's awesome,
he needs no introduction.
He's our director of sales at Clients on Demand.
Today we're going to be talking about,
what are those weirdly ironic things
that top entrepreneurs are doing
that you probably aren't?
As I set out to grow this business
and as we've helped our clients
build million dollar businesses
and we've got a multi-million dollar business and all that,
we made a very, very in-depth study
of what works and what doesn't.
That's the only way that you're going to succeed.
What we found is that the best entrepreneurs in the world
are doing some very, very specific things
that are a little bit counterintuitive.
They're very different than what other people are doing.
One of the things that I believe very, very strongly
is that the conventional wisdom is always wrong.
I'll say that again:
the conventional wisdom is always wrong.
So whatever the common sense is,
whatever people are out there saying, it's wrong,
because if it wasn't wrong,
more people would be getting some extraordinary results.
That's definitely what we've found
as we've grown our business,
as we've worked with our clients,
and as Clients on Demand has grown and grown.
We've found that...
Most of the time what we see people are doing,
you can take a huge quantum leap forward in your business
by just saying, what's everyone else around me doing,
what would happen if I did the opposite?
And so today what we want to do
is unpack that a little bit for you and pull back the carpet
and show you what are some of those things
that are a little weird that entrepreneurs are doing
to build multi-million dollar businesses
that you may not have thought of right out of the gate.
It might even be the opposite of what you think
you should be doing or what other people are telling you
you should be doing.
What's up, Marc?
- Hey, I love this topic.
There was something about it, too,
because again, let's expand on what you talked about,
conventional wisdom is always wrong.
Of December or the middle of January to plant your crops,
you are not going to have a good bounty come springtime.
And so what happens with that, too,
there's a couple of points, especially in the internet.
A normal lifecycle of a business
is maybe, let's say 10 years.
So it takes you time to do it.
Well, the internet is accelerated.
It's like doggie years.
One of the things when you talked about conventional wisdom,
it might have been true five years ago, seven years ago,
but today those same strategies,
where those people that had success seven years ago,
they're still teaching them today.
And clients get out there and they work their ass off,
they try so hard to make it work,
and they didn't realize the game has moved.
The goalposts have moved.
So even though some of the strategies that they taught
might have worked seven years ago,
that's cool, but today it is a new market.
The buyers evolved, the clients expect more,
and so doing what worked seven years ago, five years ago,
whether it be the blogging, whether it be the ebook,
whether it be the launch,
that's great, but the market has moved.
I love that concept because just because somebody
screams it from a stage doesn't make them right.
- Oh, absolutely.
- I love what you said about what works now.
That's really the question.
- Mm-hmm.
And we have those people.
We know because we have those people reaching out
to work with us,
where every once in a while
we'll get a strategy call booked with our team,
and I'll be like, I know this person.
I recognize this person's name.
This person's been in the coaching field
or whatever field they're in,
they've been around longer than we have.
But because they haven't continually adapted
and continually evolved,
they've been following strategies that,
like you said, worked five years ago
when they were first starting out, but now it's dead.
The awesome responsibility that we have
is that it's our job to stay on top of all that stuff
so that when something changes right away
we know what it is so that we can give that knowledge
and that information to our clients.
So guys, we've got a few things
we want to unpack for you today.
What are these things that are a little counterintuitive
that are the key to growing your business
that you really should be focusing on?
And the first one of those is to focus on service.
Now, this is something that took me a little while
to get my head around,
'cause as a business owner,
especially when you're first starting out,
especially when cash is tight,
you're always focused on money,
you're always focused on revenue,
you're always focused on the bottom line.
But what I've found is that the more you put your focus
on meeting your customers' needs
and the more you put your focus
on meeting your clients' needs,
the more money you are going to make.
If you sit there and you ask yourself,
how can we make more money, how can we make more money,
it really has the potential
to send you down exactly the wrong path.
Because there's all these things that you can do
to make more money that will basically screw your customer.
Those of you non-nerds who are listening to this
probably have no idea what's going on,
but those of you who are nerds are going to know.
A game just came out, a new Star Wars game.
Star Wars Battlefront or something,
and the company that put it out,
basically what happened was they put out
all of these what are called micro transactions
inside the game.
Basically what people were feeling
was that in order to win the game you had to spend money
beyond what you paid to buy the game.
You had to spend all this additional money
to unlock all this other stuff.
And there was this huge rebellion about it.
The refunds were through the roof.
Everyone's freaking out, everyone's pissed,
and now they got the license to make a game for Disney
and now apparently Disney's pissed.
This is just one of those situations
where you can see their thought process.
They said to themselves, well, how can we maximize revenue?
We're a public company,
we want to make as much money from the software as we can,
how can we maximize revenue?
Oh, I know!
We'll make people pay to unlock certain things.
Well that shit pisses people off,
and so now they're dealing with the backlash from that.
That's just one example, but you can see how business owners
can make that decision all the time.
Coaches, especially, service providers especially,
they'll sit there and they'll go,
well, how can I make more money, how can I make more money,
how can I grow my revenue?
But if you flip that on its head
and you understand that the reason your business exists
is to meet the needs of your clients and customers,
then you start to realize that the better job
that you can do of meeting those needs,
the more money your business is going to make.
- I love it.
Another one that reminds me of was back in the '80s or '90s,
to date myself on that,
Stallone came out with the movie Cobra.
This was right at the peak where he was the man.
And Top Gun came out the same weekend, I believe.
I'm pretty sure it was Top Gun.
Stallone cut 12 to 14 minutes out of the movie
just so that they could get one extra showing
to make more money so they could win the biggest box office.
Well, in the short term for one week it worked.
But in the long term, no one remembers Cobra
but everyone remembers Top Gun and Maverick and Goose.
So you're absolutely 1000% correct
that business owners that are going to, not only succeed,
but thrive in a competitive market,
have got to find a way to deliver real results,
not just platitudes but real results,
add more value, and create an amazing client experience.
The fruit is on the tree.
It's non-negotiable.
You either step up to that standard
or you play the gimmicks and the games
and then you'll be a fly-by-night
like most of the companies.
You better adapt.
The other one, too, Russ, that I want to throw out
a word of caution to a lot of people, too:
service is more than just a buzzword.
Yes, it's the trendy word right now.
There's a lot of businesses who we know behind the scenes,
and their goal is to make more money.
They're using the word like, oh yeah, serve more clients,
and then you hear them behind the scenes,
and you know that's not their heart
and that's not their intent.
Your clients are going to feel whether or not
you're really there for them or whether you're really there
just to slam them into some product.
Service is not just a buzzword.
You're either committing to serve and add real value,
solve real problems, or you're kind of going to the dark side
if we're going to keep with the Star Wars theme.
You embrace Darth Vader
or you embrace the Force.
- Yeah, exactly, guys.
It can't be a buzzword.
It's got to be real.
There's so many people out there that think integrity
just means, don't lie.
My son is two.
That's his definition of integrity, okay,
but we are adults and our version of integrity
has to go so much more beyond that,
where what's going on on the inside
and what is going on on the outside match up perfectly.
That's what it means.
And what that means is that if you guys
are loading up your Facebook ads and your sales copy
with bullshit that isn't true, you need to stop doing that.
But more than that, you've got to be who you are
and you've got to focus
on actually getting results for people
so that when you are hyping up your program
and your service or whatever it is
and talking about how great it is,
and then people go out and hire you,
they shouldn't be disappointed.
They should be blown away,
where it's like, oh man, you guys actually
were downplaying how cool this is.
That's the kind of feedback that you guys should be getting,
and that only happens when you focus like a laser
on serving at the highest level.
So to give you guys some even more concrete stuff,
ask yourself questions like this:
what is the outcome I am providing for people?
What is the result that they're looking for
when they come to me?
In every business decision that you make, ask yourself:
is this going to get people a better outcome,
or is it going to get people a worse outcome?
And just make all of your decisions based on that.
I'm talking about your marketing,
I'm talking about your sales,
I'm talking about your advertising.
What is going to get the best outcome for my clients?
And that's how you make all of your decisions,
100% of your decisions.
And sometimes those decisions are going to be tough.
Sometimes those decisions are going to be expensive,
but you do it anyway
because that's what's going to give you a competitive advantage
for the long term,
where people are going to begin to understand
that when they are hiring you,
they are hiring the Rolls-Royce of your industry.
They are hiring the best of the best.
Those are the people that you want to work with.
You don't want to work with people
that are there to dabble and screw around.
You want to work with the people
that are there to get real results.
If that's the kind of client that you want,
that's how you need to show up.
Make sense?
- I love that, Russ, and it's so important, guys,
that you hear what he just said,
because there's too many people,
and this also ties together with the pricing.
Because they don't have confidence,
they don't have a funnel,
they don't have that ability to get clients,
they mistakenly think that, oh, I'll just charge less,
and I'll save my good mojo and my good strategies
once down the road
when they're going to really pay me what I'm worth.
So what happens when they undercharge,
you can't truly serve the client
if you're resentful and you're showing up there,
like, well, they only paid me this much, $300,
so I'm not going to really solve the problem.
They're going to have to get in my tripwire
and spend another three to six months of upgrading
before I'm really going to show them how.
Like you talked about,
that integrity on the inside and the outside have to match.
When people hire you for an outcome,
you need to know what that outcome is,
you need to be able to deliver it and whatever it takes.
Great question.
Whatever it takes to help get them that outcome.
Are you committed 1000% to get that client the outcome?
And that to me and you, and I know our group, is,
I think it's almost immoral
to take a little dabble of their money.
If you're going to take 100, 300, 1,000 bucks,
and that's not enough to get the client the outcome
because they're dabbling, that to me is immoral.
The whole goal is they have a real problem.
We need to get a real solution,
and that means that if you have to stay up nights
and study harder and work and get better skillset,
you do whatever it takes to be the master in that zone.
You cannot show up with a trailer level of education
and expect to get a Ferrari or a mansion result.
You just can't.
- Yeah, absolutely.
That brings us to the second thing,
which is to stop freakin' hiding.
Stop hiding.
I don't know if you guys saw it,
but inside our Art of High Ticket Selling Facebook group,
which if you're not part of you should become a part of,
just send in a request to join that group,
but we put out a video earlier this week
where Adrienne, who you guys know
from our shows about lead gen,
she really broke down exactly what's happening
with a potential client when they find you,
that right now, today,
there are people who are sitting there praying for you
and crying themselves to sleep at night
because you haven't shown up in their life.
In other words, if you're a relationship coach,
they've got big relationship problems.
If you're a health coach, their health is a disaster.
If you're a business coach, their business is falling apart.
And they're sitting there hoping and praying
that you're going to show up for them,
that you're going to be there.
They need the solution that you have.
But because you've been too afraid
to put yourself out there, you've been hiding
and you can't serve yourself and you can't serve them
and you can't make the money that you want to make
and you can't do anything that you want to do
until you stop freakin' hiding.
So if you guys haven't watched that video with Adrienne,
I strongly encourage you to watch it
because if that doesn't open your eyes, nothing will.
There is an awesome responsibility
that's been set before us,
that we've been given these gifts
where we can help people solve problems,
so we better get off our asses
and stop hiding and start solving those problems.
Otherwise, what the hell are we doing?
- Yeah, I love that concept, Russ, because again,
when we think about it in terms of this:
imagine if Martin Luther King goes,
hey, guys, I have a dream, but you know what?
I don't want to piss off the establishment,
so I'm just going to kind of keep it low-key
and we're just going to navigate here.
Let's just keep it low-key.
Or if we're talking about Gandhi:
hey, you know what?
I really don't want to piss off the British.
They're going to be really mad.
So let's just all keep it cool.
Nobody freak out.
Let's just all get along.
The reality is sometimes my question to their clients
is, are you willing to go out and stick your neck out
to serve those 10, 20, 100 people
who are praying for you right now,
even though your friends, other skeptics,
people who have given up on their dreams, will not?
One of the quotes, too, which I loved, is Jessie,
which was, if Christ tried to stop and win approval
by the people throwing stones, he never would have been able
to serve the billions he was here to serve.
And so when you think about that,
are you here trying to win approval
who have no desire to work with you,
they're not your ideal clients,
and are you punishing your ideal clients
because you're so busy hiding?
Are you willing to get out there, build a funnel,
and get out there and make yourself available
for those 10, 20, 100, 1,000 people
who desperately need you right now?
You know what?
It's the same sort of thing.
You can look at Bezos, I think he's only worth 100 billion.
How many of his expert colleagues told him,
dude, you're crazy.
Nobody is going to spend money on books.
It's a dying industry.
Get out of it, don't even go there.
I think he kind of did it anyway.
And the reality is, you've got to get out there
and you need to open it up
and go find those people who need you.
Make it easy for them to find you.
Stop hiding.
- Yeah, Marc, you mentioned Jesus.
I mean, one of my favorite quotes is that he said,
nobody lights a lamp and then hides it under, you know,
then hides it.
You've got this light inside of you
that you've got to let it shine forth to the world.
It's not enough to just be internally congruent.
It's not enough for you to just be sure about yourself
and your offer and, oh, I feel good about what I'm doing
and I'm going to help a couple people here and there.
You got to get out there.
If you've got a solution that people need,
I think you have a moral obligation to put it out there
and to put it out there in a big way.
Otherwise, what are you doing?
Otherwise, what is it all about?
Just to tie it into what you said before,
you've got to be willing to be crazy,
because once you start to do that,
once you focus on service, once you say, okay,
my purpose in life is to get a certain outcome for people,
my purpose in life is to help people, I'm going to stop hiding,
I'm going to start putting myself out there,
guess what's going to happen?
You're going to piss people off,
and some people are going to think you're crazy.
Some people are going to not like what you have to say,
but so what?
You've got to be willing to be crazy,
because even if nine people out there
reject what you have to say,
that 10th person really needs to hear it,
and that's the person that's going to sign up
to work with you and you're going to change their life.
So you've got to be willing to be crazy,
and you can't worry about what other people are going to say.
Just like Marc just said, I guarantee you,
when Jeff Bezos was first starting out,
people were like, no one's going to buy stuff online.
And think about what that was.
In the past people were used to walking into a store
and picking something up and feeling it and touching it
and flipping through it before they bought it.
He's sitting there going, well, you know what?
I'm going to start a store online
and people are going to buy it without being able to do that.
And at first he did it with books,
but then he did it with electronics.
Now we take it for granted,
but think about what a radical idea that was at the time.
What, you're going to tell me I'm going to go
and I'm going to go online and I'm going to buy a camera
before I get the chance to pick it up
and touch it and play with it?
Well, yeah, you are.
And now we do it every single day,
but at the time that was a freakin' crazy idea.
So you guys cannot be afraid of what people are going to say.
Yesterday I got to see a friend that I hadn't seen
in 12 years, and the last time I saw this person
was before I'd even started this business
and all this other stuff.
She showed up and it was like, what?
Russ, what the hell has happened to your life?
Your whole life is different than it was
last time I saw you, which was awesome.
That whole time my best friends,
they didn't understand what I did for a living.
Honestly, I don't think that my dad
really understood what I did for a living
until we just went to Hawaii a few weeks ago.
So people are not going to understand what you're up to.
They're going to think it's crazy.
They're going to think it's weird.
So what?
So what?
- Imagine, Russ, when you were coming up,
because I know that your journey from bartender to kickass,
and imagine as you were doing it when you were at the bar,
saying, you know what?
There's got to be a better way, there's got to be it.
And you took every dime, you worked, you worked,
you saved, you bought the programs,
you went and studied, you went and did this,
and all of the so-called experts at the time
were telling you, dude, nobody is going to go
straight from an ad to a webinar to a high ticket offer.
It's impossible.
And now, just since I've been here,
there are over 2,000 businesses plus since I've been here
that we have helped transform because one person, you,
was willing to do it anyway because, just like Bezos,
you were like, well it will work.
Why wouldn't it?
And you held firm, even though the experts of the day,
and they're good people, they're not bad people,
but they didn't know what you knew.
Those same people now are calling you, asking you for advice
and these are some of the biggest names in the industry,
which is kind of kickass.
- Yep.
- There are thousands of businesses out there now
because you were willing to say, it will work, here's why,
let's go prove it, and you did.
We've done it over 2,000 times.
- Guys, I want you to think about what Marc just said.
Whatever industry you are in,
and I don't care whether it's coaching
or whether you're an attorney
or whether you're an accountant, you're a doctor,
whatever it is, whatever your business is,
those of you that are listening to this,
there is an accepted way of doing things.
And that accepted way of doing things is wrong.
And it is your job to go out there and find out
why it's wrong and to come up with a better way to do it.
How can you get your patients better results
than everyone else has been doing?
How can you get your clients better results
than everyone else has been doing?
I didn't know any of the stuff that we built CoD on
was going to work until we tried it.
I didn't know that we could, like Marc said,
you couldn't run Facebook traffic
through an automated webinar
and then take people into a high ticket offer.
No one was doing that.
We're doing it all the time now.
But it's because I said, you know what?
Screw it, I don't want to do it the conventional way.
I want to do it my way.
And I held fast to that.
That's the only reason that we have this business.
So guys, you've got ideas right now
that are cooking in the back of your head.
You see people online saying things
and in the back of your head you're thinking to yourself,
God, you know what?
That's totally wrong, what that guy is saying.
This one doctor who's advocating this approach,
I totally disagree with it.
This nutritionist who's saying this, I disagree with it.
I'm a trainer, I see other trainers teaching this,
it's totally wrong.
Are you going to be willing to be thought of as crazy?
Are you going to be willing to put your best ideas out there
and take the slings and arrows
and all the bullshit that comes with that
in order to build an incredible business
and an incredible life?
That is something that all world-class entrepreneurs
are willing to do.
And yes, it's scary, and yes, it's tough,
and yes, every day I want to not do these Facebook Lives.
Five seconds before we go online,
I'm like, what are we doing?
I want to not do these podcasts.
Before we do them, I'm like, what are we going to say today?
But you put yourself out there
because that's my freakin' job.
It is my job to get up here and tell the truth.
That is your number one job, too.
I don't care if you're a doctor, an accountant, an attorney,
whatever it is, if you're a coach.
Your job is to tell the truth.
You have to understand that once you do that,
there are people who are going to push back
and so what?
So what enables you to do that.
This is something that all entrepreneurs that I know
that are successful do.
They master their fear daily
and they make it into a daily practice.
Marc, you're one of the most positive guys that I know,
but you weren't just born that way, right?
- Yeah, it's a choice.
- It's a choice, yeah.
It's a conscious choice.
- There's always things I could focus on
that would disempower me and get me sad.
If I focus on the people starving in Africa,
the people that don't have water.
So that doesn't get me to the outcome,
and so the other part is, what can I focus on
that I can impact right now?
For right now, it's,
how do I add value every single phone call to our clients?
How do I help them break past fear?
How do we do that?
It became a ritual and a habit.
It is so important because when you master your fear,
there are certain steps and strategies that we found
are very, very effective in helping you break through.
First off, one of the things is that we don't stop by it.
Fear is not good or bad.
It's part of our survival mechanism.
You just look at it because it keeps you sharp.
It keeps you aware.
If you're walking out in the wilderness
and you go, oh, look at that cute grizzly bear,
let me go cuddle him, you're going to end up as bear food.
There's a time and a place
that goes all the way back to when we hunted with spears
and we had to live off our wits.
But now what happens is it paralyzes you.
So there are strategies that you have to know
to get sharp, pay attention,
and then the other piece is, one of the first things
about mastering your fear daily
is intelligent, inspired action.
Action is absolutely one of the fastest things
that you can do.
You talk about it all the time.
What is the one thing we can do right now
that can give us the biggest return on our time?
One thing.
Just take one action.
It doesn't matter, hey, if I'm scared anyway.
There are clients that need me anyway.
And when we remember they're out there praying,
you will do stuff ethically
that will still get you there,
but even though you're scared,
whether it's, oh, I don't know how to do Facebook.
As you said, so what?
You can learn it.
I don't know how to do sales call.
So what? We can teach that.
Whatever it is stopping you,
it's just false evidence appearing real,
to quote Zig Ziglar.
That's what he talked about.
The other one is eff it,
everything and run.
But I like Zig's deal.
Get into intelligent action. - I love both of those,
by the way.
Those are both great. - Yeah.
Get into intelligent action.
What can you do right now?
Pick up the phone, call them.
Nine people said, no, no, no right now,
one or two said, yes.
Great! You just had a $10,000, $20,000 day.
But if you're not willing to go ahead and pick up the phone
and do something now, send out your e-mails,
get into a course like this, do whatever it takes,
get into intelligent action.
And when you're too busy for fear, it has no hold on you.
You're going to do it anyway.
- Yep.
Absolutely, absolutely, guys.
And to me, I look at fear as now a signal
that I'm doing something worthwhile.
If it's been six months and I haven't experienced any fear,
I'm telling myself I'm playing way too small.
Way too small.
You should be doing things that scare you.
When you look at that to-do list,
I bet you that there's one or two things on there
that you've been putting off
because they're scary as shit.
The reason they're scary
is because they have the power to change your life.
That's why they're scary.
That's a huge signal that those are the things
that you most need to do.
- This is another place people hide, me included at times,
was hiding in busy work.
We all know that making 10 calls
where people can say yes or no
is much more productive than,
well, let me check my e-mail sequence.
Let me check this, let me check that.
And at the end of the day entrepreneurs
can find those key pieces of important versus busy.
That's the other piece, too,
is that, what is the single most important thing
I can do right now?
You talk about it on every single director call we do.
Okay, great.
Adrienne, what are you focusing on?
Jane, what are you focusing on?
Each of us has the single most important thing
that we're doing right now.
You can't do it all, but I can do one thing today I can do.
After I get that done, I do the second thing,
then the third thing in sequence, or triage.
The other one, too,
which is stacking back on what you said, too,
is there are times that can be scary,
where it's like, oh shit,
I haven't gone down that path.
I don't know how to navigate through the landmines.
And that's where a mentor and a coach,
or it's like a navy seal.
If you have to go through a landmine,
wouldn't you rather have a navy seal trained
in identifying landmines?
Then it's really simple.
You just follow him and you're good.
Or you can go ahead and, oh, I don't know,
is that a landmine?
I have no idea.
And all of a sudden you blow yourself up
because you don't know how to do it.
A mentor and a coach, to them,
it's like, oh yeah, yeah, we do this every day.
That's another piece, too,
that can help you master your fear,
is doing it alone, no wonder you have fear.
It's like, get a freakin' coach.
Somebody, and this is another key, too.
There is a whole spectrum of coaches.
One type of coach, which is the majority of them,
are like, hey, man.
How does that make you feel?
Where another coach could go ahead,
have they built an online business?
Have they helped thousands of people pass fear?
How long have they been doing it?
The standard of coaching is also critical,
and we see that a lot, too.
Some really well-meaning coaches,
they've never built an online funnel.
And making your move, getting all pumped up,
is not enough to have a great strategy
and a great execution plan.
- Yeah, absolutely, it's just not.
So if you are stuck on anything,
on any aspect of your business, on any aspect of your life,
even if it's the stuff that we're talking about,
where it's like, Russ, look no.
I know I could have a great business but I'm terrified.
I know I could have a great business
but I'm afraid of what people will say.
I know I could have a great business
but I don't want people to think I'm crazy.
Whatever it is, find someone who is getting
the kinds of results that you want,
and spend what it takes to work with that person.
It's the biggest, most massive shortcut
I could possibly give you.
Does everyone understand that?
It is absolutely critical.
Go out there and find someone who's gotten there.
Otherwise, you're stuck with just trial and error.
You don't know what's going to work.
You don't know what the pitfalls are
and what the traps are.
Go and find a coach who can push you,
who can only give you the strategy,
but also give you the mindset and the psychology
to push through the fear and push through the overwhelm
and actually make some great stuff happen.
Does that make sense, guys?
- A great coach has references
and thousands of points of reference
that they can look and say, oh hey,
500, 700 guys' businesses have already tried that.
This pathway over here works right now.
And so all of a sudden when you're doing that
and you have the right coach
who can also help you past your BS beliefs
and those scared, limiting beliefs that stop us,
man, it's go time.
That's over and over again what I love to see,
is when you see those people
that are one to two distinctions, three distinctions,
and then you give them the right path
and the right strategy, they take off like gangbusters.
I just saw Marni on here,
who I think has her record in eight weeks,
she was a great example.
She had been busting her ass for years,
but then came in here and made 380,000, I think,
in two months.
Because again, she got a coach, she got an expert coach,
she got tired of doing it the old-fashioned way,
and she's like, shit.
She's like, these guys are doing what I want.
When you get that right ability to see what you can't see,
you can go as quickly and as high as you want.
The sky's the limit.
- 100%, guys.
So listen.
If you guys need help with any of this stuff,
I want to invite you to book a call with us.
I want you to go to
Here we go.
I'm making it appear.
You can book a call with us and the team.
We'll get on a call with you for about 45 minutes.
We'll break down every aspect of your business.
You tell us what's working, what's not working,
where you're stuck.
Even if it's just mental stuff, even if you're afraid,
even if you're just like, dude, I'm terrified to do this,
just tell us.
Believe me, we've seen it all, we've solved it all,
we know how to fix every single problem
in your business right now,
whether it's a mindset problem
or whether it's a strategy problem,
even if you're not sure what your offer is.
Even if you're like,
Russ, I don't know who I should be working with.
I don't know what my offer should be.
Whatever it is, book a call.
We help people deal with all of these things.
So right now I want you to go to
and book a call to talk to my team.
I promise you it will be
the best 45 minutes you've ever spent
working on your business.
Our enrollment coaches are top pros.
Believe me, they will help you make some breakthroughs.
And guys, look, this is the thing that's holding you back.
Whatever it is you're trying to achieve
in your business right now,
whether you're trying to hit a certain income goal
or attract a certain number of clients,
whether you're trying to play a bigger game,
and even if you sit there and you know that,
like I told you, that your idea clients
are out there praying for you
and you're just not reaching them,
this is the way to break through.
This is the best and biggest shortcut
we can possibly give you.
Go to,
book a call to speak with the team,
and let's see if we can help you hit these goals
that you're setting for yourself and play a bigger game.
We've had more clients cross
the $100,000 a month threshold and beyond this year
than we ever have before.
It's been an incredible thing.
They're doing it better, they're doing it faster,
because we're doing it better and faster.
We've scaled our business to the point
where we're doing between $800,000, $900,000,
$1 million a month right now.
Getting to $100,000 a month,
even if that seems like a huge number to you,
to us, it's like, hey, this is just what we do every day.
We crossed that barrier a long time ago.
We want to help you make a bigger impact
and reach more people.
Go to
We'd love to talk to you
about how you can do some of this stuff in your business.
- Yeah, Russ, one of the most common things
that we get is that what stops people
from picking up the phone is, again, fear, number one.
Number two is, do they really have a high ticket?
We'll help you get clarity if your program
will make a great high ticket offer.
Number two, the other thing that we can look,
because we have references of thousands of businesses
and the best Facebook ads expert on our term,
and whether or not can we really target these people?
You might have a really great program,
but you can only work with Fortune 50 people.
We'll tell you.
Three is, are you really committed now
to serve these people?
Because if you are, we can help put those pieces together,
and then we also take a look
at what you have to work with right now.
This happens a lot.
With your now strategies that we use,
it is not uncommon,
whether we're talking about Marni, Elena,
all these people who have had all this hidden money
in their program, they didn't know how to find it.
And one of the first things we do in this program
is show you, holy crap, you've got a database of this,
1,000, 3,000 people, hidden in different places
and we have strategies to help get clients now.
So what does it look like in the next six weeks
if you all of a sudden added five, 10, 20 clients
at $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 clients?
What does the new year look like?
What does your future look like
if you pulled those clients out now while you built it?
And talk to the experts, get on with our team,
and find out, because a lot of times, more often than not,
they're sitting on a goldmine and they just don't know
how to pull it out.
They're three feet from gold
and they're like, oh, nothing works.
Well, it's 'cause you need to go three feet further.
We know where to go.
That's a key part, because one way or the other,
you're either going to start serving people
at the highest level or you're not.
That's what it comes down to.
And you'll get rich if you start serving people
at a high level.
- Absolutely, I could not have said it better myself.
So if any of this stuff has resonated with you
and you want to start incorporating these ideas
into your business, head over to
and let's see what we can do together.
Alright, you guys.
Everybody have a fantastic couple days.
We'll be back on with another broadcast on Friday.
We're going to be talking about going
even deeper into the mindset of success
and how you can stop really caring
what other people are thinking about you,
stop being afraid, and actually get out there
and do some great stuff.
We'll see you guys on the next show.
Marc, thank you so much, man.
It's always an inspiration to hear your wisdom,
and it's amazing having you on the show
and even better having you on the team.
- Thanks.
Honor to be here.
It's an honor to serve the clients,
it's an honor to be on your team,
and I'm so excited,
because every day it's like Christmas,
where we see more and more great committed entrepreneurs
that want to change the world and get rich doing so.
It's freakin' awesome and an honor.
- Awesome, you guys.
Catch you guys on the next broadcast.
You Should Simplify your LinkedIn URL - Duration: 2:01.Hi everyone.
This is Brenda Meller and today's LinkedIn tip is focusing on simplifying your LinkedIn
So what you're going to do is start at your LinkedIn homepage and you can go to the "ME"
icon and then go ahead and click on "VIEW PROFILE."
This is going to take us to a page where in a second here you're going to see on the right
hand side you have the opportunity to click on "Edit Public Profile & URL."
Now if you're just getting started on LinkedIn, then LinkedIn is going to set up a URL for
you and it will be some variation of your name.
Yours might look like "" or some gobbledy gook code, which is really
hard to understand.
It's difficult to type in if you're trying to read it off of a business card or flyer
or marketing collateral.
So what I always recommend is that you go in and SIMPLIFY this URL.
And the way you do that is you go ahead and click on the pencil icon.
You'll see here that LinkedIn is now going to only let you modify after that last slash.
Here's where you can go in and remove the dashes that might appear between your first
and last name, and any of that gobbledy-gook numbers and letters that really don't make
a whole lot of sense at the end.
Now I always recommend making it as simple as possible.
If you can, like I've done here, "brendameller" - I've just put my first and last name altogether,
lowercase is perfectly fine.
If you are a "Bob Smith" or something very common you might need to use a middle initial,
or some word at the end, "bobsmithMI" for "Michigan" or "bobsmithDesign" if you work
in the design industry, something along those lines.
Try to make it as simple as possible.
Eliminate those dashes.
Eliminate the gobbledy-gook of those nonsense numbers and characters.
Then when you're done with that, go ahead and click on "Save."
If noone else is using that name, then you're all set.
This is now your simplified URL.
Again, this is Brenda Meller and this is today's LinkedIn tip.
Find me online at and we'll be sharing more information in the
Total Mayhem Games | We've got some news & gameplay! - Duration: 1:17.Hi guys! We're Lorenzo and Lucia from Total Mayhem Games and we've got something to tell you today.
As you might have seen already, we are working day and night to deliver the game we pomised.
So, here's a sneak preview!
In just a few days, we will release another video for you guys, where you will find more info on We Were Here Too and its mechanics.
But, unfortunately, we do have something serious to talk about, don't we?
We know we promised to release the game in late 2017.
But since it's almost December, unfortunately, we are not able to fulfill that promise.
We are ready to release more information about the release of We Were Here Too on the 1st of December.
Thank you guys so much for your patience, and you'll hear and see from us very soon!
CNN Crybabies Lash Out At Trump After He Poked Fun On Twitter — You Gotta See This! - Duration: 4:39.CNN's reputation is in the toilet.
We don't have to tell you that.
After years of biased reporting and numerous embarrassing moments, few people respect the
Communist News Network.
So, it comes as no surprise that President Donald Trump poked fun at them recently on
What's really amusing?
CNN's response.
Their anchorman Jake Tapper let loose in a way that only further exposes their bias and
lack of ethics.
Once upon a time, news coverage was impartial.
Journalists and reporters simply researched the facts and provided them to the public.
Those days are long gone.
For decades Americans have had to put up with pathetic liberal advocates disguised as journalists.
They slanted news coverage to favor their preferred issues and politicians.
More often than not, they attacked conservatives and the values we hold dear.
Thanks to President Donald Trump, more Americans are speaking out against dishonest, liberal
He co-opted their own slanderous term "fake news" and gave it a whole new meaning.
News channels like CNN are fuming.
They can't believe that America is finally turning on them, after decades of abuse.
Instead of changing their ways and, you know, reporting the facts, CNN only continues their
toxic, biased coverage.
When President Trump posted the humorous tweet below, saying we should have a contest for
the most dishonest, corrupt, and distorted political coverage and give a fake news trophy,
Jake Tapper on CNN had to lash out like a bitter, entitled baby.
Monday on CNN's "The Lead" host Jake Tapper criticized President Donald Trump for
his tweets about CNN…
Tapper said, "That is false.
The amazing journalists at CNN International bring the truth to the world.
They're carrying out important, rare, and often dangerous work.
They have been for decades."
After detailing developments on Michael Flynn, Tapper continued, "Now, that I am sharing
these facts with you, facts the president does not care for might explain why he seeks
to discredit CNN and all media organizations who report on him without fear or favor, 'The
Washington Post,' 'the New York Times.'
The president does not care for us reporting these facts and seems that he does not want
you to believe these facts.
The president said he wanted to give an award based on which network is the most, quote,
dishonest, corrupt, and/or distorted, but his problems with journalism seem to be rooted
in the exact opposite.
He hates that which is honest and ethical and precise.
Ask yourself, why might that be."
Oh, I can hear the violins playing, as poor old Tapper laments the fall of the free press!
"How could the President attack our glorious institutions in such a way!
He must be the villain, attacking truth and honest reporting!
It's so pathetic.
Jake Tapper weeps over how the President is "destroying" the free press.
Yet, Trump is doing nothing but exposing the toxic bias that has existed in 99% of the
media for decades.
CNN and the rest of them would have us go on, pretending they are not all hacks and
We all know they have their bias.
They just preferred when we were too bullied to do anything about it.
Trump's stance against dishonest and biased reporting is empowering more Americans to
reject the stink of fake news.
It gives us a chance to reject news outlets that are deliberately distorting the facts
to fit their agenda.
For all the belly-aching by Tapper, he refuses to acknowledge the blatant, ridiculous, and
downright evil ways CNN lies to the public.
Keep in mind, this is the man who defended Islamic extremists after the recent New York
You also have to keep in mind that, while defending his network as "honest news,"
he is openly attacking the President.
He accuses the President of eroding the free press, as Tapper himself violates the free
press to denigrate the Commander-in-Chief.
Um, isn't that a conflict, Jake?
The fake news industry is blind as a bat.
They refuse to acknowledge their bias and dishonesty.
Because they can't.
They've been lying for so many years, they don't even know what the truth looks like.
Instead, they attack the President, conservatives, and anyone else who dares oppose them.
Thank goodness their ratings are in the toilet.
What do you think?
Is Tapper right to attack the President?
Do you consider CNN and other outlets fake news?
Let us know, and be sure to spread the word about Tapper's hissy fit.
The world needs to see how biased CNN really is.
Gardenscapes Level 165 - How to complete Level 165 on Gardenscapes - Duration: 2:51.Gardenscapes Level 165 - How to complete Level 165 on Gardenscapes
How to complete Level 165 on Gardenscapes
Gardenscapes Level 165
Gardenscapes how to complete level 165
Gardenscapes beat level 165
The Little MMJ Tag #littleMMJtag - Duration: 9:17.I thought that today for a short vlog but also one with words we would talk about the
Little MMJ Tag put together by Laura also known as "Pain and Cats" on twitter and youtube.
And, you know, hopefully that will give some insight into why I use marijuana and when
I use it, and whatnot.
And (yawns) what it does for me.
So, let's get started.
This is Sheik, she's cuddly today, I'm very surprised.
Ah, so for the Little MMJ Tag, the first question is "What is a benefit of this medication?"
and honestly the first time that I tried marijuana at all, I was in so much pain, my friend who
grew it and uses it for (pauses) cluster headaches as well as, he provides to a medical dispensary
here in Washington [state] (yawns) excuse me.
He said, "you know, you're in a lot of pain, your insurance is taking forever getting you
your medication, the NSAIDs they've tried on you don't work, why don't you try this?
And if you don't like it, you don't have to keep doing it."
So I took some home, he taught me how to make an edible with it and I did, and the first
thing I did when it kicked in was burst into tears because I hadn't been pain free in so
I just burst into tears and cried and went to bed and I slept great, it was perfect,
I was so happy.
And ah, so for me, a huge benefit of the medication was the pain relief.
Like, astounding amounts of pain relief, and while I haven't been able to get that particular
strain again, because he was the only person who had provided me with any because I couldn't
afford to go out to a dispensary and I haven't seen him in like, a year and a half at this
point, we moved away from Spokane, and that's where he was, and so we haven't really connected
in a while, and I haven't gone out to get a new one [strain].
The point is, that strain, very good, I cried.
The strain I use now, White Rhino, is like eh, the benefits of that for me are more like
a lowering of my anxiety like, I will be in pain and I won't care about it anymore.
I'm like, "oh, I'm in pain, but I feel like I can still accomplish things," as opposed
to "I'm in pain and it's all I can think about," so it might be that it is decreasing the pain
and it might be that it's decreasing the amount that I'm paying attention to it.
It might be both!
I don't really know.
So um, that's (yawn) excuse me, that's my answer to the first one.
The benefit is the red-reduction in anxiety and pain.
Ah, number two, "what is a negative side effect that you experience?"
If I take too much of it, I will get dry eyes, and that bothers me.
Like, constantly blinking and trying to, what's the word?
I don't know, trying to make my eyes not dry.
Um, I've had dry mouth also before, but I mean, my solution to dry mouth is to drink
more water and keep myself hydrated so even though it's annoying, I would much rather
have the benefits.
Ah, number three, "What types of medical cannabis do you prefer?
(flower, concentrates, topicals, etc.)"
Ah, I've tried topicals, edibles, and vaporizing, and the topical did nothing for me?
It smelled wonderful, it smelled so good, and I wanted it to work, I was like, "please
work, please work, please work!" but no, it didn't work at all for me, and that was really
I haven't tried concentrate.
Right now, I'm using my vaporizer to, um, it's an Airizer Solo.
I'm using my vaporizer and, it's it's okay?
It's really not my preferred way to do it.
I think I just don't like inhaling the smoke, it still bothers me, I um, I have a lot of
like, internalized feelings about it and a lot of internalized negative messages about
smoking, and about marijuana use specifically, [hammering motion] put into my head by the
society that I grew up in which was in upstate rural New York (giggles) and also my mother
and the way that she treated my younger brother who used it recreationally, like he was constantly
- I don't know where he got the money for it - but he was constantly smoking when we
were younger, and you could tell because it smelled like Fabreeze in his room all the
Anyway, ah, it's just, it's not, I don't enjoy the feeling of it, I don't enjoy the taste,
I don't like having to use my vaporizer for it, I just, I just don't.
So I think edibles would be the one I prefer, but then you also have to put it in something
So it's kind of like mmmn.
If I could get an edible that someone else had made for me, I might like it more, but
I just, as someone who is trying to - Trigger Warning - I'm trying to lose weight.
I started at a very high weight, it was 337 lbs, and I'm currently around 200, and I would
like to be around 150, which would be an appropriate weight for my height of five-foot-four.
- End Trigger Warning - I just don't wanna eat a lotta brownies!
I don't wanna eat a lotta fatty things, I just don't.
I just don't.
So I don't really prefer any of them.
They all have problems.
They either don't work or I don't like to do it or you know.
Ah, so nu- question number four, "How does MMJ fit in with your medical regimen?"
Ah, so every week I have to take a shot, and then every day I have two really potent NSAIDs
that I can take, or rather, I have one really potent NSAID that I can take, I get two pills
a day, that's how potent it is.
Um, and if I've done those things and I've taken acetaminophen also, and I still hurt
at a five or above, I will go and I will vape.
Like, that's really where it is for me, like if I've done all the over-the-counter things
and all the prescription things I can do and I still hurt so much that I can't concentrate,
I'm gonna go and vape, and it's something that I do in the bathroom because my mother-in-law
doesn't really, she understands, but she still stigmatizes it.
It's not an everyday thing, but it's at least, recently it's been more (laughing) so it's
hard for me to say.
'Cause there will be months where it's like, "okay, it's fine it's fine, I can manage without
it," and then um, I went to the ER [Emergency Room] recently for problems with what they
think is MS [Multiple Sclerosis] and ever since then it's been probably like three or
four times a week.
And ah, there are d- there are days where it's okay that it's one, and like I'll go
to sleep, I'll just get enough pain relief that I can go to sleep and that's fine.
And then there are other days where I'm like, "okay but it's ten in the morning, and I need
to be up and I need to be doing things.
So let's vape, let's get some coffee," and then I'll probably end up vaping a couple
more times that day because it just hurts so much.
So, that's how it fits in with my medical regimen.
And ah, yeah, I mean, I'm super happy that I was introduced to medical marijuana, and
I'm happy that I live in a place where it's legal, and it's safe, and I have access to
it even if it's not (giggles) super affordable, even if my doctors judge me for it, which
they do, and ah, I'm just glad that I can take care of myself because someone's got
to, and it's not about to be the US [United States] government.
So I hope that you all have a wonderful day and that was my Little MMJ Tag answers.
So yeah!
See you later!
How to Find Out Who's Tracking You Through Your Smartphone - Duration: 6:53.How to Find Out Who's Tracking You Through Your Smartphone
Whatever the work we do, our first priority is Safety. Safety states that the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Everyone and everything in this world need Safety.
Even our Smartphones we use. We all just use Smartphones to play games, chat, call, etc but do we really care about the threats that our phone receive?. We are here to help in this case.
With the help of just a few shortcodes, you can find out more about the settings of your phone and work out whether or not your messages and information are protected and whether you're being tracked.
We gathered together some of the most useful and important codes for Smartphones here. "Discover the settings for your call forwarding. You'll see whether you have voice, data, fax, SMS, sync, async, packet access, and pad access call forwarding enabled or disabled.".
This code will let you find whether your calls, messages, and data are being diverted. The status of the diversions that are taking place along with the number the information is being transferred to will be displayed on your phone screen.
"Just like the previous, except for no-service rather than no-answer situations.
This code will let you find where calls, messages, and data are being redirected to from your phone. The chances are that your voice calls are being redirected to one of your cell phone operator's numbers.
"This USSD code deactivates all call forwarding's with one single command. This code can be used to switch off all the redirections from your phone. It's a good idea to use this before you have to use roaming.
In this case, money won't be taken from your account for calls that are redirected by default to your voice mail.
"IMEI is the unique identifier for your cell phone hardware. Together with your SIM information, it identifies you to the provider network.".
This code helps you find your IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier). This code also helps you find your phone if someone steals it.
When the phone with a particular IMEI is switched on, the location of the phone will automatically convey to the network operator even after you insert another SIM card.
These codes allow anyone to track your location and also to determine whether someone is following you. For this, you need the utility net monitor. Type in one of the following codes in your dial pad:. ANDROID USERS: *#*#4636#*#* OR *#*#197328640#*#*.
"Field mode reveals many of the inner settings of your iPhone, specifically up-to-date network and cell information.
First, go to the UMTS Cell Environment Section, then UMTS RR info and write down all the numbers under Cell ID. These numbers are the basic stations located nearby.
"UMTS is one of the Third Generation (3G) mobile systems being developed within the ITU's IMT-2000 framework. It is a realization of a new generation of broadband multi-media mobile telecommunications technology.
The technology described in UMTS is sometimes also referred to as Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access (FOMA) or 3GSM.".
Now, go back to the main menu and click on the MM info tab. Here click on Serving PLMN. Write down the numbers under Local Area Code (LAC).
With the help of these two numbers and an ordinary website (4th tab to the left), you can determine the location on the map of the basic station that your phone is connected to.
Using Anti-Virus, you can periodically check your phone for viruses and delete them. HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF FROM CRIMINALS AND SPIES:. Use messaging apps that are completely closed to outsiders, such as Telegram, Chare, Wickr, or Signal.
Don't install unknown programs on your phone, keep close track of the apps you have installed, and use multiple security locks wherever you can. Don't click on unsafe links, and don't connect your phone to suspicious "free" charging points.
Only your cell phone operator should ever offer you tracking services, and they should only turn them ON with your explicit agreement.
Web sites and applications that offer to find out the location of other people are almost certainly acting with criminal intent.
How to Like a Picture on the Yelp for iPhone App - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
It's NOT okay. What will you do to help end violence against women? - Duration: 2:09.YW Kitchener Waterloo
December 6th is Canada's National Day for remembrance and action on violence against women
It's the day we commemorate the 1989 shooting deaths of 14 engineering students who were murdered just for being women
It's the day we remember those young women and recommit to taking action because Canada still isn't a safe place for women
Because one in three women in Canada will experience sexual assault in her lifetime
Because nearly 60% of women with disabilities will experience violence in their lifetime
Because newcomer women are at greater risk
Because on any given day more than 3,000 women and
2,500 children are staying in an emergency shelter somewhere in Canada to escape domestic violence
Because I don't want my daughter or your daughter to grow up experiencing as much sexual harassment as I have
Because almost 600 Aboriginal women have been murdered or are missing in Canada in unsolved cases.
Because every week at least one woman in Canada is murdered by current or former partner
Because violence against women is never okay the economic costs alone are staggering over four billion dollars each year for social services
Criminal justice lost employment days in health care, but the human costs are much higher
There is just no way to measure the devastating impact on human life
Because women and girls are still being murdered for pursuing an education
Because women belong here
Because two-thirds of all women victims of sexual assault are under 24
Everyone can do something to end violence against women what will you do?
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