Its very important that we ask ourselves this question.
What seeds am I planting in my daily life?
What seeds am I sowing in my heart?
Am I feeding my spirit or feeding my flesh?
As you can see, these beautiful flowers
had to go through a process in order to look the way they do now
Everything in this life begins with a seed.
for these flowers to blossom, they had to start off as a seed first
Someone had to plant the seed in order for the flowers to grow.
And the Lord has called us to sow good seeds
To sow good seeds in our spirit
And to sow good seeds in the lives of others, amen?
As followers of Christ
We are called to die to our selves
to die to our fleshly desires
to die to our own will
and to welcome into our lives the will of God, Amen?
so that we are able to produce good fruits
it is important that we deny ourselves and tell the Lord
"Lord, here I am. I surrender before you, I surrender my will to you so that your will may be done and not my own."
because at the end of the day
the Lord knows what is the best for us
The bible says
that all things work for the good of those who love Him
and going back to what we were saying about these flowers,
they had to go through a process.
and just as flowers must go through a process, we must also go through a process
when we make the decision of following Christ.
Planting seeds is a fascinating process
but can sometimes be complicated
same thing can happen in our lives
sometimes things can get complicated
during many moments, not everything goes the way we want, right?
many times we go through things and we ask ourselves
"why does this have to happen to me?!"
but just as any seed that is planted, it must go through a sometimes difficult process
this goes for us. many times we must go through certain situations
in order to become who God has called us to be.
therefore in the midst of the storms, in the midst of difficult moments
lets learn to simply trust God knowing that
we are going through a necessary process that will shape us into who He desires us to be
He is molding us
like The Word says, we are the clay and He is the potter
therefore remember, some seasons are just necessary.
God has called us to bear good fruit
If u don't like the fruits that u are bearing, change what u are sowing
if you don't like your harvest, change what you are planting in your life
Ask yourself,
Am I planting good seeds in my spirit?
Am I spending time with God?
Am I dedicating time to studying The World?
or are you constantly feeding your flesh
and satisfying your fleshly desires
and doing things that don't honor God?
the Bible says, "you will know them by their fruit"
Lets go to Matthew 7:18
"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."
what is the fruit that comes out of your mouth
of your heart and your life?
you cannot plant sinful things in your heart
and expect something good to come out of it
you cannot be living a life of constant sin
and then come to church and say "God use me"
what you plant in your life and in your heart is what you will harvest.
if we want God to use us
if we want him to fill us with His presence
we must seek Him & plant seeds of prayer & alone time with God
don't expect for God to do something in ur life if u don't even know Him personally
I recently decided to start a youtube channel to talk about God
because I truly feel so strongly in my heart
that this year God is going to reach so many more people
but specifically many young people
I firmly believe that this is the year where many young people
who have strayed away from God will come back and surrender at the feet of The Lord
so I started a youtube channel
and I'm sharing some videos every now and then
speaking of the Word of God
and I shared a video titled "Be still and Trust God"
and in the video I spoke of a personal testimony
A couple months ago
I was at a place in my life where I felt stuck
spirituality, i felt stuck
not just sprituality but just in every aspect
I reached a point where I didn't know what God wanted 4 my life
and so everyday I would be like
"Lord I need you"
I would say it during church services
"Lord I need you" over and over
"I long for your presence"
"I want to know you more"
and it still seemed as if nothing changed in my life.
everything still remained the same. I still felt stuck.
until one night in my room. I remember that night clearly
I was so frustrated with many things that were going on in my life
I was so tired of everything and I remember telling God,
"I wish I could just go somewhere far away from here"
I know I'm not the only one who has said that out of frustration (LOL)
that's exactly how I felt that night
while in my room, with tears rolling down my face as I turned on some worship music
and I said "Lord forgive me
because I have stopped spending intimate time with you
forgive me because I have stopped doing all the things
I used to do when I first gave my life to you"
I said to him, " Lord I want to go back to my first love
with you"
and there I was, praying and worshipping
but above all asking for forgiveness
because I understood that I had stopped seeking Him the way I did when I first surrendered my life to Him
and I want you to ask yourself
this question tonight
Have I stopped doing all the things I used to do when I first fell in love with Him?
so that night I said, "Lord, from today on
I'm going to start seeking you more
I'm going to start studying The Word more"
because I had stopped reading the Bible as much as I used to
I was letting myself get carried away by work and life's responsibilities
I would say
"I don't have time because I have so much to do"
and because of all those things
I stopped giving the Lord the time He deserved in my life
when we stop
planting that seed of seeking the Lord
everything seems out of order and nothing seems to make sense in our life. we lose sight of our purpose.
what or who do you dedicate most of your time to?
the things of this world? or the things of God's kingdom?
we must be careful with the things we surround ourselves with.
so that we don't damage the special seed that God has placed in us.
there are some things in our life that
don't allow or seed to bear fruit.
there are somethings in our life that we must tell the Lord to remove.
we must ask God to remove anything from our lives that keeps us from growing.
We must say. "Lord remove anything from my life that is holding me back from my purpose."
anything that doesn't allow
your seed to bear fruit
say, "Lord
I surrender it to you
even if I don't understand Lord, I surrender it to you and do whatever pleases you"
A fruitful life is the result of sowing good seeds on fertile soil
ask the person
who is sitting next to you
"What kind of sower are you?"
are you the kind of sower who
comes to church, hears the word and gets excited
and says, "wow yes. I'm going to put this into practice"
but when they get home that excitement fade away?
or are you the kind of sower who
when the difficult times come
you stray away from God and you give the enemy a hold of your life?
or are you the kind of sower who
when you hear the word, you accept it, and produce a good fruit
thirty, sixty, or a hundred times what was sown? (Mark 4:20)
do you truly
come to church, hear the word
and put it to action and practice it
and ask God to
you obey it?
or do you come to church and say "amen, glory to God, Hallelujah"
but when you get home, you're still the same unchanged person?
What are we offering to God?
is it disobedience? rebellion?
or holiness and obedience?
are you serving Him with all your strength, mind, and heart?
or are you serving him half heartedly? are you one foot in, one foot out?
or are you totally surrendered before and allowing Him to work in your life?
what are you planting in your life and in the lives of others?
are you planting
seeds of love?
in your church and in your family?
or are you planting
or just anything that doesn't honor God?
what comes out of your mouth? Words of blessing or negativity?
What are you planting outside of church?
are people
who plant good seeds in church
but outside of church they do the exact opposite.
what seeds are you planting around your friends?
are you being a good example to your friends?
are you being the light that God has called you to be?
are we being a light in the darkness?
what seeds are you planting in your school?
Do your friends know that you serve the Lord?
or they have absolutely no idea?
God has called us to be a light
He has called us to preach His word
and to be fertile soil that produces good fruit.
Like I said at the beginning, we are fruit of the sacrifice that Jesus did on the cross
through that sacrifice
many have been saved. that sacrifice has produced fruit
and if it weren't for that sacrifice
we would not be here tonight.
and tonight I want to ask you,
have you stopped taking care
of that seed that God has placed in you?
have you stopped spending necessary time with the Lord so that he can continue to mold you?
have you stopped doing what you used to do when you first gave your life to Him?
I want you to truly ask
yourself this question
and that tonight we can say to the Him
"Here I am God"
"Cleanse me, restore me,
renew me
so that I am able to blossom into the person you have called me to be
so that I can be a light in the darkness
so that I can know you in a deeper level
so that through me many can come to you"
Have you stopped caring and looking after the seed God placed in your heart?
Have you placed it to the side because of
certain situations that you've had to face?
Have you stopped caring for it because you dedicate your time more to other things and not Godly things?
I want to invite you all tonight
to say, "Here I am God"
I want to come back to you. I want to come back to the heart of worship. I want to care for the seed
you placed in my heart.
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