incredible! Can you believe the Vikings and the win in the last 10 seconds
what an incredible throw an incredible catch and an unfortunate missed tackle
to put the Vikings up on the Saints. What a game!
Hi, I'm Doug Snyder, this is Intimacy with God Ministries, and it's Sunday Thought
Conditioner. The word for tonight is Handiwork. Handiwork, things that you make
with your hands. Well, there's a lot of incredible people out there if you look
at Facebook and YouTube you can see a lot of things that people are good at
doing, good at building. They're good at music. They're good at sports. They're
good at painting, and storytelling, and motivating. And many people, in fact, every
person, has a gift to share with one another to encourage one another.
I've built on to the deck on the north side of our house and closed it. You can see
there's a little lean-to a shed outside the window there by the light that I
built. I like to work with my hands with wood. I've showed you some paintings in
the past. I won't show you any paintings tonight. But, I will show you some clay
work that I did a few years ago, many years ago. I like to work with my
hands. I think all the kids have done clay work. I'll be able to show you some.
We have right here, in the cupboard or the shelf, we have three glasses that
I made and the boys two of my boys made those mugs let's see this one has been I
guess and I'm not sure who made this one that one might have been then or Matt or
Sam I don't think Andrews made any yet here's a couple mugs and some holders
stretchy men and guitar picks and rubber balls over here we have
three bowls that a couple of the boys made that hold coins or paper clips and
then up here we have a rhinoceros, a rhino, which Matt made and then I took down
one of my favorite pieces that used to sit right there and hold the books up
and this is a bust of my head. It's a bust
of my head it's one of my favorite pieces... haha... probably because it''s
in the image own image. You know I have been stuck in Psalm 8 for many days
I've been reading it over and over and you're probably familiar with it. It goes
something like this, "When I consider the stars and the in the sky and when I
consider the the vastness of space and all the things that you have made, God,
what is man that you're mindful of him? And, if you go on to the next verse many
versions say, "You have made him, man, you've made man a little lower than the
Angels." But if you look it up in the Hebrew, the word is Elohim. And that is
really a name for God so you've made mana little lower than God.
Well, that's powerful. That's an incredible revelation and of course it makes sense
you go back to Genesis 1 - 3 it says that God made man and woman in
His image. YOU are the handiwork of God!! YOU, you and I
That should make you stand a little taller and hold your head a little
higher you are God's workmanship. You know December 6th our oldest son and his wife, Rachel,
had a baby our first grandchild Vivienne Grace. And we drove up to the
hospital and we looked at her and we held her such a tiny precious precious
little thing and then they brought her down to Christmas
and we held her again for mmm boy I'd like to say hours. I just held and rocked
her. And mom, excuse me, Beth, grandma, held and rocked her and Sam and Andrew, held her
Uncle Sam, you got like that. He even got a hat, an Uncle Sam hat.
We held her and held her and held her and just looked at her and loved on her and then
they came down this last weekend and left yesterday evening and we held her
can we held her and we held her I just looked at her and loved on her
You know, that is how God feels about YOU. He just loves on you and he loves you
unconditionally and he wants you to walk in the designed destiny that he has for
you it's just a matter of believing that you are his and he loves you and he's
made a way to reconcile you may not believe in the fact that he can forgive
something you've done you may not believe in the fact that you're worthy
to be loved the problem is you're not the one that assigns value to you
He assigns value to you just like the items that I made those cups and the bust and
the boys made those mugs and the bowls and the Rhino. The Maker assigns value
and he has assigned a value to you that's a little lower than himself and
he's crowned you with glory and honor that's what I want you to think about
this week read Psalm 8 over and over and just bask in his love and in the
fact that he's crowned you with glory and honor made you a little lower than
himself and you are highly cherished and loved. YOU are God's handiwork!!
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