Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 31 2018

Tickets Please...

Good Day... Heir Jones...

You goin to Jail Now...

F- OFF Buss Driver!

You goin to Jail Now...

You goin to JAIL!!!

Ohhooooow Sheeeeiiit!

No Ticket....

Ratchet.... he had a weave

( She spits and slaps him) You goin to Jail Now...

You goin to Jail now...

You goin to JAIL

( Nite Nite... time Ratchet)


Shes on Da FLOW!!!

For more infomation >> You going to Jail Now: Indiana Jones Edition 2018 Bus Driver VS Ratchet - Duration: 1:02.


Create PivotTable Tutorial - Duration: 1:50.

Pivot Table

Table with many columns and rows

We will summarized it by using pivottable

Select the table

You can select faster by press ctrl+shift+↓

This option to create your reprot in new sheet

For more infomation >> Create PivotTable Tutorial - Duration: 1:50.


9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Chicory You Must Know - Duration: 10:42.

9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Chicory You Must Know

Though chicory is known as a coffee additive, it has many health properties.

It is good for the gut, eliminating worms and keeping it healthy.

Having chicory regularly makes your bones sturdier and liver happier.

It is also excellent against diabetes and inflammation.

Chicory is familiar to us as a coffee additive.

But there's more to chicory than just that.

It is widely believed that chicory is added to coffee for its health benefits–some believe it can nullify the toxic effects of excessive coffee drinking; some others believe that chicory has all the properties of coffee without caffeine, making it a better alternative to coffee.

While these claims couldn't be verified, we could verify that chicory, in fact, has plenty of health properties to brag about.

It Can Kill Worms.

Chicory is believed to possess properties that are toxic to internal parasites.

The chicory plant, especially the root, contain certain oils that have parasite and worm-killing properties.

Studies on deer also show that the condensed tannins and crude sesquiterpene lactones available in chicory effectively inactivate parasites or worms and gastrointestinal larvae.3 It is understood that tannin-rich plants, while acting as a direct antiparasitic, could also indirectly increase host resistance.4.

It Relieves Stress.

If you are a coffee lover, you know by now that coffee increases stress.

Studies have shown that repeated consumption of caffeine, especially when you are stressed out, can lead to increased cortisol levels in your body.5 Cortisol increases blood sugar levels in the body, suppresses the immune system, and even decreases bone formation, which can lead to osteoporosis in the long term.6 Since chicory is totally caffeine free, substituting your coffee with chicory or even using it as an additive in coffee is a great way to keep your cortisol levels in check, even when you are stressed out.

Keeps Liver Healthy.

Studies have shown that chicory is rich in antioxidants and is able to scavenge free radicals.7 This ability, to root out free radicals, can also protect the liver against these harmful toxins.

Chicory is understood to boost the immune system while also cleaning up the liver.

Apart from this, various animal studies have revealed the ameliorating effect of chicory on oxidative stress and hepatic injuries.8.

Chicory Against Diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious health problem all over the world.

Chicory can help with keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

Don't believe us? Here's proof.

A study examined the effects of chicory root extract on blood glucose, lipid metabolism, and fecal properties in about 50 healthy adults and found that the level of adiponectin, a protein that regulates glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown, significantly improved in those adults who were given the chicory root extract proving that chicory has an effect on blood glucose levels.

Fights Inflammation.

As we have seen, chicory is a rich source of polyphenols.

Polyphenols have immense capability to help the body fight inflammation.10 Studies have shown that significant response to inflammation took place in people who consumed a caffeine-free chicory coffee for one week.11 This is a noteworthy development in that inflammation, as you know, is the root cause of most diseases.

Lowering inflammation in the body can help keep many health problems at bay.

Strong, Sturdy Bones.

Various research and clinical trials have proved that chicory, due to its anti-inflammatory property, can effectively help with arthritic symptoms, especially osteoarthritis.

12 Research on rats revealed that chicory can increase calcium absorption as well as increase whole-body bone mineral density.

Studies also show that chicory root extract can effectively suppress the production of certain cytokines and enzymes that are involved in inflammation.

Studies in the collagen-induced murine arthritis model revealed that chicory worked by reducing joint swelling, probably as much as other medications did.

Considering how debilitating this disease can be and how NSAIDs and other medications tend to have severe side effects after prolonged use, chicory, with its long history of regular consumption and good safety profile is an ideal choice to shift to.14.

Excellent For Gut Health.

One of the major components of chicory is oligosaccharide-enriched inulin, which is prebiotic.

Prebiotics help promote the growth of probiotics in the digestive system, thus enhancing calcium absorption.

Inulin also helps increase bifidobacteria and decrease pathogenic bacterial population in the intestines.

It thus exerts beneficial effects on intestinal functions.15.

Various intervention studies have revealed how the dietary composition of certain food products can cause changes in the gut, especially changes in the microbiota composition and an increase in bifidobacteria.

This can be regarded as a marker of intestinal health.16.

Considering the significance of gut health in the overall health of the body, the effect of chicory to boost intestinal health should be given a serious thought.

It Relieves Constipation.

The inulin in chicory is also responsible for relieving constipation, especially in the elderly.

Studies showed that daily consumption of chicory resulted in increased satisfaction with regard to digestion and reduced defecation difficulties.

It is understood that chicory supplementation increases stool frequency and fecal bulking.17.

Antibacterial And Antifungal.

Apart from all the properties mentioned, chicory is also an antimicrobial.

Studies have shown that it has more of a bacteriostatic effect, causing bacteria to stop reproducing.

It is also an antifungal and also possesses free radical scavenging properties.18.

Enough material to convince you to either add chicory to your coffee or opt to drink a caffeine-free chicory brew regularly, right?.

For more infomation >> 9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Chicory You Must Know - Duration: 10:42.


Tania Woodhatch, Würzmeister, Start with Social Media - Duration: 2:01.


I find it really important that one builds up the network first.

You can not be a company solely on Facebook or Twitter, without being present as a person.

Without anyone knowing you.

You can't be there as a company without participating as a private person..

This does not work because nobody cares just for a company as such.

People are interested in who is behind it, who is the face of it.

And that means, if you want to facilitate things,

you should have previously laid the ground works as a private person,

before you start a company.

Of course, you can also start directly as a company.

But if you're already known a little,

your launch will be so much easier and more authentic.

Because people will already have met you as a person,

maybe even on several occasions

People knowing who you are matters a lot, when you appear as a company afterwards.

There are several no-go's, I'd say. For example: „Always post and never react".

That's always sending out messages, without looking at what

interests your costumers, just sending out random statements -

and not have their finger on the pulse of our customers' needs.

Of course there's just simply uttering marketing messages

rather than really interacting with people and giving true benefits.

Another bad thing are the automated posts, especially with Twitter.

Say, you just upload a picture on Facebook, linking it to Twitter with the message:

„I just uploaded a photo on Facebook"

This is a true No-Go!

On Twitter, you expect people to be there and to react.

You have to do this in time, and not automated.

People especially don't like it if such things happen on several platforms.

It is not ideal to post the same thing allover the web.

This is not really the best way to handle your Social Media channels...

For more infomation >> Tania Woodhatch, Würzmeister, Start with Social Media - Duration: 2:01.


Inside Cambridge 1: Meet our students! - Duration: 14:11.

Welcome to Inside Cambridge.

This is a new series of films

in which we will be taking you to see different people

and places from across the University.

In today's episode we will be meeting two students

who are at the forefront of Dragtime,

which is the University's only drag show

performing at the ADC Theatre.

Then we are going to be meeting

Sarah-Louise Decrausaz, who is a PhD researcher

in Biological Anthropology.

She is looking at pelvis size in current day populations.

So to find out more, please sit back and enjoy!

I'm here at the St Catharine's College bar

with Amber and Ben

who are in the ADC Theatre's only dragshow,

called Dragtime.

Would you like to tell us

how and when Dragtime started?

Well Dragtime first started

as a musical theatre cabaret night

at the Corpus Playroom

in early 2016 I believe.

It was started by one of my friends, Jossie Evans,

and at the time it was just conceptualized

as just a nice fun way

of doing some songs from musical theatre.

But then one of the people who was in it,

Ethan, decided to actually carry that on

and then early this year (January)

he put on another drag show at the ADC

under the Dragtime name.

Since then, we were asked to do a lot of May balls

so we started touring all of the May balls in Cambridge.

Then, this year, me and Ben have taken over

and we have done our second show at the ADC now.

Can you tell me,

when did you guys get involved with drag?

And why did you decide

to do this particular kind of performance?

I ended up getting into it

while I was away on my year abroad last year.

And I happened to come back in March,

when auditions were going out

after Dragtime had done the ADC show last year -

auditions for May balls.

The thing with Cambridge is that there's not

really a platform to do it here.

There's very few opportunities to do drag,

and I think when you start doing it, you get addicted

and you have to keep doing it again, again and again.

So I was, 'I absolutely have to do this.'

I came back and did the May balls and it was fantastic.

Then they asked Amber and I to take over it

So, here we are leading it.

But you were involved in the first ADC show.

Yeah, I was involved in the Corpus show as well.

I'd originally gotten into drag through...

So, outside of drag I like to sing opera

and, because I have a low alto voice,

a lot of the roles for altos are trouser roles.

One of my favourite opera performances ever

is the character in Die Fledermaus, Prince Orlofsky,

that is a trouser role.

He's basically a drunken prince who tells everyone

that they have to drink with him at his pace or he will throw them out of his house.

That is a sentiment I feel I can definitely relate to.

It is literally our shows.

Then from there, after my dream of performing that,

I then moved to thinking about drag more generally

and started constructing a kind of character for myself

from those foundings of this idea of old world, princely -

and then, now here I am today!

But the way you do it, is so cute,

because it's the drag king thing but it's done

in very adorable pastel-cutesy Lolita style.

So I've started making it a bit more

Gender- as it were ,

because I realised that binding isn't for me.

So I decided to go to the other extreme

and so I do my nice face with mustache and then wear a push-up bra.

You were wonderful last night.

You were asking if you should wear boots or heels

and heels were the only option because it makes even less sense!

How many people are now involved with Dragtime?

It's growing and growing.

So it's getting it's momentum.

It was quite sad at the end of last year because obviously people graduating,

but now that we've done this one show,

we're getting more people involved.

One of the nicest things is

that we've got people from ARU getting involved

This is the thing I really want to do,

is really build a community out of it

because it's the kind of thing where,

even if you are not performing it,

if you are coming to the shows - you're involved in it.

It's such an interactive experience,

even if you're not getting dragged on stage -

which does happen a lot


- but when it doesn't, it's still a thing.

Drag very much relies on

engagement with the audience.

Even last night,

one of the main things that was worrying us,

was whether the audience wouldn't be into it

and taken with us immediately,

but as soon as we started hearing that cheering,

we realised that it was going to be a fantastic night

for everyone involved.

That's the thing.

We were worried that, because there's not a scene here,

people wouldn't necessarily get what's going on,

or want to see it, or know that much about it.

And the thing is, people don't know much about it,

but it is the thing -

literally as soon as the curtain goes up -

people go crazy for it.

It's just the nicest atmosphere there,

people just want to have fun and are ready to accept

whatever you put up on that stage.

Where do you see Dragtime going in the future?

So we've got a show at the ADC next term in Week 4.

Then also we've been considering doing

...maybe a Fringe show.

Saving up our pocket money for that.


saving all the pocket money

we'll make from doing all the May balls -

please book us!

It is exciting though -

It's fantastic.

- this year's started and

it's been a bit weird obviously,

because so many new people coming in,

and the show we did last night is the first

that people will have seen us.

The first with this

new generation of the collective as well.

But now, so we're doing the Selwyn Snowball on Friday,

and we're going to get ready to do auditions for the other balls

We did quite a few of them last year

and we were received really, really well.

So it's going to be really exciting

to do more of them this year.

We're opening auditions

for the next show next term as well

to get even more students involved,

if they want to be involved.

From feedback from last night,

it seems that a lot more people

would like to be involved with us.

Definitely, because I think before people were

'Oh I think I might be interested but I'm not sure'

and now they've seen the show.

After seeing it, I feel that,

even just being a part of that atmosphere

as an audience member

makes you want to engage with it further.

It's addictive for the audience as well as for us!

Definitely, definitely.

So, if you were to give a pitch to our viewers

about why they should get involved with drag,

or why they should go along and see a drag show,

what would you say to them?

Being involved in drag, whether it's watching it,

or performing it,

can be both incredibly validating and liberating.

I know that all of our performers have come and said

that doing drag has

had a real positive effect on their self esteem,

but that's also true of audience members as well,

because drag allows for such a space of honesty

that I don't think you necessarily find

in other styles of performance.

Yeah, definitely. There's a really weird interplay

between the illusion of the makeup ,

of the wig and the costume that you're putting on,

but it allows for people to access

a kind of vulnerability that they never normally get to.

Being able to put it on the stage

with such a loving audience

it's amazing because you get validation

for things you'd never be able to express normally.

It's amazing.


Thank you very much

and good luck with the show in the future.

Thank you very much.

I'm here with Sarah-Louise Decrausaz

and she is a PhD researcher in biological anthropology.

Would you be able to tell us a little bit more about

what biological anthropology is

and what your research is about?


Biological Anthropology, broadly speaking,

is the study of human variation.

Now, humans vary in lots of different ways.

We vary with respect the things we do in life,

such as our culture,

which is where the anthropology part

of biological anthropology comes from.

But in biological anthropology

we look at how humans vary

from a biological perspective.

So we look at how their bodies have changed

over evolutionary time,

we look at, on the inside of our bodies,

how things like genes affect the way we look,

and things like our ability to fight disease.

And again how these things have changed

over evolutionary time.

Now we don't just look at humans,

we also look at our nearest cousins,

which are our primate cousins,

so that includes chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.

And we look at the similarities and differences

that we see between these species.

My particular research

is focusing on the human skeleton

and, more uniquely,

the human pelvis.

In terms of its adaptation to obstetrics,

or the ability to give birth to babies.

Now anybody who has had a baby

will tell you that that's not easy.

Certainly it's not easy

in terms of the realities of being a human today,

even with the advent of medicine,

and actually it's not easy at all

when we compare humans

to our living primate cousins,

like chimpanzees and gorillas.

Now a lot of research originally suggested

that we had a such a difficult time giving birth to babies

because we walk on two legs.

That our pelvis had to be very narrow

when it comes to the outlet,

or the big hole that babies pass through,

because we have to be

energetically efficient on two legs.

More recent research has suggested

that there's actually no reason we couldn't have

a bigger hole for babies to pass through.

So that really means that there's other things

affecting the way our pelvis is designed

around childbirth.

My PhD research

is looking at what other factors

contribute to growing the pelvis in women living today.

If we can understand how the pelvis develops

throughout childhood into early adulthood,

we might be able to answer some of the key questions

about why childbirth is so difficult for humans.

So, in regard to your research,

do you have any idea

of what some of those factors are?

Do you have any ideas yet

about what could be impacting this?

I am still working on my PhD,

I'm not quite finished, however,

generally speaking what we have found is that

components like your body size in general

and particularly things like

your fat tissue have an impact.

So if things like soft tissues

-so fat tissue and muscle tissue -

have an impact on how we develop throughout puberty,

the pelvis (or at least parts of the pelvis)

seem to be responding to different,

I guess, growth triggers, throughout puberty.

On average things like the age of menarche

(so when girls start their period)

seems to have a relationship

with how big their pelvis becomes

by the time they get to early adulthood.

And where did you get the idea for this research?

How did you decide

that this was what you were going to be researching

for your PhD?

So when I did my Masters research,

I was actually also looking at the pelvis

with respect to the possibility of

identifying whether a woman had had children or not

from a forensic perspective,

to see if a particular phenomenon

known as childbirth scarring

actually is a good way of identifying it.

Plot twist! It turns out it really isn't.

Things like pelvic scars

actually we've found them on males as well.

We know that men definitely don't give birth to babies.

I really thought there's a lot more

to understand about the pelvis

with respect to childbirth

from the skeletal perspective

than a lot of more recent work has looked at.

I also really wanted to do a set of research

that integrated looking at living people

with trying to understand the skeleton

the way that we look at skeletons in the past

Now, once you've finished your PhD,

what do you think are some of the things

that you might do next in your career?

Well, I am hoping to

expand a little bit more on this research

by looking at the skeletons of pregnant women.

This of course brings up a couple of very new

and very important ethical considerations

because, quite understandably,

there's a lot of medical technology

that people have to be carefully considered

in terms of participating in studies

that are using medical imaging technologies

when you're pregnant

just in terms of radiation levels.

But, there's a really fantastic project

that, fingers crossed, funding dependent,

I'm hoping to be starting

that is going to be integrating how the pelvis changes

in pregnant women

in living women.

Thank you very much.

Really nice to meet you

and to hear more about your research

and good luck for the future.

Thank you.

Thank you for watching

our first episode of Inside Cambridge

We hope you enjoyed it.

If you have suggestions for further episodes

about what you would like to see,

please comment below

To see more content

from Cambridge University, please like and subscribe

and we hope to see you again soon.

For more infomation >> Inside Cambridge 1: Meet our students! - Duration: 14:11.


This Will Take Away Hunger and Make You Lose Size Like Crazy, By Swelling and Cleansing the Colon - Duration: 4:33.

This Will Take Away Your Hunger and Make You Lose Size Like Crazy, By Swelling and Cleansing

the Colon

The root of which we speak to you is the licorice root.

It can be obtained thanks to a plant known as Palo dulce.

As the name implies, this tree is sweet, so it is usually used as a natural sweetener.

If in doubt, in nature we can find everything we need to stay healthy.

Even some of the medications we use are made from herbs and roots.

That is why many people prefer to prepare natural remedies before buying medicines.

Sadly, not everyone knows the innumerable benefits that nature brings us.

When they do not know it, they do not take advantage of it and resort to less effective

methods to take care of their health.

However, we want to let you know a root that will make wonder with your life.

So from that tree, we can extract a root that is worth gold.

In this root, we can find diuretic and digestive properties.

Therefore, it is considered a very effective tool when it comes to losing weight.

But this is not the only benefit we get from this plant.

Next, we will give you all the details of this root and how to make the most of it.

Benefits of licorice root:

Natural laxative:

It helps to agitate the intestine, being a light and natural laxative.

As a result, you will be able to cleanse your interior, especially your colon.

This will help you lose weight quickly.

Decreases inflammation:

This root has very effective anti-inflammatory properties.

Its digestive properties also help to reduce inflammation of the belly that causes us so

much discomfort.

Therefore, you can not only lose weight, you will also see much thinner.

Stomach pains:

Another benefit of this plant is that it helps to calm the heartburn.

It also combats the effects of stomach ulcers and gastritis.

To make matters worse, this root has soothing properties of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal


It also helps eliminate the sense of digestive heaviness.

Other benefits:


This root is considered a stick against allergies.

With it, we can treat them naturally, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties very similar

to that of professional drugs.

For that reason, it is gaining great fame worldwide.

Soothes the throat:

If you take advantage of this plant, you can keep the mucosa of your throat hydrated.

In this way, you will avoid the irritation of it, and then a sudden and strong cough.

Combat fatigue: keep in mind that this plant is a physical and mental stimulant.

Therefore, by consuming it you will recharge your energies.

With them, you can go out to exercise and lose weight thanks to physical activity.

It is true that this root is specifically concentrated in the digestive system.

However, we can use it to fight and treat colds effectively.

Next, we show you how you can prepare it and take advantage of it.

What we will need:

-Licorice root powder (1 tablespoon) -Water (1 liter).

Note: if you use the root without grinding, use 3 or 4 pieces.

Preparation and use mode: The first step is to deep clean the root to

remove any traces of dirt or dirt.

While you clean it, you can start boiling the water.

Once hot, add the root powder and let it boil for 5 or 10 minutes.

If you use the root in its solid state, you should let the water boil for 15 or 20 minutes

with it inside.

With this, our powerful infusion is ready to be consumed.

From this powerful drink, we should drink 2 cups a day every day until we perceive improvements.

With that, you will eliminate inflammation, cleanse your colon, improve your digestion

and much more.

Do not forget to take advantage of the benefits of this plant and consume this infusion as

soon as possible.

Do you want to lose weight?

Do you have a swollen belly?

Do you want to deep clean your colon?

Well, you already know what you should do.

Get some of this root and prepare this powerful infusion.

Soon you will notice surprising results.

Visit Our Website Here :

Thank you For Visiting Our Youtube Chanel Please don't forget to subscribe our channel

Subscribe :

For more infomation >> This Will Take Away Hunger and Make You Lose Size Like Crazy, By Swelling and Cleansing the Colon - Duration: 4:33.


How to Cook Rui Fish and Arum Yam Curry / Shola Kochu diye Rui Mach er Jhol / Rohu Fish Curry - Duration: 3:25.

Hello viewers, in this video I will show you how to cook Rui Fish and Arum Yam Curry

Ingredients will need for cooking

5 pieces of rui fish mix with salt and turmeric

Arum yam 200 gram (Cut into pieces)

1 teaspoon of dried chilli powder

Ginger paste 1/2 teaspoon

Cardamom 2

Cumin paste 1 teaspoon

Fried Cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon

Onion Slice 2

Onion paste 2 tablespoons

Salt and Turmeric taste

Heat 8-9 teaspoons soybean oil in a pan and fry rui fish which is mixed with Turmeric powder and Salt

Fry Cardamom and onion slice until onion slice get golden brown

then add onion paste, Cumin paste, Ginger Paste, Red chili powder, turmeric powder and salt and fry for 4-5 minutes

Add little water when you are frying the spices

After 4-5 minutes add arum yam pieces and cook for 6-7 minutes

Add little water when you are cooking

After 6-7 minutes add 2 cups of water

When the water starts to boil give fried rui fish and cook for 3-4 minutes

Before one minute to finish cooking, add fried cumin powder and tossed well

Rui Fish and Arum Yam Curry is ready to be served

Thank you for watching my Video

If you like my video please share and subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> How to Cook Rui Fish and Arum Yam Curry / Shola Kochu diye Rui Mach er Jhol / Rohu Fish Curry - Duration: 3:25.


DIY How to make iris folding card, heart, 3 patterns (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #448 - Duration: 4:13.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make 3 Valentine's Day cards by using iris folding technique.

I made it by request from my viewers.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Cut a heart out of template.

Cut the strips out of colored paper. 5cm x 9cm.

We need 5 strips in first color and 4 strips in three other colors.

Fold the strips in a half.

Fold a sheet of A4 paper in a half...

...and cut a shape of heart on the front page.

Next, attach the template in a proper place.

Now, glue the first strip in a spot marked as "1".

Next, glue the second strip in a spot market as "2".

Remember that each color has it own letter. From A to D.

Attach all the strips in this way.

Cut off an excess of strips.

Glue a sheet of A4 paper inside the card. This will hide the strips.

Remove the template.

Now the second pattern. We will do it in the same way, but this time we will use gift wrapping paper.

We need 8 strips in first color and 7 strips in second color.

Glue them alternately.

Third card. We will need 10 strips of ribbon. 5cm x 11cm each.

Fold the strips in a half.

Glue them in the same way as previously.

And it's done.

That card will be a nice Valentine's Day gift for your close one.

Card made by using this technique looks really impressive.

Of course you can decorate them in any way you want.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make iris folding card, heart, 3 patterns (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #448 - Duration: 4:13.


Atingir Metas (2): Como Lidar com a Autossabotagem? - Duration: 1:59.

Today I want to talk about a crucial part here:

Your Mind! Do you believe that perhaps your mind

is creating excuses, making use of

auto-sabotage in the process of achieving your goals?

You have to be in charge and

do not allow any kind of recurring excuses to join in your party! So, bottom line,

if you ask me, Fernanda, what should I do in real life?

If every time I want to meet up my goal, I do the planning,

I work towards it, but somehow...

I see myself stuck, just double guessing it all..

If things are going could be asking yourself: What

would Fernanda have for me as an insight on that?

It is important that you 1) decide; 2) plan and so move towards the

3) achievement of your goals!

But if your mind keeps pulling you back all the time

chances are that

your goals will most probably not be met,

as planned or anticipated. So my insight here is

for you to make use of a coaching tool

that is called Peak Performance practice!

You may wonder...What does it bring to the table, really? 1) Recall

of a successful moment in time of your life (it

may not need to be a big one,

but something

that you agree it was a good

achievement (think of the process through the meet the goal)!

For instance: you may have finished

reading a boring, difficult,

and tiring book. 2) What it might be

that you did at that time, in terms of

action and behavioral attitudes?

3) What did you recall feeling on that moment in time?

So that putting it all together, made you achieve your goal, in that specific moment in time,

finishing up that reading! This is my invitation for you: make

a link into your reality, plan accordingly,

write it down, work on your mindset and self-sabotage issues that may arise,

making use of this peak performance practice in the coaching process,

bringing into life one specific successful situation from your past,

updating it to your current reality,

and, there you go, make it happen!

And every Wed. at 8:30 a.m. (Brazilian Time)

we see each other. A big kiss to you!

For more infomation >> Atingir Metas (2): Como Lidar com a Autossabotagem? - Duration: 1:59.


Facebook Security Tips [Facebook Developers 2018] - Duration: 3:36.

Facebook Security Tips [Facebook Developers 2018]

Protect your password

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For more infomation >> Facebook Security Tips [Facebook Developers 2018] - Duration: 3:36.


How Gregg Popovich Uses 'Magical Feedback' to Inspire the San Antonio Spurs - Duration: 10:18.

How Gregg Popovich Uses 'Magical Feedback' to Inspire the San Antonio Spurs

Down deep, every organization faces the same thorny problem: How do you get a bunch of individuals to combine into a single, selfless entity? How do you create buy-in, trust and cooperation?.

Few organizations on the planet have solved that problem better than the San Antonio Spurs.

Over the past two decades they have achieved at a celestial level: five championships, .713 winning percentage and 20 consecutive winning seasons.

Which makes the Spurs (sorry, Patriots fans) America's most successful sports franchise.

It also raises a question: What's the secret to their winning culture? To find the answer, you have to go inside their practice.

On the day I visited, the mood was tense.

The night before, the Spurs had lost to their archrival Oklahoma City Thunder.

There was a tightness in the air, a quiet tension.

Then coach Gregg Popovich walked into the gym.

In an age when many coaches favor a softer, gentler approach to leadership, Popovich is famous for his blunt, intense style.

Some of his more memorable tirades are collected on YouTube, under titles such as "Popovich Yells and Destroys Thiago Splitter," "Popovich Tells Danny Green to Shut the F— Up" and "Popovich Furious at Tony Parker.".

But Popovich wasn't yelling now.

He was walking around, wearing a misshapen T-shirt from Jordan's Snack Bar in Ellsworth, Maine, and shorts a couple sizes too big.

His hair was spare and frizzy, and he was carrying a paper plate with fruit and a plastic fork, his face set in a lopsided grin.

He looked less like a commanding general than a friendly uncle at a picnic.

Then he set down his plate and began to move around the gym, talking to players.

He touched them on the elbow, the shoulder, the arm.

He chatted in several languages.

(The Spurs include players from five countries.) He laughed.

His eyes were bright, knowing, active.

When Popovich wanted to connect with a player, he moved in tight enough that their noses nearly touched.

As warm-ups continued, he kept roving, connecting.

A former player walked up, and Popovich beamed, his face lighting up in a toothy grin.

They talked for five minutes, catching up on life, kids and teammates.

"Love you, brother," Popovich said as they parted.

"A lot of coaches can yell or be nice, but what Pop does is different," said assistant coach Chip Engelland.

"He delivers two things over and over: he'll tell you the truth, with no BS, and then he'll love you to death.".

A few minutes earlier, Popovich had delivered another signal.

It happened when the team gathered in the video room, expecting to review the Oklahoma City loss.

But when the lights dimmed, the screen flickered with a CNN documentary on the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.

The team watched in silence as the story unfolded: Martin Luther King, Jr., Lyndon Johnson and the Selma marches.

When it was over, Popovich asked questions.

He always asks questions, and those questions are always the same: personal, direct, focused on drawing a connection between the historical moment and the individual players.

"It's so easy to be insulated when you're a professional athlete," said general manager R.C.


"Pop uses these moments to connect us.

He loves that we come from so many different places.

That could pull us apart, but he makes sure that it makes us feel connected and engaged to something bigger.".

The other form of connection on the Spurs happens around meals.

Popovich is obsessed with food and wine.

His obsession can be measured in a number of ways: the size of his home wine cellar, his part ownership of an Oregon vineyard and the constant presence of the Food Network on his office television.

But most of all it can be measured in the way he uses food and wine as a bridge to build relationships.

"Food and wine aren't just food and wine," Buford said.

"They're his vehicle to make and sustain a connection, and Pop is really intentional about making that connection happen." The Spurs eat together approximately as often as they play basketball together.

First there are the team dinners, regular gatherings of all the players.

Then there are smaller group dinners, handfuls of players getting together.

Then there are the coaches' dinners, which happen every night on the road before a game.

Popovich plans them, picking the restaurants, sometimes two a night, to explore.

These are not meals to be eaten and forgotten.

At the end of the season, each coach gets a leather-bound keepsake book containing the menus and wine labels from every dinner.

    "You'll be sitting on the plane, and all of a sudden a magazine lands on your lap, and you look up and it's Pop," says Sean Marks, a former Spurs assistant coach who's now general manager of the Brooklyn Nets.

"He's circled some article about your hometown and wants to know if it's accurate, and where you like eat, and what kind of wine you like to drink.

And pretty soon he's suggesting places where you ought to eat, and he's making reservations for you and your wife or girlfriend.

Then you go, and he wants to know all about it, what wine you had, what you ordered and then there's another place to go.

That's how it starts.

And it never ends." "Hug 'em and hold 'em" is the way Popovich often puts it to his assistant coaches.

"We gotta hug 'em and hold 'em." A few years back a team of psychologists from Stanford, Yale and Columbia discovered that one particular form of teacher feedback boosted student effort and performance so immensely that they deemed it "magical feedback." The feedback was not complicated.

In fact, it consisted of one simple phrase.

For more infomation >> How Gregg Popovich Uses 'Magical Feedback' to Inspire the San Antonio Spurs - Duration: 10:18.


Preston Sharp: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 11:05.

Preston Sharp: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Preston Sharp.

Preston Sharp, a 12-year-old boy from Redding, California, is being honored at the State of the Union address for his national effort to place flowers and flags on veterans' graves.

Sharp's effort to make sure veterans are properly remembered is called "The Flag and Flower Challenge," and he's been doing it since 2015.

In a written statement released before the State of the Union Address, the White House listed Sharp among President Donald Trump's guests.

On Facebook, Preston has listed his motto: "Honor veterans every day and not just on a holiday.".

That's a sentiment that the boy lives out despite his young age. Preston's website saysthat Veterans Flowers and Flags is a non-profit organization.

His website notes in capital letters: "PRESTON SAYS THAT HE WON'T STOP HONORING VETERANS UNTIL HE CAN'T BEND DOWN ANYMORE." Preston sat next to First Lady Melania Trump at the State of the Union.

"Young patriots like Preston teach all of us about our civic duty as Americans," the president said.

"Preston's reverence for those who have served our Nation reminds us why we salute our flag, why we put our hands on our hearts for the pledge of allegiance, and why we proudly stand for the national anthem.".

Here's what you need to know:.

Preston Sharp Noticed That Local Veterans' Graves Lacked Flowers & Flags.

When Preston Sharp visited the grave of his grandfather, who was a veteran, he noticed that something was missing and decided to do something about it.

 According to The Record Searchlight, Preston's grandfather was a veteran of the United States Navy.

"Preston Sharp was visiting his veteran grandfather's grave in 2015, when he noticed that other local veterans' graves were not being honored with American flags or flowers," the White House said in the statement.

 "Today, Preston has organized the placement of more than 40,000 American flags and red carnations on soldiers' graves, as part of his goal to honor veterans in all 50 States and to challenge others to join the Flag and Flower Challenge (#FandFChallenge).

According to a GoFundMe site created to help fund Preston's efforts, "It was during this visit that Preston, then just 10 years old, became upset when he noticed that other local veterans were not being honored on this special day with a flag or a flower.

During the State of the Union address, President Trump said, "Here tonight is Preston Sharp, a 12-year-old boy from Redding, California, who noticed that veterans' graves were not marked with flags on Veterans Day.

He decided to change that, and started a movement that has now placed 40,000 flags at the graves of our great heroes.

Preston: a job well done.".

Preston Asked His Mom How Much Money He Could Make By Vacuuming Floors to Help Honor the Veterans.

The boy was determined that the graves would not remain unadorned.

According to the GoFundMe site, "being a normal ten-year-old he continued to verbalize his irritation throughout the day, so I eventually advised him that 'You can't complain about something unless you try to do something about it," Preston's mother wrote.

Preston's response "was a look of conviction and the words 'I'm going to do something about it Mom!" she wrote.

"His attempts to raise funds began immediately when he asked how much money he could get if he vacuumed the floors.".

Later that night, Preston came up with his mission.

"That night Preston set a goal to honor every veteran at the McDonald cemetery in Redding with the placement of a flag and a flower.

Using social media, word of Preston's effort and goal spread and the Sunday visits to McDonalds cemetery began to draw other community members, some from more than 60 miles away," the GoFundMe site explains.

Preston's Goal Gradually Expanded Nationally.

A project involving a single cemetery quickly spread and now encompasses a national movement.

"As Preston began to realize his goal of honoring all veterans at the McDonald cemetery he extended his goal to include veterans at other Redding cemeteries, then it was veterans in Shasta County, then the neighboring counties were brought in too," the GoFundMe site says.

"Preston then set a goal to honor veterans in every township along Interstate 5 between Redding and Sacramento, a 160 mile stretch of highway.

Having met that goal Preston has set a new goal to honor veterans in all 50 states and to challenge others to get involved wherever they are through the Flag and Flower Challenge (#FandFChallenge)," the site says.

"A challenge for those across the United States, and other countries where US Service men and women are buried, to go out with a US Flag and a flower and THANK a veteran for their service.".

Preston is making progress toward his goal.

"So far Preston has met his goals of honoring veterans in Redding, Shasta County and he fulfilled his goal of reaching Sacramento during the summer of 2017," the site explains.

"For his goal of honoring veterans in all 50 states he has visited cemeteries in California, Nevada, Oregon, Virginia and Florida.

As of January 2018, Preston has organized the placement of over 40,000 US flags and artificial red carnations at veteran's gravesites.".

Along the Way, Different Communities Have Rallied Toward Preston's Cause & Preston Makes a Point to Read the Veterans' Names Out Loud.

Preston Sharp is not alone in his quest to make sure the veterans are honored.

"At each cemetery visited more community members come out to meet Preston, to help clean gravesites and to say, 'Thank You' to those who have provided service to our country," the GoFundMe site reads.

"If you come out to help, Preston has specific expectations.

It isn't just placing a flag and a flower at each headstone, Preston wants each veteran to be thanked personally by saying out loud the veteran's name and to thank them for their service.

Preston is quite specific about saying the veteran's name out loud, as he feels that a veteran's name not said out loud is a veteran forgotten.".

Preston Once Asked to Help a Veteran by Adopting the Veteran's Dog.

The boy's empathy toward veterans shines through in other ways.

"Preston doesn't honor only the fallen veterans, he also visits a local home for veterans and enjoys listening to their stories, sometimes going out to lunch or dinner with them," the GoFundMe site explains.

"It was through one of these visits that Preston met a veteran who had to give up his dog when he moved into the Veterans home and the dog was in Oregon so he wasn't even able to visit him.

It was for Christmas 2016 that Preston asked if instead of the laptop he had asked for could we please adopt Rusty, the veteran's dog, so that the veteran could still see his dog whenever he wanted.".

Preston's website explains more about this veteran.

"Tim Witting, 71, is a Vietnam veteran.

He moved into the home a few months ago after his health was deteriorating.

It was a bittersweet move because he could not bring along his furry four-legged friend Rusty," the website says.

Preston did in fact adopt Witting's dog.

Witting is quoted on Preston's website as saying, "To have a boy at that age, to do what he is doing and to take me under his wing and my dog is just amazing.

He is just wonderful.

He's just been raised right and he's growing right.".

For more infomation >> Preston Sharp: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 11:05.


Raphael Oberholzer, NEEO, Outsourcing Complex Tasks - Duration: 1:01.


We are active in more than 20 countries.

Making it with all regulations, sales taxes, import and export stuff -

it is extremely complex

And this is an area where we have told ourselves it would not be relevant

to build the knowledge internally, early on:

we can work with a partners.

We have to be the ones who are creative, who push the product.

We have an intuition for marketing, we build it all up properly.

But there, we can clearly rely on partners.

That is a huge thing to build up and we have worked with 3PL's abroad.

They are logistics partners, experienced entrepreneurs who have partly

become small investors, and helped us to make it.

Much more important than the technical handling

was for us to know what we need at all.

Not to make weird mistakes or to pay expensively to learn,

e.g if one is too late to figure out they still need a certification.

So, it was very valuable for us to rely on experienced people.

For more infomation >> Raphael Oberholzer, NEEO, Outsourcing Complex Tasks - Duration: 1:01.


Flippr Rotating Ironing Board Lets You Rotate The Board Instead of Your Clothing - Duration: 1:53.

Flippr Rotating Ironing Board Lets You Rotate The Board Instead of Your Clothing

Ironing clothes is a pain, is there really anyone that likes doing it?

There must be something out there to make this job easier.

Well, there is!

The Flippr Ironing Board makes ironing a breeze because it lets you rotate the ironing board

instead of your clothing.

What this means is that this ironing board rotates in a complete 360-degree flip.

So all you have to do is slide a buttoned shirt over the ironing board, iron one side,

then flip the board and iron the other side.

You don't even have to touch or adjust the shirt itself.The fact that the Flippr ironing

board lets you rotate the entire ironing board around will save you tons of time while ironing

dress shirts, dresses, pants, and mor Flippr comes with a removable mini ironing board

specifically for shoulders and sleeves too, so you can slide it into your sleeves to get

those wrinkles out of your shirt wherever they are.

The rotating ironing board even has eight height settings, so it'll be at perfect height

for anyone of any size.Another big bonus of the rotating ironing board is that the board

is shaped like a human torso, so your shirts, dresses, and pants will fit over the board

better than with a traditional ironing board.The Flippr ironing board has many improvements

over the traditional ironing board, including a foldaway and detachable ironing rack which

lets you safely rest an iron between motions without the worry of burning your clothing

or having it fall off the board.The rotating ironing board also has built-in ironing pant

clips that attach securely to pant hems and help stretch the material flat to ensure perfect

looking seams while you iron.

This way you won't have to stretch the material with one hand as you iron with the other.The

unique ironing board also has a removable cover so you easily take it off to clean it.

For more infomation >> Flippr Rotating Ironing Board Lets You Rotate The Board Instead of Your Clothing - Duration: 1:53.


Best Pressure Cookers to Buy 2018 - Duration: 1:37.

Link in Discription

For more infomation >> Best Pressure Cookers to Buy 2018 - Duration: 1:37.


Andrii Karpiuk, BIOsens, Financing with Grants - Duration: 0:22.

Our next goal is the sample preparation, for that we must find money.

In our case it won't be investor's money, it will be mostly grant money.

In our team we decided to go with grant money.

For more infomation >> Andrii Karpiuk, BIOsens, Financing with Grants - Duration: 0:22.


Can You Look at the Lunar Eclipse or Do You Need Special Glasses for the Blood Moon? || SML News - Duration: 4:32.

Can You Look at the Lunar Eclipse or Do You Need Special Glasses for the Blood Moon?

Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon.

The lunar eclipse is happening early tomorrow morning.

It's technically called the "Super Blue Blood Moon" because it's the second full moon of the month, it's slightly larger than normal, and it's a lunar eclipse that will turn the moon a beautiful shade of red.

But do you need to take any precautions when you're looking at the lunar eclipse, like you did for the solar eclipse?.

You don't need any special glasses to watch the lunar eclipse early on Wednesday morning.

Unlike solar eclipses, you can look directly at the moon during the lunar eclipse and not damage your eyes. Of course, don't look directly at the sun as it rises in the sky during the lunar eclipse.

Your eyes can always get damaged when you look directly at the sun.

When you're looking at a lunar eclipse, you're only looking at the moon.

And looking at the moon with the naked eye is always safe, unlike looking at the sun.

So no, you won't go blind if you look directly at the lunar eclipse and enjoy the beautiful red color of the moon.

A lunar eclipse happens whenever the Earth is directly between the sun and the moon.

(During a solar eclipse, in contrast, the moon is between the sun and the Earth.) So instead of seeing the moon's shadow overtaking the sun, like we do in a solar eclipse, we see the Earth's shadow overtaking the moon.

Wee see red in the moon because the sun is "behind us," and we're essentially seeing the hues of a sunset cast on the moon.

The eclipse happens all across the United States, but your best view will be if you're on the west coast.

That's because they'll get to see the entire eclipse before the sun rises.

Technically, the eclipse will begin on the west coast at 2:51 a.m.


But the best phase (the umbral phase) begins at 3:48 a.m.


That's when the moon starts to move into the Earth's shadow and turn red.

Totality, which occurs when the moon is completely shadowed by the Earth, begins at 4:51 a.m.

Pacific and ends at 6:07 a.m.

If you miss Wednesday's eclipse, the next lunar eclipse is July 27 of this year.

So you won't have to wait as long as you did after the 2015 lunar eclipse.

Unfortunately, that one won't be visible in the U.S.

— you can only see it if you're in Africa, the Middle East, or India.

The United States won't see another lunar eclipse until January 21, 2019, about a year from now.

For more infomation >> Can You Look at the Lunar Eclipse or Do You Need Special Glasses for the Blood Moon? || SML News - Duration: 4:32.


eoda | The data science specialists - Duration: 1:10.

Which products are best suited for the next promotional campaign?

How can I guarantee continuous product availability?

And… How can I optimize machine reliability?

Is there a way to detect fraud attempts earlier?

Which location is ideal for building a new branch office?

And… why is no one buying red roses anymore?

For these and many other questions,

we will find an answer for you.

With proven methods and creative approaches,

we will analyze your data for you

and thus gain valuable knowledge.

Knowledge from which you will benefit.

eoda: The Data Science Specialists

For more infomation >> eoda | The data science specialists - Duration: 1:10.


Mark Salling Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML TV - Duration: 7:25.

Mark Salling Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Mark Salling.

Mark Salling, the former Glee actor, has died from an apparent suicide while awaiting sentencing for child pornography charges.

The news first broke from TMZ on January 30, 2018 that Salling had died. Salling's death ends a tragic chapter in his life that saw him facing years in prison on the pornography accusations.

However, the coroner has not yet released a cause of death. The Hollywood Reporter says it has confirmed that Salling has died at the age of 35, however. US Weekly reports that the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed that Salling died of an apparent suicide.

Here's what you need to know:.

Salling's Body Was Discovered Near a Riverbed, TMZ Reports.

TMZ provided some of the tragic details on Salling's death.

According to the entertainment site, "his body was found near a riverbed in Sunland … the area where he lived.

We do not yet know the manner of death.

We're told he may have died after hanging himself.

We've learned the address where Salling was found dead is a little league field near a creek.".

Police responded to "a death investigation near the Glee alum's home in the Sunland-Tujunga neighborhood" on the morning of January 30 but couldn't initially identify the Glee star, according to US Weekly.

Salling Allegedly Tried to Commit Suicide Before but His Lawyer Denied Those Reports.

Back in August 2017, Salling allegedly tried to commit suicide before reaching a plea agreement in the child pornography case, according to TMZ.

The site alleged at that time that Salling cut "both of his wrists" after he "freaked out," and added that his roommate "discovered him bleeding." His lawyer denied that account.

The child pornography case would have had serious consequences.

In addition to prison time, Salling was facing registering as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Salling Pleaded Guilty to Child Pornography Possession Charges.

Mark Salling arrives for a court appearance at United States Courthouse – Central District of California on June 3, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.

Salling is turning himself in to federal authorities and is scheduled to be arraigned on two charges of child pornography.

Mark Salling clearly had a lot of struggles in his life recently.

He had pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography charges.

Salling was facing a prison term of four to seven years after entering a plea agreement in October 2017 "after admitting he possessed images of prepubescent children," the Hollywood Reporter noted.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, a search warrant "found more than 50,000 images of child porn on his computer and a thumb drive." Salling had other troubles with the law over the years.

Salling was accused in a 2013 lawsuit of sexual battery by his former girlfriend, Roxanne Gorzela. According to E! News, the actor settled the lawsuit and was ordered by a judge to pay $2.7 million to Gorzela.

Salling would have been sentenced in March 2018.

One of his ex-girlfriends allegedly alerted police to the images.

Salling Was Raised in a Religious Home in Texas.

According to his IMDB biography, Mark Salling "was born in Dallas, Texas.

He is the younger of two children of Condy Sue (née Wherry), a school secretary, and John Robert Salling, Jr., an accountant.".

The site reports that Salling's strict Christian family home-schooled him for a time.

During his high school years, he wrestled and starred in school talent shows, according to IMDB.

As an adult, he "attended the Los Angeles Music Academy College of Music in Pasadena, California and began studying guitar, giving guitar lessons to make a living." He then ended up on the TV show, Glee,. for which he is best known.

Salling Is Best Remembered as Noah Puckerman on Glee.

Most fans best remember Mark Salling as Noah "Puck" Puckerman on the Fox TV show Glee.

 While on the hit musical, Salling dated his co-star Naya Rivera for three years, according to the Mercury News.

According to the Mercury News, Rivera later wrote: "I think everyone should have that one relationship where you look back and ask yourself, 'What the hell was I thinking?' You'll learn something and you won't regret it.

Unless, of course, that relationship was with someone who had a sizable stash of child porn on his computer.

Then, by all means, regret everything.".

For more infomation >> Mark Salling Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML TV - Duration: 7:25.


Joe Kennedy's Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 10:08.

Joe Kennedy's Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Joseph Kennedy III speaks onstage at the RFK Ripple Of Hope Gala at Hilton Hotel Midtown on December 16, 2014.

Joe Kennedy III, House Representative from Massachusetts, has stayed relatively under the radar despite his famous family background.

This all changed when he introduced Sen.

Elizabeth Warren at the Democratic National Convention.

Since then, he's been front and center in many political discussions, and how he's giving the Democrat's official response to President Donald Trump's 2018 State of the Union.

Kennedy is currently serving his third term in the House.

He comes from a very rich family, but just how much is he worth? Read on for more details.

Joe's Net Worth Is Estimated to Be Between $18 and $43 Million, Mostly from Trusts.


Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) speaks to supporters of House Democrats taking part in a sit-in on the House Chamber outside the U.S.

Capitol on June 23, 2016.

Joe's net worth varies depending on which source you ask.

Joe is reported to have a net worth of more than $18 million according to Roll Call.  That net worth is combination of investments and trust funds.

According to Roll Call, he has about $19 million in trusts, $.02 million in bank accounts, and $.36 million in investments.

His largest stake in any one enterprise, Roll Call reported, is $750,000 in Exxon Mobil.

The Center for Responsive Politics, meanwhile, estimated Joe's net worth at being closer to $43.2 million, according to financial disclosures from 2014.

These disclosures include a "full range of reported assets," subtracting their liabilities, and the estimated net worth falling at the midpoint.

The lowest range of the net worth is $19.4 million and the highest range is $66.5 million, with $42.9 falling in the middle as of 2015.

Joe Kennedy III Is One of the Richest Men in Congress.

Joseph Kennedy III speaks with the press while visiting Morin's Hometown Bar and Grille on February 16, 2012.

In fact, Joe has been listed as one of the wealthiest people in Congress (a stark contrast to Joe Biden, who is sometimes referred to as one of the poorest men in Congress.) According to Roll Call, Joe Kennedy is the 22nd richest person in Congress.

He was previously #21, but his wealth dwindled by about 7 percent in 12 months.

(Meanwhile, Open Secrets ranked Joe as the 16th richest man in the House.).

The richest man in Congress is Rep.

Darrell Issa, a Republican worth $254.65 million.

Second place goes to Rep.

Michael McCaul, a Republican worth $107.61 million.

Joe And His Wife Still Have Nearly $1 Million in Debt.


Joseph Kennedy III (D-MA) attends a joint session of the U.S.

Congress with U.S.

President Donald Trump on February 28, 2017.

Despite being the 22nd richest person in Congress, Joe and his wife, Lauren Anne Birchfield, still have some debt.

She has about $50,000 still in student loans to the federal government.

The couple also still have at least $750,000 in debt from mortgages for their East Coast homes.

Joe Has Invested in Pharmaceuticals, Including the Controversial Gilead Sciences.

Joseph Kennedy III (L) talks with a person while visiting Morin's Hometown Bar and Grille on February 16, 2012.

According to Open Secrets, the top industries that Joe invested in during 2015 were pharmaceuticals and health ($1.58 million) and electronics manufacturing ($1.126 million).

His top assets included a trust worth $19 million. Boston Globe delved a little more deeply into his pharma investments, writing in May 2016 that he had earned stock value of up to $434,999 from Gilead Sciences Inc., the manufacturer of the high-priced hepatitis C drug called Sovaldi.

He earned between $15,001 and $50,000 in capital gains after selling part of his stock in the company in 2014, after purchasing the stock in 2012.

He purchased the stock during hepatitis C's spread in Massachusetts, the Globe reported, with cases skyrocketing from 10 in 2011 to 174 in 2013.

The Globe reported that his holdings in Gilead as of late 2015 were between $180,004 and $450,000.

Kennedy's office, however, said that he was not personally involved in stock decisions, but that his investments were handled by an independent financial adviser. A spokeswoman for Kennedy said at the time the news came out that he believed in keeping life-saving drugs affordable and would push for lower prices for the Hepatitis C drug.

In 2015, Kennedy was an original cosponsor for a bill aimed at tracking prescription drugs and curbing abuse.

His Great Grandfather, Joseph Kennedy, Would've Been a Billionaire in Today's Dollars.

The Kennedy fortune has been passed down through the years.

Joseph Kennedy, JFK's father, was worth $250 million before his son won the presidency.

That would make him a billionaire in today's terms, Forbes reported.

He poured much of his money into political campaigns, including his family's.

When JFK was elected to the Senate, the campaign spent about $350,000, which was about six times what his Republican opponent spent.

The LA Times reported in 2009 that Joseph Kennedy set his fortune in a series of family trusts hidden from the public.

These trusts gave out a small amount of money annually to the Kennedy family and are invested conservatively by financial experts.

The goal is to keep the principal in place, so the trusts aren't decimated by economic downturns. Joseph accumulated this money in the first place with a liquor distribution business and real estate investments.

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