Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 30 2018

You're not gonna believe how much time these simple hacks can save you during

meal prep! And hi! I'm Laura and I want to welcome you if you're new to this

channel. In today's video I'm gonna show you some of my shortcuts when I'm doing

meal prep for our Family Kickstart program. These shortcuts are also perfect

for Whole 30 and 21-day sugar detox programs because the idea of all these

whole food programs is to eat more fresh fruits, eliminate grains, gluten, dairy, and

sugars. One of the things most people notice is that they spend a lot more

time in the kitchen. And let me tell you, there are some simple things that you

can do to speed up the meal prep process .I love the Family Kickstart Program because

it's family friendly, and the recipes are not far from what kids are used to

eating. And that means, that I'm able to cook one meal for the whole family -at

all meals- and if there's something you need to know about me, is that I refuse

to be a short-order cook. Since being prepared with your food is one of the

most important parts of your success -with any program- I know that if you're

able to save time, you're gonna stick with it longer, and make the meals that

you have planned. I've printed out my weekly shopping list from the Family

Kickstart Program here, but all you have to do is write down what you need from your

plan. If I have a really busy week, I'm gonna look at my shopping list and try

to find ways to save time with prep. Instead of buying a whole cauliflower I

might buy it already riced or cut into florets. This saves me a lot of prep time

-and cleanup! And price wise, the difference isn't much. There are many

ways you can save time when it comes to produce and prep. Find spiralized veggies

instead of spiralizing your own, frozen peppers for fajitas instead of

whole peppers are all time savers in the kitchen. I also buy frozen butternut

squash cubes and sweet potatoes for weeks that I just can't prep one more

thing! Simply put: if it's going to help you eat

real food, it doesn't matter if it's fresh or frozen. When it comes to fruit,

there isn't much that you can do except wash your berries and preserve them like

in this video, or maybe buy pre-sliced apples that they're ready to grab and go.

One other thing to consider is buying frozen fruit. Many frozen fruits are

picked at its ripeness and after they thaw out they are just a sweet and

delicious! Another big time-saver in the kitchen is

to buy a cooked rotisserie chicken instead of roasting your own. It can be the base

for a chicken salad, burrito bowls, and many other meals. The truth is is that

with any program, you're going to be spending a little bit more time in the

kitchen than normal; so, if you can set yourself up for success with a few

shortcuts, do it! I'm going to link my shopping list right below that are part of the

Family Kickstart Program. And again, it's built specifically for busy families to

help them eliminate processed foods and sugars from their diets. I'm also going

to link the playlist for other meal prep videos if you're doing any kind of Whole 30

or detox program to help you save lots of time in the kitchen. If you love

easy recipes and helpful videos like this one breast of this YouTube channel

and subscribe! A new recipe video comes out every single week.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> KickStart, Sugar Detox, Real Food, Whole30 Meal Prep Hacks to Save Time - Duration: 3:34.


Top 3 Things To Include On Your Website - Duration: 4:58.

When I got started I had no idea what I was doing.

But it did turn into a business and I'm going to show you how to do it for yourself.

The first step to setting up a business or branding yourself online is to make sure that

you have a website.

This is your online profile and your resume to the world.

There's tons of different ways that you can do this but no matter what way you choose

they should all include the same information or at least the basics you need a central

location where others can come to find out more about you.

And it should tell them who you are what you do and how they can contact you.

Stay tuned until the end for a special bonus.

This is going to be your name, bio, location.

You're going to give them information about yourself.

If you have a product or service that you offer, you're going to make sure an list that

in your website or on your Website so that people know what it is that you offer.

And, last you want to have a way for them to contact you.

So this can be through email, phone.

I would also include my social handles so people can reach out to you on social media

and contact you that way and that also helps build awareness for your brand.

When they're contacting you off of your Web site and learning more about you.

I have a lot of people that I follow across all the platforms and they normally will follow

me back as well.

This website or your building is essentially just an online digital resume.

But ultimately people are coming to find out how you can benefit them in order to stick

around and either sign up or buy whatever it is they want to know what benefit are you

bringing to them.

If it's the product that you sell or a service that you provide they want to know what it

is and that's why it's really important to target the right audience so when they land

on your page is people that are actually looking for the information that you provide.

It's going to benefit them that they're going to want to invest their time or their money

into the next step of the process and go along this journey with you.

That's what you're doing is building a story behind your brand with your website and your


If you think about it when you go to get a job or you've had a job interview and they

say bring your resume is because they want to see you like what you've done what you've


What are your skills, your expertise, and essentially like if you can benefit their

organization that's why they look and say you know what is your objective of being here.

So everyone has that same one to grow and whatever they put on there.

But honestly I would put yourself into your website and really give them a look at who

you are and what you do and show them a person behind that business that brand that face

and a personality.

Should I say because people really love stories and they love to follow people who have a


Because a lot of times they can relate.

And as people change and go through their life they find people that they can kind of

relate to and they follow them.

You know I'm sure that's why some of you follow me and that's why I say just make sure they

are always building your brand and your relationship with these people it's not just you know buy

my product buy my product it's always providing value first which is why I said they want

to know who you are when they come to your website and they also want to know how you

can benefit them at the end of the day which is what you need to be conveying in your message

to them.

Now you know how to set up your website and I'm telling you the cheapest, easiest, and

fastest ways to get started.

So this is how to set up a website.

Going through that process in this tutorial and again if you're having trouble getting

started it could be because you don't have all of the pieces of the puzzle.

I'm giving you all of this in a nice checklist that you can follow along with below.

I'm Brandi of where you can find tons of free resources to help

you brand your business.

Thanks for watching.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Top 3 Things To Include On Your Website - Duration: 4:58.


The power of everyone singing melody with gang vocals - Duration: 11:29.

Have you ever watched a video from Hillsong or Gateway worship and noticed

all of the singers that they have on stage? Besides the energy that these

singers bring to the stage visually, these vocal channels actually add quite

a bit to the audio mix as well. Here's a few tips about arranging your worship

band using gang vocals and the power of everybody singing melody. Hey, it's Dave

Dolphin at, sharing ideas, tips and practical advice

for the everyday worship leader. The way that we arrange our band and our

songs is that we can have anywhere from four to seven singers on the stage. One

singer is leading the song, one is providing harmony as needed, the rest are

only singing melody in the bigger sections of the song like choruses and

parts of the bridge. We call these additional singers gang vocals. We

used to just have four singers on the front line of the stage, but recently

we've been experimenting with adding an ensemble of additional singers on the

back riser between the keys and the drums. This is where our bass player

would normally be, but we usually don't have a live bass player most Sunday's.

We have to fly that in through Ableton Live. So I've got this open space on the

stage and meanwhile I have a good amount of vocalist looking for reps and

opportunities to sing. Some Sundays there can be up to seven singers on the

stage and besides what they bring to the stage visually in terms of encouraging

others in their worship gang vocals can be a great tool to add dynamics to the

song itself. We're here at FOH, and I've got some multitracks

from a service we did a couple weeks ago. I'll play them for you

focusing on the vocals, and I'll show you how this works. I'm gonna play the

chorus of this particular song from Sunday. This is everything. This is the

full mix. This is as it happened on Sunday.

I'm going to go ahead and play that section again, but I'm going to mute all

the gang vocals and also the harmony. We're going to have just the lead

going into the chorus, and then I'm going to add back in just the gang vocals. Again,

still no harmony—just the gang vocals—so you can hear the difference between just

the lead and then what the gang vocals are adding to the mix.

Here's all the gang vocals minus the harmony.

See how even just adding in all the gang singers, everyone's singing melody,

even without the harmony there was a lift. There was an increase in the dynamics.

They added to the energy that was going on. It was all those singers singing

melody that added to the dynamics, not necessarily the harmony. The harmony is

more of the salt that we add to the mix, but if we want to add power and umph gang

vocals is how we accomplish that. Moving to a different portion of the

song, this is the bridge. The way that this song works is it's one of those

bridges that repeats over and over and over and it just builds on itself each

time that we do it until the final one where the lid just pops off

and it explodes. I'm going to play this bridge with just the lead vocal which is

right here and the harmony vocal right here. Everything else we're going mute

the rest of the gang vocals. We just have these two,

so as the song is growing the only thing we're going to add in is the one single


Let's play that same section of the song again and instead of bringing in

the one harmony we're going to bring in all the gang vocals and no harmony. We're

going to mute the harmony, but I'm going to bring in the rest of the gang vocals so

when we get to the repeat of the bridge what gives it the umph is the

gang but we're not going to do harmony. This is what that sounds like.

Here's all the gang right here.

See how if we had to pick between one of the two, if we had to pick between adding

in a single harmony to make it lift or to add in a bunch of gang vocals singing

melody, if we had to choose between the two, do you see how the gang vocals actually

accomplishes more? It gives us more lift, more umph. It adds to the dynamics more

than the harmonies. Now, if we add the harmony in...

now it adds some color but not necessarily dynamics.

Something else I want to point out while I'm here just in terms of how

we arrange the vocals, I want you to notice something. When we play this part

of the bridge notice how the lead and the harmony actually take it up going

into the final repeat.

Right here.

But if we mute the lead and the harmony and we leave just the gang listen to

what they do.

See how they sing it normally. They don't take it up. They don't go up like they do.

When we do gang vocals we will sing it like the people in the room are going to

sing it. We don't modify the melody or anything like that. If the lead

and a harmony—if the lead is going to take liberties then obviously the harmony has

to follow that—the rest of the gang we instruct them to just sing it normally.

If you would normally sing it down, then we do that. We just let the

lead do that. That way it's not this big hodgepodge mess. Again, part of what helps

with the gang vocals is that we're singing what the people in the room are

singing, so that allows the lead to maybe take some liberties at the end of the

song and add some flourish and some color, but still give it a

foundation to what the melody is so that people can sing along. Alright, same

concept, different song. Here's the entire mix.

Here's everyone's singing as it happened on Sunday.

Especially a song like this, it's very authoritative and just very declaring,

to have all those singers just come at you gives it a lot of umph going into the chorus.

So let's just leave it the lead. We're going to mute everyone else.

Here's all the gang vocals and harmony and everything, they're all

muted. It's just the lead.

Not the same power. Not the same power at all. Now if we add in the harmony, so just

the lead and the harmony—oh, I've got to do it this way because they're all in the same

VCA. So we have our lead and we have our harmony, same spot. The only

thing we're going to do to lift it is we're going to add in the harmony.

It adds some color but it doesn't add umph. We want umph, so compare that to if I had

to pick between just one harmony or everyone singing melody, so we're going to

mute the harmony but everyone else comes into play,

just the gang vocals. Same thing, no harmony but gang vocals.

See even without the color of that harmony, the salt that that adds, there's

still power.

Now I'm not saying that you should never do harmony with the arrangements with

your band. In fact you heard that we had one person specifically assigned to

sing harmony for our band, but I think when we're adding singers to our bands

we're very quick to add harmony parts as well. We're scared to have too many

people singing the same thing, and now we've got two, three, four harmony parts.

We think that's going to add power. It's going to add color for sure but not

necessarily power. My point in this exercise is showing you the power of

gang vocals. If I had to choose between one person singing harmony or a

bunch of people only singing melody, gang vocals are going to add to the power and

the dynamics of a song every time. You're definitely going to want to have a

vocal rehearsal to work with all your singers and make sure that they're

locked in, that their timing's the same, their phrasing is the same, we're taking

our breaths at the same place. You don't necessarily have to have everybody

on mic when you do this. You can do a 15-20 piece choir with everybody singing

melody and still get the same effect. Well, here at Practical Worship we love

sharing ideas and tips and practical advice for the everyday worship leader

with videos just like this one, so if you haven't already consider subscribing to

the channel. That way you're notified when new videos come online every single

week. wW also have a small little ebook called "20 Things I Wish I Knew 20 Years

Ago." It's the advice that I've learned over the last 20 years of doing music

ministry, and you can download it right now for free by going to

For more infomation >> The power of everyone singing melody with gang vocals - Duration: 11:29.


I Love You | DDLC Animation - Duration: 1:57.

Hello everyone, it's me Shyruo.

I would like to give a quick shoutout to Doki Doki Literature Club Amino.

The experience I have with Amino after a few weeks,

Amino is the best place to associate people who have the same interests. Besides the DDLC,

there are other aminos that have

interests as well such as, Mystic Messenger and Miraculous Ladybug.

As you can see on this featured page,

there are

new fanarts,

cosplay pictures, and fanfiction to check out.

You also can post your own blogs, polls and more!

Other than that,

this app includes

many features such as public chat where you can talk with people and make new friends,

Fun polls and quizzes to participate.

I also join this Amino as well, feel free to follow me

I'll leave the link in the description below.

That's all from me, enjoy the video

I love you.

I love you, I do

I just...

So pick me.

Choose me.

Love me.

I'm so in love with you.

I can't think about anything or anybody.

"I love you."

Hating you is the most exhausting.

I love you.

For more infomation >> I Love You | DDLC Animation - Duration: 1:57.


That Moment You Forgive Your Ex - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> That Moment You Forgive Your Ex - Duration: 5:15.


KLIM Tornado - The most efficient easy-to-carry laptop cooler - Duration: 3:24.

KLIM Tornado is a roaming cooler designed by KLIM Technologies.

We are a young company, a small team of Europeans with the goal to bring quality electronics at a fair price.

KLIM is a specialist in designing and building laptop coolers.

Thanks to our innovative high-performance and silent products,

KLIM has become an unrivaled leader on Amazon Europe for laptop coolers.

Computers are very affected by heat, especially laptops due to their compact design.

Computer overheating is a main cause of early components breakdown and

lowers the performance or induces crashes.

KLIM Tornado is an innovation designed by KLIM Technologies,

it's the roaming version of the KLIM Cool +.

Are you often using your laptop on your knees ?

Are you sometimes playing in your bed during the evening ?

Do you often travel with your laptop ?

You realize you are not always using your laptop on a flat surface such as a desktop.

That's why KLIM Technologies answers your needs and offers an innovative technology.

KLIM Tornado is easy to carry and you can use it in any situation.

Indeed, our engineers designed this product aiming for the smallest and lightest device possible,

while ensuring perfect cooling efficiency.

KLIM Tornado isn't larger than a smartphone and only weighs a hundred and 55 grams.

You can bring it anywhere with you, it will easily fit in a jacket or trouser pocket.

That's a huge benefit for travelers.

KLIM Tornado is incredibly powerful given its size.

You will be amazed by its efficiency. Our test labs measured a temperature lowered

by eighteen point nine degrees on average, thanks to this cooler.

Featuring a last generation Japanese engine, it acts as a super cooler ensuring a fast

and efficient cooling. You can use KLIM Tornado on any surface

thanks to its fastening system. It is fitted with screw on pads offering the best possible support.

Furthermore various mouthpieces of different sizes and shapes are

included to allow for a perfect fit between KLIM Tornado and your

laptop's air exhaust.

This cooler is compatible with all the laptops featuring a side air exhaust smaller than three centimeters

which is the case for 95% of the models.

We know a laptop is an expensive investment.

KLIM Tornado is a cost-effective solution which will allow you to protect your precious device.

Compact and durable, this cooler is built to last.

KLIM Tornado is shipped with a five years warranty,

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It's literally a risk-free purchase. Don't wait anymore

and get the KLIM Tornado in our amazon shop. Just click on the link contained in

the video's description and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in

the comments. We'll try our best to answer them as quickly as possible. Thank you.

For more infomation >> KLIM Tornado - The most efficient easy-to-carry laptop cooler - Duration: 3:24.


Is there ever a reason to divide? - Duration: 6:13.

Unity is an important value for Christians

but are there ever reasons for us to divide?

The unity in the church is an important display of the Holy Spirit

at work in us, but when do we divide?

The early church wrestled through those occasions when it is important.

When someone preaches a different Jesus

there's an example. Both the book of 1 John and 2 John

talk about anti-Christs. Not one anti-Christ that comes at the end of history

but anti-Christs are anyone who are anti ... Christ


These are people who deny that Jesus is the Christ

the messiah, someone who doesn't believe that Jesus died on the cross

or maybe even came in the flesh

they have different theories about who Jesus might be

well, we don't consider these people fellow Christians.

We want to treat them with gentleness and respect

if they are struggling or asking questions

but they're not Christians.

So anti-Christs are one kind of person we would divide from.

Then there are people who are not only

preaching a different Jesus, but a different gospel.

The apostle Paul in Galations chapter 1 says

that the gospel he preached, the gospel of grace

is the only true gospel and if someone else

even an angel from Heaven would come

preaching a different gospel

let them be anathema

don't consider them as true

we can think in history of a coupe of different religious movements

that have been started supposedly by an angel from Heaven

revealing divine truth to a prophet

and Paul who wrote hundreds of years before this would say

no, do not listen to their message, it's not the gospel.

Within the context of the book of Galations

he was wrestling with people who were saying

the gospel is that Jesus saves you

so that you can then practice the law of Moses

and this is clearly not a new testament message

a different Jesus, a different gospel, we divide.

Also if someone abuses grace

if someone says, well this gospel of grace is something

that means I can live however I want

Jesus has said in Matthew 18

that if a brother or sister sins, verse 15 and onward

you should go personally, point out their fault

and if they repent you've won them back and

unity is preserved and if not, don't give up

widen the circle, come back with a couple of friends

and if they still won't listen

make it a matter for the entire church

that is, in this context was probably a small house church

get everyone involved in their circle of

Christian fellowship and help them see

that what they're trying to get away with is really just abusing grace

and if they refuse to listen to the fullness of the church

Jesus says, well then treat them

as you would a pagan or a tax collector

well, how did the early church treat pagans and tax collectors?

We treat non-believers with gentleness and respect

but we refuse to enable them

to say we'll pretend you're acting like a

brother or sister when you're really not

in 1 Corinthians 5 the apostle Paul said that

when someone is abusing grace, in that congregation

it was a man who was sleeping with his father's new wife.

He father had remarried and so the adult son was now sleeping with her

and Paul wrote to the church and said, you guys are proud of this

like you think the gospel of grace gives you this license to sin

something that Jude also talks about

in his apistle, a license to do whatever you want?

That's the gospel?

No. Paul says this is obviously

a clearly offensive way of living

even non-Christians would agree about his

you should know better

but you're abusing the gospel of grace.

So a different Jesus, a different gospel

or an abuse of grace

are good reasons to divide.

Lastly there's another category that's worth dividing over

and that is, someone who has a divisive disposition.

There may be an individual in the church

who through gossip or slander

it's a serious sin

one translation of that is reviling

there are revilers who are condemned in the new testament

that is someone who loves to cut other people down

and judge them for their sin

or for something that they believe

when it really is not a central issue.

A reviler who will not repent

or a slanderer, someone who's actually

creating division in the church, needlessly

is someone who should be divided from.

Paul wrote to Titus, in

Titus 3 verse 10

He said, "warn a divisive person once

and then warn them a second time

after that, have nothing to do with them."

So there are divisive people

who should receive multiple warnings, and after a while we say

allowing you to go unchallenged and just giving you a place

a continued place here, within the church

is actually causing more division.

So we have to divide from you.

Hopefully you'll repent and come on home and join the family

and appreciate the diversity that's here

but in the meantime, you're causing division.

So we take a stand against divisiveness itself

if it's not something that revolves around who Jesus is

what the gospel is

and whether or not someone is using the gospel as a license to sin.

So, you may think differently than the person in a church down the street

they may allow women pastors or not allow women pastors

they might baptize infants or not baptize infants

they might believe in the gift of tongues or not

these are not the central issues we divide over

we may attend different churches

because of the style or the theological difference

but we still have to find ways of breathing unity

in the full body of Christ, even if we don't attend that church

we need to speak well to them

and speak well about them behind their backs

and find ways to build bridges and to celebrate

even while we disagree about many things

which a family often does.

Now, this raises the question, exactly how can we go about doing that?

How can we promote unity in the church

even with Christians with whom we have disagreements?

But that's another question.

For more infomation >> Is there ever a reason to divide? - Duration: 6:13.


David Bowdich: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 11:38.

David Bowdich: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

David Bowdich.

David Bowdich is set to become the second-highest ranking FBI official after the retirement of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, The Washington Post reports.

Bowdich, 48, is currently the FBI's associate deputy director, making him the third-highest official in the agency.

McCabe is on leave until his March retirement and Bowdich will fill his role in an acting capacity. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosensteinwill then decide whether Bowdich remains in the position or if he is replaced by someone else in consultation with FBI Director Christopher Wray, who is is said to want to put together his own leadership team.

According to NBC News, McCabe was pushed out of the FBI after attacks from President Donald Trump.

Here's what you need to know about David Bowdich:.

Bowdich Is Well-Liked Among Those in the FBI & Was Seen as Someone Rising to the Top of the Agency.

FBI Director Christopher Wray had been leaning toward promoting David Bowdich to replace Andrew McCabe for several months, the New York Times reported in December.

According to the Times, Bowdich is well-liked within the FBI and is seen as being outside McCabe's inner circle.

Bowdich has been in the FBI since 1995 and has long been viewed as someone who is "next in line" to rise up the ranks of the agency, according to Newsweek.

Former Special Agent Frank Montoya Jr.

, who oversaw the FBI's Seattle office, told Newsweek Bowdich is a "good man" who is "fair" and "objective" and has a good reputation among agents.

Katherine Schweit, a retired FBI executive, told Newsweek that Bowdich is a "great guy," adding that he's "well respected.

He Was Involved in Conversations About the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton Tarmac Meeting & Talked to Comey About Trump's Request for Him to Back Off Flynn.

David Bowdich listens as Attorney General Loretta E.

Lynch speaks at a 2016 press conference.

Bowdich has found himself at involved in two political incidents in recent years. According to FBI documents, Bowdich was involved in email discussions led by then-FBI Director James Comey about then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch's controversial tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton.

Bowdich had recently been promoted to a role as a senior FBI official in Washington.

The meeting between Lynch and Clinton was held while the FBI was investigating Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

Bowdich could also be called as a witness in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election, Vox reported in August.

McCabe told Bowdich and other FBI officials that they could be interviewed about conversations they had with Comey about Trump's alleged request that the FBI back off its investigation into Michael Flynn.

Comey testified before Congress that he spoke to Bowdich after the January 27 call with Trump.

According to Vox, Mueller is investigating whether Trump obstructed justice by requesting that Flynn be left alone.

Bowdich also has ties to Mueller.

He was picked by Mueller in 2011 to handle the transition to a new FBI director after Mueller's 10-year term expired.

But that role become irrelevant after Mueller received a two-year extension.

Bowdich was then named as special assistant to the associate deputy director, a role he held for about a year.

Bowdich Was the Face of the FBI After the San Bernardino Terror Attack.

David L.

Bowdich was the face of the FBI after the San Bernardino terror attack in 2015 and led its investigation into the shooting.

At the time, Bowdich was the assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles Field Office.

He was appointed to that role in 2014 by James Comey after working from September 2012 until December 2014 as special agent-in-charge of the Los Angeles Field Office's Counterterrorism Division, according to a press release.

As the counterterrorism division leader, Bowdich, "led the Joint Terrorism Task Force, responsible for all counterterrorism investigations and operations in the Los Angeles region and surrounding counties, as well as overseas investigations in Southeast Asia.

As SAC, Mr Bowdich was also in charge of all Los Angeles Crisis Response assets.".

He left the Los Angeles office in April 2016 when he was promoted to associate deputy director by Comey.

"In this role, he oversees the management of all FBI personnel, budget, administration, and infrastructure," the FBI's website says.

During his time in LA, Bowdich talked to the Los Angeles Times about his job, including investigations into public corruption.

"As to political corruption, the message sent by the prosecutions should be encouraging to taxpayers," he told the newspaper.

"We have a lot of good politicians.

When we have allegations of a bad apple, we'll go after that extremely aggressively.

That's what makes our government different from so many others.".

He Began His Career as an Agent in San Diego Where He Was a Sniper, SWAT Team Operator & Investigated Violent Crimes & Gangs.

Left to right, FBI Associate Deputy Director David Bowdich, U.S.

Attorney Wifredo Ferrer of the Southern District of Florida, and Acting Director Dermot O'Reilly of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, listen at a press conference on June 22, 2016 in Washington, DC.

Bowdich joined the FBI in 1995 and was first assigned as a special agent in the agency's San Diego field office, according to his biography on the FBI's website. In San Diego, Bowdich, "investigated violent crimes and gangs and served as a SWAT Team operator and sniper.

He led a yearlong wiretap investigation that culminated in the first federal racketeering convictions ever to be brought against street gang members in the Southern District of California.".

In 2003, Bowdich received his first promotion to the FBI's Washington headquarters when he was assigned to the Safe Streets and Gang Unit.

He spent two years there before returning to San Diego.

"In late 2005, Mr Bowdich returned to San Diego and supervised a multi-agency gang task force.

In this role, he led agents and detectives who investigated racketeering and drug cases against the Mexican Mafia, Bloods, Crips, and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club using wiretaps and undercover operations," according to the FBI's website.

Bowdich then became the assistant special agent-in-charge of the San Diego Field Office in 2009, according to his bio.

"In this role, he oversaw all non-white-collar criminal violations and the Imperial County Resident Agency.

He recognized an emerging kidnapping trend perpetrated by Mexican cartel-related criminal enterprises.

In response, Mr Bowdich formalized and initiated the first FBI hybrid squad in the country designed to target the threat posed by the kidnapping cells operating on both sides of the United States and Mexican border," the FBI's website says.

"Within one year, the interagency squad constructed a large-scale RICO case against 43 cartel members and associates who operated multiple kidnapping cells in the San Diego region.

During this assignment, Mr Bowdich also oversaw the murder investigations of two United States Border Patrol agents who were killed in the line of duty.".

Bowdich, Who Is Married With 2 Kids, Worked as an Albuquerque Police Officer Before Joining the FBI & Attended New Mexico State University & Georgetown.

David Bowdich is married and has two children, according to an FBI press release from 2014.

Bowdich worked for the Albuquerque Police Department before joining the FBI.

For more infomation >> David Bowdich: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 11:38.


How did you become a scientist? - Duration: 2:09.

I think I always wanted to be a

scientist I love science fiction I would

sit up in the trees and read science

fiction books while my friends were out

shopping and things like that but of

course the type of scientists I wanted

to be with a chemist where I would blow

things up in a lab sort of Frankenstein

but it there were always questions that

I couldn't answer like you turn on a

light switch and the light comes on how

does that happen or you're riding your

bicycle and as long as you're moving

forward you don't trip over but as soon

as you stop moving forward you tip over

and so I think I was not bold enough to

say right at the start I want to be a

scientist there weren't that many women

who are scientists role models for me

and instead I just decided to sort of

quietly go about the business of trying

to figure out the answers to some of

these questions that mystified me and so

for young people coming into the field

today i would encourage them to be

pulled to think big you know now i have

a different perspective because i've

been lucky enough to work in a field

that's been incredibly productive right

sort of at the beginning where

everything broke through and we found

the very first planets orbiting other

stars so don't be afraid to think big

you know when you start out zinc what is

going to be the Nobel Prize and you know

what is it that I want to do to make a

difference in the world I feel very

lucky to be doing the job that I'm doing

looking for planets around other stars

to me it's most exciting one of the most

exciting endeavors because it connects

so much with you know whether or not

there might be life in the universe and

the way I got started was actually quite

a bit of luck I had prepared myself my

studies in graduate school to be

considered spectroscopy and that's the

tool that we use to find extrasolar

planets and so I was hired as a postdoc

with Geoff Marcy just at the time that

the first two or three planets has been


For more infomation >> How did you become a scientist? - Duration: 2:09.


Improvements Ironing Center with Hamper - Duration: 16:15.

For more infomation >> Improvements Ironing Center with Hamper - Duration: 16:15.


New ATD book! Blended Learning: What Works - Duration: 2:00.

[music plays]

Hi! My name is Jennifer Hoffman, founder of InSync Training, and I'm excited to

announce my new ATD book, "Blended Learning: What Works in Talent

Development." Your organization has probably made blended learning a

priority, but you might be confused as to what blended learning is and how it can

affect learning results. You may have seen blended learning programs fail and

want to make sure that your initiative is successful. So if you're involved with

blended learning design in any way or you want to be, you need tools, resources,

and a blueprint to move forward. Whatever your situation, "What Works" is a great

place to begin that journey. The book contains over 20 tools and worksheets to

help ensure your success. It's meant to be a useable resource. We talk about

the design process, including the differences between instructional

strategies, instructional techniques, and instructional technologies we also

talk about how you can use Campaign Blueprints and Campaign Maps to explain

the new instructional approach to blended learning. We touch on content

strategy and content curation, and how those both impact modern blended

learning, and how to engage managers in both the development and the delivery

process. The book also introduces blended learning design, which recognizes that we

need to help our learners in every single moment of learning need, not just

when the learning management system says the course is over. Check out the ATD

website at for more information and to order the book. I hope

you join me on this journey.

For more infomation >> New ATD book! Blended Learning: What Works - Duration: 2:00.


Christopher Dionne: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 8:28.

Christopher Dionne: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Cops in Connecticut say a former HGTV host who had a new pilot due to debut on A&E sexually assaulted a 10-year-old female asking her if she was a "big girl or little girl?" According to a Facebook post from the Connecticut State Police, the investigation into the conduct of Christopher Dionne goes back to November 2017.

Troopers were called to a home in Old Lyme, close to the Long Island Sound, in November after a 10-year-old girl reported that she had been sexually assaulted.

Over the course of the investigation, Dionne was identified as the suspect.

On January 29, Dionne turned himself into state police in Westbrook.

He is being charged with sexual assault in the fourth degree and risk of injury to a minor.

Dionne is due to appear in court in New London and is being held on a $100,000 bond.

Dionne, who lives in Old Lyme, appeared in Family Flip on HGTV in July 2015.

The show only aired one episode and wasn't picked up.

It dealt with Dionne and his twin brother, Michael, remodeling a home and then selling it on at a profit.

After news of his arrest broke, references to Dionne were removed from HGTV's website.

Here's what you need to know:.

The 10-Year-Old Says Dionne Asked if She Wanted to Kiss His Genitals Back in September.

The 10-year-old girl was sleeping at Dionne's home because he was having a party, reports NBC Connecticut. The station says that the girl told cops that Dionne touched her on the buttocks and held her shirt up to take a photo.

A few hours later, Dionne came back and did the same thing again, the girl said.

Dionne is also accused of asking if the girl wanted to see his penis.

The girl said "No" and that Dionne told her not to tell anyone, "I'll have to go to jail and (my daughter) won't have a daddy.".

NBC Connecticut reports that Dionne's version of events was that the 10-year-old girl was awake when he came home from a night out.

When he sat on the couch with the girl started to rub his stomach.

Dionne told cops that he told her, "That's big girl stuff." At that point, Dionne says the girl started to cry.

At the time the allegations first arose, Dionne was in Santa Monica filming his television show with his brother. NBC Connecticut reports that Dionne was concerned about the scandal getting into the public eye "due to all the stories in the media and the fact that he is on TV." The New London Day newspaper reported that Dionne's initial reaction to a police officer was, "Oh my God.

This can't be happening.".

Dionne Is Married to Writer Summer-Sage Williams.

Dionne married writer Summer-Sage Williams in Old Lyme, Connecticut, where they now live, in September 2012.

According to her Facebook page, Summer-Sage is a published writer and a 2002 graduate of Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic where she studied sociology.

Sage is a native of Windsor.

In March 2015, Summer-Sage published her book, The Little White Flower.

The Amazon description of the book says, "The Little White Flower is a story about a flower who loves to eat junk food.

She refuses to take in the proper nutrients she needs in order to grow healthy and strong.

The other flowers around her try to tell her what foods she needs, but she ignores their advice and mocks them.

After a period of time the little white flower becomes sick.

It is here, that she needs to make a decision whether she wants to incorporate healthy foods into her life in order to be well." Summer-Sage has seven books listed for sale on Amazon.

The New London Day reports that Dionne and his wife have a son and daughter together.

A&E Has Suspended Production of Dionne's New Show.

Dionne is out on bail, according to the NBC Connecticut report. A statement from HGTV said that Dionne had only appeared in one episode of his show on the network in 2015.

While A&E says that the production of Dionne's new show has been suspended.

Houzz reported in December 2017 that Dionne's new show would deal with the twins going to home that "are sitting on the market over 100 days with no offers yet." The first homes to be featured in the show were in Woodland Hills and Thousand Oaks in southern California.

Michael Dionne is based in Los Angeles.

Another home featured on the show, according to, was in West Hartford, Connecticut.

Dionne Brought 'Financial & Real Estate Skills' to His Reality Show.

According to a press kit for Dionne's 2015 show on HGTV, "The Dionne twins don't just flip homes.

They do every bit of the restoration themselves and use as many reclaimed materials as possible." The press release adds that the pair were raised on a dairy farm in Massachusetts and that "at an early age how to find value in everything they found around them." The duo combines "Michael's building and repurposing know how with Christopher's financial and real estate skills, they are a winning team for any project as long as they can see eye to eye.".

You can read the press kit here:.

Dionne Had a 'Non-Sexual Relationship' With the Alleged Victim's Mother.

The New London Day newspaper reports that Dionne had a "non-sexual" relationship with the 10-year-old girl's mother.

That relationship occurred when Dionne and his wife were "having issues a few years ago.".

For more infomation >> Christopher Dionne: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 8:28.


How to Change Color in Tunisian Crochet | TuTu Ep 31 - Duration: 12:21.

hey crafters happy Tuesday so today is the last Tuesday in January so as I

promised last week we are going to be finishing up our Tunisian crochet series

and learn how to do some changing of colors in Tunisian crochet so we're

gonna get into that in a moment I've got our little sample piece that we've been

working on the last couple weeks and I've got this other fun turquoise

red heart color but before we get into the tutorial I just want to remind you

that the t-shirt sale is going on right now don't forget to go check that out

there's t-shirts there's long-sleeve shirts there's hoodies there's even the

cute little mugs the design I'm absolutely in love with it I think it's

really cute and clever you know I'm a little biased but you know just gonna

throw that out there but anyways here's some pictures of what it looks like I

love the design I think it's so much fun but I'll put the link to purchase these

items down in the description below so go make sure that you click on that link

and go check that out also don't forget if you haven't subscribed to my channel

already hit the subscribe button before we go any further and off you get to the

end of this video and you enjoyed give it a big thumbs up for me I'd appreciate

that so enough talking enough of that let's get into some color changing with

Tunisian crochet here I have my little sample piece that I've been showing you

all the different stitches on and just a quick reminder I am using a size K or

six point five millimeter Tunisian crochet hook this is from my Denise

interchangeable crochet hook kit I really love it great product and then of

course I'm just using some red heart yarn and gold and maybe this is

turquoise I'll have to look up the name of this one but don't find links for all

these items in the description below so I'm going to teach you how to stripe

colors and this I'm going to just show you a basic way there's lots of ways to

change color just like in crochet but today I'm just gonna show you a very

simple way to create some stripes and this technique works with any of the

three stitches that we've learned so far this month so that's really awesome but

what we're going to do is we're going to start by working the forward pass of our

row just for simplicity's sake I'm going to be using the Tunisian simple stitch

but I'll also show you what it will look like if we do it

different stitch like the purl stitch or the Tunisian knit stitch so I'm just

going to work a forward pass of Tunisian simple stitch

so here I am at the end of the row just finished working my forward pass and if

I weren't going to be changing color I would just keep going with this tail and

I work the return pass back across however because I want to change color

I'm going to take my second color and create a slipknot in there and if you

don't know how to do a slipknot you can go watch this video above that just

shows some basic crochet techniques and I'm going to take this little guy and

size them down to be about the size of a loop that might be on my hook and I'm

gonna stick it on my hook now it's really nice because we're going to be

doing this striper we're gonna work a row of blue and then I wrote yellow and

then blue and yellow I don't need to detach this yellow which makes it so

nice because I don't have to leave in a bunch of extra ends this tail is gonna

get picked up in a couple rows so we're just gonna leave this tail here and when

it's time we'll catch this tail and start working with it so we're gonna

leave both of these attached and I'm going to count this loop that's on here

with this blue kind of like my first yarn over so normally when we work the

return pass I would guard over with the yellow and pull it through just the

Sloot instead we're gonna let the new color count as our yarn over and I'm

gonna pull that Slipknot through one loop just like that and now to finish

the return pass I'm gonna yarn over pull through two yarn over pull through two

and again I'm working in my new color just leaving the yellow behind you're an

over pull through two and I'm gonna work a return pass just like normal all the

way back across

all right and I'm back to the right side so I'm going to change color in this

next row also but right now the yells on this side and the blue is on this side

so I want to work a forward pass with the blue color and then I'll pick up the

yellow so just like normal I've got this loop on here go to the next stitch and

insert and you're an over pull through and just start working the forward pass

of the Tunisian simple stitch all the way across it can get a little confusing

when there's two schemes of yarn attached but it ends up working out okay

as long as you don't let them get tangled up now when I go in this last

stitch I'm gonna kind of go through this slip knot that I started the blue off

with and that's just gonna help anchor it to the side of the work so it doesn't

slide through so as you can see I'm going through the blue there and the

yellow and then I'm gonna hear it over and pull through one so I have completed

the forward pass in the blue and as you can see it's starting to create this

really cool pattern under here where you've got the yellow post sticking up

right and then you have those kind of V's that go across horizontally in the

second color so it looks really cool and now it's time to swap colors again so

really simple I'm just gonna leave my blue one attached we've still got the

yellow attached to our ball I'm going back here and I'm just gonna pick up the

yellow and I'm gonna yarn over and then pull through one and then you're on over

pull through two and just continue to work a return pass just like normal

once I'm at this end just like before we did with the blue I'm going to work a

forward pass of Tunisian simple stitch

you can start to see the really cool pattern I kind of come it's almost this

striping kind of interlocking effect now when I come down here I want to make

sure we come underneath this yellow tail that we just pulled up and also through

the last blue post it's just going to help my edges stay neater with this

color change so now it's time to swap color again and we're gonna work a

return pass in the blue now what is important is it can be easy for these

two balls of yarn to get really tangled up so I'm going to just pick a rule and

follow us so the rule I'm going to use for this one for consistency's sake is

the yellow stays in the front and the blue stays in the back so whenever I go

to pick up the blue I'm gonna pick it up and make sure it's behind the yellow I

don't want to pick up the blue in front of the yellow because then as you can

see it's gonna start getting those ends all tangled up and I'll constantly have

to be passing them back and forth over each other to untangle them so my rule

for this time is going to be that I keep the blue to the back and the yellow to

the front just does that kind of make sense depending on how many schemes

you're using and what kind of a pattern you're doing you may want to swap

whether you add the blue in the front or your first color in the front it just

kind of depends on what's gonna keep it the least tangled either wet is not

quite a right or wrong way to pick it up the ultimate goal is just to be

consistent so I'm picking up my blue from the back I'm just gonna yarn over

pull through one yarn over pull through two and just keeping working this return

pass in the blue also another thing I'll mention is it is important that you keep

proper tension here at the end because as you can see this yellow is an

attached to anything yet so I can pull a lot of slack up through there so I just

want to make sure that next time I go to pick up the yellow I keep a proper

amount of slack I don't pull it too tight and squish this side down but then

I also don't leave it super loose so same with the blue and I pick up the

blue this time I want to make sure that I left you know a nice bit of slack from

the side here and I'm just gonna keep repeating this process I've every

tallien that I want to change color just work a return pass and then a forward

pass change color return pass forward pass and just keep working up like that

and you can start to see those really cool patterns for me here you can see

I've created a slightly different striping pattern we're down here we have

this interlocking stripe up here we have more classic define stripes and the way

I achieve that is pretty much the same thing we did down here the only

difference is instead of changing my yarn on the left hand side I'm making my

yarn change on the right hand side and overall it's essentially the same

process the only difference is down here because we changed on in the left hand

side we worked a return pass and then a forward pass change color return pass

forward pass change color return pass forward pass change color the difference

here is we work a forward pass return pass change color forward pass return

pass change color and so on so it's just a difference of whether we change color

on the left hand side or change color on the right hand side now it's essentially

the same process but there's one tiny little difference and that is when you

work back across when you get down to just two loops on the hook you don't

want to yarn over and pull through because if you do that and then swap

color you'll end up where this first post is

in the wrong color so what you want to do instead to avoid this is you want to

work in your color all the way until you get down to just two loops on the hook

and then that's where you make the color change on the right hand side so to

finish this row off while you're over in my new color and pull through and then

I'll just start working my simple stitch across but you can see how this ensures

that that first post is also in the correct new color instead of having all

the receipe yellow except for this first one before I finish up I just want to

show you this and mention that you can do these same processes with any of the

other two stitches that we've learned so here I stopped over from the Tunisian

simple stitch and started the Tunisian knit stitch up here you can see I've got

a couple rows right there and I did the Tunisian knit stitch where I changed

colors on the right hand side you can also do the Tunisian knit stitch where

you change colors on the left hand side and those same as with these two

stitches you can crochet the Tunisian purl stitch with a color change at the

right or you can crochet the two use a purl stitch with a color change at the

left so later on this week I'll put up an article on my blog and I'll have some

different pictures of the different results that can be achieved by color

changing the different stitches on different sides of the work just so you

can see it in compare but that just shows you a little bit that you can do

these color changes with any of the stitches that we've learned so far and

really I hope that what you've gathered is that these color changes really

aren't that bad because unlike in crochet where you normally have to

detach the yarn and reattach it we've just been carrying these same yarn tails

all the way up so I've got my one little tail here from where I first joined the

blue but other than that I haven't had any extra tails to weave in but I've

still gotten this cool interlocking pattern these neat stripes and so it's

just a really fun way to add some character to your projects well there we

go now we're at the end of the month and we are done with our five two twos on

Tunisian crochet so hopefully you've been able to practice and get better at

these Tunisian crochet stitches and perhaps you've even started a couple of

projects which would be awesome maybe even completed something I'd love to

hear in the comments below what you plan to make with Tunisian crochet now that

you have learned how to do these stitches so definitely those comments

below I love hearing what you all are working on and I'm gonna put one must

plug in for the t-shirts and just to clarify really quick the sale is live

until Thursday February the 4th 2018 it was a little

confusing on my video because I said six days but it was like sort of six days

but sort of five so just to clear for any confusion there is a deadline and

it's gonna shut down on Thursday so make sure you get your shirts before the sale

ends don't want you to miss out on them and as always make sure you come back

for next week's tutu we're gonna be starting some new things I've got some

Valentine's ideas because we're getting into February but it's time to close the

chapter on the Tunisian crochet tutorials for now about I hope you've

enjoyed this series as always if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up

but until next time happy crafting

For more infomation >> How to Change Color in Tunisian Crochet | TuTu Ep 31 - Duration: 12:21.


VR UX | Fighting VR Sickness | Intel Software - Duration: 2:06.

I'm Seth Schneider, and this is VRUX.

In this episode, we discuss VR sickness, and some best

practices to avoid it.

VR sickness is the uncomfortable feeling

that can happen when your eyes and your inner ear

are telling your brain different things about how you're moving.

Like motion sickness, it is quite common,

and can cause nausea, and even vomiting.

Modern VR systems have greatly improved user experience,

but sickness is still a serious concern.

Responsible developers should consider these tips

when creating VR applications to ensure

the highest level of immersion and comfort for their users.

Responded accurately to users movements

at all times, preferably near typical human locomotion


Strive for zero latency, especially in head tracking.

Take Intel innovator Pedro Kayatt's game,

Apocalypse Rider.

It's a Mad Max inspired motorcycle

game that uses natural body movements for control.

This results in little to no VR sickness.

As you tilt your head, the motorcycle moves left to right.

Using the natural movement of the player

and matching the in-game visuals is an effective way

to reduce motion sickness.

You should also maintain frame rates equal to or greater

than the hardware refresh rate to avoid judder.

90 FPS is considered the minimum comfortable frame rate.

There are other tricks, like re-projection,

that can be used to keep the experience

smooth and comfortable, but should be avoided if possible.

Give users the opportunity to calibrate stereo offset

or enter pupillary distance.

Avoid moving objects that take up

a large portion of the user's field of view

to prevent feelings of self-motion.

Locomotion is a challenge.

Make acceleration infrequent and short,

preferably instantaneous.

In teleporting, provide adequate visual cues to retain bearings

and preserve original orientation.

These aren't hard and fast rules,

but by following these suggestions,

you can cut down on VR sickness, increase immersion,

and make your VR experience more comfortable.

Thanks for watching.

Please comment below with topics you would like to see explored.

And don't forget to like this video,

and subscribe to the Intel software YouTube channel.

And we will see you next week for more for VRUX.

For more infomation >> VR UX | Fighting VR Sickness | Intel Software - Duration: 2:06.


The Ridiculously Amazing Insurance Agent Podcast #1 - Duration: 24:31.

well hello everyone out there this is Kelly Donahue Piro and we've got Dave

Siekman here for our first-ever agency performance partners podcast Dave how

psyched are you to try this out I'm very psyched this is exciting Dave what's in

the closet behind you do you want me to open it I don't know I don't want to go

there this is the first podcast a future podcast we'll open the closet we

don't want to get kicked off of stitcher or iTunes for inappropriate we are

super excited here to bring our first podcast you know we're calling this the

ridiculously amazing insurance agent podcast because our goal is to bring

tactical strategies to agencies so one of the things that we want to do on our

podcasts for listeners you want to subscribe because we highly recommend

that is understand that this isn't gonna be talking about like what the theory is

what the philosophy of insurance is or what you should be doing this is kind of

getting in the weeds and getting it done so Dave and I are gonna do crazy things

like roleplay different scenarios talk about you know how to confront the

issues that are facing your agency but actually go back and forth with step by

step so like if you're struggling with your staff having like cell phones on

their desk or producers giving you excuses we're gonna dive deep into how

to solve that so please make sure you subscribe we are going to have new podcast once a month

so it's like a hotly coveted item something that you look forward to when

you see your podcast list just like I do but before we begin I think we're gonna

introduce you Dave because I don't know if a lot of our public I know that they

know you exist but don't think they know you that well so do you want to say a

few words about yourself yeah I don't have the fan base that you have yet it's

not all it's cracked up to be so yes I'm David Siekman I live here in

Massachusetts don't hold that against him

I know I'm sorry I know Kelly always tells everyone I have a patriot fans and

I feel like that it's the wrong direction to go yeah I've been in the

industry in the insurance industry for 20 years I'm a licensed agent here in

Massachusetts I've been working on the agency side for 12 years dealing

with staff staffing issues working with sales and marketing people trying to get

them to sell and market using new strategies so I'm really excited to be

on board and really excited about our ridiculously amazing podcasts that we're

launching here today so here's the other cool thing is that Dave and I joke that

we grew up in insurance together as if we went each other at the sandbox but

literally we kind of started our careers and insurance together and I've had the

pleasure of in miscellaneous different career fields before we do now

working together and he's hired agency performance partners helped us refine

our sales program so super psyched to have him on the team twice yes that's

right two times long before that we you hired the company I worked for so it's

kind of like it's it's been a long-term relationship but what I'm psyched about

let's talk about where we're at so this podcast is getting released the end of

January so maybe let's do a quick recap of what went down in January so

David what's your January been like give them give them readers the viewers a

little bit of where you been what are you up to sure a lot of local agencies

here in Massachusetts area that I've been working with the and then the end

of the month we were out in Phoenix at the IAOA conference so it's been a

great month of meeting a lot of new agents and executing some of the

strategies and some of the programs that we have and I don't know if you want to

tell if there's any Massachusetts agents out there listening that we have a very

special announcement for Mass Agents right yeah absolutely we just got

approved for a grant through the workforce training fund so two of our

programs our AppX sales and our AppX retention programs are both

eligible to be reimbursed 50% through the workforce training fund grant so

that cost to you is only half of what it would be buy one get one free so to

speak and so if there's anybody out there that

knows of any similar programs in your state let us know we're glad to apply I

think that that's awesome and for me I I went to Houston which is always fun when

you're living the Northeast to get out of the cold we got going to see our we

have to see our friends at Blue Marsh so out on

Martin Luther King Day they hired us to come out and do a training which by the

way guys there's four key days in insurance agencies that you can get away

with shutting the whole office right Martin Luther King Day Presidents Day

Columbus Day Veterans Day those are more like bank holidays but we highly

recommend that agencies take us up on our offer do training days then those

days because it's not stressful you're not like trying to answer the phones and

dive in on customers you can shut down it's like a bank holiday a lot of the

carrier's are closed great day to do trainings we still have some of those

dates available for 2018 so make sure you let us know if you want to talk

about that also too I had the pleasure of speaking at the Gary Vee event the

agent 2021 super cool just so you guys know we

practice what we preach so Daniela on our team tweeted gary vee that's how we

got the opportunity to speak so don't think that all the strategies we say

don't work they really do if you use them consistently and then IAOA I mean

how awesome was that Dave we saw so many great people that should have a selfie

booth there I mean how crazy was all the pictures it was incredible we go a little over the top sometimes

how we roll here but our main topic of what we're talking about today is in

conjunction with our January ebooks so that for those you guys who don't know

we do an e-book every month chock full of free resources so Dave and

I always joke around like we give away more than we sell so if you look at our

website you can almost run a whole strategy of running your agency but it's

always more fun to do it with somebody else right and Dave you're kind of fun

so you can download that ebook and be in the show notes check it out but really

our topics is how what are what are things that you as a leader in sales

maybe it's your sales manager maybe your owner want to say to your sales team but

just can't so I always say that in your head there's these things right like I

can't believe you just gave me that excuse you know like or WTF is one that

runs through my head a lot

not totally appropriate right Dave to say those kind of things your staff

from what I understand no absolutely I mean there's a couple of reasons behind

it I mean obviously you can get yourself into like legal issues that EPLI stuff

the people are focus on right yeah but more important than that it's

it's about putting them in a position to make them successful and most of the

things that kind of as people run through our heads when we hear bad

excuses you know we're just being we're stressed out most of those things if we

can reframe them in a more positive light then we can actually create an

environment that is conducive to selling more as opposed to you know a combative

environment where people are looking to make an excuse instead of making a sale

so I think that there's like two types of managers right there's the the one

where they kind of keep their head in the sand and they avoid it right so they

don't want confrontation they don't enjoy confronting someone and so what

happens is that problem keeps getting bigger and bigger like it

compounds itself right so if you avoid interacting with the salesperson that's

not meeting their set goals what happens four months from now well one they're

mad because they're not making any money right - you're mad because you're

probably subsidizing them and the problem hasn't been resolved in any way

shape or form of anything what you have to do to fix it is so much greater than

just addressing it during month one right right absolutely and then the

second type of manager I see Dave and I'm curious what do you think on this is the

one that sort of overreacts so all those things that are in your great ebook just

come flying on their mouth right and we call that like they're just doing all

the punch punch punch punch punch but there's no kiss so it's not kiss kiss

punch punch it's just all you suck everything sucks and that's a really

tough place to work - right yeah and there's a lot of defensiveness to it you

know they don't want to have a conversation about why we're doing

something they don't want to think about you know different ways to do it it's

kind of the my way or the highway type of thing they don't want to hear they

don't to hear even legitimate reasons why something might have gone wrong so

instead of trying to address the reason or try to figure out is this just an

excuse or is this legitimate reason and something we have

to tackle they just go right to I don't care you know just do it the way I'm

telling you to do it or whatever the case and obviously what we want to do is

I think what you're saying is find the middle ground there and say okay you

can't just bury your head in the sand but being overly aggressive doesn't work

either so how do we thread that needle totally so how often Dave when you go

into agencies do you see this being a problem well I think it's it's it's all

over the place right so you have in even within the same agency you might have

two different managers that are reacting differently so I think the strongest

managers are the ones that when we go into them where they're open to change

they're open to us coming in what I do find in most agencies is more of that

defensiveness where they're unwilling to change they're unwilling to kind of

look themselves in the mirror and say okay here's why things aren't going well

and a lot of its on me or it's the process I created or the system i

implemented being able to there's many managers out there that would rather

have it do it their way than admit that they might be wrong and make it more

successful we're not even wrong right just maybe

that there's a better way and I think there's so there's so many little things

that are not right or wrong but you know it's keeping the open mind and it's

keeping the idea that you know my big feeling in life this

year is how can I keep things as simple as possible right and so we get a better

result and things are simple on winning you right a lot of times it's just

tweaking the process to make it line up with what you know line up for success

yeah and I think when the relationship deteriorates between management and

sales everything becomes like you know it's like everything's being hidden

right there's not a lot of transparency you know it's when you walk by hey

how's your pipeline oh it's big right big is not a number not this month but next month it's all coming together

Oh you know one more month it's all in there and you're like well what's that

mean uh-huh but you're right when there's our relationship then you have

the trust and then you have the transparency so that the sales reps are

all - coming to you and saying hey my

pipelines down versus trying to hide it or sandbagging policies at the end of

the month because they're above quota and they're gonna kind of push them into

next into next month it's about creating that

better relationship for you to be able to work together to create more success

so Dave I know you've managed a lot of salespeople in your day everything from

the young right out of college kids to some seasoned professionals that you

know we're definitely selling 60 to 70 policies per month and personal lines

which was it's crazy epic you know when you were managing them like what were

what were some common challenges that you ran against that caused you to have

that like hey what do I really want to say this but I'm gonna bite my tongue

and like what was your process like how did you take a deep breath not let it

fly out of your mouth and reconstruct it in a really positive manner yeah it's

similar to be honest with you some of the tactic that we teach when you get an

objection from a potential prospect where the last thing that you want to do

is tackle it head-on right you want to kind of take it on the

side and roll with it a little bit so it is it's taking a deep breath to me the

first thing that I'm trying to figure out is is this legitimate reason versus

you know just a made-up excuse well like is it supported by evidence right

exactly so you know nine out of ten times when somebody doesn't hit quota

it's because they didn't do something right because I've got you know 10 10

sales reps nine of them are hitting quota one is it I don't care what you

say to me nine out of ten times it's your fault having said that I still want

to listen because I don't want to just automatically react because even if I'm

a hundred percent correct that they're just making up an excuse being combative

with them is not going to be conducive to a good

relationship so a lot of times it's about listening to what they're saying

and then and then responding and just like we do again with an objection

specifically to what they're saying and to help them figure out how to rule that

out and if you know a good sales rep going to be open to having

that conversation and if they're not you know if they're

not open to that conversation is probably not going to be around long

anyway but you need to make sure as the sales manager that you're doing it

appropriately so that you are around that those sales reps that are

performing well and need your help and need your focus that you have your time

to help them be successful totally and then I think one of the things that we

try to stress I know a lot of the trainings that I do anyways

I'm not mad if you didn't make your quota I'm mad that you didn't book a

meeting for me to strategize with you how to get there right and there's a

month where you missed by one I get that no one's upset about that it's a month

where you know you get to the end of the month you're running the report somebody

said I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine and then all of a sudden at the end you're like

you're not fine right you know and you know you have that first weekly meeting

and they haven't had any sales and they said don't worry about it I've got you

know 20 in the pipeline ten of which are guaranteed to close next week the next

weekly meeting you've got two sales and now your pipeline is up to 30 that last

weekly meeting I listen you can start to see then they start to edge a little bit

oh I don't know what went wrong but they're never coming to you they're

never saying either during your weekly meeting or at any other time like okay

we sit down I'm halfway through the month and I'm only 25% of the way to goal

what we do to fix this tell me where I am going wrong can we listen to some recorded

calls together whatever it is it's like it's that openness to try to achieve and

not hide things and not it's just kind of being open and I love that because

that's the way we all get better and you know we have a philosophy here I'm never

gonna be mad at somebody for making a mistake or I'm never gonna be mad at

somebody for not hitting a goal as long as along the way we're

talking about it and you're I see a genuine effort to get there but hiding

it just it never hits it hits anywhere yeah I had an old boss used to always

say that the truth is never a problem right you know in taking that and

applying that you know mid-month when you're not hitting quota works a lot

better than you know coming to me on the 1st of the month and saying oh here's

what happened last month you know we need to be proactively going out going

at it and then you know one things I think we could

talk about to here's with sales managers is I'm sure you've experienced it I've

seen it is that typically sales managers and agencies or either agency owners or

they're also selling themselves which means that their time is also very

limited so it can feel a lot to a producer especially a new one that

everyone's so busy I'm not getting the attention I need and that can also kind

of put a raincloud on relationships or I think provide a sort of BS the kind of

valid excuse for a producer right so how do you handle something like that well I

think again it starts with the the sales manager you definitely see this a lot

where it can be hard to go from a producer to a sales manager or for a

principle with you know no sales people to bringing on a sales person because

your mate you're making the assumption that they are as skilled as you are in

order you know in that in that area of sales so I think that as a sales manager

or principal who's managing your sales people the first thing that you have to

recognize is that managing sales people is different from actually being in

sales so you have to react to your sales people as a manager in a way that's

gonna put them in the best position to win I think it's very similar to coaching

it you know there's very few like superstars that end up being great

coaches there are a handful of them but typically the better coaches are the

ones that either never played or maybe they played at some Division three

college but because they look at it more as a manager more as a coach how am I

gonna get others to succeed instead of just expecting them to do what you get I

think that's a really valid point too because for generally if you're a sales

manager it's because you're sort of gifted in that area so it's not

something you've had to work at but for a lot of people sales is a series of

activities right you do X amount of calls you get to X amount of quotes you

know you do the blocking and tackling and it comes along but for gifted sales

people don't have to do that they it sort of comes naturally now they all

have their own other shortcomings you can get into it a whole other

podcast the next podcast you know what I think that the whole point is that

you gotta put each other in other shoes I think that's what I'm taking away from

what you're saying is that there has to be an understanding and I remember back

when we first met at the previous company I worked for I had a team member

and he just said something that made the whole world align for me and he said

you know what Kelly my job as your employee is to make you look good

and I just love that because I wasn't kept trying to make everybody else look

good and kept trying to get things done like I put a lot of energy into it and I

just said you know what you're right the better I look the better you look the

whole cycle keeps going up we're going up the corporate ladder and I think that

a you know for salespeople is like hey make your Sales Manager look good right

if you're on the sales team make your owner look good make him feel good when

he's cutting your commission check every month and you kind of think of it that

way it's like I think one of the things that we're gonna kind of glue glued here

and talking about is how do we make the whole thing simpler right I don't know

about you but I just walk into so many agencies where people spend so much time

defending things versus actually like solving the problem right so if you

didn't upload a signed app I have seen producers spend 23 minutes explaining

the reason why and defending themselves for like 23 minutes and why that app

didn't get uploaded how wasn't their fault I just thought if you prospected

for 23 minutes it would have been a much better use of all of our time how do we

break down them it's that Martyr syndrome where they want to explain why they're

right even though it failed instead of just saying okay I made a mistake what's

the better way to do it and moving on to more productive tasks activities right

and as a sales manager you run a fine line because you want to listen to them

and maybe they have a valid point but let's be honest 90% of the time it's

really just trying to dig themselves out of a hole and coming up with some

elaborate story like I you know I don't have children but I know you do Dave and

I'm sure sometimes you catch them doing something not right and they come up

with some real doozies right yeah I mean they're salespeople by heart

right so you're trying to sell you all the time and they'll try to sell you on

why they didn't hit quote or sell you and why they didn't upload the document

you know according to procedure and it's just in their nature so you know the

better sales people are probably the are the ones that are struggle in this area

because they are constantly you know trying to stay one step ahead of the

curve and so I think as a manager when you're dealing with the you know the

excuses of the day you sort of have to just limit them and say when we don't

deal with excuses here it didn't happen we're gonna talk about how you're not

gonna have let it happen again I didn't care how you got there it just can't

happen in the future and save yourself that 23 minute conversation exactly we

can all recycle that time with something better so Dave just you know in our

conversation here just to wrap up here what were your main takeaways that you

want to tell agents on how to handle that you know what you want to say the

salespeople and managing them you know what are your major takeaways for agents

sure I mean I think the first one is to take that deep breath and you can take

that deep breath by listening so listening does two things for you it

gives you a second to digest and it also allows the other person to speak and

then it's it's similar we didn't really talk about this but I do want to make

this point there are only so many excuses in the book right if you can

create a response for you know those those eight to ten general excuses that

are gonna come up just like you create your responses to objections from

prospects then no matter what excuse somebody brings to the table

you have your way to deal with it and you can pivot again just like we do in

sales and address what the what is actually occurring versus you know what

they're trying to make up as it is so to me those are the two big things take a

beat and then pivot it to resolutions and I think my big takeaway is let's

just stop the excuses like let's go on an excuse resolution rampage right you

know numbers don't lie but people do so if we can just kind of focus on spending

if you put the same energy into your excuses you put into selling that last

policy or the last couple policies you being a whole difference scenario

and that's how I've always taken it so you know I think the big takeaway

for me for all you guys listening out there is you know don't be mad at a

salesperson for not hitting their goal be mad at them for or you know be upset

be frustrated I guess is a better word for them not coming to you and diagnose

what's going on and if somebody's continuously not coming to you you have

to either decide are they good fair team or do you need to put some check points

in that deal with evidence and facts along the way on their pipeline not you

know randomization of everything's going great you know and one thing I would say

we didn't really talk about this either but when somebody says oh yeah I'm doing

great great how many leads do you have in your pipeline and if they can't

respond to you with pretty close accuracy you know that they're not

really engaged in it right right they have to be able to say this is how many

I'm working on right now yeah they should know everything not just how many

but where they are in the pipeline mm-hmm so keep your expectations high so

real quick just to kind of wrap everything up here so we're gonna go out

to show notes the ebooks gonna be in there some of our other resources we

hope that you can subscribe love subscriptions to the podcast our next

topic next month I think is gonna be a doozy right so you're gonna see a little

role-playing I think here at Kelly and Dave it'll be fun

considering that role-playing our role-playing blog was one of our top

ever so it's I think it's number two in the list if you want to check that out

we'll put that in our show notes but we're gonna talk about why we can't all

just get along where is the difference between CSR's and producers right so our

co-stars and producers ever going to get along because I know it's a very common

thing that we deal with and you know we're also asking for any requests so

feel free to reach out to us on our website on social media there's

something you want us to talk about let's do it we want to keep these very

tactical like I said I do want to give a little shout out so this month in

January I want to say thanks to Tom Davenport again from Blue Marsh for

having us out there on Martin Luther King Day awesome team did a great

training he rented out like a conference room at a little resort in Pennsylvania

super fun so it's way to go for keep training your team and having us come

out there awesome job tom and let's just say that we can't wait to

see you in our next podcast so Dave it's been fun and February's podcasts we're

gonna top this one I think excellent looking forward to it alright guys we'll

see you soon

For more infomation >> The Ridiculously Amazing Insurance Agent Podcast #1 - Duration: 24:31.


How Free Are You? - Duration: 5:57.

The new Freedom Ranking is out.

Every year, researchers

at the Fraser and Cato Institutes

compare economic freedoms

like the

freedom to trade,

amount of regulations,

tax levels,


personal freedoms like

women's rights

and religious freedom.

They publish the results

in the Human Freedom Index.

It compares countries according to how free they are.

So, is America

the freest country?


We came in 17th this year,

well behind many other countries.

The report says

the freest countries are now:


Hong Kong

New Zealand


and then Australia.

Years ago,

America was near the top of the

economic freedom list.

The United States used to have

one of the freest economies in the world.

Ian Vasquez helped write the rankings.

It used to be 2, 3, or 4

and then

government started to grow.

It started to spend more.

To step in with dramatic government action

and regulate more.

The strongest

consumer financial protections

in history

and tax more.

Those who are more fortunate

are going to have to pay a little bit more.

Those are reasons

we fell on the freedom list.

So let's look at the top of the list.

Why does

Switzerland rank

first in the world?

Welcome to the world.

Because it has comparatively little regulation,

low taxes,

a free press,

and other freedoms

like same-sex marriage

that many other countries lack.

A good ranking matters,

not just because it's good to be free,

but because freedom

allows people to prosper.

Look what happened in Hong Kong,

number 2 on the list.

Hong Kong,

a thousand worlds in this one small spot.

Not long ago,

people in Hong Kong

were among the poorest in the world,

but now

they're among the richest.

What do I like about Hong Kong?

Every moment there's something exciting going on.

Prosperity happened

because Hong Kong's government

put few obstacles in the way of

trying new things,

like starting a business.

Here I am

in Hong Kong,

years ago,

applying for legal permission to open a business.

Handing in one form

was all I had to do.

Thank you, sir.

The next morning I opened Stossel Enterprises.

Ten dollars.

It was a stupid business

selling things like

American frisbees,

but that chance to try new things

is what allowed Hong Kong to prosper.

By comparison, India ranks much lower

because there,

to start a business, entrepreneurs

may have to wait years

while bureaucrats like these

debate the merit of your idea.

Good ideas die,


on these shelves.

That's a reason

India stays poor.

It could be worse.

The most oppressed people in the world

are those who live in the countries at the bottom

of the freedom ranking:





and least free,


Mostly because of the war.

You aren't free

if you worry about being killed.

"No alimento"

2nd least free country Venezuela

was once

the richest country in Latin America.

Then Socialists promised

they'd spread the wealth.

Now Venezuelans fight over bags of flour.

Freedom is under attack

all around the word.

Tanja Porcnik is the rankings other author.

I interviewed her by Skype,


she now lives in Austria,

although she was born in


You moved to Austria to get more freedom?

Ah, yes.

Freedom just inspired me.


relates to other things that matter.

What's important in life?

Those of us who revere freedom

often say it's the

dignity of the individual,

and a chance to live

free from coercion.

You can lead your life

any way you want

as long as you respect the equal rights of others.

What job you want to take,

what kinds of things you want to do,

who you want to marry,

what you want to do on your free time,

where you want to live.

Countries don't regulate your free time.

Oh yes they do,

they regulate everything.

They regulate vacation time,

where you can travel,

if you're a woman in some part of the world,

you have to ask permission from men

to go out in public.

Freedom brings good things

to countries that try it.

People now

want to live in 3rd-ranked New Zealand.

The country is politically and economically stable

with people all over the world attracted

by the benefits and opportunities.


used to be poor,

but now it ranks 4th on the Freedom Index.

You don't just arrive in Ireland,

you jump in.

Ireland, I think about the potato famine.

I don't think about prosperity.

They reduced taxes.

They reduced spending.

They reduced some regulations.

They opened up to trade.

Crack down on China's trade abuses.

America now may close itself to some trade.

If that makes you want to move

to another country,

the rankings offer places to consider.

And places to avoid…

Greece is beautiful,

but it ranks 60th in freedom.

China has gotten richer,

but it ranks 130th.

You can read the full rankings

on the Cato Institute's

and Fraser Institute's websites.

It's too bad

that the US is now only 17th in the rankings,

but the good news is that

we are 17th

partly because

in recent years,

other countries became more free.

Despite what we hear on the news,

over several decades,

the world has slowly

been getting


For more infomation >> How Free Are You? - Duration: 5:57.


Window Installation Estimate Long Grove IL 847-427-6200 Window Installation Estimate Long Grove IL - Duration: 1:16.

Window Installation Estimate Long Grove IL. Are you in the market for replacement windows for your home?

Are air leaks and drafts from your windows adding unnecessary costs to

your heating and cooling bills?

Your windows are designed to not only improve your home's appearance,

but to also save money on your heating and cooling costs.

When shopping for replacement windows you have a lot of important

decisions to make..

Luckily, we're here to help!

We're certified local window contractors that can help guide you through

the window purchasing process according to your speci?c style and budget.

We also understand that installation, including anchoring, insulating and

sealing the window to the house to make it airtight and watertight, is as

important as the quality of the window itself.

If it's time to enhance the beauty and value of your home with new

replacement windows, give us a call today for a free, no-pressure in-home


For more infomation >> Window Installation Estimate Long Grove IL 847-427-6200 Window Installation Estimate Long Grove IL - Duration: 1:16.


Stossel: How Free Are You? - Duration: 5:57.

The new Freedom Ranking is out.

Every year, researchers

at the Fraser and Cato Institutes

compare economic freedoms

like the

freedom to trade,

amount of regulations,

tax levels,


personal freedoms like

women's rights

and religious freedom.

They publish the results

in the Human Freedom Index.

It compares countries according to how free they are.

So, is America

the freest country?


We came in 17th this year,

well behind many other countries.

The report says

the freest countries are now:


Hong Kong

New Zealand


and then Australia.

Years ago,

America was near the top of the

economic freedom list.

The United States used to have

one of the freest economies in the world.

Ian Vasquez helped write the rankings.

It used to be 2, 3, or 4

and then

government started to grow.

It started to spend more.

To step in with dramatic government action

and regulate more.

The strongest

consumer financial protections

in history

and tax more.

Those who are more fortunate

are going to have to pay a little bit more.

Those are reasons

we fell on the freedom list.

So let's look at the top of the list.

Why does

Switzerland rank

first in the world?

Welcome to the world.

Because it has comparatively little regulation,

low taxes,

a free press,

and other freedoms

like same-sex marriage

that many other countries lack.

A good ranking matters,

not just because it's good to be free,

but because freedom

allows people to prosper.

Look what happened in Hong Kong,

number 2 on the list.

Hong Kong,

a thousand worlds in this one small spot.

Not long ago,

people in Hong Kong

were among the poorest in the world,

but now

they're among the richest.

What do I like about Hong Kong?

Every moment there's something exciting going on.

Prosperity happened

because Hong Kong's government

put few obstacles in the way of

trying new things,

like starting a business.

Here I am

in Hong Kong,

years ago,

applying for legal permission to open a business.

Handing in one form

was all I had to do.

Thank you, sir.

The next morning I opened Stossel Enterprises.

Ten dollars.

It was a stupid business

selling things like

American frisbees,

but that chance to try new things

is what allowed Hong Kong to prosper.

By comparison, India ranks much lower

because there,

to start a business, entrepreneurs

may have to wait years

while bureaucrats like these

debate the merit of your idea.

Good ideas die,


on these shelves.

That's a reason

India stays poor.

It could be worse.

The most oppressed people in the world

are those who live in the countries at the bottom

of the freedom ranking:





and least free,


Mostly because of the war.

You aren't free

if you worry about being killed.

"No alimento"

2nd least free country Venezuela

was once

the richest country in Latin America.

Then Socialists promised

they'd spread the wealth.

Now Venezuelans fight over bags of flour.

Freedom is under attack

all around the word.

Tanja Porcnik is the rankings other author.

I interviewed her by Skype,


she now lives in Austria,

although she was born in


You moved to Austria to get more freedom?

Ah, yes.

Freedom just inspired me.


relates to other things that matter.

What's important in life?

Those of us who revere freedom

often say it's the

dignity of the individual,

and a chance to live

free from coercion.

You can lead your life

any way you want

as long as you respect the equal rights of others.

What job you want to take,

what kinds of things you want to do,

who you want to marry,

what you want to do on your free time,

where you want to live.

Countries don't regulate your free time.

Oh yes they do,

they regulate everything.

They regulate vacation time,

where you can travel,

if you're a woman in some part of the world,

you have to ask permission from men

to go out in public.

Freedom brings good things

to countries that try it.

People now

want to live in 3rd-ranked New Zealand.

The country is politically and economically stable

with people all over the world attracted

by the benefits and opportunities.


used to be poor,

but now it ranks 4th on the Freedom Index.

You don't just arrive in Ireland,

you jump in.

Ireland, I think about the potato famine.

I don't think about prosperity.

They reduced taxes.

They reduced spending.

They reduced some regulations.

They opened up to trade.

Crack down on China's trade abuses.

America now may close itself to some trade.

If that makes you want to move

to another country,

the rankings offer places to consider.

And places to avoid…

Greece is beautiful,

but it ranks 60th in freedom.

China has gotten richer,

but it ranks 130th.

You can read the full rankings

on the Cato Institute's

and Fraser Institute's websites.

It's too bad

that the US is now only 17th in the rankings,

but the good news is that

we are 17th

partly because

in recent years,

other countries became more free.

Despite what we hear on the news,

over several decades,

the world has slowly

been getting


For more infomation >> Stossel: How Free Are You? - Duration: 5:57.


Cold Iron - Launch Trailer | PS VR - Duration: 1:30.



For more infomation >> Cold Iron - Launch Trailer | PS VR - Duration: 1:30.


What I Wore ~ Hot Stuff, New Clogs & A Dane Cameo ~ Ep. 27 - Duration: 6:14.

Participants: Rajka Hayden

Dane Hayden:

[Audio Length: 00:06:13] RECORDING COMMENCES:

Rajka Hayden: Welcome to the Dress Up Mom.


In this video, I'm going to show some of the outfits that I pick out to wear this week.

I really hope you like them.

Today, I'm wearing my party vest.

This is something I picked up at a vintage shop years ago, and I love to bring it out

around the holiday time.

Look at it, please.

It has these little balls that almost jingle around.

It's all sequined flowers in a lacy background, and I just think it's so cool.

I'm wearing it with just a little Kit and Ace top, a sparkly little belt, and then these

are my Levi's jeans that I got in Dublin, Ireland.

I cut and frayed them.

They're vintage.

Then, I have my new Sven clogs.

Look at these gold metallic halter Sven clogs that I think tie this all together, and make

it look quite special.

Today, I have a lot going on in this outfit.

Some might say too much, i.e. my husband, but I kind of like it.

Starting off with this necklace, which is an Indian, I think it's a wedding necklace.

It's this beautiful silver.

I love how it fits right into the V of this dress, which is from Chateau Belage.

It drapes just so nicely, and I think it fits everybody really well.

It's super comfortable and I love it.

This is a red corset belt from Love Strength, another local San Diego company.

This gorgeous kimono.

This is a real silk kimono that I got at the Hospice Resale in Encinitas, California.

It is just beautiful.

Then, I have my brand-new Sven clogs.

These silver, gorgeous Sven clogs with the little peep toe and the T-strap that I think

bring it all together.

A lot, but I like it, and I think it works.

I am heading back into the office, and I'm wearing some of my most favorite designer

resale pieces.

I have on this Prada jacket that is nice and warm, but the perfect weight for Southern

California, and these Chanel vintage pants that I just love.

They're a really great shape here for this time of year, and I bought both of these pieces

at ReLove in San Francisco.

I really love buying designer resale, because the pieces stay nice for a long time and you

get such a great value out of them, because they're so expensive if you buy them regularly.

I have it just paired with this little sweater that I'll show you here.

It's just a little sweater that I also bought at Flashbacks, a resale place here in San

Diego County.

It's a little bit of a mod sweater that I think has these squares and goes with it,

and I have these Oxfords, my red Oxfords that pick up the same color as the sweater.

I think I will be a little stylish, but also comfortable.

Tonight, I'm super excited.

I get to go and see the Donna Summer musical for the second time.

I loved it the first time, and I just found out that it is going to New York in April

of 2018.

We thought our son would like it, and we got tickets to go see it right before it closes.

Very excited, and since it is an evening performance and '70s, and I've seen it, I decided to

go a little wild and crazy with what I'm wearing to it today.

Here's what I have on.

This is a two-piece set.

They're called pajama glamas, almost.

It is made and designed by a local designer here in San Diego, Jennifer Grace.

I love.

She makes the most wonderful things, and I buy it at a place called Chateau Bellage,

which is this very cool boutique, and the owner Valerie gets to know all her clients

and has parties and things in there.

It's a very fun shopping experience.

I recently picked this up, little tigers and the print on it.

It literally is like wearing pajamas, and you can style it different ways.

I'll be doing a video on how to style this and other pieces from there in different ways.

Super comfortable, but I think a little fun for an event like this.

Then, I paired it with these super fun gold Sven clogs with a halter top, which I think

again, give it a little bit of a '70s vibe.

Sparkle it up, tie it together.

I'm going to get some hot stuff tonight at the Donna Summer musical in this outfit.

Special cameo appearance by my wonderful son, Dane Hayden here.

As I told you, we are off to see the Donna Summer musical, and somebody else has decided

to dress in theme.

Look at this fantastic outfit he is sporting.

Dane, can you tell us what this is?

Dane Hayden: This is just from ASOS.

It's an online trendy clothing shop.

I thought it was so fabulous with the fringe that I just had to get it.

Then, these I've had for a while.

I think they are Topshop.

Then, these I got—

Rajka Hayden: Tell about this.

Dane Hayden: They're never been worn Christian Louboutins,

and it's an app where people can sign their designer.

It's was at a fraction of the cost.

Rajka Hayden: Oh, my God.

Those are fantastic.

Dane Hayden: They have the little cheetah print.

Rajka Hayden: Can you see this?

Look at the cheetah print.

We're channeling some animals here.

The cheetah print, and check out the red sole.

Never, ever worn.

Dane Hayden: And it matches the—

Rajka Hayden: Oh, my gosh.


We are going to have a ball.

That's it for this time, my friends.

Thank you so much for watching.

I appreciate it more than you know.

I would love to know in the comments below your favorite outfits.

What you liked, what worked.

If there was something that didn't work, let me know that, too.

I particularly like to know what you thought did work.

Until next time, have fun and dress it up a little.


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