The Weeknd Call Out My Name
The Weeknd Call Out My Name Lyrics
How To Make A Chocolate Cake Decorating Videos - Cake Style - Amazing Cakes Step by Step Tutorials - Duration: 10:13.How To Make A Chocolate Cake Decorating Videos
The 10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself - Duration: 5:54.Brainy Dose Presents:
The 10 Things You Should Always Keep To Yourself
Some things are better left unsaid.
If you share everything about yourself with others, you might say things that perhaps
you shouldn't.
You know…
Too much info.
There's nothing wrong with keeping SOME things to yourself, and a lot of the time
it's actually better.
Sometimes, keeping things safe can also be helpful in creating success!
So, here are the things that you should always keep to yourself!
Number 1 - Biggest Goals
If you have big goals, it's probably best not to share them with others.
You're also more likely to achieve them this way.
It can be very tough because you can get super excited about them, but while you work hard
to reach these goals, other people's opinions might cause confusion.
And opinions are relative and different for everyone.
It's also really interesting to note, that studies on goal setting have shown that telling
people about your goals and then getting praise for setting them, can make your brain produce
the endorphins that it would, once you reached the goal.
This makes you feel like you've already achieved something, and then you don't work
as hard to reach your goal.
Number 2 - Good Deeds
Try not to talk much about the good things you've done for others.
This can easily make you seem arrogant and self-serving.
Those who can see your kindness, don't need further explanation.
And if you are only doing good deeds just to brag about yourself, does it even count?
Always be kind and humble.
Number 3 - Personal Life
Your personal life is your own business.
There are certain things that are better kept to yourself, such as what you do under the
sheets, your religious life, and your bad habits.
Telling others about your personal things will open you up to judgment and criticism.
Keeping certain aspects of your life a mystery will make you come across much classier and
worthy of a lot more respect.
Number 4 - Your Wealth
Some people have it better than others, and you may or may not be one of the fortunate
If you are, that's great.
But it's not wise to flaunt your wealth too much and it's best if you keep your
family's wealth to yourself.
Money can corrupt friends and relatives, and when you have a lot of it, people around you
are going to be jealous.
If you have it, enjoy it and feel good about it, but don't brag about it.
Your financial status does not pertain to anyone, but you.
Number 5 - Life Philosophy
Everyone needs to believe in something to get through the day.
However, the things that provide relief are different for everyone.
For this reason, your individual preferences and beliefs are yours alone.
Don't spend your precious time convincing others to think like you.
Number 6 - Family Problems
All families have drama.
But these are not things you should be sharing with others.
Besides, the more you talk about your family problems, the more difficult it becomes.
It's also very disrespectful to share your family conflicts with others and it devalues you,
as a person.
Problems in the home are best resolved in the home.
Of course if there is something wrong, it's ok to tell people who are close to you, as
they can provide some support.
Number 7 - Other People's Secrets
Do yourself a favor.
Don't be the one to talk about the private life of others.
Don't gossip about them.
Just remember to mind your own business.
If someone confides in you with confidential information, it is your duty, ethically, to
keep their secrets.
If you share this information with anyone else, then the trust is broken and the relationship
will be severed.
Now, there are exceptions…
If the situation is life threatening or endangering the life of someone.
Number 8 - Fears & Weaknesses
Everyone has fears and weaknesses, and sharing these things will not provide you comfort.
In fact, people enjoy seeing other people's weaknesses.
So don't feed them.
You can study up on your fears and weaknesses, or if that isn't working, get some professional
Number 9 - Resentments About The Past
Constantly digging up the past is not going to help.
Though past experiences can easily affect today, do not let these define the moment
you are in.
The best thing you can do is to express yourself in the moment.
This way you can prevent past regrets and resentments.
Forgive others in order to be peaceful.
Move on and let go!
Number 10 - Your Talents
This one is actually something you can share with others.
However, if you have special talents, don't talk about them constantly.
Only talk about them when the right time comes.
Actions speak louder than words.
Apply this principle wherever you can.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not suggesting that you isolate yourself from the world.
But, you should have certain boundaries that are not crossed, because no matter how kind
people can be, they are unpredictable.
And no matter how large the circle of people around you is, in the end, we are all on our
Thanks for watching!
Hopefully this video has made you wiser.
If you agree, slap a LIKE on it and SHARE it with your friends, so they too can become
For more videos like this, SUBSCRIBE to our channel!
Graphics Design - (Free Course) How to Learn Graphic Design | Adobe Photoshop & illustrator - 2018 - Duration: 2:46.Graphics Design - (Free Course) How to Learn Graphic Design | Adobe Photoshop & illustrator - 2018
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Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? Nursery Rhymes Song for Kids | Simple kids songs TV - Duration: 2:20.Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? Nursery Rhymes Song for Kids | Simple kids songs TV
DIY EDIBLE CANDY MAKEUP TUTORIAL! DIY CANDY LIPSTICK & LIP BALM PROJECT - Duration: 8:18.what is up Sharers welcome to the funnest channel on YouTube if you're new here
I'm Lizzy sharer I am part of the sharer them the most loving family on YouTube so
make sure to smash that subscribe button if you guys want to be a part of the
Sharer fam. so for today's vlog i have these really cool chapsticks you're like
all candy chapsticks check this out they're so cool so I'm just gonna open
this up okay so we got all sorts of chapsticks in here we have fun dip
Laffy Taffy nerd sweet tarts and butterfingers and Pixy Stix but it's so
cool so for today's video we are going to be getting the Nerds chopstick and
I'm gonna be doing a DIY edible nerds lip balm and it is basically like a
candy style lipstick so with me I have this little one and check this I have
this huge one - the rainbow nerds and it's a huge nerd chapstick look this is
so ginormous compared to this little one here let me open this up and that way
you guys can see it how big this thing is look at that have you guys ever seen
a chapstick this big common hashtag nerds if you guys have seen a chopstick
this huge before whoa so look at this tough tickets actually
like the whole thing is a trap stick oh my goodness this chapstick will probably
last me forever actually maybe not like if I lose it but actually I don't know
it'd be really hard to lose such a big chapstick maybe that's why they made it
so big so the toxic inside is actually purplish pink if this one's same color
ooh this one's a little more magenta II look
ha ha don't know you guys seem to be it but look bad look how magenta it is it's
like the same color as my t-shirt and then for this one it's kind of a little
bit more purple than this one this one's more like pink like BAM whoa
and then this one's a little more like purpley okay so what you're gonna do mmm
it smells so good is apply the chopstick on and then I have with me a pack of
nerds check this out rainbow nerds so what we're gonna do is basically grab a
handful of nerds so I don't know if this is actually going to board I haven't
quite tested it out yeah but I'm testing out for the first time on camera and I
do have a back-up plan if it doesn't quite work out the way I need it to so
let me just put a little more child stick on hmm smells so good so you grab
a bunch of nerds if you have like these big ones you probably don't want that on
your lips because it's just so big and chunky so you want two little ones
and what you're going to do is you just put your mouth like to your hand and
then you try to stick the nurse on to your lips like that didn't work your hmm
so we're not to eat them okay so it's not really sticking that well I want to
stick well enough so I can like walk around and do stuff and like actually
wear it so let's do plan B Oh which is not to eat all the nerve but they're so
yummy I can't hold myself mmm buh buh okay time for Plan B so what I'm going
to do this time is I'm going to apply this matte liquid lipstick on because I
think it has more like sticking power and then I'm have these tweezers I'm
going to apply the nerds on but what I'm going to do first is I'm going to
separate out the nerds so that I only have small ones because the big ones are
like too chunky so I need like the super super tiny ones for this DIY candy
lipstick I'm going to only need the little ones so they're so yummy I'm just
eating all the big ones you basically just need these like super super small
and that's this oh no if you could see it but they are
so tiny so if you can't see it because they're so small
the pink ones and this nerve bots are huge and yummy I think we're pretty much
set on these nerds we're all pretty good size for this purpose we run into one
that's big then we can only just take it off my lips okay just look anymore I'm
gonna have this station set up and ready to go so that I can just like smack my
lips on them once I finish applying my lipstick I really hope it works this
time okay let's get started I have my mirror over here so I'm going
to apply
because I don't want this to dry up before I put the Nerds on so oh oh no I
think it's working uh-uh they're all falling off going on
so that didn't quite work out the way I thought it would but I actually have one
more plan up my sleeve and I think this is really gonna be the best so what I'm
doing is I'm reapplying the lipstick on to my face and then I'm going to apply
the nerds on carefully outlining my lips so it'll be like a candy lip liner more
than like a whole entire lipstick okay so this is actually working really well
I don't know if you guys can see my lip so I have nerds all over them and it
looks so cool I've never done this before so I never realized how lips
could look so cool this is awesome oh I lost the nerd maybe I should cover the
rest of my lips this is so fun
check it out the DIY edible candy lipstick it looks so good I mean it
looks a little funky but it looks kind of cool because at the end of it you can
just eat it okay I finally finished the DIY nerds lipstick mod and I'm telling
you it looks so cool cuz I just have all these nerds stuck to my face oh yeah
check it out my candy DIY lipstick with nerds the best part about this is that
they actually stick pretty well and I just used this liquid lipstick that I
got actually at the dollar store so it's a really really easy mod to do for
lipstick and the best part about it is that you can eat it after like mmm
they're so good all these nerds are so yummy
ah and they're so colorful so they look so low on my lips I really hope you guys
enjoyed this video make sure to smash that subscribe button I will be doing so
many awesome giveaways make sure to comment hashtag nerds if you guys
enjoyed this video and until next time you know what to do stay awesome and
share the love peace wooh!
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Past perfect Tense Basic English Grammar in Bengali|Had + Past participle with example, structures. - Duration: 13:04.-------------------------------------------
40 quick and easy hairstyles tutorials you can do in 10 seconds - Duration: 10:36.40 hairstyles
quick and easy hairstyles
Could Citizens United Force Candidates To Accept Corporate Money? - Duration: 2:55.Next question we have here from Twitter comes from @P_McEnroe who asks, "Do you think it's
possible given the #CitizensUnitedRuling that politicians who don't accept corporate PAC
money could be forced to do so, on the grounds that not doing so violates Freedom of Speech?"
Yeah, actually.
That is a phenomenal point and it's absolutely plausible that could happen.
If corporations say that their money is free speech and a politician or wanna be politician
running for office says, "I will not accept your money."
That could be seen as a violation of free speech, and that's terrifying to think about.
What's also terrifying to think about is the fact that when you hear a story about a politician
who's not taking any corporate money it makes headlines.
That's how rare it is in this country today.
I mean, that's sad.
That's pathetic.
I remember, again, when we first started this 14 years ago doing stories about these corporations
donating money to politicians and at the time, it was, "Oh my God.
They gave this guy $5,000."
Well, now they're giving them hundreds of thousands of dollars through these super PACs
and you can see the result in this legislation.
But my question and this is what an attorney who if this ever goes in front of the court
again needs to argue is that how can money be free speech when it's not universally guaranteed?
You can't guarantee a right unless everybody has access to it.
So if money is speech, then everybody should be entitled to money, right?
That kind of goes together.
I don't know why that argument wasn't made in the first Citizens United ruling, but it
needs to be made now because if a corporation can give $100,000 to a politic campaign through
a super PAC, yet a guy like me can only afford to send a $10 donation, that's not equal.
That's not us having the same size microphone here.
That's them having one thousand times the amount of free speech that I have.
There is nothing fair about the system under Citizens United and I feel like those arguing
against it when it went in front of the Supreme Court screwed us over royally because this
seems like it would've been a pretty easy issue to nail to the ground if only a competent
attorney had been there arguing against money being considered
free speech.
Follow Me to Thailand [TRAVEL VLOG] - Duration: 9:08.-------------------------------------------
Why it's important to switch energy suppliers every year - Duration: 1:20.Is your loyalty to your energy supplier leaving you out of pocket? Let's find out!
We're a loyal bunch here in Ireland, about 85% of us stick with our gas & electricity suppliers...
...even when they change our prices. Now, I'm not saying loyalty is a bad thing per se...
...but it could be costing you a fortune!
You see, Ireland's energy suppliers offer massive discounts and cashback sums to new customers...
...but those discounts expire after one year and then you're bumped up on to much higher rates.
Now, most suppliers will still offer you some kind of discount after your first year...
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So, the only way to make sure you're always on the cheapest rate available is to switch suppliers every year
as soon as those discounts expire.
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and make sure you're always on the cheapest rate available.
How to install school timetabling software FET on Windows PC? - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Puppy Left Alone And Shivering In Trash Can, Nearly Loses Hope Of Getting Rescued - Duration: 1:44.Puppy Left Alone And Shivering In Trash Can, Nearly Loses Hope Of Getting Rescued
It's one thing to give up your dog when you can no longer care for it and hand it
over to another family or leave the animal on the doorstep of a shelter, but it's an
entirely different thing to leave an animal for dead and to fend for itself.
Some people just throw their dogs out on the street like trash.
And that's exactly where rescuers of the Birmingham Dogs Home in England rescued adorable
little dog.
A city park employee found the poor pup shivering inside a garbage can inside the park.
The park employee immediately called Birmingham Dogs Home to report his findings so that the
dog could be brought back to their warm shelter.
No one's sure if he was dumped in the trash or if he jumped in there to seek shelter but
one thing they did know that it was one of the saddest things that they've ever seen.
"Our hearts sunk when we saw it, his eyes peering out the top," a Birmingham Dogs
Home spokesperson told The Dodo.
"It's enough to make anyone's heart break."
The shelter was determined to make sure that this puppy would never be abandoned or alone
"He is getting all the love and attention that he needs whilst in our care," the shelter
"He is now enjoying under-floor heating rather than a dustbin at a local park."
The 18-month-old pup hasn't been in their care long but he's already happily adjusting
to shelter life and is having lots of fun with the shelter staff.
Now, aside from finding him a forever home, the only thing left is to give this sweet
little guy a name.
Right now, he's known as "Pup in the Bin."
Our gorgeous boy known as the 'Pup in the bin' deserves a name.
We have been overwhelmed with your support that we thought you could all help!" the
shelter's Facebook post reads.
"Actor, Comedian & Writer, Miles Jupp, will be choosing his favorite as he has been following
his story and would like to help this boy get the name he deserves.
We will be announcing his new name on Sunday night.
Thank you for all your support – he is doing really well."
We've suggested Garbageface McGee, Garbage for short, but you can leave your suggestion
in the Facebook post below.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
This Channel Is Only for Dog Lovers and We Want to Make a Community of Dog Lovers.
Hope You Would Like Us and Promote Us.......
How To Choose The Right Cologne & How To Apply One - Gentleman's Gazette - Duration: 10:41.Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette and part two of our series on colognes and fragrances.
Today, we discuss how to choose the right cologne as well as how to apply it.
If you haven't already checked out part 1 about the history, you can do so here, and
stay tuned for do's and don'ts in part 3 here.
So how should you pick the right Cologne?
Honestly, reading reviews online or elsewhere are really not the best way simply because
everyone's nose is different and the exact same cologne can smell different based on
your natural body odor.
So before you go out to a store or before you acquire samples, here are few things that
I think you have to understand.
First of all, understand ingredients.
Most colognes consist of multiple different fragrances, water and alcohol, to create something
that is harmonious and flattering.
Traditionally, essential oils would be used to add the scents to the Cologne.
Well-known essential oils include lavender, rose, bergamot, and sandalwood, for example.
Personally, I'm also a big fan of lemongrass, unfortunately, most manufacturers will not
list the essential oils on the ingredients list because they want to keep the secret
As you can imagine, squeezing hundreds and hundreds of pounds for just a few ounces of
pure rose oil is not just very costly but the final result of the fragrance and the
scent also depends on the season, on the weather, and everything that goes into growing this
natural plant, herb, or spice.
So when manufacturers use natural essential oils, they may run into issues with consistency.
In one year, the lemongrass will be much more fragrant than in other years and so it's very
difficult to create a consistent experience for the consumer.
Because of that, most essential oils used in Cologne today are derived synthetically;
that way, you can guarantee a certain level of consistency and at the same time, it's
a lot less expensive.
If you read the term fragrance on the ingredients list, you can safely assume it is 100% synthetic
because most manufacturers would highlight the fact that they used natural essential
That being said, the best fragrances are still derived naturally but they also come at a
higher price point.
Two, I suggest you understand the fragrance wheel.
There are many different variations.
Scents are categorized into floral, oriental, fresh, and woody, sometimes also in aromatic.
Ultimately, this is just a graphic and if you haven't smelled any of this before, it
won't be of any help, however, once you've found colognes that you like and you've analyzed
what is in them, this can help you find related colognes that you might also like.
Ultimately, you want to narrow down the selection of potential favorites for you by using the
For a more detailed look at the fragrance wheel, please head over to our website here.
Three, before you buy cologne, it's essential to sample it in person.
You might ask.
Well again, it's your nose and everyone's perception of smell is different, on top of
that, it's essential that you smell a cologne for at least 30 minutes, ideally up to an
hour individually, before you decide on buying it.
So why do I have to wait 30 minutes to one hour if I can smell the Cologne right away,
you might wonder?
Well actually, it all comes down to understanding the fragrance pyramid.
Basically, a cologne consists of base notes, heart notes, and top notes.
The top note is the most volatile of the three, meaning it evaporates most quickly and it's
what you can typically smell when you spray the Cologne onto your arm or onto a tester
Oftentimes, it's described as fresh or assertive or sharp and it's never on its own because
you also have elements of the heart note and the base note that go into it's perception.
That being said, I always suggest to test the Cologne on your skin and never just on
a tester strip because your natural odor impacts the way you and others perceive that scent.
The heart notes or the middle notes are about to appear strongly when the top note disappears
which is generally about 20 minutes in.
Typically, the notes are more round or mellowed compared to the top notes and it can last
all the way up to an hour.
Base notes, on the other hand, are the least volatile component and are often perceived
as rich or heavier.
It typically takes at least 30 minutes to release those base notes.
In the beginning, they're overlaid by the heart notes and so that's why you want enough
time with a cologne so you can truly experience what it smells like and how the sense develops
over time.
Even if you might enjoy a scent right out of a bottle, you may actually not end up liking
it at all 30 minutes in.
So let's say you're at a store and you don't just want to bring home one sample, I suggest
to spray different scents onto a tester strip or onto your skin.
Once you put the first scent on, you should have some coffee grounds or coffee beans that
you smell in between because that helps to neutralize your taste and your smell buds,
you must do it because otherwise, your nose gets overloaded by the senses and so if you
smell something and you think you like it, it may smell entirely different than if you
spent the next day just on its own.
For the same reason, I suggest never to bring more than three samples home because otherwise,
your nose will be just overloaded.
If you want to use more, definitely use tester strips otherwise, you'll have too much on
your body and it interferes with a perception.
Despite what many say, you don't need a huge collection of colognes.
I even know men who just have one cologne and they made it their signature scent so
everyone recognizes them when they enter the room even though they haven't even seen them
in the first place.
Personally, I think it's nice to have a small collection of colognes so you can have a richer
perfume for the evenings or for the winter, something lighter for summer, or during the
day, and maybe something else that's a little different if you're in a different mood.
Also, keep in mind, cologne never just stands on its own.
The shampoo you use, the lotion you put on your skin, and even the food you eat paired
with your natural body odor or smell will always impact how a scent is perceived.
For example, just think of eating a lot of garlic or even spicy foods will have an impact
on how your body smells, so if you go out and eat something heavy or spicy, you probably
want to go for a lighter scent, not something rich and deep.
For example, I like to use Creed Royal Oud in the winter and for evenings because it's
a heavier richer scent that I would find quite uncomfortable during this summer.
During the day I like La Dandy by D'orsay or maybe the spice bomb from Viktor and Rolf.
In the past, I've also used Polo Ralph Lauren blue or Montblanc individuel.
I suggest you just go out and smell different things to figure out what works for you and
what doesn't.
An all time classic is the 4711 original eau de Cologne which personally I'm not a big
fan of but maybe it works for you.
If you go to a regular store, you will see many designer names of Cologne very popular
because it's a high margin product but most of the time, what you can find inside the
bottle cost less than one dollar to produce and the bottle is actually several times more
expensive than that.
so you'll want to go a step up from those designer perfumes you can look into brands
like Penhaligons or Creed which have a range of very appealing gentlemen scents, at least
in my opinion.
Another step up would be colognes for someone like Lorenzo Villoresi Firenze who uses very
good essential oils and interesting combinations.
If money is of no concern to you and you want the absolute best colognes, you should look
into brands like Xerjoff which come in with semi-precious stones such as lapis lazuli
which is something that we use for cufflinks.
While the packaging and the ingredients are very nice and high-end you also pay at least
$600 for them.
So how do you apply Cologne?
First of all, I think it depends on the strength of the Cologne.
Something that is stronger has to be applied differently than something that is very light.
When in doubt, always use less.
I personally find one splash is enough for me.
Some people like two but anything more than that is likely over the top.
In general, most people spray the Cologne in the areas that are the warmest in our body
which are also known as the pulse points because it helps to spread the scent, that being said,
the neck is very warm, so are the top of your shoulders, followed by the chest, some people
also apply it behind their ears because it's warmer there too.
While some people spray cologne on their hair or their clothes, I suggest you spray it on
bare skin some people also like to rub it in the that way.
I think that's really unnecessary because the fine mist will distribute evenly and you
can let up your body and the heat do the work.
keep in mind at that point you will mostly smell the bass notes.
Also if your skin is generally dry, you can go with a bolder scent because there are fewer
oils on your skin that help punch out that full scent.
On the flipside, if you have more oily skin I suggest to go with a lighter scent, otherwise,
it can easily be overpowering for others.
In recent years, layering of colognes has become a trend.
I personally am more of a purist, I think it's best to go with that one scent because
it already consists of many aromatic fragrances paired with your skin and what you eat it
really is enough As a man, I think there's nothing worse than coming in and smelling
you from eight yards away because it's just over the top and many people find it to be
uncomfortable and unpleasant and trust me, using too much cologne is a safe way for others
to talk about you behind your back and try not to be in your presence.
As you can see, at the end of the day, choosing a cologne is a very personal thing.
You can take into consideration the environment you're in, the season, as well as the type
of your skin, so you find something that truly works for you and that's flattering.
Stay tuned for the final video in this series about Cologne do's
and don'ts.
First Step with a New PC - Duration: 3:43.Hello I'm going to give you a few tips about what you should do when you first get a computer
instead of building your own now companies like to put all these unwanted apps that you're
never going to use but they think you do so I'm going to tell you now how to get rid of
that bloatware they tune hello I'm Derek and welcome to hindsight 101 things that will
help you in everyday life let's get started what you want to go to go to PC decrapifier.
Com this is a great application that will uninstall all those unwanted apps that are
loaded on your PC you can just pick the free version because the other versions won't have
anything you really need so no once you download it what you going to do is open the file the
files going to analyze everything sorry applications going to analyze everything on your PC to
determine if it's something that needs to go if it's questionable or it'll list everything
just in case it doesn't pick up any of the unwanted apps that you think should be uninstalled
here I'll explain a little bit more here and has recommended apps unfortunately the PC
that I'm on now isn't a new-build so there aren't any apps that it thinks it needs to
be removed like trial McAfee or trial office so next or going to go to questionable and
this is kind of where it's on the fence doesn't know something you installed and then here
everything else is just everything else as if you went to control panel uninstall it
will list everything that's on your computer that you might want to uninstall so here I'm
going to give a few examples on to things that I'm going to uninstall too kind of show
you the process now that we selected are two apps when I click remove here just to verify
and then also you want to create a restore point just in case is an app that needed and
it messes something up you can always go back in time before you remove these so once that
restore point is created it'll move on to allow you to remove the apps do you want to
continue with removing this app yes and you go ahead so the good thing about this is you
don't have to go through each individual one like if you went through the control panel
and install this one will uninstall everything all at once and you just click a series of
options verifying you did want to install it now that everything's complete it gives
you a list saying it's all been removed and you're good to go so now I'm going to show
you another way to get rid of all the applications so you don't really get to pick and choose
it's going to get rid of all of them but you'll have a fresh start as if you just installed
Windows to let me show you what you want to go to its typing settings this only works
in Windows 10 update and security and then you want to go to recovery and then you see
at the top reset this PC and then you going to click get started to go through with it
but it'll get rid of all the applications it'll keep all your files if you want You
have the choice in the next step as you see here you can keep your files or you can move
everything and this is a fresh start for Windows so all applications will be gone whether you
installed them or they were already pre-installed and once this is done you're at your computer
run so much faster because a lot of those apps that are pre-installed are just starting
at the beginning just eating up resources so that's why you want to get rid of these
if you don't think you're going to use them this process is going to take around 30 minutes
to complete so it does take a little bit of time but it's well worth it so I hope this
help you have any questions let me know take care thanks for watching hindsight 101 click
the Subscribe button and select the notification Bell to stay up-to-date
Wake Me Up covered by Kiara Johnson - Duration: 3:30.AUDIO BY: WHY DONT WE I DEPEND ON YOU
The Coziest Tiny Farmhouse That You Will No Doubt Want To Own - Duration: 2:05.The Coziest Tiny Farmhouse That You Will No Doubt Want To Own
Home Remedies for Swollen Feet - Duration: 3:03.Home Remedies for Swollen Feet
Do you know anyone who suffers from swollen feet?
Swollen feet is not a problem itself, but points to a deeper issue.
This usually happens when there's a build-up of fluid in the tissue, making them swell.
This is known as edema.
As the swelling gets worse, it gets more uncomfortable and it may become hard to walk or stand.
It can also get more painful, and the feet may be red.
Looking for a cure?
Here are some things you can try at home to bring the swelling down.
Contrast Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy is therapy using water to lessen
pain and discomfort.
For this type of hydrotherapy, you will use both warm and cold water.
The warm water will help blood flow, and the cold water will bring down the swelling in
your feet.
Massage One of the best cures for swollen feet is
a foot massage.
This helps aching muscles and gets the blood flowing.
It also helps extra fluid drain to bring down swelling.
Epsom Salt Epsom salt can bring down swelling very fast,
while soothing pain too.
This is because it has magnesium sulfate which can be soaked up by the skin to help the blood
flow and bring down the swelling.
It is also helps sore, tired muscles, and can kill foot odor.
Ginger Since ginger is a natural diuretic, it brings
down the amount of water in the body, and helps treat swollen feet.
This is because it lessens the sodium in the body which is a big cause of swelling.
Dandelion Dandelion is a great cure for swollen feet.
It helps the body absorb extra fluids because of its diuretic quality.
It also helps keep track of the sodium level in the body.
Exercise Exercising often is important to stop your
feet from swelling.
Exercise helps blood flow and stops blood from building up in your lower limbs.
Magnesium If your body is missing magnesium, that may
cause swelling in the feet due to edema.
Make sure to eat foods that are full of magnesium to help fight this problem.
Here are some other tips to cure swollen feet
- Elevate your legs so that they are higher than the level of your heart.
- Limit the amount of salt and caffeine you have, because they cause feet to swell.
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of canned goods, which have added salt for
- Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and clean out bad bacteria.
- Avoid sitting for long hours.
Instead, take breaks and walk around a bit.
- When taking long trips in a car, bus, train, or plane, think about wearing compression
stockings to stop feet from swelling.
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