Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 31 2018

I want you to all remember this video as the one where I came into the shot and sat down

to make it more of an interesting video.

Please never forget that.

You promise?

My name is Danny Burke, this is Whats Good - the reccomendation show for the busy viewer,

I like really like video likers - todays video is called How Dark Patters Trick You Online

and its from the one and only Nerdwriter.

Ahhhh part of me hates this guy because of how good he really is - its disgusting.

I keep thinking maybe hell make a bad video one and then I will magically become the Nerdwriter

- but no, Im here today to report hes bloody done it again - this is an amazing video all

about how companies trick you online.

Have you guys ever tried to delete an account online before?

Have you ever thought its insanely hard to do?

Its almost like they don't want you to delete your account … Ive done found this a few

times with sites like Facebook but I had no idea just how bad Amazon is.

They make you go through a maze of links to finally delete your account - there is no

way you would know which ones were the right ones to click on unless someone told you or

you spent all day trying every single route.

Or route.

But perhaps the most mental part for me comes right at the end - the final step involves

a live chat with an Amazon employee - you basically have to beg for your account to

be deleted - its their job to convince you to not

do it.

Can you imagine if thats how things worked in real life?

Imagine if you wanted to cancel your gym membership? - which is something Ive never done, ahem.

And when you get to the gym, the only way to cancel your membership is to walk into

the gym backwards, tap the ceiling twice and tell the the employee youd like to activate

order 42.

If you didnt do any of that - sorry you cant cancel - if you somehow managed to find all

of that out and do it - you still have to have chat with them to convince them its a

good idea for you.

How about no mate.

Nerdwriter goes on to explain the whole theory of dark patterns online - this is something

that all of you have seen before but you probably didnt know there was a term for it - at least

I didnt.

Using the email there is an example I can relate to - it took me a long to figure out

that spam emails hide the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email in tiny font that

is usually in a light shade - something that wouldnt really stand out to you.

He goes on to use other examples of how games and websites use these tricks of different

font size, colour, shading as well as text hiding to keep you right where they want you.

My favourite example he showed was this ad from chatmost which literally has fake speck

of dirt on it so that you will try and wipe it off and then accidentally visit the site

… sigh … I may start using that for all my videos.

Its annoying that this companies do this right?

It feels kinda dishonest, a bit misleading - but is it illegal?

Can the government outlaw companies from using psychological tricks and hiding techniques

to stop us from using their services?

The Nerdwriter goes into that in the rest of the video - he does a better job of exploring

it that I could and the rest of the video as always, is mwwwah - tasty.

Its a tasty video.

Go and check him out if you havent done so alreadyyyy, let me know if you think everything

weve talked about today is totally cool and legal or like really not cool and illegal.

In just a few seconds you are gonna see another Whats Good video pop up on your screen - if

all of you watching this tapped on that next then it would get like, it would get, the

video would get, that video would get like, the views would be, the views would go, it

would get like 7 more views.

At least.

My name is Danny Burke and thats … (get up) … Whats Good.

For more infomation >> WHAT'S GOOD - How Companies Trick You - DARK PATTERNS - Duration: 6:11.


8 Things to STOP Doing When You Wake Up in the Morning - Duration: 11:07.

Hey, what's up guys?

So, today we are going to talk about your morning routine.

Now there is a ton of stuff out there on the internet

about morning routines.

There's tons of books, there's tons of blogs,

there's tons of podcast episodes

but it seems like the majority of those are focused

on what you should be adding to your morning routine,

what you should do.

I wanna take a little bit of a different tact today

and focus on what you should stop doing

in your morning routine.

So today we are going to break down eight different things

that you should stop doing when you wake up in the morning,

if you're doing them right now.

The first item on our list

has to do with that magical little rectangle

of plastic and silicone in your pocket.

If you wake up in the morning

and immediately check social media on your phone,

you need to stop doing this

for two important reasons.

First and foremost, if you make checking social media

the first action of your day

then the first action of your day

is giving into a craving for novelty

and that counteracts all of the work that you've been doing

to build your focus muscle.

By contrast, if you wait a little bit

before you check those feeds and maybe do some other things

like breakfast or working out or reading a book for a bit,

you are telling your brain that,

yes, you have to wait before you can go check

all those novelty-inducing social media feeds.

And that's gonna make you much more able to focus

on your work later on in the day.

Reason number two why you should

stop checking social media in the morning

is because if you're anything like me,

you tend to just grab the phone

and start checking your feeds in bed.

And you intend to only check your feeds

for about five minutes

but you end up looking at them for 20 minutes sometimes

and from personal experience I can tell you

there is no healthy position

to be looking at a phone in bed.

You're either looking at it with your arm above your head

or you're propped up on one elbow.

Either way you are putting your body

in a bad postural position and if you do this enough

you can actually end up causing nerve damage.

I've actually caused nerve damage in my own arms before

and it is really painful and impedes my work

and it takes a surprisingly long time to heal.

So, in short, use your bed as a place for sleeping.

Check your social media when you're out of bed

and do it a little bit after you wake up.

Item number two on our list

is eating an unhealthy breakfast.

So, I'm actually reading Jordan Peterson's book

12 Rules For Living right now

and in this book he actually talks about

how eating a protein and fat-heavy breakfast

can actually decrease feelings of anxiety.

Even putting that aside, I know a lot of people

like to wake up

and they eat a breakfast full of sugar or simple carbs

and neither of those things

is gonna set you up for

sustained healthy energy throughout the day.

And this is not me getting on a high horse here.

This is yet another area where

I actually struggle with temptation

because it can be very easy for me to fall into a pattern

while I wake up every single day,

convince myself I need to work right away

and then go to Starbucks and get a breakfast sandwich.

And those things are not healthy.

So, you might be asking yourself,

how do I make sure that I'm eating a healthy breakfast

on a regular basis?

And one of the easiest ways to do this

is to bulk prep your meals.

This basically means taking one or two days a week

to bulk cook a bunch of food in advance

so it's really easy and quick to grab it in the mornings.

The great thing about this is that it's efficient.

You don't have to get out the pots and pans

seven different times.

You don't have to clean them seven different times.

It's just one or two times

and you reap the time saving benefits.

One really great candidate for bulk prepping

is hard-boiled eggs

because if you have a pressure cooker

you can cook them really, really quickly

and the shells are very easy to peel off

and if you don't, you can easily do it in a pot.

It's a little harder to peel the shells off,

it's still pretty easy

and saves you a lot of time.

Or you can do what me and my girlfriend love to do

which is making egg bakes in a casserole dish.

Item number three on the list

is hitting the snooze button on your alarm.

And you knew this was coming on the list.

So, aside from the fact that hitting the snooze button

is basically denying yourself good quality sleep

that you could've had

because you are interrupting your sleep cycle

and then attempting to get into a new one,

which is going to be inevitably interrupted early again.

Hitting the snooze button is also a terrible idea

because doing it is admitting defeat

as your very first action of the day.

If you hit the snooze button on your alarm,

it means that you had set an intention

to wake up at a specific time the night before

and then you failed.

So, do yourself a favor and get out of bed

the moment your alarm goes off.

Now, this might sound a little bit weird

but I've actually found it pretty helpful

to picture myself setting this intention

and telling it to a specific person.

And the person who always comes to mind for me

is Jocko Willink, who is currently a podcaster and author

but was a Navy seal

and, to be honest is somebody that I would definitely

not want to disappoint in real life.

Of course, if that's not enough

I've also devised a system for basically forcing myself

to go get up in the morning using a scheduled tweet.

And if you're curious about that,

I will have a link in the description down below

and on screen right now.

Now, we're moving on to item number four.

It's a brand new John Cena for my door.

Just kidding, it's complaining.

Seriously, a lot of people love

to wake up in the morning and complain.

They complain about how early it is.

They complain about having to go to work.

They complain about how tired they feel.

And the problem with complaining

is that the words that you choose to use,

the way that you choose to express yourself

actually has a tangible effect on your state of mind

and your level of motivation.

So, instead of waking up in the morning and complaining

why not think about what you have to grateful about,

what you can be positive about.

If you dwell on these things

you're gonna be an overall happier person.

Alright, item number five

is cleaning up your living space and your work area.

Now this is definitely not a bad thing to do

but I'm putting it on this list

because I think it is much better to do it the night before.

You might have heard me talk in the past

about a concept called Clear to Neutral.

This basically means setting your work area

or you living area back to its neutral state

after you're done using this.

And the reason you wanna do this

is that the next time you come to use it,

which, in the case of your living space

would be the next day when you wake up,

you want it to be in a state that is already usable.

When your living space, your workspace

is ready to be used immediately when you start the day

you don't have to waste any of your willpower

or your time getting it ready.

It's just ready to go.

So, when your building your before bed routine

build in a little bit of time

for cleaning your space up and clearing it back to neutral.

Your future self is gonna very appreciative.

On a similar note, item number six is planning your day.

Now, planning your day in the morning

can be very useful for some people.

Some people love to have that

as part of their morning routine

but for other people it can actually be a lot better

to plan their day the night before.

Personally, I find that when I wake up

to a concrete plan that I set up the night before,

I almost feel kind of beholden to my past self

and I'm much more clear on the direction

of going to go in immediately.

It's kinda similar to how Barack Obama

used to outsource the decision for what outfit

he was going to wear during the day

because he didn't want to deal with that decision.

He already had a ton of other decisions

and that was just going to make him less focused.

Item number seven is starting your day with negative news.

And if you're the kind of person

who likes to check Reddit or the news app on your phone,

this is something that you need to be wary about.

As somebody who likes to browse Reddit,

I mean, heck, I've even got

my own subreddit for College Info Geek.

I am well aware that many of the default subreddits

on are filled with tons of negative news.

And yes, you might wanna keep up to date on world events

but if you're waking up every single morning

and bombarding yourself with a ton of negative stories,

that's gonna put you in a negative state of mind.

And it's also likely to send you down rabbit holes

that end up wasting a ton of your time.

So, if you are going to wake up and check news,

check your feeds, if that's something you like to do,

tailor those feeds to be full of positive

or interesting information not negative news.

Or, if you wanna do something even more effective,

just read a book in the morning.

Make that part of your morning routine

and then check your feeds later on during the day.

Again, if you wake up in the morning

and you start with some long-form content,

that's building that focus muscle.

And that brings us to our final item on the list

which is getting up at different times every morning.

If you don't currently have

a at least somewhat consistent time

that you wake up in the morning,

if you're getting up really late on the weekends

and really early during the days

or you have totally different wake-up times during the week,

then you are negatively impacting

your body's circadian rhythm

and negatively impacting the quality of your sleep.

So, as best as you can, try to establish

a consistent wake-up time for yourself.

And I know a bunch of you are gonna ask me

can I still sleep in on the weekends?

And, biologically speaking, you would be best off

by having a consistent wake-up time

that includes the weekends.

Your body doesn't have like a special,

magical weekend mode.

It doesn't switch over all of its biological processes

because you're not in school or work.

But that doesn't mean that you are going to ruin your life

by sleeping in on the weekends.

And to be quite honest, I actually sleep in

about an hour later on Saturdays and Sundays

than when I get up during the week.

So, if you wanna be like me,

you don't wanna be completely uber efficient,

then go ahead and do that

but from a scientific perspective,

a consistent wake-up time is better

than an inconsistent one.

Now, in future videos we are definitely

going to talk about things that you can add

to your morning routine to further improve

the quality of your daily life

but the nice thing about the items on this list

is that, well, they don't take a lot of effort

to put into practice.

So, earlier in the video we talked about

how it might be a good addition to your morning routine

to read a book.

And this is something that I like to do myself

but because I'm very committed

to having some form of exercise

in my morning routine as well,

whether it be going to the gym

or going for a bike ride or for a long walk,

I typically listen to my books.

And my favorite app for finding those book is Audible.

Audible has an unbeatable selection of audio book titles

in a ton of different genres

ranging from psychology to science fiction to biographies.

So, no matter what's sitting on your reading list,

you are most likely going to be able

to find it in their library.

Now, in the past you've probably seen me

talk about how you can use Audible on your phone

but today I wanted to show you

how you can also use it on an Amazon Echo.

And it's really easy.

All you do is ask Alexa to read an Audible book.

Alexa, read Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance.

- [Alexa] Getting the selection from

Thomas Audible Library.

Resuming Elon Musk.

- And from there you can easily listen

while you're cooking dinner,

which is what I usually use it for

or while you're doing anything else at home.

Also, as a guy who sometimes likes to listen to audio books

while I am going to sleep,

I love the fact that you can ask Alexa

to set a sleep timer so your book doesn't get too far ahead

once you actually do fall asleep.

And, of course, you can also use voice commands

to ask Alexa to pause or go backwards or skip forward

and at any time you can pause what you're listening to

on your Echo device

and pick up right where you left off on your phone.

So, if you've got an Echo device

you can try this for free right now.

And when you're ready for more

you can go over to

or text Thomas to 500-500 on your phone

to get a free one-month trial

that also comes with a free audio book download

of your choosing.

Now, as you con probably tell from all the B-roll here,

the book that I'm gonna recommend for you guys this week

is the Elon Musk biography by Ashlee Vance

which covers Elon Musk's early years

as well as the development of Tesla and SpaceX

and if you saw my recent video on Elon Musk,

a lot of the lessons about how productive he is

came straight from that book.

So, if you wanna start listening to that book for free

or any other book of your choosing,

once again you can go over to

or text Thomas to 500-500 on your phone.

Big thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video

and helping to support this channel.

And, as always, thank you guys so much for watching.

You can hit that Like button if you enjoyed this video

and also subscribe right there

if you don't wanna miss future videos

when they come out.

You might also wanna pick up a free copy of my book

on how to earn better grades right there

or check out one more video on this channel

right around here.

Thanks for watching

and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 8 Things to STOP Doing When You Wake Up in the Morning - Duration: 11:07.


What You Don't Really Know About Ed Sheeran's Life - Duration: 3:32.

When Ed Sheeran emerged on the music scene, he blessed us with catchy tunes that swiftly

rose to the top of the charts.

The English singer, songwriter, and guitarist charmed the world with his humble, down to

earth personality, his boyish charisma, and of course, his soulful ballads.

You may know all of his tunes by heart, but how much do you really know about the "Shape

of You" singer?

Here's the untold truth of Ed Sheeran.

Royal bed

Once he completed his college courses in London, Sheeran found himself unable to pay rent.

With nowhere to go, he took up shelter with the Royal Family.

Okay, not really.

He was technically squatting outside of the palace.

In his memoir Ed Sheeran: A Visual Journey, he revealed,

"There was an arch outside Buckingham Palace that has a heating duct and I spent a couple

of nights there."

Thankfully, his days of not having a place to call home are long gone.

He made headlines in January 2018 when he purchased, well, four houses right next door

to each other in a Suffolk village.


"That's the one."

"What the f---?"

Eminem to the rescue

Sheeran was honored by the American Institute of Stuttering's Freeing Voices, Changing Lives

Benefit in 2015 and during his acceptance speech, he shed some light on the origins

of his speech impediment.

"I had a port-wine stain birthmark on my face that I got lasered off when I was very young.

One day, they forgot to put the anesthetic on, and ever since then, I had a stutter."

The singer was able to get rid of his stutter by learning every word of Eminem's album,

The Marshall Mathers LP.

"He raps very fast and very melodically and very percussively and it helped me get rid

of the stutter."

Beer weight

During an interview with The Breakfast Club radio show, the crooner explained his reason

for dropping a ton of weight.

"Sweatpants were the only things that fit and I just thought everything had shrunk in

the wash, but it hadn't."

He blamed beer for the weight gain, and claims that once he put the booze down he lost around

50 pounds.

He hasn't sworn it off entirely, though.

He admitted that he has since been able to reintroduce beer back into his diet, as long

as he maintains his exercise regimen.

Hit list

At the start of his career, Sheeran wasn't one of those celebs who was able to practice

restraint after receiving bad press or a negative online review.

During a candid interview with the BBC, he admitted that he kept a, quote, "hit list"

of the people and publications that didn't support him early on.

He explained,

"I remembered the people who didn't help, and then if they asked: 'Do you want to go

on the cover of our magazine?'

I'd be like: 'Hell, no.'"

Though we'd love to hear who's on that list, Sheeran has since taken on a more mature approach

to handling such tough criticism, and claims, quote, "the list doesn't really exist anymore."

Substance abuse

Sheeran's life was once on the verge of snowballing out of control, but thankfully, he was pulled

back from the brink of hitting rock bottom.

During an appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show, Sheeran recalled that dark period of

his life when he was adjusting to the spotlight, saying,

"All the pitfalls that people read about, I just found myself slipping into all of them

[...] mostly substance abuse.

It's all fun to begin with, it all starts off as a party and then you're doing it on

your own and it's not, so that was a wake-up call."


Don't even bother trying to call him.

In an interview with the BBC, Sheeran explained:

"I was at a house party the other day and 50 percent of the people were either Snapchatting

or watching Snapchat.

Someone said: 'Why don't you have a phone any more?' and I was like: 'Look around you.

This is exactly why I don't have a phone.'"

So how's he able to constantly update his Instagram account and stay connected to the

online world?

His new ipad.

"I bought an iPad, and then I just work off of email, and it's so much less stress.

I don't wake up in the morning and have to answer 50 messages of people asking for stuff."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What You Don't Really Know About Ed Sheeran's Life - Duration: 3:32.


Why Do You Get Hangry? - Duration: 3:43.

This episode of SciShow is sponsored by Snickers.

It's not.

Though it should be!

Get on it, Snickers!


It's happened to the best of us.

It's close to dinner time, your stomach is grumbling...

All of a sudden your significant other's foot tapping becomes too much to bear, and

you lash out.

Your partner has fallen victim to hanger, the grumpiness you feel when you are hungry.

And it isn't an excuse—it's an actual physiological and psychological phenomenon.

Science has shown that hanger is real.

For example, people jab more pins into a voodoo doll of their spouses or choose to blast loud

noises at their partner when their blood glucose levels are low.

Psychologists think that this may be because hunger impairs self-control.

Not acting impulsively takes brainpower, and when the brain's low on fuel, it just doesn't

have the energy to hold back.

Another explanation is that hanger is basically a mistake your brain makes when you're not

sure what's causing your body to feel bad.

That's because some psychologists think feeling emotions is actually a combination

of what's physically going on in your body and what your mind thinks is the reason for


So if you don't realize what's making you feel off, you might pick a different emotion.

When you haven't eaten in a while, you might attribute your rumbling stomach, tiredness

and fuzzy-head to other feelings that cause those reactions, like stress or even anger.

No really — this is a thing.

Scientists have shown that this can happen.

For example, experimenters in a 2016 study irked 236 college students by making the computer

they were using crash.

Those that had fasted before the test reacted more negatively, seeming to add their hunger-related

feelings to the frustration induced by the tech glitch.

They even reported more hatred towards the experimenter.


And that might sound extreme, but it's an honest mistake, because hunger and anger look

a lot alike physiologically.

Some of the same brain regions are activated both when you feel angry and when you're


And that's because the same brain chemical—a tiny protein called neuropeptide Y—both

prompts your body to eat when your energy reserves are low and regulates aggression.

Actually, it makes a lot of sense, because hunger is your brain's way of signaling

the release of hormones that increase the amount of glucose into your bloodstream so

that your tissues don't starve.

And those same hormones are released in stressful situations, when a boost of glucose could

help you outmuscle a predator or run away.

And the connection between hunger and aggression might be more than a bodily coincidence.

For our ancestors, food wasn't always a reliable thing.

Their feelings of hunger were a sign that food was scarce, so whatever they found when

hungry was probably worth fighting for.

Being hangrier, and thus more aggressive about securing meals, might have helped them get

the fuel they needed to outcompete more complacently hungry rivals.

And the legacy of that hanger lives on in us today.

So the next time you feel yourself about to bubble over with frustration, remember: it

may be your body's way of decoding your empty stomach.

So go eat a snack!

But not a Snickers.


Thanks for asking, and thank you to our actual President of Space today, who would just like

us to say that it's "Not SR Foxley."

It's usually SR Foxley, but this time it isn't, and that's the only thing that

this person wanted us to say.

Without our Patreon patrons, like SR Foxley and also Not SR Foxley, we wouldn't be able

to make SciShow and answer all of your maddening questions about the universe.

Thank you to all those people.

Everyone except Snickers.


For more infomation >> Why Do You Get Hangry? - Duration: 3:43.


Eating fish slims and protects the heart - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Eating fish slims and protects the heart - Duration: 5:31.


You'll be Surprised by These 3 Benefits of Watermelon - Duration: 6:09.

You'll be Surprised by These 3 Benefits of Watermelon

There are some foods that are truly a gift of nature.

Besides their delicious flavor, theyre good for our bodies with their incredible properties and their high nutritional value.

Watermelon is in this category.

Discover the benefits of watermelon in this article.Watermelon has a high content of antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins A and C.  You will find it in juices and as an accompaniment to meals.

It also contains licopine and beta carotene, two substances that help to prevent and treat cancer.

The more ripe it is, the more benefits there are for your health.

  Ninety percent of a ripe watermelon consists of water.

 Because of this, its a fruit that is helpful in treating conditions such as severe dehydration, kidney problems and anemia.

In this article we offer 3 of the many benefits of this wonderful fruit.

Some of the incredible benefits of watermelon

1. It strengthens the heart

Watermelon contains citrulline, which transforms into arginine.

  These two amino  acids contribute to the state of the arteries, efficient blood flow, and general cardiovascular function.

Arginine and the citrulline are necessary for the production of nitric oxide.

  This contributes to the elasticity of the arteries and of the blood vessels.

2. It improves erectile dysfunction

Even though it sounds surprising, watermelon has similar properties to those of blood vessels dilators.

  These are used to treat blood vessel dysfunction.

However, the problem with watermelon is that there are no precise quantities one should use in order to improve this condition.

Nevertheless, this potential of watermelon is promising for those who try its effect on this dysfunction.

3. It contributes great nutritional value

Watermelon is well known as a diuretic and for its ability to hydrate.

However, little is known about its extraordinary nutritional value.

Besides its exquisite flavor, watermelon contains high quantities of multiple nutrients.

  This gives it great nutritional value like few other fruits.

Just 100 g.

of watermelon contains the following nutrients:.

•  Carbohydrates  8 g. •  Proteins . 6 g.

•  Fat . 2 g. •  Calories 30 g.

•  Fiber. 5 g. •  Vitamin A  570 IU.

•  Potassium  112 mg.

•  Magnesium  11 mg. •  Iron . 2 mg.

•  Other vitamins: B1, B2, B3, and B6.

•  Other minerals: manganese and phosphorous.

This is not to mention that the quantities that we consume are much higher than this small portion.  This amount demonstrates the benefit that this exotic fruit is able to offer to our body.

Because of this, watermelon is highly recommended and consumed by athletes, particularly high-performance athletes.

After learning the incredible benefits of watermelon, youll probably look at it differently.

Youll consume it realizing all of the benefits that it can offer you.

The most important thing is that youll include it in your daily diet as a very beneficial food.

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