Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Waching daily May 30 2018

We have some exciting news to share!

So we've asked some friends to help us...

Hello world, Hello.

Hello Hello everyone

Hello Hey guys

Hello Everyone

Hi I'm Swetha

I'm Zackery

My name is AJ Velitchko.

My name is Christina My name is Rona

My name is Huang Jinho My name is Lily Burke

My name is Blessing Yoshiko

My name is Michelle I'm Ian

My name is Malik Cransie Boursiquot

My name is Boluwatite. I am from Nigeria

I'm from Belfast

I am from Canada

I grew up in Hong Kong

Oakland, California Republic of Korea


I am from America I was born in Haiti

I'm from the North-Eastern part of the United States.

I'm from Russia Boston, Massachusetts?

I was born in China.

I was living there till I was adopted by my American Mom.

At home we only use English.

So right now I'm studying Mandarin Chinese.

I wanted to learn more about my roots. I started learning Mandarin Chinese.

Chinese [The] Korean language and [the] Chinese language.

Even though I'm not Korean, I can speak Korean.

English, Korean, Japanese and some Spanish.

I will become [an] English master!

Now I study English I study Japanese

Japanese Korean, Arabic, Spanish and French

Portuguese Spanish and Urdu

Spanish I speak Russian a little bit.

That's cool!

If I were an American, for example, I would never have learned Russian!

So what's the big news?

10 million people worldwide are using HelloTalk

HelloTalk now has 10 million users.

10 million people 10 million

We reached 10 million users almost entirely through word of mouth and organic growth.

I hope one day, 10 million will reach 200 million.

Honestly, it needs to be 10 billion.

So many times we hear from our users that they were recommended to the app by their friends.

I began using HelloTalk to improve my Russian, and since then I have done that and I've made

friends all around the world.

It's really the power of the community.

It can be hard learning a new language, but if you combine it with social interactions,

it's a lot easier.

I think learning languages... the true meaning is to interact with people and communicate;

make friendships with people from around the world.

I think people should use HelloTalk if they wanna learn any language like a normal human

being, not like some sort of robot or computer.

Our mission is very simple, we want to make language learning fun.

It gets you away from the textbook and it gets you in the fun of learning conversation.

When I started I did not expect language learning to have such a huge impact on my life.

Immersing yourself in a good language learning environment is essential.

I have always been amazed by our users' willingness and eagerness to learn a language, and the

willingness to help other people.

HelloTalk helps to create this kind of learning atmosphere and environment.

People should use HelloTalk because it's a way of breaking language barriers.

I can now communicate with people from different countries.

Thanks to HelloTalk I have become smarter.

To see so many people so interested in language learning really makes me happy.

I want to thank all HelloTalkers for their willingness to help others to practice and

learn a language.

I want to say thanks.

Thanks Thank you

Thanks to HelloTalk Thanks

Keep doing the good work.

We want to see our community continue growing, reaching more people around the world...

Thanks Thanks

Thanks Thanks

Thanks Thank you for Hellotalk, I love it.

... but we want the app to stay as positive and as helpful as it is right now.


Just, a big thank you to everyone.

So from all of us at HelloTalk... ... to all 10 million of you...

Thank you.

I give your app 10 out of 10.

For more infomation >> HelloTalk Reaches 10 Million Users - Duration: 4:41.


How to type on a circle in Illustrator USEFUL FUNCTION - Type On A Path Illustrator ((BONUS VIDEO)) - Duration: 2:50.

what is up people welcome back to Satori graphics the home of graphic

design content right here on YouTube I never normally posted on Wednesday but

today have a bonus video on how to type on a circle in Illustrator the right way

I might bring a short bonus video here every single Wednesday because I thought

it'd be a good opportunity to bring a quick and short tutorial to some people

especially beginners so I'm gonna quickly show you how people normally

type on a circle illustrator then show you a function that most people don't

know exists when typing on a circle in Illustrator so firstly what designers

would do is select a stroke in the color palette and you can toggle between a

stroke and a fill by pressing Shift + X on your keyboard then press L for the

ellipse tool where you can find the ellipse tool in the tools panel and hold

down shift and click and drag to create a circle

he then can locate the type on a path tool here by holding down a click under

the type tool if you simply click on the circle with the type on a path tool

you're going to be able to type on the path pretty simple right but then you

can drag the text around the circle and flip it with the direct selection tool a

being the shortcut on your keyboard

however here is the real point of today's tutorial if you go up the top

and click type type on a path and then type on a path options you're gonna find

a new India opens in this window are a myriad of options but you can click

preview to see real-time changes as you scroll through them the first option

will flip the type on the circle which is a lot easier than using direct

selection tool the next set of options are all style options for the text

itself the really important staff are located at the bottom this would dictate

where the tax falls along the line so you can choose either to have your text

above the line below the line were exactly on the center of the line also

you can use a scissors tool to cut the circle in half before you type on it to

have two separate parts of the circle but there was my quick video on how to

type on a circle illustrator the right way let me know if you dig this bonus

video when I'm going to be back tomorrow with more in depth graphical design

content so until next time design your future today peace


For more infomation >> How to type on a circle in Illustrator USEFUL FUNCTION - Type On A Path Illustrator ((BONUS VIDEO)) - Duration: 2:50.


First Step To Change Your Life and Stay Motivated - Duration: 8:55.

Hi, my name is Karolina and thank you for following our team create your way of life today. I'm shooting this message just for you

As you can see today, I am just in Bali enjoying my time, and I just want to share something with you

This was my dream. Just come to Bali for one week

and now this is my second month and I'm planning to stay another two months and

you know, this would never have been possible if I

Didn't make poor decision two years ago and you know

like I am a former accountant and

I used to live in UK and my family some parts some members of my family lives in Poland

so members of family lives in Switzerland and

I felt the last few years that basically I am stuck. I I stopped enjoying my job

I knew that this is not for me that life is more than

Just sitting hours in front of computer or spreadsheet basically talking about budget and cost and really true to be honest

pouring stuff and

You know, like I saw what is happening?

you know with me that I'm just not motivated anymore and also this weather didn't help as well and

That moment I decided to change something in my life and I didn't know what kind of possibilities I have

Because I trained as a Content for so many years

You know spent many weekends study and then of course many years of practice and then suddenly worked

So I just want to share this message with you. If you're feeling that way that you've been doing some professional

For many many years you'll be studying something and then suddenly you're feeling that actually this is not for me

There are so many opportunities now with online online

actually, you can really get the right education the right coaching and mentoring which

Completely will change your life. So this is this is this message is not for

For you from me to selling something. I just want to inspire to you know, like

I made this bold decision think started shifting for me, you know, like I

Didn't know how this gonna happen

But I knew that there is something out there and actually it was I didn't wait long and I came across the this platform

Educational platform which they training me how to start building my online business and to be honest

this is tiny things what actually

Happened in the last two years. No, they they really push me to

Come out of my comfort zone on so many levels, you know

and I started building my own business and now I'm travel the world with my boyfriend and

It's just now I really feeling that I am living my life. I am three

I mean I'm living my dream basically and I'm just looking this and I said

I just want us to shoot this message for you because I know you are checking probably my

emails or maybe YouTube channel and if you are doing that you

Want the change? I know whether you want more time with your family or you just want to want to quit your job

Because it doesn't resonate with you anymore. I

Am really inviting you to take all the decision and

Where find your why why you want to change your life like go deep, you know

What was my wife my mother my mother?

Work a whole life for very hard and actually even speaking about it. I am very emotional and

Every penny is sorry


I hope I haven't expected but every penny she spent on a for my brother and myself and

If we wanted something anything, she didn't have money

She woke her barbers and

This is my why why I decided to share something in my life. It's not actually for me. It's actually for her

And I cannot wait actually to take even this

business to the next level

So I can help her to change her life

I can help her to quit her job because she's got a very physical job

For many many hours and this is my truly, right? This is my why that's why I'm so motivated

And I do everything what I can to to be successful

So I mean, but I think you find your wife like really deep

Oh, I know that she just basically want to quit your job. This is not enough now most of the time people

Have fear of change. This is more scary for them than anything else

So this is to be much more deeper

Maybe your kids, you know, like I don't have kids but you know what I'm doing now. I know that I'm gonna prove

Provide amazing life for my kids. I don't want my kids actually to go to this normal

Way like school University then get married and stuck in the corporate

Job for 30 40 s I don't actually want this for them what I want this is this what I want for them I want

Them to do some people they enjoying and love it a class

Because the only way you can be truly happy when you're doing something cause you love

when you grow when you're working on yourself and

Also on you enjoy your life and my message is

Find your way because when you have strong life, you will do anything

to change your life and

Get in touch with us because we can inspire you all of us all of us

We quit our jobs and you know, we had medicine who was you know, like in the family business

You know cashier I am former accountant and in our community

there are people flow with they have different background basically from truck driver to

Salesman - oh my god. There are so many different backgrounds. You can't even imagine and

Truly, it doesn't matter. What age you are. It doesn't match. What background you are

what matters is your wife because the only way really motivates you to take the next step and

Start doing something for yourself a meal for your family. So

I hope it this message inspired you. Please get in touch with us. Don't just check these emails or maybe our

YouTube channel just get in touch have conversation with us know we are real people

With a story like probably see your stories. Let's connect

And I don't want to so say maybe this what we are doing is not for you

But maybe we can inspire you to start doing what you truly love

because I believe that when you're doing some people you love and

When you enjoying your life the money will come the money will come this

We've seen this over and over again and you know

I can even see since I quit my job sees why I left the UK and I jump in deep in this digital education

With my boyfriend we started to travel the world

I've never felt happier to be honest, you know

Like it's such amazing that we don't need to wake up to the alarm clock

You can have just peaceful breakfast sync our morning routines

and then when we feel we are just I

Don't even want to say working on our business because actually we are not working on our business

We are creating our prosperity in abundance and like just even think I'm creating, you know

Like there's no resistance. There is no

Negative emotion. It's just

slow and light and energy and happiness and

We do all of it around our business not the other way around so I'm inviting you to get in touch

Chat with us has so many opportunities now

We can help you with that and it's not even this digital education is for you we can help you

Maybe what else is for you there? I am also doing

A coaching and healing on any blockages. So if you feel that something is blocking here to take the next step

I am happy to have conversation review. So, please please please get in touch and don't wait life is too short

Don't wait because you know, you can leave this life as well. You can help your kids heal playing good there and

feeling happy

So that's it from me. Thank you for listening and see you next time. Bye for now

For more infomation >> First Step To Change Your Life and Stay Motivated - Duration: 8:55.


N.Flying (엔플라잉) – 4TH MINI ALBUM [HOW ARE YOU?] Jacket Making - Duration: 3:32.

It's called Cha Hun's S.S collection…

S.S = Sok Sal (skin)

Your concept changed a lot?!

We also felt that while shooting for our album cover.

(Jae Hyun likes the concept of the shooting) This time I will try not to smile

You smiled… right away…;;

For me..

I never knew that

S.S Collection = Sok Sal (skin) Collection I had to wear this today!

Next time…

I think I'll have to

work-out more…

Time for lunch

Hwe Seung's

stomach kept


so it was so funny

We came to shoot for our 4th mini album

album cover shooting!

We're at Yang Yang!!!

Here it is!

It's so beautiful, isn't it?

Our 4th mini album cover shooting is finished!

We think the images will come out very nicely.

We monitored the images and

everyone looked so handsome!

I think we tried to express

new looks that we haven't showed before.

In this album some chic look was also expressed

which was bit different from our previous albums.

Please look forward to it

as it will come out very nice.

Please give your love and support

This has been N.Flying

Thank you.

For more infomation >> N.Flying (엔플라잉) – 4TH MINI ALBUM [HOW ARE YOU?] Jacket Making - Duration: 3:32.


You have to be independent and curious - Duration: 0:58.

A lot of what drives me is that we have a chance to see

whether there's a smarter way of doing this

or whether there's a new way.

It's not just blackboard teaching, it's also experimental.

You learn new things.

Not only to answer the questions, but to be able to

ask relevant questions.

The solutions to some of the challenges we are facing –

both with energy and the climate –

will come from people who have a natural science

or technical background.

It has something to do with analytical skills, mathematical skills, and

being able to see that there are some applications

for what they're working with.

I don't view my work as a 9 to 5 job.

I view it as a flame that's constantly burning.

It's just like a hobby I get paid for –

and that's really great.

For more infomation >> You have to be independent and curious - Duration: 0:58.


Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil (Mentha Piperita) & How You Should Use It! - Duration: 2:14.

The essential oil we'll be talking about in this video is a very versatile

essential oil suitable for its oral and topical uses and for the antimicrobial

properties native to Europe and now grown in India peppermint is one of the

oldest herbes used for medicinal purposes the health benefits of

peppermint oil as well as its users have been documented back to almost 1000 BC

which has been found in several Egyptian pyramids helpful in soothing and aching

back sore muscles as well as melting away

tensions and headache peppermint oil is present in various high quality haircare

products because it can naturally thicken as well as nourish your damaged

hair we're simply adding two to three drops of peppermint oil in your current

shampoo oil conditioner can easily help and stimulate your scalp as well as

energize your mind inhaling the fused peppermint oil can immediately unclog

the sinuses and offer remains to scratchy throats when your muscles get

achy applying peppermint oil with lavender oil can easily cool your

muscles like an expert no wonder in the ancient times it was used as herbal

medicine across various culture due to its antimicrobial properties it is an

excellent ingredient to cure acne naturally in fact it can naturally

hydrate your sunburns can underneath the pain you just have to simply mix few

drops of peppermint oil with coconut oil and apply it on the affected area

whether you are dealing with outer bugs household critters or rodents peppermint

is the best option for you it's distinct potent and strong aroma can help you get

rid of them all peppermint oil comes with a host of health and beauty

benefits and is a must in everyone's medicine cabinet at Satthwa we sell 100%

pure and organic essential oils our supply of a USDA certified when you buy

an essential oil make sure it comes in a glass bottle and should be kept away

from sunlight exercise precaution while using essential oils.

do not forget to like and subscribe to our channel and press the bell icon to

never miss a video from Satthwa

For more infomation >> Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil (Mentha Piperita) & How You Should Use It! - Duration: 2:14.


再熬4天,4大生肖脫胎換骨 - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> 再熬4天,4大生肖脫胎換骨 - Duration: 3:54.


6大生肖,6月之後財運太好 - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> 6大生肖,6月之後財運太好 - Duration: 8:38.


HSN | Kitchen Essentials 05.30.2018 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Kitchen Essentials 05.30.2018 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


How to be a good client for your accountant - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> How to be a good client for your accountant - Duration: 2:10.


未來八天,時來運轉能夠威風八面的四大生肖 - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> 未來八天,時來運轉能夠威風八面的四大生肖 - Duration: 6:06.


Use what you have | 2 Kings 4 - Duration: 10:48.

you have everything you need coming up next

hey everyone welcome to Wednesday's with crystal on crystal Sparks I'm so glad

that you are here on my channel hey every week on Wednesday I put out a new

video and my channel's purpose is this is to help grow your faith and to help

equip you to accomplish your dreams and your goals today we're going to talk

about you have what you need I don't know about you guys but it seems like

every time I face a big obstacle a big challenge the one thought in my mind is

I don't know that I have what I need to get through this maybe it's coming in

after an overwhelming day and you hear bad news about what's happening at home

and the house is a mess you seem completely overwhelmed and the thought

that hits your head is I don't have what I need to be able to get through this

challenge this difficulty maybe it's a health struggle a financial struggle

maybe I struggle in your business I think the one question that continuously

hits us the hardest is that we don't have what we need it's not that we don't

believe in what God's told us to do it's the fact that we don't believe we have

the resources we need the strength we need the talent anything that we need to

be able to accomplish it in the Bible it tells us a story about a woman in second

Kings chapter 4 and there's a prophet named Elisha and I want to read this

story to you it starts in verse 1 it says now the wife of a son of your other

prophets cried to Elisha your servant my husband is dead and you know that your

servant feared the Lord but the creditor has come to take my two sons to be his

slaves Elisha said to her what shall I do for you tell me what have you in the

house and she said your handmaid has nothing in the house except a jar of oil

then he said go borrow vessels from all your neighbors again empty vessels and

then not a few and when you come in shut the door upon your sons and then pour

out the oil you have into all those vessels setting aside each one until

it's full so she went from him and shut the door upon her selves in her sons and

who brought who brought her to her the vessels as she poured the oil when the

vessels were awful she said to her son bring me another vessel and he said to

her there is not one left then the oil stopped

multiplied and then she came and told the man of God and he said go sell the

oil and pay your debt and you and your sons live on the rest you know a few

things I want to tell you about here is that first thing is is that what you do

first will always determine what happens next

what you do first when you realize that you don't have enough will determine

what happens next I can't tell you how many times that I have felt inadequate I

felt like I didn't have what it takes to get through that challenge through that

difficulty and what usually happens is I host a pity party and I start wallowing

in my sorrows I start trying to add up my checkbook again as though things are

gonna change the numbers are gonna magically morph into different members I

began to think about how I wish I would have done things differently I wish

these people wouldn't have left me I wish this scenario didn't happen and all

I'm doing is digging myself deeper into the disappointment but the truth is is

that in God the things that we see as our disadvantage is really our advantage

the things that we think are actually holding us back are about to propel a

sport but it's what we do first that's going to determine what happens next

see if she wouldn't have gone to the man of God and asked him that question she

wouldn't have ever gotten a miracle that was about to happen next and so many

times in our lives instead of going to God who knows the answer who can supply

all of our needs the Bible says according to his riches and glory what

we do is we keep looking at art in adequacy and in looking and our

inadequacy and our insufficiency we get deeper and deeper into despair but one

moment talking to God can solve all of our problems in the interesting that

here when she to put God first place all the problems begin to be solved I wonder

how many sleepless nights she had how many days she had worrying and stressing

how much time she wasted that she's never able to get back thinking about

how it wasn't gonna work out and in a moment God revealed to her the answer

how many you guys know that there's times in our lives where we say things

like well I guess all that have left to do is to pray oh my

goodness the only thing left to do that should be the very first thing you

should do see what we do first determines what happens next what if

when we began to have that negative thought come into our mind if you don't

have what it takes what if instead of going on the negative spiral we begin to

pause and pray what if we begin to just say God I put you first place right now

God I asked for you to open up my eyes let me see what I do have the next thing

is that I want to show you is that what you need you already have if you don't

have it it's because you don't need it see here she is the very first thing

that she does is she comes she asked the man of God what to do but then she does

what we do she talks about everything that she doesn't have she talks about

how she doesn't have a husband now she doesn't have the resources but she has

nothing left in her house and here's the thing is if you don't have it you don't

need it and what you have is already in the house you know I'm telling you this

message because this is a very message that the Lord spoke to me the other day

I was praying and I was having a pity party and I was telling the Lord Lord I

can't do what you called me to do these people aren't with us anymore we

don't have the resources that we need this situation didn't work out the way I

hope and the Lord just asked me everything you need you already have if

you needed it you would still have it the Lord's like I didn't let anything

leave your life that was gonna sabotage you from the calling that I have for you

if you have it that means that you still need it and the Lord asked me what do

you have who are the people that are in your life what are the resources that

you have what things have I entrusted you with and I want you to start to

think about those things see here's the deal is that even when all she had left

was a little bit of oil that was all she needed think about Jesus when he was

about to be the disciples they were so busy telling him everything they didn't

have we don't have enough food even if we went to town they wouldn't have

enough food and I love what Jesus says he says what do you have go out in the

crowd and tell me what we do have and the miracle began to happen not and then

folk seeing an insufficiency it was where the

miracle happened was as they begin to give God what they do have and friend

let me tell you some of you are still mourning over the people that left you

some of you are still in disappointment over the job situation that didn't work

out that application that got to nine the boyfriend that broke up with you the

heartbreak that it happened in your life and here's the thing is if they left

that means you don't need them because here's the thing is that God is a good

God and he's not gonna let something leave you that you need he's gonna make

sure that hey everything you need you already have and even if you just have

like that woman just a little bit of oil guess what it's gonna give you

everything you need you know it doesn't matter what everything looks like in

your past when you give it to get to God your past pain he'll give to you your

future victories but here's the thing is it's never gonna happen if all you're

doing is getting yourself down thinking about what didn't work out thinking

about what you don't have if all of a sudden you got to begin to give him what

you do have what do you have the next thing I want to tell you is that all God

always gives you more than you needed in the first place you know here this woman

came she all she wanted was the debt to be paid for she just didn't want to lose

her sons she just wanted to lose the debt where it wasn't holding her back

she was about to lose her sons to the debt collectors all she wanted was the

debt to be paid off but I love what the Bible says

he says go and sell all that oil it's gonna pay off your debt and you're gonna

be able to live off the rest you know thinking about Jesus when you multiplied

the loaves and the fish the Bible says it wasn't just enough to feed the

thousands of people there that day but there was actually baskets of leftovers

here's the thing is that God isn't a just get by God I love this that God's

not on a budget he's not thinking oh well how can I barely meet her needs the

Bible says that he gifts to us good measure pressed down shaken together and

running over see here's the thing is that God is a multiplication kind of guy

and when we began to seek him first when we begin to give him what we do have not

the pains of our past not all the things that didn't work out but we begin to

look inside and say what do I have left that I can turn into something great

what do I have left that I can bring to the feet of the master and then when we

begin to do that God does so much more than what we came for friend let me tell

you you have everything you need you just gotta start using it if you got a

camera start shooting if you got a house start inviting people over if you got a

urban start that bakery right there in your kitchen quit waiting for what you

don't have and just start using what you have and when you use what you have

friend let me tell you that God will take you places that she never dreamed

possible you just start using what you have today and gotta worry about the

rest hey thank you so much for watching hope this video inspired you to start

using what you have if you haven't done so already you want to be subscribed to

my emails type the keyword Wednesday to 330 733 follow the prompts every week

you'll get an email from me with a blog post a link to my video different

resources that I'm recommending and then also I have a sister an event coming up

this fall and I'm about to announce the dates you don't want to miss out last

year over 900 women signed up and I'm believing for an even bigger crowd this

year so I'd love for you to start making plans to attend the people who'll find

out about it first will be the ones in my email list so you want to be sure and

be a part of that if you haven't done so already subscribe give this video a

thumbs up share it with your friends and family and help us get the word out so

we can tell other people about what God is doing hey let's do something awesome

for God this week


For more infomation >> Use what you have | 2 Kings 4 - Duration: 10:48.


家裡有搖錢樹,以後只會越來越富的4個生肖 - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> 家裡有搖錢樹,以後只會越來越富的4個生肖 - Duration: 4:30.


Films You Know-Yet Don't: Mera Gaon Mera Desh - Duration: 4:29.

Films You Know-Yet Don't: Mera Gaon Mera Desh

Here's a look back at films that created such a deep impact that they shaped the future of Hindi cinema or film buffs.

Whether super-hits, average grossers or even flops in their time, they became cult classics forever.

In a candid admission, Dharmendra laughingly admitted that Mera Gaon Mera Desh(MGMD) was the definite inspiration point for Salim-Javed's Sholay.

And having worked in both films as their biggest star, he should know! It isanother matter that Salim-Javed only credit two foreign films as their inspirations!.

MGMD was based on Gandhiji's famous quote, "If I have to choose between cowardice and violence, I will choose violence." Dharmendra is Ajit, a petty thief who is arrested thanks to a handicapped Army man (Jayant) who lives in a village.

The simple village folk cow down before the ruthless dacoit Jabbar Singh (Vinod Khanna).

When he comes out of jail and goes to the ex-soldier for a job, the latter asks Ajit to help fight the brigands.

At one point, the hero wants to deceive his benefactor and run away (as in Sholay again!), but better judgment prevails and he instills courage among the innocent village folk to fight the dakus and destroys the gang.

The extremely gritty script with some fabulous dialogues (Akhtar Romani) and twists was reason enough to make the film run for 50 weeks.

Laxmikant-Pyarelal's parade of rural-flavored hit songs written by Anand Bakshi, led by the cult Maar diya jaaye ke chhod diya jaaye / Bol tere saath kya sulook kiya jaaye (How should I treat you? Kill you or let you go?), helped in a major way.

Dharmendra's rugged persona, in a spectacular clash of wits with the equally virile Vinod Khanna, was among the USPs of the film, which remains Khanna's biggest hit as a villain.

The common team of MGMD and Sholay included also lyricist Bakshi, art director Ram Yedekar and singer Lata Mangeshkar.

Jabbar Singh was too close to 'Gabbar Singh' to be a coincidence, and Amjad Khan's real-life father, Jayant, who was a well-known villain as well as character actor, played the corresponding role to Sanjeev Kumar's Thakur.

And in both films we had a coin tossed—by Dharmendra in the former and by Amitabh Bachchan in the latter, to make crucial decisions! Finally, both films had its soundtrack albums on Polydor (now Universal Music), the then-new alternative to the reigning HMV (Saregama).

MGMD became 1971's second-biggest hit (next only to Haathi Mere Saathi).

Even today, the atmospheric movie works big-time, and its brilliant background music helped escalate the menacing feel enough to make excerpts from the score to be included in the best-selling music album.

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