what's going on guys welcome to the video today I'm gonna teach you an easy
and quick way that you can make money online right here right now anybody can
do it I'm gonna give you three practical examples of me doing this and how I
actually used to go about doing this and we're starting right now all right guys
so jumping right in now we are on Fiverr as you can see now I used to do Fiverr a
lot and we're gonna talk about that in a second
but before you click away and you say oh another Fiverr video I don't want to do
Fiverr fibers a great place to make money online especially if you're just
starting out and that to you now you don't just need to focus on Fiverr also
something we're going to talk about here in a second it can be something that
supplements your income and if you set it up right and you go after the right
gigs you don't even need to really trade your money for time essentially you can
you can I'm gonna give you three practical examples of it in a second but
you're gonna either download or purchase software that's gonna end up paying
dividends into the future when people purchased those software gigs or you're
gonna flip stuff like that now like I said I used to do five are a lot I don't
do it anymore as you see here I haven't been active in you know nine months and
I don't even think I delivered a gig in that name on somebody just been active
or nine months ago and I literally just have it on vacation mode now I haven't
updated these gigs in a while but I'm gonna give you three practical examples
of gigs that you can use on Fiverr to make money right now but first and
foremost before we actually get into the specific gigs I want to talk about the
reason that people most people go wrong on Fiverr the reason that people most
people go wrong on Fiverr is they focus a lot on trading their time for money so
they want to perform a service they want to do this or they want to do that and
that's the wrong approach in my opinion you still want to have you know you
don't want to be essentially trading your time for money for a five-dollar
gig what you want to use five or four is a way to bring in other leads to
potentially supplement your income so what I mean by that is you you don't
focus on Fiverr you just put a couple gigs on Fiverr and then as soon as you
get an order you start ranking your gigs on the platform essentially what that
will do is it will allow you to make an extra five bucks a day here and there
for doing absolutely nothing and then as you start ranking your gigs higher and
higher it'll let a light allow you to make twenty dollars actually a day and
then $50 extra a day and so on and so forth now I had a bunch of
different fiber um profiles and you can have a couple
different moments - that's a little workaround so if you if they you're just
starting out and they won't let you have five gigs which i if I'm familiar with
if I remember correctly I believe they limit you to five gigs initially and
then once you hit that level one seller on an account or two then you move up to
I believe it's eight or nine it could be ten don't hold me that it's been a while
but that's basically what you want to do you want to scale up with multiple
accounts get multiple gigs on multiple accounts now getting into the meat and
potatoes and the actual methods and three practical examples now Fiverr is a
great way I'm not going to talk about you know the specifics of what Fiverr is
because if you're watching this channel you're this far into the video I'm
assuming that that you know what on what Fiverr is essentially and the type of
gigs that you can provide most people go wrong in the types of gigs that they
elect to provide on Fiverr so I'm gonna give you three practical examples I
wrote them down and as you can see here here's some ones that I used to use now
great one of an example right here that I wasn't gonna talk about would be
atomic email hunter so I've done a million videos on atomic email hunter
and you know basically downloading a software and I offer this software free
in my email and affiliate marketing mastermind course there'll be a $10
discount linked to that course down below in the description if you want to
check that out as well as a $10 discount link to my fiber course down there - if
you want to check that out you get that for free in the course but I'm not here
to sell you the course I'm just I'm putting it there so if you want to go
that route you can because I believe it's it was 80 85 bucks when I purchased
it initially you get it for 10 bucks in the course a cracked version so what I
basically did is I have this this atomic email hunter and it generates a bunch of
different email leads based on the targeted keywords so what I would do is
I'd sell I'll send out an email blast for you this is a gmask gig actually and
Gmail also something I talked about in that course but basically one of the
gigs that I used to sell was you know I'll generate a targeted email list of a
thousand people and then that would be like five bucks around any type of
keyword or niche and then I basically say for 10 bucks I'll generate that
targeted email list of 10,000 people for 20 bucks I'll generate a targeted list
of you know of 50,000 people whatever it was and then basically that that's no
more work for me all I would do is I'd open up
Tomic email hunter and I have a million videos on atomic email hunter I'll drop
one as a card up above because I'm not gonna go through it I actually don't
have a time a female hunter on my new computer it's on both my laptop's right
over here and yeah so I don't have that up right now I don't have any recording
equipment on that but I use atomic email hunter to generate leads on that now
like I said I've done videos on this in the past but basically it doesn't cost
me any money and it doesn't cost me any time
all I basically do is I type a keyword into the search bar of Tom key mail
hunter and I let it state overnight and then what it does is it yields me leads
based on you know on that targeted keyword and I literally give those
emails and those leads to the person in the gig so it's free money as soon as
somebody purchases that gig I basically get the the five bucks for literally
doing nothing and just putting a keyword into my software that I already have and
that's basically how I do it another great example of this would be
optimizing your old YouTube tags so in a great another great example of this
would be to buddy which I actually don't have downloaded here on this computer as
well definitely not prepared for this video but I think it's good overall you
know ideas and kind of giving you guys good ideas so basically what to buddy is
if I pulled it up and I don't think I'm logged in basically what it is I've done
two bloody video to buddy videos in the past as well is it basically you know
goes over tags for your videos and generates the most relevant tags around
its a certain topic so you can type a topic to body search bar they'll be
effective in proper it will yield you up tags that are you know the most optimal
essentially for targeting for Fiverr so you know a lot of search volume but not
that many videos for that super time that's basically what to Buddy does what
I would do is I had to buddy and I would simply type you know somebody would
would purchase that gig for five bucks or ten bucks what I would do is I would
type that that you know niche or topic into two buddy and it would literally
instantly yield me those results and two buddy was five dollars when I first
purchased it it's literally five bucks and you can get a free trial for two
buddy if you want I'll drop that in the description below as well and then
believe you can you can use it for free and then I believe the upgrades five
bucks a month it's really really cheap but you don't need the
upgrade what I basically do is when I purchase that upgrade it would pay for
all I needed to do was one gig and it would pay for itself and then every
other gig I did after that was free money and I didn't have to train any
time the software did all the work for me I literally just type it into the
search bar just like atomic email hunter and then
that would basically yield me the results and I'd give that those people
the results and you know the tags for their YouTube video now the reason that
people pay for these gigs is a because they don't know the software exists and
obviously you're not going to tell them that the software exists and B they
don't have the software or maybe they didn't purchase the software so somebody
doesn't go out and purchase the the atomic email hunter for 85 bucks well
then they're gonna pay five bucks to get 10,000 leads around a targeted email or
a targeted niche or keyword because you have the software and they don't
something like that another great example to give you another one really
fast I'm gonna give you two instagram examples so that's actually for one
bonus one the first one would be following so I obviously have follow
like or I've done a million videos on follow like or I have an entire
Instagram automation playlist on this channel if you want to check it out go
ahead I wanna chop a card to it but basically what you can do is you can you
can plug their account and the follow like your for a day or two days and you
can sell that and it doesn't cost you any money to do that if you already have
follow like her a cheaper option that balalaika is actually captivate and
that's what I used for this so I would say I'll mass follow targeted Instagram
pages for you and then basically what I would do is I would put their their
account into a captivate and it would just follow all day for them so it I
believe captivate was five bucks it was a one-time payment on the app store and
then basically what I did is I that paid for itself after one gig and then
everything after that was free money so that's a really really great example you
can download an app like like captivate you can also basically download an app
to give you another example of one that yields relevant hashtags for Instagram
pictures so and you can sell that gig you can basically say for a gig and I
believe I had that on one of my other accounts it was basically I sold the gig
that was like I will generate 30 relevant hashtags for you for your
Instagram picture based on your specific niche and people would purchase that gig
and then all I would literally do is they would
me the niche and I would type the niche into the free I forget the exact app but
there's a bunch of them on the app store I would type there they're that niche
into that app and the app would yield me 30 hashtag results and I was literally
given the hashtag results it took about 10 seconds of my time and it paid me 5
bucks over and over and over and over and over again and trust me guys when I
was doing this and you can do this too I wasn't sitting here on Fiverr just oh my
god I need to make money on Fiverr I put these gigs up and I completely forgot
about them and I downloaded the fiber app on my cell phone and as soon as I
got a notification oh somebody went went off or somebody purchased the gig from
you it was free money because the way I set it up was was like this and was
passive I wasn't trading my time for money but I was basically getting free
money because I purchased software and then obviously the gigs would pay for
the software so you can do this too I suggest that you do this as well it's
really really easy this is obviously a beginner method but if you guys are
looking for some extra money to supplement your income if you're looking
for another way that's easy and quick that you can make money online right
here right now go ahead and go out go out and try this now you're definitely
gonna need your rank your gigs properly and if you're interested in learning how
to rank your gigs properly and basically getting reviews for them and basically
getting sales initial sales to drive them up so that they rank on on fivers
platform and there's more visibility for other people searching for them then go
ahead and check the course in the description it's $10 discount link to my
Fiverr course I have it on Fiverr in a while but everything in that course is
still 100 cent relevant you could take it and apply it to something like this
so hope you guys like this video put a lot of thought into you know bringing
you a kind of going back to my roots and bringing you a good idea today they can
help you make money online I'm trying to produce some other you know content
where I'm talking to the camera in front of it and a little bit more production
value but I'm gonna throw a bunch of these videos in here on you know not
every single video but a lot of the videos are still gonna be computer based
and me teaching you how to make money online from my computer because that's
what I genuinely enjoy and that's what I generally genuinely love and I feel like
that provides you guys a lot of value so go ahead and hit that like button if you
thought that I brought value today and I will see you guys tomorrow
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