Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need

good morning everybody larry porter here and i am back once again and in today's

video we're gonna talk about what the type of travel insurance that you need

so make sure you stay tuned to this video we'll be right back

alright guys welcome back welcome back and now in today's video we want to talk

about travel insurance and the type of travel insurance that you need okay so

when you're booking your vacation on line or having a travel agent to book it

for you however the case may be you want to make sure that you have all-in-one

protection okay there are there are types of travel insurance such as a

penalty waiver where they can waive certain penalties okay for example

you're not able to make your vacation due to certain family issues or certain

illnesses on your behalf and you get a refund of your money okay

now however this certain penalty waiver does not cover the loss of your vacation

due to maybe a hurricane weather conditions on the vacations we have okay

so you want to get all-in-one protection where it'd be covered on both sides

meaning you'll be covered if you counsel or if the vacation gets counselor okay

so it's very important to have the right type of travel insurance that covers all What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need

of it in detail covers everything all the ins and outs and it's very

imperative that you have all in one travel protection now trying to book

this on your own you may not get that option I could be wrong but you may not

get that option trying to go through certain sites and book it yourself

however it's imperative that you go through a travel aid and to make sure

you get all in one travel protection because it sure enough the the worst can

happen the the destination that you're going to may get flooded out or

hurricane may take place or certain weather conditions however the case may

be your vacation may get cancelled okay and you want to make sure that you get

your money back okay so having just partially insurance such as a penalty

waiver it's good but however you need to hold package deal you need all-in-one

protection to make sure everything gets covered on both ends

and you get a refund of your money no matter what happens ok so I hope this

video makes sense hope you find value out this video so just like I said make

sure you have all n1 protection travel insurance ok alright so that's my time

if you like this video hey you know what to do subscribe give us a thumbs up if

you know anybody that's interested in becoming a travel agent you or anybody

please feel free to click the link below or if you need more information on a

vacation quote also click the link below alright everybody Larry Porter signing

golf and be blessed and happy traveling all right look at those links in the

description and I will see you on the next video alright be blessed and happy What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need


For more infomation >> What Kind Of Travel Insurance Do I Need - The Plain Truth You Need - Duration: 3:43.


Google Drive - How To Check File Size Before Downloading The File - Duration: 1:10.

When we are downloading a file from Google Drive we usually don't see the file size.

Here I am downloading a file.

And we can see our browser is not showing the file size.

But when we download file from other sources lets say this one.

In this case we see full file size is given followed by a front slash.

But for Google Drive files we don't see anything like this.

This is because Google servers don't provide file details to our browsers.

Well if you want to check file size before downloading from Google drive. To do this you can click

on this three dots menu.

Then click on details.

Now we see Google drive provides even more information rather than just file size.

We can see type of the file.

Then size, modification and creation date, share type.

And if the owner provides we can even see the custom description about the file.

So from next time when you will download something from Google drive you don't need to be worried

about the size of the file.

Because you can check it beforehand of the download command.

Guys if you liked my video please hit the like button and support me by subscribing my channel.

Thanks for watching.

Take care.


For more infomation >> Google Drive - How To Check File Size Before Downloading The File - Duration: 1:10.


20 boy names ending in IO - the best baby names - - Duration: 1:26.

20 baby boy names ending in IO





















Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 20 boy names ending in IO - the best baby names - - Duration: 1:26.


Ask the Vet - How to prepare yourself and your horse for natural disasters - Duration: 9:04.

DAN: "In the event of a natural disaster,

such as a fire, hurricane, or flood where

you don't have much notice before having to evacuate,

what do you like having packed in your trailer?

We live in Southern California, where

we could be forced to leave due to a fire with little

to no warning.

We are trying to decide what passed ownership papers

and health records we should keep

in the trailer at all times, in case of an emergency."



So that was a very specific question, but a good one.

But I would like to open it up a bit more to disaster

preparedness in general, because September

is National Preparedness Month.

DAN: Oh, I did not know that.


And as we're filming this today, as we're recording it,

Hurricane Florence is about to hit.

They're close.

So this is a very timely topic.

Not going to be out in time for those people,

but I think that what we're going to say today

is going to help others, because they mentioned fires.

There's tornadoes.

DAN: Absolutely.

LYDIA GRAY: There's floods.

There's earthquakes.

There's a lot of stuff.

One of the things that you have to know,

the first thing, I guess, is some disasters

can happen anywhere, like a barn fire.

All right.

But then others can happen--

they only happen in certain parts of the country.

So like where I live, we don't get hurricanes.

DAN: Lucky.

LYDIA GRAY: We don't get wildfires.

So you have to know what happens in your area,

because that determines what your response will be.

Will you evacuate?

Will you reach high ground?

Will you go to-- do you leave your horses in the barn

or turn them out?

DAN: Yes, that's a common question people ask.

LYDIA GRAY: It's a very common question.

And you have to ask yourself that all the time.

And it depends what your threat is in your area.

The one thing I wanted to say, when

I did this, when I was more involved in the horse rescue

community, I learned the definitions.

So an emergency is an urgent situation.

A disaster is an emergency that overwhelms the individual,

and even the local, resources.

DAN: So your fire department, police.


So that's why we call hurricanes disasters,

because the whole coast is affected.

And there are people coming in to help

from all over the country.

So that's a disaster.

But an emergency is a very local, like,

one person or one building--

DAN: One barn is affected or something like that.

LYDIA GRAY: Yeah, exactly.

So the other thing we're going to do at the end of this,

or at some point, is provide you with links to places to go.

I can't cover everything that you

need to know for a disaster in this little segment.

So we're going to share some links with you.

And those are the places I went to get this information,

because I wanted to be super timely and accurate

and all that.

And it's going to be links for people, for horse people,

as well as for you, yourself, like

Have you been?

DAN: I have not.


That's where people go to find out, bring batteries and water.

DAN: So clearly, I'm not prepared even

for my own situation.

LYDIA GRAY: You're not.

You're not.


Well, the surveys say that anywhere from 40% to 60%

of Americans aren't prepared for disasters.

DAN: Mm.

Well, no one wants to think about that.

LYDIA GRAY: And that's one of the reasons

that people procrastinate.

It can't happen to me and all that.

DAN: So would you recommend going onto these links

and maybe printing out some information

just to have on hand?

LYDIA GRAY: Yes, yes.

And Red Cross now has an app.

Well, they have lots of apps.

And you pick the disaster, the threat that's in your area.

So you can choose a hurricane app or a flood

app or a wildfire app.

And it tells you exactly what to do for each situation.

DAN: That's super helpful.

LYDIA GRAY: Yeah, that's Red Cross.

So we'll put those links up for you.

But just some general things--

so it's clear that being responsible for a large animal,

like a horse, is very different from having a dog or a cat.

DAN: Yes.

LYDIA GRAY: And you have to plan ahead.

And so one of the things that I really

wanted to make sure I said today was, for a horse,

you have to have a trailer.

You can't just toss them in your car.

And so you have to make sure, if you have a trailer,

that it's functional.

You've kept it maintained and serviced

and, also, that your truck, your tow vehicle, is gassed up,

and it's also maintained and serviced.

You can't go out to a trailer that's been rotting or rusting

and sitting there.

And you don't even know if it's hitchable,

if you have the right connections.

You've got to practice that stuff.

It's got to be in working order.

And this is the really important part.

Your horse has to load.

DAN: Yes.

LYDIA GRAY: You can't be facing an emergency,

like a mandatory evacuation, and you haven't loaded your horse.

He's been on the property for 10 years

and never seen the inside of a trailer.

DAN: Not the time to teach trailer training.


So it's just like fire drills in schools, right?

You practice these things so that, if it happens,

you're ready.

If you don't have a trailer, then this

is where you establish a partner or a buddy system

with another barn or even a boarder.

And you arrange for, if there is 10 horses on your farm,

that there are enough vehicles for all 10 horses to go.

You might only get one trip.

DAN: So already have planned out which horses

can trailer with which other horse

and where they're going to go.


And practice it.

Because it might sound easy, but until you do it

and you find out that, oh, we don't have enough halters.

Or we don't have enough lead ropes.

You don't know until you try it.

So there's a lot to think about.

And these websites that we're going

to give you will have lists and things to mention.

One thing you print out in addition to those lists

are the evacuation maps.

Know where you're going to go, because the communication

might be down.

Your phone might not be working.

Electricity, power might be out.

DAN: So with a horse, though, there's

only so many places you can take a horse.

They're not a dog.

They're not a cat.

You have to have another large structure to put them in.


And so some of those places are racetracks, fairgrounds,

show facilities, equestrian centers, stockyards,

or auction places.

Get to know your emergency authorities in your area.

So it could be the county sheriff.

It could be animal control, humane societies.

There's different people who are in charge of what happens

in an emergency or a disaster.

Know them.

And they'll tell you where you're

supposed to go with your horse.

And that's why you should have-- now,

I should probably answer the question.

You should have your horse's medical records and paperwork

with you, because some places won't let you

on without a current Coggins and proof

of current, up-to-date vaccinations.

DAN: Oh, wow.


So those are two things you must have

in some sort of watertight, waterproof envelope.

And they even say have this information in your trailer,

like the person asked, but also have it somewhere off-site.

DAN: Well, I know a lot of vets are emailing the Coggins now,


So you can have that as a--

LYDIA GRAY: Well, yes, because then

you can access it from your phone, if your phone worked.

But it's best to have a printed out copy.

And also, you might have lots of photos

on your phone of your horse.

Print out some so that you have a paper copy of the photo.

That will help you for proof of ownership

if you have to go find your horse.

Or they're at a facility.

And there's lots of horses.

And you say, the brown one.

And well, er, there's lots of brown ones.

So the Coggins and the vaccination history,

if there is something in your horse's history,

is he on medications?

He has a special diet.

Those things are handy to have.

But the proof of ownership, any registration papers or breed

registry, that's important to have.

And then it comes to identifying your horse.

DAN: Yeah.


DAN: 27 brown horses.

LYDIA GRAY: Oh, my gosh.

So there are ways to permanently identify,

that would be like microchipping,

would be phenomenal.

DAN: Yeah, absolutely.

LYDIA GRAY: Tattooing, branding.

There's fetlock bands.

There's neck collars.

You can put something on the horse's halter.

But, see, halters come off.

So now we're on the temporary.

You can braid something into their mane or tail.

I've seen people take a Sharpie and write numbers

on their hooves.

DAN: That's what I was going to say.

But I didn't know if that was--


It's a thing.

And I've also seen the livestock crayon or the paint stick.

You put it on the body of the horse.

I've even seen clipping the hair.

And here's your tip of the day.

Don't put your phone number.

Put a phone number for someone out of the area,

because your phone might not be working.

So if someone finds a horse, they

call the number that's on the horse.

It doesn't get you, because your phone is down.

The satellite is down.

DAN: Got it.

So have a backup person.

LYDIA GRAY: Yeah, have a backup person.

Lots more tips like this, if you go to the websites we give you.

DAN: I do have a friend who also mentioned,

once, it's a good idea to have the local firefighters

and police come into your barn--

LYDIA GRAY: Oh, yes.

DAN: --and get to meet your horses,

get to see what your layout of your barn is.

Have your horses be familiar with another person walking in

in uniform and things like that.

LYDIA GRAY: They're very scary with their uniforms.

They make noises.

They don't look like people anymore.

And so if one of those guys can load your horse up,

you're ready.

DAN: You're even better.



That's good.

For more infomation >> Ask the Vet - How to prepare yourself and your horse for natural disasters - Duration: 9:04.


Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 12) {Diamonds} - Duration: 26:07.

Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 12) {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 12) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: The Senior (Chapter 12) {Diamonds}

Choices: The Senior (Chapter 12) {Diamonds Used}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - The Senior (Chapter 12) {Diamonds} - Duration: 26:07.


Dark Souls III! This is so gross. - Duration: 59:16.

this is crazy

people listen to 69?!

that guy is total garbage

and probably a pitch


i meant bitch

For more infomation >> Dark Souls III! This is so gross. - Duration: 59:16.


A Sad Story, A Poor Choice of Words, and A Secret Agent - Duration: 8:43.

(upbeat jazz music)

Kelly Frutato.

[Judge Frank Caprio] Good morning, Kelly.

Good morning.

Kelly, you're charged with speeding on Chalkstone Avenue.

Can I tell you why I was speeding?


My grandmother was in the hospital,

and we got a phone that-- it's not right, I was speeding.

I was speeding, but she-- we didn't think she was gonna

make it through the day.

So I was on my way to Roger Williams, I drove by

and I had to turn around, and then the reason

I had to reschedule the court date

because this is my second court date I received a letter

saying that they added more fines.

I'm a divorced mother with four kids,

my house caught on fire, we've been in a hotel

for three months so I couldn't make it

to the last court date so I don't know

if I'm gonna be charged the additional fines for that.

How old are your kids?

1, 4, 6, and 7.

1, 4, 6, and 7?


One of them was actually messaging me

when I was sitting out there,

asking me if I could take her to buy a wallet (giggles)

when I get out of here.

How's your grandmother doing?

She's been in the nursing home since then,

but she's back in the hospital right now,

but she's not in Roger Williams, she's in Fatama.

She's not doing too well.

I think based on that explanation,

I think I'm gonna give you a break.


I really think you need a break.

Thank you.

You know, sometimes we have to

take other factors in consideration, except a cold...

The machine said you were speeding, you're guilty, you know?

And if that were the case, then they could

put a machine up here, they don't really need someone so

I'm a firm believer that we should take

all of the circumstances into consideration

before we make a decision.

In your story, I must tell you was very compelling.

Well, it's all true.

Oh, I believe you.

Good luck to you, matter is dismissed.

Thank you.

(upbeat jazz music)

So let's review.

Kelly is a single mom with four kids.

They've been living in a hotel for three months

because their house burned down.

Then she gets a speeding ticket

because she was rushing to see her dying grandmother.

You put on the robe, what would you do?

Sometime life comes at you in waves.

I didn't see any meaningful reason to add to her burden,

Hang in there Kelly.

Have faith that things will get better

and have the strength to hold on until it does.

(upbeat jazz music)

Kyle McGrondeck

Kyle, your charged with parking

on Daron St. in the area where parking is prohibited.

What do you want to tell me about this?

So, pulled over on the side of the road

I was there for about 30 seconds

Someone was in the car, I went to use an ATM,

typed in my pin, got the money, turned around,

a cop was writing a ticket and I told him

that's ridiculous I'm five feet away from the car,

There's someone in the car,

you could just asked them to move it.

And he says I was gonna give you a fifteen dollar ticket

but now I'm gonna give you eighty five dollar ticket

that's gonna go on your driving record.

Did you give the police officer

a tough time?

I wasn't happy

Oh. So you didn't use any abusive language did you?



What did you say to him?

This is why people don't like cops.



In my mind now, is that as soon as you leave

this courtroom, the first person you're gonna see

you're gonna say this is why people hate judges, so...

I was-- it was a rough week.

It was a really rough week.

I think it was a very intemperate

remark that you made.


I'm not gonna give you a driving record for parking.

Okay, thank you.

So I'm gonna dismiss it and charge you

thirty five dollars court costs.

Thank you I appreciate it.

If he gave you a ticket it probably

would have been thirty dollars,

so you're paying a five dollar penalty

for running your mouth.

That's fine.

That's the bad news, the good news is your preserving

your driving record.

Thank you.

(upbeat jazz music)

Ouniquey Acadulu

Good Morning sir.

Good morning.

Okay you are charged...


with two charges.

One is a lane roadway violation.

Yes sir.

And the other is obedience to a traffic control device.

It was a do not enter sign and you entered.

Is there anything you want

to tell me about this?

Yes sir, I was going to a seminar from work

(mumbles) and I wasn't familiar with the area.

So I missed where I was going,

and there was a light I took it right at the green.

So the lane it looks to me like

it was just a one-way, you know?

And it is a one-way going this direction.

So I'm like oh my god I missed where I was going,

so there was a turn-in and I made a turn.

I didn't see no sign to be honest.

And there was a traffic light, the light yielded

but there was a secret agent coming and --

A what? A secret agent?

Yeah it wasn't like a police car.

There was no police sign, no siren--

He couldn't be too secretive if you knew who he was.

No, I finally know he was a secret agent like um

I don't know how to say it, like a detective.

He was a secret agent for what country?

Our country or--

I don't know your Honor.


But there was no police sign.

Undercover from Russia.

He might be undercover I don't know,

and he just was coming and then I already turned.

Oh. (chuckles)

And all of a sudden he put the siren, and I was not--

The secret agent?


The secret agent put the siren on?

Yes sir.

Oh those secret agents , that's the way they uh...

And he pulled me over--

That's the new name now for the traffic guy.

That is your Honor, that's news to me.

He's a secret agent too be careful, watch out for him.

(laughs loudly)

He pulled me over and he told me

I went into a do not enter.

[Judge Caprio) Do Not Enter

Honestly I don't know and he called another cop

and the lady give me ticket.

He didn't even give you the ticket, the secret agent?

No. No because he wasn't like a regular police car.

He had a female officer give you a ticket?

Yes sir.

They gave you two tickets

Yes sir

Well you know what, I think this should be dismissed.

Thank you sir.

The second officer who gave you the ticket

did not observe you do this.

So she was just told give her a ticket.

Exactly sir, she wasn't there.

And she signed this saying that

she is the issuing officer and the certifying officer.

That she certifies that you went through the light.

Yes sir.

Well how could she certify

you went through the light, she didn't see you.

So she's gonna have to bring in the secret agent.

(laughs loudly)

Now once we get the secret agent in here

and put him on tv, he's not gonna be secret anymore.

Yes sir.

What do you think about that Inspector Nadu?

It's a tough situation judge.

We're gonna expose the secret agent.

I'm gonna dismiss both of these

on your good driving record.

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.


Thank you.

Be careful with those secret agents.


While I believe the motorist may have

confused an undercover police officer

with a secret agent, I still like the idea

of the Providence Police Department

employing secret operatives.

As a kid it was my dream to be a secret agent.

The names Quinn, Ziggy Quinn.

But alas it was not to be, I didn't fit the mold.

Name one Irish secret agent. You can't.

James Bond, British.

All the Kingsman, British.

Austin Powers, British.

Name one Irish street cop, you can't.

There's too many of us, so that's what I became.

I'm an Irish street cop and proud of it.

You secret agents can have fast cars, fast women,

your martinis shaken not stirred,

and I'll have my Red Sox, my Guinness poured in two pots,

and a grandson named Charlie who thinks his pop

was all that and more.

That's more than enough for me.

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