Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

hi YouTube okay we are reciting the

snake we're actually reviewing my old

video and I told you guys that I thought

Donald Trump

I took the snake and applied it to him

in America he seems to think he's

applying it to people coming in

immigration I'm applying it to him so

this is what you do you read through the

poem and I'm going to read through the

poem for you guys now the last time I

changed it a little bit so you can see

on this video here I changed some of the

word this time I'm going to read it so

you guys can hear it and understand it

straight from how it is okay here we go

on her way to work one morning down the

path alongside the lake a tender-hearted

woman saw a poor half frozen snake his

pretty colored skin had been all frosted

with the dew poor thing she cried I'll

take you in I'll take care of you take

me in tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake take me in tender woman

sighed the snake she wrapped him up all

cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him

by her fireside with some honey and some

milk she hurried home from work that

night and soon as she arrived she found

that pretty snake she'd taken to have

been revived take me in tender woman

take me in for heaven's sake take me in

tender woman side the snake she clutched

him to her boosom you're so beautiful

she cried but if I hadn't brought you it

by now you might have died she stroked

his pretty skin again and kissed him and

held him tight instead of saying thanks

the snake gave her a vicious bite take

me a tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake take me in tender woman

sighed the snake I saved you cried the

woman and you bitten me but why you know

your bite is poisonous and now I'm going

to die oh shut up silly woman said the

reptile with a grin you knew damn well I

was a snake before you took me in take

me in tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake

take me in tender woman sighed the snake

and so you see that's Donald Trump right

there when you think of the part when it

says oh shut up silly woman said the

reptile with a grin and so look at

Trump's like reptile and grin he's got

his orange reptile face and so that's

Trump all all through here is is he's

talking about himself he's the snake so

he's saying America as in she voted him

in and so now now he just I guess he

thinks he can be it I don't know what

you'd call it dictator maybe I don't


and so yeah but anyway over here is my true colors video

so here we go

on her way to work one morning down the path along side the lake

a tender hearted woman saw a half frozen donald trump

his pretty color orange skin had been all frosted in the dew

poor thing she cried i'll take you in i'll take care of you

take me in tender woman take me in for heavens sake

take me in tender woman sighed the orange donald trump

she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk

and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk

Trump decided to skip the White House

Correspondents Dinner and so you can see

here he well it's kind of like if if

people are going to say things he

doesn't want to hear he just kind of

isolates himself off somewhere else and

that's kind of this division that we

have in this country too and he kind of

tapped into that and because he knew it

existed because they you know created it

with the well the past rhetoric

anyway but yeah that's just what I

wanted to say about that particular

video in this you know now he's reading

it as president he read the snake as

president he's telling the United States

who he is he's the snake people voted

Donald Trump as president voted Donald


into the United States as president and

he's the snake that's why he's reading

this this poem by Al Wilson that's why

he's reading the lyrics because he's the

snake and and he's telling you so and so

you know when when someone tells you who

they are believe them and and so yes

yeah I can't think of anything else

right now this is what I would like I

would like for you guys to subscribe and

ring my bell ring my bell follow me on

YouTube and ringing the bell will send

you emails and notifications and things

like that I want to thank you so much

for watching please thumbs up this video

share it with your friends leave

comments suggestions ideas I'll see you

soon peace love and avocados

For more infomation >> Donald Trump The Snake Poem Opinion Reacting to My Old Videos Teresa - Duration: 5:14.


Blood, Sweat and Tears Dance Cover in the making - Duration: 2:49.

I think you can place the bottle closer to me



*Card at the top of the video*

Thanks a lot to everyone, thank you

Bye, people!

See you at the next event

For more infomation >> Blood, Sweat and Tears Dance Cover in the making - Duration: 2:49.


ASL FEMA Tornado Safety Messages 5/2/17 - Duration: 2:56.

FEMA, through its regional offices in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Illinois, Texas, and, Missouri,

is monitoring the effects of the severe weather, tornadoes, and flash flooding

that continues in the Midwest and central southern states.

Here are some safety precautions that could help you avoid injury after a tornado:

Be careful when entering any structure that has been damaged.

Wear sturdy shoes or boots, long sleeves and gloves when handling or walking on or near debris.

Do not touch downed power lines or objects in contact with downed lines.

Report electrical hazards to the police and the utility company.

Use battery-powered lanterns, if possible, rather than candles

to light homes without electrical power.

Inspecting the damage:

After a tornado, be aware of possible structural, electrical or gas-leak hazards in your home.

In general, if you suspect any damage to your home, shut off electrical power, natural gas

and propane tanks to avoid fire, electrocution or explosions if you know how to do so.

If it is dark when you are inspecting your home, use a flashlight rather than a candle

or torch to avoid the risk of fire or explosion in a damaged home.

If you see frayed wiring or sparks, or if there is an odor of something burning,

you should immediately shut off the electrical system at the main circuit breaker

if you have not done so already.

If you smell gas or suspect a leak, turn off the main gas valve, open all windows

and leave the house immediately.

Notify the gas company, the police or fire departments, or State Fire Marshal's office

and do not turn on the lights, light matches, smoke or do anything that could cause a spark.

Do not return to your house until you are told it is safe to do so.

Because tornadoes often damage power lines, gas lines or electrical systems,

there is a risk of fire, electrocution or an explosion.

For more infomation >> ASL FEMA Tornado Safety Messages 5/2/17 - Duration: 2:56.


The Most Reliable Way to Lose Weight | Chris Masterjohn Lite - Duration: 8:31.

It's that time of the year again. If you

want to tighten your tummy for summer,

than this video's for you.

Hi. I'm Dr. Chris Masterjohn of You're watching

Chris Masterjohn Lite, where the name of the game is

"Details? Shmeetails. Just tell me what works!"

And this is my fat-loss plan for you.

If you wanna lose weight and you wanna

lose weight reliably, then you need a

caloric deficit. It's plain and simple.

But when you wanna lose weight, what

you really mean is you wanna lose fat.

And if you wanna lose fat mass instead

of lean mass, there's really three things

that you need to keep in mind.

Number 1 is you don't want to

lose weight too rapidly. I think the

sweet spot is about a pound a week. It's

gonna vary from person to person.

I wouldn't get too wrapped up in losing

exactly that. If it's a 1/2 a pound a

week or it's a pound and 1/2 to 2 pounds

a week, I think that's okay. But no

more than 2 pounds a week. The 2nd

thing you want to keep in mind is that

you need an exercise program that

provides an anabolic stimulus to

convince your body that it's worth

keeping your muscle mass. Because muscle

mass is energetically expensive to

maintain, and if you are losing weight,

you're losing your energy stores and

you're not telling your body that muscle

mass is really important, it's gonna

say "hey if I just cut out this muscle

mass I don't need as much energy."

The 3rd thing is you got to eat enough

protein. If you don't eat enough protein,

then it doesn't matter if your body

thinks that there's a reason to

maintain the muscle mass. Your body's not

gonna have the resources needed to

maintain that muscle mass. When it comes

to carbs or fat, I don't really think it

matters in terms of weight loss or fat mass

loss. I think you wanna control

your calories, and you wanna target

your protein to about a gram of protein

per target body weight. Meaning what do

you wanna weigh at the end of your

weight loss. Whatever that is in pounds,

eat that many grams of protein. If you're

eating a more carb-heavy diet, you can

probably get away more easily with

restricting the protein below that. If

you're eating a lower carb diet, you're

gonna have to try to hit that protein

mark because carbohydrates can spare the

need for protein in ways that fat can't.

Now when you're doing this, I think what

you should generally do is ride out

your weight loss for three to four

months. I think most of the time after

the four-month mark, it's really time to

give your body a rest because weight

loss is stressful on the body. Speaking

of stress, you can imagine your stress as

a bucket. It doesn't matter if weight

loss is part of the stress, or pregnancy

is part of the stress, or working all the

time is part of the stress, or your

family is part of the stress; all your

stresses go into that bucket.

The fuller that bucket is, the less room

you have for other stressors. So if you've

got a lot going on, if you've got a lot of

mental, emotional, whatever it is, if your

stress bucket is getting full, take time

to manage your stress bucket to make

room for weight loss before you put

weight loss in that bucket. That's what I

did in 2015. At the beginning of 2016,

I lost 30 pounds in four months using this

technique. So let's dig right into it.

Some people will say that you should

calculate how many calories you should

be consuming. I think that's okay, but

honestly I think you can skip that part.

I think it's better to collect baseline

data about the amount of calories you

are consuming when you're not losing any

weight. And that's because you have to

guess about how active you really are.

You have to guess about how intense your

exercise really is. You have to guess

about how much you fidget and what your

baseline basal level of metabolism is.

It's too much guesswork for those

formulas to be accurate. So what we'll do

in the first week is just collect

baseline data. We want to know our body

weight from day to day, and we wanna

know how many calories we're eating

without trying to lose any weight. For

the body weight, you want the conditions

to be as similar as possible from day to

day to reduce unneeded variation. So

get up in the morning, go to the bathroom,

pee, take off all your clothes and weigh

yourself naked after you've peed and use

that as your body weight for the day.

Do that each morning for a week and verify

that you've remained weight stable. Also

find a way that works for you to track

your calories. I use My Fitness Pal, and

in the next video I'll show you how I do

that. But find something that works for

you and track your calories from day to

day. At the end of the week, you wanna

look at this data, you wanna verify you've

remained weight stable, but you also wanna

look at the variation up and down

each day. To be weight stable means to be

weight stable on average. Your body

weight may go up a pound, down a pound up

two pounds, down two pounds. You want a

sense of that variation so that you're not

tricked by that level of variation later

when you're actually trying to lose

weight. You wanna take your average

calorie consumption for that week, and

take that as the calories that you

assume make you weight stable. For the

2nd week continue weighing yourself

and continue tracking your calories. But

induce a 500 calorie per day deficit. Do

that consistently for a week. Don't worry

if your weight goes up or down from day

to day, just collect the data. At the end

of the 2nd week, you wanna look at

your weight at the end of the week. If

your weight goes up and down a lot,

then take the lowest value from the last

couple days of the week. Compare it to

your average weight for the first week

and see if you've lost weight. Ideally

you should have lost at least a half a

pound, and about a pound give or take.

You also want to look at, how do you feel?

You wanna feel better.

If you feel tired all the time,

or anxious, or you have trouble sleeping,

or you're irritable or you're hangry, you

want to take that into account.

If you've lost a good amount of weight

and you feel great, just keep doing what

you're doing and continue to track your

calories and your weight over the course

of 3 to 4 months. And only tweak the plan

if you start to plateau before that time

is up. On the other hand, if you're not

losing weight, increase the caloric

deficit from 500 to 700. Or, conversely if

you're losing weight, but you feel bad,

you're having trouble sleeping, you're

getting hangry, you're getting irritable,

etc. Then decrease the caloric deficit

from 500 calories to 300 calories. Repeat

that after the week and tweak as needed

until you find the sweet spot that

allows continued and sustained weight

loss, but also allows you to feel good.

During the course of your weight loss

remember to eat one gram of protein per

pound of target body weight. And remember

to keep up with your exercise program.

If you want to retain your lean muscle mass,

just do online research about body

building approaches to exercise. The

approaches that are gonna maximize

the building of muscle for someone in a

caloric excess, are the same exercises

that are going to help you keep on to

your muscle in a caloric deficit.

All right, I hope you found this useful.

Signing off, this is Chris Masterjohn of You've been

watching Chris Masterjohn Lite,

and I will see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> The Most Reliable Way to Lose Weight | Chris Masterjohn Lite - Duration: 8:31.


Vena - Pojďme žít / let's live (G-Eazy & Kehlani - Good Life) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Vena - Pojďme žít / let's live (G-Eazy & Kehlani - Good Life) - Duration: 3:55.


The Alumni Walk - Gift for Father's Day - Duration: 1:17.

Hi, I'm Makenzie and I am here to tell you that Father's Day is coming up.

What does your dad need?

Not another tie.

Well unless you're this guy.

So get him a paver.

A permanent mark at Auburn here at the Alumni Walk.

Go online to and get your dad the best gift ever.

All proceeds will be used to fund student scholarships at Auburn.

For more infomation >> The Alumni Walk - Gift for Father's Day - Duration: 1:17.


Michael Anthony Jewelry 10K Polished Ball Earring Set - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> Michael Anthony Jewelry 10K Polished Ball Earring Set - Duration: 10:51.


Kyle Bachus - Bill 182 Legislative News - Duration: 2:45.

(Colorado State Capital - March 7, 2017 - 12:05 PM)

Welcome again, please state your name and who you represent and your testimony.

Thank you very much.

I am Kyle Bachus.

I represent myself and also the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association.

I'm not sure who drafted this bill initially, but I am pretty sure it's an insurance company.

Here is what whoever drafted this bill wants to accomplish.

They want to be able to sell you 5 uninsured motorist policies, on 5 different cars to

your household, and they want to legally then charge you 5 premiums and then in the fine

print of their policy, include language that says even though you paid 5 premiums you only

get to use one coverage.

This bill, we can call it the fine print bill, because that's what it really is.

Look at it yourself.

How about you go home and tell your wife or your husband or your kid, "Hey we bought $500,000

worth of coverage, but the fine print says we can only use $100,000."

That's what you're doing.

Most of our clients right and our future clients they got up and went to work today.

They don't know what's going on at the capital.

They don't have a lobbyist telling them, hey by the way, the insurance lobby is trying

to pass a bill today down at the capital.

You need to go sign up for it.

These laws are written in a very obscure manner.

Even if you're trying to do your due diligence as a consumer or a citizen, you probably aren't

entune with what they are really doing.

That's where we feel like we can help.

We know these laws.

We fight these companies every single day.

We have been here doing this for a long time, 20 years we've been fighting these companies.

So we think we are in a unique position to read the laws they are trying to pass, and

to go be a voice for the people, not for the corporations.

And you are right, we're out numbered.

You know what?

We're out numbered when you look at the dollars the insurance industry has to spend to fight

against regular people anyway.

So we feel like it is another arena for us to go in and say, this is not going unseen.

You may have heard me when I testified and said, "I want to make sure that the people

on the panel that are voting understand what the laws are doing, and I want to make sure

their constitutes hear it," Because know what?

There weren't a whole lot of reporters in there that were going to report this.

It's not going to be out there, but what we saw today is an example of an attempt to take

rights away from consumers and we are there to fight against it.

For more infomation >> Kyle Bachus - Bill 182 Legislative News - Duration: 2:45.


How To Make A DIY Jewelry Box - Duration: 0:51.

A jewelry box is the perfect gift for a loved one.

Building it yourself makes it even more special.

The jewelry box in this project features a mirror, ample room for necklaces and rings,

and conveniently mounts on your wall.

It's also easy and inexpensive to build.

For more infomation >> How To Make A DIY Jewelry Box - Duration: 0:51.


Freightera - Online Freight Marketplace - Duration: 2:24.

I think that using Freightera has definitely helped us to develop our process of shipping

and made it more seamless so we're not having to think about each time we need to go and

ship, it's just like: we're gonna use Freightera, this is the process.

Freightera is kind of like Expedia for freight.

It's a single unified marketplace to get the best rates from thousands of companies.

Business-to-business shippers use it to instantly find the best rates and transit time from

reliable carriers so they can move to all these remotes locations every day.

Carriers use it to market for free to a large body of people who need their services and

we have optimized each part of that interface to make it as easy and as fast to use for each

of those parties.

Through our platform we're collecting all the data on every transaction and with all

that data we can proactively see where problems may occur.

Before Freightera we were calling about 10 different carriers for every pallet that we had

to go out.

But once we started to use the Freightera portal it was very easy Destination To, From,

pallet information, and it listed all those 10 carriers that we used to call and gave

us all of their rates, everything included, no hidden fees, all right there.

We have a symphony of algorithms that allows to proactively see where issues may occur

in the process.

Our customer care personnel are at there ready and they will fix those problems.

Before when we were shipping a pallet, one pallet was taking about 15 to 20 minutes.

Now, being able to go online and get it all done, it's done in less than 5 minutes.

30% of all shipping is empty.

If we can optimize global shipping through technology we can deliver an executable solution

that can take up all of that excess capacity and by doing that we have a greater capability

to cause less emissions, and have a much greater future for freight on a global scale.

With Freightera, you can definitely feel that they value and care about you as much

as you're caring about your shipment.

For more infomation >> Freightera - Online Freight Marketplace - Duration: 2:24.


Intellige | Battery for households - Duration: 2:13.

We live in times of fundamental changes in power engineering. Arrival of the renewable resources brought with itself not only possibilities

of electricity production with zero CO2 emission rate in place of its consumption, but also possibility of electricity storage in time.

Electricity consumption in household usually takes place early in the morning and late in the afternoon, depending on times people go to and from work or school.

On contrary, electricity is produced in time between morning and evening, therefore in time, when the consumption is on its minimum.

And exactly this problem of discrepancy between production and consumption is being solved by the battery for electricity storage in household.

During the day battery is being charged and surplus electricity thus does not flow into the public grid, but is accumulated for purpose of later usage,

while active appliances are supplied directly from the power plant or battery, depending on state of charge.

Control unit of accumulator is offering wide range of setting. One of them is also control of electricity production

if the accumulator is fully charged. Control unit enables additional electricity accumulation in form of water heating,

turning off the production source by MPPT tracker,

or outlet surplus output power into the public grid.

By the end of the day, battery switches from charging into discharging phase in order to use accumulated electricity for consumption.

State of full charge followed by full discharge of battery is called one cycle, and number of cycles determine lifetime of battery.

Battery in household is not only a tool for most efficient usage of production from renewable resources,

but it may also serve as backup in case of public grid power outage.

For this purpose it offers possibility to set minimal reserve of accumulator from 0 to 100%.

Revolution in power engineering is here, you may also become part of it.

For more infomation >> Intellige | Battery for households - Duration: 2:13.


Cedar Characteristics and Why Cedar is Ideal for Raised Garden Beds - Easy Growing Episode #13 - Duration: 4:35.

On today's episode, I'm going to be talking to you about cedar wood and the different

characteristics of it and what makes it a really great wood to build raised garden beds from!

Hi everyone, I'm Bryan Traficante from and this is Episode 13 of 'Easy Growing'.

So to get things started with the different characteristics, the first thing you'll notice

is that cedar wood comes in a variety of colors.

This is because of the different levels of tannins within the boards themselves.

So you can everything from white, to kind of pinkish, to a tan, all the way down to

a kind of a mocha brown color.

And this is all the exact same type of wood, just different levels of tannin from tree

to tree that gives it this really unique characteristic to make your garden bed from, that you might

not see with other types of wood.

Something else you'll notice is that cedar has knots, just like most other kinds of boards.

It adds a variety of characteristic to it, along with the different colors you'll see.

You'll see small knots, large knots, and basically a variety of them across all the different

boards you have.

It doesn't affect the integrity of the wood, it just kind of gives it more character.

The last piece that you'll notice with cedar is that it's prone to something called checking,

where more or less the grain of the wood as it dries out, separates slightly on the surface


So it adds this fine line down the grain of the wood.

Now it might look like it's a split, but it's much different.

It's not something that's going to affect the integrity of the wood or the quality wood.

And actually what I'll do is I'll zoom-in right now, that we can take a look at it and

see what it looks like and kind of give you a closer look at the different characteristics

that I was just talking about; from the colors, to the knots, and of course the checking.

So here we go!

Alright so here we are.

These are the different boards I was just showing you.

You can see the wide range of colors, you can see across the spectrum for cedar.

It's really, really incredible some of the different varieties you can get.

Something that of course you'll see are knots across the board just like this.

Nothing wrong with them.

They just give you some pretty unique characteristics to it as you build out your garden bed.

Then something else that you'll notice is something called checking, which is this...

I'll try to focus in for you...

right there.

So it's basically just a very surface level, minor split of the grain from the board drying


Totally normal and again, another area of characteristic to add.

Alright, so those are the typical characteristics of cedar - you have a wide range of colors,

you're going to have some knots, you can have a little bit of light checking - but all in

all it gives you this incredible characteristic of the wood for your raised garden bed that

you might not get with a vinyl, or a composite, or some other types of wood.

Now what we'll do is we'll get to the functionality of cedar.

Why is it a good wood for a garden bed to begin with.

To get started with that... it's a lot more rot resistant over time.

It doesn't absorb water as quickly and rot away as quickly as other soft woods like pine.

It's also naturally insect resistant because of the extractives that are in the wood.

It's just not something that pests like to eat.

Fortunately like I said, it's a natural defense over time that's developed, which is fantastic

for us and allows you to build your garden bed and not worry about termites as much as

you would with something like pine or a softer wood.

The last bit for cedar is that it has incredible linear strength meaning that the board itself,

you would have to apply a lot more pressure to this in order to bend it or break it.

And because of that you won't see the wood bowing when you fill your garden bed all the way with soil.

We use 1-3/4" boards.

If you use just 3/4" boards the cedar is still a fantastic wood to use, but it will bow just

because you have something that's about half the thickness, it just won't have the same

total strength.

But overall cedar is just a fantastic wood to grow a garden with.

It's going to last longer than a softer wood and it gives you some really, really unique

characteristics to look forward to.


That's it for Episode #13.

Thank you all so much for watching.

Leave your comments and questions below.

I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Cedar Characteristics and Why Cedar is Ideal for Raised Garden Beds - Easy Growing Episode #13 - Duration: 4:35.


3 Hard-to-Kill Plants for Beginning Gardeners - HGTV - Duration: 1:35.

[music playing]

BROOK KLAUSING: Hey, everybody.

Brook Klausing, back.

Every time I go to a dinner party or anywhere

and I tell people what I do for my job-- I say,

oh, I'm a landscape designer-- for some reason, everybody

seems to tell me the same thing. (IN FALSETTO)

I can't keep plants alive.

I kill everything.

So let me introduce you to a couple plants

that might stop this conversation

from happening again next time.

[music playing]


One of my favorites.

For the most part, it's aggressive.

It's often called bungleweed.

Great for shady places, semi-sun, back and forth.


Commonly seen in deserts or hotter

temperatures, which is nice, because you

don't have water it a lot.

Can anybody say Pinterest?


They're cute, right?

They look so good next to a cappuccino

with a white background.


Because they don't die.

Commercial spaces love them-- restaurants, fashion.

Just sit that on your windowsill.

It looks great.

You can neglect it all you want, and it's still

very, very, very photogenic.

Hopefully I've been able to give a few good tips.

If you don't have a very green thumb,

next time you're shopping for plants,

think of some of these as options to go to

before you buy.

For more infomation >> 3 Hard-to-Kill Plants for Beginning Gardeners - HGTV - Duration: 1:35.


Domestic Violence Laws in Utah - Duration: 2:13.

- Why might you be considered a criminal

for breaking something you own?

(man yelling in anguish, punching door)

The proper role of government is to protect our rights,

life, liberty, and property, among others.

So naturally anybody who violates our rights,

for example, somebody who steals from us or hurts us,

is correctly considered a criminal.

But too often, government experiences scope creep

and begins punishing people for doing things

that don't actually harm others.

- Why, what did I do?

- This is the case with Utah's domestic violence laws.

The purpose of these important laws is to prohibit

and punish those who hurt people they live with,

for example, a roommate or spouse.

So it's no surprise that these laws ban violence,

threats of violence, kidnapping, harassment, and more.

These laws make sense and those who are guilty

of harming others should definitely be prosecuted.

But the law also says that you're guilty

of domestic violence if you commit

any offense against property,

including intentionally damaging, defacing,

or destroying the property of another.

That may sound alright but here's the problem.

If you live with a spouse, your property is jointly-owned,

so your property is also the property of another.

Let's say you get into a heated argument

one day with your spouse,

and to let off some steam you throw something

at a mirror and it breaks.

You just intentionally damaged property

that also belongs to the other person you live with,

even though you had zero intention

of committing domestic violence.

This behavior is usually a misdemeanor,

though if you damage something expensive

it can be up to a 2nd-degree felony.

This scope creep distorts an important law

that protects true victims,

instead victimizing innocent people

by turning them into criminals.

Nobody should be punished for damaging their own property

when they never threatened or hurt another person.

For Libertas Institute, I'm Nichelle Aiden.

(electronic music)

For more infomation >> Domestic Violence Laws in Utah - Duration: 2:13.


Fruity Ice Pops You Can Eat for Breakfast | Food Network - Duration: 1:45.

Hi, guys. I'm Vivian.

And I'm from Food Network Kitchen.

And today, I'm going to teach you

how to make a breakfast strawberry chia pop,

if I can ever get it out of the mold.

So first, you want to mix a can of evaporated milk, lime juice.

Rolling it helps to get all the juices going.

My neat little trick is to use it

in between tongs, because I'm not that strong, surprise.

And you squeeze it.

Then you mix in the honey.

And then, last but not least, you're

going to put in chia seeds.

You're going to stir this.

And you're going to let it get all plump and squishy.

And that's going to take about two hours.

So it's been two hours.

And all the chia seeds are nice and plump right now.

I stirred it halfway, so it didn't become this

ginormous gloop on the bottom.

And then what we're going to do now

is stir in some strawberries, get molds, take out the sticks.

All righty.

And you're going to pour it in up to the fill line,

put the little sticks back in.

And you're going to pop these in the freezer

and go to bed, because you're going to have

breakfast in the morning.

So good morning.

Our breakfast popsicles are all ready.

I ran them under a little hot water,

so you can just get yank them out.


And they're only 120 calories.

And I have breakfast for a week.

So have a good day.


For more infomation >> Fruity Ice Pops You Can Eat for Breakfast | Food Network - Duration: 1:45.


introducing a new #channel / youtuber 🙌🙋🙋 Lilywaibel - Duration: 3:38.

hey guys welcome my name is Linda

Waibel and you can call me Lily

For more infomation >> introducing a new #channel / youtuber 🙌🙋🙋 Lilywaibel - Duration: 3:38.


How To Make A DIY BreakfastTray - Duration: 0:41.

Great for sick days, the weekend, and spoiling your favorite people, breakfast trays are

a classic item to have around the house.

Building one is a fun, easy project you can do in an afternoon.

For more infomation >> How To Make A DIY BreakfastTray - Duration: 0:41.


I'M ALL ALONE! - Duration: 3:48.

(coughing) Not getting sick again!

Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and I live alone which is totally fine by me most of

the time.

I rather like having my space and having food not just disappear for no reason.

And then always knowing who is in my house, why they're in my house, and if I don't want

someone in my house, telling them to get the fuck out of my house.

I also like using my spare room for filming this and I wouldn't want to have to give that

up to have someone else staying here cause then I would have to constantly be cleaning

my actual room to film in, and I don't like making the bed or cleaning.

I also don't like cleaning anything in general and I rather like having it be messy because

I made it messy and not because someone else did.

And not living up to someone else's expectations of cleanliness or dealing with all of their


Or a couch cushion disintegrating, which actually happened in college.

I don't know what happened to this couch, but it was a couch that the university had

for us in our common room and the couch cushion started slowly like disintegrating?

And shrinking down to nothing.

And it eventually disappeared.

Little piece by little piece.

Just one!

None of the other cushions.

None of us knows what was spilled on it, what was growing in it, what was feeding on it,

what was living there that made this couch cushion completely disappear.

All we know is the university saw it and replaced it without charging us?!

I prefer living by myself, honestly, for the most part, but there are some times and some

situations that I get into that it would be really convenient to have a roommate.

So I call this "the times that Amanda would really like to have a roommate."

Hey, I'm stuck at work, is there any way that you can take the dog out for a walk?

Hey, I really don't feel very good.

Can you make me some tea while you're up?

Oh crap!

Hey, I'm right in the middle of baking and I'm out of flour, is there any way that you

can pick some up?

Oh no.


We're out of toilet paper, can you bring me some?

Did you hear that??

Did you hear that??

What was that noise?

But since I don't have a roommate, I typically just handle it all myself and it all works


(groan) I'll do it myself (groan).

(heavy sigh) (sigh) oh no

DAMNIT! (whimpering in fear)

So really, when it comes down to it, I am totally fine living by myself, and it's probably

better that I do.

I have a tendency to irritate people if I'm around in large quantities, and I have a tendency

to get irritated by large quantities of another human being.

Although it would be nice to have someone help me mow the yard.

Anyway, that's it for this video (coughing fit)

Where the hell did that come from?

Sorry if I spread my germs through the camera, I swear I'm not sick.

That's it for this video, if you liked it, click the like button and subscribe to my

channel, I make a new video every Tuesday.

Thank you guys so much for watching.

MWAH! (groan)

For more infomation >> I'M ALL ALONE! - Duration: 3:48.


is this the end? - Duration: 0:14.

Is this it?

Will this be it?

Is this the end?

For more infomation >> is this the end? - Duration: 0:14.


What happens to food when you swallow it? - Duration: 2:02.

Hi kids!

Moe here!

Have you ever wondered what happens to the food you eat after you swallow it?

Well, what you're talking about is a process called digestion.

It begins in your mouth with chewing and saliva.

You might call saliva, spit or drool.

It's that stuff your mouth makes when you see or smell delicious food and your mouth

begins watering.

After you swallow the food goes to your stomach.

Where do you think your stomach is?



It's actually up a little higher.

behind your ribs and on your left side.

The food you eat continues to digest here in the stomach.

Your stomach squeezes and mashed the food and mixes it with stomach juices.

The stomach juices and the churning of the stomach turn the food into a thick soupy substance

called chyme.

Now it's ready to enter the small intestine.

The small intestine is a long tube, three to five meters long or around 13 feet.

That's more than twice as tall as an adult!

And all that tube is coiled up inside your belly!

The small intestine has a very important job in the digestion process.

More digestive juices are added and the food you ate gets broken down into nutrients like

vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and sugars.

And your small intestine absorbs them.

After the small intestine has taken all the nutrients out of the food you've eaten

it moves into the large intestine.

At this point what's left is mostly fiber and water.

The large intestine squeezes the water out and reabsorbs it.

What's left is called feces, or you might call it poop.

Now digestion is finished!

Have an adult help you leave a comment if you want to ask me a question.

I look forward to hearing from you.

In the meantime, I've picked out some videos I think you might like.

You can watch them here.

Also, don't forget to subscribe.

and click the bell so you don't miss future videos.

And until next time, keep wondering!

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