Hey there i'm Nigel Yates thanks for
stopping by
i'm going to do a quick video today
mainly in response to a comment that was
left on one of my other videos somebody
posted a comment and they said the 4%
group it's a scam
some people joined and they didn't make
any money and i read that and i was like
what are you serious i mean there are so
many things i wanted to say in response
to that but let me just focus on a
couple of them in this short video i
just want to explain why I genuinely and
quite passionately argue against anybody
who simply says the 4% group is a scam
because firstly what is a scam a scam is
well it's an intention to defraud to be
dishonest and to kind of cheat people
out of money and the last thing the 4%
group does is any of those things let me
tell you why for a fact I know somebody
she had to cancel her membership for
various reasons and she got a full
refund so there's no scam there she got
all the money back I know somebody who
had to change their travel plans because
they couldn't attend that the conference
there was a conference coming up and the
dates changed and she was out of pocket
the 4% group honored all those members
who made arrangements that they would
not be out-of-pocket and reimburse
people if they make plans that they
couldn't rearrange couldn't cancel
they've made financial commitments
nobody was out of pocket because of the
changes they had to make what other
system have you ever come across on the
internet that would actually make a
pledge to its members that they will not
be out of pocket if they have to change
their plans
4% group did that so I you know there's
absolutely no intention to defraud people
because they're so open transparent and
honest if you want if you if you join
and decide it's not for you you can get
your money back if you were left out of
pocket because of the conference date
changes you were refunded you're
compensated so really there's there's no
intention to do fraud there at all now
also like the guy you left the comment
saying it's a scam because I know some
people didn't make any money what system
do you know that will guarantee that if you
join and become a member you will make
money none of them do everyone has to
have a disclaimer it's a legal
requirement anyway for any legitimate
reputable business we'll have a
disclaimer somewhere the small print
that says these earnings you know whilst
they're possible and realistic not
everybody achieves that why is that
because not everybody takes action and I
know for a fact people will join I've
probably done it myself in the past
people join pay the money look watch
listen but never actually take any
action they don't take the steps they
don't follow what's recommended and they
don't they don't take the training or
the guidance that's the number one
reason people don't make any money with
this or probably any other system is
because they sit on the sidelines you
want to soak up information they go into
learning mode and then do nothing and
you kind of left say oh well I joined
and I didn't make any money it must be a
scam that there's no guarantees you've
got to be responsible for your own
actions you have to take action and only
you can do that the four percent gives
you the framework training the systems
the tools the guidance the support the
mentorship but it's still down to you to
take the action and for somebody to say
it's a scam because they know other people
didn't make any money well that makes no
sense to me whatsoever and here's the
other thing and I said to this guy why
don't you just join as a free member and
see for yourself come inside come into
the group for free you don't you don't
make a credit card payment that's
deferred in any way free membership is
is entirely free you don't make a
payment so you can come into the group
you can test the water look at the
training get a feel join the Facebook
support group ask questions see the
results other people
having look at testimonials I mean it
it's it's kind of a no-brainer that if
you are thinking about it or you're
interested or you're comparing different
systems online and you want to know how
does the four percent compared to
choose another system that's out there
you know take your pick
join for free there aren't many that I
know of that have a genuine free level
of membership that lets you get inside
the members area and see pretty much
everything that's going on so that said
that that's that's kind of one of the
main things I would recommend anybody
does if they're interested in joining
and the other thing you know people say
it must be a scam you know well look
there's a big conference coming up
scammers don't hide in public where
everybody can come and poke them in the
chest and see face-to-face shake their
hand look them in the eye and also at this
conference there's a lot of Industry big
names these names are on the website for
the for the conference sign up and
there's a whole host of big names lining
themselves up too with the 4% group to
be part of it to be at the conference to
speak on stage to sell products maybe
through the 4% group in partnership with
the 4% group have exclusive
relationships with the 4% group give the
members access to products you can
promote as an affiliate for a commission
that kind of thing so there is you
know there is just so much going on
inside the group that for anybody to
just throw out it's a scam it doesn't
make any sense but you've got to make
your mind up and I read reviews from
both those who are members of the group
who love it and those who are opposed
to the group and say it's a scam and you
know you make a comparison then you
think well okay who's who's right who's
doesn't make any sense and there are
members who make bad reviews and say
it's child's play the money comes
flooding in anyone can do I disagree
with that and I've said that before in
other videos that it's not child's play
because you've got to get down into the
details and take action work hard be be
conscientious and commit show commitment
and spend a little bit of money to
invest in yourself because you're
building a business that's not child's
play so that's I don't agree with those
kind of comments but equally those who
just say it's a scam it doesn't make
sense but look I could talk all day
about this and try and convince you I'm
not here to try and convince you all I
would say is if you are interested
there's a link below join as a free
member John is a free member or ask me
any questions you like or join my
facebook group @results 4 success on
Facebook and you can ask me any
questions you like and I'll give you an
open and honest answer as best I can
but take a look on the inside yourself
and see what you think that's the
easiest way to decide for yourself is
the four percent group a scam clearly
I'm a member and I strongly support the
view that the last thing this is a scam
simply for well for all the reasons I've
I've outlined outlined today so take a
look and I hope to see you on the inside
and that's all for me chat soon and bye
bye for now
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