Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

because I don't want to be walking

around with my hair up in a bun like

this and then my hair looks hit in the

front and then when they look at the

back of my head they're just like hey

babies today I am rocking missed out sri

penny and this is what she looks like

okay so today I'm basically going to be

telling you guys the pros and the cons

of this hair along with where to get

this hair for the best price girl I'm

telling you I'm going to tell you where

to get it for the best price do not buy

beauty supply hair no more mMmmm along

with all of that I just wanted to let

you guys know that I did do this hair

style in a tutorial along with 7 other

hairstyles so don't mind clicking on the

link below and you guys can check that

out but after this video right here

the first thing that I love about this

hair is the fact that I do not have to

put heat in my hair this is a nice curly

wig and mind you my hair is post lacks

so that what that means is that I have

relaxed my hair but my roots are curly

so basically all I have to do for this

hair was to slip down my edges and girl

it got the job done another thing that I

love about this hair I probably say this

in every single review I do I sleep on

my hair in every now and then so it's

been holding up really well one night I

fell asleep with this hair in and I did

not wrap it for nothing another thing

that I love about this hair is the fact

that the curls are not super uniform

like I do not like my hair looking super

uniform I don't want to look like it's a

wig this hair in my opinion was so damn

natural like look how fuckin oh my gosh

like when I took this hair out the

freaking package I didn't even have to

do anything to the curls I didn't I

didn't have to comb out the hair I don't

have to do nothing and that's what I

like because I am a lazy ass person I am

lazy AF and I don't want to have to do

my too much to my hair because yeah I

just don't have that much time in the

morning like

y'all I know you feel me okay so what I

don't like about this hair is the fact

that I'm starting to notice the tangles

a lot more and I guess this may be

because I've been wearing this hair in a

ponytail so it's a lot more obvious it's

a lot more obvious for me to be able to

tell that it has tangles in oh my gosh

oh my gosh I need to cut this because I

don't want to be walking around with my

hair gonna burn like this and then my

hair looks cute in the front and then

when they look at the back of my head

they're just like what the foot so yeah

that's one thing I don't like a bit

about the hair but hey that's all

synthetic wigs I noticed that a lot more

just because I'm wearing it up in a

ponytail so yeah but that is fixable

just cut off the little dead hairs or

whatever Simon dead okay whatever just

close those little snip off that little

hair and you'll be good

okay beauty so along with a link to

where to get to his hair I also left a

link to my last video where I basically

show you guys how to get this hairstyle

along with seven other hairstyles so

thank you guys again for watching my

video and I will see you guys in my next

to you and thank you again for those who

subscribe and I love you guys as always

really nice she's been worried about

anything so email as you guys can see

see I'm just writing both sides

For more infomation >> Outre Penny Wig ONLY $14.99 - Duration: 3:28.


10 Magic Tricks GONE HORRIBLY WRONG on Live TV! (Magic Tricks Gone Wrong) - Duration: 14:53.

10 Magic Tricks GONE HORRIBLY WRONG on Live TV! (Magic Tricks Gone Wrong)

For more infomation >> 10 Magic Tricks GONE HORRIBLY WRONG on Live TV! (Magic Tricks Gone Wrong) - Duration: 14:53.


Be Still My Soul - Duration: 3:41.

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side

Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain

Leave to thy God to order and provide

In every change He faithful will remain

Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend

Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end

Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake

To guide the future as He has the past

Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake

All now mysterious shall be bright at last

Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know

His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below

Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on

When we shall be forever with the Lord

When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone

Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored

Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past

All safe and blessed we shall meet

At last

For more infomation >> Be Still My Soul - Duration: 3:41.


난 널 찾고 있었다 (I Was Looking For You) - Korean 44 - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> 난 널 찾고 있었다 (I Was Looking For You) - Korean 44 - Duration: 6:18.


Kingdom Death: Monster painting guide - King's Man chapter 1 - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> Kingdom Death: Monster painting guide - King's Man chapter 1 - Duration: 15:15.


Fabrication 101- Skid plate for 20$ - Duration: 10:31.

hey guys welcome back to Full Tilt Drift

today starts the first day of

fabrication month this is Fabrication

101 and today we're going to be making a

skid plate for the S 14 out of this

piece of metal right here. and get it nice

and fitted up in there so we have better

air flow through the engine bay and

protection for the oil pan. today we're

going to look at taking up metal cutting

it pouring it to a certain degree on a

budget without many tools first up

whenever you're doing a big piece like

this is you want to use a template. we've

got this big piece of cardboard that's

just about the same size of this, so we

can go in there, get this up, make our

measurements with this then do the final

cut on that.

good morning guys it's Saturday morning

at the preparation we can put events

next weekend and right now we're up the

bed with the flash up we're hoping to

get metal first dip blade tips for a

batch bar and probably some stuff picks

up the table so I can make video about

that for you guys so we're we're going

right now with IMS this giant metal

supply warehouse I feel they've got

brand new pieces for you to pick off of

but we're going early because they have

a scrap section which is a lot cheaper

and it usually has pretty good selection

we also just hooked up the turbo

yesterday and we haven't really gotten

to drive it around yet so this will not

only be the maiden voyage for the GoPro

but I'm also the turbo on the real

vision I guess like I said when I'm a


this right here is from area all the

extra metal

like Motown Quentin


so I'm going to give you a little look

around real quick we've got deal too

Lawlor to Bremen

aluminum plays

mobile play Pablo play diamonds late

we got everything so as long as you get

here when the scrap metal is going good

you're all set now we're gonna get the

car jacked up get a cardboard fitted in

there actually how would Park measure

exhibit and then we're going to do a

final cut all right let me show you guys

what check out that blue bar right

there's like a fan and it a can see it's

just a little lower than my sway bar

making it a little part of my friend

that's not going to be okay if I can

really do

so we put some protection you can keep

the bolt smooth lined up on the bottom

of the air cooler here and on the

subframe right here so it should reach

all the way from the intercooler here

covering the sway bar the oil so let's

get this mucked up on the cardboard and

then I'll show you how we transfer to

the metal

alright guys we got our cardboard all

fitted up how we want it let me show you

how we did that and how it looks now

before we transfer it onto the metal

okay so here in effect is our skid plate

right now it's the cardboard cut up so

the way we got this all fitted up is we

put just a little bit of Loctite

on the head of the bolts and then we fit

it up the cardboard piece took it down

and we had an exact plot of where the

bolt holes needed to be so now we're

going to take the cardboard skid plate

off and work on the metal one alright so

this is a better shot of that cardboard

that we're going to be using and you can

see the four bolt holes also and where

they line up we're going to measure the

distance between all of these and then

mock it up onto our metal skid plate

before we drill holes or anything all

right we've got our whole dome our stuff

we measured them horizontally vertically

and diagonally we're going to drill the

whole thing you'll see how it fits us

all right guys just wanted to show you

real quick when you're taking drill bits

or some bolts the easiest way I found to

do it when you don't have something to

measure the bolts it's to hold the bolts

up to your eye and take the drill bit

and hold it behind it when you finally

get one that is just slightly bigger

than the bolt threads that's when you

know you're set

all right we help skip way up against

the bottom of the car and it looks like

it's pretty good but we're going to

throw some slots on the hole so it's

easier to install and then get it on

there alright guys what we're trying to

do now is make a cut along this line so

that's were able to bend the plate so we

want to put one Bend up in so that it'll

rise up to where the intercooler is

instead of using like some really long

bolts or something so we're going to

make not a deep cut not even halfway

through the plate maybe a third of the

way across with an angle grinder and

then try and give it a best the real key

here is trying to make it even Bend all

the way across all right guys we've got

a pretty good even cut all the way

across so now we're going to shove the

big part in between the back tires and

wheels to get some weight on top of it

and then we're going to use something

long like a 2x4 or two two by fours to

clamp that and try to bend it up

leverage my friends

alright guys we have the skid plate the

Mustang nine of us we just need to take

care of one more thing as you can see

here just dislike things over with a

lower control I'm just going to go when

the suspension sags so we're going to

take a section of that off and I'll show

you that here are the foxes we're going

to be cutting out that's going to allow

an arm to be moving this way and not get

caught up on the skid plate and this

line right here is where we're putting

our second crease we're going to cut

these out first and then run a solid cut

along this line and do the same thing we

did before with the two by fours and try

and get a bit this is what we're going

to be doing with it's just a cheesy

Harbor Freight angle grinder but I've

had it for two years and it keeps

getting the job done so the angle

grinder is great for making small

low-risk cuts where you don't care about

you know a perfectly straight edge we

can come back with the flap wheel or a

file or something and grind it down a

little bit later right now we're just

trying to get these pieces off make sure

it fits and we'll take care that afters

when you're using an angle grinder you

always want to make sure you're wearing

gloves and eye protection because as you

just saw that thing for sparks


I suggest also using your protection if

you're not used to it but the gloves and

the eye protection are definitely a must

all right now we're going to put the

horizontal cut

this case we're at here in the front

yard Z that there was a good place to do

this in the garage or anything we've got

the first Bend hanging off the craft

here I'm going to put my body weight

onto the flat part grab this deleverage

and yank up to bend this piece for that

way we're going to have kind of these

shaped skid plate here that ought to be

good voila v-shape skip plate

alright guys and that is a fully

installed skid plate it's always a rock

soup I can kick the hell out of it and

not even tempted alright guys good place

pretty much done I took it out first bit

last night as you can see it already

stopped me from tricky we're going to

make one more cut and Bend up along this

top line so that the part of its

gameplay angles up just in case it falls

or grab something we don't want to say

getting ripped off the bar and then we

should be ready to connect okay so I

actually had the line thrown

you want to make your cut so that after

you bend the metal cut here and the

metal pull upwards it blows up because

LF you cut on the bottom and then

bending upwards then you gotta make a


now children in the angle grinder fan

tailored is also common flatten is to

take some of the sharp edges off here

I'm not going to end up showing you the

grinder right now because you're going

to be a lot more than the upcoming

package all right you got to see a lot

more the grind you're going to the

bachelor bills because we're going to be

a lot of mystic latest in Toledo Nina

painted some other time they put a

couple reinforcements on there the track

are going to this weekend to stay ended

event is rainy Motorsports Park is a

go-kart track out in the desert and

there's they drop offs rocks comment

except you don't like hitting the other

side here car so the pledge be an

excellent addition that was the first

episode for fabricating pump it's like

wasn't a big deal

we're going to get bigger and bigger as

we go on we're doing a batch bar some

more air panels things like that

stay tuned

For more infomation >> Fabrication 101- Skid plate for 20$ - Duration: 10:31.


McCain Calls Liberal Rejection Of Nuclear Power 'Concerning' VIDEO - Duration: 1:40.

McCain Calls Liberal Rejection Of Nuclear Power �Concerning� [VIDEO]

Jake Tapper tried to bait Sen. John McCain into denouncing Trump�s climate change policy

but McCain used the question to destroy liberal opposition to nuclear power.

McCain joined Tapper on the Sunday morning edition of CNN�s �State Of The Union,�

where they discussed North Korea and Afghanistan before switching topics to climate change.

�As you know, President Trump has wrongly referred to climate change as a Chinese hoax,�

Tapper baited.

�You�ve been a Republican leader on the need to combat man-made climate change.�

�This must concern you,� Tapper finished.

McCain, rather than attack Trump, used the opportunity to slam liberals for opposing

nuclear power.

�I think one of the aspects of it that does concern me is my friends in the environmental

community�s outright rejection of nuclear power, which is the cleanest there is,�

McCain said.

�Their refusal to even consider it is something that has been an impediment in moving forward.�

McCain admitted that he believes �climate change is real� but that policies being

proposed by the left have threatened economic growth.

�I also think that some of the remedies that are being proposed can harm our economy

as well,� the senator concluded.

For more infomation >> McCain Calls Liberal Rejection Of Nuclear Power 'Concerning' VIDEO - Duration: 1:40.


Focus On One Business & Be Ambitiously Patient- Gary Vaynerchuck at VaynerMedia - Duration: 2:35.

Hey what's going on YouTube world Pete

Olsen and my dog Lilly say hi Lilly

anything I see how are you my tog

Annabel in the back all my way to the

gym here on Monday wanted to do a video

while I'm on the way about you know as

Gary Vaynerchuk always talked always

talks about the process being the most

ambitious patient person in the world

and that's really what you got to have

and and focusing on what you're doing

and he said the other day in the video

that some guy asked him a question he's

running three companies and doing three

companies and Gary said you can't do it

you can't do it and can't be successful

you got a laser focus in like he is the

CEO of vaynermedia right so you got to

really hone in on that and the same is

true in any industry you know for

instance in my industry in the

multi-level marketing industry you see

people trying to sorry for the bumpy

ride guys you see people trying to do

two three four deals master jack of all

trades master of none they can never be

ultimately successful can't happen on

the number one guy in my company and you

know what that takes that takes

dedication focus and the ambitious

patience right every single day

dedicated to driving that brand in that

in the one company that's what it takes

okay I'm not doing one company in the

morning and another company in the

afternoon and all that nonsense right it

never works you're a slave to both you

never get ahead and you got to pick one

you got to drive that's how the biggest

money earners do it in network marketing

period okay so I hope that helps guys

the couple takeaways from this be the

most ambitious patient person you can be

loved those terms by Gary Vaynerchuk and

also you can't work multiple deals guys

multiple businesses focus on one and be

the best you can be at that and dominate

that space right dominate Lily what do

you think I think that's a plan have a

great day guys I hope that helped happy


talk to you guys soon okay

For more infomation >> Focus On One Business & Be Ambitiously Patient- Gary Vaynerchuck at VaynerMedia - Duration: 2:35.


Using number lines to round numbers - Duration: 1:17.

How can I help students to round numbers?

A number line is a versatile visual model for showing

the position of one number relative to another

For example, what's the position of two-hundred relative to one-hundred?

Two-hundred is double the distance from zero to one-hundred.

That's right.

Now let's jump farther along the number line

and let's give it a different look.

Now imagine I placed a ball on the line to show the position of five-hundred forty.

How would the ball help me know which hundred is closer?

It would roll back to five-hundred.

That's right.

Let's say the ball was positioned at five-hundred seventy.

How would it help me know which hundred is closer now?

It would roll forward to six-hundred.


So giving students visual experiences of locating numbers

on curved number lines can make the idea of rounding easier to understand.

For more infomation >> Using number lines to round numbers - Duration: 1:17.


Church On A Mission – Day 8 (Ephesians 2:10) - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Church On A Mission – Day 8 (Ephesians 2:10) - Duration: 4:02.


How to Request a book - Duration: 1:55.

Kia ora koutou, this tutorial will show you how to request a book in LibrarySearch.

If you're making a request as a distance student make sure you registered from the distance student page before you make a request.

From the library home page search for the resources you are interested in.

If you find a book that is not available as an e-book and is either located at another campus,

or has been borrowed by someone else, you can request the book.

To place a request, login to the Library using your Unitec email address and password.

Return to the book, click find in library, then click request.

Choose a location you want the book to come to and then click request.

Distance students should choose the Hub location.

If the book is available it should arrive at the Library in one to three days.

If someone else has borrowed the book, their due date will be brought forward to no more than one week.

When the book is returned, it will be put aside or posted to those studying by distance.

You will get an email, letting you know that the book has been posted or is waiting for you on the hold shelf.

The book will be held on the hold shelf for seven days before being returned to the collection.

Thanks for watching, and remember the library staff are here to help.

Please contact us if there's anything else we can do for you.

Ka kite anō.

For more infomation >> How to Request a book - Duration: 1:55.


Theatre Dictionary: Dramatic Irony - Duration: 1:54.

♪ (orchestral flourish) ♪


♪ ("Ride of the Valkyries" plays) ♪

(dramatically, with British accents)

I'm so in love with Lady Sybil Thornsburydale.

I cannot wait to take her riding across the foggy moors upon my tiny pony.

Oh my goodness! Here she comes now!

I shall hide myself, it will be a great surprise.

(boots make clomping sounds)

Oh Dashiell, I love riding with you on your tiny pony.

I stole it from stupid Cyril!


He is stupid! Let's never tell him.

(they laugh)

Vengeance will be mine!

Dashiell's never been able to resist an opportunity for hydration.

But he's also never been able to resist… poison!

Drip, drip, drop!

Who's stupid now? Ha!

♪ (orchestral music swells) ♪

(body crashes to the ground, cup clatters)

♪ (orchestral flourish ends) ♪

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