Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

In the universe, there exist spiral beings driven to fight and evolve.

Powered by an individual's will, their spiral power gives them near limitless potential,

defying physics and the conservation of energy.

Soon, some races feared unlimited use of spiral power would cause spiral beings to evolve

into enormous galaxies, a cosmic imbalance that would lead to a universe-ending event

called the Spiral Nemesis

Fearing the end, these races halted their own evolutions, surrendered their spiral power

and became the Anti-Spirals, white humanoids in suspended animation, their collective consciousness

becoming the near-omnipotent Anti-Spiral King.

In response, the Spirals developed Gunmen and other mecha to fight through space in

search of the Anti-Spiral homeworld, but the betrayal of one of the Spiral soldiers forced

them back to Earth in defeat.

But time goes on and people forget.

Humanity now lives underground.

Their spiral nature keeps young diggers like Kamina and Simon looking to the surface and

their journey to freedom just kicked into a high gear because Simon just found the head

of a buried Gunmen and the Core Drill to start 'er up.

Too bad Lordgenome and his beastmen are lying in wait to kill any human who reaches the


For more infomation >> GURREN LAGANN: Pierce the Heavens! | LORE in a Minute! | Kyle Hebert | LORE - Duration: 1:14.


DEAF Q&A || Cheyenna Clearbrook & Aly Drayton - Duration: 16:58.

A: Sorry about that! It's the dog

C: That's a good question

C: To...

A: I'm single

A: One of our friends


A: Wow, we actually did the intro in 1 take!?

C: Woohoo, we're masters!

A: Hello guys! Welcome back to our channels

A: So I know it has been a while since we've been together for a video

A: We've been really busy with everything else and now we finally have time to do a video together today

A: So don't worry about it guys

A: What we're going to do today?

C: We will do a deaf q&a that different questions from people we'll be answering them

A: Then let's get started!

A: Okay so I had an idea of doing a deaf q&a and I didn't think you guys would give us a lot of questions

A: I mean, I'm happy about it. Thank you guys very much!

A: We'll try our best to answer those questions so we apologize if we can't answer the question very well

A: Okay so let's start with our first question

C: Well, right now we're attending a local community college that is solely for hearing people

C: And they provide interpreters. But most of the time, we both take online classes

C: So yes they do have several colleges that provides deaf programs

C: Such as Gallaudet University (deaf college) that deaf people attends

C: Hearing people can attend too as well but they're required to know sign language very well then they can attend

C: And other colleges (RIT, CSUN, TSD, etc)

A: If you go to a normal college that's solely for hearing people, they do provide services for people with DA

A: Like for example; they provide interpreters, note takers, request to sit in the front of class

You have the right for that! They usually provide bunch of different accommodations

A: That's really cool for us that we have accommodations for that

C: Yeah, for sure!

C: Next question is...

A: I mean there are different ways you can become deaf

A: First of all, you can become deaf automatically from birth (due to genes)

A: Or you can become deaf through a type of disease. There are several such as meningitis, etc! I mean there are different kinds

C: Yeah, also german measles

A: Or you can lose hearing eventually when you get older. It depends on everyone else

C: Yeah, there's different ways to become deaf really

C: And there's nothing wrong with that anyway!

A: There's a person named Scott. He asked...

C: That's a really good question

A: Yeah that really makes me think

A: I admit for myself when I was growing up, it wasn't easy for me. I hated being deaf

A: I thought it was a shame to be deaf.

A: But now, I'm older... I'm really proud to be deaf

A: I don't know

C: I would feel the same way as her. Growing up, I felt like being deaf was really different from others

C: I felt like I had to put a lot of effort for them and

C: It was an awful feeling, yes. But now like what she said, I started to slowly accept myself as being deaf

C: Because there's a lot of things for deaf people like us to be involved in the community

C: And access! More than before in the past

C: So we're grateful that we're deaf

A: Yeah, we feel like we have responsibility to show you guys that we can do anything

A: For deaf people and others who has DA. We can do anything! There's no difference between hearing people and us

C: Right! And I'm sure a lot of people want to break the barrier between deaf and hearing people, you know?

C: A person named Daing, he asked

C: You could be considered into the community if you have hearing loss but should know sign language?

A: There are deaf, hard of hearing, and if you have a type of hearing loss; you're part of the deaf community automatically

A: I have some friends who has a little bit of hearing loss and they do know sign language

A: But keep in mind, not everybody knows sign language

C: And some deaf people will take it very personally if you say hearing impaired because it's insulting to them

C: You can just say hearing loss or deaf, that's it

A: Or hard of hearing!

A: Because the reason why we find that offensive because hearing impaired means we can't do anything

A: The word impaired. That's why we don't like the word. So keep that in mind for next time

A: Tamar, her students, she's a teacher from Shelton High School; they want to know

A: I don't know how to answer that because since we're deaf so we can't hear anything. We don't know

C: If I leave the fan on and I go out do my errands then come back realizing I forgot to turn it off

A: But it's different for me because I come from a hearing family and I have cochlear implant (hearing device)

A: So it does bother me sometimes because it's loud for me if I have it on

A: Or if I leave it on and I go out doing my thing then my parents would remind me to turn it off

A: I'm like oops I forgot

A: So I guess it depends for everyone. For the ones who can hear, I guess it may bother them

A: But for the ones who's fully deaf, no it won't

C: Question from one of my friends, Oban. He said...

A: I feel like that question is very controversial

A: But I already have a cochlear implant so I do know how it's like

A: My parents gave me one when I was 2-3 years old. I didn't know what was going on

A: So I personally think parents should give a chance for their kids to let them make a choice

A: Let them get older. If they want to get one, go for it! Embrace it. Everyone has their own preferences

A: If you do want to get a cochlear implant, don't let us say no. It's your decision

A: It's not our lives. It's not our bodies. It's your body

C: Yeah. Same (agreed). I'm just saying my opinion. I'm not against anybody's opinions. I just want to say how I feel

C: I feel very sad that parents force it on their children to wear a cochlear implant without asking for their permission

C: Like what she said, it's their own body. So I think

C: All hearing parents should respect their children because they have their own language already

C: ASL, that's their language! Not forcing them to follow their parent's language (Oral English)

C: It detaches from their culture because when they grow up, they will suffer their whole life

A: I mean that thing, I wish I knew because my parents tried to make me into a hearing person

A: But they have to keep in mind that cochlear implant, it's just a tool

C: Right!

A: It won't automatically turn me into a hearing person. No, it won't!

A: So that's what my family thinks. They tend to speak so fast while talking to me, I just can't

C: Yeah

A: So that's why everyone has different opinions about this subject

A: Some people can be very strongly against or 100 percent agree, it depends on you

C: Yeah

A: But that's our opinions. It's up to you. It's your choice

C: Right!

C: Deaf pyramid is like a family tree branched out from deaf and what kind of deafness

C: Like hard of hearing, hearing loss, being deaf in 1 ear, etc. That's what deaf pyramid is

A: Yeah I think we'll definitely talk about that. I mean we have a lot of other topics we want to talk about related to deafness

A: So yeah it will be part of the topics we will talk about for sure!

C: My good friend, Rachel, she's from play. She said

A: I feel like that is such a good question

A: It's different for everybody but for me; growing up, yes it was hard for me

A: Because I had to go to speech therapy twice a week, 2 hours each session. So it totals up to 4-5 hours every week

A: I had to really commit to speak orally. I couldn't sign at all but I didn't know any sign back then

A: I wasn't allowed to use my hands and just speak orally. I had to listen so that was very tough for me

A: Because I mean I felt like no one could understand me. I felt like it wasn't me at all. Signing, that's me

A: I could sign so that way, people would understand me better. Speaking orally, I mean..

A: But again, it depends on everybody. Some can easily pick it up and some can't pick it up that well

A: But for me, it was tough because still today, I'm not fluent with speaking. I'm not

A: I could speak fairly well but yeah

C: Like what we said before, cochlear implant is just a tool

C: So speaking should be their decision, not parents' decision. It should be because

C: ASL is already their first language. Speaking is a choice they make to choose if they want to or not

C: Because why should we speak if we already know sign language? That's our communication to talk with other people

A: Those kids who are deaf, I think it's a great idea for them to learn sign language when they're young

A: Not force them to learn how to speak. It won't benefit for them

A: They will suffer. They will struggle for the rest of their lives

C: Imagine if you have a child who has a mental disability, body limitations, etc

C: You would do anything for the kid and provide everything but for a deaf person, no

C: You're forcing them to follow to be like a hearing person

C: Not respect them and be involved! Learn sign language for them, teach, or take them to a deaf institute, etc

C: Like give what they need but you're not

C: I'm not saying all of you do but some parents would do that to their children

C: It's sad!

C: I would say when I was about 12-13 years old, I wish I could've accepted myself as being a deaf person

C: And tell myself that it's okay to be deaf. There's nothing wrong with that

C: And blend into a society that people are fit to

C: Like help hearing people understand my deafness, you know?

A: Same for me. Second thing for me, I would have to say don't try too hard to be a hearing person

A: That was a huge thing for me. I would try not to be deaf. I would push it away/ignore it

A: Pretend/mask to be a hearing person

A: I wish I knew just don't try too hard not being deaf. Be proud of yourself. Accept who you are

A: I feel like that question is very common

A: It depends for everyone but for us, we're willing to date anyone!

C: Yeah

A: It's important especially for hearing people, we would like for that person to be involved with our culture

A: Like for example, be willing to learn sign language if you don't know any signs

A: And be involved into our deaf community, that's important for us because if you don't (what's the point?)

C: And it's important that person who's not deaf try to understand our deaf culture

C: Be involved with everything and be supportive. Like 100 percent must!

C: It can't be 80-90 percent. That's a big NO. We won't be able to fit together

C: Because we do so much for them so it would be nice if they did the same for us too!

C: So yeah I did date a hearing guy before. It's very interesting indeed

A: I'm single

A: Okay so this girl, Ali, she sent me this on snapchat

A: This question is more specifically for me because I'm the only deaf person in the whole family

A: For me, yes it's very hard for me because first of all, my family doesn't know any sign language

A: No knowledge about deaf culture

A: They don't even try to interact with me

A: They tend to talk to my parents to rely on getting information about me

A: They don't actually talk to me

A: I think it's kinda funny because growing up, I had to really learn how to be oral for them

A: And then they don't do the same for me so it's very hard for me

A: Because I'm not that close with them. Communication is a huge barrier between us

A: I wish I could've been closer with my family because I love them! But you know...

C: That's a good question actually

A: There are different ways you can do to be an ally for our deaf culture

A: Like for example, be very respective around us. Don't try to change anything about our deafness

A: We won't listen to you

A: Second of all, if you don't know sign language and if you're willing to learn more

A: Honestly that will fill up our hearts. We will be very happy to help you learn!

A: Third, be really involved more in the deaf community

A: Lastly, you can be an advocate because we're trying to spread the word and help raise more awareness

A: For our deaf culture/community and other DA too as well

A: Just be an advocate if you're on the same page as we are

A: That's great, we'll be really happy! But there's different ways to be involved with us

A: But what I just gave, they're the basics ones you can do to be involved with us

C: It's very important for you to do that's very respective to us and deaf community

C: You can't try to change something about our deafness. Respect our choices and leave it alone

C: And be supportive with our opinions. Not tell us to follow what you want us to! (related to the hearing world)

A: Unless if you have an idea suggestion, you can do that! But if you try to change it, we won't listen to you

C: What?

A: Honestly we just started doing YouTube so right now, we don't earn anything!

A: We're not doing it because of money or nothing else!

A: We're only doing this purely because we want to raise awareness for our deaf community

A: Because of money? No, we're not

A: So we can't really answer that question, I'm sorry but we don't earn anything at all

C: We just want to help hearing people to understand our deaf culture more

C: And what she said, raise more awareness about our deaf culture

A: We're doing this for free!?

C: Yes, shocking right?

A: Okay, we still have bunch more questions. I mean thank you so much!

A: We can't answer them all because I feel like some needs to be researched first before we answer them

C: And we probably will add one more video related to this - second part of deaf q&A

A: So if you liked this video, don't forget to like this video!

A: And subscribe if you want to see more videos from both of us in the future!

A: So have a good week and enjoy life!

Bye guys!

For more infomation >> DEAF Q&A || Cheyenna Clearbrook & Aly Drayton - Duration: 16:58.


New Comics for May 3, 2017 - Duration: 8:33.

Hey there I'm not sure if you are like me and like knowing what's coming out on Wednesday

so you can plan what you're going to read.

But if you are I'm going to give you a brief insight into what's coming out Wednesday

May 3.

Because there are some great Youtubers that will tell you what came out the past week

but none that I know that tell you what is coming out for the next new comic book Wednesday.

So as I go through the titles let me know in the comments which one of them you plan

on reading.

Lets start this list off with Batman 22.

It is continuing the Button storyline that has been running through Batman and Flash.

This is going to be my most anticipated DC comic this week as it is a must read.

I have reviews on parts 1 & 2 of the Button if you need convincing.

Issue 12 of Cyborg is dropping this week.

Speaking of dropping, sales for Cyborg has been steadily dropping.

So if you like this book you will probably need to get your friends to start buying it

too because at this rate it's probably going to get canceled soon.

Simon Baz & Jessica Cruz have found themselves in a new adventure, Lost in Space.

So, if you're like me and fell off this good book now might be the time to jump back


Speaking of good jumping in points Justice League 20 starts a new story arc where they

are going up against a man who has them stuck in a time loop which may lead to the death

of one of the members.

Who do you think it will be??

I'm guessing Cyborg.

Let me know if you agree or who do you think they'll kill.

It could even be Batman, as being stuck in a time loop means there's a chance to undo


Speaking of the Batfamily.

Nightwing Must Die is the current Nightwing story-arc where Nightwing teams up with Damian

Wayne, Robin to find out who is trying to ruin Nightwings's life and kill him.

The story is finishing here.

And it had a good start, and is worth reading.

Black Dawn begins here and we find out what's been going on in Dead Man's Swamp.

This has been in the back ground of the Superman stories since the beginning of Rebirth.

Aquaman is finishing up the latest story arc, with Dead Water in H20.

Read it to see who comes out on top and how.

Many of you probably can't wait for Injustice 2 the video game to come out later this month.

Well it begins here with Injustice 2 issue 1.

What new foe will we expect to see try and take over?

Next up we have Deadly Sin which is finishing in this issue.

I know Harley Quinn has a major following and I did read the last story arc and I will

admit Harley Quinn is a fun read, worth trying.

Maybe not this week to start but the next issue.

Let's try it together and I'll do a review of it.

In Green Arrow 22, The Rise of Star City pt 2 we continue the story of Green Arrow and

Black Canary saving Seattle.

This time they go against Cheshire.

The Next Deathstroke issue is also going to be for sale.

This will wrap up the Twilight story arc.

And don't worry when you don't see issue 19 in two weeks, it's being post-ponded

a week to work into the Titans/Teen Titans cross over for The Lazarus Contract.

But enough of that we can talk about that next week when pt 1 begins in Titans 11.

In case you did not get enough Bane in the last Batman story arc.

Bane co-creator Chuck Dixon is back to write right a 12 part Bane centric story of his

attempt to conquer the world.

Lastly, on the DC slate we have DC Comics Bombshells issue 26 with more Harley and Ivy

action as they head to Russia.

Next up, Marvel comics coming out this Wednesday.

First the biggest one, after being in the works for over a year Secret Empire issue

1 is here.

Please go read the zero issue first which I have a video up for it.

But you will need that.

It's more of the first issue than this.

But here we will get to see what happens as the heroes now know that Captain America is

really a Hydra sleeper agent.

Since Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 is coming out this weekend Marvel will have 3 Guardians

of the Galaxy books for you to read; All New Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the

Galaxy Mother Entropy, and Guardiands of the Galaxy Mission Breakout.

All New Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be twice monthly.

Mother Entropy will reintroduce Pip the Troll and he is not alone.

A new villain, Mother Entropy, will help him go against the Guardians of the Galaxy.

And Mission Breakout is a one-shot that will have the Guardians break out of the Collectors


The battle continues between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, in X-Men

Gold issue 3.

Who will win and what will be the consequences?

The X-Men Blue left to find their own destiny.

But Jean Grey has been told that she can't escape hers, as the Phoenix is coming for


We will get to see what Jean does to fight destiny in her own solo series.

My channel has been showing the ResurrXion side of the Inhumans/X-Men resurgence.

But there are many Inhuman books also coming out.

You can see review of some Inhumans Prime and other Inhumans titles over at News to


Just leave him a comment letting him now I sent you.

This title is Black Bolt's first solo series that begins with the once King of the INhumans


The number one title I'm not reading that I wish I was is Champions.

After dealing with the Freelancers the Champions have some decisions to make.

Check this issue out and see what direction the Champions decide their team must go in.

One of the Running With the Devil Titles that I have not been keeping up with is close to


Bullseye 4 will be the second to last in this series.

Maybe the completionist in me will make me finish it and will do a video on the remaining


Let's next look at the Spider titles coming out.

Spider-Gwen is on a mission for Matt Murdock, who is a villain in her universe.

The question is will she be able to handle it?

Heads up Gwen will be getting a new villain appearing in this issue.

If you sometimes get tired of big events and want a break Miles Morals understands you.

In this issue he will be trying to calm things down after having his multi-versal adventure

with Spider-Gwen.

Miguel O'Hara finds out who destroyed his version of 2099, and will get to fight the

terrorist responsible.

But will he be able to keep his fiancé safe?

In the last spider title for this upcoming Wednesday Deadpool must come to Spider-Man's

rescue before Spider-Man ends up crossing a line he will never be able to come back


Jessica Jones has decided to go against the powers that be and solve some of the mysteries

of the Marvel Universe.

But will they just let her?

And what will she uncover?

Danny Rand continues to fight through this martial arts tournament

and his next opponent is even more deadlier than the one before.

But he isn't Danny's only concern the Council that has set up this tournament has

their own agenda.

We'll have to wait and see if Danny gets he Chi back in time to take down the Council

in Iron Fist #3.

In Nova #6 We finally get to see what's been going on with Richard Rider in the Cancerverse

and how he made it back from there.

In Unstoppable Wasp #5 it's a race against the clock as the Unstoppable Wasp and her

team must use their brains to come up with a solution while still defending off The Red


Yes the same Red Room Black Widow was trained in.

Hawkeye #6 has Jessica Jones continue to mentor Kate Bishop, Hawkeye.

Read this to see how these two bump heads as the student tries to show the master she

is ready to shine.

So ladies and gentlemen that is what you can expect for Marvel and DC for Wednesday May

3, 2017.

I wanted to add Image but with this being my first time doing this I thought I would

stop here.

But I would like for you to give me your thoughts on this video style as to how I can go about

doing videos like this because I would like to put one of these out every Sunday or Monday.

Please give this video a thumbs up if you liked it or down if you didn't be like I

said let me know why.

Please subscribe for more comic book related videos.

Thanks for watching.

Til next time Brian Mendes

For more infomation >> New Comics for May 3, 2017 - Duration: 8:33.


Cantonese Tongue Twister 2 [粵語急口令 2] (Traditional Chinese Characters) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Cantonese Tongue Twister 2 [粵語急口令 2] (Traditional Chinese Characters) - Duration: 1:09.


Clogs? (use captions for Pheobe's thoughts) - Duration: 4:42.

What about me? I'm here too

OK no give me the fooood!!!

this centurie would be nice

its OK I'll eat it out of the can

yum yum yum yum


OK now let me eat plzzz

no...its yummy

time lapse?

I see the target

I don't care if i get muddy I want that bunny

let me go!

I'm trying to

Cool it's eating now let ME eat it

I hate you

OK we are close target locked

I should be able to get it from here

NOOO I want fooooooood

That WAS my lunch

oh turkeys I guess I could try and get those

...I'm not a dumb dog...

dogs are dumb...

I'm nine Lbs...your weak...

I heard one

put me down plz

no I don't see it

now can we go inside

tick smick IDGAF I just want to get inside

let me in



For more infomation >> Clogs? (use captions for Pheobe's thoughts) - Duration: 4:42.


8 Ball Pool Hack - Get Free Coins and Cash with 8 Ball Pool Hack 2017 (iOS&Android) - Duration: 5:37.

Hello guys today I will show you 8 ball pool hack

This part of video is after the hack and as you can see I have a lot of coins

Let me buy something here with my coins and then play a game

Sorry I could use one hand here only to click

Okay let me play a game now

This part of video is before I used the hack and as you can see I only have 8,000 coins

First go to my website

Click the hack

Select how many coins and cash you want by clicking the plus button

I will only add coins but you can add both

Click Generate

Now select your device, in my case is iOS and write your unique ID

Coins and cash are being generated to your account and to many other accounts as you can see here

Click Verify Now so we can verify your device

Download 2 or more apps so we can verify your device

After you download open it and run for 30 seconds

Now open 8 pool ball and enjoy your coins and cash

Please subscribe and like my video for more, thank you!

For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool Hack - Get Free Coins and Cash with 8 Ball Pool Hack 2017 (iOS&Android) - Duration: 5:37.


Fabrication 101- Skid plate for 20$ - Duration: 10:31.

hey guys welcome back to Full Tilt Drift

today starts the first day of

fabrication month this is Fabrication

101 and today we're going to be making a

skid plate for the S 14 out of this

piece of metal right here. and get it nice

and fitted up in there so we have better

air flow through the engine bay and

protection for the oil pan. today we're

going to look at taking up metal cutting

it pouring it to a certain degree on a

budget without many tools first up

whenever you're doing a big piece like

this is you want to use a template. we've

got this big piece of cardboard that's

just about the same size of this, so we

can go in there, get this up, make our

measurements with this then do the final

cut on that.

good morning guys it's Saturday morning

at the preparation we can put events

next weekend and right now we're up the

bed with the flash up we're hoping to

get metal first dip blade tips for a

batch bar and probably some stuff picks

up the table so I can make video about

that for you guys so we're we're going

right now with IMS this giant metal

supply warehouse I feel they've got

brand new pieces for you to pick off of

but we're going early because they have

a scrap section which is a lot cheaper

and it usually has pretty good selection

we also just hooked up the turbo

yesterday and we haven't really gotten

to drive it around yet so this will not

only be the maiden voyage for the GoPro

but I'm also the turbo on the real

vision I guess like I said when I'm a


this right here is from area all the

extra metal

like Motown Quentin


so I'm going to give you a little look

around real quick we've got deal too

Lawlor to Bremen

aluminum plays

mobile play Pablo play diamonds late

we got everything so as long as you get

here when the scrap metal is going good

you're all set now we're gonna get the

car jacked up get a cardboard fitted in

there actually how would Park measure

exhibit and then we're going to do a

final cut all right let me show you guys

what check out that blue bar right

there's like a fan and it a can see it's

just a little lower than my sway bar

making it a little part of my friend

that's not going to be okay if I can

really do

so we put some protection you can keep

the bolt smooth lined up on the bottom

of the air cooler here and on the

subframe right here so it should reach

all the way from the intercooler here

covering the sway bar the oil so let's

get this mucked up on the cardboard and

then I'll show you how we transfer to

the metal

alright guys we got our cardboard all

fitted up how we want it let me show you

how we did that and how it looks now

before we transfer it onto the metal

okay so here in effect is our skid plate

right now it's the cardboard cut up so

the way we got this all fitted up is we

put just a little bit of Loctite

on the head of the bolts and then we fit

it up the cardboard piece took it down

and we had an exact plot of where the

bolt holes needed to be so now we're

going to take the cardboard skid plate

off and work on the metal one alright so

this is a better shot of that cardboard

that we're going to be using and you can

see the four bolt holes also and where

they line up we're going to measure the

distance between all of these and then

mock it up onto our metal skid plate

before we drill holes or anything all

right we've got our whole dome our stuff

we measured them horizontally vertically

and diagonally we're going to drill the

whole thing you'll see how it fits us

all right guys just wanted to show you

real quick when you're taking drill bits

or some bolts the easiest way I found to

do it when you don't have something to

measure the bolts it's to hold the bolts

up to your eye and take the drill bit

and hold it behind it when you finally

get one that is just slightly bigger

than the bolt threads that's when you

know you're set

all right we help skip way up against

the bottom of the car and it looks like

it's pretty good but we're going to

throw some slots on the hole so it's

easier to install and then get it on

there alright guys what we're trying to

do now is make a cut along this line so

that's were able to bend the plate so we

want to put one Bend up in so that it'll

rise up to where the intercooler is

instead of using like some really long

bolts or something so we're going to

make not a deep cut not even halfway

through the plate maybe a third of the

way across with an angle grinder and

then try and give it a best the real key

here is trying to make it even Bend all

the way across all right guys we've got

a pretty good even cut all the way

across so now we're going to shove the

big part in between the back tires and

wheels to get some weight on top of it

and then we're going to use something

long like a 2x4 or two two by fours to

clamp that and try to bend it up

leverage my friends

alright guys we have the skid plate the

Mustang nine of us we just need to take

care of one more thing as you can see

here just dislike things over with a

lower control I'm just going to go when

the suspension sags so we're going to

take a section of that off and I'll show

you that here are the foxes we're going

to be cutting out that's going to allow

an arm to be moving this way and not get

caught up on the skid plate and this

line right here is where we're putting

our second crease we're going to cut

these out first and then run a solid cut

along this line and do the same thing we

did before with the two by fours and try

and get a bit this is what we're going

to be doing with it's just a cheesy

Harbor Freight angle grinder but I've

had it for two years and it keeps

getting the job done so the angle

grinder is great for making small

low-risk cuts where you don't care about

you know a perfectly straight edge we

can come back with the flap wheel or a

file or something and grind it down a

little bit later right now we're just

trying to get these pieces off make sure

it fits and we'll take care that afters

when you're using an angle grinder you

always want to make sure you're wearing

gloves and eye protection because as you

just saw that thing for sparks


I suggest also using your protection if

you're not used to it but the gloves and

the eye protection are definitely a must

all right now we're going to put the

horizontal cut

this case we're at here in the front

yard Z that there was a good place to do

this in the garage or anything we've got

the first Bend hanging off the craft

here I'm going to put my body weight

onto the flat part grab this deleverage

and yank up to bend this piece for that

way we're going to have kind of these

shaped skid plate here that ought to be

good voila v-shape skip plate

alright guys and that is a fully

installed skid plate it's always a rock

soup I can kick the hell out of it and

not even tempted alright guys good place

pretty much done I took it out first bit

last night as you can see it already

stopped me from tricky we're going to

make one more cut and Bend up along this

top line so that the part of its

gameplay angles up just in case it falls

or grab something we don't want to say

getting ripped off the bar and then we

should be ready to connect okay so I

actually had the line thrown

you want to make your cut so that after

you bend the metal cut here and the

metal pull upwards it blows up because

LF you cut on the bottom and then

bending upwards then you gotta make a


now children in the angle grinder fan

tailored is also common flatten is to

take some of the sharp edges off here

I'm not going to end up showing you the

grinder right now because you're going

to be a lot more than the upcoming

package all right you got to see a lot

more the grind you're going to the

bachelor bills because we're going to be

a lot of mystic latest in Toledo Nina

painted some other time they put a

couple reinforcements on there the track

are going to this weekend to stay ended

event is rainy Motorsports Park is a

go-kart track out in the desert and

there's they drop offs rocks comment

except you don't like hitting the other

side here car so the pledge be an

excellent addition that was the first

episode for fabricating pump it's like

wasn't a big deal

we're going to get bigger and bigger as

we go on we're doing a batch bar some

more air panels things like that

stay tuned

For more infomation >> Fabrication 101- Skid plate for 20$ - Duration: 10:31.


Place A Few Leaves Of These Plants In Every Corner Of Your House And You 8217;ll Never See Any Cockr - Duration: 1:08.

before you begin I request you to please

subscribe to my channel place a few

leaves of these plants in every corner

of your house and you'll never see any

cockroaches again Laurel is the best

natural repellent for cockroaches this

plant cannot kill them but it will

quickly drive them away because the

smell is unbearable to the cockroaches

put ten leaves in the garden or in the

kitchen and you will never see a

cockroach near they are perfect for

areas where food is stored such as the

kitchen or pantry because they are safe

and non-toxic also we suggest placing a

laurel in the garden especially if you

have a pet you can use fresh or dry

laurel leaves but the best way to use

them as to break the dry leaves and turn

them into dust share this with your

friends and help them to get rid of

cockroaches once and for all

if you like our videos please subscribe

like and share this with your friends

and family


For more infomation >> Place A Few Leaves Of These Plants In Every Corner Of Your House And You 8217;ll Never See Any Cockr - Duration: 1:08.





Ridley Scott is one of the most famous creators of Aliens and he believes that they are really

out there and says that one day when they are ready they are going to come.

The director spoke up and said that it is ridiculous to think that humans are alone

in the universe and he firmly believes that one-day superior beings are going to pay a

visit to Earth.

The director was talking as he prepares for the release of Alien: Covenant.


He made the following comments on extraterrestrial life:

�I believe in superior beings.

I think it is certainly likely.

An expert I was talking to at NASA said to me, �Have you ever looked in the sky at


You mean to tell me we are it?� That�s ridiculous.

The experts have now put a number on it having assessed what is out there.

They say that there are between 100 and 200 entities that could be having a similar evolution

to us right now.

So when you see a big thing in the sky, run for it.�

Ridley's �Xenomorph� and �chestburster� alien creatures have terrified his fans for

nearly 40 years.

Alien: Covenant is the second in the list of prequel movies and it has a setting during

the year of 2104 on a spacecraft that is carrying 2,000 colonists who have been cryogenically

frozen while traveling to a distant planet when they come across what they believe is

uncharted paradise.

However, as you might expect from Ridley Scott, the voyage soon becomes a nightmare full of

gore that will have those watching think nothing of the alien bursting out of the chest of

the man in the original movie.


He explained:

�They are a lot smarter than we are.

If you are stupid enough to challenge them, you will be taken out in three seconds.�

Finally, he joked:

�Nothing scares me.I have a 9mm (pistol).

Scott went on to say that he could not believe all the terror that he had managed to create

when he saw the reactions of those who had watched the original movies.

He said that people were hiding half under their seats by the time the kitchen scene

where the alien pushed its way out of the chest of John Hurt.

Scott, on the other hand, claims to be un-shockable, he bragged that nothing scared him, he did

admit to being nervous though when walking onto the set of a film and there are 600 plus

people all looking at you.

Whether the alien life form that Scott believes is going to be making its way to Earth at

some point in time will be anything like the aliens Scott created remains to be seen, but

it�s hoped they are friendlier.




How To get Multi-Window On Any Android Device No Root 2017 - Duration: 2:30.

hi everyone Google made split-screen

multitasking a reality in the android

7.0 update and now developers have

started fiddling around with the feature

we've already seen taskbar which lets

you turn on the hidden freeform window

mode and now there's parallel windows

for nougats this app lets you run two

copies of the same app and split-screen

to get his trick going start by

installing the app which is called

parallel windows for nougat keep in mind

though this will only work if your phone

or tablet is running Android 7.0 or

higher and only with apps that allow

split screening to beget go ahead and

launch the app from here make sure the

switch next to permit to draw over other

apps is enabled then take the toggle

switch next the enable accessibility

service entry next select parallel

windows for nougat from the list then

enable the accessibility service and

press ok on the Ponte this will ensure

that all of the apps main functionality

is in working order when you're done

granting Commission's you might want to

adjust the trigger area for the apps

main interface this is represented by a

red rectangle on the side of your screen

though it turns transparent when you've

set everything up from now on when you'd

like to run two instances of the same

app in split-screen mode

start by opening the app you'd like to

clone from here swiping from the trigger

area on the side of your screen then

take the topmost icon the other two

icons are shortcuts for existing

multitasking functionality at this point

you'll see a list of all your installed

apps simply select the app you want to

clone then it will occupy the top half

of your screen select the same out from

your reset page list on the bottom half

of the screen then you'll be running two

instances of one app and Android nougat

split screen mode

For more infomation >> How To get Multi-Window On Any Android Device No Root 2017 - Duration: 2:30.


How To Hit With More Power & Drop MASSIVE DINGERS! [How To Tuesday Ep.5] - Duration: 4:41.

What's up guys, Coach Madden, official trainer, and today we're going

to talk about how to hit a baseball with more power.

So, I've got 4 tips for you when it comes to hitting a baseball with more power and

the first thing that you need to know is that you have to have the intent to really hit

that ball.

Now, I know we talk about bat speed alot and bat speed is important to have more power

when hitting but bat speed is an effect of your intent and what your intent is, that

just means that you have the intention of swinging this bat very quickly and fast and

crushing this baseball.

You have to have that aggressiveness within you.

In your mind and in your body when you're starting to hit.

But if you don't have that, your swing is going to be slower, lazier.

If you're just focusing on contact, you're not going to be able to hit with more power

but if you have that intent and you're swinging quick and swinging aggressively and trying

to attack that baseball, you're going to be able to hit with more power.

The second tip that you need to know when it comes to how to hit a baseball with more

power is to have the perfect swing plane.

If you're chopping down at this ball here and beating that ball into the ground, yeh

you might be able to hit it hard if you have the intent, but it's not going to go anywhere.

When I think of having power I want to hit more home runs, or more doubles, triples.

So, we have to have a good swing plane to create that trajectory, right, to create that

angle, that exit angle that we're trying to have when we're hitting.

Because again, you can hit the ball very hard into the ground right at the shortstop, or

we can get good line drives, and hit a few balls out, hit a few doubles, hit a few triples

if you got the wheels.

So swing plane is very very very important.

When it comes to swing plane, here's a few quick tips about swing plane: one is you want

to create an axis to swing around.

So, an axis is just having that tilt when we're swinging.

So, by having this axis, now we're creating a better swing plane through the zone.

The way I like to think about swing plane is just getting into the zone early and staying

there for a while and then finishing through there.

If you're chopping down, you're not going to be in the zone for a very long time.

You're going to have to have perfect timing when that ball is coming in.

But if you're on plane, you're going to have a lot better chance of hitting that ball squarely

and hitting with more power.

The 3rd thing when it comes to how to hit a baseball with more power is to have precision.

Now I know some of you have probably jumped the gun and said "you can't hit a baseball

without contact" in the comments below.

That's alright if you already did but hear me out.

You have to have the precision too.

If you want to hit with more power, you've got to be able to hit the baseball.

So it's not just about the intent.

It's not just about the bat speed.

It's not just about swing plane.

You have to have the precision, the bat control to hit the baseball.

So, you can do some drills, tracking drills to work on the hand-eye coordination.

Mini ball drills to work on hitting a smaller object than a normal one.

But you have to have the precision if you want to have the power.

And lastly, number 4, and probably the most important when it comes to how to hit a baseball

with more power, is you have to have the confidence.

You have to believe that you can crush this baseball.

If you don't believe you can, chances are you're not going to be able to do it that


But if you truly believe you can and you go up there with that approach, that intent,

and that mind set that you can do this, and you've already done it, you've already won

the game, the battle, then the chances are that you have a much better, higher likelihood

of hitting this ball with more power.

So be confident when you step into that box.

Know that you're the man and you can get the job done!

I hope you guys are liking these How To Tuesday videos.

If you like this one, please give me the thumbs up.

Don't forget to subscribe.

Just click that subscribe button below and then you can hit that little bell symbol next

to it because that's going to notify you anytime I upload new videos and you're going to want

to see some of the new stuff I've got coming out because they're pretty sick good baseball

information that's going to help you be a better baseball player.

So go ahead and hit that subscribe button.

Leave me a comment below and let me know what you're going to do to work on increasing your

power when hitting.

Leave a comment below.

I'll talk to you guys there!

For more infomation >> How To Hit With More Power & Drop MASSIVE DINGERS! [How To Tuesday Ep.5] - Duration: 4:41.


Lost Foam Casting IMPROVED Green Sand Technique by VegOilGuy - Duration: 20:04.

For more infomation >> Lost Foam Casting IMPROVED Green Sand Technique by VegOilGuy - Duration: 20:04.


28 - First time watching Premier League Game [Manchester City vs Liverpool] - 曼城Etihad球場 - Duration: 3:33.

I'm now inside the stadium

Now I see the players are warming up

And the goalkeepers as well


I think that area is the Away Fans Zone

as you can see there are many security guards

It is the area for Liverpool Fans

Now the Liverpool players are warming up

I'm sitting right behind the net

There's nothing between me and the field now

I might be get shot haha

For more infomation >> 28 - First time watching Premier League Game [Manchester City vs Liverpool] - 曼城Etihad球場 - Duration: 3:33.


Peron's Restaurante - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Peron's Restaurante - Duration: 2:08.


adieu | Official Trailer # 2 (HD) - Duration: 0:29.

Last time i'm going to say it.

Extra Work!

That is Some Demon.

With a Mirror and his Laser Eyes.

For more infomation >> adieu | Official Trailer # 2 (HD) - Duration: 0:29.


Powerful Medicine For Your Drooping Eyelids - You Will See The Results In Just 2 Minutes! - Duration: 2:35.

before you begin I request you to please

subscribe to my channel powerful

medicine for your drooping eyelids and

you will see the result in just two

minutes Laurel is the best natural

repellent for

urinary tract infections are caused by

microorganisms that usually come from

the surface of the body and intestines

most often these are bacteria that

belonged to the normal intestinal flora

but they were found at the place of the

urinary tract that is not their natural

habitat in our body here there may

appear a slight burning sensation when

urinating and even some blood in the

urine if their concentration is very big

these and other symptoms are also known

under the terms of Titus it is important

to keep the mucosa of the urogenital

system slightly acidic and at the same

time alkalis the urine diet can regulate

these conditions so it is useful to take

food that alkalis as a urine while

maintaining the mucosa of the urethra

slightly acidic acidophilus milk works

in this regard and therefore in these

conditions people are advised to take it

four times a day in addition this has

been shown with the situation where the

cause of the infection of bacteria

escherichia coli so you should take half

a liter of cranberry juice a day for

three weeks to solve urine infections

and the incidence of new infections

would be much lower this is similar to

the effect obtained when blueberry or

its juice are introduced to the diet

scientists who are able to prove why

grandberry and blueberry successfully

suppress urine infections caused by

e.coli clean the makeup on your eyelid

and dry it then dip the cotton swab in

egg white and close the lid after that

you need to rub the cotton swab over the

eyelid but not too much keep the lid

closed and wait until it dries sit in

front of the fan in order to speed up

the drying that's all please try again

if it does not work the first time you

can apply it several times a little

lower or higher until you find out the

exact place where the best results

appear the end results will amaze you

if you like our videos please subscribe

like and share this with your friends

and family


For more infomation >> Powerful Medicine For Your Drooping Eyelids - You Will See The Results In Just 2 Minutes! - Duration: 2:35.


SASQA Quilting Row 3 Wings of eagles - Duration: 7:02.

hi I'm Paula storm thanks for joining me

today on my youtube channel

okay we're back with the amazing Heather

Hopkins, Hi Heather, Hi Paula. All right now

today we're going to take a look at some

more of the Slow and Steady Quilt Blocks

and we're actually going to physically

quilt the blocks for you okay let's get

started on our next row now today we're

going to be working on the wings of

eagles block which is one of my

favorites from the whole quilt so Heather

tell us what did you do first to

get prepared okay so with this

particular block in all honesty I kept

skipping this one and coming back to I

don't know what I wanted to quilt on it

but what I did come to quilt it it was

the last one left so I had to do it and

I ditch quilted around all of the sections on

this block then on the block and all of

them okay so every single block was

ditched before he ordered minutes okay

okay I wanted to make at the feature so

I did my swirl on the color blocks

before I did this well I had actually

come in and down a little porridge

channel on both the color blocks in the

background blocks on this pitch

okay so do you want to show us how to do

that so we're just going to pretend this

is just your sample box so we're just

going to pretend that it's been ditch

stitched and now we're going to go

around and we're going to echo those

blocks all the way around we're using

this beautiful variegated thread from

superior threads and Heather did use a

variegated thread on the actual quilt on

all of the colored sections so the rest

of it was done with a more neutral trip

Yoshi I think this one with the color I

am buying yeah good because that was

just the channel okay now the reason I

chose the the variegated threads the

colors is because it went with


so just for mobile were coming down get

it fit out the way coming down a quarter

of an inch out from there yep neatly the

turn if you're using Wallace for this

you can either turn your block or keep

it going young one direction so that's

up to you now if you don't have the

ruler football you don't have the ball

on a domestic machine you can always do

this with you more people okay so that's

a good option for those of us Jane

those of you who don't have this yeah so

walking puts a good option for straight

lines you just have to turn it a bit

more often turn your work so after that

scuffle that all quarter each guard

around and this train

good idea we did you a video wanna


orb actually on 12 I can have a look at

that time before you try over which a

variety of attractive for many

distracted line of coverage to get today

withdraws right

by calling this our magic thread we

generally and I read it just makes

everything look perfect

now I would just like to talk about the

thread for a moment it shells okay on

the actual quilt and which will put a

picture in you have the actual quote

there was a yellow block that was in the

center of the pool with my we were gonna

thread what I like to do is to pick a

block that is similar in the colors so

that I can try this design because if I

went ahead and did it on something

obvious like the yellow one it would

really stand out and maybe look a little

not so pretty so I go along and I would

pick out all the pinky perfectly colored

ones first and then I came back and did

the yellow ones and the green ones

because they did look a little bit

different but in the whole big scheme of

things they even course imagine if I

done those first I would have got off I

hate this and pull it away so you're

saying you want to practice get the

design right so getting know you're

comfortable with the design by doing all

the ones that blend in more yes and

saving those ones that are really gonna

stand out - yes yes and that's a good

tip good idea what I did great on do

okay so where did you go next with this

okay so I'm just gonna break this red of

here sure wash I'm gonna do on the lordy

jump it's a bit yeah you teaching me

something you there over the ceiling

tile yep okay so ladies that know me I'm

but one to do proper tiles

and very my threads I will do the me

either little jump stitches between

webblock the background ones it was just

that quarter-inch yep little channel

around them and these didn't need to be

included any further yep so you again

used that very goes reading my

background is not yet okay

fantastic continues so what do we do out

here so you just repeated those two on

all of the blocks yes so what did we do

out here in the border okay so only

stars here I treated them as little

corners and I just did a little up and

down because it tied in with some of the

other designs at New York field so we

may have a look at the whole pool I've

used swirls I've used my up and down

I've used my ribbon candy I'm using my

bubbles and I've repeated those through

the helpful so to go try those in that's

basically what I did okay so can you

sharks they do that and also I really

I'm interested to see how you tackle the

corner with that up and down yes I'm

okay so a good little tip with this one

is to mark that little corner in with a

marker okay so that you've got like a

teardrop shape yeah just to give you a

little bit of a guide okay okay so I'm

just going to start on this point here

and this wasn't actually a grater it

looked very dated

okay so this one's not going to allow it

such a both in your home because about

2008 finish between each one and of

course with the DDF up which will show

you exactly the scale of the the

crouching as well on the PDF

all right then when I get to this little

corner that's pretty big

don't forget around okay a lot bigger

than your rep that it will just clean

the adjustable enjoyed identity and all

of those corners are the same exactly

it's not looks nice and yet fantastic

I could watch you comes around that

looks great

okay so that gal wings a vehicle slump

join us next time for our next Club

For more infomation >> SASQA Quilting Row 3 Wings of eagles - Duration: 7:02.


그것은 밤에 온다 IT COMES AT NIGHT 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> 그것은 밤에 온다 IT COMES AT NIGHT 1차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:41.


Trojan War Epic Rap Battle - Duration: 8:56.

Menelaus: Give me back my wife!

Paris: You guys like to party?

Achilles: Mommy loves me!

Hector: Get your asses away from my city!

Agamemnon: Some people go to church. I've got a mirror.

Priam: I have eighty-five children. What day is it?

Odysseus: What do you guys say we settle this here, and now?

Hector: Check this! I'll take down Achilles, right now!

Achilles: I want a penguin!

Odysseus: Ye - uh - whuh? No, no no no. . .

Agamemnon: I will fight and kill King Priam.

Priam: Who are you guys again?

Odysseus: No. No fighting. Not today. We're going to settle this all. With an epic rap battle.


Women singing: "Trojan war!" Emcee: "Oh yeah!"

Women singing: "Trojan war!" Emcee: "Let the epic rap battle begin!"

Audience: [cheering] "Yo Menelaus, get up here!" "Menelaus, take the microphone!"

Menelaus: My name is Menelaus. I used to be a player / My Helen got taken, and I felt forsaken,

So we got our swords and a thousand ships / And strapped on bronze over heads and hips,

Set out with a shout for a little trip / To Troy, with joy, to bust some lips,

I'm gonna find Paris, he won't give me the slip / Made me feel embarrassed, now he's gonna get whipped!

When a pretty boy takes your wife out to Ilium / You track him down in his town and start killing him!

Now we're gonna win, my Greek squad, and me / And in about ten years, I'll catch you in The Odyssey!

Audience: [cheering] "Menelaus!" "Greeks!" "Go Greeks!"

Emcee: Homoerotic? Hell yeah.

Audience: "Yo, Paris, you gonna take that sitting down?" "Yeah, what?" "Paris?"

Paris: Hello, ladies! / I'm Paris of Troy, I'm Helen's new boy / Those Greeks are freaks; don't care who they deploy!

Achilles made of steel, but he moves kind of slow, / And he's got a heel, and I've got my bow!

Yo, no, but for real, I'm Helen's new beau / Though might feel I'm just an average Joe,

I got the power of Aphrodite and damn, that girl is mighty / I can still throw down, even though I'm kinda flighty

I throw down with love, I don't throw down with war / Killing? I'm above that; fighting's like a chore,

After you soldiers are dead in your tombs, / I'll be drinking wine, in a hot girl's bedroom.

[cheering] "Trojans!" "You hear that?" "Damn!"

Emcee: Sweaty dudes, doing stuff on the beach.

Audience: [cheering] "Achilles!" "Achilles!" "Achilles!" "Achilles!"

Achilles: Graaaah! / I'm gonna get revenge, gonna take down dozens! / They killed Patroclus, my lover - I mean cousin!

Some guys are good at science and math / I'm good at murder and violence and wrath!

I'm sexually ambiguous, and close with my mother / When I was a boy, she really smothered me,

Dipped me in the river but forgot about my foot / Only just a sliver but enough to be kaput,

If I get hit there by an arrow, or spear / Through a narrow opening in my gear,

By a guy in a chariot, popping wheelies, / But that could never happen to brave Achilles!

Audience: [cheering] "Yeah, Greeks!" "Greeks Greeks!" "Go Greeks!"

Emcee: Muscular men, having new experiences.

Audience: [cheering] "Hector!" "Hector!" "Oh, yeah, Hector!" "Hector, Hector, Hector, Hector!"

Hector: I'm Hector, bitch, I'm a bone collector, / Take my sword, and your body, and then I connect 'em.

All these walls, we're gonna protect 'em / Kick Greeks in the balls when they least expect it,

Trojan fighters are born; we don't get elected, / And in this war, we're the correct, yeah,

For my town, my wife, and for my baby, / I'll lay down my life, that's why I say, see,

We're gods of this war. Our power's galactic. / Listen up some more - the ending's climactic!

They got the shore, but we got the tactics / We're Trojans, dog, not prophylactics! - Yeah!

Audience: [cheering] "Trojans!" "Trojans, yeah!"

Emcee: Thrustin' spears and big biceps!

Audience: [cheering] "Hey, King Agamemnon, you in the house?" "Agamemnon! King of the Greeks!"

Agamemnon: I'm Agamemnon, the king, in all things skilled. / If you haven't heard of me, I'll have you killed.

Last guy who tested me, I made a case. / I made a vest, right out of his face.

Granted, I've made some poor decisions, / Throughout this war, I've lost some divisions,

Had I thought it through, I suppose ideally / I wouldn't have royally screwed Achilles,

But I've learned one thing while being a king: / Though your standing suffers dings,

Give it to 'em straight, if they protest ya, / Boy, I can't wait to see Clytemnestra!

Audience: [cheering] "That's right, that's right!" "Go Greeks!" "Greeks Greeks Greeks!"

Emcee: All our wives are back at home.

Audience: [cheering] "Yo, Priam, you got this?" "Priam!" "Priam, King of Troy!"

Priam: I'm Priam, the king, yeah, I'm the liege, / Unfortunately during this protracted siege /

I beseeched all the guys down on the beach / Just after they'd made a partial breach,

Using each of my talents of speech / I said perhaps there's an agreement we can reach,

Ten years of war they can surely teach us / That human reason isn't unimpeachable.

But they laughed and sneered and screeched / Said that peace was a figure of speech.

And I fear that our shrines and parks and trees / Will all be tossed in the wine dark sea.

Audience: [cheering] "Yeah!" "Priam!" "Yeah!" "Trojans not going down easily!"

Emcee: Dudes. Wearing leather.

Audience: [cheering] "Yo, Odysseus, take it home, dog!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Odysseus!" "Come on!"

Odysseus: A horse. A horse. Their kingdom for my horse. / They tried to fight back, but it only got worse.

Cause when the night gets black, they're gonna be cursed - / We're gonna lay a smack down, after we traverse

Those Trojan walls, both big and small, / Every single one - they're all gonna fall!

We're gonna win, there ain't no doubt, / And the founder of Rome will get out of the rout.

But the others, once we get through those pillars / They're gonna learn that all Greeks are killers.

Then I gotta go home, the gods are telling me / To take out some suitors, and be with Penelope!

Audience: [cheering] "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Greeks!" "That's gonna be a long trip, Odysseus!"

Emcee: Sexy men, watching sunsets.

Audience: [misc cheering] "It's the Iliad! It's the illest epic of all!"

Emcee: Hot guys, in chariots!

Emcee: Playing in the surf together!

Emcee: Hunky men. Chiseled jaws.

[music fades, birds singing]


[applause] [Achilles grunting]

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

If you subscribe to this podcast, I'll be so happy, I'll throw up!

[strange breathing]

Achilles: Who are YOU?

Vader: Is this the building for Star Wars?

Achilles: No, it's for the TROJAN War, dumbass!

Vader: Oh. I guess I'll just -

Achilles: COME HERE!

Vader: [panicked breathing, stuttering]

Emcee: Where you going, girl?

For more infomation >> Trojan War Epic Rap Battle - Duration: 8:56.


Proper Nutrition With Urinary Tract Infections - Duration: 3:18.

before you begin I request you to please

subscribe to my channel proper nutrition

with urinary tract infections urinary

tract infections are infections that

occur when bacteria enter the urinary

tract in healthy people urine is sterile

which means it does not contain any

microorganisms the disease changes the

mucosa of acid-base balance urinary

tract infections are caused by

microorganisms that usually come from

the surface of the body and intestines

most often these are bacteria that

belonged to the normal intestinal flora

but they were found at the place of the

urinary tract that is not their natural

habitat in our body here there may

appear a slight burning sensation when

urinating and even some blood in the

urine if their concentration is very big

these and other symptoms are also known

under the term cystitis it is important

to keep the mucosa of the urogenital

system slightly acidic and at the same

time alkali the urine diet can regulate

these conditions so it is useful to take

food that alkalis as a urine while

maintaining the mucosa of the urethra

slightly acidic acidophilus milk works

in this regard and therefore in these

conditions people are advised to take it

four times a day in addition this has

been shown with the situation where the

cause of the infection of bacteria

escherichia coli so you should take half

a liter of cranberry juice a day for

three weeks to solve urine infections

and the incidence of new infections

would be much lower this is similar to

the effect obtained when blueberry or

its juice are introduced to the diet

scientists were able to prove why

grandberry and blueberry successfully

suppress urine infections caused by

e.coli the juice of cranberries and

blueberries contain a substance that

prevents adhesion adhesion of e.coli for

the cells of the bladder and urinary

tract every food has certain

pharmacological properties which means

that certain food can improve or worsen

the flow of certain diseases or health

conditions for this reason it is

necessary to correctly choose food

the daily diet and what will help you is

the following list of food that we

recommend and those that should be

avoided in certain diseases or health

conditions desirable comment white meat

pumpkin oil beetroot eggs barley coffee

yogurt Gail coconut nettle lentil

hazelnut green beans dandelion olive oil

carrots walnut chicory salad seeds fresh

cheese cause oil not desirable citrus

fruit or chocolate strawberry coffee

vinegar tomato berries sweet and

carbonated beverages

if you like our videos please subscribe

like and share this instance and family

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