Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 2 2017

DLight into Sair is a true combo, meaning there is no dodge window.

It works at all damages because DLight on sword has zero variable force which means

that damage doesn't increase the push back distance so the damage doesn't affect the

combo at all.

It has very low follow up potential.

It's the only sword combo that works at all range and damages so it's the most reliable

sword combo to use in any situation.

DLight into dair is a true combo but only if you do it at very close range.

This is because the first hitbox is very skinny and hits right below the user, if you miss

with that hitbox, it's still a very quick string, which means that it has dodge windows

where the enemy can dodge, this is because the 2nd hitbox is much bigger than the first

hitbox so it's more likely to hit but comes afterwards.

And you already know at what damages it works and why, that's right, zero variable force

on DLight.

It has incredible follow up potential that can lead into three hit combos or even four

hit strings that I will list in this video.

DLight into Recovery is a true combo . It works at all damages because, yup you guessed

it, DLight.

It works at a reasonable mid to close range although it can still be a string if you do

it at far range without jumping.

It has very low follow up potential where you have to rely on a dodge read to follow

up with it at lower damages.

If done perfectly, it's the most damaging and reliable knock out two hit combo on sword.

SLight into NLight is a very quick string.

It works at all damages and when you hear that, it usually means the starting move has

zero variable force which is true for SLight.

It works at close range only, the trick to landing the NLight after SLight is to always

hold forward even after you landed SLight until you hit the NLight.

It has low follow up potential which is mostly at lower damages.

SLight into DLight is a slow string.

It works at all range and damages so it's a bit more convenient than the previous string

but is much easier to dodge or jump out of.

It has great follow up potential because DLight has many true combos so you can follow it

up into Sair, Dair or Recovery for lots of damage.

Nair into recovery is a quick string.

It works best from 0 to 60 damage.

This string can work at any range you land Nair at but it's faster, therefore harder

to avoid when you land the nair close to the enemy.

It has low follow up potential.

DLight, dair into sair is a slow string at lower damages and quick string at higher damages.

It works from 60 to 120 damage.

The range also depends on the damage, at lower damages you want to hit close enough so the

enemy bounces closer to you, at higher damages, you want to hit it so the enemy bounces a

bit farther from you because they get bounced too high at that point otherwise.

This string has no follow up potential.

DLight, Dair into gravity cancel NLight is a true combo at 100-120 damage which is a

very small window to use it in but it can still be a decent string starting from 60

damage and it becomes a tighter string as it approaches 100 damage because the more

damaged the enemy is when you land dair, the longer they are stunned for.

This combo works at close range with DLight as well as with Dair but not too close.

Ideally you want to position the dair so that you bounce the enemy almost straight up but

also a bit away from you so that they land right in front of you for the GC NLight to


It has no follow up potential.

If this combo sounds hard to do, that's because it is, you'll need to practice in

training mode a lot to be able to use this in real matches.

This is a quick string that works very similar to the previous combo except it's not a

true combo.

It works at 60 to 90 damage.

This string works at close range with DLight but the Dair is a bit more flexible because

DLight covers a wider area than NLight but you still need to hit the dair relatively

close to the enemy so they don't bounce too far away so the GC DLight will hit.

This string has great follow up potential because it has a second DLight which can then

combo into sair, dair or recovery.

Successfully pulling this string off is the simplest way to get the most damage on sword.

This is yet again another variation of the DLight into Dair follow up.

This time it ends with a recovery, doesn't require a gravity cancel and it's a true


This combo works from to 160 damage, although you can still use it as a string if you don't

jump starting as early as 50 damage.

This combo works at close range with DLight and the Dair has to be very close to the enemy

as well because the recovery has a smaller hitbox than the Nlight and DLight so this

combo requires the most precision of them all to pull off.

It's very worth it though if you can pull it off because it' the earliest knock out

combo on sword that can K.O a 3 defense legend starting at only 120 damage, either that or

it'll just do a lot of damage.10.5 It has no follow up potential since it is

pretty much a knock out combo.

And I already know what you guys are going to say, it's a true comb with three hits

and it kills so early, almost as early as the old Russian mafia.

So I'm gonna go ahead and name it the sword Russian mafia because even if I don't, you

guys will so I may as well.

Hey look, it's the sword Russian mafia, but seriously, it's kinda broken.

I hope this guide helped you out.

Please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed it, and if you don't want to miss any of

my next videos, click that bell under the video.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> 10 SWORD COMBOS/STRINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW - SWORD RUSSIAN MAFIA - Duration: 5:42.


Learn the Lydian Augmented b7 Scale | Music Theory | Composition | Berklee Online - Duration: 4:40.


Today we're going to discuss one scale in particular.

We've seen it before as the Lydian flat 7 scale

when we've been using it in the context of a chord

scale for substitute dominants.

We're going to talk about it today as a primary scale which

is used to create passages of music all on its own.

Sometimes the Lydian flat 7 scale is referred

to as the acoustic scale, because the notes of this scale

are actually transpositions of the overtone series up

to a high degree of the audible partials.

So why don't we just lay that out for a moment?

In the overtone series we have the low fundamental.


Then the second partial is the octave above.

Above that we have the fifth, then another octave, then a third.

And then we start to get into this sort of raised 4 territory, up

to the flat 7.

So you get this kind of floating open sound.

It's the sound of the overtone series.

When we transpose that down into scale form, we get this.


Again, I'm just letting that ring so that you

can hear what a beautiful, rich, mysterious beautiful sound that is.

And the C acoustic scale is interesting in that it has attributes of two modes

that we've studied before.

It has attributes of the Lydian.


So it's first four notes or tetrachords are the Lydian tetrachord.


Whole step, whole step, whole step.

And it's second tetrachord or four notes is that of the minor scale.


Whole step, half step, whole step.

So in a way, this is-- if we think about this like a mode,

we actually have two characteristic notes.

We have the sharp 4--


--of Lydian, and the flat 7 of Mixolydian,

which gives us a lot of rich possibilities.

I'm going to just take a moment right now and improvise some music for you

in the C acoustic scale so that you can see some of the potential.


Lovely floating quality isn't it?

It's almost a mystical sound.

In fact the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin created a chord based

on this scale that I've been playing--


--which he called the mystic chord.

You'll notice that as I improvised for you,

I was just simply using the tones of that scale,

arpeggiating them in different ways, playing them in scalar fashion,

creating harmonies that were based on the tonic triad, created variety

by moving to the 5 chord or the 2 chord, which contained

the characteristic note of Mixolydian and the characteristic note of Lydian.

Has a lot of potential.

But basically it's a very consonant, free floating sound

that just allows you to create a gorgeous, glorious, soaring mood.

For more infomation >> Learn the Lydian Augmented b7 Scale | Music Theory | Composition | Berklee Online - Duration: 4:40.


Act-On Software and Touchtown: Account-Based Marketing, Personalization, and Customer Journey - Duration: 7:36.

I'm Michael Krigsman, industry analyst and host of CxOTalk.

I'm speaking with Mike Rethage, who is the VP of Customer Success at Touchtown.

Hey, Mike!

Thanks for spending a few minutes with us.

Thanks, Michael!

It's great to be here today!

Mike, you're the VP of Customer Success.

What do you do, and tell us briefly about Touchtown.

Well, Touchtown is the number one provider of engagement solutions for senior living.

We only work in senior living, and we're trying to solve the three big problems in

senior living.

Number one, resident engagement and wellness, and really enhancing those programs that are

helping in communities; but also, building census at the communities.

And of course, employer attention, which is so important because this industry has a 42%

turnover rate of their employees.

Now, you are big consumers of digital data.

What kind of data are you collecting, and why is it so important for your business?

Well, that's a great question because we're a roughly 30-person team, but we have 1,200

customers across North America.

And, to keep those customers and engage them, we have to take advantage of the digital body

language to really make the timeliness of our contact the best it can be.

So, we're giving the right information at the right time for each customer.

I love that phrase, "digital body language."

What does that mean for you?

Well, the digital body language, to me, is that customer's electronic journey through

all of our materials, whether it by our support site or our marketing site, to gain more information

about what they're really interested in.

And, we like to be very consultative in the sales process to ensure that they don't

just look at us as a sales team, but also as a member of their team helping their community


And, that digital body language, again, helps us kind of interpret what they're doing

and ask the right questions, and ultimately find the right solution for them.

So this digital body language is central to your understanding of the customer journey

and what the customer cares about, and you're collecting this data using a variety of tools

and platforms.

So, would you give us an overview of that technology landscape?


Well, we're heavy users.

That's the hub of kind of all of our information; what our people are mostly working in every


But, it's connected to many other systems.

So Act-On, for example, does all of our marketing automation, but also collecting a lot of that

digital body language and help us score what people are doing, because that connects our

marketing website in the emails that we send out, puts that information into Salesforce

at the fingertips of everyone.

That connection is so solid.

That helps us, again, interpret and work through to provide all those solutions to our customer.

So you've got these connected systems that are enabling you to collect this data.

How do you interpret that data?

What do you do with that data?

How do you act on that data?

And, how does it relate to your understanding of the customer journey?

Well, we believe that if someone's on our website, and they're looking at a product

page, that is a perfect time to follow up immediately after and ensure that we are answering

any questions that we may have.

So, if we see someone open up an email, and they are maybe interested in a webinar, we're

following up with them to answer any questions and also just be there; be consultative for


And that timeliness is so important because we know that if we can give them a presentation

or a demo of our software, 50% of those demos turn into sales.

So, if we can get them to that point by being consultative, that helps us grow our business.

So, you're using this data to help support the buyer during, what I'm assuming for

them, is a complicated process, and to give you insight into what's important to them,

how they're thinking, and so on.

So, maybe elaborate on that aspect of it.


So, being consultative in that process and selling technology to senior living, we want

to make sure that we're providing that right solution so they [...] can use our solutions

in a number of different ways whether they're engaging their residents or need a growth

census, or need to retain their employees more.

So, we want to ask the right questions to give them that personalized journey.

And, sometimes, that is just as simple as sending them an email at the right time with

a friendly face on it, and providing them links to tools like Calendly to quickly set

up a time with us.

Being there at the right time often makes that journey easier for the customer and makes

them, again, feel like we're a part of their team, not just trying to push something on


How has this personalization affected the business of Touchtown?

Well, I think the personalization has helped a lot.

Not only has it increased our number of demos; because again, it makes a mass email feel

more personalized if you include someone's picture and some tailored content based on

what they've done; but it also has helped us on the customer success side – obviously,

the customer retention.

We have a 99% retention rate of our clients, and we do that by also following up using

these tools like Act-On to give them information post-sales that are going to help them engage

with our software and use the product to its fullest extent.

And sometimes, that's just simply sharing new features; and sharing features that … Our

software's complicated.

They may not know about and be able to take advantage of their community.

So, it's not just about selling, but it's really about understanding what that customer

needs at every point in their journey, in that buying process or post-purchase, in order

to support them, help them, and as you say, be consultative?

That's exactly right.

We always say that we are number one in this engagement arena.

But, we need to be number one at every step of the process from pre-sales to the actual

sales process for understanding what they're doing with our proposal, [up] to continuing

that through the post-sales process in engaging each customer.

Especially with that high turnover rate, [we need to] educate them on what our system can

do and make sure that they're using it, again, to its fullest extent.

We do that through digital body language, and again, making that timely in giving them

the information they need.

I love that concept of "digital body language."

What advice do you have for other companies who want to do the kind of things you're doing;

to really understand the customer and engage him or her in that journey?

Well, I think it starts with connecting your systems and analyzing the data.

If you're not looking at the data, but you're collecting it, it's not doing you any good.

So, personalizing the data and really understanding what it does with those connected systems

if your people have to log into four different places, that's not going to help.

That's what we really love about Act-On and some of these other solutions; how they integrate

into platforms like Salesforce that we're already using every day.

That makes our lives easier, and ultimately, helps us to use the data more every day and

every sale and every conversation.

It's just awesome.

Mike Rethage, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us!


Thank you so much!

For more infomation >> Act-On Software and Touchtown: Account-Based Marketing, Personalization, and Customer Journey - Duration: 7:36.


HOW TO GET HER NUMBER 2017 - Duration: 3:16.

it's a random time with review and today

we're going to talk about how to get

your number and this one is a topic that

many guys just misinterpret and really

over complicate things in the long run

so say you have this girl that you're

really into really into or even just a

girl you see out in public I guess so

what you first have to do is start

conversation with her and if you guys

want me to do

topic how to start conversation how to

keep a conversation going with a female

let me know so number one tip is don't

ask for her phone number even though

that's kind of what you're doing but

like be more assertive you want to say

give me the phone number or something

along those I'm casting and I may

actually like it just finishes your

confidence in her eyes like it makes you

think it less than one I could beg me

for it so then based on to the next

topic middles the conversation or when

it's at highest point and you feel like

everything's going great

like don't wait until the very end

because you might change her but what's

going great

say hey give me your number or something

like that and then put your number in

the phone and go right back to talking

or don't get her number and then you run

away because it makes you seem like

after being the number that's all you

want which is kind of not the message

you want to send to girls the next one

is just say what's your number like it's

really not that hard I mean come on guys

and I guess this is if you want to just

give her your number you can do that too

and that kind of shows you're more

confident but be aware this gives her

like a bunch of flexibility so you can't

expect the text 5 hours from now you can

expect it a couple days from now maybe a

week or two you might text you but then

again she might forget about you so

I mean you can be worried about this one

but it shows that you're not using to it

shows that you have a surplus of females

that want a nun during a mafia so

there's a double-edged sword so if

you're really into the sticking really

want to start talking on the phone right


I would just suggest getting their

number and then to the first text

message and I'll go over that too if you

want to leave homes below alright

finally guys just do it today just go up

to that girl and say today the worse you

can say is no I mean she can class

whatever but it's better than sinking

your whole life let's click on that girl

under what if it's just not worth the

what is in my opinion so guys go upstage

get that cute girls let's get that girl

that you can conceive anyways randomly

out and here's my attempt a musical

background you should subscribe to and

root tea I don't know subscribe maybe

For more infomation >> HOW TO GET HER NUMBER 2017 - Duration: 3:16.


How to make Grilled scallops♪delicious - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> How to make Grilled scallops♪delicious - Duration: 5:44.


New Bangla Short Film|সর্বনাসা মাদক | Shurbonasa Maduk|AST PRANK TV - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> New Bangla Short Film|সর্বনাসা মাদক | Shurbonasa Maduk|AST PRANK TV - Duration: 12:08.


A New Start // Turn Subtitles On Or Read Description - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> A New Start // Turn Subtitles On Or Read Description - Duration: 0:31.


Volvo V40 T2 Linje You Xenon Stoelverwarming Telefoon 47DKm! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 T2 Linje You Xenon Stoelverwarming Telefoon 47DKm! - Duration: 0:56.


What Should You Be Spending On Your Facebook Ads? - Duration: 1:48.

This week on the one-minute moment we're

talking about a huge topic. We're talking

about how much you should spend on your

Facebook ads. Now because it's huge, that

doesn't mean I shouldn't get it in one


I should. It just might mean there'll be

a follow-up.

One minute to talk about your Facebook

Ads budget starting now... There's so much

I could tell you about your Facebook ads

budget. I could tell you that you just

need to set a lifetime budget or daily

budget for your ads, Facebook does the

rest, it works out the cost per click,

sorted. I could tell you that the minimum

spend for a lot of ads is just one euro

a day. I could tell you watch your

relevance score, it's really important, the

higher the relevance score for your ads

the better and cheaper results you'll

get. But NO, what I'm going to give you

is two quick hacks. The first one, when

you're setting up your ad, when it comes

down to the budget you can choose to set

a bid and when you do that Facebook will

show you an estimate of how much it

thinks it's going to cost per result.

You don't have to set bid, you can

just have a quick squiz and see.

The second one: You can change when you

get charged. Website clicks ads will

cost you €5 a day minimum. You

want to bring that back down to a euro.

Go to the section that says when you get

charged and you can choose impressions

there. Then it'll only cost you €1.

And finally, look off Facebook,

don't just rely on your Facebook ad

report. Go and have a look in your Google

Analytics, see what people do when they

arrive on your site.

For more infomation >> What Should You Be Spending On Your Facebook Ads? - Duration: 1:48.


MALLORCARD for local businesses - THE MALLORCA CARD (English) - Duration: 2:07.

So, you've got a local business on Mallorca

just imagine the following situation.

What if you had a business

partner who not only send you tons of

new customers on a regular basis

but on top of that you can get paid extra

for every single one - Sounds good?

if so, MALLORCARD is your partner!

because we make sure, people all over Europe get to

know you and your business and it costs

you absolutely nothing!

Other voucher providers cash off the money with hold

high margins and keeping waiting for

your payments for weeks until you get

the little that's left. Not so nice right?

That's why MALLORCARD customers pay

directly to whom the money really belongs

YOU! And in addition MALLORCARD

pays you up to two euro for every customer

Plus since we do not only

present you in Spanish. But in every

really important language

you are reaching out to all the customers you deserve

and the best part of it, you get to

choose when the customers can enjoy your offer

that way you can easily define a

time of the day or even push entire months

and what's really great about it

joining the MALLORCARD community is as easy as

going to and

clicking the link "become a partner"

For more infomation >> MALLORCARD for local businesses - THE MALLORCA CARD (English) - Duration: 2:07.


They're Watching You Right Now. - Duration: 0:35.

If you're watching this right now, your

cable company is spying on you--and

that's because people like Lamar Smith

voted in Congress to allow your cable

company to sell your private browsing

history to third parties without asking

you or telling you they're doing it. I'm

running to replace Lamar Smith in the

21st District of Texas. We need your

support to make sure that people who

sell us out to big corporations don't

get to stay in Congress anymore. You can

learn more at

For more infomation >> They're Watching You Right Now. - Duration: 0:35.


Donald Trump The Snake Poem Opinion Reacting to My Old Videos Teresa - Duration: 5:14.

hi YouTube okay we are reciting the

snake we're actually reviewing my old

video and I told you guys that I thought

Donald Trump

I took the snake and applied it to him

in America he seems to think he's

applying it to people coming in

immigration I'm applying it to him so

this is what you do you read through the

poem and I'm going to read through the

poem for you guys now the last time I

changed it a little bit so you can see

on this video here I changed some of the

word this time I'm going to read it so

you guys can hear it and understand it

straight from how it is okay here we go

on her way to work one morning down the

path alongside the lake a tender-hearted

woman saw a poor half frozen snake his

pretty colored skin had been all frosted

with the dew poor thing she cried I'll

take you in I'll take care of you take

me in tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake take me in tender woman

sighed the snake she wrapped him up all

cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him

by her fireside with some honey and some

milk she hurried home from work that

night and soon as she arrived she found

that pretty snake she'd taken to have

been revived take me in tender woman

take me in for heaven's sake take me in

tender woman side the snake she clutched

him to her boosom you're so beautiful

she cried but if I hadn't brought you it

by now you might have died she stroked

his pretty skin again and kissed him and

held him tight instead of saying thanks

the snake gave her a vicious bite take

me a tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake take me in tender woman

sighed the snake I saved you cried the

woman and you bitten me but why you know

your bite is poisonous and now I'm going

to die oh shut up silly woman said the

reptile with a grin you knew damn well I

was a snake before you took me in take

me in tender woman take me in for

heaven's sake

take me in tender woman sighed the snake

and so you see that's Donald Trump right

there when you think of the part when it

says oh shut up silly woman said the

reptile with a grin and so look at

Trump's like reptile and grin he's got

his orange reptile face and so that's

Trump all all through here is is he's

talking about himself he's the snake so

he's saying America as in she voted him

in and so now now he just I guess he

thinks he can be it I don't know what

you'd call it dictator maybe I don't


and so yeah but anyway over here is my true colors video

so here we go

on her way to work one morning down the path along side the lake

a tender hearted woman saw a half frozen donald trump

his pretty color orange skin had been all frosted in the dew

poor thing she cried i'll take you in i'll take care of you

take me in tender woman take me in for heavens sake

take me in tender woman sighed the orange donald trump

she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk

and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk

Trump decided to skip the White House

Correspondents Dinner and so you can see

here he well it's kind of like if if

people are going to say things he

doesn't want to hear he just kind of

isolates himself off somewhere else and

that's kind of this division that we

have in this country too and he kind of

tapped into that and because he knew it

existed because they you know created it

with the well the past rhetoric

anyway but yeah that's just what I

wanted to say about that particular

video in this you know now he's reading

it as president he read the snake as

president he's telling the United States

who he is he's the snake people voted

Donald Trump as president voted Donald


into the United States as president and

he's the snake that's why he's reading

this this poem by Al Wilson that's why

he's reading the lyrics because he's the

snake and and he's telling you so and so

you know when when someone tells you who

they are believe them and and so yes

yeah I can't think of anything else

right now this is what I would like I

would like for you guys to subscribe and

ring my bell ring my bell follow me on

YouTube and ringing the bell will send

you emails and notifications and things

like that I want to thank you so much

for watching please thumbs up this video

share it with your friends leave

comments suggestions ideas I'll see you

soon peace love and avocados

For more infomation >> Donald Trump The Snake Poem Opinion Reacting to My Old Videos Teresa - Duration: 5:14.


290417 Rapmonster BTS said "I Miss You" in Indonesian #WingsTourIna - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> 290417 Rapmonster BTS said "I Miss You" in Indonesian #WingsTourIna - Duration: 0:28.


Roommates Reflect: What It's Really Like To Live With You, Whitney Center - Duration: 7:17.

Ellie: What kind of questions are these?

Are you trying to start our first fight? We've never had a fight!

*background music *

Hanna: I'm Hanna Dietrich. I'm a sophomore biomedical engineering major.

Olivia: I'm Olivia Grasso. I'm a sophomore history and foreign languages and linguistics major.

Ellie: I'm Ellie Leick. I'm a sophomore writing arts and public relations major.

Ellie: Oh God! One thing you want your roommate to improve in?

Hanna: Ok, one thing we want Ellie to improve in Ellie: What? *all laughing*

Olivia: I don't have issues. I really don't.

Ellie: I don't believe that.

Olivia: Oh, wait! You play a lot of show tunes. Ellie: *laughing*

Hanna: I don't know. I don't think I have any roommate concerns, more like, I feel like you should be less hard on yourself.

Ellie: You

you need to stop worrying about everything, every little thing that bothers you.

I think you need to learn to let things go.

And then, you need to stop letting things bother you so much

because I think it can affect your mood and your outlook on life,

and I think ultimately can have a better effect on your happiness.

And I want you to be the happiest person you can possibly be.

Olivia: Thanks Ellie.

Hanna: What is one thing about living with me that might be challenging or frustrating?

Ellie: Honestly, you are great to live with because you are so patient, and I require a lot of patience.

Just when you don't tell me things or act like you're not telling me things, that frustrates me.

That's the only thing! Hanna: OK.

Olivia: For me, sometimes I feel like I bother you. Ellie: yeah oh yeah

Olivia: Yeah, I feel like I'm always having people, always coming over to see me, and I'm like, coming back in and out all the time.

And I feel like I'm bothering you sometimes with that. That's not your fault. That's just a challenge that I like…

Ellie: Yeah Olivia: It's challenging sometimes to know what...

how to...

you know what I mean? Hanna: yeah

Olivia: I don't think I know what I mean.

Ellie: Your hair. On the floor.

Olivia: I'm sorry, I can't help it!

Ellie: I used to get so frustrated when we were in the freshman dorm room,

as… in a triple. There was just so much hair on the floor. And we knew it was yours because

Ellie: it was red hair. Hanna: No one else has red hair!

Ellie: And it was 2 feet, it was like 3 feet long.

So, I would gather it all up in a ball, put it on your bed or on your desk.

And I would wait and watch for your reaction. And you never gave me one.

You would always just take it and throw it out

Olivia: Well, why would I give me a reaction? I know it's a problem.

Hanna: Just everything about it was just passive aggressive.

Ellie: yeah

*all laughing*

Hanna: I think that like you challenge me as a person. That I always have to be on my toes.

Like always. Like when I come out of the bathroom, sometimes you're just standing right there, and you terrify me.

So, I feel like I just have to be like high alert all the time. Ready to just like...

Ellie: Is that why you go to bed at like 10?

*all laughing*

Olivia: What did you think first think of me when you learned we were going to be roommates?

Ellie: Ok Hanna: Well, you go first then

Ellie: I had two first impressions.

My first impression: when we were texting,

first time online when we found out that we are going to be roommates,

as I was like: "Oh, I feel like I have a lot in common with this girl.

Not like that other girl that I don't have much in common with."

And then, when we started rooming together,

and you've tried to put a tapestry to like parts of your area, and then you were going to bed at like nine…

Olivia: I was exhausted!

Ellie: And, I remember like, "I put down that I go to bed past midnight, I can't live like this the whole year."

My first impression of you.

Found you on Facebook, you were dissecting something in your profile picture,

and I was like, "This girl is weird!"

And then, just thought you were weird, I would show you picture to people, with the lamb,

and I'd be like: "This is going to be my roommate."

And I'd be like, I'd be ready to be like, "Tell me! She's weird, right?"

And they'd be like: "She looks nice."

But then, when I moved in, you were already there, and I walked in, and I was like, this girl is very nice.

You said hi to me, and I was like, this is going to be good.

Olivia: I thought you guys hated me, which is why I was never there.

Hanna: I think once we started getting ice pops we became more social Olivia: yeah the ice pops

Ellie: Pro tip, freshman year, buy those five dollar freeze pops, that you can get at Walmart, ShopRite, anywhere.

Hanna: You find them in a juice aisle.

Ellie: Yes, you will make so many friends. People wanna cool off, and ice pops is a great way to do it. It's cheap, fun and easy.

Ellie: What is your favorite roommate memory this year?

Hanna: Ah...

I had had a horrible day, but like an amazing day at the same time.

And I was going to sleep, and we were talking.

And then, we have this thing when we scratch each others back, and it's the best thing ever.

And we just fell asleep, and it was just the best thing ever!

Because like I just… I fell asleep, like, super calm.

So that was my favorite roommate memory in the past two weeks with you.

Ellie: I was awake. I was waiting. I was awake the whole time.

Hanna: *laughing* I fell asleep…

Olivia: I really like our Christmas traditions. Like, listening to the music together and doing holiday crafts, things like that.

It's just that togetherness, that really makes me happy.

Ellie: One thing about you, I don't know why I said it like that,

was when I was going through really hard time, I was really upset about my grandfather and his dementia.

And you, you just sat there, you related to me, and talked about your own experiences with your great-grandfather.

We didn't talk about how hard it was, but we talked about the funny stories that come from having a grandparent with dementia.

And it was just a really nice conversation because

I was upset but we were able to put a positive spin on it.

Ellie: Ok, I'm excited for this question.

Hanna: What was the best part about living with me this year?

Ellie: See, that's a nice question.

Hanna: It's hard though. Too many good parts Ellie: Alright, ok.

Olivia: You're so fun, you bring a lot of life into the apartment.

'cause me and Hanna are kind of much more sedate than you are.

Hanna: Sedate * laughing*

Olivia: And then, Hanna: You're very solid, so

Ellie: I feel like

Olivia: we need that too.

Ellie: I feel like nothing would work without Hanna.

Hanna: Yeah you guys can cook dinner tonight

Ellie: Yeah, exactly!

And we need the old grandmother to tell us when we are all being too much, too crazy

Olivia: A little bit extra

Olivia: We all need each other. Without one of us honestly it wouldn't work!

For more infomation >> Roommates Reflect: What It's Really Like To Live With You, Whitney Center - Duration: 7:17.


Lithium Ion, Aquion, and Lead Acid Batteries. - Duration: 15:03.

I've made this video to address the

misunderstandings concerning batteries

used in the sailing community though

this will obviously be relevant to

anyone looking to install an energy

storage solution. I'm specifically making

this video as a result of watching a

recent video by the Wynns on their

channel Gone with the Wynns where they

did an excellent job of presenting the

benefits of lithium-ion batteries but

underrepresented the cost-benefit of

lead acid; and this is not to say that I

disagree with their decision, in fact for

their boat and their lifestyle I think

they made the right call, but for the

vast majority of us on the water today

I think lead-acid are the way to go, and

I'll attempt to so why by accurately

presenting the cost of lead acid and

lithium ion, and I'll go one further by

presenting the numbers for aquion

batteries as well since they have

recently become a hot topic of

discussion. I've had this video in the

works for nearly a month now but I fear

my procrastination has already cost good

people hard-earned money as Sailing Starlike

recently purchased lithium ion and

I'm not convinced it was the best

decision for them. Aquion batteries are

a relative newcomer to the battery

market made of a manganese oxide cathode

and a titanium phosphate anode the

electrolyte is sodium perchlorate, a

common salt. Since it is free of the

toxic substances normally found in

batteries it is the only battery which

has received cradle-to-cradle

certification, meaning that at no point

in its lifecycle from the very beginning

of its manufacturing to the very end of

its recycling, is it ever a threat to the

environment. But potato batteries are

non-toxic too it doesn't necessarily

mean that they are a good energy storage

solution. Aquion batteries are further

complicated by the fact that at the

beginning of March, Aquion Energy filed

for voluntary bankruptcy. But I'll cover

them nonetheless for two reasons they

are currently still available from

select online retailers, and, if the

technology is solid then someone is sure

to pick it up and restart production

again. They wouldn't be the first company

to rise from the ashes of bankruptcy.

The numbers I'm using today come directly

from the manufacturers I've chosen

Trojan and Relion to represent their

respective technologies because they

both come highly recommended for quality

and customer service. The Wynns recommend

Region lithium-ion batteries, and Andrew

Evans, writer of thoughts tips techniques

and tactics for single-handed sailing

recommends Trojan lead acid batteries

which he uses on his Olson 30 named

Foolish Muse. Flooded lead-acid batteries

are a decade's old technology having

reached their technological peak years

ago. As such they do require some very

basic maintenance, which is really no

harder than checking the engine oil but

for some owners it's an issue, so I'll

grudgingly mention it. All one needs to

do is open the caps, and if the cells

have off gassed some of the water, top it

up. However if your charger is adjusted

properly for your specific batteries,

there should not be a significant amount

of off gassing. On the right you can see

lead acid batteries live longest when

only discharged slightly down to about

ten percent but at the same time this is

a very inefficient use. Applications

where you might use them this way,

efficiency be damned, is in a computer

ups (or uninterruptible power supply)

where it is only required to cover for

brief periods of instability in the

power distribution grid, brown outs, spikes,

saving your work and shutting down

during a blackout, OR on a sailboat that

is sailed for a couple hours a day

during daylight but otherwise spends it's

life plugged in at the dock. To this list

I would add live aboard motor sailors

including catamarans, since the engines

are turning often enough to basically

make them equivalent to a grid-tied

system. On the other extreme, on the left

is a battery that is charged to 100%

after every use but fully discharged

during every use. This is how my family

used batteries in our camper every

summer growing up, during the day running

radio, fans, pumps; at night running the

lights until they died, then waking up

the next morning starting the car

clipping the battery to the alternator

and charging it full again for another

day of use and abuse. Still even abusing

a battery in this way you can see by

looking at the left side of the chart

that it should still last you several

years of use. It's generally accepted

that the greatest cost benefit for lead

acid is achieved around 50% depth of

discharge but to see these benefits to

your batteries

you must religiously avoid

discharging deeper as killing your

batteries even once will

disproportionately push you to the left

side of this graph and killing them even

three or four times will permanently and

irreparably push you to the left side.

Still I'll reiterate that even abusing

them like this they should still last

you several years on a high-quality

deep-cycle battery killing it as far

from the instant death that it would be

on a high amp automotive battery.

The biggest concern concerning a lead acid

battery is returning it back to 100%

state of charge this is critical to

prevent sulfation which will drastically

reduce a lead acid battery's ability

to take and deliver a charge. This can be

difficult or even impossible with your

solar wind installation especially when

under sized

if a battery is stored below 100% state

of charge then sulfation will buildup on

the plates and though this can be

partially repaired with a maintenance

cycle which basically is just a charge

cycle that includes periods of much

higher voltage to knock the sulfate off

the plates it is never fully repairable

furthermore this type of maintenance

cycle promotes grid corrosion on the

plate so it is also damaging to the

overall health of the battery and should

therefore be avoided. Of immediate

urgency however is the fact that a

maintenance cycle will cause off gassing

as a result of over voltage condition so

it is vitally important to check in add

water when necessary afterwards and with

something like Trojans Hydra link water

system it really is not as difficult as

people make it out to be over volting a

lithium ion on the other hand will

destroy it in fact where you must return

a LED acid to 100% state of charge to

revenge sulfation a lithium ion battery

performs best when held at about 90%

This is excellent for efficiency as

batteries generally resist being charged

to 100%. Though I couldn't find numbers

it's widely accepted that lead acid

batteries greatly suffer in terms of

charging efficiency as a result of their

needing to be charged to 100% if anyone

has these numbers I'd love to see them

down below in the comments. On the bottom

end lithium ion batteries tolerate much

lower depths of discharge as well with

their greatest cost benefit down

around 20% state-of-charge Aquion are

even better

taking all safe of charge from 100% down

to dead without suffering any

significant effects to lifespan so with

lead-acid obviously being the least

technologically advanced why are they

still on the table? Cost the first row

here is the initial cost which is

shockingly high for lithium ion.

SHOCKINGLY HIGH. This is especially true

for boat owners on a fixed income and is

the most often quoted reason for going

with lead acid but simultaneously it

insinuates that though the initial cost

is higher for lithium ion the overall

cost is actually lower and this is not

necessarily or even generally the case

we'll get to that in a bit also a note

about this graphic the lead acid

solution and the lithium ion solution

are nominally three kilowatt hours where

the Aquion is only two and a half so

the price to price comparison in this

graphic begins to break down a little

here. Back to the spreadsheet the second

and third rows are weight and volume

which only suggest ease of handling.

I always cringe when I see people

manhandling a 75 kilogram battery (that's

150 odd pounds) awkwardly into position

on their boat. You slip a disk at the

dock and your sailing adventure is over

before it begins. Because of its size the

Aquion on will be limited mostly to

land-based installations or very

specialized boat installations. For

lithium ion if you look carefully each

lithium ion battery comes equipped with

a charge controller on the top which

adds to their efficiency and safety, but

also adds to their bulk so we'll give

lead-acid the win in both of these rows

as well for the time being, with the

caveat that more lead acid batteries

will need to be installed to give us the

same kilowatt hours. The fourth and fifth

rows are the accepted depth of discharge

for best cost benefit and the life

expectancy when used in this way. With

Aquion batteries there is no need to

stress the battery management so a win

here for them and lithium ion with a

life span over 10 years takes the win

for this line. Note that the Aquion is

a 48 volt battery and the trojan is a

6 volt battery

so we won't be able to compare amp-hours

directly. Also I'll take a moment now to

mention that depending how your system

is currently rigged you may need to

change out some equipment to 48 volt

equipment which will be an additional

cost of installation for the Aquion

battery though many large boats are

already 48 volt standard so you may not

have to these 7 rows allow us to

calculate the following four rows the

most important rows: cost per kilowatt

hour per year weight per kilowatt hour

weight per kilowatt hour per year and

volume per kilowatt hour. Aquion is in

fact the cheapest option per kilowatt

hour not including any necessary

modifications to the hall or electrical

system you have to make to make it

happen. Interestingly

lead-acid is actually still cheaper year

over year than lithium-ion. Not what you

were expecting if you've been listening

to the lithium ion zealots. To put it

bluntly at the end of the life cycle of

that lithium ion battery, the person who

went with lead acid still has 9

Benjamins for every three kilowatt hours

installed in their pocket to blow

whatever way they wish. And should you

have a catastrophic failure for example

your charger fails and boils your

batteries or your boat takes a lightning

strike then instead of being out only

eight Benji's you're now out of 35

Benji's if you went with Lithium Ion

I included weight per kilowatt hour per

years so you can calculate the amount

you need to budget for shipping but

for the vast majority of us who keep our

boats at a major center like Vancouver

or Toronto or New York or Galveston or

Miami etc etc where the vast vast vast

majority of us keep our boats this will

simply not even be a consideration even

if you are in the South Pacific most

countries use six volt lead acid

batteries in their scooters and electric

cars so shipping should really never be

a problem except maybe in the Caribbean

If you are in a location where shipping

costs are a concern for you then the

Aquion rather than lithium-ion is in

fact the cheapest battery in terms of

weight per kilowatt hour per year. Weight

per kilowatt hour

will not be a huge concern on a boat

weight is a concern for things like

drones and perhaps racing boats but for

the rest of us weight is just added

stability when you put it in the right

place more or less ditto for volume per

kilowatt hours it's a concern for

cellular phone makers and perhaps

cruisers who have their boats filled to

the gunnels with stores and gear but for

the vast majority of us it's just not an

issue. And lead-acid will be completely

satisfactory. Further with the lithium

ion batteries taking up nearly three

times the volume individually it's much

more difficult to find discreet

locations to tuck them. I will concede

here that the Wynns' is a rather

specialized installation having 1,200

amp hours of lithium ion which enables

them to run their air conditioning off

of their solar very few of us have this

requirement and to do so with lead acid

would be prohibitive

I've used four lead acid batteries per

Lithium Ion in my on in my calculations today

to ensure apples-to-apples as much as

possible which would mean 16 lead acid

batteries to roughly match the Wynns'

power storage with their with you my own

but in truth Andrew Evans has raised the

single hand of Transpac using only two

of these lead acids running all radios

and steering gear with no outages even

with consecutive overcast lasting

multiple days. Jamie and Liz have follow

the boat use for lead acid batteries and

charge all of their cameras computers

drones and if I recall even music

equipment. If you cruise around the world

for five years and then decide to sell

your boat for whatever reason remember

that no one cares that your lithium ions

theoretically still have nearly six

years left in them its lost value to you

probably around $5000 worth

of lost value. And though lithium ion

will get cheaper in the coming years

with lithium ion becoming more and more

popular it's very likely the price of

LED acid will also continue to drop as

legacy factories attempt to stay

relevant in the modern battery market

Aquion batteries likewise shouldn't be

immediately written off for applications

in remote locations where removal is

prohibitive due to these batteries

non-toxic nature it may be possible to

get permission to

dispose of these batteries on-site which

would certainly add significant value to

the cost-benefit analysis. Further

especially because of their

environmentally friendly image anyone

who needs to market themselves as

environmentally conscious: charities like

Sea Shepherd or EcoSwiss sailing

expeditions who market their

environmentally conscious image to win

charitable donations especially as these

types of outfits usually use bigger boats

which would more easily accommodate the

bulky nature of these large batteries or

businesses like Ekati diamond mine

which must continually present an

environmentally conscious image to be

allowed to continue operation in an

environmentally sensitive area: these

batteries could certainly be used to

bolster that image. So in summary if

you're building an off-grid solution for

your cabin I'd snap off the remaining

eight we own batteries on the market as

they are in fact the cheapest per

kilowatt hour per year and the lightest

per kilowatt-hour per year to ship. If

you are the average voter whose boat

lives in a marina or a tanker but turns

engines a couple times a week or have a

boat on a mooring ball that you use only

a few times a month with a small solar

panel charging it back up to 100%

saturation in any application where you

can bring those batteries back to 100%

state of charge go lead acid. But if

you're cruising in the tropics and find

you aren't able to live or more

importantly sleep without air

conditioning then you will either have

to find a home for 16 little lead acid

batteries or drop those Benjamin's an

upgrade to lithium ion. Thanks for watching.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Lithium Ion, Aquion, and Lead Acid Batteries. - Duration: 15:03.


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons by Starbreeze Studios - The Chattering Gamer - Episode 2 - Duration: 9:01.

welcome to a fictional time in a

fictional place where there is a tree of

life than the inhabitants speak a

fictional language that's right based on

that rather incredible description we

are obviously in the world of brothers a

tale of two sons now as you might have

guessed brothers a tale of two sons is

about two sons who are brothers I don't

really know why I said that because

anyone with anything between their ears

would be able to get that from the title

but whoever wrote this script felt it


damn you scriptwriting me you are making

me sound foolish brothers a tale of two

sons is a wonderful game that made me

pretty damn emotional by the end of it

and in this video I'm going to try and

explain without spoilers why it made me

feel this way

so let's get on with it now the story of

brothers a tale of two sons focuses on

two brothers as you may have guessed

from the title those two brothers being

Naiee and Naia and they are trying to

acquire water from the tree of life to

save their sick father or at least we

think I think it's their father I don't

really know because they don't

explicitly tell you that it's their

father it could be their grandfather for

all I know but they say it's generally

implied that it's their father and the

whole thing is their adventure that they

have together to get to the Tree of Life

to get the water to bring it back and

it's all about them working together to

achieve things that they couldn't do on

their own

you know you soon find out that the

older brother can do things the younger

brother can't where's the younger

brother can do things that the older

brother can't and the whole gameplay

situation revolves around that and it's

actually extremely innovative oh by the

way before I move on to the gameplay I'm

going to say that I'm not going to go

any further into the plot mainly because

the whole game is story based there's

practically no collectibles as a matter

of fact I don't think there are any

collectibles at all it is just purely a

directed story experience think of it a

bit like Uncharted just without the


and on a much smaller scale and with a

different art style which is beautiful

by the way the graphics in this game

actually read Zen themselves - the type

of story I think they're trying to tell

I think if you try to go too gritty and

real with this game it wouldn't have had

the same effect some of the things that

you actually encounter in this game it

would become a lot more scary the game

when you actually you know if you did it

in a much more realistic style I think

but anyway I'm supposed to be talking

about the plot if you want to you

know if you want to know more about the

plot either go and play the game

yourself or find a complete let's play

of it whichever one floats your boat so

now I'm going to move on to the gameplay

because like I said before the story is

very much told out in the gameplay and

the gameplay is actually fairly

innovative effectively the whole premise

of the gameplay of brothers a tale of

two sons is that you are controlling two

characters at once it's that whole idea

of using two characters to achieve one

goal so you have the younger brother

naiee and who can do like a lot of

climbing and he's very he's very small

so the older brother can kind of like

boost him up places so if you need to

get up anywhere high then you use the

older brother to boost the younger

brother up and the younger brother then

like drops down the rope for the older

brother to climb up and it's pretty it's

really quite good because you control

both characters at once so you have the

younger brother Nighy all controlled by

the left side of the controller so you

have the the left analog stick and the

left trigger button controlling what's

the younger brother does and you have

the right analog stick and the right

trigger controlling what the older

brother does and although the control

system is extremely innovative and it

does for the most part control really

really well there were times when I was

playing this that I got completely and

utterly confused because the whole setup

I think really is to keep Naiee on the

left and keep naia on the right at all

times however there are some times huh

because me being the dumbass that I am

where the two got mixed up and whether

to get mixed up you either have to be

very good at reversing

your brain or you have to control one

character at a time get your bearings

for one character then you can actually

do the same thing for the other

character for the other character bring

them back to the correct sides and then

carry on that happened to me a couple of

times actually it was really really

confusing at one point but generally the

controls are really good because then

you have you have the movements on the

on the analog stick and then contextual

actions on the trigger and those

contextual actions are completely based

on what you're actually trying to do so

yeah there's no different buttons for

different things it's one contextual

button for everything or one contextual

trigger in this case the whole gameplay

aspect it it makes it very

heart-wrenching at the end when when

certain events happen at the end of the

game I think if the gameplay mechanics

had just focused on just controlling one

say just controlling the younger brother

because the story does evolve a lot

around the younger brother it seems to

be told from the younger brother's point

of view if you've just been controlling

him I don't think it would have had the

same emotional impact the very fact that

you are controlling both of these

characters you actually get sort of

invested in the survival of both of

these characters and when certain events

happen at the end of the game it just it

makes it all the more heart-wrenching

and it makes it all the more

hard-hitting at least emotionally and

you you really do feel for these

characters it's a very interesting thing

and I think it was an absolutely

inspired choice by whoever directed the

game the developer of this game is

Starbreeze Studios by the way and I

think they've done an absolutely

brilliant job in just the whole package

no one element of the game really

stands out as being oh my god amazing

right but then the way everything comes

together so like the way the art style

the controls just the visuals in

general and the audio and the sound

design come together to form an entire

package that entire package is Wow oh my

god right that

so it does actually convey that kind of

feeling and it is a phenomenally cool

game my parting feelings when playing

this game was I think the story does

actually convey a pretty good message

which i think is more relevant today now

you know than ever and that is basically

sometimes you have to work together to

achieve your goals and sometimes to

actually work together and to achieve

those goals you also have to overcome

your own problems just a little bit more

of a bit of a spoiler sort of a spoiler

but not really a spoiler the younger

brother who's the story of which is told

from the point of view of we find out

early in the game has certain problems

that by the end of the game he has to

overcome and I've got to be honest that

the entire story in the entire

experience left me rather humbled

actually it wasn't really sad for me as

such well I mean I suppose it was sad

but not like bawling my eyes outside but

I did I did shed a tear at the air a

tear or two at the end it's a game that

will make you do that

or at least it did for me anyway I'm not

going to speak for everybody in the

world when I say that but it did for me

and I think that the message of you

having to overcome your own problems is

one that resonates very strongly with me

as I have a lot of problems that I'm

trying to overcome at the moment in my

own life so that that really did

resonate with me and this game has

actually done more to inspire me to do

that than anything else that's happened

so far in my life so my abiding memory

is one of contentment and inspiration

from playing this game and I would

highly recommend that you will check it

out as well so that was a peek at

brothers a tale of two sons let me know

what your thoughts are down in the

comments thank you so much for watching

this is the legacy of James and I'll see

you again

For more infomation >> Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons by Starbreeze Studios - The Chattering Gamer - Episode 2 - Duration: 9:01.


Conflict - Whose Life Am I Living - Inspirational Creative Reading by Teresa - Duration: 2:54.

hi guys okay this is something I wrote

when I was on the ship i titled it

conflict and I wrote it on April 11th

2017 which made it for one one which I

thought was kind of interesting you know

later I realized it was for 411

this is what I put what I wrote when I

was taught what I was told

does not align with what I see whose

life am i living to think a way I don't

want to think whose life am i living to

do things I don't want to do whose life

am i living to be forced to take things

I don't want to take whose life am i

living to act in the way others think I

should act there's no perfect way

perfection comes from the differences we

change over time we evolve in mindset

life is not intended to live in fear

fear is control whose life am i living

to live in fear the greatest power of

oppression is to control the mind the

control is lifting the fear is gone

what's left is conflict I changed you

didn't you chose to stay stuck in the

past you chose not to talk communication

is a two-way street communication comes

without judgment communication comes

without fear to truly know someone is to

communicate without fear whose life am i

living to tell you what you want to hear

the conflict comes from a relationship

built on lies to please the one who

would never be pleased a foundation of

lies I am open I communicate you stay

silent you are not happy unless you are

being told what you

up to here which is this creates the

conflict so just wanted to read to you

guys and share with you my inspirational

reading here I've been writing a lot

more I don't know why I've just been

writing a lot more and that's something

I've kind of enjoyed doing is I don't

know where it's coming from but I just

have all these things that are just

these thoughts that are kind of coming

together and coming together in a

creative way so yeah so thank you guys

and I'll see you soon peace love and


For more infomation >> Conflict - Whose Life Am I Living - Inspirational Creative Reading by Teresa - Duration: 2:54.


How To Join A Wine Mlm-Direct Cellars Wine Club Opportunity - Duration: 1:49.

So, you love wine and you've tried all the major brands.

You've paid retail price and your just bored.

Direct Cellars is a totally new way to experience wine.

There are thousands of wineries all over the world and only a fraction of those wines are

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Artisan wines should tell a story.

The colors, aromas and flavors are as distinct and unique as the regions they are cultured


Direct Cellars offers an exclusive guided tour through the world of wine discovering

new flavors that fit your palette and your pocket book.

Through the reds and the whites.

From the traditions of Europe to the flavors of the new world.

Direct Cellars brings the finest wines in the world right to your doorstep and the choices

are endless.

Every exclusive club features hand selected wine by connoisseurs with over 200 years of

combined experience.

Monthly deliveries are shipped to your home for free and include a profile on each bottle

and the winery it was created in.

Month by month direct cellars will help you increase your knowledge, pallet and appreciation

for wine.

It's really all about the wine.

We want you to experience something new and share it with others.

Direct Cellars is empowered by social media and you can get paid to spread the word of


As a member you get referral fees, which are paid as cash when your friends and family

also sign up as members.

Whether you are looking to make enough to pay for your monthly wine shipment, a secondary

income or a plan B out of your current career, direct cellars may be the answer.

Wine is about shared experiences.

When you open a bottle with friends it's just that much sweeter.


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