Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 3 2017

Perhaps you are familiar with the term, "success ethic."

The success ethic stated simply says, "When you

get what you want, you will be happy."

It is based on the theory that if we work hard and solve all of

the problems in our lives, some day we will be happy.

The majority of our thoughts and activities in life are centered around

solving problems.

As we've learned, whatever you think about becomes

your reality.

And so, what do you think about most of the time?

It is usually problems.

Indeed, the first thing that many of us think about

when we get out of bed in the morning are all the problems that we have

to solve and how hard we have to work.

We have been trained to think about what isn't, what should be and what

we don't have, and then how we might remedy a situation, solve it or make

it better.

And so when you first wake up, you focus automatically on

all the problems that you must face that day.

If you will take an honest look at your life, however, you will

probably find that solving problems working hard and having the "right"

things do not fundamentally improve the quality of your life.

In fact, it has probably taken away from the quality of your

life by diminishing the fun and excitement of living.

Let's talk about the creative process.

You and I want to create our lives in the best possible manner.

To do this, we must flow with life instead of flowing against life.

To flow with life, we want to create from the model of Being-Doing-Having.

The universe flows from being into doing into having.

Being is an inner experience - it comes from within you.

You can allow outer circumstances to determine your

state of Being - your level of happiness or satisfaction - but you run

the very real risk of those outer circumstances controlling your life and how

you feel about yourself.

If you say, "I'll be happy when...", you will

never be happy.

Suppose you think a new job will change your life.

So you get a new job and pretty soon it's the same old stuff;

you have to deal with people, handle responsibility, meet deadlines and

work with others who are not as enlightened as you.

That is the reality of it.

You then realize that this job didn't make any major difference in the

way you feel, so you have to find something else to make you happy.

Maybe you think a new mate, a new home, having a baby, or

making more money will change your life.

And so eventually you get all those things, and you are still not happy.

The reason is simple.

Nothing outside of ourselves will ever make us happy,

because happiness is an inside-out experience.

And it starts at the Being level.

We have talked about how the universe flows from Being into

Doing into Having.

But unfortunately the success ethic, which most

people are using to create their lives, flows from Having into Doing into


The success ethic states that if you have the things that happy

and satisfied people have, you will do what happy and satisfied people

do, and then you will be happy and satisfied.

Is this really true?

Well, you and I have more of everything than any

generation on this planet.

We have more time to do what we want, more money to spend

on what we want, and we are more technologically advanced than any

civilization in the history of this planet.

Yet look around you and notice that as a culture we are far from being either

happy or satisfied.

The truth is that life flows from Being to Doing into Having.

If you are being happy and satisfied - from the inside

out - you will start doing what happy and satisfied people do, and you

will have what happy and satisfied people have.

One of the Buddha's great contributions was his teaching that desire creates suffering.

This means that when you want something more and you don't accept what

you already have, you suffer.

Now, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't create more things

in your life.

On the contrary, you and I are purposeful, creative beings.

But so many of us are unhappy no matter how much we have.

We always seem to want what we don't have, and then when we finally

get what we want, it is like the song, "Is That All There Is?"

We thought the rockets would go off and life would be

totally fulfilling, but then the disappointment came because there was something

else missing.

Buddha's teaching was to give up desire and thus eliminate


While this is important, it is not the whole message.

One of the most important things about accepting where

you are right now and enjoying what you already have is that you

can have the same peace of mind, the same tranquility, and the same joy

right now that you think you will have when you eventually get to where

you want to go.

This is the most important message.

Living in the present doesn't mean that you just accept what you have and cease to create.

It simply means that you already have what you want at the Being level.

At the Being level - where you are right now - you are already

a success.

Most people's lives are about getting something.

And the truth is, there's nothing to get.

All we have to do is to Be.

The Being produces the end result.

It is imperative that you understand that the doing and

having parts of your life are not what determine the quality of your life.

The Being aspect is what determines the quality of your life.

Who you are - your conscious perception of your Self

Being - controls what is happening to you.

When you focus your attention on solving problems and trying to

make things better, something very interesting happens: you miss what

you already have.

So the only way to find happiness and satisfaction is

to enjoy what you have right now.

Again, I am not saying that you shouldn't set goals or make plans.

What I am saying is that you should enjoy the present moment because this is all

you have.

Create for tomorrow, but live in and for today.

We only have two choices in life.

The first is to enjoy what we have today, and the second is to have anxiety

about what we don't have and focus on tomorrow hoping it will be better.

There are no other choices.

Now, remember, getting what you want will not change your life

at the Being level, so don't let what you have determine who you are

otherwise you will always feel dissatisfied.

If you are tied into getting somewhere or getting something to make you

happy, you will be on a treadmill for the rest of your life.

You will be operating from the hypnotic belief that more is better, and that it is

much better over there than it is over here.

Go after what you want, but enjoy the trip.

Life is a journey, not a destination.

Know that when you get what you want, it will not change

who you are at the Being level.

So enjoy yourself, love yourself unconditionally and participate in the trip.

The reward in life does not come from achieving.

It comes from participating along the way.

Writing your own script means that you are the one

who decides what the trip will be about and what the destination will

look like.

Your intention sets the universe in motion.

The universe flows in the direction of your intention, and so it

is important to be clear on your exact intention in any situation.

If you are absolutely clear as to your intent, your subconscious success mechanism

will support you in getting there.

Edison, working on all of his inventions, always kept in mind where he wanted to arrive.

And because he did so, every failure supported his ultimate success.

Most people encounter problems in creating the kind of life they

want because they have not clearly determined where they want to go,

or visualized what it is going to look like when they get there.

Those who lead purposeful, successful lives do so because

they have set up in their minds a clear picture of what they want to

create in their lives.

Have you ever wondered why New Year's resolutions don't


We have such good intentions, but what happens is we often say

things like, "I'm not going to eat any more sweets," "I'm going to stop

yelling at the children," "I'm going to stop overeating."

But the New Year's resolutions were not about what

you wanted, but what you didn't want.

They were not an image of the end result, but rather a

negative reaction - a form of negative self-talk to the present.

And this is the reason why so many world problems, business

problems and personal problems persist; the individuals concerned

focus on the problem and what they don't want to happen, rather than

on the end result or the ultimate goal.

Goal setting is the key factor that will determine your success or

failure in the doing and having portion of your life.

Did you ever take a business trip without at least having some

idea where you were going?

Did you ever play tennis without knowing where the tennis court was?

Have you ever left your house to do your weekly shopping without

having at least some idea of where you were going to shop?

Have you ever taken a holiday without knowing where

you wanted to go?

Isn't it strange that while the holidays we take merit

goals, the games we play merit goals and even the shopping we do merits goals,

but we rarely establish goals for the most important journey of all

- our own life.

"Oh," but you say, "I don't want to be pinned down.

I want to be spontaneous.

I want to be free to change my mind."

Well, sometimes we mistakenly think that freedom means avoiding


We fear that if we commit to something it will own and

control us and so we avoid being the cause of our life and avoid making


We say, "I want to be free."

But notice how our avoidance of commitment and

responsibility keeps everyone around us in prison, not really enslaved,

but in confusion, not knowing what they can count on, until we make the


In such a relationship, no one can truly win.

True freedom actually lies in our ability to make choices

and commitments.

The question we have to ask ourselves is "What

do I really want?"

Start from the position that at some level you absolutely know

what you want.

At some point you have to make a decision.

Keep this in mind - If you don't decide, someone else will

decide for you.

And their decision may not be what you truly want.

You've heard it said that no decision is a decision.

Hidden within indecisiveness is the goal of always being


As long as we don't know what we want, we will never be wrong,

never make a mistake, and hence we will never be disappointed.

We have been programmed since childhood not to make mistakes.

By being indecisive we can remain a child.

The moment we decide to take charge our lives is the moment we

really leave home.

Once we start making decisions for ourselves, we are

on our own.

It is safer not to make decisions, to be passive, childish and to

take our cue from others.

Making a decision always reveals something about you.

Making a decision tells people who you are.

And so, making a decision is essentially divulging a great


If your purpose in life is not to reveal who you are, then you will always

remain undecided.

Another reason for indecisiveness is the fear that we may have

to give up something.

For example, if you want to take a vacation to

Hawaii, it means you have to give up going to the Bahamas at the very

same time.

To choose one goal means you may have to give up others.

If you decide on a certain way, it means you may have to give up other


It means you can't be everything, do everything and have

everything at the same time.

It means you can't please everybody.

When you make a choice, you run the risk of rejecting the values of

certain people.

They may see you as you really are, not the way they

want you to be.

In other words, not like them.

So by doing nothing, you are able to retain the love and approval of

different people whose values contradict each other, and your indecisiveness

helps you to avoid trying to reconcile situations that can't possibly

be reconciled.

Everything in life is a matter of choice.

There are only two things we have no choice about.

We cannot avoid these two things no matter how hard we try.

The first is that we must die.

Death is an absolute certainty.

And the second thing we have no choice about is that we must

live until we die.

Now understand this - everything else in your life that

you think you have to do, or are forced to do, is a choice.

You and I do everything because we choose to do it.

We can't change the fact that we are going to die or

that we must live until we die.

But we can change anything else because everything else is a choice.

Look at all the areas of your life and realize you do everything in your

life because you choose to do it, not because you have to do it.

Remember - the only two things you have no choice about is; you have

to die, and you have to live until you die.


Look at where you are in your life right now.

Where you are is where you want to be.

Consciously or unconsciously, you have made a


If you want to go anywhere, you must first understand where

you are right now.

Many people lie to themselves about where they are,

and they deny their situation in life.

But it is absolutely essential that you acknowledge where you are before you can move


Is your life working the way you want it to?

Are you where you would like to be?

Do you have the things that you would like to have?

If the answer to any of these questions is "no",

then take a look at your payoff for being where you are.

What pleasure do you get out of denying yourself?

What pleasure do you get out of being unhappy?

What pleasure do you get out of being uncomfortable

and not belonging?

What pleasure do you get out of thinking in terms of lack and limitation?

It is important to remind yourself that everything that you do in

life, whether it is positive or negative, is attached to a reward or a payoff.

So look at your payoff.

Observation is the first step in changing anything.

When you observe, you are taking the first step toward


And as you observe, you begin to see your own patterns of


You have to tell the truth about where you are before you can

move on.

If you are in pain, admit it.

If something is not working, admit it.

This is the fundamental principle of Alcoholics Anonymous.

You must first acknowledge that you are an alcoholic

before you can recover from alcoholism.

So look at where you are right now, and then decide where

you want to go.

Let your mind be open to new possibilities.

Remember, at the Being level, you are total power and you can

create anything that you want.

Think about what turns you on.

When was the last time you really felt turned on?

When was the last time you felt enthusiastic or stirred up by something?

How about half a dozen times before that?

If you can answer these questions, you have some

powerful clues to what you really want.

If your response is that you almost never feel turned on, then you are

living in denial.

When you are free to choose, how do you spend your time?

Is there some kind of activity that keeps you


Whatever reason that you might give yourself for doing it, you

have an important clue as to what you really want to do.

On the other hand, if you find yourself in your free time doing nothing but sleeping,

daydreaming, or watching television, that is a pretty good sign that

you've not allowed yourself to experience what you really want.

If you were relieved of all practical considerations, including

financial considerations, and if all the possibilities were open to you,

what would be the first thing that you would do?

What would be the next thing that you would do?

What would you do with your life if this happened?

This question can be fun because it helps to make your

fantasies conscious.

Perhaps you even have a fantasy that keeps coming back?

Take a look at those fantasies and choose something.

You can always change it if you don't like it.

You are only committed to it for as long as you want to

be committed to it.

So make a choice.

Start creating what you want in your mind.

Have the total experience in mind first.

Feel that way, be that way and imagine it happening just the way you want it to happen.

Alot of us are trying to become succesful, trying to become happy, or wealthy,

or lovable, or to gain something from life that life doesn't presently hold.

But we are what we hold, and it comes out of us.

Goal setting is simply making choices.

Goal setting is knowing where you want to go.

Said another way, if you don't know where you

want to go you will probably end up someplace else.

If we are not achieving what we are capable of achieving,

it is because our goals are not clearly defined.

Writing our own script means developing a definite

workable plan designed to implement action.

Your success will be determined largely by your plan of action.

Writing your own script also means, quite literally, that your plans

should be written down.

The kinetic action of writing will further impress

your subconscious mind.

Your written plan will give you the courage to follow

through and help you to eliminate obstacles, distractions and


It will also serve as a yardstick for progress.

You will be more aware of how far you have come and how

far you have to go.

Many psychological studies have shown that a person's

motivation is at its highest when he or she has some way of measuring


Writing will crystallize thought, and thought motivates


It reinforces your commitment to the attainment of what you


It will remind you of your objectives, and each time you review

what you have written, you will be reminded of what you want and why

you want it.

You will be greatly rewarded for doing this.

Also, you will conserve time and energy because you will

always know where you have been, where you are and where you are


And when obstacles get in your way, your written plan

will help you to re-evaluate and get back on track.

Freud said that goals cause frustration and anxiety, and was

against the establishment of specific goals.

Victor Frankel, on the other hand, said that we cannot live without goals

because man's basic nature it to be goal-oriented.

As far as I am concerned, they were both right.

The biggest mistake that people make is aiming too high or accepting

too much too soon.

Now, I'm not saying that you can't have it all.

I'm merely suggesting that if you are going to

be a tennis champ, it might be a good idea to first learn how to hold the

racket and hit the ball across the net.

So goals are not promises, but commitments.

They are not wishes, but visions.

We do not hope our dreams are going to find us; we

find them.

Goals don't start in our brain; they start in our heart.

We are not going to be committed to our goal one hundred

percent until we are clear on the benefits.

This is probably the most important and significant step in goal setting.

If you are working in a job or you are in a relationship with

someone, or if you are expending any effort in your life and are not sure

of the benefits you will obtain, you will have great difficulty maintaining

the necessary enthusiasm, persistence and dedication.

When you are not sure of the benefits, it is very difficult

to dedicate yourself to something.

Goal setting helps you to specifically identify the benefits that

you will receive from the efforts you expend.

You will not be able to hold a high degree of commitment toward the accomplishment

of anything unless you are absolutely clear on the benefits.

As you progress in goal setting and begin handling harder and more

complex projects, it is essential that you understand why you want

to accomplish that specific goal.

Psychology teaches there are only two reasons for any of us to do


One is to gain benefits, and the other is to avoid


If you are clear on the benefits you will be willing to pay the price.

The critical difference between those who make it

and those who don't is desire.

Rewards create desire.

So spend a lot of time outlining benefits and rewards.

A goal can be defined as something that has an inherent or built in

reward upon its achievement.

If your goal has no inherent reward, you do not have a goal.

If your written plan does not clearly set the benefits

and the rewards that come upon the attainment of the goal, you will

miss the most important ingredient - a motivation to action.

No reward, no action.

You can solve any problem in life by saying what you want -

the specific end result.

As soon as you say what you want, the first thing that you are

going to experience is the feeling that it can't be done.

"I don't know how to do it.

I don't know how it is going to work.

I feel helpless.

Who is going to help me?

Where am I going to get the money?

What if this doesn't work?

What if I fail?"

This is your subconscious mind trying to protect you from an imaginary loss.

When you say you want to do something, everything unlike it will come up for you to evaluate

and defuse.

All your fears and doubts will surface.

If you will center your thoughts on what you want to happen, which is the goal, instead

of what you don't want to happen, which is the obstacle, you will overcome

this negative feedback.

The successful accomplishment of any task is

determined at the Being level prior to the actual beginning of the task.

In other words, believing that you can do it

before you do it.

We cannot sustain a mental image of a goal that is inconsistent

with our beliefs.

Be realistic about the possible obstacles and


Ask yourself, "What circumstances or conditions may

prevent me from achieving this goal?"

Your answer to that will outline what you will have to overcome to obtain what

you want.

Some of the obstacles and roadblocks may be simple; some

may be more complex.

Many people do not do this because they think it is negative to

focus on obstacles and roadblocks, but it is important to understand that

you won't get where you are going until you know who or what is

standing in the way of your achieving your goal.

So write them down, and make a list as complete as possible.

Some of the obstacles will just take care of themselves without your attention.

The biggest mistake people make in goal setting, however, is to

gloss over roadblocks and obstacles that should be recognized before

they get started toward their goals.

You may not be aware of them all, but the more prepared you

are, the easier it will be to handle them.

As you complete this process, the natural tendency will be to

become a little discouraged, and perhaps you will lose some of your


You might start to focus on all the effort necessary to

overcome your obstacles and roadblocks.

If this happens, stop for a few moments and go back over the benefits.

Know that what you want is worth the obstacles that may have to be handle along

the way.

Know in your mind that you always have the choice to stop or

to continue with your plan.

You can change your mind at any time you want.

But for the moment the important thing is to GET STARTED!

Don't get locked up into the ultimate goal.

Just concentrate on the next step.

Take it one step at a time.

Most people become overwhelmed by the overall goal and give up.

Use the overall goal as a point of reference but concentrate on the


The one-step-at-a-time principle is important in achieving goals.

Even the largest goals are obtained one step at a time.

Once you are aware of the obstacles, you will find the awareness

alone will go a long way toward finding the solution, because knowledge

is power.

The solutions and cost of overcoming the obstacles will

become quite obvious.

For every obstacle there is a solution, and the

solution is always available because the answers are with us.

You do not have to look outside of yourself for the answer.

If you know this, you will be guided to the right person,

the right place, the right book or the right situation that

will help you to overcome yourobstacles.

Develop this belief system: "I know what I need to know."

You know what to do and you know how to do it because your Higher

Self or internal guidance system will guide you every step of the way.

All you have to do is be open, responsive and

receptive to the answers.

In doing so you will cease to see obstacles as limitations, because you

will know that who you are is greater than any obstacle.

When you combine your wants, benefits, obstacles and

solutions together in writing, you will gain a tremendous feeling

of power and excitement.

It will also help you to see that most of your

limitations are self-imposed.

Most people do not successfully implement goal setting because

they do not weigh up the benefits, rewards, obstacles, solutions and


If you will commit yourself to working through all of those steps,

you will stay on track.

And you won't get overwhelmed by the size or the

details necessary for your goal's achievement.

You will learn to keep your attention on the specific steps

that, when put together, will allow you to achieve the entire goal.

A primary factor in the successful use of goals is positive


Without positive feedback you will not continue to use goals.

So always keep a list of the goals that you accomplish, including the

obstacles you have overcome along the way.

Buy a special notebook for this purpose and refer to it often.

As you complete your goals, file your written notes in your notebook and review

them periodically.

Keep adding to your list of accomplished goals.

Every time that you look at this list, you will gain further confidence

in your ability to obtain what you want through the process we've just discussed.

On the surface, this may seem like a lot of extra work and effort.

However, I can tell you it is a lot more work and effort to go through life

not having the things you really want.

Do not be fooled by the simplicity of this process and do not underestimate the

power behind it.

To do this would be to sabotage your own potential.

Writing your own script and following through with action is a habit that

will reward you for the rest of your life.

[ Subconscious Mind Power Law Of Attraction Brain Power ] [ Let Your Subconscious Mind

Power Flow ]

For more infomation >> Let Your Subconscious Mind Power Flow. Law of Attraction Brain Power Mind Power - Duration: 30:18.



In this video, we will go over all of the augments you can use in your armour including

what each one does and whether that's a good thing,

By the end of this video you should walk away with a full understanding of everything to

do with armour augments in Mass Effect Andromeda.

Without further delay, let's get into the video.

<title: Armour Augments>

Augmenting armour looks a little intimidating from the outside, but once you lay everything

out on the table it's actually very very simple.

There are 2 types of Armour Augment,

Special Augments & Stackables,

Special Augments are the ones you gain from researching and potentially after researching

from drops

and stackables are simple augments that give flat buffs and are purchasable from General

Merchants such as the one on the Nexus.

Special Augments can only be attached to as specific armour slot, so legs, chest, arms


All stackable can be placed on all slots with the exception of Kinetic Coils which are specific

to Chest.

So the general simple way to approach augmenting your armour is to look at each item individually,

pick your special augment, then fill with stackables and job done.

Because the augments work in this way we'll look at each armour piece with its special

augments and then look at the stackable augments after as a whole.

<title: Helmet>

This one is nice and simple, there aren't any special augments for the Helmet slot,

you can only fill it with stackables.

This is still good as just like the arms and legs with a default of 2 augment slots and

a 3rd from the cryo perk, that's a nice bit of buffage to just have there for a few credits


<title: Arms>

The Arm slot has 3 special augments available to it, you can only pick one of them unfortunately

so your other 1-2 augment slots would need to be filled with stackables.

These augments focus on hover bonuses.

The Aerial Lubricant augment increase Tech Damage by 35% when hovering,

The other 2 mimic this in the other fields with Aerial Performance Optimizer Augment

increasing Combat Damage by 35% while hovering

and the Aerial Stabilizer increasing Biotic Damage by 35% when hovering.

The lack of the word Power in their descriptions makes me think these cover a little broader

spectrum than most but I can't be certain how it is applied,

I am certain it will cover your powers in that field, so it's very good.

Using these augments in weapons are a bit of a bust as while they have value, they take

the place of something that has more value, but in the armour, these 3 are your only special

options and they are better than a stackable, so it is definitely worth taking the best

one to suit your primary power profile.

<title: Legs>

The legs is another simple and cool one,

As with arms, there are 3 special augments available, these all focus on boosting your

melee damage when performing a jump melee, they increase the damage by 50% and give it

a damage type.

Shield Disrupter makes the damage an Electric Type, while Heat Inducer makes it Heat and

Cryo Condenser makes it cold damage.

The big problem I have with these is that they are very very powerful augments when

used in weapons, but you are unlikely to use them all in weapons, so the best option would

be to use whichever you don't in a weapon.

For example I intend to be using Shield Disrupter in my anti-Architect build as well as Heat

Inducer in other builds, so will use Cryo-Condenser here.

I am not aware whether these give your jump melee a priming function with the type it

delivers, if anyone can confirm or deny this in the comments I will pin your comment so

other can easily verify.

<title: Chest>

The Chest slot is the big one having 6 special augments and 1 stackable specific to it,

It is also the largest piece having 4-5 augment slots available dependant on the cryo perk.

The first one here is Electrical Conduits, this shocks enemies who melee you for a good

bit of electrical damage while also stunning them, whether this stuns shielded and armoured

is unknown, but logically I would say yes shielded but no to armoured.

This could very very powerful to Vanguard or anyone who likes to get super close really.

Then there's Rebalanced Field Coils that increases your accuracy by 10% when standing still.

This is useless for some but hugely useful for others,

Anyone who regularly shoots a fully automatic or burst weapon from cover will get a big

boost from this, as far as I've been able to tell, the hidden stat stability is somewhat

helped by accuracy, not hugely, but I do think it adds a little.

This is of course is little use to snipers who's weapon is already crazy high on the

accuracy and if you only use remnant weapons this would also be a pointless venture.

Battlefield Assist Module is next giving you +25 Damage Resistance when your health drops

to 20% or lower,

This sounds great, quite powerful, but I disagree,

Every defensive skill or buff you want prevents you from reaching that 20% mark, even as a

heavy bio-converter user I rarely hit 20%, not only that but that means your shields

are gone by this point too.

I would suggest not using this and focusing more on preventing your health getting that

low in the first place.

Power Booster is a similar augment giving you a 25% increase to Power Status Effect

Duration when your health is 30% or below.

Powerful when activated yes, but again I'd focus more on staying above that, how often

do you plan to be below 30% health?

The next one is Shield Oscillator,

Now, this is probably the best out of the lot, providing everyone with a good way to

buff your shield recharge.

When placed in the chest piece it will give you 25% shields on every kill.

A lot of Insanity player build a gun specifically to boost shields with this augment, you build

a 1 or close clip gun using clip reducing mods etc then you get 25% shields every time

you shoot after a recharge or reload.

Unfortunately, that only really suits certain heavy power users, whereas using the Shield

Oscillator in your chest piece is a great one for everyone.

This is definitely my recommendation for everyone except those who live in melee who still benefit

from it but may wish to go for Electrical Conduits for the stun.

The last one is Shield Sensors which has a 25% chance on shield break to give you 10%

health, now depending on whether your health is heavily buffed or not would determine whether

this augment is any good for you,

Even if your health is heavily buffed and you use bio-converters a lot without team

support, you banking on this slot being only useful when you lose your shields seems a

little reckless, use the oscillator to make sure that never happens in the first place.

The Kinetic Coil while not a special augment can only be placed in the chest part as far

as armour goes, and this is likely to prevent you from stacking huge amounts of damage Resistance,

as that's what it gives you,

+2 Damage Resistance, which is far more powerful than it sounds,

If you struggle to take a few hits, then this is a great filler for your chest piece as

a default, for other options, let's look at the stackables.

<title: Stackable Augments>

So Stackable Augments are great, you can as the tier name suggests, stack as many as you

can fit.

There are a total of 18 stackable augment for armour, 17 if you don't include Kinetic

coils which as stated a few seconds ago, can only be used on the chest piece.

The first 6 are easy to go over,

3 of them are damage boosters for Biotic, Tech and Combat power,

Biotic Damage Booster provides 2% increase to Biotic Power Damage, Tech Damage Module

provides a 2% increase to Tech Power Damage and Combat Power Module provides a 2% increase

to Combat Power Damage.

Nice and simple, flat, small, but effective increases to damage,

Then there's Biotic Recharge Module, Tech Recharge Module and Combat Recharge Module

that all give a 2% increase in their respective power recharge speeds.

If anything, I, being a tech power user with a primary focus on weapons through combat,

would gain far more from Tech Recharge than Tech Damage as my tech powers are generally

used to debuff and enhance my weaponry as opposed to being damaging powers in their

own right, their damage is just a bonus to me.

Thinking like this will allow you to get the most out of your gear and augments by making

the right choices.

The other 11 cover pretty much everything else you may want to buff with one's like

the Medi-Gel Regulator which provides a 2% increase to Maximum Health,

or the Shield Booster which provides a 2% increase to maximum Shields.

Maybe you don't want a boost to the max, but you want better regen,

The Shield Generator gives a 2% increase to your shields regeneration.

If you already use powers that provide a defensive or restorative bonus, then you would probably

find better use in the Support Power Module which gives a 2% increase to Power Restoration

& Defense.

If you wish to focus your efforts to Armour or Shields specifically there is the Anti-Armor

Module and Shield Bypass Unit respectively which I personally would not advise you use,

if it gave more than the standard 2% increase I'd be all up for it, but as it doesn't you'd

be better off just boosting your specific power type and have that buff effective for

all enemies.

The last 4 finish things up nicely giving you 4 different and useful for some options.

The Duration Boost Module gives a 2% increase to all power effect durations,

The Reaction Optimizer gives a 2% increase to all combo damage,

The Reaction Displacer increase all combo radiuses by 2%,

and the Newtonian Multiplier gives a 2% increase to Power Force.

<title: Conclusion & Suggested Picks>

To summarise and collect our thoughts,

For the Arms, definitely worth using one of those special augments for almost everyone,

the one you choose simply depends on which power type you use primarily.

For the Legs, it is likely that you would benefit at some point, but hold these particular

augments uses in weapons as a much larger priority unless you are a heavy melee user.

For the Chest, I would recommend the Shield Oscillator for almost everyone, with maybe

the Electrical Conduits for heavy melee users or just Vanguard that already use a 1 shot

shield regen weapon.

Also if you take damage somewhat often, fill that chest with kinetic Coils after the special

augment for some extra sponginess.

For the Stackable Augments there are different choices for all, look at what your powers

are, if you deal high damage with them, then you'll gain more from buffing that damage,

if they are largely utility, then recharge is most likely to help you,

Do you focus on combos if so combo damage could be good, or if you AOE then combo radius,

you heal or use a lot of tech armour powers then power restoration and defense.

Whichever you focus on the most is going to be used the most and likely to be bigger than

the rest and as these augments all work on a percentage, the bigger the original stat

being buffed the bigger the buff is.

If you are after advice or information on fusion mods I did a video all about them a

little while ago, you can click the top right of the screen now to go to it or just click

the link in the description.

<title: Outro>

I hope you found that helpful, I wanted to cover all bases so likely went over something

you already knew, but hopefully covered a thing or 2 that you didn't.

If there's anything you're still unsure of then please let me know down below and I'll

sort that out as soon as possible.

Like if you liked, dislike if you didn't, subscribe if you haven't already and have

an awesome day folks.



Mega Gummy Dora Ice cream Challenge finger family kids songs | GummyDora ice cream Daddy Finger - Duration: 21:14.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Mega Gummy Dora Ice cream Challenge finger family kids songs | GummyDora ice cream Daddy Finger - Duration: 21:14.


FNAF meets Crafting Guys Minecraft Encounter - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> FNAF meets Crafting Guys Minecraft Encounter - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 2:01.


L.A.S.T 2: Survivor (Official Trailer) 2017 - Duration: 0:52.

We all gotta die.

Let's kill this zombie in this World.

Are you going alone?

Yes, I must go

Charles 4, where are you going now?

Six Hundred 2-2 Landing

You make no sense, Sergeant

Assassin, get up!

Do or Die, I don't care

Take care of yourself.

From those zombies.

Where the hell is Charlie 41!?

I guess hes dead

Hey! Watch out!

For more infomation >> L.A.S.T 2: Survivor (Official Trailer) 2017 - Duration: 0:52.


How do you pray without ceasing? - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> How do you pray without ceasing? - Duration: 4:04.


A Day In My Life + Haircare Routine #GaKusutGaLepek - Duration: 8:44.

Good morning!

Welcome to a day in my life

I'm going to bring you to my whole day today

Actually, this is a quite special video as i've never made such this video

But yeah..

Let's try new concept

Also, i just bought a new camera

And let's play with that

I'm going for exercises with my husband now

And let's go

I just bathed Aiden

And he felt sleepy, so i put him on the bed first

Now, i'm going to take a bath and wash my hair

Because.. my hair is too oily now

After that, i'm going to put makeup on as i have some works

Take some photos

Also, make a video

Specially for you

Which is give away


Stay tuned

So this is the makeup of the day

I let my hair to be just straight

I received many questions about my hair treatment

Honestly, i wanted to make a video about hair care routine

But, i'm confused that how should i make it

As i really only use shampoo

And conditioner, sometimes hair vitamin as well

So if i make a video about hair care routine

It's quite weird as only use those 3 products

So i'll share the products that i use at here

As i don't use other hair treatment

I have to make sure the products that i use are suitable for my hair

My hair is smooth but it's like falling

If i use the wrong shampoo, my hair roots will be drenched

And easily get oily

So, i'm quite picky for shampoo

For these few months, like from the beginning of the year

I've been using Sunsilk Soft And Smooth Shampoo and Conditioner

These are really suitable for me

Because it makes my hair to be smooth but not drenched, oily on the top

As sometimes, if i use nourishing shampoo

Which is smoothing

It makes my root hair tends to be drenched

But i love this Sunsilk as it smoothens

But it doesn't make my root hair to be drenched

Instead, my hair becomes more volumized

I had to make cornrows on my hair to avoid flat hair

But now, look at my hair

It's more volumized but not big hair

But i'm really happy and satisfied as this is really smooth

It feels really smooth and is also shiny

And not tagled


I'm gonna share about how to use conditioner in the right way

Don't use conditioner from the root hair

Because it might produce dandruff on the scalp

Also, our hair would look drenched and oily

The right way is putting it on from the neck below till the end

Let it be for 3 to 5 minutes to get a maximal result

Rinse with water after that

So, that's all my hair care routine

I know it's very simple

But those all are really the only steps

And yeah, i love the result

And now, i'm gonna start my activities

I'm gonna shoot the giveaway video


I just reached home from the evening walk with Aiden

This is the quick update of my hair

I washed my hair this morning and i have done many activities up to now

But as you can see, the condition of my hair is still great

Still smooth

Not drenched and not tangled

I recommend Sunsilk for those who are looking for good shampoo and conditioner

Because.. there is a good result

And i've been using it for quite long

So i know the product is good

That's it the quick update

Now i'm gonna remove my makeup and take a rest

Because i don't have enough sleep recently

So i wanna sleep earlier and it also will make my skin looks better

Okay, i'm gonna remove my makeup now

For more infomation >> A Day In My Life + Haircare Routine #GaKusutGaLepek - Duration: 8:44.


Ankhon Ki Jhuriyan Khatam Karne ka Tarika | How to Remove Eye Wrinkles Naturally at Home - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Ankhon Ki Jhuriyan Khatam Karne ka Tarika | How to Remove Eye Wrinkles Naturally at Home - Duration: 3:44.


How To Set A Personal Best On A Climb | GCN Does Science - Duration: 9:27.

- Conquering a climb is great,

but after you've done it once, if you're anything

like us, you'll probably wanna go up it again, but faster.

So, how do you go about improving your time?

- Well, a lot of it's gonna come down

to plain old fitness and power, but there are a few tricks

that you can use.

So, coming up, are GCN's tips on how

to set a PB up a climb.

- It's gonna hurt, isn't it, mate?

- Yeah.

(upbeat pop music)

- First up, you need to work out how long

the climb is gonna take you,

'cause that is gonna have the biggest effect

on just how you tackle it.

- That's right, so for long'ish climbs,

anything that's around about five minutes or more,

pacing is going to be vital.

Go in to the red at the start,

and you're likely to lose any time gained in the first half,

over the second half.

In this situation, a steady power throughout

is normally ideal.

- Unless there's a variable gradient.

Say for example, your climb starts and finishes

with a steeper section, then actually, the fastest

way to go up it, is to go into the red a little bit,

at the beginning; not too much, but just enough

so that you can keep your speed up,

before backing off ever so slightly

on the flatter middle section, but keeping just enough

in the tank so that you can get out of the saddle

and sprint up that final steep bit.

I said get out of the saddle and sprint

up the final steep bit.

Well done mate, good effort.

How was that?

- Oh, that is brutal, that climb.

- Yeah.

- I went into the red at the start, a bit.

- Good lad, yeah.

- And then, then I slackened off

on the flatter section. - Perfect.

- And then I had nothing left at the end, at the top.

- I hate to break it to you,

but the top's actually just up there.

- I'm not doing that again.

(upbeat pop music)

- For short climbs, on the other hand,

so ones of about three minutes or so,

you can afford to start hard,

and then just try and hold the power as best you can.

Now, a really important point to consider

is your momentum.

So, not just on the climb itself,

but actually the speed that you carry into the climb

will have a huge impact on your time up it,

even with the same overall power.

- To prove this, we are going to do an experiment.

The climb we we're on is around about 40 seconds in duration

and we're gonna do two runs each, at the same power.

Simon, with his almost super-human power,

although not quite as good as the pros,

and then me, as more of a real-world example.

The first time up, we're going to start

from around 10kph, completely fresh.

And then the second time, we are going to carry

as much speed into the climb as possible,

and then compare the two times, at the top.

(upbeat pop music)

Results are in: the second run,

I actually did seven watts less, so 580 versus 587,

but with my momentum, I took four seconds off the time.

So, 42 the first time, 38 seconds the second time.

- Coincidentally, I was also four seconds faster

with momentum.

- What time did you do?

- 37 seconds. - Aah!

- Sorry, mate. - Yeah.

Alright, well that does go to show

that it's quite a significant advantage,

because, well that doesn't sound like much, four seconds,

that is 10% of that time, on that climb.

- Yeah, and even if the climb was longer,

you've still already saved four seconds,

for no extra effort, in the initial part of the climb.

- How much difference, then, does wind make?

Well, really more than you think.

It's very easy to assume that gravity is your only enemy,

when it comes to climbing.

Well actually, that's not the case.

- Now, here is an example, in fact, that we've come up with,

using an online bike calculator.

So, a 70KG rider, riding at 250 watts,

on a four-kilometer long steady climb of six percent,

will take 15 minutes and 30 seconds, with no wind.

So that's an average speed of just under 17kph.

If there is then a headwind of just 10kph,

that time increased to 17 minutes and eight seconds;

more than a minute and a half's difference.

On the other hand, with a 20kph tailwind,

which, we would all love to have, I'm sure,

the same rider, on the same climb, would post a time

of 14 minutes and 15 seconds,

which is a full minute and 15 seconds faster

than even the still day.

So, as if you didn't need telling,

wind makes a big, big difference,

so if you wanna get to that PB,

make sure you check the weather forecast,

and time your attempt right.

(upbeat pop music)

- With that in mind then, it almost goes

without saying, that you should also think about

your position on the bike, when it comes to climbing.

So if we go back into our online bike calculator,

with that same example rider, riding at 260 watts,

on that same four-kilometer climb,

he will apparently save 20 seconds

by riding downhill on the drops,

versus uphill on the tops.

And that differential will increase significantly

if you're dealing with a headwind.

Now there are, of course, comfort and breathing issues

that you can throw into the equation here.

But, if you are comfortable getting aero on a climb,

it will be faster, for the same power.

Make sure you attempt your PB at the right time of day,

because, a team of scientists from Birmingham University

in the UK, actually showed that performance in athletes

could vary by as much as 26%, depending on the time of day.

Yeah, that's 26%.

What is the right time of day though?

Well, it depends on your own body clock.

So if you naturally ride early, and then are early to bed,

you'd be as well to attempt your PB at around mid-day,

whereas night owls peak at around 8:00pm.

How much difference, then, does it make

to be behind another rider, on a climb?

I mean, we see the professionals doing this

at the Tour de France, for example, all the time.

But, does it make a difference for us mere mortals,

and the slower speeds that we are doing?

I think it's time, Si,

for another experiment. - Another one?

- Another experiment. - Two experiments

in one video, whoa.

Okay, this time, we're gonna ride up the beautiful climb

of Cheddar Gorge, three times.

The first one, Dan and I are gonna be side-by-side.

Then the second one, I'm gonna ride on the front,

but at the same power that we've just done,

with Dan on my wheel.

Then the final time, Dan and I will swap 'round,

and then we'll be able to compare the results.

Just how much energy will we have saved

by slip-streaming on a climb?

Should we do it? - Yeah.

- Three times.

- Right, three, two-- - Three, two, one--

- Go. - Go.

(upbeat electronic music)

- And three, two, one, boom. - Whoo!

(upbeat electronic music)

- Okay, you ready? - Oh yeah.

- I did 304 watts, when I was next to you,

the first time up, then when I sat behind you,

I did 286,

for a total saving of 18 watts.

- Yeah, okay, so I did 311 on the front,

and then I did 295, on your wheel.

So that's actually a saving of 16 watts.

- A bit less. - Little bit less;

I think 'cause you're skinnier than me,

so I didn't get much shelter.

- We should also point out, that we did have

a slight tailwind, up the climb,

for all of our efforts today, so presumably,

if we had no wind, or a headwind,

that difference would be even greater.

Right then, so if you want to set a new PB on a climb,

you could get fitter-- - Yeah.

- Or lose weight. - Yeah.

- Or you could cheat, as we have proved today.

So think about pacing; do it when you've got a tailwind.

Do it in the evening; make sure you get aero on the bike,

and perhaps, do it behind somebody else, as well.

- That's right.

We expect you all to be smashing PBs

out of the park now. - Yeah, combine all them.

- That's right.

Do make sure you subscribe to GCN, as well.

To do that, it's very simple, just click on the globe.

And if you want more content now,

then why not click just up there,

for tips on how to get more aero.

- Or, in the other corner, you could find out

how much difference it makes

to lose some body weight, when you're climbing.

For more infomation >> How To Set A Personal Best On A Climb | GCN Does Science - Duration: 9:27.


Light In The Wilderness | Seth Adam Smith - Duration: 5:00.

One of my favorite experiences, in working at Anasazi Foundation, was when I was placed

in a girls' band and working with a young lady from Russia.

Her name was Natasha and she had been adopted from Russia.

Now, when I met her, I was a little intimidated by her because she—she had these dark circles

under her eyes and she had this really biting sense of humor—this really sarcastic demeanor.

Her English was only so-so and my Russian—I know a little bit of Russian—and my Russian

was a little so-so, but we—I knew words that she didn't and I knew words that she

didn't know and so we were able to communicate to each other that way and it was actually

this really, this really fun little way of communicating to each other and I remember

one time, she looked at me—with her sarcastic little sense of humor—and she said: "Сет,

ты говоришь как ребенок."

Which means: "Seth, you speak like a baby."

You know, she had this little smile after she said that, but—

I remember, at one point, talking to her and I can't remember how this conversation came

up, but I remember talking to her one time about light and about how I had felt light

in my experiences—that, that I've had these positive experiences in my life and I said:

"It, it's like light.

It's like that's how it feels.

It feels like light."

And she looked at me across the fire with her, the dark circles under her eyes and she

said: "Сет, в моей жизни нет света."

Which means: "Seth, in my life there has been no light."

And like, a little bit about her story: she was raised in Russia and lived in an orphanage.

She was taken from her mom and her mom had some problems.

I think there was alcohol involved, maybe a learning disability or something.

But, just as an example, for punishment, this girl, Natasha, she saw her mother take her

little sister and sit her down on a stove that was burning.

And so, when, when Natasha talks about a life without light—I can see where she's coming

from, these experiences she's had in Russia; these experiences that she had in an orphanage.

Yeah, she, she really struggled to find light.

And I just remember, I was speaking to her in my broken Russian—that every day offers

us an abundance of light—new light, a new beginning, and that if we move forward into

that light our lives can be filled with light.

And she didn't believe me.

She was very sarcastic about this.

She's like: "No, that's not possible.

That's, that's not going to happen to me.

I'm—I've been around 15 years, it's just—this is not—I've had a very dark life.

It's not going to happen for me."

Well, I, after a few days, I went off the trail—it was after my rotation, I was put

into a different group, a different band the next week.

So, it was about two or three weeks later that I actually got to see Natasha again.

And I remember it so clearly, so vividly, because she came up the creek bed and the

dark circles under her eyes were gone and instead, there was a light in her eyes.

And I remember the first thing she said to me, and it was in Russian.

She said: "Сет, я знаю, что есть свет."

"Seth, I know there's light."

She said that after a really difficult hike, she got down into her sleeping bag and she

was looking up at the stars and she had never seen stars quite like that in Arizona.

You know, where you come out in Arizona and there's no light pollution and you can see

just countless, countless stars and the Milky Way and everything like that.

And I've been in Moscow and the light pollution from the city of Moscow really blocks out

a lot of those stars and you can only see like three or four.

And she said that as she was laying there, looking up at those stars and she realized

that her life had been dark—like the night sky—it had been very dark.

But she could see all of these little pinpricks of light where there was experience after

experience of things, of God, reaching out to her to lift her, inspire her, and carry

her through it.

And she said: "I changed that night.

I changed out there.

Because I know there's light."

For more infomation >> Light In The Wilderness | Seth Adam Smith - Duration: 5:00.


Hello Kitty Boss Baby Finger Family Song Nursery rhymes | Playdoh - Duration: 0:43.

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Hello Kitty Boss Baby Finger Family Song Nursery rhymes | Playdoh - Duration: 0:43.


One reason I started my business - Happy Being You - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> One reason I started my business - Happy Being You - Duration: 3:32.


How To Separate Awesome Music or Audio Tracks From Your Favorite Movie - Duration: 9:29.

Step 1 : Download Camtasia and open it

Step 2 : Import of drag the media you want to extract the audio from into the Camtasia software

Step 3 : In the software, drag the media from the clip bin unto a track

Step 4 : Right click the media and select the "separate audio and video" option

Step 5 : Delete the video track and edit the audio as you see fit

Step 6 : Publish your project

For more infomation >> How To Separate Awesome Music or Audio Tracks From Your Favorite Movie - Duration: 9:29.


How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat - How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat Fast Overnight - Duration: 3:43.

You know that if you want to lose weight anywhere, you have to lose weight everywhere.

There's no such thing as spot reduction.

However, if you want to trim down your inner thighs and firm them up, then this is more

than possible.

What you need is a concerted effort at losing weight, a consistent exercise regime and a

little bit of knowledge about the best exercises you can do to sculpt your inner thighs and

improve how they look.

Tip 1 The best option when selecting food is to

target the fat to reduce the amount of fat which will stored in the body and combined

like thigh tone or skinny legs exercises which well absolutely help the body to target the

fat in your thighs.

If the body stores more calorie that means the body gains more weight.

Foods such as ice-creams, drinks with lot of sugar, candy etc.

Avoid junk foods which does not help the body or just in take low quantity.

I do understand that it is difficult to avoid some foods so i recommend that just take measures

to them.

Tip 2 Lean Protein have a very fewer calories and

less fat.

Avoid meats such as turkey and chicken which contribute to the inner thigh fat.

Replace pork instead of chicken, replace beef instead of turkey.

I personally recommend fish because fish is very lower in fat than most of the meats but

when am choosing fish, i go for fresh fish over tuna, sardine and other fishes.

Tip 3 There are a lot of fat workout guides on the

internet but go for a great training program which is reliable and as well as mobile which

you can get access to it at anytime, anyplace and anywhere.

But choosing a training program online can be a bit expensive and most of them don't

work as i struggled and expend lot of money in the past years.

Tip 4 You can make it daily routing or like 3 times

a week and with less than 20 minutes per day, which can be done in the morning and evening.

Sometimes it is boring but you can make it interesting by using a mobile phone or mp3

player with headphone loaded with your favorite songs and with the help of phone running armband.

You can then invite a friend or even your spouse to join you.

Tip 5 Stand a foot away from a wall with your feet

straight ahead like you are setting down on a chair and your body down the wall by sliding

do this til you are sit with your thighs perpendicular to the surface as in the picture and Hold

this position for about between 45 seconds and 2 minutes as required, maybe i will be

tough for you for the first time.

so try do your best.

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat - How to Get Rid of Inner Thigh Fat Fast Overnight - Duration: 3:43.


adidas ACE 16+ PURECONTROL ULTRA BOOST Unboxing - Duration: 1:27.

This is the adidas ACE17+ Ultra Boost and here we'll show you exactly what you get

in the box when you order a pair.

I'm going to tell you a little more while you watch.

The ACE17+ Ultra Boost is a mixture of the very best from the football pitch and the

very best from running and lifestyle - Boost.

These fine creps are a combination of the primeknit upper from the ACE16+ football boots

without the top layer of silicone and all that has then been slapped on top of the iconic Boost

material - which is a bouncy midsole with little balls that give you awesome comfort and cushioning.

So on top of being hella limited, they're also comfortable and extremely good looking.

What more can you want?

Now you know what's in the box - and if it made you want a pair, you can grab it by clicking the link on your screen right now.

Don't forget to subscribe for more epic unboxings, leave us a like if you had a good time and hit the notification bell button to get your weekly Unisportlife fix

You won't regret it.

For more infomation >> adidas ACE 16+ PURECONTROL ULTRA BOOST Unboxing - Duration: 1:27.


Aussie GF Tries Korean Snacks | - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Aussie GF Tries Korean Snacks | - Duration: 8:58.


7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Jun Ji Hyun - Duration: 3:22.

7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Jun Ji Hyun

Everyone loves watching actress Jun Ji Hyun and the amazing roles that she plays, from My Sassy Girl to Legend of the Blue Sea. But how much do you really know about her?

One of the highest paid Korean actresses in the industry, Jun Ji Hyun has gathered a massive fanbase over her 24 years in the industry.

Jun Ji Hyun has recently recaptured the media's attention, starring in blockbuster drama "The Legend of the Blue Sea". But aside from her amazing talent and memorable dramas, how much do you really know about her?.

Here are 7 things you probably don't know about Jun Ji Hyun.

Her name wasn't always Jun Ji Hyun. Prior to her acting career, Jun Ji Hyun was actually known as Wang Ji Hyun! When Jun Ji Hyun starred in the drama "Steal My Heart" in 1998, the producer Oh Jong Rok, upon casting her, suggested that she use a pseudonym.

The reason was he felt the name Wang Ji Hyun did not roll off the tongue like other actresses' names. This would eventually serve as the catalyst for Jun Ji Hyun's name change.

She wanted to be a flight attendant before becoming an actress. Jun Ji Hyun wanted to become a flight attendant when she was young but gave up after a particularly stirring plane flight experience.

It was at the young age of 16 that a friend introduced her to a photographer, which helped Jun Ji Hyun land her first ever modeling gig.

She rose to fame for her role as The Girl in the romantic comedy "My Sassy Girl".

This might be a bit obvious to many of our readers, but to those who first learned about Jun Ji Hyun through "My Love from the Stars" you might be surprised to find out she had an even bigger role in the past! "My Sassy Girl" remains one of the highest-grossing Korean comedies of all time!.

4,852,845 tickets were sold nationwide, with 1,765,100 being from Seoul, over its 10 weeks in theaters. It's a must watch for those who haven't already seen it.

Jun Ji Hyun married her long time friend Choi Joon-hyuk on April 13th, 2012 at the world-famous Shilla Hotel which costs over $100,000 USD minimum as a wedding venue! She gave birth to their first son on February 10th, 2016 at the young age of 34 after being married for 4 years.

Her husband is also the grandson of one of the most famous Hanbok designers in South Korea, Lee Young-hee.

She is known in Hollywood as Gianna Jun. In 2009, Jun Ji Hyun starred in Hollywood's adaptation of Blood: The Last Vampire.  During the filming and promotions for the movie prior to its release in 2009, she adopted the westernized name Gianna Jun.

She then went on to launch her luxury jeans brand, "Gianna by True Religion".

Jun Ji Hyun's filmed multiple steamy kiss scenes!. Jun Ji Hyun's had some really steamy and passionate scenes with lead male actors such as Kim Soo Hyun in the past.

She even revealed that while filming her kiss scene with Kim Soo Hyun, the director told the that they would have to shoot the scene more than 10 times, no matter what!.

Even if they successfully kissed the first time, he wanted to make sure it was perfect. "All actors get nervous when they're about to shoot a [kiss] scene.

It was my first time acting with a younger man, and it was the first time I was shooting a kiss scene in Korea. I asked Kim Soo Hyun, 'Is this your first time too?' And he said no.

I felt like I was in the weaker position but it was fun. I was satisfied that my first kiss scene was with Kim Soo Hyun!"— Jun Ji Hyun.

She's one of the most in-demand celebrity endorsers in Korea. Jun Ji Hyun has earned over $11,500,000 million USD from more than 14 commercials she's filmed.

She's considered one of the top of advertisement spokespersons in South Korea. She's advertised for major brands like Samsung, Lotte Duty Free, and even Chinese brands in the past!.

For more infomation >> 7 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Jun Ji Hyun - Duration: 3:22.


Squad Going Up Presents: FUTURES YESTERDAY - Duration: 6:18.

we started a project of this sort

the (London) boys were here couple weeks back

to check out our sauce

how our yungins did it

in (Club) Capital

me, and Futures Yesterday

we had so similar energy

that I was like right away

come here

the boy booked a flight

right on the next day we took the road

made a trip to Tampere (city)

for me it was a important piece to show..


how we do

when we takeover another city


it had that clear roadtrip vibe

we had a great squad with us

day one,

here begins the vappu-season (first of may)

Tampere - Helsinki - Tampere

we're gonna put almost one thousand kilometers to the meter

it's all right

Location: Roska, Tampere

we turned them good bangers up

and got a dive into

Futures Yesterday's sound selection

and what he reps

and I was very pleased & confident right off

right when we took over

"Koko Kesä, Joka Kesä" = All Summer, Every Summer

It was a very banger after banger oriented

Fella Friday

In The Trap

with a very raw approach

ratchet style

I loved that

The Squad (Going Up) is however not

on that ratchetness level


its nice to go and burn a place down raw like that

raw like that!

after friday, we came back

with a non existing sleep

for me, maybe like 3 hours

and then you gotta go and drive that 200km back here in Helsinki

took a lil nap back home

wake up right away in the evening

and the show goes on

Squad Way ! got an event to run

Location: Club Capital, Helsinki

I'm very satisfied of how the night went

even tho it's kinda the break day of vappu

and we got it packed

Squad going all the way, way up

3:31 AM


I'm flying London to play over the summer

let's see what that brings & how we proceed


this was a definetly one of those cases



For more infomation >> Squad Going Up Presents: FUTURES YESTERDAY - Duration: 6:18.


Is Ending Heart Disease Worth Giving Up Oil? Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn in Calgary, Alberta - Duration: 25:00.

Hey there modern vegans and vegan curious.

It's Margaret.

And welcome back to ModVegan.

If you're new to this channel,

be sure and give this video a like if you enjoy it,

and also subscribe so you can see more great videos

like this one.

Today I want to share with you my experience

attending Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's discussion

of how to prevent and reverse heart disease

here in Calgary, Alberta.

He was here last Friday,

and I had just an amazing time at his talk.

It was put on by Fork Smart, which is run by

my friend Kate McGoey-Smith, and she was able to get

Dr. Esselstyn here to Calgary, and that was just an amazing


He and his wife both spoke at the event,

and it was a great experience and really nice to get the chance to see him in person,

even though I've seen plenty of his videos online,

and of course watched "Forks Over Knives" and things like that.

But a very different experience to see him in person.

I attended the event with my husband,

and we were both very interested in the event,

mostly because, although we're already vegan,

we've been interested in the benefits of eating less oil,

eating more plant-based foods that are whole.

We try to eat as healthfully as we can,

we try to eat whole foods,

but we of course are not perfect.

As Dr. Esselstyn would say,

we were most definitely not "plant perfect"

and we do eat things with oil in them, and we do eat,

of course, processed foods as well.

And I know that they're not as healthy,

but it was really beneficial to go to the event

and hear Dr. Esselstyn talk about why it's so important

to actually eat whole foods.

I first heard about Dr. Esselstyn before I went vegan,

when he started - I think he was treating Bill Clinton for

a short period of time, and we did hear some really

great things about Dr. Esselstyn from former President

of the United States, Bill Clinton.

And that's where I first heard about Dr. Esselstyn.

And I also watched "Forks Over Knives" and that was also

before I became vegan.

I was just very interested in the information,

and although I enjoyed the film, I must say that seeing

Dr. Esselstyn in person had more of an impact on me,

and it was really neat to get to hear him speak -

primarily because it really drove home to me

how much this man cared about his patients.

I think that was what was most immediately evident

when you're listening to him speak.

You realize the kind of personal relationship that he's tried

to build with his patients, and how much he really cares

about the health of human beings.

And that was very refreshing, it was so nice to see a doctor

that cared that much about people.

Even with most of the studies that he's done,

he's tried to do them in a way that he's been able to have

a personal connection with each and every patient.

So that he can get compliance from them.

Because of course, if you're trying to introduce people

to a whole foods, plant-based diet, with no oil,

that's not an easy thing to do.

God knows that it would be hard for me to follow that diet,

let alone for someone whose brand new to this kind of thing.

And so having that personal relationship with their doctor

makes them much more likely to comply with the diet.

And that was very evident hearing him speak.

And it was also very impressive to hear about

the proportion of his patients that actually did manage

to stay compliant with the diet.

Now Kate McGoey-Smith, the woman that organized

this event, I met her at one of the meet-ups that we had

here in Calgary a few months ago - gosh, nearly a year ago

now - and that was when she was just beginning

to plan this event.

And she told me about her own story, in her own words,

and it was really nice to get to hear her telling me about it,

and of course great to hear it again the night of the event.

But Kate has a very rare disease, called pulmonary hypertension.

And it's an idiopathic, chronic, deadly disease.

And it's very rare.

Only 3 or four out of a million people

will get it.

It's very unusual.

And it is a disease that is helped

by a whole foods, plant based diet.

And when she was diagnosed, she was told she only had

a few years to live.

She was diagnosed as stage three,

she needed oxygen all the time, she was also on insulin,

she was overweight, she could only walk a few steps,

she was nearly blind.

She said that at one point she couldn't even brush her teeth in the morning and see her


So that kind of tells you how bad it was.

And if you were to meet her now, it's hard to even believe that.

I know the first time that I met her, I was really taken aback

to hear her say that she had ever been that ill,

because when you meet her, she just seems like a normal

mom - you would never have any idea that she'd ever been that ill.

And of course, she still has this condition, but for all intents

and purposes, she's able to live a normal life, thanks to

whole foods, plant-based nutrition.

And she really credits that with her ability to lead a normal life,

to be able to enjoy her life with her husband and her children.

And it's just a really great story, extremely impactful,

and it certainly made me interested in hearing more

from Dr. Esselstyn.

Because it's one thing to hear a story from someone in a film,

like "Forks Over Knives," but it is very different if you have

that person sitting right in front of you telling you

about the kind of impact that it's made on their life.

And so, I was extremely impacted by just her story,

and I knew I had to attend this event, and I was very excited.

I told everybody I could in the area that they had to attend this event.

And I was very excited to go and see it.

And Dr. Esselstyn gave his presentation - he talked about

heart disease - particularly about the endothelial cells -

and why oil is such a difficult thing - why plant based foods

are so good for the endothelial cells - and the endothelial cells

are just these tiny little cells that are kind of like the defenders

of your hearts' arteries.

And that's basically what they do,

is they really protect your heart, they help to move things

like cholesterol along, let them not stay there too long.

They don't let anything build up inside the walls of those


But when they become damaged - then you start

to get plaque build up, you can end up with heart disease -

all sorts of problems.

And the things that are hardest on them are animal products,

especially anything containing cholesterol, of course,

but oil is especially difficult because it causes inflammation

on those arterial walls.

And unfortunately, it's not just animal fats hat you need to be avoiding,

if you're someone with this kind of a chronic illness,

if you're developing heart disease or anything like that,

if you're going to want to improve and reverse your condition,

then you are going to need to pretty much eat no oil at all.

And Dr. Esselstyn does a great job of explaining this,

he's very emphatic about it and very passionate about it.

And I think that one of the challenges -

if you're just an average person, and you hear that you shouldn't eat oil, because someone

says so,

it's not that impactful.

It's very easy to make up excuses

and reasons why you think that it might actually be good

to eat oils - especially those heart healthy oils,

like olive oil, like coconut oil -

and I'm going to include a clip here, where Dr. Esselstyn talks about why those kinds

of oils

really do cause damage and are worth avoiding.

Let's just take a moment here,

because some people still are not clear about the fact that

"no oil!"

Alright, why?

Because, the data.

Olive oil is terribly seductive.

Scott Grundy did some studies that are very short term,

that showed that it increases your good cholesterol,

lowers your bad cholesterol, improves your ratio.

It got a huge amount of press, doctors heard about it,

therefore it must be wonderful.



Because you look at longer term studies,

Blankenhorn, right in California.

Two groups of patients.

One saturated fat, the other one

monounsaturated fat like olive oil, baseline angiogram

at the end of the year - the angiogram disease of coronary

disease had progressed just as much in each group.

Lawrence Rudel, and the research triangle

took the African Green Monkey, similar lipid metabolism

to man, saturated, unsaturated -

five years.

In the monounsaturated olive oil group, higher HDL, lower LDL,

better ratio.

Autopsy: just as much coronary disease.

The oil companies didn't like that, so Lawrence Rudel

repeated the study with rodents.

And the result?

The same.

Dr. Vogel has gone on and shown us indeed,

that olive oil activates clotting factor seven just as much

as butter.

And Vogel, in a separate study, and Ong, in a separate study,

have shown how it impairs flow mediated dilatation

that I just talked to you about, the brachial artery

tourniquet test.

And last month, in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,

olive oil, along with meat, and dairy, is implicated

in a risk factor for breast cancer.

While olive oil may seem beneficial in the short term,

long-term, if you were to take someone with heart disease,

and expose them to olive oil for a year, say,

if they were eating olive oil in their food for a year,

it really doesn't have much of a different impact on them than butter.

And that's really important, because I see that it's easy,

as a vegan, to feel like you're already doing all that you could do.

And I don't want to be too dogmatic, about this, because I realize

that many of us are lucky enough to be in extremely good health.

And I appreciate that his wife, did mention

that for people who are healthy, eating nuts, eating avocados

are probably fine.

And you'll find if you're someone in that camp,

someone like me, probably, who is trying to be

as athletic as possible, leading a healthy life,

has no chronic health conditions - something like Rip Esselstyn's

Engine 2 Diet, which I will also be leaving a link to down below,

something like that might be very beneficial for you.

But again, if you are dying from a serious chronic health condition,

it makes sense why you might want to remove all oils from your diet.

And it also makes sense that you'll want to be more attentive

to this kind of thing than most people.

And I think this is where you do have a bit of a difference

between what it means to be vegan, and what it means

to be whole food plant-based, oil free kind a thing.

Veganism is about ethics.

The reason that we avoid consuming

animals and things like that is partly for our health, of course,

but mostly it's about treating other beings with kindness

and compassion.

And Dr. Esselstyn's approach is meant

to help human beings to address their health issues.

So that's why it's a bit more than just a vegan diet.

It's not just about the ethics of course, for other animals

and other species, it's about your own health, and your own

ethics, being kind to yourself.

And it's very clear when you're looking

at people with these chronic illnesses, that are so dangerous,

that it's important to be compassionate about your own health,

and that's kind of what you're doing there.

The reason why someone would follow a whole foods plant-based oil-free diet,

is because they want to address their own health,

and they want to be around, to be there for their children

and their grandchildren, to be able to give back to their communities.

And if you're dying of a health condition, you can't really

do those things.

And Dr. Esselstyn shared a lot of stories with us

about people he'd known in his own life, including a fellow surgeon,

who nearly died from a cardiac event, even though he didn't

know that he had heart disease.

A man that seemed extremely healthful.

But he nearly collapsed and died of a heart attack at 44,

working as a cardiologist - because he was not aware

of the kind of impact that eating animal foods had on his health.

He didn't really recognize it and he didn't really address it

until it was almost too late.

And fortunately in the case of Dr. Esselstyn's friend,

whose health information he shared with us,

this man really was able to turn his condition around

and especially because he was young, he was able

to reverse the symptoms of his heart disease.

And seeing the pictures of the changes in his arterial walls

between before he went on a plant-based diet and afterwards,

no comparison whatsoever.

It's just amazing - there's a vessel

that seems like it's completely closed off, and then the artery

is just clear and beautiful afterwards.

It was amazing.

But those kinds of changes can't be accomplished on a vegan diet alone.

You need to be eating whole foods, you need to be doing things

that are really good for your cells and things like that.

And it requires a bit more if you have that kind of an illness.

Dr. Esselstyn also addressed a few things that we can

all do, that are going to improve our health a lot.

Of course, eating whole foods is very important,

because those whole foods have all sorts of amazing

nutrients that are really good for your body, and help you

to fight disease, and they also help to make your heart healthier.

And one of the ways that they do that is by helping your body to produce more nitric oxide.

And this is this great gas that basically gets in there into your

arteries in your heart and helps to widen them a bit, because it's this gas that kind

of puffs it up and lets things flow through.

It's kind of like a little pump thing.

I don't know exactly how to describe it, I'm going to butcher it here, but it's basically

this great thing that makes your arteries function much better.

And there's a few ways that you can improve that and help your arteries to function better.

But one of them is eating lots of dark leafy greens.

Six servings a day, if you're someone who is suffering

from cardiovascular disease.

And it's probably a good idea for anyone.

He wants you to eat about a cup of cooked greens, six times a day,

with some kind of acetic acid on it, or vinegar.

And I'm not sure if I'd be able to eat six cups,

but still, it's a great recommendation, and I think

it would be for everyone if you tried to eat a little bit more.

So trying to eat around six servings a day of dark, leafy greens, amazing for your heart,

helps it to be better off.

He mentioned things like, in terms of those dark greens,

of course, kale, collards, swiss chard and other things like that.

And just kind of blanching them and serving them with some vinegar.

Which is actually very tasty and it's a delicious dish.

And it's also super good for you.

So I would say, at least try and do it maybe once a day, if you can't do it six times a


But it's a great thing that you can do that's really good for your heart,

and good for your body in general.

It was an amazing event, and I'm so glad I attended,

and I learned so much.

Again, I will have some links to some more videos from Dr. Esselstyn down below,

and also a link to his book, "How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease"

because I think it would be extremely valuable for anyone who's dealing with a disease like

heart disease,

and it's just such good information, and one of the things that you're really going to

appreciate about Dr. Esselstyn

is that he doesn't - at least that I appreciated about him -

is that he doesn't oversell anything.

He is completely honest about the research that he's done,

and he doesn't try to pretend that his research shows anything that it doesn't.

He's not going to make claims that are out-stated, and wrong - it's really important to him to

be honest,

and to be a good researcher and to be a reliable person,

and I just found that so refreshing in an era of snake-oil,

when people will tell you that they have the cure-all for everything.

He doesn't do that.

And I really appreciated that, and I can see why so many really admire him, because he

really doesn't do that.

But one of the things that I also thought was interesting was,

that as we were leaving, there were a couple of women behind us as we were just heading

out the doors,

and one of them turned to the other one, and she was saying

"oh, this sounded so good!"

But her friend responded back to her,

"well, it sounds pretty good for heart disease, but I think that's all it's really good for.

It's pretty much only good for heart disease, you heard what he said."

So, first of all, they discounted any additional health benefits just from the fact that he

didn't make any extraordinary claims.

So - and also, I just thought it was fascinating that he had told us in one evening,

how to make sure that we never had a cardiovascular health event.

If you followed his advice, the number one killer of people in the global north could

be solved.

We could completely get rid of heart disease, and he has the research to show that.

That we could completely neutralize our number one killer.

And it was very interesting to me that people could hear that, and then be disappointed,

or just discount the entire thing, because, well, it only affects our number one killer.

It really only prevents that, so why would you do it?

And I just thought that was really fascinating, that apparently solving the number one health

issue for people living in the developed world - is just not worth it.

It's a little bit too much work.

If that's really all it helps with, what's the point?

I thought that was really funny, and not just funny,

but kind of sad, because it really says a lot about the way that people view their health.

And it really speaks to what Dr. Esselstyn was saying as well.

That so many people are willing to take drugs that have horrible side-effects,

they're willing to go through open heart surgery that may not even be able to deal with their

problem -

because some of the patients that he had, in fact a lot of them,

were people that were beyond the point where they could even receive stents,

where they could even benefit from bypass surgery.

Because, for example, some of them just had small arteries that were so clogged that there

was nothing that doctors could do, they were beyond help.

And with those people he was able to prevent them from having additional heart attacks.

I think that is absolutely incredible, and if you really know much at all about cardiovascular


you'll recognize how truly revolutionary that is,

and how helpful it is.

Here this is a lifesaving cure that is for people who are beyond the reach of traditional


who cannot be helped by surgical intervention -

who perhaps might not be able to take statins,

simply because of other health problems that they have.

Because there are people who unfortunately are not even able to take statin drugs.

So it really is revolutionary, and can save so many people's lives,

and I found that so amazing, and so wonderful.

It's such good news to hear.

And if you can live simply by removing oil and animal products from your diet,

and eating as many whole foods as possible,

isn't that worth it?

I mean, I think it is.

I really do enjoy living!

And if I can prevent diseases like that by doing those things,

I think it's really well worth it.

And it kind of comes back to, as a society,

the mentality that we have.

I think it's far too easy to develop a mentality where you just - you wait for doctors to come

along with a drug.

And I'm not against that at all - I really do believe in medicine and everything like


but the idea that you just wait for that to happen,

and that you rely on that - if you can do something so much better - it's just -

if there's something that is a much better solution,

a more wholistic solution that's going to make you feel better,

and keep you from dying, I can't think of anything much better.

And I hope you guys feel the same way too.

I strongly encourage you to check out his information,

and I hope this was helpful to you guys.

If you do get the chance to see him in person,

do go for it, because I would definitely - now I really want to see his son Rip in person,

I think it would be amazing to see him,

because I'm interested in that because I'm more interested in athletics and things like


so I would love to know about the benefits of a whole foods diet for athletes and stuff

lie that.

But just seeing Dr. Esselstyn speak, it was so inspiring to see him and his wife speak,

to see people in such vibrant health in their old age,

who are out there trying to spread this message of good health to other people.

When it came time to ask a question, I asked Dr. Esselstyn

about what we can do, as people who are aware of the benefits of whole foods plant-based

nutrition -

what we can do to influence public policy.

And he really responded that the main thing that we can do

is to become involved in whatever capacity that we can,

and I agree with him whole-heartedly about that.

We need to be involved.

People who are in the position of being researchers need to make sure that they're out there doing

their research, trying to get grants so that they can show the evidence of these things


There have been plenty of doctors who have published fairly large studies on some of

these things.

Including, of course, I know Dean Ornish also produced a study on the effects of whole foods

diets on heart disease as well,

but it's important to have as many of those kind of studies as we can.

It's important to get these people into positions where they're able to tell people things with

more authority.

Getting people to become more involved in politics and things like that,

there's so many ways that we can do that, but it's really just about taking that first


And so, I think before you can even take any other steps,

please do learn about this.

There's some very good information out there.

I think it's also important - one woman asked a question about olive oil,

and about whether olive oil is good for your health,

and things like that, because her husband said it was,

I think one of the things that I really appreciated about Dr. Esselstyn is that he's very honest

and thorough in his research.

And the reason that he says not to have oil is because

he's really examined all of the research.

And while in short term studies, it shows that plant-based oils are healthier than non-plant

based oils (and of course,

you've got the omega 3s are better than the omega 6s, and things like that)

- it really doesn't compare to the benefits of oil when it's involved in a whole food.

And it also shows that over time, when you look at the research over time,

those oils really are not as beneficial as they seem.

So it's not the same to run a study on someone immediately after drinking olive oil, vs.

someone eating olive oil for a year and then seeing what the effect is on their cardiovascular


So I appreciate his thoroughness.

And I think he really is someone who shows us how important it is to be thorough,

how important it is not to make grand claims that we can't support, those kinds of things.

And I really see the great value in that, and I think that's one of the things that

he represents more than anything else.

Finally, I found a little clip of Bill Clinton talking about Dr. Esselstyn.

And I thought this was really funny, because when Dr. Esselstyn talks about what he eats,

he does say absolutely no oil ever,

and I found this little clip and I thought it was really funny,

because Bill Clinton explains that Dr. Esselstyn isn't always perfect.

Clinton: You can fudge, just not too much.

Even, you know, Dr. Esselstyn, who has the most, probably,

militant position.

I mean, he doesn't even eat things made with olive oil.

And he looks great.

He's about ten years older than we are.

But he has a piece of chocolate every New Years' Eve.

So, he fudges!

Okay, so maybe a square of dark chocolate on New Years' Eve is less than most of us

would be able to get away with in a year,

I think I'd have a hard time keeping limited to that,

but I admire Dr. Esselstyn's discipline.

I hope that you guys benefitted this, that it was a good discussion.

I'd like to know what you guys think about it.

Do you think it's really possible to live in the modern world without oil?

I know for me, personally, I will try and avoid cooking with oil as much as I can at


Although, when it comes to eating things like that, I'm not quite ready to give it up yet.

It's not so much that I want to oil,

it's just that I really enjoy being able to go and eat and it's nice.

It's hard enough being vegan, but if I was going to try and make sure that none of my

food was cooked with oil,

it might be a little bit too difficult for me,

but if you guys think that I should try and do it anyway,

let me know, I would love to know what you have to say about it.

And if you've benefitted from a whole food plant based diet,

and it's really made a difference in your life, I'd really love to hear about that as


It's very interesting to me as well.

I'd just love to hear your story if it's something that's helped you out as well.

Thank you so much for joining me here today,

and taking some of your time out to watch this video.

If you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you liked what you saw.

And I will see you in my next video.

Take care,


For more infomation >> Is Ending Heart Disease Worth Giving Up Oil? Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn in Calgary, Alberta - Duration: 25:00.


How to master your day | The 4-D's of Time Management ✔️ - Duration: 3:48.

Hey, what is going on guys?

Ishraj is back, and I just wanted to tell you all, "Thanks for your continuous love and support

again, and some of you have been requesting for my next YouTube video!

So, here it is.

And, this is the video I made for you guys."

So, in this video, I'm going to talk about how you guys can make the most of your day,


And how can you do that is by acquiring more time.

Remember, you have to work not to get money but to get more time!

This is the mistake that people do.

When I say, "the mistakes that people do: I'm referring to the 90% of people, here.

The 10% knows it very well that you don't work to get money but what you should do is

work to get more time.

And, if you realise that early enough in your life, it will take you very far.

So, let's crack it down and get to the main topic of the day: How can you get more time

in a day?

Well, this is where I'll introduce to you the 4-Ds of time management.

So, what is the 4-Ds of time management?

It's simply, "for every task that you have, you have to ask yourself these four


Should you do it now?

Should you delay it?

Should you delegate it?

Or should you just dump it?"

Should you do it now?

Is that the most important thing you could be doing right now?

If the answer is yes, do it now.

So, that's the first D of time management: Do it now.

The second D is 'delay it.'

If it's not that important, and you think that there is more important things to be

done, delay the task for now!

This is called, "Prioritise priorities."

So, delay it.

The third D is 'delegate it.'

Is that a simple task that you think somebody else can do for you?

If you think it is possible, then delegate it to someone else.

You might have to pay them some money but that time that you've saved by delegating

that task will bring more money to you than paying someone else to do that work for $10-20

an hour.

So, delegate the task!

Finally, the fourth D is 'dump it.'

If you think this is a waste of time, like, you've been addicted to checking your Facebook

notifications or watching a TV series or you're going out with friends when you have more

important things to do at home, just dump the whole task, itself!

Don't just say, "Yes" to everyone who invites you – choose wisely who, where and

what you're spending your time on.

So, that was it guys!

The four D's to Time Management: • DO IT NOW;



So, again always ask yourself this question first before you take any action: "Is this

the most important task that I could be doing right now?

If the answer is yes, Do it Now.

If no, think about the other 3-Ds, and, then, take action.

So, hope this helps you guys!

And, because you've been so supportive and loving, I'd like to give you something today.

I'm giving away 1 Hour of my time for free this week to spend with you, face-to-face

or via Skype, so you can ask me any question that you want regarding how you can improve

your life.

The rules are simple: just subscribe to my YouTube channel and drop a comment below, and I'll

choose the winner by next Wednesday.

And as usual, don't forget to like, subscribe and share this video with your friends and


This is your friend, Ishraj, signing off for today!

See you at my next YouTube video for yet another amazing life lesson with Ishraj.

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