Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 3 2017

Hi everyone, in this video you will learn how to play the SpongeBob theme

As many of you already know, in my version of this song I used this mini guitar

But in this video lesson I'm going to teach on a ordinary guitar.

That sounds great especially if you play in the higher regions

But I will teach without the capotraste in this class to be as clear as possible

As you already know I use in my arrangements 7-string guitars,

but for this video I took off the seventh string to not confuse it. So here I am using a 6 string guitar.

So how will I teach this class?

I'm going to put a tab on the top of the vídeo.

And the cameras will be focused on my hands

And I'm going to tell you the most important aspects of the technique

So let's start. In this arrangement I developed a different tuning to make it easier to play

1st and 2nd string are on standard tunning

E... B

3rd string is G#

4th string is D#

5th string is A

And 6th string is D

So tune your guitar so we can start

Follow the tablature the first chord of the music

How to play it?

Index finger on the fourth string and the middle finger will alternate between the fifth and the sixth string

In the right hand we will use a technique called the thumb slap

Which is an attack of the index finger held at the same time that you tap with the thumbs the top strings

Then I play the bass, perform the thumb slap and end up playing the second string

It will be like this

The left hand should make a vibrato to create the same effect of the original theme.

I did this intro 4 times and now the melody starts.

Folow the tab


But you need to play this along with the thumb slap and chords

The ring finger on the 3rd string

The 3rd note of the melody is played together with the thumb slap

Important: the thumb slap need to be very precise to play the notes of the melody on the 2nd string

If I play everything it goes wrong. Look

This is wrong. The right is:


The next note, change the bass on the left hand. Again:

So, you play this phrase of the melody and return to the accompaniment chords

you will play this 3 times. In the 3rd repetiton you will repeat the bass


After you have played 3 time the melody alternating the bass and in the 4th time repeating the bass

Now goes to a very easy chord

Take a look

Play 3 times this chord. How is it?

ring finger on the 1st string, Index finger 3th string and middle fingers 5th string

The bass alternates playing the 5th and 4th string

Let me play from the last part to you understand the change

Follow the tab

change the chord

3 times

In the end you will play one more time the beginning of the strumming




now play again

It´s like 3 1/2 and you come back to the last chord

Will sound like this:



Now, lets continue...

when you finished this part of the melody...

you will play the bass and will do this:

You need to do two thumb slap and mute with the left hand

Can´t sound like this:

In you right hand you need to focus to only play the sharp notes

wait a moment and play:

How to do this chord? here:

1st fret and 2nd fret.

And little finger on the 4th fret


Now we have this muted notes

And you will change your fingers

You will play an slide and put you index finger


I will play again very slow

Understand the muted notes?

The second repetiton...

And continuing...

Again very slow

So you come back to the melody again:

The diference is that in the 2nd time the bass notes are diferent

Look the tab. 1st time like always...

Alternate the bass

On the 2nd time you star on the 5th string

Same melody


You will play open 4th string


Understand? now you will do a chord where you need to mute the 1st string and aim your slap only on these two strings

And you can do a bend

You can do a bend or a slide

And do a vibrato to sound like the original music

I will repeat very slow

In this last section you need to aim the slap down here

Tip: if you aim you slap down here its ok because the 1st string you will mute

This is it my friends. I hope you have enjoyed the lesson. This was my first class in this format. If you need help you can email me

I hope you liked and from the botton of my heart thanks for watching. Bye!!!

For more infomation >> Fingerstyle Tutorial: SpongeBob (Full Lesson) - Duration: 13:23.


AppLike May 2017 Review (MAKE 400$ A YEAR SLEEPING) - Duration: 15:44.

Hello guys. This is a doge king app review and

This is actually my first review, and I figured I'd start it off on an asset to

absolutely immaculate to my eyes

But I'm going to be a realist like you know before I even touch [it] and show you the app and everything

I just want to say like

you will make money on this app and

Judging by you already reading a title in the description

You'll kind of know what I'm getting [at] here like

you will make [twenty] [dollars] probably in the first two weeks and then

Twenty Dollars in three weeks after that and twenty dollars and four weeks in five weeks etcetera etcetera etcetera. [I] don't know the

Mathematical Pattern to be honest, but it's something along the lines of that

But whatever it's free money you literally don't have to do anything

And I'm being honest like I

Have to shit out. There's a scam perfectly honest, but I'm recording this on my phone [that] I actually use on a day-To-day

basis and the phone You see

Is the phone that [I] no longer use as you can see I cracked the screen. It's a little outdated

Yeah, so I just use this phone

Yeah, should I show the app first or the yeah? I'm gonna show the app first

okay, so this is that like

X happening, okay, well it takes a while to load so talk about some more crap

See how one trick you're going to want to learn

What this app is you're going to want [to] learn how to keep your phone screen on

because if your phone screen turns off

you'll have to keep tapping your screen and assuring that it's on so that you keep earning a point to

Get the balance

So much to talk about okay, so yeah, it's not really going to be a short video, but it will be worth it

Make sure you

Okay, so this is the app

You generally?

Download apps and you leave them on and you accumulate [points]

One thing I find handy is you don't actually have to play the apps you can just leave the app on overnight. [we're] sleeping

You can wake up next morning and check out how many points you got see if there's any new apps that [will]

Bring you more points then because one thing that does happen when you leave an app on after a long time is

when you first get the app

It'll say in one minute

You will get anywhere from 70 to I think it's 300 Mm [coins]


and after time

as you can see some of my more overplayed apps in seven hours, you'll get

673 Endpoints, so [you're] going to probably want to not play those apps as much

Assuming you played them a lot already and you're going to kind of just want to check app like every day assuming

You're leaving it on

24/7 and

Like I am [well]

you don't have to but if you are doing what I'm doing you're going to want to check app like every single day and

see if there's a new app that will get you lots of points in one minute and

consume it three minutes four minutes after that [bla] [Bla] [Bla] [Bla] [bla] so [um]


There is a little bit of math to it if you want [to] be earning with most you can [possibly] get

but if you're not much of a mathematician

kind of goes the flow you know go for the ones that rest us top of the list first and

Just kind of work your way down

[Yeah], so

So the apps you are going to Wanna install are going to be the ones that are two

Three or four stars you do not want to install apps that are one stars

because sorry one star because those apps barely pay anything and

It is [a] waste of time you'll be paying more for electricity

charging your phone, so

Yeah, so once you accumulate the [em] coins that you need you can go to

Bonus which is a cache of option for PayPal

Now you can do gift cards, but it is currently offline

However that doesn't bother me much because Paypal is what it is all about at the end of the day am I right I?

believe [I] am anyways, so

yeah, so you exchange your m coins for the

Price of M coins, it says you can exchange

For real money. I totally butchered [that] sentence [or] whatever I'm sure you all know what I mean, but my technique is

To only cash out a twenty because you're getting a discount on the points and at the end of the day you're saving

your points you got more money and

Have I shown everything on this app? Yeah? It's basically

I'll come back to it to show you how it works when you actually want to play the ad or the app um

So okay [pal]. Okay? [I] don't have my taped off on there. It's on the phone. I'm [using] right [now]

well, I

Apologize one second

Okay, well Paypal is not on here so excuse [the] delay. I have to get proof here

Sorry, I'm just going to a [file] on [my] computer


Anyway, I'll talk about some something else. [oh]

Well that load so what you're going to want to do is make sure that your screen stays on [all] night. I

Don't know what it is for iphones and all that but I'm there's there's lots of apps out there that you can install

like stay [Brace] and stuff like that that'll keep your screen on so

But assuming you already have an Android

Don't waste time

making up

Memory and phone go to more. I don't know [wife] does not want to get out and

I think it's about about device


Yeah, you can look it up how to put your samsung in developer mode and once it's in developer mode

[it] gives you a list of options and this is on every Android device on my ad

[it'll] give you a list of options that you're going to want to not screw around with because you may mess with your phone and

I don't recommend it, so

To avoid getting off-track [the] only thing you're going to want [to] press is

Stay awake, okay

Is everybody staying awake here?

Okay moving on


Just payPal load yesterday, okay? Well again

So proof of payment here this app actually does [payout]. I have noticed a lot [of] people saying it isn't paying out and

that the

applet customer service

Isn't replying?

Okay, so anyways

[and] that they're not [replying] to people's you know complaints

Basically and one thing you go to noble app like is it is a german it's a company based in Germany I?

Don't know this for sure. I'm just assuming but I'm pretty sure they only speak German, so if you're going to send a support ticket

And you don't speak to him and maybe use the Google translator or something I?

Don't know I've never had to actually send a ticket because everything works fine [for] me. I assume

they just don't pay when people try to hack the

The app and [deus] illegitimate stuff and they figure it out like never clear your data on the app

So you can try to get the same apps again never try to change your email

And stuff don't try to run like vPN

To disguise your IP address like all that stuff's going to get you caught and it's going to compromise your phone

And you'll never be [able] to run out like again

No matter what you do and of course at [that] point in time

Or if you are going to think it's a scam if you're in denial about what you're trying [to] do in the first place

but from what I have read they do not care if you leave the screen on they really really don't and

When did I download this app? I bought it on my birthday april 15th, so


13 Days

To receive my $20 payments in Canadian. Which is 13 euros, but whatever country when you're in

They will pay you $20

Which I find is a little unfair but I think they make a balance with the [Em] coin

the uncommon that you need to cash out on it, so

Anyways yeah, so 13 days if my math is right it took me to get received the payment

And I believe it took two days to get in my account. So that's

11 days it took me to earn $1 everybody. I'm serious and I did nothing nothing

[sure] when I first got the app

I actually thought I had to play the games and whatever but after I found out that trick it was all smooth [sailing]

I just left my phone charging

Yeah, I had plans on getting a new phone anyways and instead phone was a piece of crap. [so] [it] was a perfect hub for

some extra currency and like

Everybody's thinking right now. Probably you know 20 bucks and 11 days that's chump change

But you know you do the math on that

What is that like two dollars a day? How many days are in a year?

[I] mean, you don't think about it and at the end of the year

You got seven hundred and thirty dollars you know that's probably more than you get back for your taxes. It's probably more

Than you get back

Dearly for anything you know that's just something you don't think about it accumulates, and I'm going to be making some later videos

[this] is my first video, but I'm going to be making some other doge king review videos app review videos that

Will explain what you should do if you know you want to make more money with the money room?

I'm talking about investments of course I don't want to get off track

so if you want to you know find out a little bit more about that then subscribe to my channel and

I'll hopefully have some more videos up soon

but yeah

$13 I don't even know if I was [showing] that this whole time [I] kind of got sidetracked

$13 April 27th. I bought the app April 5th


14 euros is 20 Canadian, so

Another thing I want to add is it is may 1st

7 days later and I

Already got another 35,000 M coins

which is

[3/4] of the way to $5 so if my math is right there

Yeah, so probably take you about a month to get 20 after that and then maybe a month and a half to go 20 after


It will slow [down], but like I said it's free money

And you can't complain if you don't really want to use your phone anymore

or if you [just] want to do it half the time when they went into sleeping, so

It really doesn't matter because you're still making money at the end of the day assuming you have a PayPal account

[so] yeah, so

Yeah, and you can level up there as you see and every time you level up you will get a bonus a level up bonus


I'm not here to make money off everybody

I'm actually here to do the exact

Opposite and to be a realist because I'm sick of people s today you can make seven hundred dollars a day off this stupid ass

well, it's not to do but it's people to say you can make seven dollars a day off set because like I said I'm a

Realist and that is not realistic so yeah, I'm here to make you guys money

I don't want to make money off [of] you, but if you do want to help me out

Yeah, this shows you how much I care about it. I don't even know when my referral code is

Yeah, screw it anyways yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't care about the I'm coins. It's here to help you guys out [and]

So download app like it's a great app

You know I'm going to be kicking myself. If I don't [sure] this referral is I gotta find [it], but

Yeah, download app like the great app

I'm going to take a wild shot in the dark and say you can probably earn [300] dollars a year

Using it and you don't think about it. You [just] you don't think about it and at the end of the year?


Cash out on it. So oh

Okay, you know what I can't find my referral code

So I'm going to put it in the description and if you guys want to add me on the app you can it'll give you

My [monas] of twenty five hundred. I believe if I read that correctly ferment from the reviews

So it'll automatically give you 2,500 to start I if I'm correct if you download the [app] you get also another

4444 So

By starting off you can already have you know [7500] which is

75 there is

Basically a dollar it's basically it once you get your first app running

And you walk away to you know do your laundry and have a shower you'll have $1 so

Yeah, so just add my referral code

It'll help you out. It'll help me out

everybody gets helped out at the end of the day, and it's all free money, so


thank you for watching my video and

Stay tuned for more. This has been a doge king app review. Thank you

For more infomation >> AppLike May 2017 Review (MAKE 400$ A YEAR SLEEPING) - Duration: 15:44.


Bad Baby Crying and Learn Number For Kids - Learn To Count From 1 to 10 - Crying Baby For Kids - Duration: 3:26.

Bad Baby Crying and Learn Number For Kids

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For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying and Learn Number For Kids - Learn To Count From 1 to 10 - Crying Baby For Kids - Duration: 3:26.


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Alicia Clark ♠ So Far - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Alicia Clark ♠ So Far - Duration: 3:42.


What's cooking vktoons? #14 - Duration: 1:59.

Hi! Let's have a quick look on what vktoons... cooks these days!

Little by little we prepare our next cartoon.

It is already delayed, if we want to be honest.

You'll know it's title in time.

As for the story, it goes back, really back at the past.

The animated sequence of "Bunny Poo Salad" continues.

Scenery is ready and we move on to the characters.

At the same time, I work on different character types

who are going to be used mostly on commercials, or I hope so.

Currently, work is done with the hand and with a pencil.

WE prepare the new educational web series on animation by vktoons.

More, on Saturday at 111 pm (local time) here,

on vktoons' youtube channel. We'll be waiting for you!

Finally, perhaps some of you have watched the videos

on how you can have a better relation with vktoons' channel

and that way to help us!

We believe that there will be two more relevant videos.

That's all for today! Don't forget our "live" on Saturday, at 11 pm (local time) on this channel.

In any case, we'll talk again on next Wednesday with the next "What's cooking vktoons?"!

For more infomation >> What's cooking vktoons? #14 - Duration: 1:59.


Heavy Anarkali Dresses Designs for Wedding Party: Latest Floor Length Long Designer Anarkalis Online - Duration: 2:01.

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For more infomation >> Heavy Anarkali Dresses Designs for Wedding Party: Latest Floor Length Long Designer Anarkalis Online - Duration: 2:01.


This is Tomek... (one minute stories) - Duration: 1:51.

I had a dream.

Standing on the stage.

In the flash lights.

All my life I was trying to make this dream come true.

Learning how to play guitar,

trying to sing, trying to act.

Actually, with no success

for the sake of my wife.

Luckily I found my own way to the stage.

Humorous speeches, jokes, doing stand-up comedy.

Of course, not all of my jokes are perfect.

But still, this is the learning curve.

I am collecting the feedback,

on my programme and

improving my stand-up,

my punchlines and me.

My personality, my attitude,

my skills.

This is a continuous work.

The continuous journey.

I am Tomek Jacel

Lead Project Manager at Deloitte Digital.

The priest before my wedding

asked me how I met my wife.

I could not tell him that I have met her

in the night club being completely drunk.

I had to make up something different.

So I told him:

I met her in... a church.

I was praying.

Praying so passionately.

Short prayers. Long prayers.

Prayer after prayer.

Prayer on the rocks.

Pray colada.

Sweet prayer pirinha.

I even started to see the spirit.

For more infomation >> This is Tomek... (one minute stories) - Duration: 1:51.


Get E Aadhaar Lost EID UID - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Get E Aadhaar Lost EID UID - Duration: 6:28.


Kids Play Fun Newborn Baby Angry Twins Games & Fun Kids Baby Care Games For Toddler And Preschool - Duration: 8:46.

Kids Play Fun Newborn Baby Angry Twins Games & Fun Kids Baby Care Games For Toddler And Preschool

For more infomation >> Kids Play Fun Newborn Baby Angry Twins Games & Fun Kids Baby Care Games For Toddler And Preschool - Duration: 8:46.


Robot Dinosaur Black T-Rex | full episodes | Repair Dino Robot Bundle - Duration: 16:14.

Robot Dinosaur Black T-Rex | full episodes | Repair Dino Robot Bundle

For more infomation >> Robot Dinosaur Black T-Rex | full episodes | Repair Dino Robot Bundle - Duration: 16:14.


Walk Away - Duration: 2:35.

Yesterday, in our section from Luke 16 we saw that, you know,

Abraham told the rich man that there was no way

for him to get out of hell once he found himself there.

And this is how the rich man answered Abraham once he realized that.

The rich man knew what his brothers needed to do

in order to avoid hell.

They needed to repent.

And you know what it means to repent?

There's a, there's a cave in Mexico that was discovered only about 20 years ago.

It's called the Crystal Cave.

It's underground

and it has crystal, very large crystals,

some as long as 36 feet,

as round as, like, silos

that you would see on, on a Wisconsin dairy farm.

They're huge.

And crystal can be worth up to $21,000 per pound,

which means that this cave is incredibly valuable.

And you can,

you know, you can see it.

You can visit it.

But there's one thing you should know before you go in.

It's 136 degrees inside,

which means you would only last about 30 minutes

before the extreme heat burned you alive.

And so if you get into the Crystal Cave, just don't get too attached to it.

You need to turn around and walk away before it's too late.

And that's what it means to repent.

It means to turn around and walk away

from our excessive love of money,

of wealth,

of shiny, worldly things that we're one day going to lose anyway,

and turn towards


a man who did not turn away from the fiery pain of hell,

and the thorns,

and the whip,

and the nails that were pounded into him.

Whose naked body was laid, not at the gate of a rich man,

but at the foot of a cross

and then lifted high so that he could show the world,

the whole world, how desperate he is

to forgive us

for all the times that we have loved anything more than him.

The one who notices,

who sees all of our hurt,

all of our need,

all of our weakness,

all of our pain,

and is determined to stay by our side through all of it.

Would you like to receive these messages directly in your email inbox?

Click on the link that's located in this post and sign up for free.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Walk Away - Duration: 2:35.


Travel - House Cleaners and Maids How Far Should You Go for a Job? - Duration: 5:47.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is the show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's question comes from a house cleaner who is moving thirty miles down the road from

where she has been living.

Now the clients that she has been servicing, living another thirty miles down the road.

So, just roughly, as far as driving time goes, it's going to take her about an hour to get

one way to her cleaning clients houses, and another hour to get back home in the evening.

And so, her question is; "Is it worth the travel time, or should I just say goodbye

to those clients and go find new clients at the new place?"

That's a great question.

But in the house cleaning industry, we don't get paid for time and travel.

That would be the equivalent to anyone who has a job who has to commute to their job

in the morning.

Or the afternoon, or whenever they go to work.

You commute to your job, and you commute back.

The difference is in house cleaning, we are not bound by a specific office location.

We do not have a specific place we go for business.

As house cleaners, we can choose to work wherever we want.

Now, having said that, that applies to independent house cleaners.

This is not for franchisees who are assigned a particular territory.

If you're a franchise, when you buy into the franchise, you buy a particular territory

that may not be close to where you live at all.

Sometimes it's not even in the same state.

And so, the reality is you are bound by the regulations of that franchise.

But if you're a small mom and pop company, and you're an independent house cleaner, you

can choose to work wherever you want to work.


And so, if you have a choice to travel an hour to go clean someone's home, choose someone

that lives closer.

The wear and tear that you put on your car is going to be paramount to the success of

your business.

You're going to have a lot of gas expense.

You're going to have a lot of driving time.

That takes time out of your profits, that takes money out of your profits.

That's just not necessary.


And you might say "Well, all the good houses are an hour away."

Not true.

Not true.

I think that's easy to say that if you're unaware that at all different socioeconomic

levels there are people willing to pay for house cleaning.

From studio apartments and college dorms all the way up to multi-million dollar houses

that probably need five or six house cleaners to maintain.


So, there is a wide variety of people that are willing to pay for house cleaning.

So, my suggestion would be to find somebody that lives close to you.

Close to you.

Like in the same neighborhood.

Or maybe in the neighborhood next door.

Or maybe in the neighborhood next door to that.

Because then when you go into a neighborhood instead of driving fifteen, and twenty and

thirty minutes between houses, you're literally going next door.

Or two doors down.

Or across the street, or two streets over.

So, you're working all in a consolidated neighborhood.

Here's the thing.

If you have, let's say that you do two houses a day,

and you work five days a week, that's only ten houses.

You don't need to find ten houses that are scattered all over the city which comes back

to your marketing.

You don't need to market all over the city.

You don't need to be blasting your energy and your marketing dollars all over if all

you want is one neighborhood.


Or the neighborhood right next to it.

You can really hone down your marketing expenses and the time, and energy and resources that

you spend building your business if you focus on one small neighborhood.

Now, if you're moving, this is a perfect opportunity to start your business over again.

Let's say that you started your business in the old neighborhood and you were at a fixed


But let's say that now you're a better house cleaner.

You have better cleaning systems.

You're faster at what you do.

You're smarter about the way that you work.

And maybe it's time for you to raise your prices.

So, going into a new neighborhood is a brand-new chance to completely start over again, and

maybe charge a little bit higher rates.


And to pick that "I'm not going to drive thirty miles one way to a customer's house, I'm

only going to work in my neighborhood.

Because that's just working smart not hard.


So should you travel?

It's entirely up to you.

You're the business owner.

You get to make that determination, What would I recommend?

I would recommend that you say goodbye to those people.

It was a great experience.

You can stay in touch with them and what have you.

But transfer your business, because this is an easy business to pick up new customers

and clients.

But now you can fix all the little things that are hard to fix with old customers.

You can do that now with a whole new set of customers.

So, don't travel if you don't have to.

Don't put extra wear and tear and gas mileage and commute time in that you don't have to.

This is your business.

And it's your life.

So, consolidate and work smart, not hard.

That's my answer for today.

And until I meet you again, leave the world a cleaner place,

than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Travel - House Cleaners and Maids How Far Should You Go for a Job? - Duration: 5:47.


Let's Play - Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (Space Pet Adventure! GUARANTEED KEEL) - Duration: 1:46:10.

For more infomation >> Let's Play - Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (Space Pet Adventure! GUARANTEED KEEL) - Duration: 1:46:10.


Overview of Group Dungeons, Undaunted Pledges, Dungeon & Monster Sets in the Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 12:32.

Hello everyone, my name is Tianlein and today we talk about

the group Dungeons in the Elder Scrolls Online

Also i will explain what are the Undaunted Pledges, how you can join a group for a dungeon

and which Monster and Dungeon Sets you can find

First i will try to explain what are group dungeons

Each of the main Zones have one Group Dungeon

There are also 2 dungeons in the The Imperial City DLC

and 2 Dungeons in Shadow of the Hist DLC

These dungeons are designed to be explored with a group of 4 players

The enemies in this dungeons are more difficult than the enemies in the public dungeons

There are Normal and Veteran Versions available from each dungeon

The Veteran versions use the same map and bosses but the enemies have more health and

deal more damage

So the Veteran Versions are much more difficult but you have the chance to get higher quality loot

Each dungeon has a quest and it`s own storyline

Some of the dungeons even have a Version 1 and version 2 storyline

These take place on similar maps to each other, but with different enemies and mechanics

The quests in Version 2 dungeons continue the storyline established previously in Version 1

If you discovered a dungeon already you can travel there direct via a wayshrine

When you enter direct a dungeon you can choose between the version 1 and version 2 of the dungeon

Now we will talk about the Undaunted Pledges

You dont need this Pledges to do a Group dungeon

But since the Undaunted daily Pledges will send you anyway into group dungeons it does

not hurt to take the special reward from the daily undaunted pledges

When you reach level 45 you will receive per mail an invite to join the undaunted

Travel to the Undaunted Enclave of your alliance

You can find the Undauted enclave in your alliance capital city

In Grathwood in Elden Root the Undaunted Enclave is south of the Elden Root Wayshrine

In Stormhaven the enclave is west of the Wayrest wayshrine

For the Ebonheart Pact the Undaunted Enclave is outside of Mournhould, not far away from

the Mages and Fighters Guild

First you have to sign the Undaunted Tome and then you will get introduced to the 3

quest givers for the daily undaunted pledges and you will receive your first undaunted key

You have then the opportunity to challenge

yourself in the daily undaunted pledges which will send you to different group dungeons in Tamriel

This Group Dungeons are made to play with a group of 4 players

For example one Tank, one Healer and two Damage Dealers

There are different ways how you can find a group for the dungeons

Many people look via the zone or guild chat for a group

You will see messages like this: lf1m dd tempest vet

That means someone is looking for 1 more Damage Dealer for the veteran Tempest Island Dungeon

Or you can use the dungeon finder that will group you with random people

When you press P the interface for group and activity finder will open

On consoles there is a extra menu point activity finder

First you should choose what role are you playing a tank, healer or damage dealer

On the top right you can then choose different options

The random dungeon is a good option if you want ot earn some extra experience

Maybe you are even lucky and you will get the daily dungeon you need

Otherwise choose specific dungeon and then you look for the dungeon you need to complete

and decide on which difficulty normal or veteran you want to complete the pledge

You can earn different rewards depending on the choosen difficulty

For the normal dungeon you will get as a reward one key

The veteran version of the dungeon will reward you with one key and a monster mask of that dungeon

If you do the Hard Mode of the Veteran Dungeon

you will reveive two keys and the monster mask

That means you can acquire a maximum of 6 keys per day if you finish all three dungeons

on veteran hardmode

With this pledge key you can open one of 3 chests at the undaunted enclave.

There is one chest from Maj al-Ragath

one from Glirion the Redbeard

and one Urgalarg Chief-Bane

Each chest will give you from a specific dungeon

pool the monster shoulder piece

So if you are looking for a Shoulder piece from a dungeon which Maj al offers you have

to open her chest with a undaunted key

Beside other rewards like Gold, Soul Gems and the Mercanary Style Chapters you can get

a Monster Shoulder Piece

Also you can find in each dungeon special dungeon sets

For dungeons with more than one version, all versions will drop the same dungeon sets

The mini bosses will drop either hand, waist or feet set pieces

Bosses will drop Chest, Shoulder or leg pieces

The final bosses will drop jewelry, weapon and shield pieces

Random Enemies have a slight chance to drop jewelry

and treasure chests in the dungeons have a small chance to drop an armor piece

It is important do know that all dungeon sets are bind-on-pickup

but tradeable to your group for two hours

Items dropped in Veteran Dungeons will always be of Epic quality

and items dropped in Normal Dungeons will always be of Superior quality

I will show you now which Quest Giver offers which dungeon and which Monster and Dungeon

Sets you can find in each dungeon

Be aware that you can find Monster Sets in in light, medium, heavy and in various traits

Maj al-Ragath will offer you following pledges:

The Banished Cells are in Auridon

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: The Sanctuary Set,the Jailbreaker Set and the Tormentor Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Banished Cells 1 the Shadowrend Set

and in Banished Cells 2 the Maw of the Infernal Set

The Darkshade Caverns are are in Deshaan

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Netch's Touch, Armor of Truth

and the Strength of the Automaton Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Darkshade

Caverns 1 the Sentinel of Rkugamz Set and in Darkshade Caverns 2 the Engine Guardian Set

The Elden Hollow Dungeon is in Grahtwood

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Light Speaker, Barkskin and the Undaunted Bastion Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Elden Hollow 1 the Chokethorn Set

and in Elden Hollow 2 the Nightflame Set

The Fungal Grotto is located in Stonefalls

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Cultist Cowl, Dreugh King Slayer and the Viper's Sting Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Fungal Grotto 1 the Kra'gh Set

and in Fungal Grotto 2 the Spawn of Mephala

The Spindleclutch Dungeon is in Glenumbra.

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Prayer Shawl, Spelunker and the Knightmare Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Spindleclutch 1

the Swarm Mother Set and in Spindleclutch 2 the Blood Spawn Set

The Wayrest Sewers are in Stromhaven.

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Combat Physician,Toothrow and the Sergeant's Mail Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Wayrest Sewers 1

the Slimecraw Set and in Wayrest Sewers 2 the Scourge Harvester

Glirion the Redbeard will offer you following pledges:

The Arx Corinium dungeon is in Shadowfen.

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Lamia's Song, Medusa and the Undaunted Infiltrator Set

As Monster Set you can find in Arx Corinium the Sellistrix Set

Blackheart Haven is in Bangkorai

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Undaunted Unweaver, Bone Pirate's Tatters

and the Knight-Errant's Mail Set

As Monster Set you can find in Blackheart Haven the Pirate Skeleton Set

The Blessed Crucible is in The Rift.

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Noble Duelist's Silks, Sword Dancer

and the Nikulas' Heavy Armor Set

As Monster Set you can find in Blessed Crucible the Troll King Set

The City of Ash is in Greenshade

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Burning Spellweave, Sunderflame and the Embershield Set

As Monster Sets you can find in City of Ash 1 the Infernal Guardian Set

and in City of Ash 2 the Valkyn Skoria Set

The Crypt of Hearts is in Rivenspire

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Shroud of the Lich, Leviathan and the Ebon Armor Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Crypt of Hearts 1 the Ilambris Set

and in Crypt of Hearts 2 the Nerien'eth Set

The Direfrost Keep is in Eastmarch

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Magicka Furnace, Draugr Hulk and the Ice Furnace Set

As Monster Set you can find in the Direfrost Keep the Iceheart Set

The Selene´s Web dungeon is in Reaper's March

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Vestments of the Warlock, Hircine's Veneer

and the Durok's Bane Set

As Monster Set you can find in Selene`s Web the Selene Set

Tempest Island is in Malabal Tor

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Overwhelming Surge, Shock Master

and the Jolting Arms Set

As Monster Set you can find in Tempest Island the Stormfist Set

The Vaults of Madness is in Coldharbour

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Worm's Raiment, Oblivion's Edge and the Rattlecage Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Vaults of Madness the Grothdarr Set

Volenfell is in Alik'r Desert

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Treasure Hunter, Crusader and the Duneripper's Scales Set

As Monster Sets you can find in Volenfell the Tremorscale Set

Urgalarg Chief-bane will offer you 4 pledges.

Be aware that you need for this dungeons the Imperial City DLC and the Shadow of the Hist DLC

The Cradle of Shadows Dungeon is in Shadowfen.

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Gossamer, Widowmaker and the Hand of Mephala Set

As Monster Sets you can find in the Cradle of Shadows the Velidreth Set

The Ruins of Mazzatun are in Shadowfen.

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Amberplasm, Heem-Jas' Retribution and the

and the Aspect of Mazzatun Set

As Monster Set you can find in Ruins of Mazzatun the Mighty Chudan Set

The Imperial City Prison is in the Imperial City

Here you can collect following dungeon sets:Scathing Mage, Sheer Venom and the Leeching Plate Set

As Monster Set you can find in Imperial City Prison the Lord Warden Set

The White Gold Tower is in the Imperial City

Here you can collect following dungeon sets: Spell Power Cure, Essence Thief

and the Brands of Imperium Set

As Monster Sets you can find in White Gold Tower the Molag Kena Set

If you play on PC i can recommend you the Addon Itemization Browser

This great Addon provides you ingame an overview about all availabe Sets and where you can

acquire them

Also you you have many search filters if you are looking for a specific set, type, bonus or dungeon

I will place the link for the Itemization Browser Addon in the description

Hopefully you enjoyed my overview about the group dungeons, the sets and the undaunted

pledges and rewards in the Elder Scrolls Online

It would be wonderful if you subscribe, like or leave me a comment

Thanks for watching! Have a good day and until next time


For more infomation >> Overview of Group Dungeons, Undaunted Pledges, Dungeon & Monster Sets in the Elder Scrolls Online - Duration: 12:32.


Knowing Me, Knowing You - Duration: 43:21.

For more infomation >> Knowing Me, Knowing You - Duration: 43:21.


I Know Who You Are - Duration: 42:20.

For more infomation >> I Know Who You Are - Duration: 42:20.


Changing the Way We Find Our Work from Using the Career Compass to Find Your Work and Career - Duration: 1:01.

We're used to -- in this day and age -- a job environment which I say is ending, not

rapidly enough for my liking, but it is ending of where we take our resume.

we go "hat in hand" and we beg for a job.

That's really -- ever since I 've been in the workforce -- ever since our parents have

been in the workforce that's been the model.

You say "Please give me a job!"

It's even how you talk about it.

When someone says they/ve hired you, they say "Yeah, I gave him a job."

Well, I like to think you didn't give them a job.

You hired the person who had the skills you need.

Just the terminology used, to mean, is backward and off.

It will probably never happen in my lifetime, but my goal for the work world -- and I hope

that some of you will be able to implement this in your own life -- is instead of going

out "begging' for the next job or the next or this or the other is that you attract opportunity

to you.

For more infomation >> Changing the Way We Find Our Work from Using the Career Compass to Find Your Work and Career - Duration: 1:01.


Higher Degree Research at UTS: What we expect from you - Duration: 2:03.

[Music playing]

I've been a research supervisor now for more than 10 years,

and I guess over that time you develop your own style.

My approach is to always be very encouraging,

and to try and inspire students to do their best.

I expect from my HDR students dedication, passion and hard work.

And I look forward to working alongside them,

not only myself as a supervisor,

but with other content experts in the field

What I expect from HDR students is one,

that they can see that this is an area study that they can maintain for three to four years

They need to be deeply interested, they need to have a passion,

they also need to be determined.

Most of our research students come from clinical practice.

Most of them are anxious about doing research and about their own capacity and skills,

so my job as a supervisor is to unleash those skills, I guess, and to help them flourish;

to help them find their own pace, their own space,

and to ensure that they can achieve their research within the timeframe that they need to.

What they would get from someone like me is the same reciprocal determination and commitment to their success.

I see myself as part of a team, really,

and ensuring that that question that they wish to study not only consumes them and the team around them,

but delivers real good, delivers impact at the end of that.

We often use the words motivation and passion, but really,

when it comes down to it, they need to be determined and be able to see the project through to the end.

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