Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 3 2017

No One Would Help Murdered Police Officer's Family, But Then Tom Brady Came To The Rescue

and Did Incredible Thing!

Ronald Tarentino Jr. was lost to a horrific murder crime.

His family was struggling with coping, expenses, and it seemed like literally, no one cared.

That's when Tom Brady and the New England Patriots stepped in to help the family of

the murdered police officer.

The wonderful people of a prestigious Super Bowl champion Patriot team was able to raise

$86,000 for the fallen officer's widow and three sons.

The amount of gratitude this family has after losing their husband and father cannot be


The Auburn police officer was shot and murdered by Jorge Zambrano during a routine traffic


Officer Tarentino didn't even make it up to the car before Zambrano pointed a gun and

shot the officer in cold blood.

Zambrano had only been out of jail for six days at the time of the shooting.

His previous cases came under harsh scrutiny with questions as to why he was out on the

street and able to murder a police officer.

One prior case showed his clear disdain for police as he fought one officer and pulled

him into a vehicle with a pit bull inside.

Out of jail for barely a week and already murders someone.

This is proof of two things.

The first being that some people don't belong in public and deserve to be executed in prison.

The second is that our prison system is pathetic and needs reform.

We bring in criminals and send them out of jail WORSE than the way they came in.

They need job training and to learn how to act like a human being.

If our prison system worked, then this criminal may not have pointlessly shot a police officer

and ruined the life of the family who now lives without their husband and father.

As the family worked to rebuild after the incredible loss of Officer Tarentino, their

blue family went to great lengths to get them the support they needed.

Officer Ronald Tarentino's lifetime friend, Rob Bjorkgren, became a police officer in


Bjorken's wife Nicole attended an event just after Tarentino's death and mustered

up the courage during a second's long encounter to ask NFL legend Tom Brady for his help.Nicole

asked Brady for 10 seconds of his time during the Best Buddies Bike Ride, The Boston Herald


She quickly told Brady about the loss of Tarentino and his family left behind.

Brady replied, "I really want to help."

That is amazing.

The fact that a future Hall of Fame quarterback responds to the plea for help from a public

service employee shows how nice Tom Brady and his teammates really are.

You can't deny this.

"That immediate response shows where his heart is at, and that Ron's death has made

an impact on him as well," Tricia Tarentino, Ron's widow said afterward.

"Ron was just that kind of person.

He had an amazing personality and wanted to reach out to help others.

I think that's why so many people have responded to this tragedy.

It's just a great loss."

"They've grown up watching Tom Brady and looking up to him," she said of her sons,

Ronald III, 21; Spenser, 18; and Kyle, 15.

"I can't even tell you how great their response was.

They were blown away.

They were so excited."

To lose your father and then watch your childhood football star stand up for your father and

be there to support you, raise money to help you make up for the loss of income, and simply

be there as a human being is one of the most amazing stories you will read this week.

Deep down inside, some celebrities and athletes have a human side to them too.

They're not all bad over entitled liberals.

For more infomation >> No One Would Help Murdered Police Officer's Family, But Then Tom Brady Came To The Rescue and Did In - Duration: 4:45.


Five Minutes Forward - Episode 14 - Duration: 3:43.


I'm Paul Greiner,

principal consultant with ALS

Consulting and this is Five

Minutes Forward.

You get what you tolerate

and what you don't tolerate,

you don't have to manage.

What do I mean?

It's fairly simple and it

actually applies to other

people and it applies to

things you tolerate of

your own. Your own behavior

your own practices.

Let's get into it.

What are you tolerating right

now, that's inconsistent

with what you say you're

committed to?

You can look in business


You can look in your own

organization and how you

manage yourself.

Maybe if you manage other

people, you can take a look at

how you manage them.

What are you tolerating about

people's behavior around you?

Like patterns of behavior.

Ongoing patterns,

where you know it doesn't work.

It doesn't work because it

doesn't actually line up with

the results are committed to,

the outcomes you're committed

to and you're left spending



attention on

dealing with the consequences

of behaviors that shouldn't

have been tolerated in the

first place.

Perhaps, again it's other

people and maybe they're

showing up late,

maybe they don't finish their

reports. Whatever

it might be,

I think you've got a couple of

areas that probably have

already popped up in your head.

So, you want to take a look at

those areas and then deal with

what is it and why is it

that I'm tolerating these


What's in it for me?

Because I promise you there's a

payoff for you,

otherwise it wouldn't be a


it wouldn't be a situation.

You already would have stopped

tolerating that thing.

So, you want to take a look at,

what is in it for you.

What do you get out of letting

that situation continue

the way it is going already?

Because as the old Chinese

proverb says,

if you keep going in the

direction you're going,

you're likely to wind up where

you're headed.

So, you've got to alter

something, but to really alter

something you've got to deal

with your payoff,

you've got to deal with there's

something you're getting out of

maybe looking good,

maybe avoiding what seems like

a threatening conversation,

coming across as a nice guy

or coming across as a hard ass.

I mean who knows what it is,

but there's something you're

getting that has you continue

to tolerate things that don't

work of your own and of other


And while that's happening

you're going to have to waste


waste energy,

waste resources managing

the consequences of that.

If you want to be free of that,


and not just say you want to be

free about it and complain

about it for the next 10 years.

Stop tolerating it.

Cut it out altogether.

It's not consistent with what

you're committed to.

Let it go.

Do what works and then

enjoy the consequences,

the results,

the outcomes of actually

operating in a way that

works for what you're committed

to and the future that you're

out to create.

So, again you

don't have to tolerate things

if they don't work for you.

And if you stop tolerating

them, you don't have to manage


So, apply that.

Have fun with it.

Get effective with it and we'll

see you next week.

For more infomation >> Five Minutes Forward - Episode 14 - Duration: 3:43.


Towers of Arches - Duration: 10:30.

So we are here in Arches and we would like to shoot some sunrise, sunrise is going to

start in like 20-30 minutes, and that's what I see.

On this side you have those main arches, like double arch or windows, and sun is coming

this way up, and that's what I'm focusing.

I'm going to take couple shots this way on the sun as it lights the clouds, but then

that's what I'm here for, to photograph those towers.

There is Three-Gossips, Courthouse, and Tower of Babel.

It should be nice when everything is going to be lighten.

I set my tripod here, in level, and for foreground I'm going to use those little tiny trees,

and then the tower.

We have to wait now and we will see what is going on, how's it's going to be light work

for us, so that's it for now, let's wait for light!

Now here is what you can see.

That's what I'm photographing, everything is lighten.

I have a 3-stop ND filter, and this tower looks like this, it's beautiful.

And I'm waiting for everything to lighten and the East is looking like that.

Now I have to be quick because the light is going to be just for seconds.

I would like to do Pano, and I put everything in the level again, tripod is in the level

but I was messing around with the cameras.

Ok and this one this way, little zoom in, and I can start to pano.

I'm using for foreground those little bushes and let's see.

First shot, second shot, another one, and one more.

It's beautiful.

Now I will switch it to the regular position, and try to take a couple shots straight to

this big mountain, switch the filter.

maybe I can zoom in a little bit.

Again put into the level, and good, I can zoom into little on this one and take it straight.

This one I can stack one for foreground, one for middle ground, but the colors are already fading.

It was really really short because, if you see on the back, it was just tiny bit opening

and now it's getting behind the clouds sun.

But I think I picked up some good colors, and that's how it was.

It was, It was, I don't know, even like 20 seconds and it was over.

because the clouds cover the sun on the horizon.

What we're going to do now, we going to do a couple shots, couple details, and move behind

these big cliffs, and behind those cliffs, they call Park Avenue, and there is pretty

nice, I have a couple places what I would like to take pictures of, and I will guide

you through.

For now, I have to pack it up and move to other side.

Here we are in Park Avenue and that's how it looks like here.

The sun is not here yet but it's just beautiful, nice big rocks, and that's how it looks.

Here's my camera, I set up my camera here.

And what I'm photographing here, as you see, those flowers I have on the foreground and

then on the background I have those cliffs.

And here is my camera.

I have a circular polarizer on, just to get the color in, and I have a 3-stop ND filter on

and I'm shooting manual, speed 1/20 second, ISO 200 and f/ 9.

And that's what I see in the camera, It's beautiful.

I'm going to do multiple exposures and then blend them in the Photoshop just for depth

of sharpness and depth of field.

And as you see here, many people they saw pictures on my gallery of Dancing Lady, I

call that tree Dancing Lady, and it looks, many of you maybe think it's huge but it's pretty

tiny, and then I'm going to do one more exposure of this tree.

I like it, I like the texture on the wood and how it's twisted, and how beautiful it

is against the red rocks, with the greens down below.

So that's how it looks.

It's just beautiful, those canyons and rocks and everything.

Ok, we were waking up early morning again, we came home yesterday around, I don't know,

around 11pm, and we woke up today before 5am, drive wasn't long, but it was nice, it wasn't

bad weather or anything.

It was just a little bit cool but now it starts to get windy on the open spots.

But that's what it is, it's beautiful place those Arches.

For more infomation >> Towers of Arches - Duration: 10:30.


Learn Colors for children with Songoku and truck uniquely 2017 - Finger Family songs Cartoon 3D - Duration: 2:06.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for children with Songoku and truck uniquely 2017 - Finger Family songs Cartoon 3D - Duration: 2:06.





Michael Moore race pimps with the best of them.

This man has earned a lot of money on the misery of others.

His fake narratives have made him an icon of the Left.

In the clip below, Moore gets it so wrong.

He's practically speechless, when a person suffering from Liberal policies speaks from

reality, and not from a fake Hollywood narrative.

The exchange between this man and Moore interests me on so many levels.

Mostly what intrigues me is how smug Michael Moore appears as he faces a man with real-life


Moore: I don't think he's going to take care of you…the working person.

Man: I think he's done more for me than any Democrat has in my lifetime.

Moore (interrupting): He hasn't done anything for you yet.

Chrysler worker shuts up Michael MooreHow can Moore say that?

We were told that the election of Obama was trans-formative.

However, the election of Trump did nothing for anybody.

Is this man not entitled to feel "hope and change?"

The conversation continues:

Man: He raised the issue.

Moore: He raise…(interrupting) He raised

Man: He raised the issue, and that's more than any of them have ever done.


Again Moore interrupts, this time saying, "He raised the issue," a poor attempt

where Moore attempts to mock the man.

Jones explains that this man is from Michigan and works at Chrysler.

In other words, this man represents the disgruntled Democrat who has been promised much and given


Man: I can tell you this, no other politician in my lifetime has ever brought this issue

to the forefront.

The fact of the matter is we do get screwed on trade.

They tell these companies to be more global

The issue surrounds tariffs and trade, and the man is right.

No politician has attempted to negotiate trade where America wins.

I recall when Trump first mentioned trade, I didn't think much of it.

But I see the major implications when we use trade to our advantage.

Americans buy more than 24.5 percent of the world's products, and that's less than

in year's past.

Nevertheless, that's still a tremendous number given our population.

330 million people account for almost one-quarter of the world's economy.

To put that in perspective, look at China,

China is the next largest economy in size.

1.357 billion people account for 15 percent of the world's economy, yet the economy

of America is 1.6 times more productive.

Chrysler worker shuts up Michael MooreMany implications are implied in these numbers.

On the surface, China represents a huge potential market for all countries, given their population.

However, China's concentration of wealth in the hands of very few limit its ability

to grow its GDP.

As for now, the numbers showcase that China needs America more than America needs China.

Trump knows this, and will negotiate better deals for America.


Trump met recently with the Chinese Prime Minister, and address the trade deficit.

After dinner, the Chinese decided to address the trade imbalance, and promptly canceled

a coal order with North Korea, placing the order instead with the United States.

Not a single nation taking advantage of the U.S. is off limits.

And you can bet the farm that our trade deficit will decrease substantially.

And as Trump did in getting China to handle North Korea, he will use our economy like

no other president in history.

Michael Moore and Leftists like him don't want to believe the truth.

They live in the delusion that Obama was an amazing president, as the wall crumbles around


People want real jobs.

They don't want the hype of "hope and change."

For more infomation >> CHRYSLER WORKER SHUTS UP MICHAEL MOORE ON TRUMP VIDEO - Duration: 4:59.


Learn Colors for children with car on truck and Spiderman cartoon 3D - Finger Family songs for Kids - Duration: 2:07.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for children with car on truck and Spiderman cartoon 3D - Finger Family songs for Kids - Duration: 2:07.


AAAAAHHH {Timing/Style Test} - Duration: 0:02.

Life got me like..

For more infomation >> AAAAAHHH {Timing/Style Test} - Duration: 0:02.


2 Digital Marketing Business Summit Promo - Duration: 1:54.

(upbeat music)

- Hi, I'm Joey Toutounji, the founder of COM,

and I'm excited to share with you

about our upcoming digital marketing business summit

on the 20th and 21st of July.

(upbeat music)

Over the two days, as your host,

I'll introduce you to a variety of speakers

who are experts in their field

including Richard Toutounji, founder and CEO of COM,

Sam Cawthorn, 2009 Young Australian of the Year

and motivational speaker,

Bec Brown, founder of The COMs Department

and respected PR Specialist working with clients

like THe Wiggles and The Australian Radio Network.

Plus, three from our awesome COM team

and one of them who's an active

campaign certified consultant.

So listen up.

Here is three online marketing gains

you will receive from the workshop.

Number one, discover how to have more time

through the power of online automation.

Secondly, reveal who your perfect avatar is

and how you can create amazing campaigns

to target for them

and why videos is one of the number one

content marketing tools for 2017.

So, let's review.

It's a hands-on workshop, immerse and network

with other like-minded business owners.

Lock it in your diary, the 20th to 21st of July,

at Dalton House, Sydney.

I'll see you there.

For more infomation >> 2 Digital Marketing Business Summit Promo - Duration: 1:54.


Peppa Pig Game Videos 2017: Space Game ♫ Games online 2017 ♫ Kids Games - Duration: 8:23.

Peppa Pig Game Videos 2017: Space Game ♫ Games online 2017 ♫ Kids Games

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig Game Videos 2017: Space Game ♫ Games online 2017 ♫ Kids Games - Duration: 8:23.


Pudina Chaas | Pudina Chach | Mint Buttermilk Recipe - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Pudina Chaas | Pudina Chach | Mint Buttermilk Recipe - Duration: 2:38.


Detailed Guide for World of Warcraft's Mage Tower Challenge - Closing the Eye (Archmage Xylem) - Duration: 24:14.

The Mage Tower is a new addition to World of Warcraft that came with Patch 7.2.

It offers a variety of minor benefits such hidden chests and additional artifact power,

but most importantly of all, the ability to undergo an extremely difficult trial in order

to unlock class and specialization exclusive weapon skins.

As you can probably guess from the title alone, the challenge I will be guiding you through

is called "Closing the Eye", in which you will have to defeat not only Archmage Xylem,

but his demonic master as well.

If you would like to obtain these fancy new cosmetics it is important to understand that

the Mage Tower Challenge is exactly what the name entails - a challenge.

If you think you're going to beat it in a single attempt, or even a dozen attempts,

I'm afraid you're in for a rude awakening.

That said, it is not impossible, and if you come prepared chances are high you will be

able to complete it eventually.

So if you willing to do what it takes to look downright awesome, allow me to give you a

helping hand and hopefully make the journey just a bit easier.



Before you even begin thinking about attempting this challenge you will need to gather a large

amount of consumables, but thankfully they are mostly on the cheap side.

Here's what you're going to need:

- 2000-3000 Nethershards - Drums of the Mountain (if you're not a class

that has access to Bloodlust, Heroism, or Time Warp)

- Defiled Augment Rune - Tome of the Tranquil Mind (you're going

to need to swap from an AOE/survivability built to a full-on single target one)

- Food - Damage potions

The amount you will need will vary depending on how quickly you adapt to the fight and

how much you're willing to endure in a single sitting.

I would personally recommend going with one flask, about 20-30 food, 20 damage potions,

and 10 pieces of all the rest.

The reason for this is that the first phase (the actual fight vs Archmage Xylem) does

not require much in terms of damage, so there's no need to waste any of your precious runes

or potions on it.

And if you manage to get to the final phase of the battle 10 times within 2 hours, chances

are you're about to finish the whole thing anyway, so there's no need to overspend on

your consumables.

As for the talents, the name of the game here is survival.

Pick the ones that amplify your healing (especially when you kill an enemy), and if your class

has any ability that lets you jump around on a relatively low cooldown you'll want to

get that as well.

Finally, you want to ensure you have at least one strong source of burst damage in order

to deal with the Ice Prison should your jump ability ever be on cooldown.

The first phase of the fight is not about damage, so don't worry if you're taking suboptimal

talents, just make sure you actually survive until phase 2!

While it isn't necceary, and I personally haven't used it, you can also make the challenge

slightly easier by installing the Deadly Boss Mods Challenge pack (

It gives you a bunch of helpful timers and warnings - things you don't technically need,

but might just come in handy.

Phase 1 - Frost

The initial Frost Phase begins after Xylem finishes his overly lenghty monologue.

All you will have to deal with in this phase is a constant barrage of relatively low damage

Frostbolts and three Ice Prisons you will have to escape as quickly as possible.

The first thing you'll want to do is interrupt his initial Frostbolt cast and then drag him

as close to the middle as you are comfortable with.

This is done in order to ensure that when you get stuck in the Ice Prison you can easily

jump straight to him and continue punching him in the face.

If you have absolutly no mobility spells and you can't avoid the center beams, consider

dragging him to the side instead.

The Frostbolts aren't terribly powerful, but Xylem pretty much chain-casts them, so don't

get too comfortable as the damage can stack up relatively quickly.

In order to survive this you will need to use a combination of interrupts and self-healing


Don't feel afraid to drop low on health during this phase, because as long as he's not about

to use Ice Prison you are going to be perfectly safe.

How you do this is going to vary depending on your class, but here are the general guidelines

that should work for most cases:

*Silence the first Frostbolt and pull him towards the center

*Let him hit you 2-3 times in order to give you something to heal

*Activate a self-healing cooldown/ability and completely ignore interrupts if you can

maintain ~90% HP *Incapacitate or silence him in preparation

for the Ice Prison phase


If you've done everything correctly you're going to get Ice Prisoned with around 70%


The individual shards of ice that surround you aren't very strong, and a single powerful

AOE spell will clear them out (in my case a Demon Hunter's Eye Beam is enough on its


Things aren't as easy as they sound, however, because you will be taking constant heavy

damage while standing in the icy circle.

And if that wasn't bad enough, if you accidentaly run into one of the shards you will die instantly!

As terrifying as this sounds, the Ice Prison is not actually that hard to overcome.

If you're a class that can jump or teleport all you need to do now is to find where Xylem

ran away to, and then simply jump there in order to continue with the same strategy from


I would recommend jumping before using your dash/teleport spell, because while it technically

might not be neccesarry, I found myself ocasionally clipping the ice shards and dying a pointless,

lazy death.

If you have spells that give you health when you kill or stun enemies (such as Demon Hunter's

AOE stun) you might want to consider killing the ice shards around you purely to regenerate

a bit of health.

This is also the way you will have to break out if you're a class with low or no mobility

(such as a Frost Death Knight).

Simply use your strongest spells to break the ice around you, all the while leeching

as much health as possible from the massive amount of shards you're killing.

You're probably going to die a few times before you learn what spells to save for this phase

and how best to approach it, but don't worry, once you figure it out you will be set for

good as its always exactly the same.

On the other hand, if you're a Demon Hunter the Ice Prison is a complete joke since you

can not only double jump over it, but you can also use your stun to generate souls in

order to heal to full!

Once you escape the Ice Prison chances are you will be somewhat low on health, but don't

panic as Xylem's damage is slow and predictable.

Just make your way towards him, interrupt him the moment you come in range, and drag

him back towards the center - just like before.

The one difference this time around is that you most likely won't be able to let him hit

you 2-3 times before healing, which means you will be potentially starting the Ice Prison

phase with lower health.

This is an extremely dangerous proposition, so I would recommend carefully weaving stuns

and interrupts in order to minimize incoming damage.


Phase 1 - Transition

After Xylem uses three Ice Prisons the timing for the fourth one will be replaced with a

transition to the Arcane phase.

The transitional phase is by far the hardest part of this encounter, and you're probably

going to die quite often, so just make your peace with that right now.

So what happens is that Xylem teleports to a random location on the opposite side of

the map, and soon begings channeling a spell that does a ridiculous amount of damage per

second, and also slows you down... because why not!

The only way to stop it is to run all the way to where he's hiding in order to hit him

with an area of effect spell since he is otherwise untargetable.

I've heard many people complain that they have no idea where Xylem teleports to, but

I've personally found him to be rather easy to spot.

All you need to do is start running to the opposite side of the map the moment he teleports

away from you, and while running simply take a glance at the minimap to find where the

giant yellow circle is - that's pretty much it.

If you're more of a visual type of player, however, you can also spot Xlyem by a large

amount of white sparklies that float all around him.

If you're a class with high mobility, and if you've previously positioned Xylem as close

to the middle as possible, this phase can be done within a couple of seconds.

Simply use all of your mobility and damage reduction spells in order to reach him, and

then just hit him with an AOE spell before he even deals a shred of damage to you.

Similarly, if you have spells that make you immune or highly resistant to magic you can

use them to completely ignore this phase - just don't forget that Xylem's spell not only deals

damage, but also slows!

If you mess up, or if you have no mobility cooldowns to rely on, you will have to do

thise phase "properly".

Once Xylem teleports away the entire room will be filled with clones of him, all slowly

channeling a spell that bounces you around.

These illusions don't have a lot of health, and they can be intterupted, so pick the furthest

one you can safely reach and just nuke it down as fast as possible.

Once dead these illusions will drop a rapidly shrinking shield that lets you ignore Xylem's

damage and refresh your cooldowns.

While you're safely inside the bubble you should pick which illusion you're going to

go for next and slowly start wittling its health down from range.

After that is done all you need to do is take a stroll to the next bubble, and then repeat

the process until you're able to hit Xylem with some sort of AOE attack.

All of this sounds simple, and in reality it is, but there is a lot of ways to mess

up and die almost instantly.

So if you're not sure if you can reach Xylem before the damage/slow starts ticking in,

just err on the side of safety and jump from illusion to illusion.

Its going to take you a bit longer, but there is no big DPS check you need to worry about,

so just make sure you stay alive.


Phase 1 - Arcane

Once you hit Xlyem with an AOE attack he will immediately begin channeling slow, but insanely

powerful Arcane Blasts.

It is going to be tempting to interrupt them, but I'm afraid you're going to have to keep

your instant interrut on standby for later.

The reason for this is a spell called Draw Power which Xylem seems to cast almost completely

at random, and if you don't interrupt it INSTANTLY it will give him a stacking damage buff that

will almost surely spell your doom.

As such you will need to interrupt the Arcane Blasts with stuns, incapacitates, and any

other tricks your class has access to.

Every time you interrupt an Arcane Blast you should move slightly backwards because Xylem

will follow you for ~1 second before resuming his casting.

Much like the Ice Prison phase this will greatly help you with events to come as you will be

in a much better position and much quicker to react.

As I've mentioned before, these Arcane Blasts are very slow to cast, so if you have particularly

strong healing cooldowns you might be able to completely ignore their damage and just

heal yourself inbetween each cast - only ocasionally stunning to buy yourself some time.

If you do decide to stun/intrerrupt his Arcane Blasts, just make sure you do it near the

end of his case in order to gain as much time as humanly possible.

That said, don't drop down too low because he will teleport after 5-6 casts, and it would

be really silly for you to die just because you got a bit too comfortable.

Besides Arcane Blasts Xylem will also try to kill you with Shadow Barrage, which is

an uniterruptable spell that creates hordes of little shadows that spawn in the distance

and then shoot down a straight line.

Unless you use a powerful defensive cooldown these shadows will instantly kill you, but

they are surprisingly easy to dodge so I wouldn't really worry about them.

All you need to do is stand slightly behind Xylem (away from where the shadows are spawning

from), and use the little bit of downtime you have to heal up and refresh your cooldowns.

If you find yourself having trouble with this phase feel free to completely avoid the spells'

area of effect and just have a sip of coffe while you wait for him to finish.

Again, its not a DPS race, all that matters is that you stay alive!


Once Xylem attempts to cast 5-6 spells he will most likely teleport to the other side

of the map, immediately followed by another Arcane Blast cast.

If you've slowly moved him towards the center as I've instructed you above this should be

nothing more than a minor inconvience.

Simply find where he teleported, walk over there, and interrupt the extremely slow Arcane

Blast cast before he's able to knock 50% of your HP off.

Just make sure you don't panic and use your standard interrupt spell while walking towards

him, because you can never really tell when he's going to use Draw Power, and if you let

it channel for even a second you're going to be in for a world of trouble.

After 2-3 teleports Xylem will once again enter the transitional phase by teleporting

to the opposite side of the map.

As such, it is of the utmost importance that you pull him towards the center as often as

you possibly can!

If you need to trek from one side of the map to the other there is a high chance you'll

mess up and die, but if you just need to do one jump from the middle then you're going

to be able completely skip this entire phase.

So practice your pulling because it will make your life much easier!

Phase 1 - Frost ++

The second (and all future) Frost phases are slightly more difficult than the one you started

out with.

Almost all of the mehcanics are exactly the same, but instead of teleporting a couple

of meters away Xlyem will teleport to the other side of the map each time he puts you

in the Ice Prison.

This doesn't really change anything in terms of how you execute your strategy, but you

will need to be much more careful with how and when you use your interrupts.

I would recommend saving a long-range stun right before you get stuck in the Ice Prison,

purely so that you can interrupt the Frostbolt spam as soon as you're free.

The one new addition to this phase is that Xylem also casts Shadow Barrage, which is

again an amazing boon since it gives you plenty of time to heal up.

The strategy is the same as in the Arcane phase, but since you're pulling Xylem towards

the middle you will have a lot less room to work with.

Its slightly more difficult than before, and you can ocasionally find yourself cornered,

but as long as you don't take massive risks you will be perfectly fine.

Phase 1 - Ending

The entire battle against Xylem is a constant repeat of Frost - Transition - Arcane until

he reaches 10% health.

While you might feel compelled to use all of your strongest spells when you see him

on low health, I would strongly advise you to do no such thing because you will need

all of your DPS cooldowns for phase 2.

Instead, finish off Xlyem by using as little of your resources as possible, and with as

high of a health pool as you can manage.

If you were forced to waste your big 5-minute cooldown earlier in the fight and it still

hasn't recovered, consider delaying the kill for as long as you can because every little

bit of DPS will be of great use later.

Phase 2 - The Wait

Once Xlyem drops to 10% HP he will run to a predetermined point on the map and begin

talking for around ~30 seconds.

It is now that you should use Defiled Augment Rune to slightly boost your damage, and Tome

of the Tranquil Mind to respec into a primarily single-target focused build.

You might ocasionally get stuck in combat, which will delay your respec by ~10 seconds,

so make sure you can pick your talents and set your spells as quickly as possible!

You can practice this whole procedure infront of the Mage Tower as its considered a rest

area, and I would strongly suggest you do just that because you never know how buggy

the challenge is going to be.

If you're a class that doesn't have much AOE in its base kit, consider grabbing one or

two AOE talents just to make sure you can deal with the upcoming adds.

If you're geared enough (around 900 item level) chances are you won't have much trouble with

the adds, and this goes doubly so for those among you that have good legendaries, but

its always good to have a safeguard... just in case.

Phase 2 - The fight

The battle in phase 2 is against a single demon that doesn't do anything special itself.

The dangerous part of this fight is the corrupted ground the boss leaves underneath him, because

eventually it will cover the entire zone and kill you rather quickly.

In order to avoid this you will need to constantly drag the boss forward, always slightly ahead

of the corrupted ground.

The best way I've found to do this is to start where the boss spawns, and then very slowly

drag him to the edge of the map and then go around in a circle.

In order to ensure you're still dealing damage to the boss while running away you should

move him in a sort of diagonal.

As before you'll probably mess up a few times before this clicks, but once you figure it

out you will be kite him around like the best of them.

But once again, it is important to move him ONLY when the corrupted ground is nearly upon

you, because if you move him too quickly you're going to find yourself with very little room

to work with!

Besides the corrupted ground the only other ability the boss has is a channeled spell

that puts a short debuff on you, which when it expires spawns 3 adds that you absolutely

NEED to kill before they reach the boss.

There is no way to avoid this, so DO NOT interrupt his channel!

What you should do is continue dealing damage to the boss for as long as possible, and when

you have around 3 seconds left on the debuff you should jump/teleport as far away as possible.


Once the debuff reaches zero three demons will spawn directly around you and soon start

moving towards the boss.

They are completely immobile for the first second after their spawn, so take this opportunity

to set up some ground based AOE and deal heavy damage.

Once they start moving you should use your AOE stuns and slows in order to prevent them

from reaching the boss.

And that's pretty much it as far as strategy goes.

Its all about doing as much AOE damage as possible in as little of time as possible.

If you're undergeared you might find this portion of the fight nearly impossible, in

which case I'm afraid you're simply going to have to admit defeat and farm out a bit

of gear before trying again.

The same applies to the boss itself given that he is entirely a DPS check.

There are ways to make this slightly easier, and I'll note them in a second, but if you

find yourself running out of room and the boss is still 40%+ HP, you might need a bit

more gear before you're truly ready.

In order to dish out the most damage onto the demon you should use a potion before the

battle even begins, so that way you will be able to use two potions throughout the entire


The first one you should chug when Xylem starts saying something along the lines of "Hold

it off hero" as this signals the start of the encounter.

As soon as the demon becomes active you should also activate your Drums of the Mountain,

your strongest DPS cooldowns, and go completely insane since you won't have to move just yet.

Eventually the corrupted ground will creep in and you will be forced to move, but make

sure to prioritize getting as much damage in as possible given that this is your largest

burst window.


As for the second potion, you will be using it around 2 minute into the fight, when the

second pair of adds spawn.

Try and kill them by using as few DPS cooldowns as you can, mostly relying on the power of

your DPS potion to carry you, and as soon as you're done you should go ham on the boss

with your newly refreshed 2-minute cooldowns and last bits of potion.

For more infomation >> Detailed Guide for World of Warcraft's Mage Tower Challenge - Closing the Eye (Archmage Xylem) - Duration: 24:14.


FUCK, a short English poem about regrets in life, useless and purposeless life, poetry reading - Duration: 0:48.

It´s seems my whole life is a long run after fuck

every way i took every direction I moved

I hoped that at the end there would be a sweet cunt

horny, seductive and inviting giving love without much trouble.

But every where I looked i found desperate, frustrated house wives

and single women in thirties wanting husbands, houses, careers

and two children.

Those women i looked for don´t exist anymore.

For more infomation >> FUCK, a short English poem about regrets in life, useless and purposeless life, poetry reading - Duration: 0:48.


Railay Beach In Thailand - Duration: 1:46.

Thailand is famous for its many iconic islands,

but one of the country's best island experiences

can actually be had on the Thai mainland.

Railay is a small peninsula south of lively Ao Nang.

It is a postcard Thai destination

with the massive limestone cliffs

that make the beaches in Thailand so iconic.

The peninsula feels like an island

because the cliffs create a barrier

between it and the rest of the mainland,

which means you can only reach Railay by boat.

Railay consists of the east and west beach,

which are only a five-minute walk from each other.

The east beach has lots of restaurants and bars.

And the west section has one of the most stunning beaches

in all of Thailand.

The famous limestone cliffs make the area

one of the best places in Thailand to go rock climbing.

Even if you don't want to go full vertical,

you can still take some pretty intense hikes

with some amazing views.

Kayak around the cliffs to find

the even more secluded Phra Nang Beach.

This smaller beach is just as gorgeous as Railay West

and it has one very interesting feature.

The Phra Nang cave,

also known as the penis cave.

Legend tells of the mystical sea princess of the cave.

In order for protection at sea,

fishermen leave her offerings like flowers, incense,

and lots of wooden penises.

For more infomation >> Railay Beach In Thailand - Duration: 1:46.


What Are You Afraid of - Overcoming Fear - Face Everything and Rise - Duration: 18:47.


hey everybody so you can definitely feel

free to connect with me all the way at

the time I have some links where you can

definitely connect with my business so

if you have been struggling with online

traffic in sales and you are tired of

struggling and you are ready to start

dominating okay

I would like to Valencia I mean you know

if you extended invite I shall be there

okay but you know you got to check with

the Queen the Queen over there gotta

make sure it's good for her so guys

thank you so much for Lindsey I

appreciate you my question to you this

morning is but what if I'm afraid what

if I am afraid see she's not okay with

she's not okay with it see she like she

funny active Lindsey and kind of rude

you know I'm saying but it's all good so

um thanks Jamila what if I'm afraid what

if I'm afraid and I think that I have

live in bed a lot of nights awake right

and maybe some of you ambitious people

or entrepreneurs or people who want to

achieve something in life have also

thanks for that love lighting bed asking

yourself the same question when your

shoes feel too big for you to fill maybe

your purpose and your destiny in life

right that's right you push through

Valencia even if you are afraid right

that very thing that frightens you that

keeps you up at night that you think

about all the time you're just not sure

if you can do it that's the very thing

guys that you need to do go towards your

fears guys go towards your fears because

on the other side are those fears are

your blessing on the other side of those

fears are your victory hey boo hey

sunshine hey Kiera how are you honey

thank you so much for coming in live

with your girl so we're talking about

what if I'm afraid guys so just I always

want to be transparent and I want to

start with myself just to let you know

that I'm not here to do it scared that's

right welcome in sterling Knox I hope I

said your name right um that's right

that's right be comfortable getting

uncommon you got a preach don't make me

hit the passes live stream over the

years so um about a year from now guys

what month are we in April probably like

a year from now I hired on this mentor


and one thing that I can say is this

that I have been doing business online

for maybe about eight or nine years hey

Lynette welcome in honey thank you so

much for coming in I started doing

business guys a long time ago and I was

a little island off to myself you know

guys I always tell this story very

introverted very quiet the reason why

online business was very attractive to

me sir Linux okay I got it

thanks for that mercy cuz I'm terrible

with names

I will butcher your name if I'm not sure

so thanks so much for understanding

so guys when I started a business I was

a little introverted little island off

to my south guys I wasn't connecting

with people what was attractive to me

about the online space is that I could

be online guys and I didn't have to be

bothered with people I'd have to talk to

people find it once you I didn't have to

work in groups and do you know what that

really really really stunted my growth

so a year ago guys over a year ago I got

this mentor I got this mentor and he

started getting on the phone with me and

he really started challenging my

potential he really started asking me

hey Tracy good morning honey welcome in

he started asking me a lot of really

challenging questions and I will be

honest your girl had an attitude I was

mad at him me and him had some I wanted

him rough people I'm rough maybe maybe I

was rough in I was a rough student to

mentor I really really was because he

would ask me a lot of questions about

myself that made me very uncomfortable

he would ask me to grow right you want

to talk about mentor sometimes yes who's

oh hey Paula hey I don't want to miss

any um comment to some people I'm trying

to refashion girl tastes fast I don't

read fast okay so um you know me and him

I had some drama with him sometimes I

know he was like oh my god she is like

the worst student because I showed

myself y'all because I felt like he was

asking me to do a lot of things first of

all he said I see a teacher in you I see

your teacher and you why are you holding

all these nuggets all this information

in why

right they vary in approach that's true

that's true Valencia you laughing at me

Tracy I'll be laughing at me girl so

yeah I mean I think he was just like oh

my god this student of mine she is funky

I don't know if I want to deal with her

like that yeah because I really did give

him a hard time so he told me there was

a teacher in me he asked me what was my

purpose so when I told him what my

purpose was he said well what's your

deeper purpose I want you to get into

what your purpose really was and he just

kept asking me that question

and guys I didn't realize until later

why he was asking me that guys cuz I

really really hadn't found my purpose

like I thought I did I had not found um

you said fear face everything Oh My yes

that's right my father used to say false

evidence appearing real but I like that

that was powerful hey Julia hey elder

Carmen oh my goodness all my lovely

people are coming in live today so the

first thing he told me guys was I needed

to start reaching out to people I had a

message I had something to share I had

something to say and I kept keeping it

all bottled in I needed to touch people

and you know if you're one of those

people that need to touch people if

you're always the pillar in the middle

of your family and friends everybody

always comes to you if you guys are

coming in life say hello to me please

don't be here and not speak to your girl

right thank you so much Tracy and I was

a pillar of all my family and friends

everybody will always come to me with

their problems but it was really not

anybody else that I could talk to and be

transparent even to this day guys it's

only a couple people that I can really

be transparent with and some of them are

like brand-new friends guys that know

more about me than other people it's

really kind of crazy hey Robyn hey so I

was always um a little introverted and

shy he asked me to get on a live video

he was like I want to see you do one

every day and I was like I'm not feeling

it I'm a private person sir I don't

really want people seeing into my life

and I just feel like I'm just very

conscious about myself overly conscious

about myself and I'm not sure what

people are going to think gosh you guys

got to go back to last year and look at

my live videos every day I walked and I

gave some motivation all and that thank

you so much yeah come on show me some


when you do the poems they snap is that

all of us jameelah like you know we snap

yeah I was really self-conscious

oh thanks Tracy oh my goodness thank you

so much for that love Jimmy let you feel

the same which is hard to believe oh my

goodness Wow yes go back go back on my

page guys a year ago every day I would

walk about you guys are going to see me

doing a lot more life since I'm an

outside person when it's warm you guys

are gonna hug on I hope my phone doesn't

die but you guys are going to see me

doing a lot more live video outside

walking nice to do my everyday

motivation and I would do it while I was

walking and you can see how I've grown

over this past year guys because I've

learned to get over myself

so the key guys to get in through your

fears is to just get up and do it don't

think about it just get into it just do

it and when you get onto the other side

things are almost never as scary as you

thought that they were a lot of you need

to be the face of your companies you

need to be the face of your business

you've got a word to say you've got a

word on the inside of you that you need

to give to somebody else and your fear

is holding you back trust me when I say

guys the shoes that I walk in are like

five times sizes they're five times

bigger than my feet they're five times

bigger than my feet and a lot of

mornings I really don't know how I'm

gonna you know how your daughter's the

little girls get in your shoes and they

try to walk right yeah we are our own

fears that's true

you know how to get inside the shoes and

they find a hard time balancing

themselves and they have to learn how to

walk because the shoes are like 10 times

bigger than their feet

well that's sometimes how I feel some

mornings like oh my god I have so much

to do today and I have so many people to

talk to and I have so many people to

reach I had this message to give right

but how am I going to deliver this I

feel so small little ballast the house

will die let's go and give this message

in Maryland I'm just little Dallas I'm a

little five two little things I'm gonna

give this message right you're so right

speaking for myself that's right Lynette

but you can do it if I can do it guys

you can do it so I know some of you ask

yourself you say everyday I know that I

need to do this I have something on the

inside of me that I need to do but how

will I do it guys a few weeks ago to

make the shift movement bi t dot ly four

slash the great shift I got a word on

the inside of me about a month ago guys

I felt like I needed to share it and I

couldn't work I wrestled in my sleep I

couldn't do anything but do you know why

I really did not want to share the

message guys Robin you know you do honey

I'm so glad you can relate I know why I

didn't want to share the message I did

not feel like I had the words to say and

I felt like you know what I'm going

through so much stuff in my own life and

my own personal journey on my own

personal life things I'm not sure about

things that are bothering me right

things that have been in my life too

long how can I possibly get in this

group and talk to someone else about

shifting talk to someone else about

changing talk to someone else about

taking back their own power when some

days I honestly feel powerless how can I

do this well guys guess what I got over

my own fear I was obedient I created a

group and up until the week before this

thing started guys I still felt empty

I didn't know what I was going to say

but guys we just finished last Friday a

10 day challenge and every day I opened

my mouth it was filled with words okay

to help other people

hey Charlene good morning I'm glad you

called me to thank you so much honey for

coming in my mouth was filled guys it

was filled with words to not only help

myself to make the shift but to also

help other people to make the shift

isn't that powerful right

jameelah you were there the whole time

right it was super powerful the

motivation the energy the positivity

that was amongst us the love that was

amongst us in the movement guys is still

going on that's how you were Tracy with

your first workshop the movement guys

were still going on thank you so much

Tracy and you know what's funny about me

I'm a type of person I'm shy but when I

get to an occasion I always rise to it I

think I told some of you guys I used to

lead worship in my church the most

introverted person could get out

they get up there and sing and show out

in front of everybody because that's

just I just rise to the occasion

something comes out of me when it's time

for me to get the job done okay

and you guys can do it too and Lynette

you say you're not the one to hold back

but going live as a different game it's

challenging it's challenging

yes it's challenging rangs I forget them

Lynette forget forget them

Lynette block them and move on girl

block you some a nativity here that's

right forget them so you guys are funny

so um like I said what if I'm afraid

what if I'm afraid I know that you guys

wrestle with that question because I do

too and you know what I'm always growing

past the the limits that I put on myself

I'm always willing past the limits that

I put in my own mind I'm always climbing

higher than the fears right that I made

I've convinced myself that I have right

I know tre so you're in the challenge

right you're in the challenge with your

name right awesome girl you go girl you

do that thing I remember you saying on

YouTube video that nobody up that's

right Carla on one of my youtube videos

nobody cares that much about you so get

over your own self nobody thinks about

you that much

when it's lights camera action lights

camera action look at this time to go

live guys at three to one that countdown

no body cares nobody cares about you

right right Jimmy well I had a friend in

my inbox he lives across the world

somebody knew that I met guys I didn't

even know him before one of our first

conversations Haitian unity what is what

oh girl get up on that channel you're

gonna throw up it's so much better so

much value you're just gonna throw up

everywhere everywhere so much stuff out

there so many videos out there I've done

right it's a whole bunch of stuff

Lila offer what's up bestie what's up

girl leave me a comment darn it she's

one of my longtime friends I actually

got off the phone with her this morning


um bothering her about stuff um exactly

yes Tracy go there let me know what you

think give me your feedback on it

because a lot of the video is a

repurposed you know how my life is set

up it ain't perfect but i'ma tell you

now the values over there the value is

up over there guys so anything you put

your mind to guys anything that you will

to do you can do it you can overcome

there's nothing that you can't do

there's nothing that you can't overcome

you have to learn to face your fears

like Valencia was saying you have to

learn how to get comfortable with being

uncomfortable because this is a

definitely a very hey honey a very um

wish you say Carla Jota I miss that

Danny you counted my videos :

she said I got a hundred and six videos

your Dan your girl been talking I've

been talking y'all a lot too much

talking too much

but I just wanted to drop by and give

you this Monday motivation cuz your girl

was amped I am motivated I am ready okay

let's go into this week with expectation

let's expect those blessings let's

expect those um on what I'm prepared for

unexpected calls to come in with the

good news on the other line okay let's

do some things this week that make that

we were afraid to do last week right

okay let's talk to some people that we

were afraid to talk to last week let's

face our fears and I can promise you by

the end of this week you will be so

happy and you will be patting yourself

on the back for that progress that you

made this week hey ask the girl thank

you for that love ya so love you guys so

much I'm going to get off here because

I'm sweating I'm having a bad hair day

okay I'm just kind of like getting

myself awoke for the day after they say

after normally live number two I am

amped I am ready I'm doing the wolf wolf

in everything after the second way all

the first one is a little iffy but the

second one I am ready to bring it right

hey Esther what's up hon thank you so

much for coming in with me

me so guys face those fears face those


if you ain't skirt if you ain't scared

you ain't doing something right you

living in your comfort zones not scared

skirt can I even do it y'all get can I

even do it like in my even let me tell

you some funny sort so anytime I'm in

the room with like my husband with some

other guys and I try to act like I'm

into sports the whole room guys gets

quiet now is that fair is that there is

that fair Tracy Carla who else is here

after is that fair I'm trying to fit in

I'm trying be more accent Robin be more

I'm trying to act like I know about the

topic but I really don't know about the


I grew up playing Barbies and I'm little

princess dresses and heels I was really

a girly girl okay and I still kind of

a.m. so I try to get into sports but

it's not fair that at least when I try

and I try to get excited the whole room

gonna get quiet y'all room go get quiet

mmm that's some hating stuff to me I

mean at least let me join the

conversation everybody get a straight

face and look at me at least I'm trying

I'm like oh look at that play that way

look at that play look at that play son

they all like really my son like really


stop that's how he gonna treat me don't

make no sense to it

Laila's all make sense I can't even act

like I'm into something like it's just

anyway so y'all have a wonderful blessed


love y'all everything that you put your

hands to shall prosper take the bull by

the horns and literally literally drag

that baby around okay you can do it okay

even at work this week guys maybe you're

not happy with his books maybe you're

not happy with your situation at work

take those bull take that bull by the

horns and drag cuz you got this you got

this you're blessed you're blessed you

laughing at me SHINee you're blessed to

be able to put food on the table you're

blessed to be able to put gas in your

car you're blessed to be able to get

outside and breathe the air you're

blessed that you have a new day you're

blessed to be right here talking with me

we got that energy going we love one

another you are blessed so even though

it doesn't look like it right you and

the girls got to sit in on a game and

take over a girl I'll be trying to take

over but everybody gets quiet everybody

gets quiet I don't know maybe it's just

unbelievable like when I try to rap like

something something something something

something something

everybody gets quite into you like I

can't rap I can't even enjoy a hip hop

it's like it's not real anyway you're

blessed to be here don't you forget it

don't you forget just how fabulous you

are okay don't you forget it

hey Julia don't you let anybody tell you

any different I love you guys and I will

talk to you I am around on the internet

live all week if you want to know where

I am and you want to learn more about

e-commerce join me bi t dot ly for / e

comm army get in there have a blessed


For more infomation >> What Are You Afraid of - Overcoming Fear - Face Everything and Rise - Duration: 18:47.


4 weeks to shred - Duration: 9:43.

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