Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 27 2018

So let's get right to it, then.

How to read a Pathwork lecture using a rhetorical approach.

I think it's important to understand first of all that rhetoric not

only means the art of persuasion;

it's also the art and science of

truth seeking. And

in rhetoric, every text or performance is

seen as an argument--not in a

conflict way that we tend to think about the word argument,

but really as a dialogue or a dialectic looking for truth.

So when we apply the principles and methods of a rhetorical approach,

we can really facilitate our understanding and grasp things

more quickly and also perhaps more deeply.

So why then apply this to Pathwork? Well,

the first reason is that

the Pathwork lectures are all set up and constructed in an argument format, and

that means that each lecture has a topic and a position,

which is known as a claim together. Or, in Pathwork terms, it's often called "the promise" of the lecture.

And this lecture material is very

conceptual, and it's based on core principles and understandings that come in and out of all the lectures.

And so this really makes the rhetorical approach

a very wise choice to help us really get at the

material. And it works. It does make the lecture material much more accessible.

So, what we will do here is we're going to use a foundational lecture to demonstrate, and for this I've chosen

Pathwork lecture #157, which is "Infinite Possibilities of Experience Hindered by Emotional Dependency."

And this is a lecture that's suitable to

those new to Pathwork as well as experienced Pathworkers, and this approach is also suitable for

those new to Pathwork as well as experienced Pathworkers.

And also, I will offer support and follow-up if you have questions and

need more explanation.

The basics here are that

argument theory or rhetoric

has a lot of elements to it, right?

Claim, supporting evidence, warrant, backing,

logos, pathos, ethos,

fact, definition, cause, value, policy, and

the good news is you don't have to know any of that to follow this approach! In fact, I've

condensed a lot of the basics of

rhetoric into five questions that we can use when approaching Pathwork lectures.

And so these five questions are:

1. What is the lecture's claim or promise?

And why does this topic or this particular topic of the lecture really matter?

And, secondly, (2)

what concepts or truths

form the foundation of this claim or promise and

make it possible? So what's underlying--what are the assumptions and beliefs and truths that

underlie the argument or the claim of this lecture?

Also, in question three (3), we need to figure out, well, what are the key terms and concepts

that are stated and/or defined? Sometimes

they're stated and not really defined and other times they are stated and defined.

And then we need to get more specific about what the lecture is saying about-- this is question four (4)--

about how we are staying stuck or ignorant or limited, however we want to take--

however we want to look at that.

And another way to ask that is, well,

why are we getting negative results? And of course the follow-up to that is how can we get unstuck? (5)

Right how can we be free?

And another, a Pathwork way of asking that same question is:

How do we replace vicious circles with benign circles?

Well for this particular lecture--

We're going to go through this process, and this process can be used for any lecture.

And it basically goes like this: that you print or write out the five questions (these five questions here) and

then, you know, have them next to you, and you want to answer these questions in

order by going through the lecture. And it's

completely fine to skip through lecture and find things.

It's--this is a

fundamental understanding about the rhetorical approach: is that

we're not reading for the story, right? This is an active form of reading, so

we're mostly kind of conditioned to read things as a story we start at the beginning, and we go away to the end,

but that's not the way to read when you're looking for truth, and when you're taking a

rhetorical approach.

You want to skip around in the beginning, right?

So you want to answer the questions in order, skip through the lecture as much as you need to, and

overall --and

most importantly-- be active in your reading. It's so easy to follow -- to fall into --

that conditioned pattern that we have when we read; we read somewhat passively because we are

We're reading as if it's a story, but this is a very different way of reading.

So, the next thing in this process is to first of all

meditate, contemplate on


answers to the first two questions, right, which would be: what's the lecture's claim and

what are the truths or concepts that form the foundation? And

(for question two) those in

argument theory are called warrants if anybody's familiar with that. So

contemplate and meditate on your answers to the first two questions,

and then next you want to study your answers to question 3, which is, you know: What are the key terms and concepts?

And you really at this point need to make sure that

you get what's being presented here; you understand these concepts. And if you don't, well

then you can look them up, and (or) review to make sure that you you are on top of that. And


you want to review your answers to questions 4 and 5, which are how we're staying stuck, and how do we get unstuck?

And once you've done all of this, in this process, now

you're going to go and read the lecture from start to finish.

And, you know, taking notes as you go along because it'll be a very, very different experience for you

now that you have framed out the lecture's

argument. You understand all the terms,

you know what it's about generally, and so now when you read it

you will deeply absorb it. And

that's the whole point of this process-- is to get to that point

where you can read it, and

really, really take it in, and then be able to apply it, which is the seventh step of this process,

which now that you've read the lecture well, and on this level,

understand it,

what kind of intention or intentions can you set for yourself

around the material?

Okay, so before we go now and answer

those five questions,

let me just show you here this lecture. And I'm using the unedited version of the lecture. I always use the

unedited version, and

that's a personal preference. I find that sometimes the edited version

leaves some things out, and so I

go with the unedited.

So, this you'll see that this

copy of the lecture -- I've gone through and made all kinds of

commentary. In fact, it says I've made 50 comments.

It's probably fewer than that because I think they include page changes as comments in this program. In any case,

I've made a lot of commentary; here some of the


relates directly to the material, and in other points the commentary points to other lectures or

commentaries are also

perhaps an explanation of a key Pathwork concept, and

if you would like a copy of this annotated lecture,

I will make that available to you. So this is the way that that I've done it here, right?

I've got a number of things highlighted that answer these questions, the five questions, and

go into it even in a lot more detail than that, so I just wanted to show you that, and

now let's go to the

answering of the five questions for this particular lecture.

Okay so the first question:

What is the claim or promise, and why does this topic matter?

So, the place where you want to see if you can identify

the claim, and the claim again is the topic plus the position, and you can also think of it as the promise of

the lecture, and we want to use the title because usually the title contains

both of those things, the topic and position, within it, so let me just demonstrate that here the title is called

"Infinite Possibilites Hindered by Emotional Dependency."

Well, the claim if we just kind of move the words around a little bit, we can state the claim--

which is that our emotional dependency gets in the way of the infinite possibilities that exist.

And if we want to frame that in

promise terms,

that's usually going to be an if-then kind of statement: If we can clear our emotional

dependency, then we can manifest

these infinite possibilities. So claim and promise -- you can see that they're saying the same thing

there, just stated in different forms.

Now if we look at the lecture, will find that the claim of the lecture is

best stated right here in this in this line: "Only when you can lose on the ego level where you exert force

can you gain or win on the level of creation and power to form a good life."

So where did this claim come from? Well it comes from the end, and

that's generally where you want to go when you're trying to answer this first question--

What is the claim or promise?-- you want to go to the title first of all and see if you can sort it out

from there, and then go directly to the last couple of paragraphs.

Not the Q&A, not the questions and answers, but the last couple of paragraphs of the lecture.

90% of the time the claim is going to be stated very clearly in

that last part of the lecture, and

it's also stated in the promise format here. Also at the very end of the lecture in those last two or three paragraphs, and

the promise format here, is: "Whatever it is you find you need from others,

verbalize it concisely to yourself. This will bring you nearer to letting go.

You'll become free as you let free." You can see how it's

essentially saying the same thing. Once you understand all the concepts, you'll see that they these are equivalent statements

they're just put in different forms.

And now the the other part of question one is

extremely important: and why does this matter? Why does this topic matter? And

the reason I chose this particular lecture

to illustrate this process is that

this is a

foundational lecture, and this material really matters.

We are creating our own troubles and suffering, and

we need not do this, essentially.

So that's why this matters. We understand the claim and the promise.

At this point we now have the the lecture somewhat framed in very broad terms in

our minds, so we can go now to the next question, which

is what

concepts or truths--

let me scroll up a little bit--

What concepts are truths form the foundation of the claim or promise and make it possible?

So these are what are called warrants in

argument or rhetoric, and those are those

general statements of a belief or


sometimes they're assumptions that really are

the bedrock of the argument as a whole. So in this particular case

we have a

number, I've chosen five here, five

essential concepts or truths that are stated in the lecture that the whole argument

relies upon. So first of all, creation is infinite in its possibilities.

Next, in the depths of our being we have the potential to realize these possibilities.

Nothing new ever comes into existence.

So with these statements you can see something already.

They're very general statements of truth or principle-- some people would say that they're assumptions,


how is that different from the claim? Well the claim or the promise is very specific; it's talking about how

these infinite possibilities relate to our emotional dependency.

And that's the difference between a claim or promise, and



broadly stated

truths or warrants of the argument.

But we need these truths to ground ourselves in these truths to really be able to grasp the more specific argument.

Also, everything already exists as a

potentiality that can be made manifest when "specific obstructions are eliminated."

That's also an essential concept or truth here for this argument.

Also, whatever possibility you can conceive of, you can realize.

And stated in another way: you cannot bring something to life if you cannot first conceive of it. So these five

warrants or truths or concepts,

general statements, they are the

the foundational conceptual material of the entire lecture so we really kind of need to make sure that we have

identified these and

are able to

to grasp them and open to them in order to

fully be able to receive the lecture in its entirety.

I also make a note here. There's a difference between

core Pathwork principles that show up in the lecture and

these underlying truths or warrants for the argument. For example, in this lecture it talks a lot about

pleasure. "Man cannot live without pleasure."

"To deny pleasure is to deny life," or


assumption here or principle that stated is: "If energy is used in its natural correct meaningful way it never

exhausts itself." Now, these are core Pathwork principles,

but they are not core concepts or truths for this particular argument.

So I just want to make that clear here, that there's -- there is -- a difference between those and they're both important.

But we're mostly wanting to focus

in this process, in our seven step process,

we want to focus on these these

these truths that are foundational to the argument or lecture being presented. So our next question is:

What key terms and concepts are stated and/or defined

again, like,

as we said before, sometimes things are stated

but they're not defined, and in this case we want to make sure that that we capture as many of these as

possible. These key terms and concepts

will sometimes be specific to a lecture, and other times they will be

concepts and terms that

come about

repeatedly through

many lectures.

So let's go through these.

Healthy unfoldment follows the creation of the healthy personality. That shows up in many lectures.

Defending yourself against negative possibilities is negative motivation.

This does not, this does not necessarily mean destructive


So, this is one of those those definitions that show up in this lecture

that we need to really make sure that we understand. Negative motivation is a lot different than destructive intent, so

being able to discern those is essential for us to be able to

be able to grasp and apply the material of the lecture.

Also negative motivation applies to all levels of your personality: mental, emotional, physical.

Fear of happiness is based on ignorance. That's a

key term and concept, a key concept that's

stated here in this lecture also. And that every human harbors an attitude of fear and weakness that induces a strong shame.

That's a very important concept for this lecture.

And in this next one, sort of bridging into question four, but hiding this part of us,

this attitude of fear and weakness, is

what compels us to sell out to betray ourselves to avoid disapproval and rejection.

And as we go into the next question

we'll get more deeply into that. Also in this lecture the concept of forcing current is

mentioned. It's not defined here and

it is in a lot of other lectures, but in this case it's just basically

forcing self-will, that's what forcing current is, and

particular to this lecture it talks about

how we use forcing current to make demands on others. And we can paraphrase that as:

"You must." You must do this; you must do that.

And also, this is hugely important in

this lecture and for Pathwork as a whole,

that self responsibility here is defined.

But it defined in a very broad and balanced way in that self-

responsibility includes being responsible for negative feelings, which we're very used to in the Pathwork, that (you know) we understand like okay

understand that I'm responsible for my negative feelings: finding them, feeling them, and so forth. However,

this lecture also rightly points out of course that

it's also our

self responsibility to -- self responsibility also includes our right and

possibility to create happiness.

So without that, without that balance, we will not really grasp the fullness of self responsibility and

will be somewhat obstructed in

in our work.

Okay, so question number 4:

How are we staying stuck or ignorant or limited? And again, these are general questions that can be applied to

every lecture, and that's why I'm using

different words here because they might

apply differently in different lectures. Another way to ask the same question is: why are we getting negative results? And in this particular lecture?

this particular lecture it states, well, we betray our real selves.

Whenever we hide or attempt to hide or wish to hide -- even from ourselves--

that part of us that-- where we're afraid and feel weak--

that's a betrayal, and so then we submit, placate, please. And

in the process we lose self-respect because our real self is is aware of this going on, and

so there's a part of us that distrusts ourselves, and we end up fearing ourselves and a vicious circle

gets created here.

And, so that's one of the ways that we stay stuck.

Also very specific to this lecture:

We stay stuck because we do not know or do not want to know that we are no longer helpless and dependent on our parents.


Furthermore we deny the intense pleasure of being, and

We look for fulfillment outside of ourselves.

So, I'm hoping you can see the value in

Separating things out like this, right? When we really look at what the lecture is telling us about

how we are staying stuck and we break it down this way it becomes

much more

connected to the overall

point of of the lecture or really helps us understand how this works. So let's look at

the last question, which is of course

obviously going to be the next one: well how do we get unstuck?

Again separating these two things out, that's why there are two separate questions.

It's very important. We need to understand first of all-- Well, how are we doing this?

Secondly we need to understand: how do we not do this? How can we do something different?

The lecture makes it very clear that we first of all need to understand how this all works, and

how and why we create emotional dependence, and

we also need to understand and accept that we're not dependent and helpless, and

this is where we now come back to

the promise. And the lectures work like-- this right they start off with

the claim in the title and then it develops that and

the promise-- they're all there, and then it gets restated at the end as it comes full-circle. So here at the end

the promise is telling us how to get unstuck right?

"Whatever it is you need from others,

verbalize it concisely to yourself." Really verbalize it; be clear on what it is, be able to state it, and

this will bring you nearer to letting go.

"You will become free as

you let free."

And also, really important in this lecture, we

free ourselves, we get unstuck

by giving ourselves permission to establish and

Utilize the source of all pleasure deep within us.


those are

The answers here-- or my set of answers for these five questions for this lecture.

Let's go back and look again at the process so we can see how this all fits together.

Okay, so these are those five, the five questions again. We've gone through them, and now the process is that we, you know,

we've had these five questions next to us as we go through the lecture, and

we then answer these questions in order.

It's important to do them in order because of the way that the the argument is constructed, and

it's also important, though, that we skip through the lecture at times to find what we need, and

then we're going to

go through and really contemplate on those answers to the first two questions, the ones about the the claim as well as the

warrant, right, what's

the specific thing that the lecture is about. And secondly, what are the general things,

general truths, that the

lecture is about? And then we want to look at our

answers to question 3, which is all about the concepts and principles that are

presented and sometimes defined. We need to make sure that we really understand those, and

we also want to take a look at these answers that we came up with for questions 4 and 4. Right?

How are we staying stuck or

limited, and how do we

become free; how do we replace vicious circles with benign circles.

And now once we've finished that process we can really read the lecture this time from start to finish.

And we're going to take notes because it's going to be different now because we have mapped out


lecture's full argument, and so now we're going to be able to receive it in a new way.

We'll get new and different and deeper insights

when we're able to approach the lecture from a place of knowing

instead of being somewhat, perhaps

confused or uncertain, or you know maybe resistant because it's so much material.

Breaking things down in this way will lessen our resistance to

going through the lecture and finding what we need to understand and what we need to do. So

the end of this process is of course

to now set an intention for ourselves around the material. How do we, how do we activate

this knowing? How do we activate

the truth; how do we activate our connection to our real self around this material?

I truly do hope that this process will serve you, and like I said, I'm very open to any questions you might have.

You can get in touch with me. I will also make


annotated version of lecture #157

available to all those who want it -- my annotated version--

and so thank you for watching this video and

I wish you all the best on your path. Please reach out if you have questions about this. Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> Pathwork Lectures | How To Read A Pathwork Lecture - Duration: 28:03.


Perfect Retreat By Park Model Tiny Home (400 Sq. Ft.) | Beautiful Small House Design - Duration: 2:01.

Perfect Retreat By Park Model Tiny Home (400 Sq. Ft.) | Beautiful Small House Design

For more infomation >> Perfect Retreat By Park Model Tiny Home (400 Sq. Ft.) | Beautiful Small House Design - Duration: 2:01.


Dmitriy Ivlev - Gardens Are in Bloom - Duration: 3:44.

How many moons have passed

Since you left your home

(so welcome back)

You will not believe your eyes

The bitter times are gone

Gardens are in bloom

And the rainbow is bright

Valleys cured the wounds

Air is filled with light

Stay here or go ahead

It doesn't matter now

(will never be again)

The calmness everywhere

Look how sunlight shines on

Gardens are in bloom

And the rainbow is bright

Valleys cured the wounds

Air is filled with light

Gardens are in bloom

There is something wrong

Cause apples fall into my hand

A moment passed I get I am

a person-in-the-loop

My fight - was it all in vain?

...shut down the main frame...

Skies are falling down

...shut down the program...





For more infomation >> Dmitriy Ivlev - Gardens Are in Bloom - Duration: 3:44.


Which Smart Speaker Should You Buy? - Duration: 3:37.

Smart Speakers are a new technology.

It started back in 2016 with Amazon's first Echo speaker.

Fast forward to 2018, and companies such as Google, Sonos, and Microsoft have created

their own, with one from Apple underway.

But which one should you buy?

I am assuming that most of you know what a smart speaker is, but for those that don't,

a smart speaker is a speaker with voice control and that company's voice recognition AI.

The two most popular smart speakers right now are the Amazon Echo, and Google Home,

in which the base model is tall with a powerful speaker (the Echo costing $99 and the Home

costing $130), and the mini model is smaller and cheaper (Both Echo and Home minis cost


When you say "Alexa", or "Ok Google", the speaker activates and you can say your


They can do stuff like play music, set timer and alarms, control your lights and smart

things, ask for the weather, get it to tell you a joke, and the list goes on.

So now you're probably wondering which one is better.

The Amazon Alexa looks sleeker, while the Google Home looks like an air freshener.

The Alexa also has more built-in microphones then the Home, allowing it to better hear

and understand your commands.

Not only that, but Alexa has way more skills than the Home (over 15,000), and is compatible

and integrated with many other smart products, while Google only has about 160 'services',

and is not compatible with apps like Hive and Uber.

However, the Home can stream to a Chromecast, and you can control YouTube videos with the


It also has the power of Google's search engine, so it answers questions better and

smarter than Alexa.

So, coming back to the original question, which one is better?

The Amazon Echo and the Google Home have similar features, but the Alexa is a newer 2nd generation

device, and is $30 cheaper than the Home, so it's a clear winner.

However, things with the Dots and Minis are different.

They are priced exactly the same, but the Home looks cooler, has a bit better speakers,

and has this broadcast feature that I just learned about, where you can say something

to one Home device, and it will broadcast that to another Home Mini.

This one is hard, but I would lean to the Home Mini, unless you already have an Alexa

device, in which case buy the Echo.

And finally, the big boys.

Echo Plus v. Home Max.

This one is, umm… well I actually don't know what to say.

The Echo Plus is like an Echo, but with a better speaker.

The Home Max, however, is a Home, but with a very, very good speaker.

Oh, and did I mention that the Echo Plus costs $150, and the Home Max costs $400?


That's a $250 difference.

You guys judge that one yourselves.

Now, let's talk Apple, or more specifically, the HomePod.

It is similar to a Home Max, in terms of that is focuses on the speaker, instead of the

voice assistant.

This is further proved by Siri, which is the worst AI of these three, and needs a serious


It's cooler than the Max, because it has a LED waveform on top, has a powerful A8 processor,

and looks a bit better, for a price of $350.

However, I wouldn't recommend the HomePod, as it's released has been delayed for a

very long time, and its AI isn't good when compared to Google and Amazon, and it hasn't

stood the test of time.


Even though smart speakers existed for two years, there are a lot of information on them.

I currently have an Echo Dot, I like it, even if the speaker is not the greatest.

Did you like this video?

Leave a like and subscribe!

Also, which smart speaker was your favorite?

Comment down below, and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Which Smart Speaker Should You Buy? - Duration: 3:37.


Women Test The Best Way To Cover Dark Circles - Duration: 5:54.

- Prettiest bird in paradise.

(upbeat music)

- My mother had perfect skin

and she didn't have any under eye circles.

I kind of expected that that would be me too, but

unfortunately, as I got older,

I realized that I was blessed with

a bigger range of genetics and

that included under eye circles.

- I started noticing my dark circles a couple years ago

and started getting kind of self conscious about them.

- I think there was maybe a time

when I was a blossoming youth that I didn't have them

and then I think I woke up at 17 and was like,

"Oh, I have dark circles," it's just hereditary.

- I wouldn't say I have major insecurity

about my under eye circles, but

it would definitely be great if they didn't exist.

- This is Dermablend.

I don't think I've ever used anything Dermablend.

- It's got a shiny silver D on it.

Quick fix concealer.

- Full coverage for moderate to intense skin conditions,

scars, blemishes, age spots, dark under eye circles.

- This is definitely thicker than what I normally use,

but it doesn't feel crazy thick.

- I like to do one eye first, so we can see how it compares.

- For the people who dot their concealer,

it's really hard to do it with this type of stick.

This is meant to draw.

- I can't really feel it on my face,

it actually, it feels, it feels totally fine.

I kind of like it.

- You're not supposed to put a lot of pressure

on your under eyes, so already, if I have to

use a lot of pressure to blend it,

I'm like, "Maybe this isn't the right thing."

- I'm drawing it on pretty thickly

but I don't feel like I'm using a ton of product every time.

- I have to say I actually pretty like that.

I would probably use this.

- It's about double what I would spend

on a drugstore under eye concealer.

I don't know if it's worth that.

- I think it definitely covered them up

to a natural degree.

I like that it kind of blends into the rest of my skin

and it looks pretty natural.

Smashbox color correcting stick.

- It says, "Look less tired."

It's very direct in what it's planning to do.

- So I'm supposed to put this on first

and then my foundation over it.

- It glides on, which is nice.

- Let's do one of these, that people sometimes do.

- It's not blending great.

Maybe that's why you're supposed to

put your foundation over it.

- It definitely feels a little bit harder to blend out.

- Might have just gone a little crazy there.

I think it is doing something, actually,

a little bit more than I was maybe expecting.

- It's doing a really good job of coverage for sure,

but it does feel like I'm wearing a lot.

I feel like it looks like I'm wearing a lot.

- The color correcting stick does blend away

the circles a little bit more than my regular routine.

I wouldn't say it does a lot.

- I think it did about the same as the Dermablend,

let's say, but it's a two step process

'cause you have to put something over it.

To me, that makes it less intriguing.

- Professional makeup wonder pencil.

- It labels itself as concealer,

eye brightener, reverse lip liner, in one, wow.

- Ooh, I love trying this because I've never

tried a nude eyeliner.

This, to me, if it has any sort of brightening effect,

is actually probably the kind of thing I'm looking for.

- I'm just gonna line my bottom water line.

- It is totally super clumping up into my eyelashes.

I feel like we've got problems.

- I mean, I can tell that it's going somewhere, right?

- The color is between my eyeball color,

AKA white, and my skin.

- It might just be a placebo effect.

I don't know, I like it.

Maybe it's all mental anyways, you know?

It makes me feel like I look more awake,

and that's maybe half the battle.

- I would say it doesn't really look very different

from my face without any makeup on it anyway.

- Now that I look at it more,

I feel like it does kind of emphasize the dark circle more.

I don't trust this.

- I'm gonna go ahead and put my money on the line

and say it has a brightening effect.

I think probably when used in conjunction

with a very light under eye concealer,

this is the trick.

- Number seven, this looks a lot like,

yeah, okay, so this is lipstick.

- Oh, fuck this (laughs).

- Oh no, this is that trick?

(groans) I don't trust it at all.

- Oh, I've seen this trick on the internet before.

- This looks unlike anything I've ever

put on my face, really.

- I hate this so much.

- It goes against everything I know.

- So I'm gonna blend this in a little bit with,

with a brush, although it's lipstick,

so it's not really doing the blend thing.

- Still doing this, still hate it.

I like this lipstick, though.

- Really, people use lipstick for this?

They're mad.

- '90s rave vibe.

- I've put kind of more on than I think I normally would

but I feel like I have to.

- It's just like I'm asking this to do more work.

Also this adds a lot of time to your makeup routine.

- More concealer to conceal.

We have definitely made a mess.

- It's more makeup than I would want.

Do I think it did a better job

than me just throwing on my regular foundation?

Yeah, if I slept four hours

and I had an interview with Barbara Walters the next day,

sit down and all of America's watching,

would I use this trick?

Probably, I probably would.

- [Zee] This technique did not really work for me.

I don't think that this was the best option.

- In terms of what that did versus

the other regular concealers,

this is about the same.

- [Zee] The first was actually my favorite.

- I think I would choose this one for a lot of reasons.

Four bucks, I think it brightened the eyes.

- Overall, I would definitely use the Dermablend,

just because it seemed like the product

that gave you the most bang for its buck.

You can just put on the Dermablend,

be concealed, and go about your business.

- I do think, from this exercise,

I am just reminded that I am much harsher on myself

than anybody is, and really, all of these products

are just sort of to make you look less tired,

so maybe just getting eight hours of sleep

is better than any of these.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Women Test The Best Way To Cover Dark Circles - Duration: 5:54.


Are You A Bigger NFL Fan Than Your Friend? - Duration: 4:25.

- And here's what mine says.

Damn yo this quiz sucks


- Hi, I'm Zack and today at work

I'm challanging my friends to an NFL trivia quiz.

It's going to test their historical, current,

and statistical knowledge and at the end

the looser gets to dump Gatorade on the winner.

Because that's what happens when you win the Super Bowl.

You get a Gatorade bath.

Let's see what happens.

- Name the top three players in all-time rushing yards,

receptions, and passing yards in order.

- Oh, fuck.

- This is already harder - This is way harder

- It's very, very specific

- I think I can do the top, but two and three

is gonna be kind of a guess.

- Yeah

- Oh but I'm wondering if it's like some 1940's

player name like Bob Hillis.

- I think number one is pretty easy

that's Jerry Rice I think owns pretty much every record.

- [Zack] Well, I mean you're giving him the answer.

- I mean we all know that one


- And what's the other guy, catching the ball,

what's his name, oh there it is.

I got his name.

- So for rushing yards, I'm guessing number one, Emmitt.

- [Man] Emmitt Smith

- [Additional Man] Emmitt Smith

- I put no one and Emmitt Smith was my number two

- Fuck yeah

- I said that as well

- You see, I put Franco Harris and I put that because

I was actually reading a Steelers history book.

Number two O.J. Simpson.

- [Woman] I said Adrian Peterson

- I put him as my fourth

- I left it blank

- [Man] I had Jim Brown

- Is it Walter? Yes

- Yeah, it's Walter Payton

- [Together] Ahhh

- [Zack] And number three.

- I put L.T.

- [Man] Is LaDainian Tomlinson up there?

- I said Barry Sanders.

- I left it blank, I wasn't sure.

- [Zack] You're both wrong, it's Barry Sanders.

- It's funny because I was going to put Barry

and I was like no, he retired so young,

he didn't get that record.

- Okay, what did you say for receptions?

- For number one I have Randy Moss.

- It's got to be J.R., J. Rice.

- Jerry, Randy

- I said Randy as well.

- [Zack] It is Tony Gonzalez.

- No way

- Is it really?

- Tony G.

- As a tight end, that's amazing.

- [Zack] Who did you guys have for number three?

- David Tyree

- [Woman] I threw Cris Carter and Michael Irvin in there

- I'll say T.O. right now, I'll say T.O.

- Blank

- Yeah, I left it blank

- And again, its just blank for me.

- [Zack] It is Larry Fitzgerald.

- [Man] L. Fitz, damn it.

- He's so beautiful

- [Zack] And for passing yards.

- Favre?

- [Man] My number one was Brett Favre.

- [Other Man] Peyton Manning

- [Zack] Correct, Peyton Manning.

- Peyton Manning

- Is it Peyton Manning?

I got that wrong, I put Joe Montana.

- [Zack] For number two, who did you guys have?

- Got to be Danny boy, Dan Marino.

- And I put good throw guy

- I have Dan Marino

- And Brady, Marino?

- Joe Montana

- [Zack] It's Brett Favre

- Of course

- Oh

- Oh

- [Zack] Number three, who did you guys have?

- Steve Young

- [Man] I put John Elway

- I left it blank

- Drew

- I put Tom Brady

- [Zack] It is Drew Brees.

- Oh, Drew Brees - Wow, Drew, wow

- [Zack] You lost - I did

- [Zack] You won

- Yes

- [Zack] And in the victory, he's gonna dump Gatorade on you

- That doesn't actually make any sense though

- [Zack] Because that's what happens

when you win the Super Bowl

- [Zack] Why, you won.

You get to dunk him in Gatorade because he won

- Yes

- Oh my goodness

- Stop it, are you serious?

- [Zack] That's what happens when you win the Super Bowl.

- No, what?


You get a Gatorade bath.

- No

- I am so thrilled that I get to praise you as a winner.

- My heart is going so fast right now.

- All that knowledge is gonna get you a little wet.

You ready?

- Yeah, lets just go

- Three, two

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Delicious

- So I'm celebrating I'm victory right now.

I wish I got the rest of the spoils that come with victory

- You did so well.

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Oh that feels awesome.

- Are you sure you got this?

- Yeah

- Oh god

What are you doing? Oh no.

- Congratulations, you did it, you're the winner.

- Stop

- I feel so good about my Gatorade bath.

- Yeah

- And being victorious today.

Come on man, come on, bring it in,

bring it in, bring it in. - You know what, hug it out.

- [Together] Yeah

- You got to share in the moment with your teammate

- You got to share, we're a good team

- [White Shirt] Good team, good team, I feel good

- [Black Shirt] We are a good team

Well, we're in it together.

For more infomation >> Are You A Bigger NFL Fan Than Your Friend? - Duration: 4:25.


🇰🇷 TIFF GOES TO KOREA EP 10 I KPOP CDS/Goods, DDP, Seoul Fashion Week, Renting Hanboks - Duration: 10:29.

So right now we are in Myeongdong

and its about 8ish at night.

So its really crowded with tons of people right now.

Everyone is just trying to get their shopping fix

and I am hungry for food. So let's find something to eat.

This is the mochi strawberry.

It's good.

Red bean, and strawberry and mochi on top.

The mochi is really soft.

Strawberry is very sour.

Ready to eat.

For more infomation >> 🇰🇷 TIFF GOES TO KOREA EP 10 I KPOP CDS/Goods, DDP, Seoul Fashion Week, Renting Hanboks - Duration: 10:29.


New Myvi or Persona? IMO - Duration: 7:07.

whats up everyone welcome to my channel again

before we begin our video

just want to let you know that I just create Instagram

for my youtube channel and

i'll update some small update or behind the scene on

on that Instagram

today we going to talk about which car you choose

the latest perodua myvi or the persona

now there is something perodua told me which is not correct

they claim that engine of perodua myvi is the same as

the toyota vios

but is actually not true

the engine of both car is the same family which is 2NR


the engine are totally different

for perodua myvi is 2NR-VE

for vios is 2NR-FE

the 2NR-VE engine for the myvi

only produce 76kW and 136Nm of torque

which is only 6 more horsepower and 15 more torque compare to the 1.3 engine

and I rather get a 1.3 if there is only a little bit increment

but for the toyora vios

it produced 79kW and 140Nm

which is just little bit less than the 1.6 proton persona

next I'm going to talk about my opinion on the perodua myvi

for the perodua myvi the low spec, the 1.3 spec

really like a lot of features that we need

such as the bluetooth hand-free

it's quite important

even the lowest spec of the persona have the Bluetooth function

but from the paper I see

perodua myvi doesn't have

only the higher variant have

next is the hill hold assist

especially if you going to buy a manual car

the hill hold assists is very useful

it makes the hill start easier if you drive a manual

but the only variant that come with manual, the lowest variant

doesn't come with hill hold assist

and the next one is front corner sensor

the lowest variant of perodua myvi doesn't come with front corner sensor

next i'm going to talk about something I like about myvi

but sadly is not available across the variant

first is a build in touch 'n go smart tag function

it's very convenient

you don't need to buy another smart tag and keep it in your grove box

and then take it out and then point it

and then keep it back to the grove box

next is a new ASA system

which I call the eyes in front

is very good it's very convenient it's very luxury

but the ASA is only available on the highest variant the top of the range

and next myvi comes with cool colors

like the granite gray

and the all-time favorite mystical purple

the mystical purple is the best color ever

but my opinion on the perodua myvi is that

the features is there was not perfect

for example the ASA the eyes in front

the only has the eyes in front

it doesn't have full 360-degree camera

it means that if there's a idiot driving approaching you

at your blind spot the car won't do anything

or if you want to change the lane

and you try to look at your mirror

it doesn't warn you about traffic on your blind spot

that is a climate control the air-con controller

it has full of buttons

if I see a air-con controller with full of buttons

I'm expecting a automatic mode

but it doesn't have it looks at luxury-wannabe

and next one is ECO-idle

when the engine shut down and start-up is quite obvious

now we're going to talk about the difference between myvi and persona

when i test drive the car

I find the myvi is quite underpower

I mean really underpower for 1.5 engine

and the car only weight like 1 ton

which is lighter than the persona but the persona is way more powerful

for the fuel economy wise

I truly believe that perodua will save more fuel compare to persona

while for the persona the fuel economy I get is around

is between 9km/L to 19km/L

next we talk about transmission

now for the manual transmission obviously proton is a better choice

but for the automatic

the technology now is towards CVT or 6-speed 7-speed 8-speed automatic transmission

protons has use the CVT

and in the persona or the new iriz

they implement a new the CVT2+

which is very brilliant the responsive is better

however perodua myvi only use conventional 4-speed automatic

which is quite outdated especially toyota vios is already using the

7-speed range CVT

then for the responsive

when I test drive the perodua myvi

the throttle and the brake is not very responsive

compare to persona when I test drive it which is a CVT auto

proton is more responsive compare to perodua

and proton has a better braking compare to perodua as well

for the myvi it has full of features

such as LED headlamp it even has a push start button

available from the cheapest variant

one more I want to point out is

perodua myvi doesn't have rear fog light

and I think rear fog light is very important in malaysia

then for the exterior wise

perodua myvi looks very good

I like the way it looks

and the persona is honestly very ugly

then it comes to my opinion

I think if you are deciding between myvi or persona

if you want to drive around city

myvi be will be a good choice

if you want to drive around in a highway or longer distance

persona would be good

from the test drive

myvi has less fun

and persona has more fun

if you wanted to go for manual

i would think persona is a better choice for you

and for my opinion

perodua myvi is more expensive than a proton persona

because you don't really want to buy the 44,000 variant

for the persona you can pay less at 50,000 for low spec

and you still get a lot of what you need

for my personal preference if I don't drive any car and I'm looking for a car

I still go for proton persona

because I wanted a manual car

I wanted a car that is fun

and I need a big trunk space

just to put all my stuff on the trunk

and travel around melaka johor

you know there's a bad things if you study in public u

and I hope you find this video informative

and do give a thumbs up and share it to your friends

and also comment below what do you think about persona myvi or Iriz

do you give your opinion and

hope that my video or your comment can help others to decide what car they should buy

and do subscribe to my video as I will post a new video every week

and see you again in the next video

For more infomation >> New Myvi or Persona? IMO - Duration: 7:07.


Gabe Parker: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 12:50.

Gabe Parker: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

A tuba player in the Marshall County High School band is accused of shooting 14 people in Kentucky on January 23.

Gabe Parker, 15, has been confirmed as the suspect in the Marshall County High School shooting in the town of Benton, about 200 miles southwest of Louisville, close to the Tennessee border.

Authorities say that two teenagers, Bailey Holt, 15, and a Preston Cope, 15, were both killed during the attack.

In total, 14 people were wounded during the attack.

The gunfire erupted at 7:57 a.m.

local time with local cops responding to the scene nine minutes later.

Authorities believe that Parker was armed with a handgun, acted alone and the victims were selected at random.

All of those victims are thought to be students.

Some of the victims were airlifted from the scene to Vanderbilt University Medical Center while others were treated at the Lourdes Emergency Department.

Authorities have said that five of those people are in critical condition.

Here's what you need to know:.

Parker Is an Active Member of the High School Band.

Instagram/Gabe ParkerGabe Parker's last Instagram post.

Multiple posts on Parker's Instagram and Facebook pages indicate that he played the tuba in the Marshall County High School band.

Parker's latest Instagram post shows a picture of his tuba with the caption, "This is my tuba.

There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My tuba is the best friend.

It is my life.

I must master it was I master my life.

My tuba, without me, is useless.

Without my tuba, I am useless." The post is a rendering of the Rifleman's Creed.

On October 24, 2017, Parker was pictured by the Marshall County Daily newspaper performing with the band at the Fine Arts Focus concert at Marshall County High School.

In his Instagram profile, Parker writes, "I trust no one not even myself," a quote often attributed to Joseph Stalin.

Parker also declares himself to be a "proud member" of the United Church of Bacon.

Parker's Reporter Mother Was Rushing to the Scene of the Shooting When She Learned Her Son Was the Suspect.

Parker is the son of Mary Garrison Minyard, the editor of Marshall County Online, reports the Louisville Courier Journal.

Minyard was heading to the school to cover the attack when she learned that her son was the primary suspect.

A family neighbor referred to Parker as a "grandma's boy" in an interview with the Courier Journal.

Allyn Hornick said, "His grandma was his best friend." While a classmate told the newspaper that Parker had seemed "snappy" since returning from Christmas break.

Though that friend said Parker was "a really good kid.".

The same Courier Journal report says that Parker's parents, Austin Parker divorced in 2007 when the suspect was 5.

In November 2016, Austin Parker separated from Parker's stepmother, Jennifer Lynn Parker.

Austin Parker would plead guilty to slapping his second wife during an argument for which he received 90 days in jail, conditioned for two years.

In a separation petition, Jennifer Parker referred to Austin Parker as "controlling and a bully" with a "short fuse.".

One of the Victims Says She Doesn't Hate Parker.

Posting on Snapchat, one of the victims in the shooting, Hannah Danae, wrote that she had a bullet in her chest and was about to go into surgery, Danae added that she was "praying for everyone affected." Danae added, "The boy who did this was hurting too.

And we can't hate him. I love you all.

Praying for you.".

One of the wounded victims is 17-year-old special needs student Daniel Austin, reports the Louisville Courier Journal. His brother, Shane Story, told the Courier Journal, "I was watching TV this morning and I got a phone call from my stepmom saying there had been a school shooting and it freaked me out.

I sensed something was wrong with my brother." Austin was shot in the shoulder with the Courier Journal reporting that doctors are optimistic that they can save his arm.

A vigil will be held for the victims of the shooting at 6 p.m.

at the Briensburg Baptist Church in Benton, Kentucky.

Parker Will Be Charged With Murder & Attempted Murder.

Authorities have refused to rule out bullying as a possible motive for the shooting.

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, a woman identifying herself as Parker's stepsister, Kimberly Mason, wrote a lengthy post that discussed Parker being bullied at Marshall County High School.

Mason said that Paker "loved chemistry" and that their parents had gotten divorced in 2017.

Here is the post in full:.

I wasn't going to post anything, but it's too hard not to after reading everything being posted on social media about this shooting.

Gabriel Parker is my stepbrother.

He is my family.

I don't care that his dad and my mother got divorced last year and I haven't been able to see him much since then.

He is my family. He isn't a monster.

He doesn't deserve to die like I've seen so many people say.

He is a kid who is hurting.

If you knew even half of the things he was put through with his father, then you wouldn't be saying those things.

But the fact is, you don't know Gabe.

You don't remember him as a young boy who was always laughing and who was so smart and loved chemistry.

But I do.

I don't know if he did this in retaliation to being bullied, but I'm sure if he was bullied that no one in that school did a damn thing about it.

I know that no one who had the power to stand up to his father did except me and my mom.


And please.

If you know someone who is being abused or bullied, stand up for them! I am begging you! My heart goes out to those families who were impacted by this shooting.

I cannot imagine what you are feeling.

But like me, you are hurting.

This isn't easy on anyone.

But, posting hateful comments on his pictures is the kind of behavior that promotes more school shootings.

This is sad and heartbreaking, but adults, act like adults! Stop being bullies yourselves! I hope going forward more people will stop and think about their behavior.

I hope before you say that mean, unnecessary comment that you put yourselves in their shoes.

I hope before you go to push someone or knock their books out of their hands that you put yourselves in their shoes.

And to those who want to take their lives or the lives of others out of feeling trapped and lost, please know you aren't alone.

You are not alone.

Pain can be worked through.

I know as young adults situations seem impossible and out of your hands…but the time will pass quicker than you think.

You can make it through.

The Kentucky State Police said in a statement that the suspect was arrested by a Marshall County deputy.

Governor Matt Bevin said that the suspect will be charged with two counts of murder and multiple counts of attempted murder. The Courier Journalreports that authorities believe Parker opened fire in the common area of the high school.

It had earlier been confirmed that Parker would be charged as a juvenile with two counts of murder and 12 counts of assault.

Though Assistant County Attorney Jason Darnhall told the Courier Journal that prosecutors will move to try him as an adult.

For more infomation >> Gabe Parker: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 12:50.



I was thinking just before I start to make this we have actually been

conditioned to kid with ourselves to lie to ourselves to not really take an

honest look at the results we're getting I want you to take a real honest look at

your results and when you look at them ask yourself am i living the way I

really want to live you see most people aren't one of the first questions I ask

a person that comes to work with me I want to know what's the most they've

ever earned in a year now I really don't care what the answer is but I want to

know what the answer is because you see if if a person says the most I've ever

earned in years $50,000 I know where their mind is programmed if they tell me

the most they've ever earned is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars I

know where they're programmed and then I want to find out what they want and I

know then what has to shift because their mind is programmed and if they're

really going to live the way they want to live they they've got to change the

program and if they don't change the program then nothing really the only

reason that most of us don't accumulate a level of achievement in our lives one

most people end up aiming low that's what I did most of my life that most

people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss most people fail in

life because they aim too low and hit and that's what I did I was a disc

jockey I was very satisfied I achieved a level of professionalism and mastery in

that area and then someone challenged me and said you can do more and it took in

14 years to convince me to become this person that you now see this person that

you now see this voice which I consider my power voice I have absolutely no I

that this person existed but there are some times in life someone can take you

to a place within yourself where you can never go by yourself and he saw

something in me and sometimes you have to believe in somebody's belief in you

until your belief kicks in we have so much focus on teaching you to be good

seed that we haven't taught you the power of good soil and so when we come

to Solis issues the seed ignores the soil we flick the channel and has

nothing to do with me we close our eyes because we have been taught to be good

seed but we have not been taught to pay attention Jesus says the sole word for

sowing seed and some fell by the wayside

and look at your environment

have you been positioned to flourish

positioning has a lot to do worship to be in an environment in a family that

supports you my sister and I were talking the other day I will tell her

what an amazing person she is that all of our lives together and all the things

that God did in my life not once in all of the years that I've known her and she

was there

she has always been my cheerleader my greatest fan and she said how can I be

jealous of my brother I said a lot of people have siblings

I'm jealous of hope and some of my development has to be that God planted

me in the people that supported me my brother my sister my mother my father

they all supported me you can have good seed but if you've been in bad soil

people who hated you environments that denied you education

that underserved you communities that limited you mentality set poisons you oh

do you hear what I'm saying if your soil wasn't right it doesn't mean that you're

not right but if your soil wasn't it's gonna

we're not having a song till you reach the growl are you blaming God for

something you ought to be blaming the soil for you cannot take a peach seed

and plant it in a teaspoon of dirt and expect it to grow though the teaspoon of

the dirt is the same size as the peach seed it will not grow the seed will only

grow when it is planted in something bigger than itself and I want to know

where are you planning it this morning are you planning something

so many people come up to me and say Gary it's so hard I look at their

Instagram and they're not posting any of their content with hashtags which is a

by accident way to pick up exposure in a world where they have no money when you

have no money when I took over my dad's business it did 3 million dollars a year

10% gross profit $300,000 before expenses my first year marketing budget

was $14,000 when you have no money and I built that business from a three to a

sixty million dollar business in five years I had to make every penny perfect

so I was right about email marketing in 96 and I was right and because of that I

had 91% open rates when Google AdWords came out the day it came out I paid five

cents a click for words before anybody bid me up and I was super right and that

worked if it does that lock versus preparation and do you ever get anything

wrong what do you do like it make them is Heidi I give everything wrong it's

just that I can't recall it because once it's wrong I'm moving on to the next

thing like dwell dwelling on what you up on is

the quickest way for the next thing not to work right yeah so like so I think I

do everything I mean you know this this is a fun thing to say some people in the

back know this I was a breakout YouTube star in the first year 2006 I decided

that the right strategy was to leave YouTube completely and go to viddler

because viddler offered me equity in their company and I've left an enormous

amount of attention I deviated from my intention thisis to do short-term

economics and equity in a company and I lost I lost Wendy Brock finally came in

my life two years ago we started to try to build up my youtube for the first

time I was sitting on 40,000 user followers in a world where I could have

had millions if I just stayed the course so I make mistakes all the time

I'm reorganize its based on a mistake I made the prior year I just don't give a

fuck about my mistakes everybody else cares about your mistakes if you're

worried about your own mistakes you've already lost the other thing is take

full responsibility for your life except where you are and the responsibility

that you're going to take yourself where you want to go so once that we have two

primary choices in life we can either accept conditions as they

exist or we can take the responsibility to

change them see a lot of people want to exempt themselves from taking

responsibility all they want to do is talk about the problem every time you

see them they'll tell you their story over and over and over and over again no

no you want to take responsibility for your life

I got me here I can get me out of this and I'm getting out I'm not going to be

a volunteer victim George Bernard Shaw said there two kinds of people in life

you know he said those that make things happen those that watch things happen

and those that don't know what happened and he said the people that get along in

this life look around for the circumstances that they want and if they

can't find them they make them they creator so part of

beginning to get unstuck you've got to decide that the behavior pattern that

you have adopted doesn't work for you you've got to change your strategies and

changing your strategy means reinventing your life recreating you and you have

the power to do that you can decide that you're going to change that you're not

going to be a wimp

you can decide that you're going to stand up to life you can decide that I'm

going to live each day as if it were my last you can you have the power to make

that decision you can decide I'm going to work on

myself and develop myself I'm going to empower me and all of these things that

are happening to me right now they're just temporary inconveniences they're

not stronger than I am I'm in charge here your present or past results have

absolutely nothing to do with what's going to happen from this point forward

now that was the point that really Stanford drilled into my head you see I

kept thinking well gee I such a mess up you

I've done everything wrong up til now I'm 26 I'm broke I'm not happy

everything was wrong he said Bob that's all in the past

he said every moment is a new moment we shouldn't condemn ourself and he said

what you were yesterday you paid for what you are today you decide what

that's exactly what true words say this power in no way is limited by precedent

even in a creative state we sometimes don't understand that you know why

airplanes right up to today almost have wings on them because birds have wings

birds fly they have wings it's gonna get a plane to fly you got to put wings on

it do you know we've got planes fly arms that wings today you know why never did

need wings but you see the thinking was to a degree limited by precedent birds

fly with wings planes have to have wings planes do not have to have wings you're

creative if you can visualize it you can do it it doesn't matter what it is

that's what he'll said anything in mind can conceive and believe it can achieve

choice is one of the most important concepts that you can get we're gonna be

talking about the laws of the universe one of the laws is a law polarity

there'd be no inside to the room you're in if there wasn't an outside you

couldn't have a right side your body with outer life for a top of the bottom

or a front without a back you can't have a bad without a good see the truth is we

make it better good Ralph Waldo trine in tune with the infinite a great book he

said nothing is good or bad except our thinking will make yourself

well if everything's both good and bad and we bring it together what's right in

the center if everything here is bad everything here is good what's in the

center just is everything just is you choose whether you're gonna look at

the downside of the upside michael beckwith gave me a marvelous concept he

said it doesn't matter what happens in your life doesn't matter what happens

you can't control the circumstance but you can certainly control how you deal

with them he said when anything happens step

number one it is what it is accepted its are they're gonna control you or you're

gonna control it that's your choice step number two harvest the good isn't that a

neat word harvest harvest the good there's good and bad and everything just

harvest the good step number three forgive all the rest forgive means like

go up completely it's a choice and if you like or the bad the good seems to

grow you and I have a choice it may be a difficult choice sometimes if you're

dealing with a particular difficult individual or a particularly difficult

circumstance nevertheless we've got the power within us to do it so as you go

through the day doesn't matter what set anybody says doesn't matter what happens

you have a choice to say that's good and in the process of working on your dreams

you are going to encourage and turn a lot of disappointment a lot of failure a

lot of pain a lot of setbacks a lot of defeats but in the process of doing that

you will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now

what you will realize is that you have greatness within you what you'll realize

is that you're more powerful than you can ever begin to imagine what you will

realize is that you're greater than your circumstances that you don't have to go

through life being a victim if Jack indicated I was born in Miami Florida in

the area called Liberty City in an abandoned building on a hardened Olien

floor with my twin brother we were six weeks of age we were adopted when I was

in 5th graders identified as EMR labeled educable mentally retarded put

from the fifth grade into the fourth grade and stayed in that category until

I got out of high school I don't have any college training but I meant a high

school teacher who one day changed my life I was waiting on another student

and when he came in he said to me young man go to the board and write what I'm

about to tell you and I said I can't do that turn he said why not I said I'm not

one of your students he said it doesn't matter follow my directions now I said I

can't do that sir he said why not I said because I'm magical mentally retarded

and he came from behind his desk and he looked at me he said don't ever say that

again someone's opinion of you does not have

to become your reality Harriet Tubman says I freed a thousand slaves I would

have freed even more slaves if they would have known that they were slaves

how many of you fellows and women are operating as a slave and don't even know

it are you conscious that every day you

wake up and you're anticipating to work for somebody we all work for somebody in

whatever capacity but are you even working towards working for yourself are

you looking to wake up and be somebody's be they said somebody's be as in you got

the king and the queen bee and you got all the worker bees that work for

someone they said what is that quote I got to think of it they said if you

don't remain obedient to your visions and dreams you're gonna wake up every

day at 6 a.m. to go and work for somebody else who was obedient to their

dreams I would have freed more slaves if they would have known that they were

actually slaves I don't think y'all know how powerful it is I realized that we

are our own mountains we are the reasons that a lot of don't go right for us we

create challenges and obstacle courses and issues and conflicts if something is

blessed and beautiful it is right in front of us we are gonna figure out a

way to we are our own mountains

Harriet Tubman says I was able to free over a thousand slaves I would have

freed more slaves if they would have known that they were actually slave

she's coming in line come on let's go let's go I mean like are you talking

about we got to get out of here we don't want

to be slaves no more let's go let's break free what what the hell is she

talking about Harriet Tubman says I freed over a thousand slaves I would

have freed more slaves if they would have known that they were slaves we are

our own mountains we self-sabotage and self defeat and stop ourselves from

advancing and moving forward with opportunities that are directly in front

of our faces I am sending this message out to the

world and I'm asking for everyone to go within don't be concerned in the

opinions of the world hold on with that bag don't don't be concerned of the

opinions and thoughts of the world when I leave these videos it's a moment for

us to actually sit still and think about us in our life or not everything I say

is a reflection of everybody but there's a lot of crazy going on there's a lot of

people out here who wake up every day trying to figure out how can I shut my

marriage how can I mess up my relationship how can I take a blessed

and beautiful situation and mess it all up drama and dysfunction is the

orchestration and works of the devil and when things are blessed

you purposely try and figure out a way to make it stressed I suffer from it

sometimes we all suffer from it but us being our own mountain it's like man you

know the peaks and valleys we got a lot of challenges in lifes and mountains

decline are you your own Mountain Harriet Tubman said I was able to free

over a thousand slaves I would have freed even more slaves if they would

have known that they were slaves and just so y'all know I'm not one of them

guys it's like the slave the white man to this I don't get into all that that's

not who I am I believe that every man and every woman individually can create

a better outcome for their life situation careers circumstance if they

stop self sabotaging and going out of their way to of their own situations I

was working on a job and I came home one day I was married at the time not old my

former wife I said that guy Burt I work for is stupid

she said if he's so stupid why does he sign your paycheck

now you see why I divorced er right

I couldn't stand her that night I could not sleep well here was a guy that was

controlling my life I was going through all kind of changes because this man

controlled my paycheck and it was Carlyle who said truth crushed to earth

shall rise again Winston Churchill say the truth is incontrovertible malice

mere tacit ignorant smae derided but at the end there is and we know scripture

that said he shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free and the

truth that I had to come to grips with that I wasn't in charge of my destiny

the truth was that I wasn't giving all that I had the truth was that there are

some things that I wanted to do but I didn't have the courage to act on those

things and the truth was that Birchall's was a blessing to me he made life so

miserable for me I had to start looking at my life differently I started going

to work earlier I started being the last one to leave there I started working

harder than anybody else the other guys could not why would you work so hard

less I said I'm not working for them I have been cheating Burt I thought I've

been cheating myself and my family wherever you are whatever you're doing

do it with everything that you have develop the habit of giving more than

what you're paid for develop the habit of setting standards that others will be

measured by someone said do not go where the path may lead but go where there is

no path and leave a trail friend too many times we have put so

much focus while teaching you to be good seed that we haven't taught you the

power of good soil and so when we come to Solis issues the seed ignores the

soil we flicked the channel and has nothing to do with me we close our eyes

because we have been taught to be good seed but we have not been taught to pay

attention Jesus says the sole word for sowing seed and in some fell by the

wayside some fell in love my look at you and look at your environment

have you been positioned to flourish

positioning has a lot to do flourishing to be in an environment in a family that

supports to our sister now we're talking the other day I will sell her what an

amazing person she is then all of our lives together and all the things that

God did in my life not once in all of the years that I've known her and she

was there when mama hardly have I ever known her to be jealous at me she has

always been my cheerleader my greatest fan and she said how can I be jealous of

my brother I said a lot of people

and some of my development has to be that God planted me people that

supported me my brother my sister my mother my father they all supported me

you can have good seed but if you've been in bad soil people who hated you

environments that denied you education that underserved you communities that

limited you mentality set poisoned you

do you hear what I'm saying if your soil wasn't right it doesn't mean that you're

not right but if your soil wasn't right it's gonna affect how you and how you

will choke you out for something you ought to be blaming the soil for you

cannot take a peach seed and plant it in a teaspoon of dirt and expect it to grow

though the teaspoon of the dirt is the same size as the peach seed it will not

grow the seed will only grow when it is planted in something bigger than itself

don't allow your emotions to control you we are emotional but we you want to

begin to discipline your emotion if you don't discipline and contain your

emotions they will use you your mind goes on automatic just like a guard you

know I loved reading the book call has a man thinking by James Allen he uses the

analogy of the mind being like a garden you know weeds don't have to have any

encouragement to grow you don't have to water them they don't have to get

sunshine they don't have to have fertile ground they will grow through the cracks

of a sidewalk am i right but if you want to grow orchids or roses

or any kind of exotic flowers there are special processes and procedures you

must go through what by the same token you don't have to force yourself or

motivate yourself to think negatively to be depressed to hate somebody to want

revenge you want to get back at somebody to beat yourself up over the head to

feel loaded with guilt you don't have to make any effort to do that your mind is

on automatic it will do that by itself but if you want to begin to move into

your own personal greatness if you want to begin to really enjoy a happy

successful healthy life you've got to be willing to go against the tide you've

got to be willing to harness your will and say in spite of this I'm in control

here I'm not going to let this get me down I'm not going to let this destroy

me I'm coming back and I'll be stronger and better because of it you have got to

make a declaration that this is what you stand for

you're standing up for your dreams you're standing up for peace of mind

you're standing up for health you want it and you're going to go all out to

have it it's not going to be easy when you want to change it's not easy if it

were in fact easy everybody to do it but if you're serious you'll go all out



Top 8 South Indian Actors Without Makeup Look Will Shock You - Duration: 5:24.

Top 8 South Indian Actors Without Makeup Look Will Shock You

For more infomation >> Top 8 South Indian Actors Without Makeup Look Will Shock You - Duration: 5:24.


Ariana Grande - Piano - Duration: 3:54.

Ariana Grande - Piano

Ariana Grande - Piano

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MDHearingAid Air Hearing Aid Review | America's #1 Best Selling Value Hearing Aid - Duration: 24:57.

For more infomation >> MDHearingAid Air Hearing Aid Review | America's #1 Best Selling Value Hearing Aid - Duration: 24:57.


Ariana Grande - Tattooed Heart - Duration: 3:15.

Ariana Grande - Tattooed Heart

Ariana Grande - Tattooed Heart

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Jacob Fisher: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 8:23.

Kaufman County Jail Jacob Fisher is one of several soccer players at Forney High School, located in Texas, arrested on sexual assault charges related to hazing.

Several soccer players were arrested on charges of sexual assault stemming from alleged hazing incidents that occurred at Forney High School in Texas.

Four of the players were arrested on January 25, and a fifth suspect turned himself in on January 26.

Two of the accused, who are juveniles, were taken away in handcuffs from the school's soccer field.

Two others were arrested off of school grounds, including 18-year-old Jacob Fisher.

The teens are accused of sexually assaulting at least two victims, one who alleged that he had been penetrated with objects.

Authorities fear there could be other victims.

Here's what you need to know:.

Fisher Was Booked on a $75,000 Bond & Later Released.

Jacob Fisher is seen in this Facebook photo.

Jacob Fisher was arraigned on a second degree sexual assault charge.

He was booked on a $75,000 bond, however, authorities told Heavy that he has since been bailed out.

The teen's Facebook page depicts a typical high school student who posted a photo of himself and a girlfriend, and several older images show him playing soccer among other boys.

Heavy reached out to Fisher for comment but did not receive an immediate response.

One Victim Told Police He Was Held Down & Sexually Assaulted With Objects.

One alleged victim told authorities that he was sexually assaulted on multiple occasions "with objects involving penetration during 2017 by Fisher and two others," WFFA reported.

He told police "one boy would grab him by his arms while two others would grab his legs and sexually assault him," according to the station, adding that he "tried to fight them off.

Investigators said the assaults took place in a Forney High School locker room that the soccer team used, and added that no faculty members were involved.

Authorities Urge Any Other Victims to Come Forward, & Believe the Alleged Abuse May Have Been Going on For Years.

While the victim alleged that the assaults occurred approximately 10 times, investigators fear there may be other victims and that the abuse may have been going on for years.

"We don't know how long this has gone on," Kaufman County Sheriff's spokeswoman Jolie Stewart stated, as reported by WFAA.

"We know that our investigation is going to be pretty lengthy.

It's going to take some time.".

"There's a lot more to these accusations that needs to be explored," said Attorney Brian Corrigan, who is representing one of the victims, according to dallasnews.


A Kaufman County investigator stated in court that he expects more students to come forward with allegations of being sexually assaulted, adding that the alleged assaults took place weekly among some of the soccer players.

Authorities are urging any other victims to come forward.

Those with information about the case are asked to contact Sgt.

Danny Gammon of the Kaufman County sheriff's office at 972-932-9631, or Kaufman County Crime Stoppers at 877-847-7522.

All of the Players Charged Have Been Removed From the School's Soccer Team & the School Released a Statement.

NBC Fort Worth reported that all of the students charged with the alleged assaults were removed from the team, adding that there will be increased "supervision in the locker room by coaches.

The Forney Independent School District released the following statement, according to the station:.

The District's primary concern is for the health and safety of our students.

After initially involving the Kaufman County Sheriff's Department in this matter, the District has and will continue to assist with their investigation in any way possible.

Further, any student who participated in these hazing activities will be disciplined in accordance with the Forney ISD Student Code of Conduct and Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code.

We are providing counseling services for any students, parents, staff members or community members who may be struggling with this situation.

We have also partnered with the Kaufman County Children's Advocacy Center to provide additional support as needed.

Because this is an ongoing investigation, the Kaufman County Sheriff's Department has requested that inquiries regarding this situation be addressed to them.

We also ask that the privacy of the students, staff and members of the community be respected.

Source: '1.5 Million High School Students Are Hazed Each Year.

According to insidehazing. com, "1.

5 million high school students are hazed each year.

The website offered the following warning signs that hazing may be taking place:.

The leaders of the group are very aggressive, and intimidating.You have heard rumors from your peers about activities that are hazardous.Your gut is churning and you sense danger.You have been warned by authorities that the group has a reputation for being extreme.You don't want to acknowledge it, but you have witnessed some events which are dangerous or are inconsistent with your own morals and values.You feel stuck.

You are already involved and do not know how to get out of the group or process.

For more infomation >> Jacob Fisher: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know || SML News - Duration: 8:23.


Ariana Grande - Lovin' It - Duration: 3:00.

Ariana Grande - Lovin' It

Ariana Grande - Lovin' It

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - Lovin' It - Duration: 3:00.


Craig Hazen: So That You Will Know [Talbot Chapel] - Duration: 25:47.

For more infomation >> Craig Hazen: So That You Will Know [Talbot Chapel] - Duration: 25:47.


Ariana Grande - You'll Never Know - Duration: 3:35.

Ariana Grande - You'll Never Know

Ariana Grande - You'll Never Know

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande - You'll Never Know - Duration: 3:35.


Ariana Grande - Daydreamin' - Duration: 3:31.

Ariana Grande - Daydreamin'

Ariana Grande - Daydreamin'

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