Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 27 2018


Time may come your phone is running out of the storage

But still wanna continue using apps

But unfortunately, you cannot do that due to the lack of storage.

Hey, what is techy people, this is Loshan and here in this video

I am to show you how you can use apps from playstore without installing them on your device.

So, first of all Open Settings

Scroll down and you will find an option named Google.

Tap that and you will see Instant Apps

Head over and Toggle the On Option and click on Yes I'm In

That's it you are done

Whenever you search for an app

You see an Option Try now.

Tap there and enjoy the app. Without installing on your phone and save the storage


This is kinna newly launched feature. So not all apps support this

But on the later future update you get to see on most of the apps

So, that's it for this video Guys. Share this everywhere and I will see you in the next one


For more infomation >> How to use apps using Installing them on any android | BuzzDope - Duration: 1:40.


How to get 1000 hours (out of 4000 hrs) and 300 subscribers (1000 is needed) on You Tub in 1 Month - Duration: 5:38.

Visit our Facebook page

For more infomation >> How to get 1000 hours (out of 4000 hrs) and 300 subscribers (1000 is needed) on You Tub in 1 Month - Duration: 5:38.


Live your healthy - Orange Park Medical Center Commercial - Duration: 0:31.

Healthy means a golf game with your friends

or on a shopping trip to spoil the grandkids.

No aches or pains,

so whatcha gonna do?

Have a family night out

or a date for two?

Whatever healthy means to you

We're gonna help you get there

doing the things you love to do

with the people who love you.

Find health quizzes and health tips at

For more infomation >> Live your healthy - Orange Park Medical Center Commercial - Duration: 0:31.


What is Discrete Automation? - Duration: 9:40.

In our PLC programming series, I have used the term Industrial Automation

to encompass an industry in which PLC programmers are used.

This is a general term used when discussing automation in general but there are a couple

of specific types of factory automation that we are going to discuss in the upcoming lessons.

Those topics are going to cover discrete automation, analog automation, and the difference between the two.

Before we start this video, I have a favor to ask you RealPars fans here on YouTube.

If you love our videos, we would love you to go head and like this video.

This is a great motivator for us to produce free valuable content for you.

That would also help others to more easily find our videos on YouTube.

Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven't already done so.

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Now let's get into the video.

In this lesson, we are going to discuss discrete automation.

Discrete automation doesn't necessarily mean that everything that happens within the process

is done with only discrete signals.

Discrete automation is more a term that is used for the process

in which you can measure the finished component.

Items that can be easily quantified could fit in the explanation of discrete automation.

This manufactured item doesn't necessarily have to be done in one process.

Let's first discuss an assembly process that would place a cap on top of a bottle.

The procedure to attach that cap may be by compression, meaning that the lid is pressed

onto the bottle, or the lid may be twisted or turned onto the bottle.

This automation process would take that bottle into some sort of piece holder

while another piece holder would hold the cap.

The automated process would attach that cap to the bottle in a single action,

either by pressing the parts together or one of the piece holders may spin in order to twist the cap onto the bottle.

This automated process produced a product that can be physically counted.

Of course, before the cap was attached, the bottle was probably filled with some sort of liquid

and the possible final step of this process may be to attach a label to the front of the bottle.

It really doesn't matter how many steps it takes to complete the product,

the end result is a countable item.

However, just a small process such as this one isn't the only type of thing

that would be considered discrete automation.

Let's take a look at the process of making a cell phone.

There are several parts that are used to create a cell phone.

Those parts may include a plastic or metal case, an LCD screen which can be a touch screen

or just a display, possibly a keypad if it's not integrated as a touch screen,

main circuit board, battery, etc.

Now each of these components may be made on a different production line

or in a different facility or even in a different country.

The process of creating each of those parts would be considered a discrete automation process.

Each process is creating a quantifiable or countable part.

When those parts are created in separate processes, they would then be shipped or moved to another production line

that would then assemble those products into the whole, complete cell phone.

The process to assemble the cell phone may take the cell phone case and first install the screen.

After that screen is installed, it may then be followed by the circuit board, the battery, the memory card, etc.

When the cell phone is assembled, again, it is assembled using a discrete automation process.

There are all of those components that were created by discrete automation processes

meaning, they could count a component or part at the end of the process.

Then you can take all of those countable parts and assemble them.

The final product is a countable product which makes it a discrete automation process.

In discrete automation, the process is not necessarily continuous.

The process of creating something via discrete automation could be started and stopped at any time.

In other words, let's say that plant A would create the cell phone case in a discrete automation process.

Plant A needs to fulfill an order to produce 50,000 cases in various colors.

The order is for 10,000 cases in stainless steel, 10,000 black, 10,000 white,

10,000 gold, and 10,000 rainbow tie-dye.

The plant's process can create 1000 cases an hour of a solid color

and 500 an hour of a mixed or multi color.

The plant has only 1 shift and that shift works 8 hour days and no weekends.

So Monday, plant A starts production on the stainless steel case.

The shift was able to make 6,500 cases and plan to resume production the next day.

On Tuesday, the plant resumes production of the stainless steel case for the final 1500 count.

If it takes an hour to change over the machine to produce a different color, the order for

plant A would take at least 8 working days to complete.

If however, plant A had a 24-hour shift, this order would be complete in approximately 3 days.

Basically, discrete automation production of components may be started and stopped

no times or multiple times.

The starting and stopping of an automation process can be done in either discrete or analog automation,

however, starting and stopping a discrete process is as easy as stopping a machine

after the last component is produced

and then starting it up again when you want to resume production.

This is one the easiest forms of process automation.

In a future lesson I will contrast the discrete and analog automation processes and demonstrate

that with an analog process, the chore of starting and stopping is a much more difficult task.

So to sum it all up, discrete automation is the production of parts that are of a quantifiable nature.

That may include cell phones, soda bottles, automobiles, airplanes, toys, etc.

As you know, an automobile contains many, many parts.

The parts required for an automobile are also quantifiable in nature.

A car requires 2 or 4 doors, measurable, 1 hood and 1 trunk, measurable,

1 engine and 1 transmission, again measurable.

Obviously, each of those required parts is not necessarily a single part in and of itself

but an assembly of other quantifiable parts.

Once all of those parts are put together, in a discrete automation process,

you are left with a countable part, an automobile.

This is discrete automation.

Be sure to check back for more RealPars videos.

For more infomation >> What is Discrete Automation? - Duration: 9:40.


Wolfgang Puck Bistro Elite 13" Stainless Steel Skillet - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Wolfgang Puck Bistro Elite 13" Stainless Steel Skillet - Duration: 7:13.


annie the clumsy show : ep5 "Your new empire?!" - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> annie the clumsy show : ep5 "Your new empire?!" - Duration: 5:04.



Hey guys its Team Hacker and I want to show you some command tricks!

Today I have my other account with me and we will not be doing much talking, so lets just get right into the video.

The first trick is a tsunami. This does not mean you have to download anything. It is only two commands too!

First, begin by going into your chat, and typing "/give @p command_block" or "/give @s command_block"

Then grab some red-stone and red-stone repeaters, and place them just like this along with two command blocks.

Click on your first command block and type this

"/execute @e[type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ tp @e[type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~1". You can use any mob besides and armor stand. Make sure the mob won't walk around though.

The next block is "/execute @e[type=armor_stand] ~~~ fill ~5~5~~-5~5~5 water" to finalize the data. For this episode, we will make a tiny wave. In your world, please use the commands corresponding to your coordinates.

Then Just double tap the lever quickly and your mechanism will do this. Once again please use a mob that will not walk around, and will not move on its own. Players apply to this.

Now its time to summon the tsunami!

But first, we need to prevent the mechanism from getting wet.

Here we go

Here is a tiny showcase of what our house will be.

This wave is tiny, but later, we will try a bigger one!

Thats more like it! But this one does not look like a tsunami.

Here we go! But our world crashes just before the wave hits.

OK, new world. The repeaters can also be set to any tick rate, and in this case, the arrow indicates were the wave will be going.

The speed of the wave relies on the repeaters.

Now lets get started. I've built a mini house, nothing big, but its going to be destroyed by the wave.

Here we go.

As you can see, the entire house was slowly eaten away by the wave, and the roof was pried off by the strength of the wave.

Once again, here are the commands.

Now we will be summoning "TNT ARROWS!"

Well fine I will give you the first hit!

This is the command. "/execute @e[type=arrow] ~~~ summon tnt" Please then set the command block to always active, and repeating.

This is a bonus command!

Lets have some fun!

Please subscribe to my channel and I will see you later!

Now I hope you enjoyed this video and like comment, and subscribe!

Good bye!!!

For more infomation >> NEW MINECRAFT COMMANDS! SUMMON TSUNAMI, TNT ARROWS! - Duration: 5:42.


Live your healthy - What Inspires You? - Duration: 0:16.

Whatever healthy means to you

we're gonna help you get there

doing the things you love to do,

with the people who love you.

Find health quizzes and health tips


For more infomation >> Live your healthy - What Inspires You? - Duration: 0:16.


How to Enter the Spirit World And Receive The Answers You Need - Duration: 11:41.

How to Enter the Spirit World And Receive The Answers You Need

Today, I�ll be talking about how to enter the spirit world.

God speaks to us in many ways. He gave us an extraordinary, unique ability � intuition.

An immaterial mechanism to sense and receive information from the spiritual realm when

you need it and you�re in �search mode�.

We, the people, usually wish to have interesting spiritual experiences, although we don�t

appreciate what that means, and quite often we don�t want to put forth any efforts.

Our expectations are that a �teacher�, �healer�, �guru�, or �magician�

can do the job for us, while we�re left to enjoy the end result.

But in sustaining such a paradigm of thinking, we deprive ourselves of engrossing spiritual

encounters. Encounters that we can experience by ourselves. We�re also robbing ourselves

of the control over this connection, inasmuch as we can talk about control.

I recommend you 7 actions & ways of thinking which can open you to spiritual sensations

and perceptions. If you adopt them, you will receive the answers look for. You won�t

have to seek the help of an intermediary.

My observations are based on the lives of people, who are turned inward to their inner

world. And they refract every experience through their spiritual eyes, seeking the deeper meaning

of everything that life hands them.

I know them and their experiences, which occur almost daily, and therefore no longer consider

them �paranormal�.

If it weren�t for them, I would never have discovered the things I have. And by looking

at their lives, I have intuitively understood some of my past actions.

Our common aim is to develop our way of contacting and connecting to the spirit world, also called

our Home.

How to Enter the Spirit World?

How to Enter the Spirit World1. The first key thing you must change in yourself is the

false notion that you can�t do it by yourself.

Each one of us, every day and every minute, is connected with the spiritual home. Part

of us is always there and can make the contact when we need.

2. You must believe in your abilities and train yourself to practice in your daily life.

You shouldn�t wait only when some dramatic event occurs (in such moments, strong emotions

can become blockages).

3. Meditation is a great way to establish a communication link with the spirit world.

Meditation enables us to quiet the monkey-mind. It also enables us to practice inner reflection

by falling asleep immediately afterwards with the intention of what excites us.

For instance, if you were reading an interesting book and wanted to feel the essence of what

was written, you would read a little and set the book aside. Allow yourself to relax and

close your eyes, contemplating what you�ve just read.

Ask yourself about the meaning of what you�ve read, and then let yourself fall asleep with

those thoughts.

This way, you�ll teach yourself how to see into the spiritual realm through meditation

on a daily basis.

The Magic Occurs When You Silence the Monkey-Mind.

More often than not, such moments will bring you interesting experiences while sleeping.

You may have metaphorical dreams filled with symbols and feelings which, impart a deeper

understanding of your questions and of what you�ve read.

Meditation facilitates the connection with the spiritual dimension.Sometimes, insights

and feelings from the day can continue in your dreams.

These can include visiting various places that you�ve read about, meeting with creatures

you�re curious about, having exciting experiences that you�ve never had before, and much,

much more beyond the scope of human concepts.

Quite often, my friends come and tell me that they drift off to sleep when they meditate.

After an hour or two, they wake up feeling they have meditated. Their consciousness was

there in the meditation, engaged in the subject they had chosen.

If you�re open for such an experience and you�re not afraid to dream (and there�s

no reason to be afraid), the proper dreams are automatically organized, providing you

with profound insights on the topics of your choice. Everything happens seamlessly without

being planned because internally you�ve asked yourself the question.

Visualization Increases the Effect of Meditation.

4. Try visualizing while in the meditative state. Visualizing can actually help you get

into the spirit world.

Pictures and images are a universal language. Even today, if you gather people from different

nationalities, they all understand a painting in the same way.

This universal language is above all other communication. For that reason, our feelings

are often associated with images.

Here I�ll share one more experience from a friend of mine. She shared with me that

sometimes just by glimpsing a person or some ordinary thing like spilled water, she would

almost instantaneously receive an image and a feeling about it.

On the last occasion this happened, a friend of hers was undergoing a surgery. My friend

had no news about the outcome. She was in a state in which she was internally searching

for a sign her friend�s operation went smooth.

This disposition provoked her to notice a sign � the image of an angel, formed by

a spilled glass of water at her workplace. At the same time, she felt a very strong sense

of her sick friend.

Later, it turned out that the water image of the angel described the exact position

the sick woman had taken in her hospital bed after the surgery. Everything was accurate,

the position of the hands and the body, the heaviness and slight tilt of the body on one


When visualization is done while meditating, it provides an excellent opportunity to further

develop your communication with and receptiveness to the spiritual realm.

Look Into Yourself to Find the Answer.

5. In order to learn how to connect with the spirit world, you must turn inwards and feel

what you want to express while you�re awake � a skill which the act of writing can help

to develop. You have to trust yourself to make the connection.

Our inner world is quite rich. We constantly process huge amounts of information and at

the same time analyze everything internally based on our relationship with God and the


It�s like writing an essay at school, but without the concern about being right or wrong.

No one will judge what you write. It�s all up to you.

Writing on the white sheet of paper can lead to various insights. It�s a priceless phenomenon

and everyone is capable of doing it.

Don�t be afraid of who you are or what you�ll write. Don�t be afraid to ask the questions

that bother you, or to consider the answers. You know how to enter the spirit realm.

Initially, everyone is worried about trying it, but once the first step is made, you�ll

realize how good you actually feel � seeing everything coming out on the white sheet,

sorting out your feelings and thoughts, analyzing your experiences.

You�ll feel as if an invisible force is helping you to understand yourself and others,

and to realize new wisdom. This wisdom, which we often feel isn�t our own and doesn�t

come from us, is a message from the spiritual world and God. They are the answers to which

we always have access but can�t see unless we slow down by simply expressing ourselves

in writing.

Develop A Mindset That You Can Do It.

6. Cultivate a way of thinking which puts you in the consciousness of knowing how to

contact the spirit world. And that you may always find the answers you seek.

Even when we can�t comprehend the motives of other�s, when we can�t understand why

things happen the way they do, when everything seems chaotic and we lose positivity, it�s

necessary to pause for a moment and remind ourselves:

�I might not grasp the whole concept of what is happening now, but I�m SURE and

I BELIEVE that God will reveal the purpose to me in time, and that I�ll FIND OUT the

meaning of these lessons.�

Contacting the spiritual realm.7. Every day we learn new things, meet new people, and

find ourselves in different situations. Yet, as monotonous life might seem at first glance,

nothing is what it seems.

Our internal processes, the experiences of our colleagues at work or at school, and everything

that we see or touch happens in front of us, with us, and to us, simply because our soul

needs to see and experience, in order to learn.

Everything contains a potential learning experience. By sustaining an attitude of self-improvement

and inquiry, you�ll soon start to discover by yourself what the Universe is trying to

teach you, by confronting you with certain people, situations, and occasional tests along

your way.

It�s also a constant form of intercommunication. We don�t gain anything if we close our eyes

and ears to the spiritual channel. Everything happens for a reason and is intended to enrich

our lives and impart some lesson. Everything someone endures is an experience that can�t

be accomplished in the spiritual world, but only here on Earth � a field where different

lessons are physically being played out.

Final Words.

The most precious thing is the ability to notice the signs and messages coming from

the spiritual dimension. Learning this, you�ll know how to act, will always feel protected

and know how to cope with everything you encounter. It won�t matter how complicated or difficult

a situation might seem.

Knowing how to enter the spirit world is an invaluable experience.

Teach yourself to search this communication within yourself, to welcome it, to analyze

your experiences and thoughts, to analyze the situations and circumstances in your life

but always asking �What does the Universe wants to tell me in this moment, why is it

happening now, what�s hidden behind this delay of my plans? Is it an attempt to protect

me from trouble or to show me there�s something better for me? Are my pans postponed so that

I can mature and become ready for what I desire?

Even if you think what you have just read is all simply �infotainment� � the essence

of this piece contains enormous potential if you apply it. Those of you, who intuitively

do it already can appreciate what I�m saying.

It�s an integral part of the path of anyone, who seeks to achieve connection and be independent,

to personally feel anything, to understand how to see the spirit world.

The satisfaction you experience when you realize that you actually received feedback, response

or insight, is indescribable. There�s no other feeling in the heart quite like it � the

feeling of love and support, not from man, but from a force much greater.

For more infomation >> How to Enter the Spirit World And Receive The Answers You Need - Duration: 11:41.


All You Need To Know About Breast Cancer Awareness - Duration: 11:05.

All You Need To Know About Breast Cancer Awareness


For women with two or more first degree relatives, risks decrease with age at first live birth, tells Dr.

Dmitrieva. "Breast.

cancer amongst first-degree relatives–sisters, mother, and daughters–is also a risk factor since having one or more.

first-degree blood relatives who have been diagnosed with breast cancer increases a woman's chances of developing the.

disease," she says.

"Another risk factor is breast biopsies as women who have had breast biopsies have an increased risk.

of breast cancer, especially if the biopsy showed a change in breast tissue, known as atypical hyperplasia.

" Other risk.

factors are age at menopause, use of birth control pills, high body mass index, a high-fat diet, alcohol, radiation exposure,.

and environmental pollutants, and use of hormone therapy.

Risk factors.

These include a personal history of breast abnormalities and age, since the risk of developing breast cancer increases with age.

The majority of breast cancer cases occur in women older than age 50 as well as the age at menarche (first menstrual.


"Women who had their first menstrual period before age 12 have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer and also the age at the woman's first live birth and the family history of breast cancer," Dr.

Dmitrieva explains.

Breast Self- Examination (BSE).

A breast self-examination has to be done at a regular interval.

The duration depends on your own menstrual cycle as the breast is more soft and easy to be checked about five to seven days after the start of the cycle.

In women who don't have a cycle it can be done at any fixed time of the month.

Lactating women should also follow the same, only they should do the examination after emptying the breast.

Women who have a breast implant should also do a regular self-examination.

How do I perform my BSE?.

Stand or sit undressed from the waist up in front of a full-length mirror with your arms relaxed at your sides.

Get to know how your breasts look; even small visual changes may be an important sign of a problem.

Compare your breasts while turning from side to side.

Look for any changes in breast size, shape, skin texture or color including redness, dimpling, puckering or retraction.

Look for any nipple changes and place your hands on your waist and press inward, then turn from side to side to.

note any changes.

Place your hands at your waist and bow toward the mirror, letting your breasts fall forward.

Note any changes in. breast shape.

Nipple discharge can be an indication of a problem.

Also feel above and below your collarbone for pea- and bean-sized lumps or thickening.

Check for lumps or thickening under your arm.

For the next steps, lie down.

Place a pillow under your left shoulder.

Bend your left arm behind your head and reach across with your right hand to your left breast.

Begin the exam at the armpit.

Move your three middle fingers together using light, medium and deep pressures.

Use the pads of your three middle fingers together, to examine every part of your breast tissue.

Your hand should move in straight rows to cover all the breast tissue and then repeat on the other side.

If you feel anything new in.

your breast, visit your doctor immediately.

Diagnosis and Treatment. According to Dr.

Kazim, the best early diagnosis for breast cancer should include a combination of routine breast self-examination, an annual physical examination by an expert and screening mammograms in women over the age of 40.

Screening means women over the age of 40 with no obvious symptoms of the disease such as no pain, no lump, and no.

nipple discharge and then using various techniques such as clinical examination, mammograms and so forth to pick the disease up at an early and treatable stage.

Once detected, she adds that the management of breast cancer is individualized for the most part and is improving rapidly in all fields.

"Treatment is in four stages – surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy but not every case of breast cancer will require all these treatment modalities," she says.


Mammographic screening for breast cancer, explains Dr.

Dmitrieva, uses x-rays to examine the breast for any uncharacteristic masses or lumps.

"In some countries a screening mammogram is suggested at age 40, with a repeat screening every year or two," she says while some national programs start mammography at 45.

Mammography screening is recommended at an earlier age and additional testing may include genetic screening that tests for the BRCA genes and / or magnetic resonance imaging.


Many women opt for breast reconstruction after treatment.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Malcolm D.

Paul explains that the most common options for breast reconstruction are: the placement of a tissue expander to stretch the remaining breast envelope followed by insertion of a permanent breast implant.

"This is desired by many women who do not want or are not candidates to have their abdominal skin and fat used for reconstruction," he says.

"Another is the use of skin and fat from the abdomen to reconstruct the breast providing a natural feel to the reconstructed breast while simultaneously improving the contour of the abdomen." There are also fat injections alone to reconstruct the breast.

This is desirable because there is minimal downtime; no use of an implant in many cases and provides a soft, natural feeling breast.

For more infomation >> All You Need To Know About Breast Cancer Awareness - Duration: 11:05.


I Just Want You - Planetshakers (Acoustic Cover) Press CC for lyrics - Duration: 3:20.

More than a nice melody, More than the sweetest of words

This is the love I have found, And in this love I am found

[Chorus] I just want You, Jesus I just want You, my Lord

I just want You, Jesus I just want You

Never could I comprehend, The love You so freely give

Never could I be worthy, But Your love covers all of my sin

[Chorus] I just want You, Jesus I just want You, my Lord

I just want You, Jesus I just want You

[Bridge] There is no greater love than Yours, Nothing else could ever compare

And even if I searched all the world, I would never find a love like Yours

I just want You, Jesus I just want You, my Lord

I just want You, Jesus I just want You

For more infomation >> I Just Want You - Planetshakers (Acoustic Cover) Press CC for lyrics - Duration: 3:20.


The Enlightened Human Has These 4 Spheres Of Consciousness - Duration: 3:48.


Enlightened Human Has These 4 Spheres Of Consciousness

by Conscious Reminder

It is popular knowledge that there exist many levels of intertwining consciousness, but

to study them all is a massive task in itself.

In an attempt to familiarize you with the levels of consciousness, we have taken the

following for the sake of clarity and ease:

The Human Focus This is the human experience of the earth.

It is a 3-Dimentional perspective where we are able to see everything but the consciousness

that we desire to see and explore.

It exists as an extremely dense, sharp, extreme and colourful reality.

Do not mistake this consciousness as the one for the weak, as it is only the bravest of

the braves that dare to come and incarnate here.

This has many layers of mirroring, learning and cocreation.

Mastering it is an achievement of highest order due to the very high dimensional gravity

which pulls you back towards it once you try to move to the higher dimensions.

If you limit yourself to just this level of consciousness, then you may limit your perception

of the reality; you may forget completely that you are a part of divine; you may forget

that you are powerful and give your powers away.

Understanding the limits of this dimensions and try to move above the water by meditation

is important.

Cosmic Consciousness In the cosmic level of consciousness, thousands

of aspects are open for you.

Have you ever had dreams wherein you are flying?

Not just on earth but also in the realms near the earth (Astral Realms).

You are able to blink in and out of these realms, constantly shifting your realities.

Have you ever had those moments when you try to get up from the sleep but are simply not

able to get up?

This happens for the reason that you are still in that moment awake in the astral realm.

If you make your mind clear and try to remember that you are wandering in the astral realm,

then you can teleport anywhere in this universe in an instant.

For this, you need to get into the meditation mode right after you get up from your sleep.

With practice, you�ll be able to have memorable experiences right from your bed.

The Lords Of The Flames At this level of consciousness, individual

personalities become crystal clear and at the same time become too impersonal.

At this level of consciousness, you are so aware of your own self that you can move in

and out of all your personalities smoothly.

You can even watch yourself from the third person point of view and thus some say that

this consciousness gives you an opportunity to be furthest away from yourself.

It may all sound complicated but those who have undergone it know it fully.

The Light Of The All � Pure Consciousness Have this thought ever crossed your mind that

�Why are all the deities portrayed by the artists are without clothes?� Well, the

reason for this is simple, because the body itself is the garment of the soul.

When you enter this consciousness, you enter the divine realm.

You can enjoy the pure infinity of this consciousness.

This is the Eye Of Horus.

Exploring the levels of consciousness is an amazing experience that almost everyone can

have and should have.

For more infomation >> The Enlightened Human Has These 4 Spheres Of Consciousness - Duration: 3:48.


"The Golden Rye" - Yevgeny Belyaev and the Alexandrov Red Army Choir (1962) - Duration: 4:55.

Music by A. Prishelets, lyrics by A. Dolukhanyan "The Golden Rye", the soloist is Yevgeny Belyaev

In the neighboring field, There where you go,

The rye's bending and making noise Near the road.

The black eyes saw - From behind the field

From a distance, A young lad is approaching.

Oh, you, rye, You sing so well!

What are you singing about, The golden rye?

Happiness will be met - You can not pass it by.

Oh, you, rye!

Music flows from the sky, The breeze is ringing.

They met On the narrow path,

It's hard to bypass each other - Then the spikes will be crumpled...

And his eyes, like coals, You cannot see what is there!

Oh, you, rye, You sing so well!

What are you singing about, The golden rye?

Happiness will be met - You can not pass it by.

Oh, you, rye!

Looks like they managed to share their happiness equally.

They went in one direction, Hugging each other.

The rye's shaking and making noise One can't see the trace.

That's how it happens In life sometimes!

Oh, you, rye, You sing so well!

What are you singing about, The golden rye?

Happiness will be met - You can not pass it by.

Oh, you, rye!

For more infomation >> "The Golden Rye" - Yevgeny Belyaev and the Alexandrov Red Army Choir (1962) - Duration: 4:55.


Live your healthy - Orange Park Medical Center - Duration: 0:07.

Doing the things you love to do,

with the people who love you.

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